Exmo Sr - IBC Care


Exmo Sr - IBC Care
Iº Congresso Internacional
de Osteopatia
em Lisboa
Ist International Congress
of Osteopathy
in Lisbon
anos years
de Ensino de Osteopatia
of Education of Osteopathy
12-13 Fevereiro 2011
12-13 February 2011
O Evento
On the Event
É o maior evento internacional de Osteopatia que irá
ocorrer em Portugal, reunindo a comunidade técnica e
científica da área da Osteopatia, proporcionando um
maior intercâmbio de conhecimentos e experiências,
além de oferecer uma excelente oportunidade para
ver o Museu de Still com os históricos documentos da
vida de Still.
Em 2011, o Iº Congresso Internacional de Osteopatia
em Portugal irá consolidar o sucesso do ensino da
Osteopatia em Portugal.
The event is the largest international event on
Osteopathy held in Portugal; it brings together the
technical and scientific community in the Osteopathic
area, providing a great exchange of knowledge and
experiences as well as generating excellent
opportunities to see the Still National Osteopathic
Museum with the historic documents.
In 2011, the Ist International Congress of Osteopathy
in Portugal will be held, consolidating the Osteopathic
Education´s success in Portugal.
A expectativa é de 200 participantes entre instituições
de ensino, investigadores, profissionais e alunos de
About 200 participants are expected among which
there will be Institutions of teaching in Osteopathy,
researchers and also professionals and students
involved in studies on Osteopathy.
A programação do evento incluirá: conferências, mesa
redonda, painéis, apresentação de trabalhos técnicos.
Em paralelo está a exibição de documentos e
informações do STILL National Ostepathic Museum da
A.T.Still University de Kirksville ( USA)
ITS – Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde
Colégio para Formação de Osteopatas
Comité Organizador
Prof. Dr. M.A.Borges de Sousa
Secretário do Evento Dr.Ricardo Cristóvão
Secretária geral
Ana Paula Guimarães
Comité Científico
Dr Sérgio Lucena
Vice Presidente: Dr Jorge Indivéri
Dr N.Costa Pinto
Tradutora Dra. Rita Benamor, Osteopata
The program will include: conferences, round table,
panels, and technical work presentations.
Parallel to the event, there will also Exhibition the
documents and inquiries of STILL National
Osteopathic Museum. – A.T.Still University – Kirksville
ITS – Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde
Organizing Commitee
Prof Dr M.A.Borges de Sousa
Event Secretary Dr Ricardo Cristovão
Ana Paula Guimarães
Scientific Committe
Dr Sergio Lucena
Dr Jorge Indiveri
Dr N.Costa Pinto
Dra. Rita Benamor,
Com a Colaboração - With Colaboration:
STILL National Osteopathic Museum da
A.T.Still University - Kirksville ( USA ) ;
John Wernham College of Classical Osteopaty,
Maidstone ( England);
Associazione Italiana Osteopatia Classica
Upledger Institute ( Portugal)
Local - Place :
Praça Martim Moniz, nº.2 –Baixa – 1100-341
Telf. + 351 218 842 000
Email: [email protected]
Preço por noite:
Quarto 1 pessoa 72 Euros
Quarto 2 pessoas 77 Euros
Pequeno almoço e IVA incluído
Reservas: [email protected]
Sobre o Hotel
O Hotel Mundial possui uma das maiores áreas de eventos em Lisboa, com excelente localização no centro
de Lisboa, com um charme, requinte e muito conforto. O Hotel Mundial oferece um óptimo ambiente para
os hóspedes e congressistas para desfrutar o melhor da capital portuguesa.
On the Hotel
The Hotel Mundial offers the largest area for events in the private sector in Lisbon, with an excellent
Location in the center of Lisbon, at the shops and 20 minutes from the airport. With charm,
refinement and a lot of comfort. The Hotel Mundial offers a practical approach
for guests and members of Congress to enjoy the best of the Portuguese capital.
Price per night
To book a room, call directly to the Hotel
Individual room 72 Eur.
Twin room 77 Eur.
Breakfast and VAT enclose
[email protected]
On the City
Lisbon is a legendary city with over 20 centuries of History is a party delight, relaxation all day long. You may enjoy
nice days, boasting springtime temperatures in February and unforgettable invitation for a walk along the town.
Lisbon is famous for its monuments as the Historic Tower to Belem. Built in 1514 to commemorate Vasco da Gama´s
famous Sea-voyage to India; and the Monastery Jeronimos; Royal Coaches Museum.
