Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical
Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical
GEODER-10372; No of Pages 7 ARTICLE IN PRESS Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Geoderma j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / g e o d e r m a Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications Larissa Macedo dos Santos a,b,1, Marcelo Luiz Simões a, Wanderley José de Melo d, Ladislau Martin-Neto a, Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-Filho c,⁎ a Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária, P.O. Box 741, 13560-970, São Carlos-SP, Brazil Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Química de São Carlos, P.O. Box. 369, 13560-970, São Carlos-SP, Brazil Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Química, P.O. Box. 676, 13565-905, São Carlos-SP, Brazil d Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Tecnologia, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, Km 5, 14884-900, Jaboticabal-SP, Brazil b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 3 August 2009 Received in revised form 3 December 2009 Accepted 8 December 2009 Available online xxxx Keywords: Chemometric PCA Humification degree Soil organic matter Sewage sludge a b s t r a c t Chemometric methods can contribute to soil research by permitting the extraction of more information from the data. The aim of this work was to use Principal Component Analysis to evaluate data obtained through chemical and spectroscopic methods on the changes in the humification process of soil organic matter from two tropical soils after sewage sludge application. In this case, humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application for 7 consecutive years were studied. The results obtained for all of the samples and methods showed two clusters: samples extracted from the two soil types. These expected results indicated the textural difference between the two soils was more significant than the differences between treatments (control and sewage sludge application) or between depths. In this case, an individual chemometric treatment was made for each type of soil. It was noted that the characterization of the humic acids extracted from soils with and without sewage sludge application after 7 consecutive years using several methods supplies important results about changes in the humification degree of soil organic matter. These important result obtained by Principal Component Analysis justify further research using these methods to characterize the changes in the humic acids extracted from sewage sludge-amended soils. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Soil organic matter (SOM) is an essential component of highquality agricultural soils because it affects many soil processes (Causarano et al., 2008). According to Stevenson (1994), SOM consists of a mixture of compounds at several stages of decomposition resulting from the biological degradation of plant and animal residues and microbial activity, and it can be divided into humic and non-humic substances. Humic substances are complicated mixtures of biologically transformed organic debris (Hayes and Clapp, 2001). These substances are the major components (around 2/3) of the mixture of materials that comprise SOM and are by far the most abundant organic materials in the environment. ⁎ Corresponding author. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rodovia Washington Luiz, Km 235, P.O. Box 676, 13565-905, São Carlos-SP, Brazil. Tel.: + 55 16 33518092; fax: + 55 16 33518350. E-mail address: [email protected] (E.R. Pereira-Filho). 1 Current address: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Química, P.O. Box. 676, 13565-905, São Carlos-SP, Brazil. An important parameter related to the qualitative and quantitative changes in SOM and humic substances is the degree of humification. According to Zech et al. (1997), humification is the transformation of macromorphologically identifiable matter into amorphous compounds, involving changes that occur in vegetal residues or SOM during the humification process. Humification has been related to the preferential oxidation of plant polysaccharides, to the selective preservation of more recalcitrant organic compounds such as lignins and phenolic structures, and to the incorporation of organic compounds of microbial origin. As described in the previous paragraph, SOM and humic substances are important constituents of soils, and they are an important source of organic matter in sewage sludge. Sewage sludge can be used as a fertilizer because of its high N, P, and organic matter contents, making both a quantitative and qualitative contribution to the SOM and acting as an organic amendment (Hue, 1988). The impacts of sewage sludge