A Tribute to the Portuguese Immigrant
A Tribute to the Portuguese Immigrant
50th Anniversary ? A Tribute to the Portuguese Immigrant 500 plus years ago, Portuguese Navigators set foot on the lands we now call “Canada”. 50 plus years ago, Portuguese settlers explored opportunities from the shores of the Atlantic trough to the Great Coast of the Pacific. On May 10th, 2003, Canada formally recognized the 50th anniversary of the official landing of Portuguese Immigrants with a ceremony and special presentations held at Pier 21, Halifax, Nova Scotia. In attendance were approximately eighty participants, including the Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business & Professionals, government dignitaries from Portugal and the Province of Nova Scotia, members of Luso Canadian organizations and of course some 10 members of “the first Portuguese Pioneers to arrive in Halifax on May 13th, 1953”. The presentations were impressive and everlasting as a plaque with a commemorative inscription and a flat wood carving depicting Portuguese settlers in Canada over the last 500 years are to be permanent fixtures of the museum located at Pier 21, Halifax - the place of disembarkation for many of the immigrants to this country. to what extent does it compare to the personal traits of our members? Of course, we can never make up for time and experience, however, as business and professional people, we do share a sense of adventure, we possess the ability to analyze and take risks, we have the drive to succeed, the agility to handle multiple tasks at the same time and above all, we possess the generous quality of building and sharing with others. Who would have done it? Probably people like you and I looking for a better place and for a better opportunity through risk taking and hard work. My congratulations to the organizing committee, which the Federation was an invited member, and best wishes to the Pioneers who made it to Halifax and those who will receive their medals at the presentations scheduled for May 13th, in Toronto. In closing, let me wish you “good navigating on all your present and future adventures and May the risks you take be outweighed by your successes”. Ermidio F. Alves, President of the Federation I couldn’t help it, but to analyze and reflect on what it must have been like to make that trip 50 years ago, who would have done it and why? What type of personality did it take and FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 1 ? O Sucesso dos Empresários na nossa Comunidade Os êxitos alcançados pela Comunidade Portuguesa neste país, assim como as suas exemplares qualidades de relacionamento e integração na sociedade de acolhimento - êxitos e qualidade que registo e saliento com muito apreço e orgulho - estão na origem do respeito que os canadianos e as suas autoridades manifestam pelos portugueses, reconhecendo a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento e modernização deste grande País. Alguns exemplos dessa contribuição são visíveis na importância e peso económico que a Comunidade Portuguesa usufrui em numerosos sectores da economia, tais como as áreas dos serviços de distribuição alimentar, dos transportes, da construção civil, dos têxteis e da metalo-mecânica, destacando-se inclusivamente alguns grupos económicos e financeiros de dimensão verdadeiramente nacional, que constituem uma flagrante demonstração do sucesso alcançado pelos portugueses neste país. As Comunidades Portuguesas, representadas por mais de quatro milhões e meio de portugueses e luso-descendentes, assumem-se hoje como a fatia da população portuguesa com a maior capacidade de produção de riqueza, traduzida nos investimentos que regularmente enviam para o nosso país,comparáveis aos fundos comunitários que Portugal recebe da União Europeia e muito acima das receitas provenientes do turismo. Por outro lado, o relevante contributo das nossas comunidades no estrangeiro, já não é de natureza exclusivamente económica, mas alarga-se, igualmente, às esferas, social e cultural, o que muitas vezes os nossos governantes portugueses se esquecem. O empresário português no Ontário, projecta o futuro, cuida do presente e re- solve os problemas do quotidiano assistindo assim no desenvolvimento de novos empreendimentos. Ao projectar e resolver os problemas do futuro,aproveita as oportunidades que lhe surgem, a globalização as novas tecnologias e a auto-sustentabilidade exigida pela sociedade presente, tendo em mente que essa sociedade tende a transformar-se constantemente, sem esquecer o aumento de longevidade do homem devido ao progresso da medicina