revista aidis - Revistas UNAM


revista aidis - Revistas UNAM


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application of fenton-like process in tertiary treatment of leachate

application of fenton-like process in tertiary treatment of leachate of solid waste, but the literature data about that application are limited. The aim of this study, was to analyze the results obtained in the parameters Color and COD of the treated leachate collec...

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Tratamento de Chorume por Processos Oxidativos

Tratamento de Chorume por Processos Oxidativos O estudo envolveu a caracterização do lixiviado proveniente do aterro e estudos visando a dosagem adequada do reagente Fenton (razão Fe: H2O2) para tratamento otimizado do lixiviado. A eficiência d...

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revista aidis - Revistas UNAM

revista aidis - Revistas UNAM that by adjusting the leachate pH to a slightly acidic condition, it was possible to reduce significantly the ammonia emissions of the condensate effluent. Key Words: Ammonia, landfill, leachate ev...

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