daugthers esther


daugthers esther
Maria Madalena Alves Campos de Sousa Dionísio de Andrade
August 2013
Name: Maria Madalena Alves Campos de Sousa Dionísio de Andrade
Birt date: 15 Mars of 1963
Married, 3 daughters
Institutional Address: Departamento de Química da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica Campus, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Email address: [email protected]
Education and Qualifications
1981-1986 Degree in Chemistry, area of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculdade de Ciências da
Universidade de Lisboa (grade: 16/20).
Thesis: Determination of sublimation enthalpies of Pt complexes by Knudsen effusion method.
1993 – PhD in Physical Chemistry, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), 1993.
Thesis: Application of dielectric spectroscopy to dynamic and structural studies
, Aplicação de Técnicas
Dieléctricas a Estudos de Dinâmica e Estrutura Molecular
Supervision: Professor Doutor Joaquim José Moura Ramos, IST/UTL
Stay in International Research Unities:
1989 – 2 months at the Chemistry Department of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (U.
K.) supervised by Professor Graham Williams.
1997 – 1 month in the laboratory of Zentrum für Makromolekulare Chemie, Berlim (Germany) in
collaboration with Professor Andreas Schönhals.
Research interests :
Molecular mobility and phase transformations in low-molecular weight glass formers and
polymers. Sub-glass mobility and dynamic glass transiton . Nanoconfinement.
Materials: monomers, liquid crystals, ionic liquids, amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers, soft
and hard membranes, pharmaceutical drugs.
Main technique: Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy
Differential scanning calorimetry
Experience in Supervision:
1999-2001 Supervision of Maria Teresa Viciosa Plaza as fellowship (initiation to scientific research )in the aim
of the project PRAXIS/P/QUI/10071/98 – Photoinduced polimerization of mono and polyfunctional
methacrylates monitored by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy.
2000-20001 - Supervision of of António Manuel Nunes, nº 8270 final project to obtain graduation in Applied
Chemistry: "Dielectric studies of a liquid crystal on a polymeric matrix"
2002-2007phD student, M. T. Viciosa,(co-orientation with J. L. Gómez Ribelles from Centro de Biomateriales,
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) - Dynamical and kinetic changes upon polymerization "
SFRH/BD/6661/2001. During the PhD the student spent 3 months in the University of Valencia. PhD
interrupted during 6 months due to pregnancy of Mrs Viciosa.
2005-2006 - Master degree of Sílvia Luísa Soreto Teixeira “The influence of the polymeric chain in the
parameters that characterize the glass transition " Universidade de Aveiro (in co-supervision with Prof. Luis
Cadillon (Univ. Aveiro) and Prof. Carlos Dias (DCM – FCT/UNL)).
2005 – supervision of the tasks of Ana Rita Elias Brás in the framework of a project entitled "Changes in
molecular dynamics followed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy during the formation of a polymer
dispersed liquid crystal" POCTI/CTM/37435/2001
2006 - Research grant of Ana Rita Elias Brás in the framework of the project entitled" Production and
characterization of a polymer dispersed liquid crystal . New strategies of polymerization and impregnation in
supercritical CO2” POCTI/CTM/47363/2002
2006 (3 months) -Post-doctoral work of Piotr Malik “Glass transition dynamics and relaxation processes in
polymeric systems aimed to be used in biomedical applications” ref. SFRH/BPD/23242/2005, (main
supervisor Prof. João Mano from Universidade do Minho).
2006-2009 -PhD of Ana Rita Elias Brás “Influence of constraining and confinement in the molecular dynamics
of low molecular weight materials” (co-supervised by Dr. Andreas Schönhals from BAM Institute, Berlim),
(grant SFRH/BD/23829/2005). (http://run.unl.pt/handle/10362/2670)
2009 -Master degree of Miriam Calado Amores de Sousa “: Mobilidade molecular em sistemas sujeitos a
confinamento e/ou constrangimento” (co-supervisor; main supervisor: Frederico Castelo Ferreira (IST)),
December 2009. (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41764777/MThesis_Miriam2009.pdf)
2009-2013 co-supervision of PhD of Tânia Isabel da Silva Carvalho (supervised by S. Barreiros and P. Vidinha)
“Development of Ion jelly thin films for electrochemical devices” (SFRH/BD/4708/2008)
2010 (Mars to August) – Supervision of student Martin Zajac from the University of Merseburg (Germany)
Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (Professor Thomas Rhoedel) in the aim of European
Erasmus Program - "Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy of Poly(-caprolactone) / HDI iso-cyanurate oligomers
2012- Master degree of the student Esther Garcia Merino (FCT/UNL) (co-supervision; main supervisor Natália
2012 (defendida em 2013)– Master degree of the student Gonçalo Brito Santos (FCT/UNL) (co-supervision by
Isabel Fonseca FCT/UNL)” Optimização de sílicas mesoporosas impregnadas com liquído ionico/API com
potencial aplicação para libertação controlada.
