Kids` help 6º ano
Kids` help 6º ano
K Verb to be (Present Simple) Set 0 Grammar (Verbo Ser ou Estar) Plural Singular Affirmative (Afirmativa) Full form Short form I am You are Negative (Negativa) Interrogative (Interrogativa) Full form Short form I ’m You ’re I am not You are not I ’m not You aren’t Am I? Are you? He is She is It is He ’s She ’s It ’s He is not She is not It is not He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t Is he? Is she? Is it? We are You are They are We ’re You ’re They ’re We are not You are not They are not We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t Are we? Are you? Are they? Affirmative Negative I am. Yes, he / she / it is. you / we / they are. They are. Short answers No, I ’m not. he / she / it isn’t. you / we / they aren’t. They aren’t. Verb to have got (Verbo Ter) Affirmative (Afirmativa) Plural Singular Full form Negative (Negativa) Short form Full form Short form Interrogative (Interrogativa) I have got I ’ve got I have not got I haven’t got You have got You ’ve got You have not got You haven’t got Have I got? Have you got? He has got She has got It has got Has he got? Has she got? Has it got? He ’s got She ’s got It ’s got He has not got She has not got It has not got He hasn’t got She hasn’t got It hasn’t got We have got We ’ve got We have not got We haven’t got Have we got? You have got You ’ve got You have not got You haven’t got Have you got? They have got They’ve got They have not got They haven’t got Have they got? Short answers Have you got glasses? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Has she got red hair? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. 1 K Indefinite articles: a/an Set 0 Grammar (Artigos g indefinidos: a/an) a an It’s a skirt. This is an umbrella. Hey you! a Apenas para nomes iniciados por uma consoante ou um u com o som /ju/. a table a uniform anan Apenas para nomes iniciados d s por uma vogal ou por um h mudo. an apple an hour Precisamos do artigo indefinido com os nomes das profissões no singular. Thomas is a teacher. Tina is an engineer. Definite article: the (Artigo definido: the) Singular The (o, a) The coat is on the chair. The skirt is beautiful. Plural The (os, as) The umbrellas are near the door. The socks are white and blue. Não precisamos de artigos definidos com: Nomes das refeições Línguas Jogos e desportos Dias da semana e meses Países (exceto: the United States) Breakfast is ready. I like English. I like football. I was born in July. France is a beautiful country. ando falamos em geral. Não precisamos de artigos quando Children are always playing.. I love flowers. 2 K Possessive case: ’s Set 0 Grammar (Caso possessivo: ’s) O ’s exprime posse. It’s Jenny’s CD. Nouns (sing.) (Nomes – sing.) Nouns (plural) (Nomes – plural) Things (Coisas) ’s Adam’s address. James’s books. ’s / ’ The men’s cars. The boys’ dog. of Hey you! Com nomes no plural o s desaparece, mas conservamos o apóstrofo. my friends’ house Com plurais irregulares The garden of the house. precisamos do s. Women’s clothes. Com nomes próprios acabados em -s precisamos do s. James’s address. Mr Stevens’s car. Whose (De quem?) q Para perguntar de quem é, usamoss Whose. Whose dress is this? It’s my mother’s dress. Or: It’s my mother’s. Whose books are these? They’re my brother’s books.. Or: They’re my brother’s. Possessive adjectives / Possessive pronouns Plural Singular (Determinantes possessivos / Pronomes possessivos) Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns (Determinantes possessivos) (Pronomes possessivos) My Your (meu, minha, meus, minhas) His Her Its (seu, sua, seus, suas) Our Your Their (nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas) (teu, tua, teus, tuas) (seu, sua, seus, suas) Mine (meu, minha, meus, minhas) Yours (teu, tua, teus, tuas) His Hers (seu, sua, seus, suas) (seu, sua, seus, suas) (seu, sua, seus, suas) (vosso, vossa, vossos, vossas) (seu, sua, seus, suas) Ours (nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas) Yours (vosso, vossa, vossos, vossas) Theirs (seu, sua, seus, suas) 3 K Present Simple Grammar Set 1 Form Negative (Negativa) Affirmative Plural Singular (Afirmativa) Full form Interrogative (Interrogativa) Short form I You play play I do not play You do not play He She It plays plays plays He does not play He doesn’t play She does not play She doesn’t play It does not play It doesn’t play Does he play? Does she play? Does it play? We do not play You do not play They do not play Do Do Do We play You play They play Short answers I don’t play You don’t play Do Do We don’t play You don’t play They don’t play Affirmative Na 3.a pessoa do singular acrescenta-se sempre s ou es ao verbo. Verbos terminados em -o, -ch, -sh, -ss, -x levam -es. go goes watch watches wash washes kiss kisses mix mixes Quando os verbos terminam em consoante + y, a letra -y muda para -i e acrescenta-se -es. copy copies we play? you play? they play? Negative Yes, I / you / we / they do. he / she / it does. Affirmative (Afirmativa) I play? you play? No, I / you / we / they don’t. he / she / it doesn’t. Negative (Negativa) Interrogative (Interrogativa) Precisamos do verbo auxiliar to do (don’t / doesn’t). He doesn’t go. She doesn’t play. They don’t study. Precisamos do verbo auxiliar to do (do / does). Do they study? Does she play? Does he go? Errado! X s. es He doesn’t goe s. l ys She doesn’t play X X s? es Does he goe s? l Does she playys X Use O Present Simple é usado para descrever rotinas diárias e ações habituais. He gets up at 7.30 every day. They usually go to the cinema at the weekend. 4 K Adverbs of frequency Grammar Set 0 (Advérbios de frequência) Os advérbios de frequência indicam-nos com que frequência uma ação é realizada. never sometimes often usually always They always do their homework before watching TV. She often visits her grandparents. ts. Os advérbios de frequência colocam-se antes do verbo . We + sometimes + play. Negativa: We don’t + often + go Interrogativa: Does she + always + get up Afirmativa: + to the cinema. + at seven o’clock? Com o verbo to be, o advérbio coloca-se depois do verbo. She is always on time. Personal pronouns Singular (Pronomes pessoais – sujeito/complemento) Object form (Sujeito) (Complemento) I You (eu) He She (ele) It Plural Subject form (tu) (ela) (ele/ela – para coisas e animais) We (nós) You (vós) They (eles/elas) Me You (me, mim, migo) Him Her (se, si, sigo) It (te, ti, tigo) (se, si, sigo) (ele/ela – para coisas e animais) Us (nos, nosco) You (vos, vosco) Them (se, si, sigo) 5 K Plurals of nouns Set 1 Grammar (Plural dos nomes) Nomes terminados em Regra geral -o, -s, -sh, -ch, -x singular name + s book table singular name + es books tables hero glass brush watch box heroes glasses brushes watches boxes Nomes terminados em Nomes terminados em vogal + y consoante + y singular name + s singular name - y + ies boy boys lady ladies Nomes irregulares Nomes só no plural child man woman person tooth foot glasses* trousers jeans scissors children men women people teeth feet *Quando significa óculos. There + to be (Present Simple) Interrogative (Interrogativa) Singular Negative (Negativa) There is (There’s) a canteen downstairs. There is not (There isn’t) a canteen downstairs. Is there a canteen downstairs? (Há) (Não há) (Há?) Plural Affirmative (Afirmativa) There are some students outside. There are not (There aren’t) any students outside. Are there any students outside? (Há) (Não há) (Há?) Prepositions of place (Preposições p ç de lugar) g on next to on the left on the right between in under behind sobre perto de Hey you! some any Afirmativa = alguns/algumas Interrogativa = alguns? / algumas? Negativa = nenhuns/nenhumas à esquerda à direita entre dentro debaixo de/por baixo atrás de in front of em frente de opposite do lado oposto 6 K Present Continuous Grammar Set 1 Form Affirmative (Afirmativa) Plural Singular Full form I You Short form am eating are eating He is She is It is Verb to be (Present Simple) What are you doing? I ’m eating You ’re eating eating eating eating He ’s eating She ’s eating It ’s eating We are eating You are eating They are eating We ’re eating You ’re eating They ’re eating I am eating. Use O Present Continuous usa-se para descrever ações que estão a acontecer no momento em que se fala. Now… At the moment… Negative (Negativa) Plural Singular Full form + verb + ing