Supporting Information - Royal Society of Chemistry
Supporting Information - Royal Society of Chemistry
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for CrystEngComm. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Supporting Information Nanoporous Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks as Efficient Heterogeneous Catalysts for Henry Reaction Anirban Karmakar,* Susanta Hazra, M. Fátima C. Guedes da Silva,* Anup Paul and Armando J. L. Pombeiro* Centro de Química Estrutural, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049–001, Lisbon, Portugal. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] A B C D E Figure S1: Powder XRD curves of 1 (A), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (D) and 5 (E) [the red curve refers to experimental curve and the black curve is theoretical one]. Figure S2: Plot of β-nitroalkanol yield vs. temperature for the Henry reaction of benzaldehyde and nitroethane with framework 3 in water. A B Figure S3: (A) FT-IR spectra of framework 3. The red and black curves were taken, respectively, before and after the Henry reaction. (B) PXRD diffractograms of 3 before (red line) and after (blue line) the Henry reaction of benzaldehyde with nitroethane. A C B D E Figure S4: Thermogravimetric curves for 1 (A), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (D) and 5 (E) Table S1: Crystal data and structure refinement details for framework 1-5 Identification name 1 2 3 4 5 C36H35CeN4O13 871.80 triclinic P-1 Formulae C31H43LaN6O14 C29H36CeN5O13 C23H24N5O13Sm Mol. wt. 862.62 802.75 728.82 Crystal system Cubic cubic cubic Space group Ia-3 Ia-3 Ia-3 C36H35LaN4O13 870.59 triclinic P-1 Temperature /K Wavelength /Å 150(2) 0.71073 150(2) 0.71073 150(2) 0.71073 296(2) 0.71073 296(2) 0.71073 a /Å 27.0059(7) b /Å 27.0059(7) c /Å 27.0059(7) α/° 90 β/° 90 γ/° 90 19695.9(15) 26.921(2) 26.921(2) 26.921(2) 90 90 90 19511(5) 24 24 1.745 26.681(3) 26.681(3) 26.681(3) 90 90 90 18993(7) 24 1.529 1.921 8712 36111 2872 25.307 9.8229(2) 11.4914(2) 16.3886(3) 94.801(5) 103.133(4) 97.661(5) 1772.97(7) 2 1.631 1.279 880 33303 6403 25.35 9.8826(2) 11.5594(3) 16.3655(4) 94.2570(10) 103.9510(10) 97.860(2) 1786.14(7) 2 1.621 1.348 882 20289 6244 25.350 V/ Å3 Z F(000) 10560 Refl. collected 50931 Refl. unique 3126 Max. 2θ/° 25.648 1.640 1.473 9768 111230 3000 25.401 Ranges (h, k, l) -25 <= h <=32 -26 <= k <=32 -32 <= l <= 21 -32 <= h <=31 -31 <= k <=32 -32 <= l <= 32 -31 <= h <=31 -23 <= k <=32 -27 <= l <= 21 -11 <= h <=11 -13 <= k <=13 -19 <= l <= 19 -11 <= h <=11 -13 <= k <=13 -19 <= l <= 19 Complete to 2θ (%) 99.9 Refl. with I > 2σ(I) 2390 99.9 2559 99.2 1951 99.0 5681 96.4 5630 Density/Mgm-3 Abs. Coeff. /mm-1 1.384 Data/ Restraints/Parameters 3126/106/190 3000/106/188 2872/105/188 g. o. f (F2) 1.049 R1 [I > 2s(I)] 0.0648 wR2 [I > 2s(I)] 0.1907 R1 [all data] 0.0844 wR2 [all data] 0.2230 1.073 0.0496 0.1343 0.0588 0.1456 1.025 0.0452 0.1152 0.0741 0.1283 6403/ 20/492 6244/38/492 1.059 0.0533 0.1563 0.0613 0.1605 1.086 0.0503 0.1472 0.0559 0.1508 Table S2: Hydrogen bond geometry (Å, °) in frameworks 4 and 5 Compound D-H---A H∙∙∙A (Å) D∙∙∙A (Å) <D−H∙∙∙A(°) 4 N1-H1∙∙∙O3 2.04 2.671(8) 144 N2-H2∙∙∙O13 1.96 2.638(8) 145 O12-H12∙∙∙O2 1.64 2.428(7) 162 O30-H30A∙∙∙O14 1.95 2.797(7) 175 O30-H30C∙∙∙O15 2.19 2.988(8) 156 5 N1-H1∙∙∙O3 N2-H2∙∙∙O13 O30-H30A∙∙∙O14 O30-H30B∙∙∙O15 1.96 1.89 1.96 2.25 2.673(8) 2.647(7) 2.838(7) 3.062(8) 149 144 168 151 1 Table S3: Selected bond distances (Å) and angles (°) for compounds 1-5 La1-O1 2.685(5); La1-O2 2.665(5); La2-O2 2.512(5); La2-O3 2.549(5); La2-O4 2.567(5). 2 <O2-La1-O2 64.39(17); <O2-La1-O2 115.61(17); <O2-La1-O2 180.00(19); <O2-La1-O2 64.39(17); <O2-La1-O1 131.28(15); <O2-La1-O1 68.65(16); <O2-La1-O1 111.35(16); <O2La1-O1 105.93(16); <O2-La1-O1 74.07(16;) <O2-La1-O1 48.72(15); <O1-La1-O1 114.38(9); <O1-La1-O1 65.62(9); <O1-La1-O1 180.00(8); <O2-La2-O2 68.82(18); <O2-La2-O3 136.41(17); <O2-La2-O3 76.90(17); <O2-La2-O3 74.26(17); <O3-La2-O3 119.02(4); <O2La2-O4 125.34(17); <O2-La2-O4 152.17(17); <O2-La2-O4 92.92(16); <O3-La2-O4 77.99(17); <O3-La2-O4 129.47(18); <O3-La2-O4 51.21(17); <O4-La2-O4 80.50(18). Ce1-O1 2.670(4); Ce1-O2 2.662(4); Ce2-O2 2.499(4); Ce2-O4 2.534(4); Ce2-O3 2.543(4). <O2-Ce1-O2 115.63(13); <O2-Ce1-O2 64.37(13); <O2-Ce1-O2 180.00(17); <O2-Ce1-O1 131.34(12); <O2-Ce1-O1 111.40(12); <O2-Ce1-O1 68.60(12); <O2-Ce1-O1 48.66(12); <O2Ce1-O1 74.48(13); <O2- Ce1-O1 105.52(13); <O1-Ce1-O1 114.52(7); <O1-Ce1-O1 65.48(7); <O1-Ce1-O1 180.00(19); <O2-Ce2-O2 69.11(14); <O2-Ce2-O4 136.53(14); <O2-Ce2-O4 76.92(14); <O2-Ce2-O4 73.99(13); <O4-Ce2-O4 119.04(4); <O2-Ce2-O3 125.08(14); <O2Ce2-O3 152.78(14); <O2-Ce2-O3 93.20(13); <O4-Ce2-O3 78.38(15); <O4-Ce2-O3 129.06(15); <O4-Ce2-O3 51.16(14); <O4-Ce2-O3 51.16(14); <O3-Ce2-O3 79.97(16). 