Rachel I. Albrecht, PhD - University of Maryland
Rachel I. Albrecht, PhD - University of Maryland
Rachel I. Albrecht, PhD Cooperative Institute for Climate Studies (CICS) NOAA / ESSIC University of Maryland College Park, MD 20740 phone: (301) 405-3395 e-mail: [email protected] Education 2004-2008 University of São Paulo- Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences Department of Atmospheric Sciences, São Paulo, SP - Brazil Ph. D. in Meteorology - Advisors: Dr. Carlos A. Morales and Dr. Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias Dissertation: “Electrification of precipitating systems over the Amazon: Physical and dynamical processes of thunderstorm development” 2002-2004 University of São Paulo- Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences Department of Atmospheric Sciences, São Paulo, SP - Brazil M. S. in Meteorology - Advisor: Dr. Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias Thesis: “Microphysical characteristics of the convective and stratiform precipitation associated to the intraseasonal oscillation at the Southwest Amazon” 1997-2000 University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences São Paulo, Brazil B.S. in Meteorology Employment and Experience 2008-present Cooperative Institute for Climate Studies (CICS) NOAA / ESSIC University of Maryland Research Associate Supervisors: Dr. Seteven Goodmam and Dr. Philip Arkin. GOES-R Risk Reduction Team 2004-2008 2007-2007 2004-2004 2002-2004 2001-2001 University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences Department of Atmospheric Sciences, São Paulo, SP - Brazil Graduate Research Assistant Supervisors: Dr. Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias and Dr. Carlos A. Morales Research in Cloud Microphysics, Radar Meteorology, and Atmospheric Electricity University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences Department of Atmospheric Sciences, São Paulo, SP - Brazil Graduate Teaching Assistant (ACA 0330 – Introduction to Atmospheric Electricity) Supervisor: Dr. Carlos A. Morales (Taught part of the classes and served as assistant) National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States of America Visiting scientist at TRMM Ground Validation program Supervisor: Dr. Ali Tokay Kwajalein atoll raindrop size distribution and rainfall characteristics University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences Department of Atmospheric Sciences, São Paulo, SP - Brazil Graduate Research Assistant Supervisor: Dr. Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias Research in Cloud Microphysics, Radar Meteorology and Tropical Convection University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences São Paulo, Brazil Meteorologist at MASTER Weather Forecasting Laboratory Supervisor: Dr. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias Medium stated period forecast of reservatory affluences based on climate prediction 2000-2000 Aerospatial Technical Center - Aeronautic and Space Institute São José dos Campos, Brazil Intern - Supervisors: Dr. Gilberto Fisch and Dr. Luiz Augusto Machado Quality Control of Vaisala radiosonde data from TRMM/LBA 2000-2000 University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences São Paulo, Brazil Undergraduate Research Assistant Supervisor: Dr. Augusto Pereira Filho Research in Radar Meteorology and Cloud Microphysics 1998-2002 University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences São Paulo, Brazil MASTER Weather Forecasting Laboratory Trainee Supervisors: Dr. Maria Assunção Silva Dias and Dr. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias Managed and created LBA data inventory, developed and maintained web page for TRMM/LBA, CIRSAN/LBA, DRY-TO-WET-RaCCI/LBA, and South American radiosondes. 1997-1998 University of São Paulo – Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences São Paulo, Brazil “Investigating the Earth”, Undergraduate voluntary activity Supervisor: Dr. Eder Cassola Molina Created and maintained web page about Astronomy, Geophysics and Meteorology subjects for High School students Scientific Meetings and Field Experiments 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 89th American Meteorological Society Meeting – Phoenix, AZ, USA. NOAA STAR GOES-R AWG Review – Madison, WI, USA. III Regional Conference on Global Change: South America – São Paulo, SP Brazil 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity – Beijing, China. 