Curriculum Vitae Elisa P. Reis Home Address


Curriculum Vitae Elisa P. Reis Home Address
Curriculum Vitae
Elisa P. Reis
Home Address:
Rua Conselheiro Lafayette, 4/501
22081-020 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
(+ 55 21) 22 47 73 77
Office Address:
Largo de Sao Francisco, 1 s/408
20051-070 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Phone: (+55 21) 22 24 89 65 X-222
E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Ph.D. in Political Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
Dissertation: “The Agrarian Roots of Conservative Modernization in Brazil:
Master’s Degree in Political Science
Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Thesis: “Politica Cafeeira e Interesses de Classe”
Diploma of Graduate Studies in Development Sociology
Instituto Latino Americano de Doctrina e Estudios Sociales
Santiago, Chile
1967 B.A. in Sociology and Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG),
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Social Theory
- Political Sociology
- Political Economy
- Comparative Analysis of Macro-Historical Process
Professor of Sociology and Political Science
Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Sociais (IFCS)
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
2004 (Spring)
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
2002 (Spring)
Visiting Professor, Political Science Department, Ludwig Maxilian
Universitat, Munich, Germany
2000 (Fall)
Visiting Professor, Institute of Latin American Studies and
Department of Political Science, Columbia University, New York
1995 (Winter)
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
California at San Diego
Associate Professor, Instituto de Medicina Social
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Senior Researcher and Professor, Instituto Universitario de Pesquisa
do Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ)
Assistant Professor, Escola Brasileira de Administracao
Publica (EBAP), Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro
Guest Lecturer, IUPERJ, Rio de Janeiro
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Politics
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ)
Assistant Professor, Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento,
Rio de Janeiro
Major Courses Taught
Classical Social Theory
Contemporary Social Theory
Introduction to the Social Sciences
Political and Economic Development
Social and Political Change
Bureaucracy and Politics
Comparative Latin American Politics
Agrarian Structure and Social Change
The Political Economy of Slavery
Agrarian Society and Political Order
Revolution: Theory and Comparative History
Political Sociology: Macro-Historical Processes
Political Culture
Research Methodologies
Brazilian Sociology
Politics and Society in Contemporary Brazil
The nation-state, global processes and fragmentation
Major Research Projects
In progress: National states between globalization and localism
In progress: State, civil society and market initiatives for reducing social inequalities
1997-2003: Elite perceptions of poverty and inequality: An International
Comparative Study
1993-1994: Political Culture and Strategic Elites: a survey on the political attitudes a
and values of politicians, bureaucrats, business leaders and union leaders.
1990-1994: Bureaucracy and Politics in Contemporary Brazil
1987-1990: Bureaucracy and Democracy
1982-1986: Extension of citizenship rights to the rural population
1981-1983: The Brazilian “National de-Bureaucratization Program”
1981-1983: Formation of the labor market in the Brazilian coffee sector: 1880-1930
1980-1981: Magnitude and profile of foreign emigration to Brazil
between 1880 and 1930
Other Professional Activities
Member of the Executive Board of the International Social Science
Member of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian National Research
1997 on
Chair of the Interdisciplinary Research Network on Inequality (NIED)
Member of the Executive Committee of the International
Sociological Association
Vice President for Rio de Janeiro of the Brazilian Academy o Sciences
Chair of the Research Group on Sociological Theory of the
International Sociological Association (ISA)
Vice-president of the Board of the IPSA-ISA Joint Committee on
Political Sociology
2001- 2002
Member of the Academic Council, Center of Brazilian Studies of
Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain
Member of the Academic Committee, Programa da Conferencia
Nacional sobre Ciencia e Tecnologia, Ministry of Science and
Technology, 2001
Member of the Advisory Council of CROP (Comparative Research on
Poverty), research network of the International Social Sciences Council
CROP Vice-President for Latin America
Member of the Program Committee for the XV World Congress of the
International Sociological Association (ISA)
President of the Brazilian National Association for the Social Sciences
Member of the Academic Committee of the National Association for the
Social Sciences (ANPOCS)
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Political
Science Association (IPSA)
Chair of the Advisory Council for the Social Sciences at the Research
Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Brazil
Member of the Advisory Board of the National Research
Council (CNPq.), Brasilia, Brazil
1981-present Academic Consultant, Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento
de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES), Ministry of Education,
Brasilia, Brazil
1985-present Academic Consultant, National Research Council (CNPq.), Brasilia,
Chairperson of the Graduate Program in Sociology at IUPERJ, Rio de
Researcher at the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentacao de
Historia Contemporânea (CPDOC), Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio
de Janeiro
Executive Secretary, Brazilian Sociological Association (SBS)
Visiting Researcher, Faculta di Scienze Politique, Instituto di Scienze
Politiche, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Chairperson of the Graduate Program in Sociology at IUPERJ
Chairperson of the Department of Governmental Studies, Escola
Brasileira de Administracao Publica, Fundacao Getulio Vargas,
Rio de Janeiro
Head of the Research Department, Esccola Brasileira de Administracao
Publica, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro
Editorial Boards
2002 on
Teoria e Sociedade
International Sociology, published by Sage Publishers for the
International Sociological Association.
