Past Winners — 2005 - Canadian Anesthesiologists` Society


Past Winners — 2005 - Canadian Anesthesiologists` Society
Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society
Research Grants Past Winners
Past Winners — 2005
Dr Gregory Hare, University of Toronto, Toronto ON
Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada/CAS Career Scientist Award in Anesthesia and Peri-operative Medicine
$270,000 Mechanisms of Cerebral Protection and Injury During Acute Hemodilutional Anemia
Dr André Dénault, Université de Montréal, Montréal QC
CAS/Abbott Laboratories Ltd Career Scientist Award in Anesthesia $120,000
Instabilité hémodynamique et chirurgie cardiaque
Dr George Carvalho, McGill University, Montreal QC
Abbott Laboratories Ltd/CAS Fellowship in Anesthesia $65,000
Studies on the inotropic effects of insulin and glucose: a new diet for the ischemic heart?
Dr Duminda Wijeysundera, University of Toronto, Toronto ON
Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society Research Award $30,000
The EPIC (Evaluating Peri-operative Ischemia reduction by Clonidine) Study: A randomized doubleblinded trial of clonidine for reducing cardiac morbidity and mortality following non-cardiac surgery
Dr Gerald Zavorsky, McGill University, Montreal QC
Baxter Corporation Canadian Research Award in Anesthesia $20,000
Post-surgical optimization in the morbidly obese through pre-surgical aerobic exercise
Dr Ravi Taneja, University of Western Ontario, London ON
David S Sheridan Canadian Research Award $10,000
Inflammatory Response to Cardiopulmonary Bypass — Does it Crosstalk with Activated Protein C?
Dr Pierre Beaulieu, Université de Montréal, Montréal QC
Organon Canada Ltd Canadian Research Award in Anesthesia $20,000
Cannabinoids and peripheral mechanisms of neuropathic pain
Dr Gregory Bryson, University of Ottawa, Ottawa ON
Dr R A Gordon Clinical Research Award in Anesthesia, $20,000
Neuroprotective strategies for the elderly surgical patient. 1. Delirium: predictive value of
Apolipoprotein E genotype and effect on postoperative cognitive function.
Dr David Ansley, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC
Dr Earl Wynands Research Award in Cardiovascular Anesthesia and/or Peri-operative Blood
Conservation $30,000
Propofol Cardioprotection for Type II Diabetics
Dr François Girard, CHUM — Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montréal QC
Smiths Medical Canada Ltd Canadian Research Award in Pain Research and/or Regional Anesthesia
Efficacité des blocs loco-régionaux pour l'analgésie transitionnelle postopératoire en neurochirurgie
Dr Geoff Bellingham, University of Western Ontario, London ON
CAS/Vitaid — LMA Residents Research Grant Competition, $5,000
Use of Intraoperative, Low Dose Ketamine in Chronic Pain Patients Undergoing Laparotomy