Projetos finais de licenciatura em 2012 – Digo Filipe Rocha Rodrigues Diogo Filipe Rocha
Rodrigues (LQA, 26835)
Co-orientadores adicionais: 1
Observações: Orientação do projeto de Biotecnologia: "Estudo de transformações de fase e
propriedades de transporte de um líquido iónico impregnado numa sílica mesoporosa”
Projetos finas de licenciatura em 2013:
Orientação de projecto ou estágio de 1.º ciclo concluída no ano
Orientando: Cindy Gonçalves da Silva, 31495 (LBq)
Co-orientadores adicionais: 1
Observações: Supervisão do projeto: "Estudo da cinética de cristalização do fármaco flurbiprofeno racémico
utilizando as técnicas de calorimetria diferencial de varrimento e a espectroscopia de relaxação dieléctrica"
Orientação de projecto ou estágio de 1.º ciclo concluída no ano
Orientando: Inês Filipa de Oliveira Almeida, 31429 (LBq)
Co-orientadores adicionais: 1
Observações: Supervisão do projeto: "Estudo de misturas binárias fármaco/líquido iónico utilizando as técnica
calorimetria diferencial de varrimento e a espectroscopia de relaxação dieléctrica"
With the Late Professor Roberto Sastre, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Polímeros , CSIC, Madrid (Spain).
In the aim of the Projecto POCTI/CTM/37435/2001.
Prof. Jose Luis Gómez Ribelles, Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Termodinámica Aplicada e
membro do Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain).
Dr. Andreas Schönhals, Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, (Germany).
Prof. João Mano, 3B’s Research Group – Biomaterials, Biodegradables, Biomimetics, Departamento de
Engenharia de Polímeros da Universidade do Minho, (Portugal).
Organizing committe of National scientific meetings and courses:
1997 - Workshop “Polymer Blends” Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, Maio of 1997, oriented by
Professor Paul R. Donald from the Chemical Engineering Department, Texas Universty at Austin (USA).
1997 – Organizing Committee of the 3
National Meeting of Physical Chemistry from the Portugueses
Chemical Society, FCT-UNL, Caparica Campus, Portugal.
Organizing committe of International scientific meetings:
1998- Organizing Committee of “Dielectrica’98- International Workshop in Relaxation in Dielectrics”, FCTUNL, Caparica Campus, Portugal.
Scientific Committees:
2008- Elected member of the Board of the “The International Dielectric Societey”
2008 - Member of the International Advisory Board of the “5th International Conference on Broadband
Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications” held in Lyon, France.
2010 - Member of the International Advisory Board of the “6th International Conference on Broadband
Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications” held in Madrid, Spain.
Member of the Chemistry Department Council in 2010
Coordinator of the Food bank in FCT/UNL 2011Secretary of the Direction of FACIT – since 2011
Member of the scientific council of the M.Sc. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering since 2011
Research Projects:
1995 - PROJECT LEADER of project entitled “Investigation of glassy and sub-glassy relaxations in multiphase
polymeric systems” PBIC/C/QUI/2158/95 – Project approved in the aim of the Program "Young
Researchers"7,500 00 $00
1998 - PROJECT LEADER of project entitled “Monitoring of photo-induced Polymerization of mono and
1998- Collaborator in project entitled “Glass transition Study in polymers by Mechanical, Dielectric and
Calorimetric methods”, PRAXIS/P/CTM/14171/98
2000 - Collaborator in project entitled “Olefins / Polar Vinyl Monomers Copolymers Obtained by Ziegler Type
Catalysis. Catalysts Design, Modelling and Kinetc Studies of Homo- and Copolymerization Reactions” POCTI /
32775 / EQU / 2000 Budget: € 69.831,71, Coordinator: Mercês Marque (IST/UTL),
2000 - Collaborator in project entitled “Synthesis of Organometallic Complexes of Transition Metals to be
used as Single-Site Catalysts in the Polymerization of Olefins / Polar Vinyl Monomers” POCTI / 32771 / Q /
2000 Budget € €84.796, Coordinator: Mercês Marque (IST/UTL),
2001 – PROJECT LEADER of project entitled “Investigation by dielectric relaxation Spectroscopy of the
molecular dynamical changes during the formation of a polymer dispersed liquid crystal”,
POCTI/CTM/37435/2001 Budget: € 40.941,00 starting date: May 2003, 24 months.
2003 - PROJECT LEADER of project entitled “Production and Characterization of a polymer dispersed liquid
crystal: New strategies to polymerize and impregnate in scCO2”. Referência: POCTI/CTM/47363/2002,
Budget: 102.000,00 €; starting date: November 2003, 36 months.
2005 – COORDINATOR RESEARCHER by Universidade Nova de Lisboa in the project entitled "Infra-estrutura
na investigação para caracterização mecânica e dieléctrica de materiais e sistemas biológicos”, refª CONCREEQ/721/2001, main leader Prof. João Mano, Universidade do Minho, Budget : 317 500,00 €; starting date:
2005, 24 months.
2006 - Collaborator in project entitled “ThermoBIOPOL – Thermal behaviour of biodegradable polyesthers to
biomadical applications”, Project leader, Prof. João Mano, Universidade do Minho, refª
POCI/FIS/61621/2004, Budget 70 000,00 €; starting date:2006, 36 months
2008 Collaborator
PROJECT TITLE: “Desenvolvimento de novos compostos heterocíclicos como sensores químicos
luminescentes e colorimétricos: detecção de aniões e catiões metálicos" PTDC/ QUI/66250/2006
FINANCIAL ENTITY: Ministerio de Ciencias, Tecnología e Ensino Superior, Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia / FEDER
FUNDING PERIOD: From 01/01/2008
TO: 30/12/2010
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Prof. Manuela Raposo (Univ. Minho (Braga)) / Prof. Carlos Lodeiro (UnivNOVA
(Monte de Caparica).
Funding: € 110.125.