application on SOM and humic substances have largely been analyzed using chemical and spectroscopic approaches (Adani and Tambone, 2005; González-Pérez et al., 2006; Senesi et al., 2007; Brunetti et al., 2007). Results of the chemical and spectroscopy studies have shown that, in general, HA-like substances from organic amendments differ from native soil humic substances due to their lower aromatic and carboxyl 0016-7061/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 L.M. Santos et al. / Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx group contents and higher aliphatic character and levels of N-containing and polysaccharide-like structures. During the maturation and stabilization of any organic amendment, organic matter mineralization and humification occur, and the HA-like substances components undergo concomitant changes. In particular, the chemical and spectroscopic characteristics tend to approach those typical of native soil humic substances, which indicate the occurred partial decomposition of aliphatic, polypeptidic and polysaccharide-like components and increase of the degrees of aromatic ring polycondensation and polymerization (Senesi and Brunetti, 1996; Chen, 2003). The chemical and spectroscopic techniques can provide important information about the composition, functionalities and structural, chemical and spectroscopic characteristics of SOM and humic substances, including parameters related to the degree of humification, such as the C/N and C/H atomic ratios as revealed by elemental composition; the E4/E6 ratio as determined by the absorption of ultraviolet and visible light (Chen et al., 1977; Stevenson, 1994); the identification of functional groups as established by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (Schnitzer and Khan, 1972; Silverstein et al., 1991; Stevenson, 1994); the degrees of aromaticity and aliphaticity as revealed by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) (Stevenson, 1994; Skjemstad et al., 1998; Baldock and Skjemstad, 2000); and the semiquinone-type free radical concentration as inferred by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) (MartinNeto et al., 1994). The use of several techniques to characterize the same sample can quickly generate a large amount of data. Chemometric methods can be used to properly handle and analyze these data because they allow the extraction of more information from data obtained through chemical and spectroscopic techniques (Sena et al., 2000). One of the most important chemometric methods of data exploration is PCA (Principal Component Analysis) (Malinowski, 1991), which is based on the correlations among variables. PCA is an exploratory methodology that seeks to find similarities or differences among the samples in a dataset (Panero and da Silva, 2008). PCA is used to visualize an n-dimensional starting dataset in a smaller number of dimensions called principal components (PCs), which represent variable combinations describing the maximal variance of the dataset (Kemsley, 1996). Thus, chemometric methods are used in this work through PCA application, providing useful data interpretation for a better understanding of the changes in SOM quality due to sewage sludge application. The aim of this study was to use chemometric methods and PCA to evaluate data obtained through chemical and spectroscopic methods concerning the changes in the humification process of soil organic matter after sewage sludge applications. Two tropical soils treated with sewage sludge for seven consecutive years were studied. at 70% (2.5 Mg ha− 1), and the sewage sludge was incorporated into the soil by gradation. In the first year of experimentation, the treatments were: control (without sewage sludge or mineral fertilization) and three rates of sewage sludge (2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 Mg ha− 1 on a dry basis), with five replicates for each treatment. The rate 5.0 Mg ha− 1 was selected to supply the N required by Zea mays, supposing that (1/3) of this element present in the sewage sludge would be available to the plants. From the second year on, the control plots were fertilized with mineral fertilizers according to soil chemical analysis and the recommendations of Raij et al. (1997). At the beginning of the fourth year, the rate 2.5 Mg ha− 1 was replaced with 20.0 Mg ha− 1. Consequently, in the seventh year of experimentation, the accumulated rates of sewage sludge in the treatments were 0, 35.0, 70.0, and 87.5 Mg ha−1 on a dry basis. Sewage sludge was applied annually to the soil surface and was incorporated to a 0–10 cm depth by gradation. The furrows were then opened and the mineral fertilizers and seeds were applied into of them. The crops tested were Z. mays in the first six years and C. juncea in the seventh. Cultural wastes and seeds were managed by herbicides. 