Paulo G. de Barros - Resume and Publications
Paulo G. de Barros - Resume and Publications
Publications Papers and Technical Reports DE BARROS, P.G., LINDEMAN, R.W. Multi-sensory urban search-and-rescue robotics: improving the operator's omni-directional perception. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, December 2, 2014 | doi: 10.3389/frobt.2014.00014. DE BARROS, P.G., LINDEMAN, R.W. Performance effects of multi-sensory displays in virtual teleoperation environments. Proc. of the 1st Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI) 2013, pp. 41-48. DE BARROS, P.G., ROLLESTON, R.J., LINDEMAN, R.W. Evaluation of Multi-touch Techniques for Physically Simulated Virtual Object Manipulations in 3D Space (2011). IASTED Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED/IMSA HCI), Washington D.C., 747-037. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W., WARD, M.O. Enhancing Robot Teleoperator Situation Awareness and Performance using Vibro-tactile and Graphical Feedback (2011). IEEE 3DUI, pp. 47-54. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W. A Survey of User Interfaces for Robot Teleoperation (2009). Technical Report Series, WPI-CS-TR-09-12, Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W.; WARD, M.O. A Multi-sensorial HRI Interface for Teleoperated Robots (2009). Technical Report Series, WPI-CS-TR-09-09, Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. LINDEMAN, R.W.; NOMA, H.; DE BARROS, P.G. An Empirical Study of HearThrough Augmented Reality: Using Bone Conduction to Deliver Spatialized Audio. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) 2008, pp. 35-42. BARROS, P.G.; Pessoa, D.A.; LEITE, P.J.S.; TEICHRIEB, V.; KELNER, J. Threedimensional Oil Well Planning in Ultra-deep Water. In: Proceedings of Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR), 2006, Belém, Pará. v. 1. p. 285-296. BARROS, P.G.; KELNER, J.; FARIAS, R.C.; Pessoa, D.A. Three-dimensional Urban Traffic Simulation with ITranS. In: Proceedings of Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR), 2006. Belém, Pará, Brasil, v. 1. KELNER, J.; SADOK, D.F.H.; DANTAS, S.; CALLADO, A.C.; BARROS, P.G.; BARBOSA, R.G. ; CANANEA, I.C. ; TEICHRIEB, V. Middleware QoSWare: Provendo Suporte à Qualidade de Serviço para Aplicações Avançadas. In: Anais do 22 nd Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC), 2004, Gramado, RS, Brasil. CALLADO, A.C.; DANTAS, S.F.; BARBOSA, R.G.; BARROS, P.G.; TEICHRIEB, V.; KELNER, J.; SADOK, D.H. Counter-Strike Traffic Analysis with Network Emulation. In: Anais do III Workshop Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (Wjogos) 2004, SBGAMES, 2004, Curitiba, PR, Brasil. BARROS, P.G.; KELNER, J. Simulação de Tráfego: uma Experiência com Realidade Virtual. In: VI Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR) 2003, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, v. 1. p. 140-151 FRERY, A.C.; KELNER, J.; TEICHRIEB, V.; Vasconcelos, G.P.; ARAUJO, M.S.C.; BARROS, P.G. Modelagem Virtual Urbana: perspectiva histórica e estudo de caso. In: V Symposium on Virtual Reality, 2002, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. Proceedings of SVR 2002, 2002. v. 1. p. 317-328. 1/3 Short Papers and Posters DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W. Comparing Vibro-tactile Feedback Modes for Collision Proximity Feedback in USAR Virtual Robot Teleoperation. Poster to be presented at IEEE VR 2012, Orange County, CA. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W.; WARD, M.O. Evaluation of Tactile Feedback for Teleoperated Robots. Poster presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), Boston, MA, USA, February 27 th to March 1st, 2009. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W.; LOUGHLIN, T.J. Characterizing Head Movement in First-Person Games. 1st place best poster award at ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), Boston, MA, USA, February 27th to March 1st, 2009. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W.; LOUGHLIN. T.J., Head Movement Evaluation for First-Person Games, ACM SIGCHI 2009. Boston, MA, USA. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W.; WARD, M., Evaluation of Tactile Feedback for Teleoperated Robots, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2009. Boston, MA, USA. DE BARROS, P.G.; LINDEMAN, R.W.; LOUGHLIN. T.J., Characterizing Head Movement in First-Person Games, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2009. Boston, MA, USA. LINDEMAN, R.W.; NOMA, H.; DE BARROS, P.G. Hear-Through and Mic-Through Augmented Reality: Using Bone Conduction to Display Spatialized Audio. Proc. of International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2007, pp. 173176. Pessoa, D.A.; LEITE, P.J.S.; BARROS, P.G.; TEICHRIEB, V.; KELNER, J. Simulação de Ondas Marítimas. In: Anais do Workshop de Aplicações de Realidade Virtual (WARV) 2005. Uberlândia, MG, Brasil, v. 1. BARROS NETO, A.J.; SILVA, C.K.R.; BARROS, P.G. Avaliação Comparativa de Tecnologias de Suporte à Construção de Mundos Virtuais. In: Congresso Alagoano de tecnologia da Informação (CATI), 2003, Maceió, AL, Brasil. BARROS, P.G.; KARLSSON, B.F.F.; Gois, M.C.A.; BEZERRA, H.M.A.; MARANHAO, S.M.B.; RAMALHO, G.L. Postmortem: Vixia Studio's Occo. In: Wjogos, 2002, Fortaleza-CE. Proceedings of 1st Games and Digital Entertainment Workshop, 2002. v. CDROM1. Gois, M.C.A.; BEZERRA, H.M.A.; BARROS, P.G. Using Java Native Methods in Image Processing. In: Anais do Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada à Computação, (ERMAC) 2002. Natal, RN, Brasil. v. 1. p. 40-41. BARROS, P.G.; KELNER, J. Simulações Numéricas em Realidade Virtual Imersiva. In: CONIC X, 2002. UFPE, Recife, PE, Brasil. CONIC X - UFPE. v. 1. BARROS, P.G.; KELNER, J. Adaptação de Mundos Imersivos a Periféricos de Realidade Virtual. In: Adaptação de Mundos Imersivos a Periféricos de Realidade Virtual. Conic IX, 2001. UFPE, Recife, PE, Brasil: Editora Universitária, 2001. v. 1. p. 13-13. BEZERRA, H.M.A.; Gois, M.C.A. ; BARROS, P.G. ; NOGUEIRA, S.C. ; FRERY, A.C. Utilizando Java em Transformações de Domínio Seno para imagens. In: Anais do Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (ERMAC) 2001. Recife, 2/3 PE, Brasil. v. 1. p. 30-30. BARROS, P.G.; KELNER, J. NOMADIC Uma interface Gráfica. In: CONIC VIII, 2000. UFPE, Recife, PE, Brasil. Thesis and Projects DE BARROS , P.G. Evaluation of Multi-sensory Feedback in Virtual and Real Remote Environments in a USAR Robot Teleoperation Scenario, PhD dissertation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, March 12, 2014, URN: etd-042614-101502. BARROS, P.G. ITranS - Simulador de Trânsito 3D. MSc dissertation. Recife: Editora Universitária, UFPE, 2005. BARROS, P.G. Simulação de Tráfego com Realidade Virtual. final undergraduate project. Recife: CIn - UFPE, 2002. 3/3