moderna. Uma coisa, no entanto, permanece: todos sonham em conseguir o sucesso pessoal ou profissional. O sucesso porém não é uma lotaria nem uma montanha que podemos escalar. O sucesso é algo que muitos têm conseguido aqui entre nós, por vezes com muito sacríficio e trabalho. Para isto desenvolvem novos hábitos que muitas vezes fazem a diferença. Não é fácil ser-se diferente nesta aldeia global tão competitive.Criatividade é o que determina essa diferença entre as pessoas, o resultado do trabalho,e o sucesso. A inovação duma empresa,a criação novos produtos,a modernização dos já existentes, a redução de custos,o melhoramento da distribuição, incremente o desenvolvimento profissional dos seus subordinados, a identificação das oportunidades, a simplificação dos processos,é parte do todo que constitui essa diferença. Através do desenvolvimento da imaginação, sensibilidade e intelecto, o empresário percebe as reais necessidades do homem e procura satisfazê-las. Esse é um processo que transforma os factos que por sua vez, transforma o mundo de cada empresa e não só. É grande o poder da transformação quando se tem a visão dum futuro melhor. Tenho a certeza que a Federação dos Empresários Portugueses se orgulha, e com muitas razões, do sucesso dos seus filiados. Parabéns à Federação e a esses que contribuiem para o progresso da sociedade portuguesa no Canadá. Liberal do Couto ? Choosing the Right Mortgage In today’s market, many customers are looking at variable rate solutions that are tied to the Prime rate, so that they can take advantage of current low rates. Today’s rates are good, yet they’re likely to move upward over the coming months. No one knows when or by how much. Some of us who presently have variable rate mortgages can become anxious about rising rates. Depending on the individual’s preference, consideration must be given to possibly converting to a fixed rate option. Depending on the institution, you may be able to keep both a variable and fixed rate component in your mortgage. This way, you have the best of both worlds. Fixed rate mortgages provide fewer options than variable rate mortgages but will give you peace of mind. These mortgages are likely closed. Should you decide to take advantage of the equity in your home by selling it, you may encounter a large penalty. Negotiate with your institution; there may be options available to help reduce the penalty. In today’s competitive market place, discounts are common. Discussing these options with your bank can prove to be of benefit to you in the long run. If a fixed rate mortgage is the preferred option for you, shop around carefully for the Right Rate Mortgage, options are numerous and benefits are plenty. Many times we find ourselves assisting our children with their first home. This is sometimes challenging as they likely may not have the required down payment. You will be pleased to know that there are options in the market place where you can obtain mortgage financing without having a down payment. It is wise to discuss these options with your bank and most importantly review all of the options available to you in the market place. Scholarship Application Deadline is September 15, 2003. Please visit our website at www.fpcbp.com for more information and application download 2 Luis M. Salvador Scotiabank FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 ? Scholarships: A Pioneering Event This year as we celebrate the 50th year of official Portuguese immigration to Canada, we honour many of the Pioneers. What many may not recall is that the Federation of Portuguese Canadian & Business Professionals pioneered the annual scholarship awards to students of Portuguese descent in this community. A project initiated 21 years ago has not only sustained itself but has increased the monetary awards as well as the number of beneficiaries each year. The scholarship program was started to provide assistance to students of Portuguese descent attending post secondary educational institutions. In the year 2000, it was extended to students attending the final year of secondary educational institutions. Hence, it now covers students in the final year of high school, undergraduate, postgraduate including doctoral candidates. needs to be done! The Committee is looking this year to redouble its efforts with the hopes of reaching many of our young professionals and young business members who have previously benefited from the scholarships. We will be approaching them with the view and hope that they will reattribute the good deeds thereby showing their gratitude, we invite members to