2. Materials and methods 2.5. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy 2.1. Soil samples UV-visible absorption spectra were obtained using a Shimadzu UV-1601 PC spectrometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, JA). The experiments were conducted according to the method proposed by Stevenson (1994). The E4/E6 ratio was calculated by determining the ratio of the signal heights at 465 nm and 665 nm (Chen et al., 1977). Soil samples were collected from two tropical soils cultivated with Crotalaria juncea: a clay soil (61 g kg− 1 clay, 17 g kg− 1 silt; 22 g kg− 1 sandy at a depth of 0 to 60 cm) classified as a Typic Eutrorthox, and a sandy soil (36 g kg− 1 clay; 4 g kg− 1 silt; 60 g kg− 1 sandy at a depth of 0 to 60 cm) classified as a Typic Haplorthox soil. Samples were taken at depths of 0–10, 10–20, 20–40, and 40–60 cm in a seven-year field experiment that began in the agricultural season of 1997/98 to evaluate sewage sludge application. The experimental area was located in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil (21°15′22″S, 48°15′18″ W and 610 m altitude). The climate is Cwa (subtropical and mesothermic, with a hot and humid summer, cold and dry winter, an average annual temperature of 22 °C and average annual rainfall of about 1400 mm) according to the Köppen climatic classification (Rolim et al., 2007). Before installation of the field experiment, the area was ploughed and lime was applied to elevate the basis saturation 2.2. Sewage sludge Sewage sludge was obtained from the Barueri sewage treatment plant located in the metropolitan region of São Paulo City, São Paulo State, Brazil and operated by the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo (SABESP). 2.3. Chemical fractionation The humic acid (HA) and HA-like substances were extracted from the soil and sewage sludge samples, respectively, according to the IHSS methodology (Swift, 1996). Briefly, the method included extraction with 0.1 mol L− 1 NaOH using a sample: solvent ratio of 1:10. After centrifugation, the HA was separated from the supernatant by precipitation by adding 6 mol L− 1 HCl to the extract until a pH of 2.0 was reached. The precipitated HA was separated through centrifugation, purified through dialysis using a Spectrapor membrane (size exclusion limit, 6000–8000 D), and finally freeze-dried. 2.4. Elemental composition (C, N, H and S) The contents of C, N, H and S in the HA were determined using elemental analysis with a CE-Instruments EA 1110 (Carlo Erba, Rodano, Milano, IT). The C/N and C/H atomic ratios were calculated by determining the ratio between the C and N, and C and H contents, respectively. 2.6. UV-visible fluorescence spectroscopy Fluorescence spectra were recorded using a Perkin Elmer LS-50B luminescence spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, New Jersey, USA). The HA samples were brought to a concentration of 20 mg L− 1 at pH 8 by diluting them in a solution of 0.05 mol L− 1 NaHCO3 (Milori et al., 2002). Fluorescence spectra were then recorded in emission and synchronous scan mode. The emission spectra were measured with excitation at 240 and 465 nm (Zsolnay et al., 1999; Milori et al., 2002). The synchronous scan was measured with Δλ = 55 nm, which was adapted from Kalbitz's procedure (Kalbitz et al., 1999). The degree of humification of the HA Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS L.M. Santos et al. / Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx samples was calculated according to three different procedures: Zsolnay et al., 1999; Milori et al., 2002; and Kalbitz et al., 1999. Zsolnay et al. (1999) calculated the degree of humification by determining the ratio between the area of the last quarter (A4: 560–640 nm) and the area of the first quarter (A1: 320–400 nm) of the emission spectrum, called A4/A1. Milori et al. (2002) determined the degree of humification as the area of the fluorescence spectrum obtained by excitation of the sample at blue wavelengths, referred to as A465. Kalbitz et al. (1999) calculated the degree of humification as the ratio between the fluorescence intensity at 460 and 399 nm (I460/I399) in the synchronous scan excitation mode spectra. 2.7. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy The EPR spectra were acquired using a Bruker EMX spectrometer operating at the X-band (9 GHz) at room temperature. The relative area of semiquinone-type free radicals was obtained using the approximation I × ΔH2 (Poole, 1967), where I is the EPR derivative signal intensity and ΔH is the peak-to-peak line width. The content of semiquinone-type free radicals was obtained using a sample with a known free radicals content acquired from Bruker. A secondary standard according to Singer's method was also used to detect possible alterations in the Q-value of the resonant cavity (Singer, 1959; Martin-Neto et al., 1991). The experimental conditions were: modulation frequency of 100 kHz; microwave power (0.2 mW) in order to avoid semiquinonetype free radical signal saturation, adequate modulation amplitude (0.1 mT), and a time constant (2.56 ms) of 1/4 of the conversion time to guarantee no signal deformation by increasing the line width. The analyses were carried out in duplicate to obtain an intermediate deviation with at least sixteen sweeps per determination. The results obtained were corrected for the sample C content (spins (g C)− 1). 2.8. Solid-state 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy The 13C NMR spectra were obtained with a Varian model Unity Inova spectrometer (Varian, Palo Alto, California, USA) operating at a 13C resonance frequency of 100 MHz. The cross-polarization (CP) and magicangle spinning (MAS) techniques were applied at 6.4 kHz. The 13C chemical shift scale was referenced to hexamethyl benzene (HMB), which has a well-defined resonance at 17.2 ppm. The experimental parameters were an acquisition time of 0.0128 ms and a contact time of 1.0 ms. All of the integral regions were corrected for the areas of spinning side bands when they appeared in the spectra. For quantification, the spectra were divided into different chemical shift regions according to Stevenson (1994). The chemical shift regions were: 0–45 ppm, alkyl C; 45–60 ppm, methoxyl and N-alkyl; 60–110 ppm, O-alkyl C; 110– 140 ppm, aromatic C; 140–160 ppm, phenolic C; 160–185 ppm, carboxyl C; and 185–220 ppm, carbonyl C, all of which were integrated to determine the relative contribution of the respective C groups to the total organic carbon C (relative intensity). The degree of aromaticity was obtained by integrating the spectral regions using the integration routine of the spectrometer. The following indexes were calculated relating the respective areas (Stevenson, 1994): Degree of aromaticity = Aromatic peak area ð110−160 ppmÞ × 100 Total peak area ð0−160 ppmÞ Degree of aliphaticity = Aliphacity peak area ð0−110 ppmÞ × 100 Total peak area ð0−160 ppmÞ 2.9. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy The FTIR spectra were acquired using a Perkin Elmer model Spectrum 1000 spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, New Jersey, USA). The 3 experiments were performed using compressed pellets that were prepared using 1 mg of sample and 100 mg of KBr according to the method proposed by Stevenson (1994). 2.10. Statistical analyses The degrees of humification obtained through the elemental composition (C, N, H and S), UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR spectroscopy, EPR spectroscopy, and UVvisible fluorescence spectroscopy for the HA extracted from the Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils were evaluated using PCA. The PCA analyses were performed using Pirouette software version 4.0 (Infometrix, Seattle, Washington, USA). 3. Results and analyses Table 1 describes the origin of the HA samples examined in this study and Table 2 lists the variables obtained by chemical and spectroscopic methods applied. Chemical methods were used to characterize the progress of humification, including measurements of the C/H and C/N ratios, which indicate the aromaticity and the level of organic material decomposition (Stevenson, 1994; Rosa et al., 2005). According to the literature (Stevenson, 1994), high values of C/N and C/H atomic ratios are associated with high degrees of humification due to decreased acid, carbohydrate, and amino acid/protein content. Spectroscopic methods were used to characterize the progress of humification, including measurement of the E4/E6 ratio. The decrease in the E4/E6 ratio is directly related to the increase in molecular weight and condensation of aromatic carbons, and aromaticity are inversely related to the amount of aliphatic groups (Stevenson, 1994). Although these relationships are widely used for characterization of humification degree, they present some controversies in the literature. Chen et al. (1977) reported that the E4/E6 ratio is mainly controlled by the size of humic substances, however, studies of Baes and Bloom (1990) shown that humic substances do not exhibit the properties of light scattering and, therefore, the ratio E4/E6 is not controlled by molecular size. According to Stevenson (1994) and Baes and Bloom (1990) the ratio E4/E6 is negatively correlated with the degree of condensation or conjugation of the aromatic rings in humic substances. Thus, this ratio has shown conflicting results and limitations, suggesting careful with their use, however it was available in this study