Literatura inglesa e norte americana 2013-01-30
Literatura inglesa e norte americana 2013-01-30
Aldington, Richard Alexander, Michael (ed) Amis, Kingleys Amos, William Auden, W.H. Auden, W.H. Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Barbosa, Ruy Barnes, Julian Barrows, M.W. et al. (eds) Bates, H.E. Bedford, Sybille Bennett, Arnold Betjeman, John Blake, William Boswell, James Boswell, James Brontë, Charlotte Brooke, Rupert Brooke, Rupert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Burgess, Anthony Burgess, Anthony Butler, Samuel Byron Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Oscar Wilde The Earliest English Poems Lucky Jim The Originals Nones The Collected Poetry of W.H.Auden Mansfield Park The Complete Novels of Jane Austen Swift Flaubert's Parrot The Early Years of English Literature Fair Stood the Wind for France The Best We Can Do The Journals of Arnold Bennett John Betjeman's Collected Poems Songs of Innocence and of Experience Boswell's London Journal The Life of Samuel Johnson Jane Eyre Poems The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke Sonnets from the Portuguese and Other Love Poems Abba Abba Beard's Roman Women Erewhon Selected Letters and Journals Alice in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Alice's Adventures Under Ground Alicia in Terra Mirabili Anya V Stranye Chudes The Annotated Alice The Annotated Alice 1946 1972 1964 1985 1951 1979 1985 1964 1958 1961 1954 1958 1972 1958 1941 1964 1948 1954 1979 1977 1961 1984 1958 1960 1965 1965 1976 1965 1971 690 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 1.364 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 282 lit. inglesa 254 lit. inglesa 220 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 433 lit. inglesa 164 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 107 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 168 lit. inglesa 351 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing lat ing ing ing Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Cerf, Bennet A. & Cartmell, van H, Cerf, Bennett A. (ed) Chatto & Windus Chatwin, Bruce Chatwin, Bruce Chatwin, Bruce Chatwin, Bruce Chatwin, Bruce Chaucer Chaucer, Geoffrey Chesterton, G.K. Chesterton, G.K. Chesterton, G.K. Chesterton, G.K. Church, Richard Cohen, J.M. (ed) Connolly, Cyril Connolly, Cyril Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Coward, Noel Cutcliffe-Hyne, C.J. Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel The Annotated Snark The Penguin Complete Lewis Carroll The Selected Leters of Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass Sixteen Famous British Plays Great Modern Short Stories The Pick of the "Punch" In Patagonia The Songlines The Viceroy of Ouidah Utz What Am I Doing Here? The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales. A selection A Chesterton Calendar Selected Essays Stories, Essays & Poems The Man Who Was Thursday British Authors. A Twentieth Century Gallery The Penguin Book of Comic and Curious Verse Enemies of Promise and Other Essays The Selected Essays of Cyril Connolly The Mirror of the Sea / A Personal Record The Nigger of the Narcissus / The End of the Tether The Rescue The Rover The Secret Agent The Secret Sharer Three Short Novels Tufão e outras histórias The Short Stories West Highland Spirits Moll Flanders Moll Flanders Robinson Crusoé 1967 1983 1982 1908 1942 1942 1943 1984 1988 1982 1989 1989 1954 1969 1911 1953 1953 1938 1943 1956 1960 1983 1989 196x 1960 1961 1907 1955 1963 1936 1985 1932 1963 1980 1930 230 1.000 207 400 288 344 170 320 387 308 206 629 286 356 197 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing por fra Deighton, Len Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles DIckens, Charles DIckens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dolley, Christopher (ed) Dolley, Christopher (ed) Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence Eliot, T.S. Eliot, T.S. Eliot, T.S. Eliot, T.S. Enright, Dominique Evans, B.Ifor Fielding, Henry Ford, Boris Ford, Boris (ed) Forester, C.S. Forester, C.S. Forester, C.S. Forester, C.S. Forester, C.S. Forester, C.S. Forster, E.M. Forster, E.M. Declarations of War