Interrogative (Interrogativa) Short form I am not eating You are not eating I ’m not eating You aren’t eating Am I eating? Are you eating? He is not eating She is not eating It is not eating He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t Is Is Is We are not eating You are not eating They are not eating We aren’t eating You aren’t eating They aren’t eating eating eating eating Are we eating? Are you eating? Are they eating? Affirmative Short answers he eating? she eating? it eating? Negative I am. Yes, he / she / it is. you / we / they are. No, I’m not. he / she / it isn’t. you / we / they aren’t. Present Simple / Present Continuous Present Simple Usamos o Present Simple para descrever rotinas diárias e ações habituais. Present Continuous Usamos o Present Continuous para descrever ações que estão a acontecer agora, no momento em que se está a falar. Adverbs and adverbials Adverbs and adverbials (Advérbios e expressões temporais) (Advérbios e expressões temporais) never sometimes often always… now at the moment… 7 K Question tags Set 1 Grammar Form Forma-se a question tag com o verbo da oração principal se se tratar do verbo to be, to have got ou de um modal verb. She is pretty, isn’t she? Forma-se a question tag com o verbo auxiliar conjugado no tempo verbal em que se encontra o verbo da oração principal (à exceção dos verbos to be, to have got e modal verbs). Bill goes to school by bus, doesn’t he? Substitui-se sempre o sujeito pelo pronome pessoal correspondente. Use Usamos as question tags para confirmarmos o que dissemos na oração principal. Present Simple Affirmative (Afirmativa) Negative (Negativa) Sam is a good student, isn’t she? Bill and Sam aren’t at school, are they? You have got a new car, haven’t you? We don’t work in London, do we? Bill goes to school by bus, doesn’t he? Sam doesn’t like coke, does she? Present Continuous Affirmative (Afirmativa) Alison is reading, isn’t she? Negative (Negativa) Simon isn’t helping his mother, is he? Sam and Bill are studying, aren’t they? Sam and I aren’t watching TV, are we? Past Simple Affirmative (Afirmativa) Negative (Negativa) They went on a trip, didn’t they? They didn’t know what to say, did they? Sam ran to school, didn’t she? Sam didn’t see the traffic sign, did she? Statement She is 10 years old, He gets up at 7, They drank water, Statement Tag – Negative isn’t she? doesn’t he? didn’t they? Tag – Affirmative She isn’t very tired, is she? She doesn’t like orange, does she? Hey you! Quando a oração principal está na afirmativa, a question tag fica na negativa. Quando a oração principal está na negativa, a question tag fica na afirmativa. They didn’t have pizza, did they? 8 K Grammar Set 2 Comparatives and superlatives Comparatives (Comparativo) Short adjectives: adjective one syllable + -er than han + Bill is taller than Simon. two syllables ending in -y X X happy y merry ry happier than merrier than Long adjectives: most two syllables three or more syllables more adjective + + than My house is more modern than your house. The armchair is more comfortable than the chair. Superlatives (Superlativo) Short adjective: the one syllable adjective + + -est Mrs Harris is the nicest teacher in my school. two syllables ending in -y X X easy sy the easiest pretty ty the prettiest Long adjectives: most two syllables three or more syllables the most + adjective This is the most expensive bike in the shop. Hey you! Pay attention to the spelling of some adjectives: Irregular comparatives and superlatives big – bigger than / the biggest thin – thinner than / the thinnest fat – fatter than / the fattest happy – happier than / the happiest easy – easier than / the easiest dirty – dirtier than / the dirtiest (Comparativos e superlativos irregulares) Adjective Good Bad Comparative Superlative better than Her composition is better than my composition. the best This is the best club in the school! worse than Your party is worse than my party. the worst It’s the worst football match of the year. 9 K Grammar Set 3 Prepositions of place and direction (Preposições de lugar e direção) turn left turn right on the left of on the right of go along… / go straight on at the corner of take the