Advantages of Port Lobito
Advantages of Port Lobito
Advantages of Port Lobito (1) Predominant geological locations Facing the Atlantic, Port Lobito locates around 30km north to Benguela City, and it is the main seaport in the middle of Angola. (2) Favorable onshore transportation system LUANDA LOBITO LOBITO NAMIBE (3) Excellent natural conditions ☆ Well sheltered by a natural sand bar; ☆ Excellent water depth inside the bay; ☆ Mass undeveloped land for port development; ☆ Well municipal supporting nearby; ☆ Fantastic beach for tourism. Development Target (1) A hinge of land/water transportation for middle south of Angola, even for the inland neighbors; (2) A big port with advanced infrastructure and modern handling equipments; (3) A center port of luxury cruise for middle south of Angola; (4) Port Lobito should be able to import the general cargo and containers, export the minerals, also transport the incoming crude oil and outgoing refined oil for the proposed refinery. Plan of time implementation It is suggested that Port Lobito should be improved to a preliminary modern port in 3.5 years, which is arranged in three steps including rehabilitation works, extension works and updating works. ☆1st stage: to rehab the existing quays in one year; ☆2nd stage: to make the overall plan of Lobito Port and fulfill the Phase I Extension Work in 2 years; ☆ 3rd stage: to update the existing quay area in one year. No. Project Duration The Rehabilitation 12 months Work of Existing Berths The Phase I Extension 2 24 months Work The Updating Work of 3 12 months Existing Berths 1 First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1st Stage: Rehab the existing quay ITEMS OF REHABILITATION (1) Install/replace the rubber fenders and bollards to improve the safety of docking and mooring; (2) Rehab the damaged part of maritime structure crashed by ship recently, and repair/replace the deteriorated components of structure. (3) Re-pave the apron and stacking yard; (4) Repair and update the port accessorial supporting system such as water, electric, fuel oil, communication, navigation and warehouse, etc. (5) Navigation Aids; 2 sets(40t) (6) Update the handling equipments 2 sets(16t) 1 set(8t) 2nd Stage: Master Plan and Phase I Extension Project of Lobito Port Throughput forecast for Lobito Port 2010 2015 2020 General cargo (import) 400,000 600,000 1,000,000 Container (import) 100,000 200,000 400,000 Bulk cargo (export) 550,000 (3,550,000) Year Crude oil (import) Product (export) Remark 820,000 (5,820,000) 1,000,000 Including iron ore (9,000,000) (NOT including iron ore) 10,000,000 12,000,000 road 500,000 500,000 railway 1,000,000 1,500,000 waterway 8,500,000 10,000,000 Vessel type selected Vessel type Load capacity (DWT) Short term LONG TERM General cargo vessel 20,000~30,000 20,000~30,000 Bulk cargo vessel 50,000 / 100,000 70,000 / 250,000 Container vessel 50,000(The fourth generation) 70,000 (The fifth generation) ise u r yc r xu nal u L mi ter lub c t ch a Y Lobito bay se po ur -p lti al Mu rmin te Container Bulk cargo terminal Terminal Oi l te rm in al Master Plan of Port Lobito-Option 1 lub c t ch a Y Lobito bay se po ur -p lti al Mu rmin te Container terminal Oi lt er m in al ise u r yc r xu al Lu min ter B te ulk rm ca in r g al o Master Plan of Port Lobito-Option 2 Phase I Extension Work in Option 1 It is planned to build a container and general cargo berth and a bulk and general cargo berth for the extension works of option 1. Berth Container and general cargo Bulk and general cargo Design Item Design Vessel Type Water Area 30,000DWT general cargo vessel Quay Length 50,000DWT container vessel Marine Structure 70,000DWT container vessel Water Area 50,000DWT bulk cargo vessel Quay Length 70,000DWT bulk cargo