2002 on
Política e Sociedade, Revista de Sociologia Política
Tempo Social, Revista de Sociologia, published by the Department of
Sociology, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
2002 on
Sociedade e Estado
International Political Science Review, published by the International
and 2002 on Political Science Association
Associate-Editor, Physis, Revista de Sade Coletiva, published by the
Instituto de Medicina Social, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro
Regional Politics and Policy, published in London by Frank Cass
Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais, published by the National
Social Sciences Association (ANPOCS)
1990-present Nova Economia, published by the Department of Economics,
Universidade Feeral de Minas Gerais
Associate Editor, DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais, published
by IUPERJ, Rio de Janeiro
1995-present Manguinhos, Revista de Historia e Sade, published by FIOCRUZ,
Rio de Janeiro
1995-present DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais, published
by IUPERJ, Rio de Janeiro
- Elite Perceptions of Poverty and Inequality, London: Zed Books, edited in
collaboration with Mick Moore, 2005.
- Retratos do Brasil, Porto Alegre: Editora PUCRGS, 2004, edited in collaboration
with Regina Zilberman, 2004.
- Processos e Escolhas, Estudos de Sociologia Politica, Rio de Janeiro: ContraCapa
Editora, 1998.
- Democratization and Bureaucratic Neutrality, A Global Perspective,
London: MacMillan, 1996, edited in collaboration with H.K. Asmerom.
- Politica e Cultura, Visoes do Passado e Perspectiva Contemporâneas, Sao Paulo:
Hucitec, 1996, edited in collaboration with M.H. de Almeida and P. Fry.
- Pluralismo, Espaco Social e Pesquisa, Rio de Janeiro: Relume-Dumara, 1995,
edited in collaboration with Almeida and P. Fry.
Chapters in books
“The Shape of Sociology: Looking at the History of Our Present”, in: Devorah KalekinFishman; Ann Denis. (Eds.). The Shape of Sociology for the 21st Century. The Shape of
Sociology for the 21st Century. 1a.ed.London: Sage, 2012.
“Novos Padrões de Interação entre Estado e Sociedade”,. in: Políticas Sociais, Idéias e
Práticas. Políticas Sociais, Idéias e Práticas. São Paulo: Editora Moderna, 2011,
“Elite Perceptions of Poverty and Inequality in Brazil”, in: Merike Blofield. (Ed.). The
Great Gap, Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution in Latin America.. University
Park: Penn State University Press, 2011,
“Is Cuba becoming more Latin American? (in collaboration with G. Silva). In: J.I.
Dominguéz. (Ed.). In Cuban Economic and Social Development: Policy Reforms and
Challenges in the 21st Century. Cuban Economic and Social Development: Policy
Reforms and Challenges in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
“O Estado nacional como desafio teórico e empírico para a sociologia política
contemporânea”. In: F. Schwartzman et. alli.. (Eds.). O Sociologo e as Políticas
Públicas. O Sociologo e as Políticas Públicas. Rio de Janeiro: FGV Editora, 2009.
“New Ways of Relating Authority and Solidarity: Theoretical and Empirical
Explorations”, in The ISA Handbook in Contemporary Sociology, D. Kalekin and A.
Denis (eds.), London : Sage, 2009.
“O Estado nacional como desafio teórico e empírico para a sociologia política
contemporânea”, in O Sociologo e as Políticas Públicas, Rio de Janeiro : FGV Editora,
2009, p. 27-52.
Democracy for the few?”, in Kowalewski, C., Laubner, F. e Thies, H. (eds.) Probleme
und Perspektiven der Demokratie in Lateinamerika, Munchen: M Press, 2007, pp
113-122 .
