Tópicos em Contratos - Escola de Economia de São Paulo
Tópicos em Contratos - Escola de Economia de São Paulo
Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Economia [email protected] Bolton, P.; Dewatripont, M. Contract Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005. Gallini, N. T. & N.A. Lutz (1992). “Dual distribution and royalty fees in franchising”. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 8: 471-501. Grossman, G.; Katz, M. (1983) Plea Bargaining and Social Welfare. The American Economic Review, Vol. 73, No. 4. (Sep., 1983), pp. 749-757. Jensen, M.C. & Murphy, K.J. (1990). “Performance Pay and Top-Management Incentives”. Journal of Political Economy, v. 98, n. 2, pp. 225-264. Laffont, J.J.; Martimort, D. The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model. Princeton; Princeton University Press, 2001. Lafontaine, F. (1992). “Agency theory and franchising: some empirical results”. Rand Journal of Economics, v. 23, n. 2, summer. Lafontaine & Raynauld (2002). “The Role of Residual Claims and Self-Enforcement in Franchise Contracting”. 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Waldman, 2002, The Strategic Use of Trying to Preserve and Create Market Power in Evolving Industries, Rand Journal of Economics, 33(2), 194-220. Choi, J. P. e C. Stefanadis, 2001, Tying, Investment, and the Dynamic Leverage Theory, Rand Journal of Economics, 32(1), 52-71. Farrell, J. e M. Katz, 2000, Innovation, Rent Extraction, and Integration in Systems Markets, Journal of Industrial Economics, 48, 413-432. Martimort, D., 1996, Exclusive Dealing, Common Agency and Multiprincipal Incentive Theory, Rand Journal of Economics, 27(1), 1-31. Disciplina: Tópicos em Contratos Professores: Braz Camargo, Klenio Barbosa, Paulo Furquim de Azevedo 1° Semestre de 2011 EMENTA Essa disciplina tem como objetivo apresentar assuntos de fronteira na área de Teoria de Contratos, em suas mais variadas aplicações, tais como incentivos em organizações, regulação, concorrência, finanças e governança corporativa, entre outros. Por seu propósito, a ementa é revista a cada edição da disciplina, com o intuito de preservar sua característica de preservar a abordagem de fronteira em Teoria de Contratos, em suas dimensões teórica e empírica. METODOLOGI A E PEDAGOGI A Seminários e discussões de texto. PROGRAMA Tópicos em Contratação com risco moral Sharecropping e Incentivos para executivos Múltiplos agentes e múltiplas tarefas Múltiplos principais: Governança corporativa Tópicos em Seleção Adversa e Screening Tópicos em Sinalização Contratos incompletos e Fronteiras da Firma Tópicos avançados BIBLIOGRAFI A Barzel, Y. Mearurement Cost and the Organization of Markets. Journal of Law and Economics, n. 25, April, 1982. pp. 27-48. Becht, M.; Bolton, P. and Röell,A. (2002). Corporate Governance and Control. NBER Working Paper Series: 9371, Dec 2002 Blair, R.D.; Lafontaine, F. (2005). The Economics of Franchising. Cambridge Univ Press. 1 Nalebuff, B., 2004, Bundling as an Entry Barrier,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119, 159-187. Segal, I., 1999, Contracting with Externalities, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114, 337-388. Whinston, M., 2006, Exclusionary Vertical Contracts, Capítulo 4, Lectures in Antitrust Economics, MIT Press. Rochet, J.C. e J. Tirole, 2005, Two-Sided Markets: A Progress Report, Rand Journal of Economics. Armstrong, M., 2005, Competition in Two-Sided Markets, Rand Journal of Economics. Caillaud, B. e B. Jullien, 2003, Chicken & Egg: Competition among Intermediation Service Providers, Rand Journal of Economics, 34, 309-328. Gomes, Renato, 2010, Mechanism Design in Two-Sided Markets: Auctioning Users, World Congress Econometric Society, Shanghai, China Levin, Jonathan, 2010, The Economics of Internet Markets, World Congress Econometric Society, Shanghai, China Weyl, Glen, 2010, A Price Theory of Multi-Sided Platforms, The American Economic Review, 100(4) White, Alexander, 2009, Search Engines: Left Side Quality versus Right Side Profit, Working Paper, Toulouse, France Bajari, P e S. Tadelis, 2001, Incentives versus Transaction Costs: a Theory of Procurement Contracts, Rand Journal of Economics. Banerjee, Abhijit e Esther Duflo, 2000, Reputation Effects and the Limits of Contracting: A Study of the Indian Software Industry, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115, 989-1018. Gagnepain, Philippe e Marc Ivaldi, 2002, Incentive regulatory policies: the case of public transit systems in France, The RAND Journal of Economics, 33 (4), 605-629 Hart, Oliver, Andrei Shleifer, Robert W. Vishny, The Proper Scope of Government: Theory and an Application to Prisons, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112( 4), 11271161 McAfee, R. Preston e John McMillan, 1986, Bidding for Contracts, a Principal-Agent Analysis, The Rand Journal of Economics, 17(5), 326-338. Bajari, Patrick, Robert McMillan e Steven Tadelis, 2009, Incentives and Award Procedures: Competitive Tendering vs. Negotiations in Procurement, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 25(2), 372-399 Barbosa, Klenio, 2010, Free-Riding in Procurement Design, TSE Working paper. Gagnepain, Philippe e Marc Ivaldi, 2008, Contract choice, incentives, and political capture in public transit, Working paper, Toulouse School of Economics Holmstrom, Bengt e Paul Milgrom, 1987, Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision of Intertemporal Incentives, Econometrica, 55 (2), 303-28 Holmstrom, Bengt e Paul Milgrom, 1991, Multitask Principal-Agent Analysis: Incentive Contracts, Asset Ownership, and Job, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 7 (Special Issue), 24-52 3 Rogerson, William P., 1992, Overhead Allocation and Incentives for Cost Minimization in Defense Procurement, The Accounting Review, 67 (4), 671-690 Rogerson, William P., 1994, Economic Incentives and the Defense Procurement Process, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8 (4), 65-90 Rogerson, William P., 2003, Simple Menus of Contracts in Cost-Based Procurement and Regulation, The American Economic Review, 93 (3), 919-926 Hart, O., 2003, Incomplete contracts and public ownership: remarks and an application to public-private partnerships, Economic Journal Iossa, Elisabetta e David Martimort, 2008, The Simple Micro-Economics of Public-Private Partnership, mimeo. Bennett, J. e Elisabetta Iossa, 2006, Building e managing facilities for public services, Journal. Publics Economics, 90. Iossa, Elisabetta e Patrick Legros, 2004, Auditing and property rights, RAND Journal of Economics, 35 (2). 2004, pp. 356–372 Martimort, D. e Pouyet J., 2005, Build it not: normative and positive theories of public-private partnerships, WP, IDEI. AVALI AÇÃO Seminários 1: .......................................................... 40% Seminários 2 ............................................................ 40% Participação nas leituras: ........................................ 20% PROFESSOR - CONTATO Braz Camargo [email protected] Klenio Barbosa [email protected] Paulo Furquim de Azevedo [email protected] 2