due to the fact that they are often used in literature (Senesi et al., 2007; Saab and MartinNeto, 2007; Brunetti et al., 2007). The A4/A1, A465 and I460/I399 ratios (Zsolnay et al., 1999; Kalbitz et al., 1999; Milori et al., 2002), indicate the presence of fluorophores Table 1 Origin of the humic acid samples studied. Samples Soils Treatments Depths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Typic Eutrorthox Control* Typic Eutrorthox Sewage sludge application Typic Haplorthox Control* Typic Haplorthox Sewage sludge application 0–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–40 cm 40–60 cm 0–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–40 cm 40–60 cm 0–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–40 cm 40–60 cm 0–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–40 cm 40–60 cm *Control: without sewage sludge. Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 L.M. Santos et al. / Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Table 2 The variables obtained by chemical and spectroscopic methods. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Variables Chemical and spectroscopic methods Content of C Content of N Content of H C/N ratio C/H ratio E4/E6 ratio A4/A1 A465 I460/I399 Semiquinone-type free radicals Line width 0–45 45–60 60–110 110–140 140–160 160–185 185–230 Degree of aromaticity Degree of aliphaticity 400–4000 cm− 1 Elemental analysis UV-visible light absorption spectroscopy UV-visible light fluorescence spectroscopy Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy Solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the HA. According to Milori et al. (2002) these fluorophores are mainly related to the presence of highly conjugated systems, possibly in aromatic structures (polycondensed systems), and to the substitution of these structures with oxygen- and/or N-containing functional groups. Kalbitz et al. (1999), Milori et al. (2002) and Zsolnay et al. (1999) have shown the potential of UV-visible fluorescence spectroscopy to evaluate the humification degree of organic materials in solutions of humic substances. Their theoretical basis lies in the assumption that a shift in the maximum fluorescence intensity from shorter to longer wavelengths can be attributed to an increase of aromatic group condensation or an increase in conjugation in these molecules (Kalbitz et al., 1999); therefore, organic substances that are more transformed or humified have a higher fluorescence intensity signal at a lower wavelength and it becomes possible to associate this signal alteration with chemical alterations in organic compounds and to follow reactions in soil and water environments. Also, these more humified materials generally have higher chemical stability, increasing the residence time of organic matter in the environment and consequently improving the soil structure and fertility (mainly those aspects associated with the cation exchange capacity) (Schnitzer and Khan, 1972). EPR spectroscopy has also been used to characterize the progress of humification, including measurement of the content of semiquinonetype free radicals and line width (Singer, 1959; Schnitzer and Lévesque, 1979; Martin-Neto et al., 1991; Senesi and Brunetti, 1996; Jerzykiewicz et al., 1999; Watanabe et al., 2005), which has demonstrated the molecular properties of SOM related to the humification degree. Several transformation processes of terrestrial and aquatic organic matter in the environment are connected with reactions of organic free radicals. Complex aromatic structures are believed to stabilize semiquinone-type free radicals in humic substances (Stevenson, 1994) in coexistence with carbon-centered “aromatic” radicals (Paul et al., 2006), although contributions from methoxybenzene and N-associated radicals cannot be excluded. The progress of humification has also been characterized by FTIR spectroscopy and 13C NMR spectroscopy, which reveal the chemical structure of HA (Preston, 1996; Kögel-Knabner, 1997; Pajaczkowska et al., 2003). These methods can provide information concerning the presence of aromatic and aliphatic groups of HA (Stevenson, 1994; Jouraiphy et al., 2005). FTIR absorption bands representing the progress of humidification were identified using data published by Stevenson (1994). The most important features of HA are a broad band at 3400 cm− 1 associated with the OH stretch, a peak at 2933 cm− 1 due to aliphatic C–H stretching, a shoulder at 1716 cm− 1 attributed to C O stretching of COOH and ketones, a strong peak at 1650 cm− 1 associated with structural vibrations of aromatic C C bonds and antisymmetrical stretching of COO− groups, a band at 1230 cm− 1 attributed to C–O stretching and OH bending of COOH groups, and an absorption signal at 1030–1035 cm− 1 due to