3 4 5 Sm1-O1 2.605(4); Sm1-O2 2.617(4); Sm2-O2 2.433(4); Sm2-O3 2.477(4); Sm2-O4 2.477(5) <O1-Sm1-O1 65.21(8); <O1-Sm1-O1 114.79(8); <O1-Sm1-O1 180.0; <O1-Sm1-O2 49.73(14); <O1-Sm1 -O2 67.83(14); <O1-Sm1-O2 112.17(14); <O1-Sm1-O2 106.23(14); <O1-Sm1-O2 73.77(14); <O1-Sm1-O2 130.27(14); <O2-Sm1-O2 180.0; <O2-Sm1-O2 115.55(15); <O2-Sm1-O2 64.45(15); <O1-Sm1-O2 67.83(14); <O2-Sm2-O2 70.00(16); <O2Sm2-O4 125.17(15); <O2-Sm2-O4 153.12(15); <O2-Sm2-O4 93.31(15); <O4-Sm2-O4 78.98(17); <O2-Sm2-O3 77.48(15); <O2-Sm2-O3 72.61(15); <O2-Sm2-O3 136.76(15); <O4Sm2-O3 129.15(16); <O4-Sm2-O3 52.64(15); <O4-Sm2-O3 77.45(16); <O3-Sm2-O3 119.11(4). La1-O1 2.545(7); La1-O3 2.686(8); La1-O4 2.522(8); La1-O11 2.519(8); La1-O13 2.669(8); La1-O14 2.608(7); La1-O30 2.568(8); La1-O40 2.519(9); La1-O50 2.477(9). <O50-La1-O40 142.2(3); <O50-La1-O11 69.9(3); <O40-La1-O11 139.5(3); <O50-La1-O4 99.8(3); <O40-La1-O4 72.9(3); <O11-La1-O4 137.5(3); <O50-La1-O1 135.8(3); <O40-La1-O1 80.4(3); <O11-La1-O1 81.5(3); <O4-La1-O1 79.1(3); <O50-La1-O30 71.6(3); <O40-La1-O30 71.1(3); <O11-La1-O30 135.9(3); <O4-La1-O30 69.8(3); <O1-La1-O30 142.5(3); <O50-La1O14 75.8(3); <O40-La1-O14 87.3(3); <O11-La1-O14 77.8(3); <O4-La1-O14 141.4(3); <O1La1-O14 130.7(2); <O30-La1-O14 72.6(3); <O50-La1-O13 116.3(3); <O40-La1-O13 72.4(3); <O11-La1-O13 69.3(3); <O4-La1-O13 142.5(3); <O1-La1-O13 81.6(2); <O30-La1-O13 111.1(3); <O14-La1-O13 49.3(2); <O50-La1-O3 76.1(3); <O40-La1-O3 118.5(3); <O11-La1O3 88.0(3); <O4-La1-O3 49.9(3); <O1-La1-O3 69.7(3); <O30-La1-O3 102.9(3); <O14-La1-O3 151.5(3); <O13-La1-O3 145.9(2). Ce1-O1 2.511(9); Ce1-O3 2.497(9); Ce1-O4 2.677(10); Ce1-O11 2.503(9); Ce1-O13 2.580(8); Ce1-O14 2.655(9); Ce1-O30 2.565(10); Ce1-O40 2.494(10); Ce1-O50 2.467(10). <O50-Ce1-O40 141.5(4); <O50-Ce1-O3 99.6(4); <O40-Ce1-O3 72.4(4); <O50-Ce1-O11 69.8(3); <O40-Ce1-O11 140.3(3); <O3-Ce1-O11 137.8(3); <O50-Ce1-O1 135.5(4); <O40Ce1-O1 81.1(4); <O3-Ce1-O1 78.8(3); <O11-Ce1-O1 81.8(3); <O50-Ce1-O30 71.5(4); <O40Ce1-O30 70.4(4); <O3-Ce1-O30 70.0(3); <O11-Ce1-O30 135.4(3); <O1-Ce1-O30 142.6(3); <O50-Ce1-O13 77.1(3); <O40-Ce1-O13 86.6(3); <O3-Ce1-O13 141.8(3); <O11-Ce1-O13 77.6(3); <O1-Ce1-O13 130.0(3); <O30-Ce1-O13 73.0(3); <O50-Ce1-O14 117.2(3); <O40Ce1-O14 73.0(3); <O3-Ce1-O14 142.0(4); <O11-Ce1-O14 69.1(3); <O1-Ce1-O14 80.9(3); <O30-Ce1-O14 111.8(3); <O13-Ce1-O14 49.3(3); <O50-Ce1-O4 76.1(3); <O40-Ce1-O4 118.2(3); <O3-Ce1-O4 49.9(3); <O11-Ce1-O4 88.1(3); <O1-Ce1-O4 69.3(3); <O30-Ce1-O4 103.2(3); <O13-Ce1-O4 152.6(3); <O14-Ce1-O4 144.9(3).
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