A Tale of Two Cities Bleak House David and Emily David Copperfield Sketches by Boz The Comic World of Dickens The Mystery of Edwin Drood The Pickwick Papers The Two Tales of the Bagman The Penguin Book of English Short Stories The Second Penguin Book of English Short Stories Balthazar Esprit de Corp Justine Prospero's Cell The Black Book Tunc Collected Poems 1909-1935 Murder in the Cathedral Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats The Waste Land and Other Poems The Wicket Wit of Winston Churchil A Short History of English Literature The History of Tom Jones The Modern Age The Age of Shakespeare Brown on Resolution Brown on Resolution Payment Deferred Plain Murder The General The Good Shepherd A Passage to India A Passage to India 1971 1964 1980 1908 158 923 558 1961 827 1957 1985 1985 1961 1958 2000 1967 1960 1969 1958 1963 1986 1962 2001 1940 1973 1963 1963 1952 1956 1961 1975 1956 1955 1979 1991 328 318 221 162 192 140 151 233 287 293 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Fowles, John Fowles, John Frankan, Gilbert Frey, James E. Galliene, Richard (ed) Galsworthy, John Galsworthy, John Galsworthy, John Gilpatric, Guy Golding, William Gordon, Richard Graves, Robert Graves, Robert Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Grierson, Herbert & Smith, J.C. Halliday, F.E. Hampden, John (ed) Hardy, Thomas Harrison, G.B. Harrison, G.B. (ed) Hay, Ian Hay, Lan & King-Hall Hazlitt, William Hazzard, Shirley Heliodora, Bárbara The Ebony Tower The French Lieutenant's Woman Peter Jackson, Cigar Merchant Romantic and Victorian Writers Passages from the Diary of Samuel Pepys A Modern Comedy Caravan The Island Pharisees The Second Glencannon Omnibus Lord of the Flies Doctor ar Sea Count Belisarius I, Claudius It's a Battlefield It's a Battlefield May We Borrow Your Husband? Orient Express The Best of Saki The Human Factor The Power and the GLory The Power and the Glory The Third Man This Gun For Hire Travels with my Aunt A Critical History of English Poetry A Shakespeare Companion 1564-1964 Great English Short Stories The Return of the Native Introducing Shakespeare A Book of English Poetry The First Hundred Thousand The Middle Watch The Spirit of the Age The Transit of Venus A expressão dramática do homem político em Shakespeare 1975 1970 1920 1963 1923 1947 1948 1948 1961 1964 1955 1975 1963 1953 1953 1967 1955 1952 1979 1962 1957 1962 1955 1969 1962 1964 1940 1973 1948 1938 1940 1932 1960 1980 1978 399 374 330 1.088 870 283 472 219 191 177 288 413 221 320 337 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por Hemingway, Ernest HIlton, James Hilton, James Hood, Thomas Hosseini, Khaled Housman, A.E. Huberman, Elizabeth & Edward Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Isherwood, Christopher Jacobs, Joseph Jenkins, Michael Jerome, Jerome K. Jerome, Jerome K. Jerome, Jerome K. Jerome, Jerome K. Jones, Phyllis M. Jordão, Vera Pacheco Keats, John Keats, John Khoury, Raymond Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Green Hills of Africa Good-bye Mr.Chips We Are Not Alone The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood A THousand Splendid Suns More Poems 50 Great Essays ... também o cisne morre Admirável mundo novo Antic Hay Brave New World Stories, Essays & Poems Adeus a Berlin English Fairy Tales A House in Flanders The Passing of the Third Floor Back and Other Stories Three Men in a Boat Three Men on the Bummel Tommy and co. Modern English Short Stories Maneco, o byroniano Selected Letters of John Keats The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of J.Keats Le dernier templier A Choice of Kipling's Verse Barrack-room Ballads Collected Stories Departmental Ditties Humorous Tales Just So Stories Le Livre de la Jungle Le Second Livre de la Junge Les plus belles histoires Monseigneur l'éléphant Plain Tales From the Hills 1956 1936 1941 1893 2007 1936 1964 1942 1941 1952 1966 1985 1993 1907 1930 1963 1955 1974 1951 2006 1941 1946 1994 1946 1949 1955 1946 1934 1927 1953 284 lit. inglesa 118 lit. inglesa 123 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 372 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 350 lit. inglesa 213 lit. inglesa 