Ruben Jesus de Hoyos Alfred de Grazia
Ruben Jesus de Hoyos Alfred de Grazia
Social Science Research Council 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 U.S.A. (E.U.A.) CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM FORMULARIO CONFIDENCIAL DE RECOMENDACION FORMULARIO CONFIDENCIAL DE APRESENTAQAO 5 (PART ONE) individual / individual / individual i collaborative / colaborativa / conjunta application for grant for advanced research solicitud de subvencion para la investigacion avanzada solicitacao de subvencao para pesquisa avancada PLEASE TYPE / SIRVASE ESCRIBIR A M A Q U I N A / QUEIRA PREENCHER A M A Q U I N A Retain one copy for your records and return all remaining copies t o SSRC by: DECEMBER 2 Conserve una copia para sus archivos y devuelva todas las demas al SSRC antes del: 2 DICIEMBRE Conserve uma copia para seus arquivos e devolva todas as outras ao SSRC antes d o : . 2 DEZEMBRO Ruben J e s u s de Hoyos NAME OF APPLICANT / NOMBRE COMPLETO DEL CANDIDATO / NOME COMPLETO DO CANDIDATO Alfred de Grazia REPORT REQUESTED FROM / NOMBRE COMPLETO DEL INFORMANTE / NOME COMPLETO DO INFORMANTE GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS / CALIFICACIONES GENERALES / QUALIFICACOES GERAIS a. How long, how well, and in what capacities have you known the applicant? ^Hace cuanto tiempo conoce al candidato? Sirvase indicar el caracter de su relacion con el solicitante, e.g., alumno, colega, colaborador, etc. Ha quanto tempo conhece o candidato? Indique o carater de sua relacao com o candidato, i.e., aluno, colega, colaborador, etc. 12 y e a r s , as a s t u d e n t , c o l l e a g u e and f r i e n d . b. What do you regard as his most significant published piece ot research? En opinion deusted, (',cual essu obrapublicada mas importante? Ott t h e Em sua opiniao, qual a mais importante publicacao do candidato? ChUTCh dictatorship,, dealing especially „„„ , , . u „ . ,.„„„ 1/ ,. „. • J u*p "IIS U n p U D M S n e u a i S S e r t a t l O r a c t i v i t i e s Of t h e C a t h o l l C i n t h e O v e r t h r o w Of t h e PeTQn w i t h mass movements and t h e coup d'etat. c. Which of the following best describes his past achievements as a research scholar? ' <,Cual de las siguientes serfa la descripcion mas precisa de su capacidad ya demostrada en su especialidad? Qual das seguintes descricoes se aplica melhor ao candidato em relacao 3 capacidade demonstrada anteriormente em seu ramo 9 among the half-dozen leaders in his field outstanding entre los seis mas destacados en esta rama de estudios sobresaliente XX entre os seis mais proeminentes neste ramo de estudos proeminente of average competence or less de capacidad regular o menos capacidade media ou inferior above average superior al termino medio acima da media With what group have you compared him here? Con cual grupo lo ha comparado aquf? Com qual grupo o compara aqui? I have compared him w i t h t h e dozen o r so s c h o l a r s I have known who make t h e i r p r o f e s s i o n a l r e p u t a t i o n s i n w r i t i n g about L a t i n - A m e r i c a n s o c i a l s y s t e m s , s o c i a l p s y c h o l o g y , p o l i t i c a l movements, p a r t i e s , and p e r s o n a l i t i e s ! " L e a d e r " i m p l i e s fame. De Hoyos l a c k s f a m e , b u t I would t r u s t h i s a n a l y s e s above t h o s e o f t h e s e more famous men. THE PROJECT / EL PROYECTO / O PROJETO Is it feasible?Is it well designed? Is it likely to yield significant new knowledge? £Es factible? ^Esta* bien disenado? ^Cabrfa esperar que aportarfa conocimientos nuevos importantes? E realizavel? Esta bem planejado? Poderia proporcionar novas descobertas importantes? I have no doubts about t h e c a p a c i t i e s o f De Hoyos on h i s proposed p r o j e c t . A f t e r he had f o r m u l a t e d i t , I d i s c u s s e d i t w i t h h i m . De Hoyos has a mark o f g e n i u s : t h e a b i l i t y t o t a l k w i t h u t m o s t s i m p l i c i t y and humility on a subject, with unerring balance, sensitivity and prudence. F u r t h e r , what he w i l l have t o say t h a t goes beyond p o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e , be i t e c o n o m i c s , t e c h n o l o g y o