first turning on the left take the second turning on the right go up the street go down the street at the end of the street vira à esquerda vira à direita à esquerda de à direita de vai em frente à esquina vira na primeira à esquerda vira na segunda à direita sobe a rua desce a rua no final da rua Verb to be (Past Simple) Negative (Negativa) Affirmative Plural Singular (Afirmativa) Full form Interrogative (Interrogativa) Short form I was You were I You was not were not I You wasn’t weren’t He was She was It was He She It was not was not was not He wasn’t She wasn’t It wasn’t We were You were They were We were not We weren’t You were not You weren’t They were not They weren’t Was he? Was she? Was it? Affirmative Short answers Was I? Were you? Were we? Were you? Were they? Negative Yes, I / he / she / it was. you / we / they were. No, I / he / she / it wasn’t. you / we / they weren’t. There + to be (Past Simple) Interrogative (Interrogativa) Singular Negative (Negativa) There was a new student at school. There wasn’t (was not) a new student at school. Was there a new student at school? (Havia) (Não havia) (Havia?) Plural Affirmative (Afirmativa) There were some eggs in the fridge. There weren’t (were not) any eggs in the fridge. Were there any eggs in the fridge? (Havia) (Não havia) (Havia?) 10 K Grammar Set 3 Past Simple – Regular verbs Negative (Negativa) Affirmative Plural Singular (Afirmativa) Full form Interrogative (Interrogativa) Short form I played You played I did not play I didn’t play You did not play You didn’t play Did I play? Did you play? He played She played It played He did not play He didn’t play She did not play She didn’t play It did not play It didn’t play Did he play? Did she play? Did it play? We played You played They played We did not play We didn’t play You did not play You didn’t play They did not play They didn’t play Did we play? Did you play? Did they play? Short answers Time adverbials Affirmative Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did. Negative No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t. R^lm^k]Zr MphfhgmalZ`h EZlmp^^d^g] Interrogative Auxiliary Subject Verb Objects Did you go to the cinema yesterday? Did the students like the History class? Negative Subject Auxiliary Verb Objects I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday. The students didn’t like the History class. Past Simple – Irregular verbs (consultar a lista de verbos irregulares) Negative (Negativa) Affirmative Singular (Afirmativa) (Interrogativa) Short form I went You went I did not go You did not go I didn’t go You didn’t go Did I go? Did you go? He went She went He did not go She did not go He didn’t go She didn’t go Did he go? Did she go? It Plural Interrogative Full form went We went You went They went It did not go We did not go You did not go They did not go It didn’t go We didn’t go You didn’t go They didn’t go Did it go? Did we go? Did you go? Did they go? Short answers Affirmative Negative Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did. No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t. 11 K Future – be going to Grammar Set 4 Form Plural Singular Affirmative (Afirmativa) Interrogative (Interrogativa) Full form Short form I am going to swim You are going to swim I ’m going to swim You ’re going to swim Am I going to swim? Are you going to swim? He is going to swim She is going to swim It is going to swim He ’s going to swim She ’s going to swim It ’s going to swim Is he going to swim? Is she going to swim? Is it going to swim? We are going to swim You are going to swim They are going to swim We ’re going to swim You ’re going to swim They’re going to swim Are we going to swim? Are you going to swim? Are they going to swim? Use Usamos be going to para exprimir o Futuro. Plural Singular Negative (Negativa) Full form Short form I am not going to swim You are not going to swim I ’m not going to swim You aren’t going to swim He is not going to swim She is not going to swim It is not going to swim He isn’t going to swim She isn’t going to swim It isn’t going to swim We are not going to swim You are not going to swim They are not going to swim We aren’t going to swim