vessel Marine Structure 70,000DWT bulk cargo vessel General layout of Option 1 Container and general cargo berth Bulk and general cargo berth Plan of container and general cargo berth 360 m Container and general cargo berth -11.7 m ((-14.7m) 205,200m2 Handling technology of container and general cargo berth Rail-mounted Gantry Crane Portal crane Multi-purpose portal crane Rubber-tyred gantry crane Container reach stacker Empty container stacker Forklift Rubber-tyred mobile crane The throughput: 440,000 tons and 118,000 TEUs annual. LIEBHERR ) Plan of bulk and general cargo berth 330 m Bulk and general cargo berth -13.7 m ((-14.7m) 188,100m2 Handling technology of bulk and general cargo berth Portal crane Stacker-Reclaimer Forklift Multi-purpose portal crane Screw train unloader Rubber-tyred mobile crane Handling technology of general cargo berth in the future Special container berth The throughput: 350,000 TEUs annual. Quayside container crane Rubber-tyred gantry crane Empty container stacker The throughput: 270,000 tons general cargo and 730,000 tons bulk cargo annual. Phase I Extension Work in Option 2 It is planned to build a multi-purpose berth and a bulk cargo berth for the extension works of option 2. Berth Multi-purpose Bulk Cargo Design Item Design Vessel Type Water Area 30,000DWT general cargo vessel Quay Length 50,000DWT container vessel Marine Structure 70,000DWT container vessel Water Area 100,000DWT bulk cargo vessel Quay Length 250,000DWT bulk cargo vessel Marine Structure 250,000DWT bulk cargo vessel Bu lk ca rg o be rt h General layout of Option 2 MultiMulti-purpose berth Plan of multi-purpose berth 360 m MultiMulti-purpose berth -11.7 m (-14.7m) 205,200m2 Handling technology of multi-purpose berth Handling technology of multi-purpose berth in the future Special container berth Plan of bulk cargo berth 426m Bulk cargo quay -15.0m(-21.2m) 174,000m2 (270,000m2) Handling technology of bulk cargo berth Screw train unloader Stacker-reclaimer Ship loader The throughput: 3,800,000 tons annual at the beginning, And 12,670,000 tons annual in the future. Pile-beam-slab structure (steel pipe pile) Caisson structure The recommendation of maritime structure should be determined finally according to the detailed geological data 3rd: Updating of the Existing Quay We plan to reconstruct the existing north and south quay based on the Master Plan after Phase I extension project is finished The north quay will be updated for luxury cruises The south quay will be rebuild as multi-purpose terminal TRAFICO DE NAVIOS Durante o ano de 2006 escalaram ao Porto do Lobito 829 Navios para efeitos de operações comerciais, na seguinte composição: 647 Navios de Longo Curso, 69 Navios Petroleiros, 75 navios Pesqueiros e 13 Navios de Cabotagem Movimento de NAvios 2006 MÊS Navios p/Categoria Jan Fev Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Total Dez Navios/Longo Curso 30 20 36 28 31 26 30 30 32 29 36 27 355 Navios/ Cabotagem 3 6 7 6 10 07 8 8 11 7 12 14 99 Navios /Tanques 5 6 6 4 7 07 4 7 5 5 7 7 70 27 22 21 18 18 14 13 14 12 7 13 9 188 Nav./Pesqueiros 8 13 9 5 13 16 15 11 10 10 4 3 117 SOMA ---------- 73 67 79 61 79 70 70 70 70 58 72 60 829 Rebocadores Movimento de Navios Janeiro-Abril/2007 JAN FEV MAR ABR - - - - 31 30 25 29 115 Petroleiros Estrangeiros 6 2 4 5 17 Butaneiros 3 2 2 2 9 Pesqueiros Estrangeiros - 7 - 1 8 Frigoríficos 2 - - 2 4 Cabotagem Nacionais 1 1 1 1 4 Cabotagem Estrangeiros 1 2 7 4 14 Petroleiros Nacionais - - - - - 17 17 17 14 65 Pesqueiros Nacionais 3 - - - 3 Outros 8 7 5 7 27 72 68 61 65 266 Longo Curso Nacionais Longo Curso Estrangeiros Rebocadores TOTAL TOTAL TRÁFEGO DE MERCADORIAS O manuseamento de cargas durante o período em análise cifrou-se em 1.337.753 Toneladas (+ 312.577 