Participation as Principal Researcher from UNL: Funding € 45.500
2008 - PROJECT LEADER of project entitled: "Molecular Mobility of low molecular weight materials in
complex geometries: nanoporous and polymeric matrices" ref. PTDC/CTM/64288/2006, Budget: 144 000,00
€; starting date:January 2008, 36 months (prolongated to 31 December 2012)
2008 – Collaborator (10%) in the project entitled “Preparation and characterization of new MDLC's (matrix
dispersed liquid crystal”, ref. PTDC/CTM/69145/2006, Project Leader:: João Sotomayor
Budget 120 000,00 €, starting date January 2008, 36 months.
2009- Collaborator (10%) in the project entitled “Smart small-scale devices: systems for controlled delivery of
bioactive molecules, cell expansion and for sensing cell environment”. MIT-Pt/BS-CTRM/0051/2008 Project
leader- Ana Aguiar Ricardo (Requimte) Budget: 199.712,00 €, starting date: 1 April, 2009, 36 months
PROJECT TITLE: " Design and Preparation of new luminescent materials with liquid crytals properties and
chemical sensors” Acção Nº E69/09
FINANCIAL ENTITY: Acción Integrada Luso-Española, MCTES (Portugal)/MCT (España).
FUNDING PERIOD: January 2009, to March 2011
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Carlos Lodeiro (PT) and Dr. Mercedes Cano (SP)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry Faculty, University Complutense of Madrid, 2009.
Funding: € 4500,00
2010 – Collaborator (25%) in the project entitled “Molecular mobility, phase transformations and stability of
pharmaceutical materials under nanoconfinement”, ref. PTDC/CTM/098979/2008, Project Leader: Natalia
Correia (RequiMte), Budget: 173.000,00 €, starting date: 3 January, 2010, 36 months (prolongated to 30 Juin
2010 – Collaborator (5%) in the project entitled “Redox-BioMaterials: Design of new redox biomaterials and
their application in Biofuel cells for the production of electrical energy, feedstock chemicals and building
blocks”, ref. PTDC/EBB-EBI/099237/2008, Project Leader: Luis Joaquim Pina da Fonseca, Budget: 168 860,00€
starting date: September, 2010, 36 months.
2010- Collaborator (10%) in the project entitled: “Development of Ion jelly® thin film printable batteries for
smart devices”. Ref. PTDC/CTM/100244/2008 Project leader- Pedro Vidinha (Requimte),Budget: 175.000,00
€, starting date: 1 January, 2010, 36 months (prolongated to 31 July 2013)
2010- Collaborator (5%) in the project entitled “Development of Novel Organic Energetic Materials based on
Ionic Liquids”. PTDC/CTM/103664/2008, Project leader- Luis Branco (Requimte)Budget: 180.000,00 €,
starting date: 1 January, 2010, 36 months (prolongated to 31 December 2013)
The amount received from projects supported between 1995 and 1998 allowed the assembly of a new
laboratory of Dielectric Properties in the Chemistry Department of FCT/UNL. It was a new expertise brought
by someone hired from outside University. Even in the Faculty, the existing laboratory in the Department of
Materials Science was neither devoted to the interpretation of Relaxational Processes, nor covering such
extended temperature and frequency ranges. In our days the equipment was extended to the high
frequencies allowing measurements from 10 to 10 Hz and scanning temperatures from -120 to 400ºC. The
collaboration through project PTDC/CTM/098979/2008 leaded by Dr. Natalia Correia allowed the extension
to thermal characterization of materials with the thermal modulated option which does’nt exist in the
Publications (only in Journals include in ISI Web database) (the asteriks indicates the corresponding author
in each paper):
1 – J. J. Moura Ramos*, M. Dionísio, R. C. Gonçalves, H. Diogo, “ A further view on the calculation of the enthalpy of cavity formation in
liquids. The influence of cavity size and shape”, Can. J. Chem., 1988, 66, 2894
2 – M. Dionísio, L. N. Almeida, J. J. Moura Ramos*, “The n-alkane solvent effect on the dipole moment of the trans-1,2dibromocyclohexane”, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 1990, 99, 4.
3- M. Dionísio, J.J. Moura Ramos*, R. Gonçalves, “The enthalpy and entropy of cavity formation in liquids and the corresponding state
principle”, Can. J. Chem., 1990, 68, 1973.
4- M. Dionísio, J.J. Moura Ramos*, G. Williams, “Dipolar Relaxation Behavior in Poly(methyl methacrylate)/4-nitroaniline solid solutions”,
Polym. Int., 1993, 32, 145-151.
5- M. Dionísio, J.J. Moura Ramos*, G. Williams, “Molecular motions in poly(vinyl acetate) and in poly(vinyl acetate)/nitroaniline
mixtures”, Polymer, 1993, 34, 4105-4110.
6- M. Dionísio, J.J. Moura Ramos*, G. Williams, “Dieletric Relaxation in poly(n-alkyl methacrylates) and their mixtures with pnitroaniline”, Polymer, 1994, 35, 1705-1713 (3.573, cit.26)
7- M. Dionísio, N. T. Correia, J. F. Mano, J.J. Moura Ramos*,A. C. Fernandes, B. Saramago, “Adsorbed water in the cork structure. A study
by thermally stimulated currents, dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, isothermal depolarization experiments and differential scanning
calorimetry”, J. Materials Sci., 1995, 30, 4394-4400. IF1.471 (11 cit)
8- M. Dionísio*, J.J. Moura Ramos, A. C. Fernandes, “Dielectric Studies on the miscibility in poly(vinyl acetate)/poly(ethyl methacrylate)
blends”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1996 , 60, 903-909.