33rd\ Conference on Radar Meteorology – Cairns, QL Australia. XIV Brazilian Congress on Meteorology – Florianopolis, SC Brazil 6th RAMS/BRAMS/OLAM International Users Workshop – Ubatuba, SP Brazil 2nd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning & 86th AMS Annual Meeting – Atlanta, GA United States of America VII International Symposium on Lightning Protection – São Paulo, SP Brazil 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology & 12th Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM United States of America 2nd Data Analysis Workshop on the RaCCI/LBA and SMOCC/LBA - Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil XIII Brazilian Congress on Meteorology – Fortaleza, CE Brazil 3rd LBA Scientific Conference - Brasília, DF Brazil 1st Data Analysis Workshop on the RaCCI/LBA and SMOCC/LBA - Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil Dry-to-Wet Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign (DRYTOWET/LBA), Radiation, Clouds and Climate Interactions (RaCCI/LBA), and Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate (SMOCC/LBA), Rondônia, Brazil XII Brazilian Congress on Meteorology – Foz do Iguaçu, PR Brazil 2nd LBA Scientific Conference - Manaus, AM Brazil Local Circulations in Santarém – CIRSAN/LBA – Para, Brazil XI Brazilian Meteorological Society Conference - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil 1st LBA Scientific Conference - Belem, Brazil 2nd Winter Air Pollution Experiment - Sao Paulo, Brazil Data Analysis Workshop on the WETAMC/LBA and TRMM/LBA - Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil 1st Winter Air Pollution Experiment - Sao Paulo, Brazil Wet Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign – WETAMC/LBA & TRMM/LBA - Rondônia, Brazil Refereed publications MITZEVA, R., TSENOVA, B., ALBRECHT, R. , PETERSEN, W. (2009): The Study of Charge Structure Sensitivity in Simulated Thunderstorms, Atmospheric Research, 91, 299-309. ALBRECHT, R. I., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2005): Microphysical evidence of the transition between predominant convective/stratiform rainfall associated to the large-scale variability of precipitation in southwest Amazon. Acta Amazonica, 35, 175 - 184,. SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., PETERSEN, W., DIAS, P. L. S., CIFELLI, R., BETTS, A., LONGO, M., GOMES, A. M., LIMA, M. A., ANTONIO, M. A., ALBRECHT, R. I. (2002): A case study of convective organization in precipitating lines on southwest Amazon during WETAMC and TRMM-LBA, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 8078. LONGO, M., ALBRECHT, R. I., Machado, L. A. T., Fisch, G., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2002): Controle de qualidade dos dados de radiossondagem da campanha WETAMC/LBA, Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 17, 243-253. PEREIRA FILHO, A. J., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., ALBRECHT, R. I., PEREIRA, L. G. P., GANDU, A. W., MASSAMBANI, O., TOKAY, A., RUTLEDGE, S. (2002): Multisensor analysis of a squall line in the Amazon region, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 8084. Conferences publications ALBRECHT, R. I., GOODMAN, S. J., BUECHLER, D., CHRONIS, T. (2009): Tropical frequency and distribution of lightning based on 10 years of observations from space by the Lightning Image Sensor (LIS), Fourth Conference on the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, Phoenix, AZ, USA. ALBRECHT, R. I., and MORALES, C. A. (2008): Effects of the biomass burning in the thunderstorm development: An analysis in the Amazon Basin, International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation 2008, July, Cancun, Mexico. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., and SILVA DIAS, M. A. F.(2008): One Dimension Cloud Model with Electrification Scheme: The dependence of the CCNs on the development of the electrical charge centers, t International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation 2008, July, Cancun, Mexico. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., FREITAS, E. D., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2007): Lightning parametrization in numerical models: Description and results from BRAMS and an 1D cloud model, XI International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., NEVES, J., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2007): Lightning activity on thunderstorms relative to the microphysics, thermodynamics and large-scale features in the Amazon Region, 33rd\ Conference on Radar Meteorology, Cairns, QL Australia. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2007): Impact of aerosols in cloud electrification: Results from cloud modeling and measurements at the Amazon region, 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China. MITZEVA, R., TSENOVA, B., ALBRECHT, R. , PETERSEN, W. (2007): The Study of Charge Structure Sensitivity in Simulated Thunderstorms, 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., PETERSEN, W. (2006): Applications of an electrified one-dimensional cloud model, 2nd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data preprints, Atlanta, GA USA. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., PEREYRA, R., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., PETERSEN, W. (2006): Impacto dos aerossóis na eletrificação de tempestades: Modelo 1D de nuvem eletrificada e investigações sobre o aumento de descargas atmosféricas positivas, Anais do XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Florianópolis, SC Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2005): Electrified 1D Cloud Model: Preliminary results during the RaCCI/LBA 2002 Field Campaign, VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection preprints, São Paulo, SP Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., PETERSEN, W. (2005): Electrified 1D cloud model: Investigation of the Amazonian monsoon and dry-to-wet seasonal conditions for convection, 11th Conference on Mesoscale Processes preprints, Albuquerque, NM USA. AMORIM, W., MORALES, C. A., ALBRECHT, R. I., ROSA, R. M., (2005): Yes, We do have tornadoes in Sao Paulo, Brazil. From the mesoscale models to the radar reflectivity point of view, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology preprints, Albuquerque, NM USA. ALBRECHT, R. I., MORALES, C. A., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., PALAGANO, M., PETERSEN, W. (2004): Eletrificação de nuvens durante o experimento RaCCI utilizando um modelo unidimensional de nuvem fria, Abstracts of 2nd RaCCI workshop, Cachoeira Paulista, SP Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2004): Características microfísicas da precipitação convectiva e estratiforme associadas à oscilação de larga-escala no sudoeste da Amazônia, Anais do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Fortaleza, CE Brazil. MORALES, C. A., Machado, L. A. T., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., AMORIM, W., FREDIANI, M. E. B., ALBRECHT, R. I. (2004): Characteristics of the precipitating systems during the 2002 Dry-to-wet field campaign in the Amazon Region, Anais do XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Fortaleza, CE Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., TOKAY, A. (2004): Drop size distribution measurements in TRMM/LBA and beyond, Abstracts of 3rd LBA Scientific Conference, Brasília, DF Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2004): Microphysical evidence of the transition between predominant convective/stratiform rainfall associated to the large-scale variability of precipitation in southwest Amazon, Abstracts of 3rd LBA Scientific Conference, Brasília, DF Brazil. MORALES, C. A., Machado, L. A. T., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., FREDIANI, M. E. B., AMORIM, W., ALBRECHT, R. I. (2004): Characteristics of the precipitating systems during the 2002 Dry-to-wet field campaign in the Amazon Region, Abstracts of 3rd LBA Scientific Conference, Brasília, DF Brazil. MORALES, C. A., AMORIM, W., Machado, L. A. T., FREDIANI, M. E. B., ALBRECHT, R. I., BIAZETTO, B. (2003): Características dos sistemas precipitantes durante a campanha Dry-to-Wet, Abstracts of 1st RaCCI Workshop, Cachoeira Paulista, SP Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., PEREIRA FILHO, A. J. (2002): Evolução temporal da relação ZR em sistemas precipitantes durante o experimento WETAMC/LBA & TRMM/LBA, Anais do XII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Foz do Iguaçu, PR Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., PEREIRA FILHO, A. J. (2002): Temporal evolution of ZR relationships over precipitating systems during WETAMC/LBA & TRMM/LBA, Abstracts of 2nd LBA Scientific Conference, Manuas, AM Brazil. ALBRECHT, R. I., LONGO, M., Machado, L. A. T., Fisch, G., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. (2002): WETAMC campaign sounding data quality control, Abstracts of 2nd LBA Scientific Conference, Manuas, AM Brazil. PEREIRA FILHO, A. J., ALBRECHT, R. I. (2001): S-Pol measurements and DSD estimates of reflectivity during the WETAMC and TRMM-LBA field experiment in Rondonia, Brazil, 30th International Conference on Radar Meteorology preprints, Munich, Germany. PEREIRA FILHO, A. J., ALBRECHT, R. I., PEREIRA, L. G. P., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., GANDU, A. W., MASSAMBANI, O. (2000): Características físicas, dinâmicas e termodinâmicas de uma linha de instabilidade durante o experimento TRMM-LBA, Anais do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Rio de Janeiro. RJ Brazil ALBRECHT, R. I., PEREIRA FILHO, A. J. (2000): Temporal Evolutilon of Z-R relationship over a squall line system during WETAMC/LBA & TRMM/LBA experiments, Abstracts of 1st LBA Scientific Conference, Belém, PA Brazil. PEREIRA FILHO, A. J., ALBRECHT, R. I., PEREIRA, L. G. P., SILVA DIAS, M. A. F., GANDU, A. W. (1999): Multisensor analysis of a squall line during the TRMM-LBA experiment, Abstracts of Data Analysis Workshop on the WET-AMC/LBA & TRMM/LBA, Cachoeira Paulista, SP Brazil. Other relevant skills Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish Computers: FORTRAN, C/C++, R Statistical Computing, IDL, GrADS, SOLO Radar Software, SHELL scripting, HTML, PHP, Linux/Unix and Windows Platforms Affiliations: American Meteorological Society (2007-present) Brazilian Meteorological Society (1999-present)