You aren’t going to swim They aren’t going to swim Affirmative Short answers I am. Yes, he / she / it is. you / we / they are. Negative No, I’m not. he / she / it isn’t. you / we / they aren’t. Connectors (Conetores) and but because so after before also too They are listening to music and playing cards. He likes Maths but he prefers History. She goes to school on foot because she likes walking. He has a test so he is studying in his room. Estas palavras After breakfast they go to work. sã o usadas para Before lunch they have lessons. ligar frases. I like reading and I also like listening to music. I like reading and I like listening to music too. 12 K Set 0 Vocabulary The body The face (Corpo) (Rosto) head (cabeça) neck (pescoço) shoulder (ombro) arm (braço) finger (dedo) waist (cintura) hand (mão) knee (joelho) leg (perna) foot (pé) eye (olho) nose (nariz) freckles (sardas) ear (orelha) lip (lábio) tooth/teeth (dente/dentes) mouth (boca) Physical description Phy (Descrição física) (Desc (Personalidade) mo moustache (bigode) bea beard (barba) hai hair (cabelo) quiet (sossegado/a) active (ativo/a) determined (determinado/a) brave / courageous (corajoso/a) friendly (afável) nice (simpático/a) funny (divertido/a) angry (zangado/a) fat (gordo/a) thin (magro/a) tall (alto/a) short (baixo/a) Personality – cu curly hair (encaracolado) – st straight hair (liso) – wavy hair (ondulado) – long hair (comprido) – short hair (curto) Clothes and accessories (Roupa e acessórios) raincoat (impermeável / gabardina) jacket (casaco) cap (boné) shorts (calções) skirt (saia) umbrella (chapéu de chuva) tie (gravata) belt (cinto) gloves (luvas) trousers (calças) blouse (camisa de senhora) coat (casaco) dress (vestido) shirt (camisa) trainers (ténis) boots (botas) shoes (sapatos) flip flops (chinelos) socks (meias) hat (chapéu) scarf (lenço/cachecol) sweater (camisola) jeans (calças de ganga) sunglasses (óculos de sol) suit (fato) track suit (fato de treino) 13 K Set 0 Vocabulary Jobs and professions (Trabalhos e profissões) -er driver (motorista) engineer (engenheiro/a) firefighter (bombeiro/a) football player (jogador/a de futebol) gardener (jardineiro/a) lawyer (advogado/a) painter (pintor/a) or/a) reporter (repórter) singer (cantor/a) police officer (polícia) teacher (professor/a) baker (padeiro/a) waiter (empregado de mesa) soldier (soldado) photographer (fotógrafo/a) -ist dentist (dentista) journalist (jornalista) pianist (pianista) -man postman (carteiro) fisherman (pescador) poli policeman (polícia) firem fireman (bombeiro) -ess actress (atriz) waitress (empregada de mesa) -or actor (actor) doctor (médico/a) director (realizador/a) -ian electrician (eletricista) musician (músico/a) politician (político/a) 14 Daily routine K Set 0 Vocabulary 11 12 1 10 2 3 9 (Rotina diária) 8 4 7 6 5 In the morning (De manhã) wake up (acordar) get up (levantar-se) have a shower (tomar duche) brush teeth (lavar os dentes) have a bath (tomar um banho de imersão) comb hair (pentear-se) get dressed (vestir-se) have breakfast (tomar o pequeno-almoço) make the bed (fazer a cama) go to school (ir para a escola) have classes (ter aulas) In the afternoon (À tarde) have lunch (almoçar) go back home (voltar para casa) have tea / have a snack (lanchar) do the homework (fazer os trabalhos de casa) study (estudar) In the evening (À noite) have dinner (jantar) watch TV (ver televisão) play computer games (jogarr jogos o de computador) read (ler) listen to music (ouvir música)) go to bed (ir para a cama) go to sleep (adormecer) 15 K Set 1 Vocabulary abulary School (Escola) Parts of the school (Partes da escola) classroom (sala de aula) canteen (cantina) staffroom (sala dos professores) school office (secretaria) gymnasium (ginásio) laboratory (laboratório) music room (sala de música) toilet (casa de banho) computer room (sala de informática) library (biblioteca) headmaster’s office (gabinete do/a diretor/a) coffee bar (bar) playground (recreio) Subjects (Disciplinas) English (Inglês)) French (Francês) History (História) Geography (Geografia) Religious Education (Religião e Moral) PE (Physical Education) (Educação Física) Science (Ciências) Art (Desenho) Maths (Matemática) Music (Música) Hobbies and freetime activities vities (Passatempos e atividades de tempos livres) climbing (escalada) riding a bike (andar de bicicleta) going to the cinema (ir ao cinema)) watching TV (ver televisão) going on a roller coaster ride (andar na montanha-russa) drawing (desenhar) swimming (nadar) surfing (surfar) playing football (jogar futebol) Buildings and facilities (Edifícios e instalações) museum (museu) post office (correio) hospital (hospital) church (igreja) bank (banco) police station (esquadra de polícia) hotel (hotel) library (biblioteca) theatre (teatro) restaurant (restaurante) café (café) shopping centre (centro comercial) railway station (estação de caminho de ferro) Shops (Lojas) butcher’s (talho) pet shop (loja de animais) supermarket (supermercado) chemist’s (farmácia) newsagent’s (papelaria) baker’s (padaria) greengrocer’s (loja de frutas e vegetais) bookshop (livraria) 16 Food and drinks K Set 2 Vocabulary (Alimentos e bebidas) Food (Comida) fish: grilled fish, fish and chips (peixe: peixe grelhado, filetes de peixe com batatas fritas) meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken (carne: vaca, porco, borrego, galinha) hamburger (hambúrguer) sausages (salsichas) ham (fiambre) rice (arroz) crisps (batatas fritas de pacote) pasta (massa) mashed potatoes (puré de batata) eggs (ovos) fries (batatas fritas) Desserts (Sobremesas) ice cream (gelado) cake (bolo) jelly (gelatina) yoghurt (iogurte) pudding (pudim) apple pie (tarte de maçã) cheese (queijo) chocolate mousse (mousse de chocolate) Vegetables (Vegetais) broccoli (brócolos) tomato (tomate) potato (batata) cauliflower (couve-flor) leek (alho-francês) beans (feijões) garlic (alho) onion (cebola) peas (ervilhas) carrot (cenoura) cabbage (couve) lettuce (alface) spinach (espinafres) 17 K Vocabulary Set 2 Drinks (Bebidas) Fruit (Fruta) grapes (uvas) peach (pêssego) orange (laranja) strawberry (morango) cherries (cerejas) mango (manga) pineapple (ananás) banana (banana) pear (pera) water (água) milk (leite) juice (sumo) coffee (café) tea (chá) chocolate (chocolate) wine (vinho) beer (cerveja) coke (coca-cola) Containers (Embalagens) bag (saco) bottle (garrafa) bowl (taça) can (lata) ata) packet (pacote) cup (chávena) Cutlery Cutle ery e ry (Talheres) es) spoon on (col (colher) lher) fork (garfo) (garfo o) knifee (faca)) 18 8 K Holidays Set 4 Vocabulary (Férias) Seaside (Praia) Mountains/countryside (Montanhas / campo) beach (praia) sand (areia) sunshade (chapéu de sol) bathing suit (fato de banho) swimming trunks (calções de banho) sea (mar) waves (ondas) sun (sol) sunscreen (protetor solar) river (rio) flower (flor) tree (árvore) nature (natureza) lake (lago) Activities (atividades) to camp (acampar) to fish (pescar) to put up the tent (montar a tenda) to explore (explorar) to walk (caminhar) Activities (Atividades) to swim (nadar) to sunbathe (tomar banhos de sol) to surf (fazer surf) to run (correr) to play beach volleyball (jogar voleibol de praia) to play beach games (jogar jogos de praia) Means of transport (Meios de transporte) car (carro) camping car (autocaravana) plane (avião) train (comboio) cruise ship (navio de cruzeiro) Activities (Atividades) go on a sightseeing tour (visita guiada de uma cidade em autocarro) go on a cruise (fazer uma viagem num cruzeiro) The weather (O tempo) Name cloud (nuvem) fog (nevoeiro) rain (chuva) sun (Sol) snow (neve) wind (vento) Adjective cloudy (nublado/a) foggy (enevoado/a) rainy (chuvoso/a) sunny (soalheiro/a) snowy (nevoso/a) windy (ventoso/a)) Other expressions e? What’s the weather lik (Como está o tempo?) It’s hot. (Está muito calor.) It’s cold. (Está frio.) .) It’s warm. (Está quente 19 Kids’ mini-dictionary accommodation alojamento culture cultura according to de acordo com decide decidir admire admirar delivery entrega amazing espetacular describe descrever amusement divertimento desk balcão / secretária article artigo dessert sobremesa athlete atleta dining room sala de jantar attraction atração dinosaur dinossauro basket cesto display expor / mostrar bear urso do experiments fazer experiências behaviour comportamento draw desenhar be late estar atrasado/a drawing desenho