9 – J.J. Moura Ramos*, R. J. C. Sousa, N. T. Correia, M. Dionísio, “Molecular Motions in a molecular crystal: tetrachloro-m-xylene”, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 1996, 100, 571-577. IF 3.343 cit. 3
10 - M. Dionísio, N. Alves, J. F. Mano*, “Comparing dielectric measurements on poly(ethylene terephthalate) at constant heating rates
with isothermal measurements”, Polymer, 1999, 40, 2675-2679. IF 3.573 cit.7
11 – M. Dionísio*, A. Fernandes, J. Mano, N. Correia, R. Sousa, “Relaxation studies on PEO/PMMA blends”, Macromolecules, 2000, 33,
1002-1011. Cit. 48 doi: 10.1021/ma9913818
12. M. Dionísio*, J. Sotomayor, “ A surface chemistry experiment using an inexpensive a contact angle goniometer”, J. Chem. Ed., 2000,
77(1), 59-62. Cit. 1
13 – J. F. Mano*, S. Lanceros-Méndez, A. M. Nunes, M. Dionísio, “Temperature calibration in dielectric measurements”, J. of Thermal
Analysis and Calorimetry, 2001, 65, 37-49
14 – M. T. Viciosa, A. M. Nunes, A. Fernandes, P.L. Almeida, M. H. Godinho,M. Dionísio*, "Dielectric studies of the nematic mixture E7 on
a hidroxypropylcellulose substrate", Liquid Crystals, 2002, vol. 29, nº3, pg 429-441.
15 – M. Dionísio, N. Alves, J. F. Mano*, “Molecular Dynamics in Polymeric Systems”, e-Polymers, 2004, nº 44.
16 - M. T. Viciosa, M. Dionisio*, “Molecular mobility and fragility in n-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate monomers”, J. Non. Crys. Solids,
2004, 341, 60-67.
17 - M. T. Viciosa, M. Dionísio*, R. M. Silva, R. L. Reis, J. F. Mano, “Molecular motions in chitosan studied by dielectric relaxation
spectroscopy”, Biomacromolecules, 2004 5(5), 2073-2078.
18 - A. R. E. Brás, S. Henriques, T. Casimiro, A. Aguiar-Ricardo, J. Sotomayor, J. Caldeira, C. Santos, M. Dionísio*,"Characterization of a
Nematic Mixture by Reversed-Phase HPLC and UV Spectroscopy: Application to Phase Behavior Studies in Liquid Crystal-CO2 Systems",
Liquid Crystals, 2007, 34(5), 591-597
19 - M. T. Viciosa, C. M. Rodrigues, M. Dionísio*, "Changes in molecular dynamics of the tri-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate monomer
upon polymerization", J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2005, Vol. 351, 14-22.
20 - M. Dionísio, M. T. Viciosa, Y. Wang, J. F. Mano*,“Glass Transition Dynamics of Poly(L-lactic acid) during Isothermal Crystallisation
Monitored by Real-Time Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy Measurements”, Macromol. Rap. Commun., 2005, 26, 1423–1427.
21 – Madalena S. C. Dionísio, Hermínio P. Diogo, J. P. S. Farinha and Joaquim J. Moura-Ramos*, “Rotational Mobility in a Crystal Studied
by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry laboratory”, J. Chem. Edu. 2005, 82 (9), 1355-1360.
22 - M. T. Viciosa, M. Dionísio*, J. F. Mano, “Dielectric charaterisation of neutralised and nonneutralised chitosan upon drying”,
Biopolymers, 2006, Vol. 81, Nr. 3, 149-159.
23 - A. R. Brás, M. T. Viciosa, J. C. Dias, C. Rodrigues, M. Dionísio*, “Changes in molecular dynamics upon formation of a polymer
dispersed liquid crystal”, Phys. Rev. E, 73 (6): Art. No. 061709 Part 1 JUN (2006)
24 - Ana Rita Brás, María Teresa Viciosa, Yaming Wang, Madalena Dionísio, João F. Mano*, “Crystallization of poly(L-lactic acid) probed
with dielectric relaxation spectroscopy”, Macromolecules, 39(19), 6513-6520 2006).
25 – M.T. Viciosa, J. Quiles Hoyo, M. Dionisio, J.L. Gómez Ribelles*, “Temperature modulated DSC study of the kinetics of isothermal free
radical network polymerization”, J. of Therm. Anal. Cal. 90 (2007) 407-414.
26 – - A. R. Brás, M. Dionísio, H. Huth, Ch. Schick, A. Schönhals*, “The origin of glassy dynamics in a liquid crystal studied by broadband
dielectric and thermal spectroscopy”, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 75, 061708 , 2007.
27 – - M. T. Viciosa, Carla Rodrigues, Susete Fernandes, Inês Matos , Maria M. Marques, M. T. Duarte, J. F. Mano, M. Dionísio*,
“Dielectric and Thermal Characterization of Low Density Ethylene / 10-undecen-1-ol Copolymers prepared with Nickel Catalysts”,
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2007, 45, 2802-2812.
28 - M. T. Viciosa, N. Rouzé, M. Dionisio* and J. L. Gómez Ribelles, “Mechanical and dielectric relaxation processes in methyl acrylate /
tri-ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate copolymer networks”, Eur. Polym. J. 43 (2007) 1516–1529
29 - Ana Rita Brás, María Teresa Viciosa, Madalena Dionísio*, João F. Mano, “Water effect in the thermal and molecular dynamics
behavior of poly(L-lactic acid)”, J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2007, 88 (2), 425-429.