418 lit. inglesa 235 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 158 lit. inglesa 240 lit. inglesa 247 lit. inglesa 278 lit. inglesa 287 lit. inglesa 401 lit. inglesa 145 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 459 lit. inglesa 306 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 911 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 215 lit. inglesa 254 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 383 lit. inglesa 282 lit. inglesa 336 lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por por ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing fra ing ing ing ing ing ing fra fra fra fra ing Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kobler, D.G. & Evans, B. (eds) Kronenberg, Louis (ed) Kubat, N.B. & Magill, J.G. Lamb, Charles & Mary Lamb, Charles & Mary Larkin, Philip Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Lear, Edward Lear, Edward Leavis, F.R. LeBuffe, Francis P. Lennon, John Levin, Bernard Levin, Bernard Lewis, C.D. Lewis, Sinclair London, J. Lowry, Malcolm Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer Macaula, Thomas Babington MacKenzie, Compton MacKenzie, Compton Macrone, Michael Malone, Ted Mansfield, Katherine (trad. Érico Veríssimo) Short Stories v.I Soldiers Three Soldiers Three The Jungle Book The Jungle Book Verse Spenser to Goldsmith An Anthology of Light Verse Modern English Prose and Poetry Contos de Shakespeare Two Tales Collected Poems História de uma rapariga L'amant de Lady Chatterley Sons and Lovers Women in Love The Book of Nonsence The Nonsence Book of Edward Lear New Bearings in English Poetry Thompson's The Hound of Heaven. An Interpretation In His Own Write Enthusiasms If Yoy Want My Opinion Selected Poems Babbitt Martin Eden Under the Volcano Les derniers jours Critical and Historical Essays Hunting the Fairies The Rival Monster Brush Up Your Shakespeare The Pocket Book of Popular Verse Felicidade 1979 1915 1986 1939 1929 1939 1964 1963 1943 1989 1953 1964 1960 1923 1964 1984 1993 1951 1932 1971 1850 1959 1959 1993 1945 1941 lit. inglesa 311 lit. inglesa 93 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 286 lit. inglesa 850 lit. inglesa 387 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 369 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 406 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 380 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 480 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 312 lit. inglesa 245 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 285 lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing por fra ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing fra ing ing ing ing ing por Massingham, H.J. & Hugh (eds) Maugham, Somerset Maugham, Somerset Maugham, W. Somerset Maugham, W. Somerset Maugham, W. Somerset Maugham, W.Somerset Maugham, W.Somerset Mayle, Peter Meyhell, Laurence Mitford, Nancy Mitford, Nancy Mitford, Nancy Mitford, Nancy Mitford, Nancy Morgan, Charles Morgan, Charles Morgan, Charles Morgan, Charles Morgan, Charles Morgan, Charles Morgan, Charles Mulgan, John & Davin, D.M. Murdoch, Iris Nash, Ogden Nash, Ogden Nash, Ogden Nash, Ogden Negrão, Theotonio Nogueira, Oraci Onions, C.T. Orwell, George Orwell, George Orwell, George Pena, Martins The Great Victorians Cakes and Ale Plays: One East and West O fio da navalha Servisão humana The Moon and Sixpence The Painted Veil A Year in Provence The Fairly Innocent Little Man Don't Tell Alfred Love in a Cold Climate The Blessing The Letters of Nancy Mitford The Pursuit of Love A fonte A viagem Der Quell Reflections in a Mirror Sparkenbroke The Judge's Story The Voyage An Introduction to English Literature The Fire and the Sun Candy is Dandy Good Intentions The Ogden Nash ... The Selected Verse of Ogden Nash Código de Processo Civil Preconceito de marca. As relações raciais em Itapetininga A Shakespeare Glossary Down and Out in Paris and London Homage to Catalonia Nineteen Eighty-Four O noviço + 1937 1951 1997 1934 1981 1949 1991 1974 1976 1976 1976 1993 1976 1944 1945 1956 1946 1943 1947 1940 1961 1978 1985 1943 1944 1945 1963 1937 1989 1989 1989 1974 1998 lit. inglesa 380 lit. inglesa 