The Alfama is one of the oldest quarters in Lisbon. Since it largely survived the earthquake of 1755, the area still
retains much of its original layout. Adjacent to the Alfama are the likewise old quarters of Castle and Mouraria, on the
western and northern slopes of the hill that is crowned by St. George's Castle. Every year in June, the streets of all
three quarters come alive with the feasts in honor of the popular saints. The Graça quarter and the churches of São
Vicente de Fora and Santa Engrácia are within walking distance of this area. Radiant skies brighten the monumental
city, with its typical tile covered building facades and narrow Medieval streets, where one can hear the fado being
played, and sung at night.
Bairro Alto is a picturesque working class quarter dating from 16thCentury that has traditionally been the city´s
bohemian haunt of artists and writers.
Connected to Lisbon by the scenic seaside road called the 'Marginal', Cascais, Estoril and Oeiras are considered the
more affluent suburbs of Lisbon, sporting their own beaches and coastal walkway. A short 25 km drive along the A5
motorway also links these areas to the centre of Lisbon and its international airport in less than 30 minutes (outside
peak hours)
Cascais, a picturesque former fishermen's village, and nearby Estoril, with nice Casino, were used as a summer
retreat by the nobility for centuries. They were also the havens of many kings and aristocrats exiled during the 20th
Sintra - In the center stands the National Palace, with its beautiful painted rooms and huge pair of conical chimneys,
the Village's ex-libris. Other palaces: Pena, Seteais (18th century and currently a luxurious hotel) and Monserrate,
renowned for its gardens and water courses. The churches of São Martinho (Romanesque origin), Santa Maria
(Roman-Gothic) and São Pedro of Penaferrim (15th - 16th Centuries.
Lisbon offers a variety of restaurants, with a vast cuisine of typical plates and sea foods with the bests Portuguese
Congress Programme – after the Portuguese programme
Oradores Internacionais
International Speakers
Doutorando Jason Haxton, a fazer a tese de Doctorate through the A T Still University ,USA.
doutoramento na ATSill University.
Director do Museu Nacional de Still da A.T.Still
University – Kirksville (USA). É um investigador,
Alemanha, Rússia, Inglaterra, Austrália, Canadá,
Espanha e agora virá a Portugal.
Director of the Still National Osteopathic Museum,
Kirksville. It is a research, makes several
international trips each year – Germany, Russia,
UK, Australia, Canada, Spain and now Portugal.
M.Walter Lieweollyn McKone, D.O., Com Osteopath, with 15 years of sports clinical.15 anos de prática de Clinica desportiva.com 5
publicações editadas, com especial destaque para
:Osteopathic Athletic Health Care: Princípios e
Prática, Chapman &Hall Edit, Londres
Fez parte do departamento Clínico-Osteopático nos
Budweiser British American Football League,
Greenwich Rams American Football Team,
Haringery Rugby Football Club e no Ballet
Schule,Altenburg Alemanha.
5 publication books being one the Osteopathic
Athletic Health Care: Principles and Practice,
Chapman & Hall, London.
He served as a staff of osteopath practitioners in
sport clubs::
Budweiser British American Football League,
Greenwich Rams American Football Team,
Haringery Rugby Football Club and Ballet Schule,
Altenburg, Germany
Dr. Jamie Archer, Osteopata
Osteopath, Master Degree in Applied Clinical
Anatomy at Keele University´s Medical School
Researcher in Manipulative Methods, he wrote
several articles on osteopathy published in the
American Academy of Osteopathy Journal ,USA
He has run several Workshops in the UK and
Europe, as well as speaking at the A.T.Still
University in Kirksville.
Mestre em Anatomia aplicada à clínica pela Keele
Investigador dos métodos manipulativos com
diversos trabalhos publicados no Jornal da
American Academy of Osteopathy. - USA
Tem feito diversos workshops na Inglaterra e
Europa, como também palestras na Universidade de
Still em Kirksville, Estados Unidos.
Dra. Cristina Gioja,
Osteopata, Professora na Academia Superior di
Medicina Osteopatica (Roma).Directora de Estudos
da “Associazione Italiana Osteopatia Clássica”.
Em Junho de 2010 apresentou um trabalho de
investigação no II Congresso Nacional de Medicina
Osteopática em Roma
Osteopath, Teacher at the Academia Superiore di
Medicina Osteopathica (Roma), Director of Studies
of the Associazione Italiana Osteopatia Clássica.
On June 2010, She presented a clinical study to the
II National Congress in Osteopathic Medicine in
Roma .
Dra. Ilma Aparecida de Souza,
Especialista em Osteopatia pela Faculdade de Specialist in Osteopathy at Faculdade de Ciências
Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais (Brasil).
Médica de Minas Gerais (Brasil).