“Modernizacao, Cidadania e Estratificacao”, in L. Bethell (ed.), Brasil: Fardo do
Passado, Promessa do Futuro, Rio de Janeiro: Civilizacao Brasileira, 2002, pp. 203-235.
“Percepcoes da Elite sobre Pobreza e Desigualdade”, in Ricardo Henriques(Ed.),
Desigualdade e Pobreza no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro: IPEA, 2000, pp. 487-500.
“Cidadania: Historia, Teoria e Utopia”, in D. Pandolfi et. al. (eds.): Cidadania, Justica e
Violencia, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Funda Getulio Vargas, 1999.
“Os Velhos e os Novos Desafios da Sociologia Politica”, em J.V. dos Santos and
Gangliano (eds.): A Sociologia Para o Seculo XXI, Educat, 1999.
“Banfield’s ‘amoral familism’ Revisited: Implications of High Inequality Systems for
Social Solidarity”in J. Alexander (ed.), Real Civil Societies, The Dilemmas of
Institutionalization, London: Sage, 1998.
“Nationalism and Citizenship: The Crisis of Authority and Solidarity in Latin
America”, in T.K. Oommen (ed), Citizenship and National Identity, From
Colonialism to Globalism, Sage, 1997, pp 261-280..
“Elites’ Political Values and Democratic Consolidation in Brazil” (co-authored with Z.
Cheibub), in E. Etzioni-Halevy (ed) Classes and Elites in Democracy and
Democratization, New York: Garland Publishing, 1997, pp 222-229.
“Reinhard Bendix: Uma Introducao,” Introduction to the Brazilian Translation of
Bendix’s Nation Building and Citizenship: Construcao Nacional e Cidadania,
Sao Paulo: EDUSP, 1996, pp 13-19.
“Pobreza, Desigualdade e Identidade Politica,” in E. Diniz (org.), Anais do
Seminario: O Desafio da Democracia na America Latina, Rio de Janeiro: IUPERJ,
1996, pp 435-52.
“Governabilidade e Solidariedade,” in L. Valladares and M. Coelho (orgs.)
Governabilidade e Pobreza no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro: Civilizacao
Brasileira, 1995, pp 49-64.
“Taming Change Imbalances: Deforestation in Amazonia”, (co-authored with
Eustaquio Reis), in L. Kosinski (ed.), Beyond Eco-92, Global Change, the
Discourse, the Progression, the Awareness, Paris: Unesco/ISSC and Rio de
Janeiro: Ed. Universitaria Candido Mendes, 1995, pp 181-205.
“Markets, State and Citizenship: Assessing Brazilian Development Strategies,”
(co-authored with Z.B. Cheibub), in R.B.Jain and H. Bongartz (eds.) Structural
Adjustment, Public Policy and Bureaucracy, New Delhi: Har-Anond Publications
1994, pp133-57.
“The Double representation of the Actor in the Sociological Tradition,” in Piotr
Sztompka (ed.), Agency and Structure: Reorienting Social Theory, Philadelphia:
Gordon and Breach, 1994, pp 63-81.
“Bureaucrats as Technology Policy Partners”, in S. Nagel (ed.) Latin American
Development and Public Policy, New York: MacMillan, 1994, pp 122-139.
“Brazil: The Politics of the State Administration,” in H.K. Asmerom (ed.), Politics,
Administrationand Public Policy in Developing Countries , Amsterdam: Free
University Press, 1993, pp 37-51.
“A Construcao Intelectual e Politica das Ciencias Sociais Brasileiras: A Experiencia
do IUPERJ,” in S. Miceli (org.), A Fundacao Ford no Brasil , Sao Paulo: Ed.
Sumare, 1993, pp 115-29.
“Bureaucracy and Rural Development in Brazil,”in H.K Asmerom (eds.),
Bureaucracy and Developmental Policies in the Third World, Amesterdam: Free
University Press, 1992, pp 138-52.
“Poder Privado e Construcao de Estado sob a Primeira Republica, “ in R. Boschi
(org.), Corporativismo e Desigualdade, Rio de Janeiro: Rio Fundo, 1991,
pp. 43-58.
“Reflexoes Transversas sobre Transdisciplinaridade e Ensino de Ciencias Sociais,”
in P. Birman and H. Bomeny (orgs.), As Assim Chamadas Ciencias Sociais,
Rio de Janeiro: Relume-Dumara, 1991, pp 243-249.
“Politica e Politicas Publicas na Transicao Democratica,”in A.S. de Moura (org.),
O Estado e as Politicas Publicas na Transicao Democratica, Sao Paulo: Vertice,
1989, pp. 90-104.