r c u l t u r e - c h a n g e , w i l l be f u l l y r e s p e c t a b l e . He w i l l n o t w r i t e something t h a t w i l l be " c a u g h t o f f - b a s e " as t h e work o f a neophyte o r someone who v e n t u r e s r a s h l y i n t o unknown r e a l m s . The subject is fully interdisciplinary; the applicant is up to the challenge. CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM FORMULARIOCONFIDENCIAL DE RECOMENDACION FORMULARIO CONFIDENCIAL DE APRESENTACAO 5 (PART TWO) Ruben Jesus /de Hoyos. CANDIDATE'S NAME / NOMBRE DEL CAftLDJXWrfO / NOME DO CANDIDATO Alfred de Grazia REPORT REQUESTED FROM / INFORMANTE / INFORMANTS SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS / CALIFICACIONES ESPECIALES / QUALIFICAQOES ESPECIAIS Has he specialized in the particular area of investigation represented by his present project? Has he the requisite foreign language facility or any other special skills for effective work? Are his personal relations such that any necessary cooperation can be expected, both in this country and abroad? ,'Es apropiada su especialidad a la investigacion que se propone llevar a cabo? , Tiene los conocimienios de lengua necesarios u otra pericia especial que el trabajo requiera? jSu personalidad y su comportamiento social facilitarfa el logro de sus propositos? Seu ramo de estudos e apropriado h pesquisa que se propoe a realizar? Possui os conhecimentos de Imgua necessarios ou outras habilldades especiais requeridas pelo trabalho? Sua personalidade e sociabilidade tendenam a facilitar a realizacao do trabalho? De Hoyos, as indicated above, is an exemplary well-rounded scholar He can handle with complete naturalness and yet on a professional basis issues that involve public affairs, ethics of policy, party politics, differing national perspectives, anthropology, economics, militarism, and bureaucracy. His freedom from ethnic, religious, and nationalistic bias is practically perfect. Also, he knows the area concerned like an Eagle Scout from Kankakee, 111., knows Starved Rock Indian Memorial. His native language, of course, is that of the area concerned. Too, De Hoyos is well-connected in the area respeeting relevant scholars and gate-keepers; the REctor at the University of Cordoba is a friend; professors throughout the area are also friends. In any event, he is of a most obliging and delicate manner; I have seen him work in difficult social ambiances in Switzerland and New York City; he walks a calm path through all kinds of hostility and suspicion. OTHER COMMENTS / COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES / COMENTARIOS ADICIONAIS Are there other matters to which you believe our committee should give attention in considering this application? ;Existen otros datos que merezcan atencion especial? Agradeceriamos cualesquiera observaciones o comentarios adicionais que ayuden a nuestro comite de seleccion hacer una valorizacion mas precisa de los meritos de esta solicitud. Existem outros dados que merecam atencao especial? O programa agradece qualsquer observacoes adicionais que possam auxiliar nossa comissao selecionadora em uma availacao mais precisa dos meritos desta inscricao. 1. De Hoyos is keenly observant of the nuances of chauvinism as they penetrate economics, welfare, and politics. 2. He is acutely sensitive to the needs and feelings of the common people. 3. He is sophisticated in moving within an unfriendly and strange environment, whether it be the jungles of Bengal, the Bowery of New York, the wilds of Patagonia, or the present instance of the La Plata Basin. 4. He is an excellent interviewer who readily obtains access to the highest and lowest levels of socity. 5. He is not transfixed by any ideology such as communism, socialism, laissez-faire, thornism, or nco-liberal ism. He is philosophical and pragmatic in mentality / I would affirm that for what he wants to do in re La Plata Basin international conflicts research (and I believe it to bo a project of first order importance), Professor de Hoyos is quite simply the best man that could be found anywhere. / ,<^^^1 I ^KjfTature ' Urma'/ assirf^tura Pr ^te 0 A?ra r /cafti $ o c i Q l ThGor y Dec 2 WrMtSW*1*- > 1974 212-777-536? Or 598-3277