468 lit. inglesa 955 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 216 lit. inglesa 234 lit. inglesa 207 lit. inglesa 187 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 182 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 407 lit. inglesa 228 lit. inglesa 150 lit. inglesa 246 lit. inglesa 447 lit. inglesa 498 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 317 lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing por por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por por ale ing ale ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Pepys, Samuel Pepys, Samuel Poe, Edgar Allan Pompeia, Raul Pritchett, V.S. Pryce-Jones, David Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Raven, Simon Raven, Simon Read, H. & Dobree, B. (eds) Renault, Mary Rhys, Ernest (ed) Roberts, Denys Kilham Rodman, Selden (ed) Rosenthal, M.L. Ruskin, John Russel, Bertrand Russel, Bertrand Rutherford, Edward Rutherfurd, Edward Sackville-West, Vita Saroyan, William Sassoon, Siegfried Schmidt, Alexander Scott, Paul Scott, Paul Scott, Paul Scott, Paul Scott, Paul Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Walter Scott, Walter Scott, Walter (sir) Passages from the Diary of Samuel Pepys The Diary of Samuel Pepys The Best Tales of Edgar Allan Poe O Ateneu Complete Collected Essays Cyril Connolly Journal and Memoirs The Oxford Book of English Verse An Inch of Fortune Come Like Shadows The London Book of English Verse Fire from Heaven A Book of Nonsence The Century's Poetry A New Anthology of Modern Poetry Poetry in English. An Anthology Sesame and Lilies Bertrand Russel's Best Unpopular Essays London Sarum The Edwardians The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze Collected Poems Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary Staying On The Raj Quartet Book I The Raj Quartet Book II The Raj Quartet Book III The Raj Quartet Book IV Guy Mannering Ivanhoe Waverley Ivanhoe. A Romance the Poems of Sir Walter Scott Quentin Durward 1961 1992 1984 1939 1981 1975 1949 1977 1970 1940 1987 1895 1958 1998 2005 1992 1934 1947 1971 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1942 476 200 1.170 279 1.126 897 270 269 431 519 464 1904 1832 623 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Seymour-Smith, Martin Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shaw, Bernard Shaw, Bernard Shaw, Bernard Shaw, Bernard Shaw, Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Bluff Your Way in Literature MacBeth (trad M.Bandeira) Obras completas 1 Obras completas 2 Obras completas 3 Obras completas 4 Obras completas 5 Obras completas 6 Tragédias Five Great Tragedies Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Julius Caesar Macbeth Sonette The Annotated Shakespeare The Complete Workd of William Shakespeare The Complete Works of William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Twelfth Night Androcles and the Lion Arms and the Man Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant - II Pygmalion Three Plays for Puritans Major Barbara Man and Superman Pygmalion Pygmalion Saint Joan Saint Joan Saint Joan 1966 1943 1887 1984 1963 271 1964 200 1984 1916 1992 1961 1993 1949 1956 1947 1946 1947 1946 1963 1941 1946 1946 1964 1946 1.312 237 89 222 158 118 296 157 293 153 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing por por por por por por por por ing ing ing ing ing ing ale ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Shelden, Michael Shelley Sheridan, R.B. Shute, Nevil Shute, Nevil Sitwell, Edith Smith, T.R. (ed) Snow, C.P. Somerville, E. & Ross, Martin Somerville, E. & Ross, Martin Somerville, E. & Ross, Martin Somerville, E. & Ross, Martin Speare, M.E. (ed) Speare, M.E. (ed) Speare, M.E. (ed) Stein, Gertrude Stephens, James Stevenson, Robert Louis Stone, I. Sutherland, James Swift, Jonathan Swift, Jonathan Tannahill, Reay Taylor, A.J.F. Tennyson, Alfred Thackeray, W.M. Thackeray, W.M. Thackeray, W.M. Thackeray, William Makepeace Thomas, Dylan Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Friends of Promise The Complete Poetical Works of Shelley The Dramatic Works of R.B. Sheridan Pastoral The Chequer Board Selected Poems Poetica