carbohydrates and silicates. This signal can be attributed to deformation of the carboxylic group C–O by polysaccharides, and the absorption at 500 cm− 1 is normally attributed to the presence of mineral impurities from humic substances. The results obtained for HA extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application through elemental analysis, UV-visible light absorption spectroscopy, UV-visible light fluorescence spectroscopy, and EPR spectroscopy are presented in Table 3. Table 4 presents the relative 13C intensity distributions in the soil HA as determined by integration of the various chemical shift areas of the 13C NMR spectra, the degree of aromaticity, and the degree of aliphaticity. Table 3 Concentrations of C, N, and H, C/N and C/H ratios, the indexes A4/A1, A465, and I460/I399, concentration and line width of semiquinone-type free radicals of the humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils without (control) (1 to 4 and 9 to 12) and with sewage sludge application (5 to 8 and 13 to 16) by elemental analysis, UV-visible light absorption spectroscopy, UV-visible light fluorescence spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Samples C H N C/N C/H (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 48 49 47 47 46 44 45 47 44 45 40 37 43 43 41 41 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 E4/E6 A4/A1 A465 I460/I399 (Arbitrary units) 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 14.0 11.4 11.0 11.0 13.4 12.8 13.1 11.0 12.8 13.1 11.7 14.4 12.5 12.5 12.0 15.9 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.9 5.3 5.7 6.6 9.0 5.4 5.7 5.8 6.9 7.1 6.5 8.9 10 6.4 6.6 8.5 9.5 20 21 25 31 16 17 20 23 34 33 43 42 17 19 31 42 28 29 44 73 27 30 36 54 62 56 89 89 37 36 73 86 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.7 Concentration of semiquinone-type free radicals Line width of semiquinone-type free radicals Spins g C− 1 Gauss 4.4 7.8 6.3 8.2 3.3 3.6 4.2 7.0 2.3 2.4 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.6 4.7 4.2 4.6 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.0 4.7 4.9 4.8 5.1 5.1 5.0 4.9 5.1 3.7 Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS L.M. Santos et al. / Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 5 Table 4 Distribution of 13C in humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils without (control) (1 to 4 and 9 to 12) and with sewage sludge application (5 to 8 and 13 to 16), and the degree of aromaticity and aliphaticity determined by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percentage distribution of 13 C within indicated ppm regions (%) Degree (%) 0–45 45–60 60–110 110–140 140–160 160–185 185–230 Aromaticity Aliphaticity 27 24 21 26 25 26 25 22 25 30 31 23 33 35 29 25 11 12 12 13 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 10 21 26 29 32 27 28 27 30 27 26 27 31 23 24 27 28 14 18 16 15 16 15 16 16 15 14 13 16 13 12 14 16 5 6 5 4 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 11 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 11 11 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 25 27 26 23 26 25 26 25 25 23 21 26 21 20 23 26 75 73 74 77 74 75 74 75 76 77 79 74 79 80 77 74 The values of the degree of humification obtained by the techniques previous described were evaluated using PCA. The use of chemometric methods can help to extract more information from these data. The data have been autoscaled to give the same importance to all variables. Figs. 1 and 2 show the scores and loadings plots, respectively, obtained through PCA of the chemical and spectroscopic data on the humification degree of the 16 samples of the HA extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application. Principal Component 1 (PC1) and PC2 described 33% and 24% of the total variance, respectively. The scores plot shows that PC1 presented a separation between the HA extracted from the Typic Eutrorthox (samples 1 to 8) and Typic Haplorthox (samples 9 to 16) soils (Fig. 1). The loadings plot has information about variables and is possible to detect some tendencies. The HA extracted from Typic Eutrorthox (1 to 8 samples) were characterized by high A4/A1, A465, E4/E6, 0–45 and aliphatic. On the other hand the HA extracted from Typic Haplorthox were connected to high SFR, C, N, 160–185. Fig. 3 presents the scores plot of the humification degree obtained using the chemical and spectroscopic methods for the samples of HA extracted from Typic Eutrorthox soil in order to observe if the depth shows a difference in humification degree. PC1 and PC2 described 48% and 24% of the total variance, respectively. The scores plot shows that Fig. 1. Scores plot of the 16 samples of humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application. PC1 presented a separation between the depths (the samples 1 and 5, for example, are located in the same depth profile) and that PC2 presented a separation between the treatments (Fig. 3). A PCA evaluation with Typic Haplorthox (9 to 16 samples) soils was also calculated and the results will be discussed in the next section. The other variables were also evaluated separately and the discussion of the results is presented in the next section. 