30 - A.R.E. Brás, S. A. Martins, O. García, M. T. Viciosa, R. Sastre, C. J. Dias, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. Dionísio*, “Anchoring breaking in
nematic/Tri-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate composites studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy and Electro-optical measurements”
, Liquid Crystals 35(4) 429-441 (2008).
31 - Maria T. Viciosa, José L. Gómez Ribelles, Madalena Dionísio*, “Polymerization effects on molecular dynamics of n-ethylene glycol
dimethacrylates followed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy”, Eur. Polym. J. 44 (2008)155-170.
32 -A. R. E. Brás, M. Dionísio, A. Schoenhals, Confinement and Surface Effects on the Molecular Dynamics of a Nematic Mixture
Investigated by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 8227-8235 (2008).
33 - A. R. Bras, J. P. Noronha, A. M. M. Antunes, M. M. Cardoso, A. Schoenhals, F. Affouard, M. Dionísio, and N. T. Correia*, "Molecular
Motions in Amorphous Ibuprofen As Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy", J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, Vol. 112, 11087-11099
34 - A. R. Brás, P. Malik, M. Dionísio,*, J. F. Mano, “Influence of Crystallinity in Molecular Motions of Poly(L-lactic acid) Investigated by
Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy”, Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 6419-6430
35 - Pedro Vidinha, Nuno M. T. Lourenço, Carlos Pinheiro, Ana R. Brás, Tânia Carvalho, Teresa Santos-Silva, Abhik Mukhopadhyay, Maria
J. Romão, Jorge Parola, Madalena Dionisio, Joaquim M. S. Cabral, Carlos A. M. Afonso and Susana Barreiros, “Ion jelly: a tailor-made
conducting material for smart electrochemical devices”, Chem. Commun., 2008, 5842 - 5844. Cit. 3
36- M. T. Viciosa*, N. T. Correia, M. Salmeron Sanchez, A. L. Carvalho, M. J. Romão, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, M. Dionísio, “Real-Time
Monitoring of Molecular Dynamics of Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate Glass Former.”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 14209–14217
37- M. T. Viciosa, N. T. Correia, M. Salmeron Sanchez, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, M. Dionísio*, “Molecular Dynamics of Ethylene Glycol
Dimethacrylate Glass Former: Influence of Different Crystallization Pathways”J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 14196–14208.
38- Sabater i Serra, R., Viciosa Plaza, M. T, Dionisio, M., Andrio Balado, A., Meseguer Dueñas, J.M., Gómez Ribelles, J.L.Influence of
solvent on the network structure formed by free radical polymerization of tri-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate: A dielectric study. J. NONCRYST. SOL. 2010, 356, 616-620.( 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.06.048)
39-Brás, A. R., Frunza, S.; Guerreiro, L.; Fonseca, I. M.; Corma, A; Frunza, L.; Dionísio, M.; Schönhals, A. olecular mobility of nematic E7
confined to molecular sieves with a low filling degree. J. Chem. Phys. 2010, 132, 224508-1-224508-12.
40 - Sousa M, Brás AR, Veiga HI, Ferreira FC, de Pinho MN, Correia NT, Dionísio M.*, Dynamical characterization of a cellulose acetate
polysaccharide, J Phys Chem B. 2010, 114(34):10939-53.
41-Ana R. Brás, Isabel M. Fonseca, Madalena Dionísio, Andreas Schönhals, Natália T. Correia, « Amorphous Ibuprofen Confined in
Nanostructured Silica Materials: a Dynamical Approach », J Phys Chem C, 2011, 115 (11), 4616-4623; [doi: 10.1021/jp107631m].
42- E. G. Merino, S. Atlas, A. Belfkira, M. Raihane, A. Hult, M. Dionísio, N. Correia*, “Molecular dynamics of poly(ATRIF) homopolymer
and poly(AN-co-ATRIF) copolymer investigated by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy” Eur. Polym. J. 2011, 47(7), 1429-1446 [doi:
43- M. T. Viciosa*, M. Dionísio, J. L. Gómez Ribelles, "Kinetics of free-radical polymerization probed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy
under high conductivity conditions", Polymer, 2011, 52(9), 1944-1953.
44- Merino, E; Rodrigues, C; Viciosa, T; Melo, Cs; Sotomayor, J; Dionísio*, M; Correia, N “Phase Transformations Undergone by Triton X100 Probed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115, 12336–12347
45- Carvalho T, Augusto V, Brás AR, Lourenço NM, Afonso CA, Barreiros S, Correia NT, Vidinha P, Cabrita EJ, Dias CJ, Dionísio* M,
Roling B, « UNDERSTANDING THE ION-JELLY® CONDUCTIVITY MECHANISM « , J Phys Chem B. 2012 Mar 8;116 (9):2664-76.
46 – P. J. Gomes1, M. Coelho, M. Dionísio, P. A. Ribeiro, M. Raposo "Probing radiation damage by alternated current conductivity as a
method to characterize electron hopping conduction in DNA molecules", Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012 101, 123702 (4 pages);
(http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v101/i12/p123702_s1; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754287)
47 - S. Soreto, C. M. Dias, M. Dionísio, L. C. Costa, "New method to analyze dielectric relaxation processes: a study on polymethacrylate
series" (Polymer International 2013 - DOI: 10.1002/pi.4479)
48 - Esther G. Merino , Florence Danéde, Patrick Derrollez, Carlos J. Dias , M. Teresa Viciosa ,Natália T.