Erotica Corridors of power Further Experiences of an Irish R.M. In Mr.Knox's Counttry Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. The Irish R.M. The Pocket Book of Short Stories The Pocket Book of Verse The Pocket Book of Verse Três vidas The Crock of Gold The Merry Men A vida errante de J.London The Oxford Book of Literary Anecdotes Gulliver's Travels Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings A Dark and Distant Shore Letters to Eva 1969-83 Tennyson's Poetical Works The Virginians v.I The Virginians v.II Vanity Fair The Book of Snobs The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas Barchester Tower Barchester Towers Rachel Bay The Claverlings The Pallisers 1990 1904 1890 1971 1963 1952 1927 1975 1984 1985 1983 1948 1954 1941 1941 1928 1891 1975 1938 1958 1983 1991 1951 1951 1954 1957 1963 1963 1980 1977 1977 lit. inglesa 1.023 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 238 lit. inglesa 271 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 352 lit. inglesa 314 lit. inglesa 311 lit. inglesa 309 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 352 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 422 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 227 lit. inglesa 302 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 550 lit. inglesa 592 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 402 lit. inglesa 410 lit. inglesa 640 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 536 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Unterecker, John Untermeyer, Louis (ed) Untermeyer, Louis (ed) Ustinov, Peter Walton, Izaak Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Wells, H.G. Wells, H.G. Wells, H.G. Wells, H.G. Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar WIlde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Williams, Oscar (ed) Williams, W.E. (ed) The Pallisers - Can You Forgive Her? The Pallisers - The Duke's Cildren The Pallisers - The Prime Minister A Reader's Guide to William Butler Yeats A Concise Treasury of Great Poems. English and American The Pocket Book of Story Add a Dash of Pity The Complete Angler Black Mischief Brideshead Revisited Men at Arms Officers and Gentlemen Put On More Flags The Loved One Unconditional Surrender Vile Bodies & Black Mischief Selected Short Stories Selected Short Stories The War of the Worlds The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman A House of Pomegranates A Woman of no importance An Ideal Husband De profundis De Profundis / The Ballad of Reading Gaol Lady Windermere's fan Lord Arthur Savile's Crime Obras completas Plays, Prose, Writings and Poems Salome The Happy Prince The importance of Being Earnest The Picture of Dorian Grey The Pocket Book of Modern Verse A Book of English Essays 1977 1977 1977 1959 1962 1945 1958 1905 1946 1960 1964 1964 1961 1965 1964 1960 1962 1962 1930 s/d 1909 1909 1909 218 312 352 303 355 252 246 270 1908 1909 1909 196 238 276 1991 1909 1909 1948 1908 1955 1963 678 124 144 86 287 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing Williamson, George Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Wodehouse, P.G. Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Viriginia Woolf, Viriginia Woolf, Viriginia Woolf, Viriginia Woolf, Viriginia Woolf, Viriginia Woollcott, Alexander A Reader's Guide to T.S.Eliot A Pelican at Blandings Bachelors Anonymous Company for Henry Doctor Sally Eggs, Beans and Crumpets Jeeves and the Tie That Binds Jeeves in the Offing Laughing Gas Lord Emsworth Acts for the Best Pigs Have Wings Plum Pie Ring for Jeeves Ring for Jeeves Sam the Sudden Sam the Sudden Service with a Smile Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves Summer Moonshine Summer Moonshine The Girl in Blue The Heart of a Goof The Heart of a Goof The Mating Season The Small Bachelor Uneasy Money Young Men in Spats Noite e dia A Passionate Apprentice A Room of One's Own Mrs. Dalloway Orlando Orlando, A Biography The Diary of Virginia Woolf. 