canvass their colleagues either in the same professions or businesses towards possibly contributing jointly to a scholarship. Last year, as a result of efforts of some of our members, many of the lawyers practicing in the community jointly contributed to a scholarship. We are hoping that a similar effort can be undertaken among the other professionals as well as businesses. As evidence of our track record for the past 21 years, is the fact that there are many professionals and business people who are either practicing, carrying on business in our community and who at one time were beneficiaries of the Federation’s Scholarships. In the final analysis, the responsibility belongs to all members. The scholarships have always served as, a recognition of our youth but as an incentive for them to persevere in their scholastic pursuits. In order to sustain this Scholarship Program every year businesses and individuals are canvassed for donations by the Scholarship Committee composed of volunteers. These volunteers canvass major institutions, medium size companies and many individual small businesses. Growth can be attributed not only to the efforts of the volunteers but as well as to the generosity of many individuals. We have no doubt the efforts of volunteers coupled with the sustained commitment of corporate donors and the generosity of many individuals will continue. However, a lot more Finally, if you know of any students who are interested, invite them to visit our website at http://www.fpcbp.com for further information. At the site, students will also have an opportunity to download Application forms. (Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2003). Fernando D. Costa Co-Chair Scholarship Committee 2003 FPCBP Golf Tournament ? ... Come tame the Bear The Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business & Professionals is proud to announce the 2003 FPCBP Golf Tournament, which is scheduled for Tuesday July 8th, will be held at Whistle Bear Golf Club, one of Ontario’s most exciting new courses. Situated less than five minutes off the 401 Highway, on the outskirts of Cambridge, Whistle Bear is strategically placed to attract the Toronto area golfer who enjoys first-class service, a challenging championship length golf course, captivating scenery and a relaxing environment, that all make for a memorable day. The championship-length links style course is built over 178 acres of a 232-acre property, that Cabral and two partners, Carlos Da Silva and Arnold Van Winden purchased in May 1999. Cabral and his work crews, who have years of experience laying sewers and watermains in industrial and residential subdivisions, went to work in an exhausted 60-acre gravel pit and on rolling farmland to develop the course. In 2002, the realization of a dream opened to the public with rave reviews. “We’re going after the golfers who enjoy the experience of playing an Angus Glen, Lionhead or Wooden Sticks,’’ says Cabral, who specifically chose the location for its easy access to Canada’s busiest highway. We think it’s going to be a wonderful challenge, and a memorable day, for the many members and friends of the FPCBP FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 who enjoy golf at its finest. Their catch line is: “If you have ever wondered what it might be like to wrestle a bear, Whistle Bear Golf Club has come up with the next best thing – try taming one!” and we certainly are looking forward to it. If you would like to know more about Whistle Bear Golf Club, please go to their web site at: www.whistlebear.ca. Please call our office at (416) 537-8874, or e-mail to [email protected] to reserve your spot now. We look forward to seeing you there on the 8th. Joe Almeida Golf Committee Chairman, 2003 3 ? Lugar para Continuidade e em Novos Desafios Desde 1999, como Cônsul-Geral de Portugal em Toronto, o Dr. João Perestrello está em vias de terminar o seu mandato com a próxima missão apontada para Sidney. Face às exigências de um dos Postos de maior volume de trabalho e área de competência e dimensão da comunidade que lhe corresponde, o Dr. Perestrello sempre encarou, com grande ânimo, as múltiplas responsabilidades inerentes ao cargo, demonstrando a maior flexibilidade e abertura de espírito a qualquer desafio. A nível externo, preocupou-se com a afirmação dos clubes e associações portugueses do Ontário, despertando a permuta de interesses entre eles, visando uma maior coesão no seio da comunidade portuguesa para garantir, no contexto sócio-político, uma promoção do estatuto e representatividade da mesma. No campo profissional e