be lost estar perdido/a drink bebida below abaixo drive conduzir be tired estar cansado/a the Earth o planeta Terra believe acreditar; achar que; pensar que ending final belong pertencer entrance entrada blank espaço em branco experiments experiências brackets parênteses explain explicar bored aborrecido/a; chateado/a expression expressão boyfriend namorado extreme radical box caixa facilities instalações bubble balão de fala farewell despedida building edifício feel sentir carefully cuidadosamente fill in preencher character personagem find out descobrir choice escolha finish terminar / acabar circle fazer um círculo flight voo check verificar follow seguir choose escolher funny divertido/a; engraçado/a clean up limpar game jogo climb trepar; subir (in) general (em) geral close fechar guess adivinhar clue pista guided tour visita guiada coach treinador/a happen acontecer column coluna have access ter acesso communication comunicação headmaster diretor/a complete completar healthy saudável confess confessar illustrate ilustrar congratulations parabéns insert inserir connect ligar invitation convite contents conteúdos join juntar contest concurso jump saltar cook cozinhar junk food comida não saudável correct corrigir know saber / conhecer customer cliente label etiqueta 20 late tarde rule regra leaflet panfleto / desdobrável / brochura same mesmo(a) learn aprender scientist cientista line verso score resultado lion leão sculptor escultor/a magical mágico/a search procurar / pesquisar make-up maquilhagem secret segredo; secreto/a main principal send enviar match jogo sentence frase meet conhecer / encontrar ship navio mention mencionar speak falar milkshake batido de leite start começar must ter de steps passos need precisar similar semelhante news notícias show espetáculo noise barulho special especial obey obedecer soldier soldado occasion ocasião subject disciplina opportunity oportunidade sound som option opção statement afirmação pack fazer a mala strange estranho/a page página still ainda palace palácio sweets doces paragraph parágrafo take part in participar party festa talkative falador/a performance espetáculo / atuação team equipa pillow almofada tell dizer place lugar ticket bilhete plate prato till até price preço timetable horário prince príncipe tomboy maria-rapaz protect proteger tourist guide guia turístico/a punctuation pontuação towel toalha queen rainha trip viagem reason razão typical típico recognise reconhecer underground metro repeat repetir underline sublinhar replace substituir unhealthy não saudável research pesquisa village aldeia respect respeitar waiter/waitress empregado/a de mesa result resultado wake up acordar review rever who quem a ride uma volta whose de quem roller coaster montanha-russa word palavra rope corda wrong errado/a row fila 21 K ’ S D I K P L HE S NT E T N O C Grammar Grammar Vocabulary Set 0 Verb to be (Present Simple) Verb to have got Indefinite articles: a/an Definite article: the Possessive case: ’s Whose Possessive adjectives / Possessive pronouns Present Simple Adverbs of frequency Personal pronouns 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 Set 1 Plurals (of nouns) There + to be (Present Simple) Prepositions of place Present Continuous Present Simple / Present Continuous Question tags Comparatives and superlatives 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 Set 2 Prepositions of place and direction 10 Verb to be (Past Simple) 10 There + to be (Past Simple) 10 Set 3 Past Simple – Regular verbs 11 Past Simple – Irregular verbs 11 Set 4 Future – be going to Connectors 12 12 Vocabulary Set 0 The body / The face Physical description / Personality Clothes and accessories Jobs and Professions Daily routine 13 13 14 15 Set 1 School Hobbies and freetime activities Buildings and facilities Shops 16 16 16 16 Set 2 Food and drinks 17 Set 4 Holidays The weather 18 18 Kids’ Mini-dictionary List of irregular verbs 13
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a) There is an ox on the farm. ____________________________________________________________________
b) He works on Sunday. ________________________________________________________________________