1915-1919 While Rome Burns 1958 1980 1973 1988 1978 1999 1971 1967 1987 2001 1986 2007 1999 1953 1974 1978 1966 1966 1996 1966 1987 1978 1999 1999 1971 1958 1971 1981 1990 1945 1975 1946 1979 1941 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa 335 lit. inglesa 191 138 173 120 210 189 173 248 181 234 318 212 221 246 246 175 190 280 236 191 206 220 220 204 189 215 448 ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing por ing ing ing ing Wordsworth Wright, Andrew H. Yates, Dornford Yates, Dornford Yeats, W.B. Yeats, W.B. Aiken, Conrad (ed) Alcott, Louisa May Anderson, Sherwood Anderson, Sherwood Baldwin, James Bellow, Saul Bellow, Saul Bellow, Saul Benet, Rosemary & Stephen Vincent Benet, Stephen Vincent Benet, Stephen Vincent Benet, Stephen Vincent Bertholl, Warner Bishop, Elizabeth Botkin, B.A. (ed) Buck, Pearl, S. Cabell, James Branch Cain, James M. Caldwell, Erskine Caldwell, Erskine Coben, Harlan Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, James Fenimore Corso, G., Ferlinghetto, L. & Ginsberg, A. Crane, Stephen Doctorow, E L Doctorow, E.L. Emerenciano, Jordão The Penguin Poets. Wordsworth Jane Austen's Novels. A Study in Structure Berry and Co. Jonah and Co. The Celtic Twilight and a Selection of Early Poems The Collected Poems of W.B.Yeats Twentieth-Century American Poetry A Long Fatal Love Chase Hello Town Winesburg, Ohio Um homem à minha espera Henderson, the Rain King Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories To Jerusalem and Back A Book of Americans It is All a Beginning O'Halloran's Luck and Other Short Stories The Stephen Vinvent Benet Pocket Book Edmund Wilson One Art The Pocket Treasury of American Folklore The Good Earth Jurgem. A Comedy of Justice Midred Pierce God's Little Acre Tobacco Road Confie em mim Last of the Mohicans Sea Tales: The PIlot, The Red Rover Greg. Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg 1943 1964 The Red Badge of Courage and Selected Stories A mecânica das águas World's Fair Edgar Allan Poe, o homem, o temperamento 1964 308 310 1962 1959 1944 1995 1956 1946 1973 1971 1977 1956 1944 1946 1970 1994 1950 1940 1946 1946 1946 1947 2009 1991 1963 1986 1950 317 424 lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. inglesa lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana ing por ing por Emerson, Ralph W. Faulkner, William Faulkner, William Faulkner, William Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Follett, Ken Fountain, Gary & Brazeau, Peter Frost, Robert Frost, Robert Gilbert & Sullivan Ginsberg, Allen Goodman, George Grant, Ulysses S. Harrison, Jim Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nathaniel Heller, Joseph Hemingway, Ernest Holmes, Oliver Wendell Irving, Washington Irving, Washington James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry Jong, E. Kennedy, Charles O'Brien (ed) Kerouac, Jack Kerouac, Jack Kerouac, Jack Kerouac, Jack Leeb, David Lewis, Sinclair Lewisohn, Ludwig Lindbergh, Anne The Portable Emerson As I Lay Dying Idylle au désert The Sound and the Fury Routines Fall of Giants Remembering Elizabeth Bishop Robert Frost's Poems The Pocket Book of Robert Frost's Poems Complete Plays Plutonian Ode and Other Poems 1977-1980 A TIme for Paris Memoirs and Selected Letters Warlock Tanglewood Tales Twice Told Tales Catch-22 Islands in the Stream The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table History, Tales and Sketches The Best Known Works of Washington Irving The Ambassadors The Aspern Papers and Other Stories The Turn of the Screw / Daisy Miller Washington Square. The Europeans Medo de voar American Ballads. Naughty, Ribald and Classic Big Sur Doctor Sax On the Road The Subterraneans Study Guide to S.Crane's The Red Badge of Courage Babbit The Story of American Literature Solitude face à la mer 1946 1963 1985 1986 1964 2010 1994 1964 1946 448 302 851 711 1996 1958 1990 1981 1932 1985 1971 1955 1983 1942 1974 1977 1954 1962 1952 1963 1959 1959 1958 1966 1960 1939 1956 238 246 357 280 498 191 384 327 lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana ing ing fra ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing fra London, Jack London, Jack London, Jack London, Jack London, Jack Longfellow, Henry W. Lowell, Robert Mailer, Norman Malamud, Bernard McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, Mary Melville, Herman Miller, Arthur