Mestre em Saúde Pública
Master in Health Public.
Dr. Francisco Toscano,
B.Sc(Hon) in Osteopathic Medicine.
Director de Estudos do The John Wernham
College of Classical Osteopathy & Clinic
Maidstone /England.
B.Sc(Hon) in Osteopathic Medicine,
Director of Studies of The John Wernham College
of Classical Osteopathy & Clinic - Maidstone
Dra. Iona Bramati Castellari
Currently undertaking a PhD degree at University of
Westminster/ British College of Osteopathic
Medicine in collaboration with King’s College
Hospital – London.
Worked at the Osteopathic Centre for Children –
She is currently a guest lecturer at the British
College of Osteopathic Medicine teaching
Paediatrics to 3rd year students.
.B..Sc(Hons) in Osteopathic Medicine.
Doutoranda na Universidade de Westminster
/British College of Osteopathic Medicine com a
colaboração do King´s College Hospital - Londres.
Trabalhou no Osteopathic Center for Children em
Londres.Actualmente Professora de Pediatria no
British College of Osteopathic Medicine ensinando
alunos do 3º ano .
Tradução Simultânea
Sábado 12 Fevereiro 2011
8h30 Registo dos participantes
9h00 Acto de Abertura – Prof.Dr.Borges de Sousa, Presidente do Comité Organizador
9h15 A descoberta da Medicina Osteopática e o seu desenvolvimento
Prof. Dr Jason Haxton - Investigador e director do Museu Nacional de Still da A. T. Still
University – Kirksville (USA)
10h15 Caso Clínico – “Graves - Basedow disease” Apresentado no IIº National Congress
in Osteopathic Medicine (Roma-Italia)
Dra. Cristina Gioja - Osteopata, Professora na Academia Superiore di Medicina
Osteopatica (Roma)
11h 00 Intervalo. Café, Sumos e bolos – visita ao STILL MUSEUM e outros Stands
11h30 Caso Clínico - Aplicação da Osteopatia Craniana na Lanringomalacia
Dra. Ilma Aparecida de Souza , Especialista em Osteopatia pela Faculdade de
Ciência Médicas de Minas Gerais (Brasil)
12,15 A Osteopatia e a Legislação Portuguesa
Dra. Maria João Lupi, Doutoranda em Gestão de Saúde, Administradora da
Administração Regional de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo
, Professora de Bioética no ITS
13h Intervalo para almoço
14h00 Clínica Osteopática – Métodos Manipulativos de Still
Dr. Jamie Archer, Osteopata, Mestre em Anatomia aplicada à clínica pela Keele University´s
15:00 Osteopatia Visceral no
Medical School (England)
Investigador dos métodos manipulativos com diversos trabalhos
publicados pela American Academy of Osteopathy .(USA).
tratamento das crianças autistas: resultados preliminares de
Dra. Iona Bramatri Castellarin , B.Sc.(Hon) Osteopathic Medicine,
Doutoranda na Universidade de Westminster /British College of
Osteopathic Medicine com a colaboração do King´s College
Hospital - Londres. Trabalhou no Osteopathic Center for Children
Londres. Actualmente Professora de Pediatria no British College
of Osteopathic Medicine ensinando alunos do 3º ano .
16h00 A Osteopatia Clássica e John Wernham (aluno de Littlejohn)
Dr. Francisco Toscano, B.Sc(Hon) in Osteopathic Medicine, Director de estudos do
The John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy & Clinic - Maidstone
17h00 WORKSHOP para os participantes que se inscreveram para este Workshop
Lesões no Joelho nos desportistas e tratamento osteopático
M.Walter Lieweollyn McKone, D.O.
American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine (USA)
Football Association Medical (UK)
Scientific and Medical Network (UK)
International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists (UK & D)
in Manipulative Sports Medicine to GPs at the Royal London Hospital
Sports Medicine and Influenza at Osteopathie Schule Deutschland, Germany
Com 15 years de Clínica Desportiva.
5 publication books being one the Osteopathic Athletic Health Care: Principles and Practice, Chapman & Hall,
Integrou a equipa de Osteopatas nos clubes:
Budweiser British American Football League, Greenwich Rams American Football Team, Haringery Rugby
Football Club and Ballet Schule, Altenburg, Germany
Dia 12 de Fevereiro de 2011
das 17h às 20h (a seguir ao terminar as sessões do Congresso)
Hotel Mundial de Lisboa
Só para os participantes do
Iº.Congresso Internacional de Osteopatia em Portugal
Que tenham feito a sua inscrição para este Workshop
Máximo de participantes 20
Preço para o Workshop 50 Euros
Domingo 13 Fevereiro 2011
9h30 A Importância da Osteopatia no Desporto
Prof. José Talefe Licenciado em Educação Física, Osteopata ( Univer.Lusíada ),
Especialista em Osteopatia Desportiva pela Academia Espanhola
de Osteopatia. Professor de Biomecânica do ITS.