“Ruralism and Social Change: A Brazilian case Study,” in J. Havet (ed.), Staying On,
Retention and Migration in Peasant Societies, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press,
1987, pp. 143-58.
“A Cidadania do Trabalhador Rural.” In J.G. Teixeira (org.), A Construcao da
Cidadania, Brasilia: Ed. Universidade de Brasilia, 1986, pp. 51-90.
“Interesses Agro-Exportadores e Construcao do Estado: Brasil de 1890 a 1930,”
in Sorj, Cardoso and Font (eds.), Economia e Movimentos Sociais na America
Latina, 1985, pp. 194-217.
Journal Articles
Perceptions of Racial Discrimination among Black Professionals in Rio de Janeiro. (in
collaboration with Graziella Silva) Latin American Research Review, v. 2, p. 55-78,
The Multiple Meanings of Racial Mixing in Rio de Janeiro: From Whitening to
Brazilian Negritude.(in collaboration with Graziella Silva) Ethnic and Racial Studies
(Print), v. 1, p. 50-65, 2011.
Equality, Inequality and Difference. New Cultural Frontier, v. 2, p. 001-016, 2011.
Novas Formas de Relacionar Autoridade e Solidariedade: Questões Teóricas e
Empíricas. Sociologia e Antropologia, v. 01, p. 91-118, 2011.
“Brazil: The Road to Democracy”, International Political Science Review , v.30, p.535 542, 2009 (with F.Lima Neto).
“Transnational and Domestic Relations of NGOs in Brazil”, World Development. , v.37,
p.714 - 725, 2009 (with Koslinski, M. C.)
"Words from Writers: an Interview with Elisa Reis”, International Sociology, v.22, p.
155 - 160, 2007.
“The long lasting marriage between state and nation despite globalization”,
International Political Science Review, July 2004 (guest editor of the issue:
Globalization and New Roles of the Nation State)
“A Global World, Multiple Angles, One Sociological Community”, Current Sociology,
51, 2, 2003, pp. 113-122
“Reflexoes Leigas para a Formulacao de uma Agenda de Pesquisa em Politicas
Publicas”, Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais, 18, 51, 2003, pp. 11-14.
Review of “Gendering Elites: Economic and Political Leadership in Industrialized
Societies”. International Sociology, 2002.
“Modernization, Citizenship, and Stratification: Historical Processes and Recent
Changes in Brazil.” Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Vol. 129, nº 2. 2000.
“Elites and Poverty”, and Swaan, A de; Manor, J; Oyen, E. Current Sociology, 2000.
“As elites e a pobreza”. Entrevista concedida à Revista Ciencia Hoje. Julho de 2000.
“Dossie Desigualdade: apresentacao” e “Percepcoes da Elite sobre Pobreza e
Desigualdade”. RBCS vol 15, nº 42 fevereiro de 2000.
“As Ciencias Sociais e o Bug do Milenio”. RBCS. Vol 14. Nº 14. Pp 7-19. 1999.
“Elites’Perception of Poverty: an International Research Project”, in CROP Newsletter,
October, 1999,
“As Ciencias Sociais e o Bug do Milenio”, in Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais,
14, 39, 1999, pp. 5-11.
“Elite Perceptions of Poverty: Brazil”, in IDS Bulletin, 30, 2, April, 1999, pp. 127-136.
“Making Sense of History: Political Sociology in Brazil,” Current Sociology,
44, 3, December, 1996, pp. 81-105.
“Neutrality and Parnertship among Brazilian Bureaucrats,” (Co-authored with
Z. Cheibub), Nova Economia, 1996, pp. 143-62.
“Desigualdade e Solidariedade - Uma Releitura do Familismo Amoral de
Banfield,” Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais, 29, October, 1995, pp. 35-48.
“Elites, Cultura Politica e Consolidacao Democratica,” (co-autored with
Z. Cheibub), DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais, 38, 1, 1995, pp. 31-56.
“Pobreza, Desigualdade, Democracia,” Agenda de Politicas Publicas, N. 4,
Rio e Janeiro: IUPERJ, 1993, pp. 1-16.
“Pobreza, Desigualdade e Consolidacao Democratica,” (Co-autored with Z. Cheibub)
DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais, 36, 2, 1993, pp. 233-59.