4. Discussion and conclusion The scores plots obtained by PCA of the chemical and spectroscopic characterization of the 16 samples of HA extracted from the Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils showed that PC1 describes around 33% of the total variance and is responsible for the separation between the samples (Fig. 1). In this Figure, an expected clustering is observed between samples 1 to 8 and samples 9 to 16 from the Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils, respectively. This behavior indicates that the textural difference that exists between the Typic Eutrorthox (clay, 61%; silt, 17%; sand 22% at a depth of 0 to 60 cm) and Typic Haplorthox soils (clay, 36%; silt, 4%; sand 60% at a depth of 0 to 60 cm) is more significant than the differences between treatments Fig. 2. Loadings plot of the 20 variables used to determinate the humification degree of humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application. Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 L.M. Santos et al. / Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Table 5 Results obtained by PCA. PCA Plots Samples Variables Remarks used in PCA 1 1 to 16 1–20 Loadings 1 to 16 1–20 2 Scores 1–20 3 Loadings 1 to 8 Scores 9 to 16 Loadings 9 to 16 1–20 1–20 1–20 4 Scores 1 to 8 7 5 Scores 9 to 16 7 6 Scores 1 to 8 8 7 Scores 9 to 16 8 8 Scores 1 to 8 9 9 Scores 9 to 16 9 10 Scores 1 to 8 12–20 11 Scores 9 to 16 12–20 Scores 1 to 8 PC1 (33%) and PC2 (24%). A separation between the soils was observed. A cluster between the following variables was observed: E4/E6, A4/A1, A465, and I460/I399. PC1 (48%): responsible for the separation between soil depths. PC2 (24%): responsible for the separation between treatments. No clustering between variables was observed. PC1 (55%) and PC2 (23%). No clustering between the variables was observed. PC1 (97%): responsible for the separation between soil depths. PC2 (3%). PC1 (99%): responsible for the separation between soil depths. PC2 (1%): responsible for the separation between treatments. PC1 (71%). PC2 (20%): responsible for the separation between treatments. PC1 (70%) and PC2 (12%): responsible for the separation between treatments. PC1 (82%): responsible for the separation between treatments. PC2 (7%). PC1 (95%): responsible for the separation between treatments. PC2 (3%). PC1 (87%): responsible for the separation between treatments. PC2 (7%). PC1 (86%): responsible for the separation between soil depths. PC2 (11%): responsible for the separation between treatments. (with and without sewage sludge application) and depths (0–10, 10– 20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm). The textural differences interfere significantly with the humic properties, including with the humification degree of each type of soil. According to Saggar et al. (1996) and Baldock and Skjemstad (2000), the stabilization of SOM is directly related to the soil texture and mineralogy. Mahieu et al. (1999) mentioned a phenomenon called “clay protection”, remarking that the clay content and cation exchange capacity have a strong influence on the rate of organic carbon decomposition and/or the proportion of decomposition products that are stabilized in soil. Thus, new PCA's were conducted separately for each soil. Fig. 3. Scores plot of the humic acids extracted from Typic Euthorthox soil with and without sewage sludge application. The loadings plot obtained did not show a separation between the variables obtained using the various chemical and spectroscopic methods (Fig. 2). These results underscore the importance of using several chemical and spectroscopic methods in the study of SOM and justify further research using these methods. The scores plot obtained by PCA of the data obtained from the chemical and spectroscopic methods for the HA extracted from the Typic Eutrorthox soil (1 to 8 samples) showed that PC1 (48%) was responsible for the separation between the depths, and that PC2 (24%) was responsible for the separation between the treatments (Fig. 3). These results demonstrate that the characterization of the HA extracted from soils under sewage sludge application by chemical and spectroscopic methods supplies important results about SOM dynamics and again justifies further research using these methods (González-Pérez et al., 2006; Senesi et al., 2007). In the loadings