10h15 Sindroma do Túnel do Tarso e os efeitos psicológicos nas bailarinas e desportistas
Dr. Ricardo Telles de Freitas, médico, especialista em Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Clinico no Hospital da CUF Lisboa
Clínico no Centro Nacional de Medicina Desportiva
Clínico na Companhia Nacional de Bailado
Florência Beatriz A. Siciliano, Bailarina profissional da Companhia Nacional de Bailado.
Com o curso do Instituto Superior de Artes do Teatro Cólon
11h00 Cerimónia da entrega de insígnias e títulos D.O.(Diploma em Osteopatia)
aos participantes que tenham concluído a formação em Osteopatia do ITS
12h30 Almoço para todos os oradores e participantes.
14h30 A Osteopatia nas Lesões Desportivas
M.Walter Lieweollyn McKone, D.O., Investigador e membro do Conselho Médico
Com 15 anos na prática desportiva nas equipas de futebol americano.
È autor de cinco obras e co-autor de outras quatro.
Foi conferencista no 7º Simpósio International de Osteopatia realizado em
Lousanne – Suiça, em 2010.
15h30 A Importância da Articulação Temporomandibular (ATM) em Clínica
Dr. José Campos, B.Sc in Osteopathy, Director do Upledger Institute em Portugal
Mesa Redonda – Tema:
A Regulamentação da Osteopatia pela Direcção Geral dos Serviços de Saúde
Dr Germinal de Matos – Licenciado em Medicina, com 25 anos de experiencia clínica em
Medicinas Não Convencionais.
Faz parte da Comissão para a Regulamentação das Terapias Não
Convencionais pela Direcção Geral dos Serviços de Saúde.
Dr.Augusto Henriques - B.Sc(Hon) in Medicine Osteopathic (UK)
Representante dos Osteopatas na Comissão para a Regulamentação da
Dr. Joaquim Neto Médico, especialista em Fisiatria.
Com 30 anos de experiência em Clínica Fisiátrica
Estudioso das Medicinas Não Convencionais
Moderador: Dr. N. da Costa Pinto, B.Sc.in Osteopathy, Master em Psicologia Sofrológica
17horas - Encerramento do Congresso
Simultaneous Translation Saturday 12 February 2011
8h 30
Participants´ registration
9h 00
Opening Ceremony – Prof.Dr.Borges de Sousa – President of the Organizing Committee
Discovery of Osteopathic Medicine, Still´s life and growth of the first school of
Osteopathic Medicine.
Prof. Dr Jason Haxton Researcher and Director of Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville USA
“Graves- Basedow disease” A clinical case - paper presented on June 2010 at the
IIº National Congress in Osteopathic Medicine (Roma-Italia)
Dra Cristina Gioja –Osteopath, Teacher at the Academia Superiore di Medicina Osteopatica
11h 00
Coffee Break - Exhibition of the STILL MUSEUM and visit of the Stands
Case Clinics - Application of Cranial Osteopathy in the Lanringomalacia
Dra Ilma Aparecida de Souza, Osteopath at Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas
Gerais (Brasil)
12h15 Ethics of osteopathic practice and Legislation in Portugal
Dra Maria João Lupi, PhD student in Health Care management.
Administrator of the Management Health Service.
Teacher of Bioethics at the ITS - Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde.
13h00 Lunch time
Osteopatic Clinics – Manipulative Methods
Dr. Jamie Archer, Osteopath, Master Degree in Applied Clinical Anatomy at Keele
University´s Medical School (England).
Researcher has written many articles on osteopathy being
published in the American Academy of Osteopathy USA
15h Osteopathy Visceral in children with autism: preliminary results of the research will be
Dra Iona Bramati Castellarin, B.Sc(Hon) in Osteopathic Medicine
Currently undertaking a PhD degree at University of Westminster/ British
College of Osteopathic Medicine in collaboration with King’s College
Hospital – London. Worked at the Osteopathic Centre for Children .
She is currently a guest lecturer at the British College of Osteopathic
Medicine teaching Paediatrics to 3rd year students
16h Classical Osteopathy and John Wernham
Dr. Francisco Toscano, B.Sc(Hon) in Osteopathic Medicine, Director of Studies of The John
Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy & Clinic (Maidston
17h15 – 20h Workshop exclusively to Congress participants who enrolled in this
Knee Injuries and Ostepathic treatment
M.Walter Lieweollyn McKone, D.O.