empresarial sempre incentivou os jovens à formação profissional e diligenciou para que os empresários luso-canadianos manifestassem o seu potencial, realçando, na área do pro- A nível cultural e académico envolveu-se activamente na defesa e promoção da Língua e Cultura portuguesas, incentivando imensos projectos e campanhas, promovendo conferências e debates e a divulgação de autores e artistas. Politicamente, privilegiou as relações protocolares, estimulou a participação e representatividade política de luso-canadianos, quer a nível municipal e provincial, quer a nível federal e projectou a imagem dos portugueses dando-lhes maior visibilidade, face ao governo canadiano e, ainda, participou, com grande sucesso, na organização de várias visitas de entidades e membros do governo português, donde se destacou, em 2000, a Visita de Estado de S.Exª Senhor Presidente da República, Dr. Jorge Sampaio. Pioneiros e jovens lusitanos na inauguração do painel de azulejos portugueses, a 7 de Junho de 2003, em comemoração de 50 Anos de presença oficial portuguesa no Canadá. Um convite do TTC aos Profissionais e Empresários a abdicarem do seu carro e a libertarem-se da tensão do tráfico das horas de ponta, inspirando-se noutras rotas da nossa diáspora expostas na Estação de Metro do Queen’s Park, em Toronto. Foto gentilmente cedida pelo jornal “O Milénio” A nível interno, sempre encorajou a participação dos seus colaboradores, partilhando sugestões para a melhoria do serviço público, favorecendo melhores condições de trabalho (incluindo a criação de uma página na Internet – www.cgportugaltoronto.com – cuja recolha de informações lhe exigiu um árduo e crítico contributo) e formação com vista a um atendimento mais adequado, face às constantes e crescentes solicitações que se têm imposto por parte de uma comunidade, cuja participação e interesse têm vindo a aumentar significativamente. 4 fissionalismo, o papel essencial dos órgãos de Comunicação Social para a acreditação daquela capacidade. No aspecto social, muito contribuiu para a melhoria de condições prisionais dos detidos portugueses, oferecendo-lhes apoio e encorajamento personalizado, acalentando-lhes a esperança de um futuro melhor. Apoiou diversas associações de cariz social, nomeadamente de idosos, mulheres e, em geral, dos mais desfavorecidos, a par com a distinção e o reconhecimento aos membros do Clero nesta mesma acção. A destacar, ainda, a marca da presença oficial de 50 Anos de Emigração Portuguesa, recentemente inaugurada, através de um painel de azulejos que sugere a nossa diáspora, na Estação de Metro do Queen’s Park, em Toronto, que se deve ao contributo de vários artistas e entidades oficiais e, também, ao Dr. João Perestrello da qual foi acérrimo defensor e propulsor. O seu apoio foi incansável, denotando lucidez e perspicácia, oferecendo, de forma afável e oportuna, a sua solidariedade, juntamente com sua mulher, Jane Button Perestrello, que também acarinhou e atenuou este projecto de tão extraordinárias dimensões. Em nome de inúmeras pessoas que tiveram o privilégio de os conhecer ficam aqui expressos a gratidão e votos sinceros de sucesso pessoal e profissional para o novo Posto. Palmira Almeida FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 ? A Federação no Mês de Portugal A marcar as Bodas de Ouro da comunidade portuguesa no Canadá, a Federação Luso-Canadiana de Empresários e Profissionais organizou, quarta-feira, 18 de Junho do ano grande, um dos seus habituais jantares de trabalho. O objectivo principal era juntar alguns dos seus membros e convidados em torno da ideia de cantar Portugal e a História e Cultura do país. O mês de Junho foi declarado o Mês do Património Cultural Português em Toronto. Por isso, a Federação de Empresários e Profissionais Luso-Canadianos, cada vez mais ligada à comunidade a que pertence, entendeu ser a altura ideal para lançar uma “web page” - portugueseheritage.ca - dedicada à cultura portuguesa e à herança cultural de tanta gente que abriu o caminho às gerações agora a despontar. Uma “web page” que foi desenhada e concebida tecnicamente por Jose Freire, o Oficial Executivo da Federação, mas que continua na fase de construção. O projeto irá durar um ano e o produto final sera um local unico para a juventude usar e adquirirem toda informação sobre Portugal, e a comunidade Luso-Canadiana. Depois, era a apresentação de um livro que é produto de muita pesquisa, apoiada financeiramente pela Federação e pelo Ministério da Cidadania. O Exmo. Sr. Carl DeFaria esteve presente, interessando-se por todo o desenvolvimento das cerimónias promovidas pela