plot, no clustering was observed between the variables (Table 5). The other results obtained by PCA for the samples and for the separate variables and methods are presented in Table 5. The scores plot obtained by PCA of the data obtained from the chemical and spectroscopic methods for the HA extracted from the Typic Haplorthox (9 to 16 samples) soil showed that PC1 and PC2 describe 55% and 23% of the total variance, respectively. PC1 and PC2 created a separation between the soil depths (Table 5). This result is probably due to the textural differences that exist between the shallow and deep soil. The results obtained by physical fractionation from the Typic Haplorthox soil indicated a difference in clay content between the 0–20 cm and 20–60 cm depths of around 7%. The textural differences interfere significantly with the detection of the humic properties, such as the humification degree of the soil. According to Saggar et al. (1996) and Baldock and Skjemstad (2000) the stabilization of SOM is directly related to the soil texture and mineralogy. The loadings plot did not demonstrate clustering between the variables (Table 5). The scores plot obtained by PCA of the UV-visible fluorescence spectroscopy data (Milori et al., 2002) of the HA extracted from the Typic Eutrorthox soil showed that PC1 and PC2 described 71% and 20% of the total variance, respectively. Principal Component 2 was responsible for the separation between the treatments (control and sewage sludge application; Table 3). Similar results were observed for the scores plot obtained through PCA using data acquired with the Milori method for the HA extracted from Typic Haplorthox (Table 5). This result is from the spectroscopic properties of the sewage sludge applied to the soils. According to González-Pérez et al. (2006), Senesi et al. (2007) and Senesi et al. (1991), this can be attributed to the presence of relatively small molecular components with a low level of aromatic polycondensation and SOM with a low humification degree originating from the application of sewage sludge to the soils. Similar results have been obtained through PCAs of the UV-visible fluorescence (Zsolnay et al., 1999; Kalbitz et al., 1999) and 13C NMR spectroscopy data (Table 5). These data show the importance of these methods in evaluating the changes in the humification process of HA extracted from two tropical soils after sewage sludge application. From a qualitative point of view, were observed that in soils with sewage sludge additions the SOM and humic substances generally have a lower degree of humification than untreated soils indicated that the residues of the sewage sludge were chemically different from the native soil organic matter. In addition their incorporation in the soil altered the overall characteristics of the indigenous organic matter. This is a very complex issue that needs further research to be completely solved. The necessity of new research is also due to the fact that the degree of humification concept was established with the consideration that humic substances are formed by macromolecules with very high chemical stability (Schnitzer and Khan, 1972; Stevenson, 1994). Now, however, the concept of macromolecule to humic substances has been seriously questioned (Piccolo, 2002; Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS L.M. Santos et al. / Geoderma xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Simpson, 2002; Simpson et al., 2002) and consequently our understanding about their dynamic and reactivity in different environments must be reconsidered. In the present stage of knowledge, it is considered beneficial to soils including incorporation of newly formed humic substances into the indigenous SOM, in spite of the decrease in the degree of humification of HAs in areas under sewage sludge treatment. The results obtained through statistical analysis (PCA) confirmed the significant differences that exist between SOM from the Typic Eutrorthox (clayey soil) and the Typic Haplorthox (sandy soil) soils. These results show that the characterization of HA extracted from soils with and without sewage sludge application for 7 consecutive years using several methods provides important information about changes in the humification degree of SOM. These findings justify further research using these methods to characterize the HA extracted from sewage sludge-treated soils. 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Please cite this article as: Santos, L.M., et al., Application of chemometric methods in the evaluation of chemical and spectroscopic data on organic matter from Oxisols in sewage sludge applications, Geoderma (2009), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.006
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