American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine (USA)
Football Association Medical (UK)
Scientific and Medical Network (UK)
International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists (UK & D)
in Manipulative Sports Medicine to GPs at the Royal London Hospital
Sports Medicine and Influenza at Osteopathie Schule Deutschland, Germany
with 15 years of sports osteopathic clinic.
5 publication books being one the Osteopathic Athletic Health Care: Principles and Practice, Chapman & Hall,
Integrou a equipa de Osteopatas nos clubes:
Budweiser British American Football League, Greenwich Rams American Football Team, Haringery Rugby
Football Club and Ballet Schule, Altenburg, Germany
12 of February 2011
17h - 20h
Hotel Mundial de Lisboa
Only to congress participants with workshop registration
Iº.Congresso Internacional de Osteopatia em Portugal
Participants 20
Price : Workshop 50 Euros
Sunday 13 February 2011
The importance of Osteopathy in Sport
Prof. José Talefe, Degree in Physical Education, Osteopath (Univer.Lusíada),
Teacher of Biomechanics at the ITS-Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde
10h15 Talus Syndrome and psychological effects on the Ballet-Dancers and Sportsmen .
Dr.Ricardo Telles de Freitas, Physician, Orthopedist-Traumatologist
Clinical in Hospital CUF Lisbon
Clinical Sports Medicine and Clinical in Ballet National Company Lisbon
Florência Beatriz A. Siciliano, Professional ballet-dancer at Companhia Nacional de
Bailado. Degree at Instituto Superior de Artes do Teatro Cólon
11h15 Ceremony of presentation of the D.O. - diploma in Osteopathy, the finalists
of the course of the ITS - Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde
12h30 Lunch for all speakers and participants of the Congress .
Osteopathy and Sports Injuries
M.Walter Lieweollyn McKone, D.O.,
Member of Scientific and Medical Network (UK). For 15 years Walter has been
involved in osteopathy in American football in the USA and Europe, in rugby
and iballet in the former Eastern Germany. He has published 5 books and
contributed to 4 other 4 books. In 2001 became the clinical practitioner at the
Children’s Clinic at the B.S.O. Walter lectures internationally in philosophy,
sports medicine, pediatrics, psychology, and manipulative
medicine in Germany, Holland, Poland and Italy
15h30 The significance of Osteopathy in the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Dr José Campos, B.Sc in Osteopathy, Director of Upledger Institute in Portugal
Round Table – Topic:
The Regulation of Osteopathy by the National Health Service
Dr Germinal de Matos – physician, elected to the Commission for regulation of
Unconventional Therapies by the Department of National Health Service.
Dr. Augusto Henriques, B.Sc(Hon) in Medicine Osteopathic (UK).
Osteopaths representative of the Commission for the Regulation of
the Osteopathy.
Dr Joaquim Neto, Physician, Specialist in Physiatric Medicine
Moderator: Dr Costa Pinto, B.Sc,in Osteopathy, Master Degree in Psychology
End of the Congress
Faça a sua Inscrição
Enrol here
O 1º Congresso Internacional de Osteopatia a
realizar de 12 a 13 de Fevereiro de 2011, é o
maior Evento de Osteopatia em Portugal
The Ist International Congress of Osteopathy
to be held on 12 and 13 February 2011 is a
larger event of Osteopathy in Portugal
Alunos do ITS
60 Euros
Finalistas do curso de Osteopatia (a) 100 Euros
Ex-alunos do ITS
100 Euros
WORKSHOP das 17 às 20h dia 12
50 Euros
(a) Entrega das insígnias e Diplomas D.O
Osteopathic Students
Workshop 17h – 20h
Os preços incluem :
Fee include :
Participação em todas as sessões, excepto no Workshop
Entrada no Museu e Stands
Pasta do congresso
Programa do Gongresso
Certificado de presença
Almoço de Domingo dia 13Fevereiro
Transferência bancária ou cheque
Banco: BPI
NIB 001000007467960000153
Admission to all sessions, except the Workshop
Entrance to the STILL Museum and Stands
Congress bag
Congress programme
Lunch – Sunday – 13 of February
Bank Transfer
Our Bank: BPI Lisbon
Account nº.0-7467960/000/001
ITS – 213 304 698 / 216 092 085
E-mail: [email protected]
First name
Transferência.bancaria ou cheque nº.
Bank Transfer nº.
Pretendo inscrever-me no Workshop (50 euros mais inscrição no congresso)
60 Euros
200 Euros
50 Euros