Correia, and Madalena Dionísio*, “ Investigating the Influence of Morphology in the Dynamical Behavior of
Semicrystalline Triton X-100: Insights in the Detection/Nondetection of the α′-Process”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117 (33),
pp 9793–9805; DOI: 10.1021/jp4042414
49-Craveiro, Rita; Martins, Marta; Santos, Gonçalo; Correia, Natália; Dionísio, Madalena; Barreiros,
Susana; Duarte, Ana Rita; Reis, Rui; Paiva, Alexandre, "Insights on the Role of Ionic Liquids on
Supercritical Fluid Foaming of Semi-Crystalline Natural-Based Polymers", submitted.
50- -Merino, Esther; Neves, Paulo; Fonseca, Isabel; Danède, Florence; Idrissi, Abdenacer; Dias,
Carlos; Dionísio, Madalena; Correia, Natália, "Detection of Two Glass Transitions on Triton X-100 Under
Confinement" J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (41), pp 21516–21528.DOI: 10.1021/jp404306a.
51- M. T. Viciosa, N, Alves, M. Dionísio, J. F. Mano, Molecular mobility of PDLLA incorporated in αcyclodextrin matrix, in preparation.
Publications in Conferences:
1. .
Bras, AR; Dionisio, M; Correia, NT, “Molecular motions in amorphous pharmaceuticals”,
5th International Workshop on Complex Systems, Date: SEP 25-28, 2007 Sendai JAPAN
COMPLEX SYSTEMS Volume: 982 Pages: 91-96 Published: 2008.
Chapters of books:
-M. Dionísio, J. F. Mano, “Electric Techniques” in Handbook of Analysis and Calorimetry ed. Michael E. Brown
and Patrick K. Gallagher, vol.5 Elsevier 2008 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1573-4374(08)80010-6)
-M.Dionísio, N. Alves, J. Mano, “Mobilidade Molecular em Polímeros” em (J. Seixas de Melo, M. J. Moreno, H.
D. Burrows, M. H. Gil, Eds.) Química de Polímeros, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pgs. 157-186,
2004. National Publication.
M. Dionísio, N. Correia, "“Molecular mobility and phase transformations of several low molecular weight
glass formers confined to nanoporous silica matrices”, Book project „Dynamics in confinement“ to appear as
the 2. Volume in the series “Progress in Dielectrics“ of Springer Company Advances in Dielectrics Volume
Editor: Friedrich Kremer (IN PREPARATION)
Articles in National Publications:
H. Diogo, M. Dionísio, A. Galvão, J. A. Martinho Simões, “Um Banco de dados de Entalpias de Vaporização e
Sublimação/ Database for Vaporization and Sublimation Enthalpies”, Bol. Soc. Port. Quim., 1988, 31.
(see also Publications related with Pedagocical Activity)
Oral Communications:
-“Molecular motions in chitosan studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy”, T. Viciosa, M. Dionísio, R. M.
Silva, R. L. Reis, J. F. Mano, , 12th Annual POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials, Guimarães,
Portugal, 8 de Janeiro de 2004.
-M. T. Viciosa, M. Dionísio, J. F. Mano, -“Studying the water release in non-neutralised chitosan by dielectric
relaxation spectroscopy”, comunicação oral, 5th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex
Systems, Lille, Julho, 2005
-A. R. Brás, A. Schönhals., M. Dionísio “Nano-Confinement Effects in the Molecular Mobility of Glass Formers
as Studied by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy”, Invited short lecture, 8 ENQF, Luso, Portugal (2007).
-“Molecular dynamics of n-ethylene glycol dimethacrylates followed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy”,
M. T. Viciosa, A. R. Brás, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, M. Dionísio, 5th International Conference on Broadband
Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications, Lyon, 24-29 August, 2008.
-A. R. Brás, I. M. Fonseca, F. Affouard, A.Schönhals, M. Dionísio, N. T. Correia*,“Confinement effects in the
molecular dynamics of ibuprofen studied by DRS”. 6th International Conference on broadband Dielectric
Spectroscopy and Its Applications, BDS2010, Madrid, Spain, 07-10 September 2010.
-M.Sousa, A. R. Brás, F. C. Ferreira, M. N. de Pinho, N. T. Correia, M. Dionísio, “Physico-Chemical and
Dynamical Characterization of a Cellulose Acetate Membrane”, 6th International Conference on broadband
Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications, BDS2010, Madrid, Spain, 07-10 September 2010.
- Invited
Esther Garcia Merino, Gonçalo Santos, Ana Rita Brás, Alexandra Costa, Isabel Fonseca, Luis C. Branco, M.
Teresa Viciosa, Andreas Schoenhals, Natália Correia, Madalena Dionísio, Influence of confinement to
nanostructured matrices on the molecular mobility and phase transformations of several glass formers. 7th.
Int. Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelona, July 21-26, 2013.
Madalena Dionísio, Joaquim J. Moura Ramos, “Propriedades dieléctricas do poli(acetato de vinilo) e misturas poli(acetato de
vinilo)/p-nitroanilina”, 9º Encontro da SPQ, (1988) – comunicação oral.