Miller, Henry Miller, Henry Miller, Henry Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir Nash, Ogden Nash, Ogden Nin, Anaïs Nin, Anaïs Paine, Thomas Parker, Dorothy Passos, John dos Pirsig, Robert M. Poe, Edgar A. Jack London. Series II The Call of the Wild and White Fang The Sea Wolf White Fang Works of Jack London Poetical Work Life Studies O evangelho segundo o filho The Assistant O grupo The Group Moby Dick The Crucible Nexus Plexus Tropic of Capricorn A Russian Beauty and Other Stories Ada Bend Sinister Glory Glory King, Queen, Knave Lolita Lolita The Defense Transparent Things The Ogden Nash Pocket Book There's Always Another Windmill A casa do incesto & outras histórias Delta of Venus Rights of Man Constant Reader Manhattan Transfer Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Histoires extraordinaires 1982 1963 1946 1927 1980 1959 1998 1967 1963 1964 1926 1963 1968 1966 1967 1975 1970 1974 1973 1974 1969 1955 2003 1971 1975 1944 1972 1991 1979 1937 1970 1946 204 217 403 565 319 107 176 259 157 379 lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing fra Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan Pound, Ezra Riley, James Whitcomb Roberts, Kenneth Roth, Philip Runyon, Damon Runyon, Damon Runyon, Damon Runyon, Damon Runyon, Damon / Bentley, E.C. (ed) Salinger, J.D. Salinger, J.D. Sandburg, Carl Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Stern, Philip v D. Talese, Gay Thoreau, Henry David Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Untermeyer, Louis (ed) Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John vários vários Manuscrito encontrado em uma garrafa O escaravelho de ouro Poesia e prosa. Obras completas Tales of Mystery and Imagination The Complete Tales and Poems The Great Tales and Poems Dichtung und Prosa The Best-Loved Poems and Ballads of J.W.Riley Lydia Bailey Patrimony. A True Story All This and That Damon Runyon Favorites From First to Last Ten Stories The Best of Damon Runyon O apanhador no campo de centeio The Catcher in the Rye Poems of the Midwest Cannery Row The Pearl Travels with Charley Great Tales of Fantasy and Imagination A mulher do próximo Walden, or Life in the Woods As aventuras de Tom Sawyer Letters from the Earth The Innocents Abroad The Innocents Abroad Roughing The Man That Corrupted Hadleybury The Pocket Book of American Poems Bech is Back Rabbit, Run The Centaur Classic American Short Stories Modern American Short Stories 1944 1971 1938 1942 1956 1946 1947 1992 1952 1945 1954 1945 1942 490 329 477 134 243 1979 1946 1981 277 1954 485 1938 1966 1974 1869 1984 1922 1948 1983 1964 1956 1956 123 210 380 413 lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana por por por ing ing ing ale ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing vários Vidal, Gore Vidal, Gore Wachner, C.W. et al (eds) Wachner, C.W. et al (eds) Wachner, C.W. et al. West, Nathaneal Wharton, E. White, E.B. White, E.B. Whitman, Walt Whitman, Walt / trad. Geir Campos Wilder, Thornton Wilder, Thorton Williams, Tennessee Wilson, Edmund Wilson, Edmund Wilson, Edmund Wolfe, Tom Woollcott, Alexander Woollcott, Alexander Wright, Austin Modern American Short Stories Julian Washington, D.C. The Changing Years of American Literature The Early Years of American Literature Contemporary American Prose The Day of the Locust A era da inocência Essays of E.B.White Writings from the New Yorker 1925-1976 Leaves of Grass Folhas de relva The Ides of March O oitavo dia A Streetcar Named Desire Memoirs of Hecate County The Sixties The Twenties The Bonfire of Vanities Long long Ago The Letters of Alexander Woollcott Tony & Susan 1953 1976 1977 1963 1963 1979 1990 1964 1964 1967 1951 1980 1993 1979 1988 1943 1946 2011 292 lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana 344 lit. norte americana 366 lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana 191 lit. norte americana 216 lit. norte americana 389 lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana lit. norte americana 280 lit. norte americana 330 lit. norte americana 334 lit. norte americana ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por ing ing ing por ing por ing ing ing ing ing ing ing por