Bulletin May 4-8
All Saints Parish 124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Pastoral Team/Staff Phone Directory Fr. John Pirt, Pastor Ext. 22, [email protected] Judy Vandenberk, Youth Coordinator Ext 24 Olga Ferreira & Anna Garcia, Office Admin, Dial 0 Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Kathleen Steffler 519-280-4990 Finance Chairperson: Joe Czernai, 205-2935 Cemetery Board: Dianne Whiting 519-205-1015 SUNDAY EUCHARIST Saturday 5:00p.m. English Sunday 8:30a.m. 10:00a.m. English 11:30a.m. Portuguese Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 3:45pm to 4:30pm Sacrament of Baptism Please call the parish office at 245-0644 to register for the baptismal class which is held on the 1st Wed of the month at 7:30pm in St. Angela’s Rm Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements to be made 8 months in advance by appointment with Fr. John Pirt. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 1st Thursday of the month from 8:30am-6:15pm Weekly Mass Schedule Monday, May 4th 5:30pm Mass Our Lady of Good Counsel - CWL Tuesday, May 5th 6:30pm Rosary ~ 7:00pm Mass Manuel & Isolina Pereira – Family Angela & Olivia Aguiar – Alda Aguiar Tony Van Zon – Ruth Van Zon Wednesday, May 6th 8:00am Mass ~ 8:30am Rosary John & Lena Strybosch – Leona Strybosch Lasalette Azevedo – Fernando Azevedo Thursday, May 7th Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30am – 6:15pm 6:30pm Terço ~ 7:00pm Missa Antonio & Arthur Arruda – Maria Aguiar Maria do São Pedro Vieira – Italvina Vieira Manuel Monteiro – Jacinta Monteiro Friday, May 8th 9:45am Mass *Both Schools-OLI & St. VdeP* Living & Deceased members of VanHeeswyk, Verhoven & Vermeer Families – John & Mia Luisa Ataide – Maria Gabriel Jerry Vens, Grand Knight 245-4818 Ed Thuss, Financial Secretary 246-1017 Visit us at www.kofc7570.ca Catholic Women’s League, Co-Presidents Gwen Lamoureux , 519-245-6216 Gwen Waeijen, 519-245-6987 Rose Valenciuk, Memberships 226-272-4945 Trudy Thuss, Religious Articles 245-1303 Strathroy and District Right to Life Do you need a ride to the National March for Life in Ottawa, on May 14. Please call Cheryl at 519-670-5558. There is still room on the bus. 93 DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) From the Desk of Father John Da mesa do Padre John Eu tenho alguns artigos para você hoje! I have a few items for you today! 1. Condition Report on the Buildings Work continues on the Condition Report for the buildings. This past week an investigation into the masonry, grading, eaves, interior finishes began. Additionally, a review of the electrical and mechanical systems was started. I will keep you informed. 2. Parish Vocations Committee I would like to look at the possibility of starting a Parish Vocations Committee here in the parish. The primary work of this committee would be to provide an atmosphere in the parish in which all eligible people may carefully consider priesthood or religious life as a possible calling for themselves. If anyone might be interested, an information sheet is available at the welcome desk. 3. Church Spring Cleaning During the week of May 11 - 15, a major church cleaning will be undertaken. On the Monday morning, a crew of volunteers will be in the church to clean, wash and polish the interior of the church. The church will be closed from Wednesday, May 13 after the morning Mass until Friday afternoon. The Thursday and Friday Masses will be held in the Parish Centre. If anyone would like to help on the Monday morning, please call the office. 4. Right to Life Walkathon I am looking for sponsorships for the walkathon! Thank you to all who already sponsored me. 5. First Communions For the past few weekends, many young people have been making their First Communions. I would like to congratulate them and assure them of our prayerful support. Their enthusiasm is wonderful to see - may they always have that desire for Jesus! Have a great week! Fr John 1. Relatório sobre as Condições dos Edifícios O trabalho continua no Relatório de Condição para os edifícios. Esta semana passada uma investigação sobre a alvenaria, obras de pedreiro, calhas, acabamentos interiores começou. Além disso, uma revisão dos sistemas elétricos e mecânicos foi iniciado. Vou mantêlo informado. 2. Comissão Vocações Paroquias Eu gostaria de olhar para a possibilidade de iniciar uma Comissão de Vocações aqui na paróquia. O principal trabalho desta comissão seria para proporcionar uma atmosfera na paroquia em que todas as pessoas podem considerar cuidadosamente a vida do sacerdócio ou à vida religiosa como uma possível vocação para si. Se alguém estar interessado, uma folha de informações está disponível na recepção no tapa vento. 3. Limpeza da Igreja da Primavera Durante a semana de 11-15 deMaio, uma grande limpeza da Igreja será realizada. Na manhã da Segunda-feira, uma equipe de voluntários estará na Igreja para limpar, lavar e lustrar o interior da Igreja. A igreja será fechada a partir de quarta-feira,13 de Maio após a Missa da manhã até Sexta-feira à tarde. As missas da quinta-feira e sexta-feira será realizada no Centro Paroquial. Se alguém gostaria de ajudar na manhã da Segunda-feira, por favor, ligue para o escritório. 