Madalena Dionísio, Joaquim J. Moura Ramos, “Momento dipolar do trans-1,2-dibromociclohexano em solventes n-alcanos”,
9º Encontro da SPQ, (1988) – poster.
Madalena Dionísio, Joaquim J. Moura Ramos, “Propriedades dieléctricas do poli(butilmetacrilato) e misturas
poli(butilmetacrilato)/p-nitroanilina”, 12º Encontro da SPQ, (1991) – comunicação oral.
Madalena Dionísio, Joaquim J. Moura Ramos, “Espectroscopia de Relaxação Dieléctrica de Materiais Poliméricos”, 5º
Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, 1991) – comunicação oral.
poli(alquilmetacrilato)/PNA”, 13º Encontro da SPQ, 1992 – poster.
M. Dionísio, A. Fernandes, J. J. Moura Ramos, “Miscibility studies on PVAc/PEMA blends”, 5th European Symposium on
Polymer Blends, Maastricht, Maio de 1996.
M. Dionísio, A. Fernandes, “Dielectric Studies on PEO/PMMA blends 11 years later!”3rd International Discussion Meeting on
Relaxations in Complex Systems, Junho-Julho, Vigo, 1997.
“Estudos Dieléctricos em PET”, 3º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Monte de
Caparica, 1997.
M. Dionísio, J. F. Mano, “The alpha relaxation of PET as seen by DRS during Isothermal and Isochronal experiments”,
Dieléctrica 98, FCT/UNL, Monte de Caparica, Junho de 1998.
M. Dionísio., M. T. Viciosa, A. M. Nunes, Following a Polymerization Reaction by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy”, 4th
International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complexe Systems, Creta (Grécia), Junho de 2001
M. Dionísio., M. T. Viciosa, A. M. Nunes ; “Following by DRS the Dynamical Change of a Supercooled Nematic Mixture in a
Composite System”, 4th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complexe Systems, Creta (Grécia), Junho de 2001.
M. T. Viciosa, Carla M. Rodrigues, Madalena S. Dionísio, J. L. Gómez Ribelles, “Monitoring the Polymerisation of
Dimethacrylate monomers by Differential Scanning calorimetry”, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis –
MEDICTA 2003, Porto, Portugal, 27-30 de Julho de 2003.
M. T. Viciosa, Madalena S. Dionísio, “Mobilidade Molecular em Líquidos formadores de Vidros”, 6ª Encontro Nacional da SPQ,
FC-UL, Lisboa, 1-4 Setembro de 2003.
DIONÍSIO, N. T. CORREIA, J. J. MOURA RAMOS, Molecular mobility in fructose studied by Thermally Stimulated Depolarisation
Currents (TSDC)Comunicação em painel, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2003, 27-30 de
Julho de 2003, Porto, Portugal
M. T. Viciosa, J. Quiles Hoyo, Madalena S. Dionísio, J. L. Gómez Ribelles, “Temperature Modulated DSC Study by
Polymerization Kinetics of Triethyleneglycol Dimethacrylate”, 12th Annual POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials, Guimarães,
Portugal, 6 a 9 de Janeiro de 2004.
“ Thermal Analysis of the Nematic Mixture E7”, 13th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry – ICTAC 13,
Itália, September 2004.M. T. Viciosa, C. M. Rodrigues, M. S. Dionísio.
A.R.E. Brás, M.T. Viciosa, C. Rodrigues, J.L. Figueirinhas, M. Dionísio,Thermophysical and Electro-Optical Characterization of
Liquid Crystal/Tri-ethylene glycol dimetacrylate Systems, 7º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física, Porto 5-7 May 2005.
.M.T. Viciosa, C. Rodrigues, M. Dionísio,Estudo da cristalização de um monómero acrilato por calorimetria e relaxação
dieléctrica, 7º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física, Porto 5-7 May 2005.
.A.R.E. Brás, T. Casimiro, J. Caldeira, M. Dionísio, A. Aguiar-Ricardo, Liquid Crystal Fractionation by Supercritical Carbon
Dioxide, 7º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física, Porto 5-7 May 2005.
”Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy as a tool to monitor the water removal in a biopolymer”, M. T. Viciosa, M. Dionísio, J. F.
3rd Portuguese-Spanish Biophysics Congress Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade
de Lisboa October, 29th, to November, 1st, 2004.
“Molecular motions and fragility in ethylene glycol dimethacrylate monomers”, Encontro RequiMte, Fátima, Jan. 2004, M. T.
Viciosa, M. Dionísio
“Vitrification during free radical network polymerization of TrEGDMA”, J. L. Gòmez Ribelles, J. Q. Hoyo, M. Dionísio, M. T.
Viciosa, International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Lille, Julho, 2005
“Study of the isothermal crystallization of poly(L-lactic acid) by monitoring alpha-relaxation using dielectric relaxation
microscopy”, M. Dionísio, M. T. Viciosa, Y. Wang, J. F. Mano, International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Lille,
Julho, 2005.
“Water effect in the relaxation behaviour of poly(L-lactic acid): a dielectric thermal analysis study”, María Teresa Viciosa, Ana
Rita Brás, Madalena Dionísio, João F. Mano, to be presented in 9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis nad Calorimetry,
Cracóvia, Polónia, Agosto, 2006.
“Monitoring the crystallization in a low molecular weight compound by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy”, M-T. Viciosa, M.
Salmerón, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, M. Dionisio, 5th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications,
Lyon, 24-29 August, 2008
“Complex nature of the  relaxation in semi-cristalline PLLA: Influence of crystallinity” A. R. Brás, P. Malik, M. Dionísio, J.F.