Federação, agora, sob a direcção de Ermídio Alves, um presidente que tem estado à altura das circunstâncias numa organização como a Federação que assume, de há muito, a responsabilidade de representar a co- munidade em tarefas que têm a ver com o comércio e a indústria, bem como na apresentação, junto dos canadianos, da nossa forma de estar. perar em termos de conhecimento das nossas coisas. O ministro Carl DeFaria falou da comunidade portuguesa, agora a viver as suas Bodas de Ouro. Organização sem fins lucrativos, agora com 22 anos, a FPCBP tem vindo a organizar seminários, conferências e eventos, para além de apoiar com as bolsas de estudo criadas muitos estudantes de origem portuguesa. “Shared Histories, Across The Atlantic - The Story of Portuguese Canadians” é um livro a jeito de perspectiva canadiana escrito e concebido por Dra. Shehla Burney, professora da Queen’s University. O livro representa como que uma montagem de imagens e palavras, ideias e opiniões e abre caminhos aos que pretenderem estudar e pensar nos assuntos abordados. Como se diz na nota que seria para os estudantes, o livro dá factos e opiniões. Providencia os que se interessarem pelo assunto vários pontos de vista para que cada qual possa pensar pela sua própria cabeça. Inclui fotos antigas e modernas e alguns excertos de Jornais, Poesia, Ficção, bem como testemunhos de pessoas. De resto, há no livro uns lampejos da História de Portugal, sobretudo na sua componente relativa aos descobrimentos. Nas palavras proferidas logo no início, Ermídio Alves situou a acção, agradecendo a presença de quantos enchiam o salão do Europa Catering. José Freire falou sobre a Web Page e no muito que dela se pode es- FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 Na apresentação do livro, Dra. Shehla Burney deu conta dos trabalhos desenvolvidos, da forma como foi ao encontro dos factos apresentados. Para terminar houve um período de perguntas e respostas, a que se seguiu a distribuição do livro e autógrafos. Ela mencionou a sua gratidão à Federação pela sua apreciação entusiástica da sua pesquisa e escrita sobre a migração, a cultura, a identidade, e contribuições portuguesas, que foi projectada originalmente como uma pedagogia para estudantes ensinando sobre a sua cultura. Os esforços de FPCBP, nos detalhes o auxílio oportuno de José Freire, Nuno Ferreira e de Rita De Melo - em encontrar-se e completar dentro do prazo foi verdadeiramente impressionante. A FPCBP com sua visão através de lançamento da Web page (Portugueseheritage.ca) e do lançamento do livro "Através do Atlântico: A história de canadenses portugueses" é certamente, completamente comendável. É um testemunho às diásporas etnoculturais crescentes e à sua contribuição. Agradecimento: Obrigado ao Sol Português pela fotografia usada neste artigo. 5 ? Meeting for Action - Reunir Para Agir • A Project of the Portuguese-Canadian National Congress The Portuguese Canadian National Congress (the ‘Congress’) is a national organization that functions at local and national levels representing nearly 400,000 Canadians of Portuguese heritage to: • Provide a national voice to Portuguese-Canadians • Function as a consultative body, working with governments, communities and institutions to monitor legislation that affects our community • Assist in the preservation and promotion of our culture • Defend and protect the rights of Portuguese-Canadians • Assist Portuguese-Canadians to better participate and integrate in Canadian Society • Facilitate communication and cooperation between the Portuguese communities and other ethnic groups • Promote positive relations between Canada and Portugal Near the end of 2002, the Portuguese Canadian National Congress launched a two-year community-action project to implement the recommendations and directions outlined in its 1998 National Needs FPCBP Executive Officer ? José Carlos Freire Born in Aveiro, Portugal in 1962, he arrived in Canada in 1975. In 1982 he Graduated Secondary School with honors. In 1986 he graduated from University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science. His need for continuous development led him to Control Data Institute, where he graduated in 1987. He later attended the Toronto School of Business graduating in 1994, and most recently graduated from the Canadian Business College in 1998. Upon graduation from University of Toronto he joined a Downtown Brokerage Firm as an Office Administrator (1987-1991). He was offered an opportunity at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, under the ISAP Program, and he accepted a career at the