4. Direito à Vida Walkathon Estou à procura de patrocínadores para o walkathon! Obrigado a todos que já me patrocinarem. 5. Primeiras Comunhões Durante os últimos fins de semana, muitos jovens têm vindo a fazer suas primeiras comunhões. Gostaria deseja-los meus parabems e assegurar-lhes o nosso apoio e oraçoes. Seu entusiasmo é maravilhoso ver – que eles possem sempre ter esse desejo de Jesus! Tenha uma ótima semana! P. John 93 SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) Diocesan Prayer Calendar May we remember in prayer, the priests, deacons, religious women and men and seminarians of the Diocese of London. May they be faithful to the charge given them by the Lord. May 3 – Rev. Matthew Bedard May 4 – Rev. Daniel Bombardier May 5 – Rev. Richard Bester May 6 – Rev. Dariusz Lewandowski, C.S.M.A. May 7 – Rev. Gary Ducharme May 8 – Rev. James Mockler May 9 – Rev. Gerry Campeau Mothers Day Brunch All Saints Parish Center Sunday May 10th 9 – 11:30 AM Scrambled Eggs / Hash Brown Potatoes / Sausage / Bacon/Toast & Jam / Fruit Cocktail Hot and Cold Beverages Adults $10.00 / Child $5.00 / Family $35.00 Proceeds to All Saints Youth Group Vacation Bible School Sponsored by Knights of Columbus 7570 Fr Rick Janisse’s 40 Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood And 65th Birthday The parishioners of the clustered parishes of St. Anthony of Padua, St. John de Brebeuf and Star of the Sea, joyfully Invite you to share in the celebration of Fr. Rick’s Anniversary of Ordination to the priesthood and his 65th Birthday, On Sunday, May 17, 2015 following the 11 am Mass in the parish hall of St. John de Brebeuf in Kingsville, ON, Location: 67 Main St. E. Kingsville, ON If you have any special photos that you would like to share of Fr. Rick, please forward them via email if possible to Betty Hompoth, Pastoral Minister [email protected] th Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ~ Thursday, May 7th, 8:30am to 6:15pm During the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament one or more parishioners are always in attendance. To ensure all time periods are covered, a sign-up sheet is made available in the narthex just prior to the first Thursday of the month. Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento ~ Quinta-feira, 7 Maio, 8:30 da manhã as 6:15 da tarde Durante a adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento uma ou mais paroquianos estão sempre presentes. Para garantir que todos os períodos de tempo são cobertos, uma folha de inscrição está disponível no tapa vento no fim de semana antes da primeira quinta-feira do mês. Once every year, St. Peter’s Seminary makes an appeal to all parishioners in the Diocese of London. This year’s Appeal took place on April 25-26, to coincide with the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Appeal brochures and donation envelopes were in our parish bulletin. If you did not get one but would like one, please contact the parish office or phone Mrs. Frances Barnard at 519-432-1824 or email [email protected]. Please give as generously as you can in support of St. Peters’ Seminary. Whether or not you can give financially, please pray for vocations. On behalf of St. Peter’s Seminary, thank you for your vital and much appreciated support! Church Spring Cleaning BEE On Monday, May 11th, starting at 9:00am, we are planning to spring clean our parish church worship space. If you are available to spare a few hours, please come and help us make the church shine. Your support and efforts are much appreciated. On Wednesday, May 13th to Friday May 15th, the church carpets will be getting cleaned. Mass on Thursday, May 14th at 7:00m and on Friday, May 15th at 9:30am will take place in the Parish Centre. Limpeza da Primavera da Igreja Na Segunda-feira, 11 de Maio, a partir das 9 horas da manhã, estamos planejando a fazer uma limpeza geral na nossa Igreja. Se você está disponível para algumas horas, por favor, venha ajudar a fazer a Igreja brilhar. O seu apoio e os seus esforços são muito apreciados. Na quarta-feira 13 de Maio até a Sexta-feira 15 de Maio, os tapetes da Igreja será limpos. Missa na quinta-feira 14 de Maio às 7: 00pm e na Sexta-feira 15 de Maio às 9:30am será no Salão da Igreja. This week at All Saints Tuesday, May 5 1:30pm Al-anon, St. Angela’s 7:30pm Social Justice, St. Angela’s Wednesday, May 6 7:30pm Baptism Prep., St. Angela’s Thursday, May 7 1:30pm Catholicism, Parish Centre 6:30pm Seniors Euchre, Columbian Rm 7:30pm Catholicism, Parish Centre
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All Saints Parish
Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pastoral Team/Staff Phone Directory
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