Command Examples
Command Examples
AKPRFIDMI02-R2-13.56M (TICA) Protocol Manual Features: 1. Support ISO14443A S50/S70 1K/4K card. 2. Support RS232 interface. 3. Multiples read blocks by single command. Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Antenna On/Off. Get serial number of card. Read data from card. Write data to card. Get firmware version. Mi fare module flow chart : Command overview : SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757 Command Byte Mifare Application oriented Mifare Low level protocol command command „s‟ Select Get S/N „l‟ Login [sector,Keytype,key] Authenticate „r‟ Read [block] Read „w‟ Write [block, data] Write „poff‟/‟pon‟ Turn the anten na power on/off Reset TAGs „v‟ Get Version Reference ProtocolInstruction: STX Station ID Length 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Command / Parameter BBC ETX N byte 1 byte 1 byte 1. STX: Start byte (0x02) 2. Station ID: Unique ID of the station ID 0: Reserved for theus b master (Reader device) ID 01: Reply only address 0x01, other address reserved (Get ID Instruction) 3. Length: Data Length Indicator Denotes the length of the Command/ Parameter. 4. Command/Parameter: Instruction Block The instruction block contains the command and parameterinformation.The command values are the same as protocol overview. Parameter transmitted binary of Hex. The length of the command block depends on the instructions. 5. BBC: Block Check Character This byte is used to detect transmission errors. It is calculated by XORing each byte of the transmission frame excluding the STX/BCC and ETX character. BBC = (Station ID)XOR (Length)XOR (Command/Parameter) All Command Examples: SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757 SelectCommand Example : Command Example „s‟ 02 01 01 73 73 03 ISO 14443A SelectResponse Example : Answer Explain 02 00 04 AA E3 47 73 79 03 SN: AA E3 47 73 02 00 01 4E 4F 03 No TAG: „N‟ ISO 14443ALogin Command Example : Command Example „l‟ 02 01 09 6C 00AA FF FF FF FF FF FF CE 03 Sector (1byte) 00 ~ 0F (for S50) or 00 ~ 3F(for S70) Keytype (1byte) AA/BB authenticate with keytype A/B Key (6 byte) keydata authentication is done. ISO 14443ALogin Response Example : Answer Explain 02 00 01 4C 4D 30 Login success:„l‟ 02 00 01 4E 4F 03 No TAG: „N‟ 02 00 01 46 47 03 Login Failure:„F‟ 02 00 01 45 46 03 Invalid Key: „E‟ ISO 14443ARead Command Example : Command Example „r‟ 02 01 02 72 00 71 03 Block (1byte) 00~03(for S50 /S70) ISO 14443ARead Response Example : Answer Explain 02 00 10 AA E3 47 73 7D 88 04 00 47 C1 2A D5 55 00 08 Read data: Block0 data 07 BF 03 02 00 01 4E 4F 03 No TAG: „N‟ 02 00 01 46 47 03 ISO 14443AWrite Command Example : Read Failure:„F‟ Command Example „w‟ 02 01 12 7701 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC DD SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757 EE FF 65 03 Block (1byte) Data (16byte) 00~03(for S50 /S70) xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx x(x: 00 ~ FF) ISO 14443AWrite Response Example : Answer Explain 02 00 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 88 77 99 AA BB CC DD EE FF 10 03 Write data: Block1 data 02 00 01 4E 4F 03 No TAG: „N‟ 02 00 01 46 47 03 Write Failure:„F‟ Turn on/off antenna Command Example : Command Example „poff‟ 02 01 04 70 6F 66 66 1A 03 „pon‟ 02 01 03 70 6F 6E 73 03 Turn on/off antennaResponse Example : Answer Explain 02 0001 50 51 03 02 00 04 AA E3 47 73Turn on/off success : „P‟ 79 03 SN: AA E3 47 73(If there is TAG) a 02 00 01 50 51 03 Turn on/off success: „P‟ none (No TAG) Get Version Command Example : Command Example „v‟ 02 01 01 76 76 03 Get VersionResponse Example : Answer Explain 02 00 04 56 32 2E 32 7C 03 FirmwareVersion:„V2.2‟ Appendixes : Mifare ISO14443A card of memory organizationfor MF1 IC S50 SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757 Note: The 4K Byte EEPROM memory organized is in 32 sectors with 4 blocks and in 8 sectors with 16 blocks. One block consists of 16 bytes. Access Conditions SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757 Note: If key B may be read in the corresponding Sector Trailer it cannot serve for authentication (all grey marked lines in previous table). Consequ ences: If the RWD tries to authenticate any block of a sector with key B using grey marked access conditions, the card will refuse any subsequent memory access authentication after . SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757 Mifare ISO14443A card of memory organizationfor MF1 IC S70 Note: The 4K Byte EEPROM memory organized is in 32 sectors with 4 blocks and in 8sectors with 16 blocks. One block consists of 16 bytes. In the erased state the EEPROM cells are read as a logical “ 0” , in the written state as a logical “ 1” . Access Conditions For the first 32 sectors (first 2K Bytes of NV -memory) the access conditions can be set individually for a data area sized one block. For the last 8 sectors (upper 2K Bytes of-memory) NV access conditions can be set individually for a data area sized 5 block s. SEDE ADMINISTRATIVA Rua Senador Petrônio Portela, 47 Galpão 5 – Zona Industrial Norte – Joinville/SC CEP: 89219-575 Suporte Técnico (+55) 47 3028-6757
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