Portuguese Social Service Center. He acted as Senior Settlement Counselor 6 Assessment study, “Portuguese-Canadians From Sea to Sea”*. The goal of the Meeting for Action/Reunir Para Agir project is to promote integration, capacity-building and the formation of government-community partnerships in the Portuguese-Canadian community through the organization of a series of regional roundtables in areas across Canada of high Portuguese-Canadian concentration, as well as a national policy and planning meeting to develop a coherent national policy and coordinating mechanisms for the projects identified during the regional roundtables. The roundtable meetings will bring Portuguese-Canadian community organizations and activists together with representatives of key government and other public-sector stakeholders, thereby providing an opportunity for these groups to learn about the results of the 1998 Needs Assessment, and facilitating a planning process that will allow community members to identify and formulate community action strategies that address the issues outlined in the Needs Assessment. In the end, the goal of each roundtable is to develop at least one community action project to address the issue of concern identified as priority for that community, be it (1991-1992), was promoted to ISAP Program Coordinator (1992-1999) and was also given the added responsibility of Administrative Assistant (1994-1999). Due to funding cuts to the ISAP Programs the PSSC closed and he joined the OM Corporation where he exercised the role of Executive Director (1999-2003). OM Corporation is a not-for-profit organization devoted to developing educational, information, and lifestyle management products, systems, and services based on evolving principles of organization and co-operation. They specialize in providing organizational design and support for charitable, community, and not-for-profit organizations. He believes that intention, or motive, is the most important factor determining quality of life and personal fulfillment. Similarly, the collective intentions of the members of a Federation must operate from a place of vision and due concern for its community and the environment. related to education, political and civic participation, preservation of Portuguese language and culture, integration into Canadian society, etc. The Congress is currently working with Volunteer Facilitators (and their Local Organizing Committees) to plan and deliver 10 Regional Roundtables from coast to coast: Halifax, Montreal, Sudbury, London, Toronto (2), Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Vancouver. To receive ongoing updates about the project (as well as other notices of interest to the national Luso-Canadian community), register your email address for Congress list. For more details, see http://ca.groups.yahoo.com/group/congresso_ list/. Other opportunities to learn more about the Congress and this project include: Novitas Newsletter – This newsletter is published on a quarterly basis and distributed to individuals and organizations across Canada. Featuring a lead article, submissions from Congress Executive, Directors, Delegates and Representatives (continued on page 7) He sees a need to achieve this balance, both within and outside of itself. He is a creative and visionary leader with passion for the development and growth of the Federation of Portuguese Canadian Businesses and Professionals. He is able to provide leadership in the development and implementation of programs, identifying and managing funding opportunities, policy and research development, communications/marketing, and assisting in the preparation and management of the Federation’s annual budget and sustaining effective Board relations. FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 (continued from page 6) Scotiabank (and others) from across the country, and News (new information and announcements) and Community Corner (stories from and of interest to Luso-Canadian communities). An upcoming issue will be devoted to the Regional Roundtables. ? Banking Products Worth Considering Maybe it is as simple as being able to check your account balance to see if you can cover an unexpected expense. Or confirm instantly that you’ve paid the water bill or made your mortgage payment. It means you can pay bills from the deck of your cottage, transfer funds when you’re traveling. Above all, these are great convenience tools that we can access and are sometimes hesitant to try. One thing is for sure, those who take the step and try these banking tools, we never go back to the old ways. Congress