Tons em relação ao ano anterior) na seguinte composição: 163.190 Toneladas embarcadas e 174.563 Toneladas desembarcadas. A produção realizada superou as previsões que apontavam para o manuseamento de 1.200.000 Toneladas de mercadoria diversa. A produtividade média foi de 1200 à 1500 Toneladas por Navio - dia. A média de permanência para os Navios de Longo Curso foi de 2,3 dias. Tonelagem Movimentada em 2006 MÊS VARIANTE FEVER . JAN. TOTAL MAR. ABRIL MAIO JUN. JUL. AGO. SET. OUT. NOV. DEZ. L.Cur-descarga direct 42.888 8.805 43.784 31.146 24.908 37.050 26.335 17.289 31.517 38.878 45.173 38.404 386.177 L. Cur desc indirecta 44.218 25.778 41.564 32.021 41.334 36.285 30.854 39.969 42.790 41.899 31.159 45.364 453.235 - - 32 - - 264 516 8 - - - 690 1.510 L. Cur – c. indirecta. 10.356 14.977 6.392 4.575 7.288 6.644 8.150 7.071 5.518 5.133 8.751 8.856 93.701 Cabot. -desc. directa. - 22 31 548 - 52 263 - 62 - 80 124 1.182 Cabot. Indirecta 2.058 1.338 1.279 341 1.162 522 2.448 150 869 1.264 1.078 1.128 13.637 Carreg. Directo 250 47 350 380 262 5 224 - - - 44 9 1.571 carreg indirecto 4.744 4.690 7.899 7.246 3.474 5.708 3.318 7.569 8.126 4.611 3.226 6.026 66.637 Descarga. Combust. 10.139 12.442 36.500 20.900 54.652 18.144 35.233 23.800 37.500 10.803 20.969 24.454 305.536 1.300 1.100 1.000 994 633 2.130 400 1.500 1.100 1.100 2.200 1.100 14.565 115.953 69.199 138.831 98.151 133.713 106.80 4 107.741 97.356 127.482 103.688 112.680 126.155 1.337.753 Carga Directo Descarga de Gás SOMA Tonelagem Movimentada em 2005/2006 ANO MÊS 2005 DIFERENÇA 2006 95.848 115.953 20.105 108.798 69.199 39.599 Março 70.303 138.831 68.528 Abril 83.133 98.151 15.018 Maio 80.008 133.713 53.705 Junho 71.709 106.804 35.095 Junho 78.789 107.741 28.952 Agosto 87.765 97.356 9.591 Setembro 94.374 127.482 33.108 Outubro 83.660 103.688 20.028 Novembro 90.789 112.680 21.891 Dezembro 80.000 126.155 46.155 1.025.176 1.337.753 312.577 Janeiro Fevereiro TOTAL TRÁFEGO DE CONTENTORES A contentorização representou o maior nível do total de carga movimentada, como resultado do manuseamento de 51.782 contentores, representando um aumento de mais de 10.984 contentores em relação ao período homólogo anterior em que foram manuseados 40.667 contentores. Destes contentores, 20.000 referem-se a operação de desembarque, enquanto que 18.324 contentores foram embarcados e 12.543 entregues aos proprietários. No final do ano encontravam-se parqueados no recinto portuário 2.340 contentores cheios e 1.246 contentores vazios, totalizando 3.586 contentores. Movimento de Contentores 2006 Mês Desembarcados Embarcados Entregues Total Jan 1.554 777 789 3.120 Fev 1.103 1.333 802 3.238 Mar 2.043 1.838 817 4.698 Abr 1.342 1.181 820 3.343 Mai 1.640 1.458 1.176 4.274 Jun 1.879 1.567 1.125 4.571 Jul 1.833 1.317 1.128 4.278 Ago 1.864 1.775 1.368 5.007 Set 2.200 2.362 920 5.482 Out 1.791 1.213 1.208 4.212 Nov 1.683 2.100 1.182 4.965 Dez 1.983 1.403 1.208 4.594 20.915 18.324 12.543 51.782 SOMA Movimento de Contentores Janeiro-Abril/2007 JANEIRO NÚM. EMBARCADOS FEVEREIRO TON NÚM. MARÇO TON NÚM ABRIL TON NÚM. TOTAL TON NUM. TON 1.856 10.862 1.701 10.148 1.704 11.872 1.882 9.445 7.143 42.327 Cheios 337 6.459 365 6.618 407 8.145 343 5.166 1.452 26.388 Vazios 1.519 4.403 1.336 3.530 1.297 3.727 1.539 4.279 5.691 15.939 DESEMBARCADOS 1.768 31.909 1.949 30.820 1.723 30.224 1.727 28.161 7.167 121.114 Cheios 1.614 31.558 1.600 30.039 1.459 29.639 1.548 27.768 6.221 119.004 Vazios 154 351 349 781 264 585 179 393 946 2.110 3.624 42.771 3.650 40.968 3.427 42.096 3.609 37.606 14.310 163.441 Cheios 1.951 38.017 1.965 36.657 1.866 37.784 1.891 32.934 7.673 145.392 Vazios 1.673 4.754 1.685 4.311 1.561 4.312 1.718 4.672 6.637 18.049 TOTAL (EMB+DESEM.
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