Mano, 5th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications, Lyon, 24-29 August, 2008.
27.”Molecular dynamics of 2,2,2-trifluoroethylacrylate polymers investigated by dielectric spectroscopy”, M. Raihane, E. G. Merino, S.
Atlas, A. Belfkira, M. Dionísio, N. Correia*,6th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications,
Madrid, 6-10 September, 2010.
28.”Study of the Molecular Dynamics under crystallization of Triton X-100”, E. G. Merino, J. Sotomayor, M. Dionísio, N. Correia*,6th
International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications, Madrid, 6-10 September, 2010.
29.” Monitoring changes during network formation by dielectric measurements”, M.T. Viciosa*, M. Dionísio, J.L. Gómez Ribelles, 6th
International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Its Applications, Madrid, 6-10 September, 2010.
Journal to which collaborates as referee:
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Journal of Composite Materials
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
Journal Chemical Physics
Pedagogical Activity:
1992-1994 Teaching assistent at the Chemistry Department of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
1994- Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (evaluation after the 1st 5 years, in 1999).
Modules/courses lectured:
-Introduction to Chemistry (lectures (50%), lab sessions + problem solving lessons)
-Instrumental Mehods of Analysys (Electrochemistry) (lectures, lab sessions + problem solving lessons)
Responsible during several years
-Instrumental Mehods of Analysys (Electrochemistry+ Spectroscopy) for the course of Molecular
and Cellular Biology (designed by myself in collaboration with 2 colleagues Pedro Tavares and João Carlos
Lima) (lectures, lab sessions + problem solving lessons) Responsible during several years
-Physical Chemistry I (lab sessions + problem solving lessons)
-Physical Chemistry II (lectures, lab sessions + problem solving lessons) Responsible 1 year
-Physical Chemistry for the course of Conservation and Restoration (lectures (33%), lab sessions +
problem solving lessons)
-Food Analysis II for the course in Food Safety and Technology (master) (lab sessions+ problem solving
-Chemical Bonding (lectures, problem solving lessons) Responsible for 1 year
Publications related with the Pedagogical Activitya)
1- M. Dionísio, J. Garcia, M. Monteiro, P. Rodrigues, J. Sotomayor, “Projecto e construção de um goniómetro
de ângulos de contacto/Design and Construction of a contact angle goniometer ”, Boletim da Sociedade
Portuguesa de Química, 1998.
2- M. Dionísio*, J. Sotomayor, “ A surface chemistry experiment using an inexpensive a
contact angle
goniometer”, J. Chem. Ed., 2000, 77(1), 59-62.
3- Madalena S. C. Dionísio, Hermínio P. Diogo, J. P. S. Farinha and Joaquim J. Moura-Ramos*, “Rotational
Mobility in a Crystal Studied by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry
Laboratory”, J. Chem. Edu. 2005, 32, 1335-1359.
– Papers 1 and 2 already mentioned in Publications in ISI WEb; paper 3 – national publication.
School Notes:
-“Behaviour of Ions in Solution”, M. Dionísio, DQ-FCT/UNL, 2001, support to the module Physical Chemistry
for the course of Conservation and Restoration (26 pag.s)
-“Dynamical of Chemical Reactions”, M. Dionísio, DQ-FCT/UNL, 2002, to support the module of Physical
Chemistry II of the gradiation in Applied Chemistry (70 pg.s)
- “Introduction to Spectroscopy”, M. Dionísio, DQ-FCT/UNL, 2004, to support the module of Instrumental
Methods of Analysis of the graduation in Cellular and Molecular Biology (110 pgs)
_ “Introduction to Electrochemistry “, M. Dionísio, DQ-FCT/UNL, 2005, to support the module of
Instrumental Methods of Analysis of the graduation in Applied Chemistry (59 pg.s)
Lab Sessions Implemented:
-“Cu2+ determination in a minewater using an ISE”, for the module of Instrumental Methods of Analysis of
the graduation in Applied Chemistry (work implemented in collaboration with Dr. A. J. Parola)
- “Cu determination in a fruit juice using an ISE””, for the module of Food Analysis II (graduation in Safety
and Food Technology)
-“Contact angles determination in liquid-solid interfaces”, for the module of Physical Chemistry II (work
implemented in collaboration with Dr. J. C. Sotomayor)
-“Tensiometry by the Nüoy’s method: determination of mcm” for the module of Physical Chemistry II (work
implemented in collaboration with Dr. J. C. Sotomayor)
- “Magnetochemistry” for the module of Physical Chemistry I
- “Uv-Vis and Fluorescence Monitoring of Myoglobin denaturation”, for the module of Instrumental Methods
of Analysis for the graduation in Molecular and Cellular Biology (in collaboration with Dr. Carlos Lodeiro).
- “Monitoring by Fluorescence the citocrome c denaturation”, for the module of Instrumental Methods of
Analysis for the graduation in Molecular and Cellular Biology
- “Study of Fe /Fe
in citocrome c by cyclic voltammetry” for the module of Instrumental Methods of
Analysis for the graduation in Molecular and Cellular Biology (in collaboration with Dr. Cristina Cordas)
- “Study of methyl viologen by cyclic voltammetry” for the module of Instrumental Methods of Analysis of the
graduation in Applied Chemistry
Supervision of several projects in the aim of the module of Physical Chemsitry II.
06 December 2013
(Maria Madalena Dionísio)