“Impasses e Desafios à Teorizacao na Sociologia Contemporanea,” Historia,
Natureza e Cultura: Repensando o Social, special issue of Cadernos de Sociologia,
Porto Alegre:PPGS/UFRGS, 4, 1993, pp. 11-18.
“As Transicoes do Leste e do Sul: O Desafio Teorico”, Estudos Historicos, 12, 1993,
pp. 163-75.
“Bureaucrats and Politicians in Current Brazilian Politics,” International Social
Sciences Journal, N. 123, 1990, pp. 19-30.
“Opressao Burocratica: O Ponto de Vista do Cidadao,” Estudos Historicos, 3, 6,
1990, pp 161-79.
“Bresil: les Cent Ans de la Question Agraire,” Revue Internationale des Sciences
Sociales, 124, 1990, pp 175-91.
“Reflexoes Sobre o Homo Sociologicus,” Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais,
4, 11, 1989, pp 23-33.
“The Transparency Issue: Public and private Access to Information in the
Brazilian Transition to Democracy,” (co-authored with L. Orenstein), Journal of
Behavioral and Social Sciences , (Tokyo), 29, 1989, pp 121-33.
“As Elites Agrarias e a Abolicao da Escravidao no Brasil,”, (Co-authored with
Eustaquio Reis), DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais, 31, 3, 1988, pp. 309-41.
“O Estado Nacional como Ideologia: O Caso Brasileiro,” Estudos Historicos,
1, 2, 1988, pp. 187-203. (Spanish version in Sintesis, Madrid: May-August, 1990,
pp 113-132).
“Mudanca e Continuidade na Politica Rural Brasileira, “ Dados, Revista de
Ciencias Sociais, 31, 2, 1988, pp 203-218.
“Comentarios ao ‘New Theoretical Movement’de Jeffrey Alexander,” Revista
Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais, 2, 4, 1987, pp 36-38.
“Bureaucracy and the Demise of Authoritariamism in Brazil,” Serie Estudos.
(IUPERJ), 43, 1985.
“Elites Agrarias, State-Building e Autoritarismo,” DADOS, Revista de Ciencias
Sociais, 25, 3, 1982, pp 331-348.
“Sociedade Agraria e Ordem Politica,” DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais,
23, 3, 1980, pp 275-296.
“Spatial Dislocation and Social Identity Building in Brazil,” (co-authored with Simon
Schwartzman), International Social Sciences Journal, XXX, 1, 1978, pp 98-115.
“Migracao Rural-Urbana e Politicas Agrarias na America Latina: Notas para uma
Investigacao,” DADOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociais, 13, 1976, pp 79-92.
Fellow of the National Research Council (CNPq.).
Fellow of the Rio de Janeiro Agency for the Promotion of Scientific
Research (FAPERJ).
Admitted to the Academy of Sciences of the Developing World (TWAS).
Received the Grand Cross of the National Order of Scientific Merit
(Ordem Nacional do Merito Cientifico, Classe Grã Cruz), from the
Brazilian Government.
Admitted to the Brazilian Academy of Science
Research grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology,
(Excellence Networks Program – PRONEX) as Coordinator of the
Research Project on Social, Political and Economic Inequality.
Research grant from the Research Foundation of the State of Rio de
Janeiro (FAPERJ) to support the research program on “The changing
patterns of interaction between the state, market and civil society”.
Research grant from FINEP, a development agency of the Ministry for
Science and Technology.
1990-present Research Fellow of the National Research Council (CNPq.).
Fellowship from Italy’s Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
(Visiting researcher at the University Florence).
Prize Fellowship from The Fulbrigh Committee
(Visiting researcher at MIT Political Science Department).
Fellowship for Doctoral Studies from the National Research
Council (CNPq.).
Research Assistant Fellowship, MIT Political Science Department.
Research Assistant Fellowship, MIT Political Science Department.
Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council, Foreign
Area Fellowship Program, for studies in Santiago, Chile.
Research Assistant Fellowship, Instituto Brasileiro de Relacoes
Internacionais (IBRI), Rio de Janeiro.
Scholarship from the Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina e
Estudios Sociales (ILADES), Santiago, Chile.
Valedictorian of the Department of Sociology and Politics
graduating class, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
Academia Brasileira de Ciencia – ABC
Academy of Sciences of the Developing World - (TWAS)
Sociedade Brasileira de Sociologia - SBS
Associacao Brasileira de Ciencia Politica - ABCP
International Political Science association - IPSA
International Sociological Association - ISA
American Sociological Association
Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Ciencias Sociais - ANPOCS