Website, www.congresso.ca – Includes: a) information on the history of the Congress, and its mission; b) a What’s New section that includes copies of Congress news releases, and other items of interest; c) Meeting for Action Project updates; d) an Events Calendar; e) Congress publications, including a downloadable copy of the National Needs Assessment, Portuguese Canadians from Sea to Sea (Nunes, 1998). Coming soon will be links to Canadian and international websites of interest to Portuguese-Canadian community, past and recent issues of the Congress newsletter, and more. It all starts with your bank card. The card that gives you access to all of your banking needs, regardless of where you are. Whether it is instant cash in Portugal or Vancouver, telephone or wireless banking. This is a must have in today’s banking world. Simply put, it identifies you as a customer and in most cases holds your electronic signature (pin). For more information about the Meeting for Action/Reunir Para Agir Project, contact: Ana Paula Almeida, Project Coordinator Maria Judas, Project Assistant With today’s fast paced society where credit is as valued as your health, it is important to keep your credit unblemished. Your credit history is used to qualify you for all of your credit needs. Many times a simple insignificant charge can prevent you from obtaining your dream home. Whether you need to rent a car, purchase a cellular phone, purchase furniture, and even open a bank 1081 Bloor Street West, Suite 300 Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1M6 Tel: 416-532-3233 • Fax: 416-532-8703 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] *A copy of this study (and executive summaries in English and Portuguese) can be accessed by visiting www.congresso.ca. account. Your credit will be reviewed and a decision on the pending relationship made based on your past credit history. As our population grows older and we find ourselves caring for our parents, it is good to know that we can get help from our financial institution. Through their Private Client Groups or Wealth Management Partners, they can arrange for wills, powers of attorney, estate management, tax preparation etc. The list is endless. It will give you peace of mind and time for your own busy lifestyle requirements. Investment services provide us with the opportunity to increase our returns based on the risk we are prepared to accept. Although many of us still like to keep our GIC’s (Guaranteed Investment Certificates), other options are available such as self managed accounts or accounts where a financial adviser will give you recommendations based on your needs and risk tolerance. Whether you decide to invest in bonds, stocks or mutual funds, there is room to improve your returns, yet maintain an acceptable risk level. Luis M. Salvador Scotiabank ? Women’s Council Gets a Makeover FPCBP has several committees, each with their own unique goals. This year we’ve reintroduced the Women’s council, whose mission is to engage women in the Portuguese community, bringing fresh ideas and several ambitious goals. First, we would like to promote the Women’s council and increase awareness among our community. Following that, we would like to organize a number of events. Some possibilities include a breast cancer fundraiser, a series of golf lessons exclusively for women and a networking session geared towards the career-oriented woman. However, before these events can get underway, there is some preparatory work that needs to be done. We need to gather support from FPCBP members and the overall Portuguese community. For those who are interested in participating, don’t let our name mislead you. Both men and women alike can become involved. We welcome volunteers to help us generate momentum, and afterwards to organize the events. We would also like to gauge how many women are interested in taking part in the Women’s council events. FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003 If you are interested in participating, would like to volunteer or just want to learn more about the Women’s council, please send an email to [email protected], and be sure to include your contact information. We look forward to hearing from you so that we may launch several successful events in the months to come! Kelly Da Fonseca, Director and Women’s Council Committee Chair 7 Avelino Fonseca, Ana Paula Gois-Oliveira, Ermidio Alves, Alda Neves, Richard Pereira, Rita de Melo, Joseph Almeida, Luis Salvador, Paul de Melo, Paulo Rocha. Absent: Hélder Gomes, Kelly da Fonseca. 8 FPCBP NEWSLETTER - SPRING/SUMMER 2003