Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular Series
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular Series
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF N E W YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States r Circular No. 2442 T L May 29, 1942 J Public Notice of Offering of $250,000,000, or thereabouts, of Treasury Bills Dated June 3,1942 Maturing September 2, 1942 To alt Incorporated Banks and Trust Companies in the Second Federal Reserve District and Others Concerned: Following is the text of a notice today made public by the Treasury Department with respect to a new offering of Treasury bills payable at maturity without interest to be sold on a discount basis to the highest bidders. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Washington FOR RELEASE, MORNING NEWSPAPERS, Friday, May 29, 1942. The Secretary of the Treasury, by this public notice, invites tenders for $250,000,000, or thereabouts, of 91-day Treasury bills, to be issued on a discount basis under competitive bidding. The bills of this series wi!l be dated June 3, 1942, and will mature September 2, 1942, when the face amount will be payable without interest. They will be issued in bearer form only, and in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000 {maturity value). Tenders will be received at Federal Reserve Banks and Branches up to the closing hour, two o'clock p.m., Eastern war time, Monday, June 1, 1942. Tenders will not be received at the Treasury Department, Washington. Each tender must be for an even multiple of $1,000, and the price offered must be expressed on the basis of 100, with not more than three decimals, e.g., 99.925. Fractions may not be used. It is urged that tenders be made on the printed forms and forwarded in the special envelopes which will be supplied by Federal Reserve Banks or Branches on application therefor. Tenders will be received without deposit from incorporated banks and trust .companies and from responsible and recognized dealers in investment securities. Tenders from others must be accompanied by payment of 10 percent of the face amount of Treasury bills applied for, unless the tenders are accompanied by an express guaranty of payment by an incorporated bank or trust company. Immediately after the closing hour, tenders will be opened at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, following which public announcement will be made by the Secretary of the Treasury of the amount and price range of accepted bids. Those submitting tenders will be advised of the acceptance or rejection thereof. The Secretary of the Treasury expressly reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders, in whole or in part, and his action in any such respect shall be final. Payment of accepted tenders at the prices offered must be made or completed at the Federal Reserve Bank in cash or other immediately available funds on June 3, 1942. The income derived from Treasury bills, whether interest or gain from the sale or other disposition of the bills, shall not have any exemption, as such, and loss from the sale or other disposition of Treasury bills shall not have any special treatment, as such, under Federal tax Acts now or hereafter enacted. The bills shall be subject to estate, inheritance, gift, or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority. For purposes of taxation the amount of discount at which Treasury bills are originally sold by the United States shall be considered to be interest. Under Sections 42 and 117 (a)(l) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended by Section 115 of the Revenue Act of 1941, the amount of discount at which bills issued hereunder are sold shall not be considered to accrue until such bills shall be sold, redeemed or otherwise disposed of, and such bills are excluded from consideration as capital assets. Accordingly, the owner of Treasury bills (other than life insurance companies) issued hereunder need include in his income tax return only the difference between the price paid for such bills, whether on original issue or on subsequent purchase, and the amount actually received either upon sale or redemption at maturity during the taxable year for which the return is made, as ordinary gain or loss. Treasury Department Circular No. 418, as amended, and this notice, prescribe the terms of the Treasury bills and govern the conditions of their issue. Copies of the circular may be obtained from any Federal Reserve Bank or Branch. In accordance with the above announcement tenders will be received at the Securities Department of this bank (9th floor, 33 Liberty Street, New York City) or at the Buffalo Branch of this bank (272 Main Street, Buffalo, New York) up to two o'clock p.m., Eastern war time, on Monday, June 1, 1942. It is requested that tenders be submitted on special form printed on reverse side and returned in special envelope enclosed herewith. Attention is invited to the fact that payment for the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through the War Loan Deposit Account. Payment must be made in cash or other immediately available funds. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALLAN SPROUL, President. COVER) 71 No TENDER FOR 91-DAY TREASURY BILLS Dated June 3, 1942. Maturing September 2, 1942. Dated at To THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK, 1942 Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York City, N. Y. Pursuant to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 418, as amended, and to the provisions of the'public notice on May 29, 1942, as issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned offers to pay * for a total amount of (Rate per 100) $ (maturity value) of the Treasury bills therein described, or for any less amount that may be awarded, payment therefor to be made at your bank in cash or other immediately available funds on the date stated in the public notice. The Treasury bills for which tender is hereby made are to be dated June 3, 1942, and are to mature on September 2, 1942. This tender will be inserted in special envelope entitled "Tender for Treasury bills." IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. No tender for less than $1,000 will be considered, and each tender must be for an even multiple of $1,000 (maturity value). Also, if more than one price is offered, a separate tender must be executed at each price. 2. If the person making the tender is a corporation, the tender should be signed by an officer of the corporation authorized to make the tender, and the signing of the tender by an officer of the corporation will be construed as a representation by him that he has been so authorized. If the tender is made by a partnership, it should be signed by a member of the firm, who should sign in the form " , a copartnership, by , a member of the firm." 3. Tenders will be received without deposit from incorporated banks and trust companies and from responsible and recognized dealers in investment securities. Tenders from others must be accompanied by payment of 10 percent of the face amount of Treasury bills applied for, unless the tenders are accompanied by an express guaranty of payment by an incorporated bank or trust company. 4. If the language of this tender is changed in any respect, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury, is material, the tender may be disregarded. Payment by credit through War Loan Deposit Account will not be permitted. Fill in all required spaces before signing. Name of Subscriber (Please print) By , (Official signature required) Street Address City, Town or Village, and State * Price must be expressed on the basts of 100, with not more than three decimal places, e. g., 99.925. Fractions may not be used. TENTB-622-a Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Title) FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK May 28, 1942 VICTORY FUND COMMITTEE To all Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The Victory Fund Committee for the Second Federal Reserve District, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, has appointed PERRY E. HALL as Executive Manager. Mr. Hall, who has had broad experience in organizing the distribution of securities, will take a leave of absence as a partner of Morgan Stanley & Co., New York, N. Y., in order to devote his full time to the work of the Committee. He will establish his headquarters at this bank immediately. As Executive Manager for the Victory Fund Committee, Mr. Hall will have full executive responsibility for the Committee's work. It will be his duty to develop further plans of organization, to devise a selling program which will aid in the distribution of Government securities and to direct the functioning of the organization in putting the selling program into effect. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALLAN SPROUL, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Chairman, Victory Fund Committee. THE PROCLAIMED LIST OF CERTAIN BLOCKED NATIONALS Supplement 2, June 2, 1942 • to Revision II of May 12, 1942 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1942 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION 1746 THE PROCLAIMED LIST OF CERTAIN BLOCKED NATIONALS Supplement 2, June 2, 1942 to Revision II of May 12, 1942 By virtue of the authority vested in the Secretary of State, acting in conjunction with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Commerce, the Board of Economic Warfare, and the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, by Proclamation 2497 of the President of July 17, 1941 (6 F.R. 3555), the following Supplement 2 containing certain additions to, amendments to, and deletions from The Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked Nationals, Revision II of May 12, 1942 (7 F.R. 3587), is hereby promulgated. By direction of the President: COHDELL HULL Secretary of Slate II. MORGENTHAU, J R . Secretary of the Treasury CHARLES FAHT Acting Attorney General June 2, 1942. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JESSE II. JONES Secretary of Commerce MILO PERKINS Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfart NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER Coordinator of litter-A merican Affairs GENERAL NOTES (1) The Proclaimed List is divided into two parts: part I relates to listings in the American republics; part II relates to listings outside the American republics. (2) In part I titles are listed in their letter-address form, word for word as written in that form, with the following exceptions: If the title includes a full personal name, that is, a given name or initial and surname, the title is listed under the surname. Personal-name prefixes such as de, la, von, etc., are considered as part of the surname and are the basis for listing. The listing is made under the next word of the title when the initial word or phrase, or abbreviation thereof, is one of the following Spanish forms or similar equivalent forms in any other language: Companfa; Cia.; Comp. Companfa Anonima; C.A.; Comp. An6n. Sociedad; Soc. Sociedad Anonima; S.A.; Soc. Anon. (3) The indication of an address for a name on the list is not intended to exclude other addresses of the same firm or individual. A listed name refers to all branches of the business in the country. CONTENTS PART I Additions Amendments Deletions PART II (No listings under part II in this supplement.) 2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Page 3 9 10 PART I ADDITIONS ARGENTINA Barletta, Amadeo.—Buenos Aires. Cafici y Cia., R.—Reconquista 542 y Rivadavia 3440, Buenos Aires. Carballo, Manuel.—Avenida Leandro N. Alem 1474 y 1510, Buenos Aires. "Casa Pareja".—Chielana 3360, Buenos Aires. "Casa Pass".—Carlos Pellegrini 61, Buenos Aires. Di Toma, Nicolas.—Mejico 936, Buenos Aires. Feldrape, Ernst.—Hotel Argcntino, Rio Gallegos. Gehrls y Cfa., Otto.-—Carlos Pellegrini 61, Buenos Aires. Gran Cine Mitre.'—Bartolome Mitre 1332. Industrias Ruraics en el Rfo Negro, S.A. de.—Paseo Colon 317, Buenos Aires. Kirschen, Armand.—Diagonal Sud 570, Buenos Aires. Markstahler, Carlos Federico.—Avenida Leandro N. Alem 1474 y 1510, Buenos Aires. Neddermann, Rodolfo.—Ramon B. Castro 601 (Casilla 499), Buenos Aires. Pareja, Compaiua Argentina de Hierros y Aceros, Sucesi6n de Jose.— Chielana 3360, Buenos Aires. "Radio Corporaeion Italo Americana".—Mejico 936, Buenos Aires. Reiser, Engelbert.—Avenida Aleorta 3733, Buenos Aires. Rimpler, Felix Maximo.—Avenida Leandro N. Alem 1474 y 1510, Buenoa Aires. Rural Los Cerros de San Juan y Cochico S.A., Cia.—Cangallo 546, Buenos Aires; and Calle No. 7, La Plata, F.C.S. Schreiterer, Julio.—Paseo Colon 317, Buenos Aires. Schumann, Ella Emma Kaufmann de.—Avenida Leandro N. Alem 1474 j 1510, Buenos Aires. .Schumann, Walter.—Avenida Leandro N. Alem 1474 y 1510, Buenos Aires. Schumann y Cfa. S. de R.L., W.—Avenida Leandro N. Alem 1474 y 1510, Buenos Aires. Soteras y Cia. S. de R.L., Camilo.—Avenida Castanares 1435, Buenos Aires. Vogel, Ernesto.—Peru 707, Buenos Aires. BOLIVIA Bcrron y Rauthmann.—Ccchabamba. Buck Sucrs., Joyeria y Relojerfa F.—Mercado 126 (Casilla 397), La Paz. Edenhofer, M.—Mercado 126 (Casilla 397), La Paz. Edenhofer, R.—Mercado 126 (Casilla 397), La Paz. Fabrica de Alcoholes Tunari.—Cochabamba. Flores, Pedro M.—Avenida Mcntes 740, La Paz. Joyeria y Relojeria F. Buck, Sucrs.—Mercado 126 (Casilla 397), La Paz. Kuscevic, Juan.-—Oruro and Cochabamba. Rossetti, Antonio.—La Paz. Taenzer, Frank.—-La Paz. 3 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 PART I : ADDITIONS BRAZIL Acidos S.A., Cia. de.—Avenida Rio Braneo 128, Rio de Janeiro. Aoki & Irmaos, Sukeo.-—Lins, Sao Paulo. Azeredo, J. R.—Rua da Alfandega 104, Rio de Janeiro. Beimack, Sociedade Anonyma Metaliirgica, Otto.—Rua 7 de Ketembro 149, Joinville, Santa Catharina. Braneo, Alrain Yidal.—Florian6polis, Santa Catharina. Brandt, Herbert.—Fortaleza, Ceara. Buechler, Carlos Heinz.—Florian6polis, Santa Catharina. Cardoso, Emilio (Jr.).—Florianopolis, Santa Catharina. Casa dos Presentes Ltda.—Largo Sao Francisco 66, Sao Paulo. Casa Kuniy.—Baurii, Sao Paulo. Casa Yencedora.—Lins, Sao Paulo. Casa Wagner.—Rua Libero Badar6 388, Sao Paulo. Chaves e Cia.—Fortaleza, Ceara. Cohen, Moyses.—Rua da Alfandega 82, Rio de Janeiro. Comercial Industrial de Marina Ltda., Soc.—Marilia, Sao Paulo. Commercial de Tintas Ltda., Soc.—Rua da Candelaria S3, Rio de Janeiro. Constructora Federal S.A., Cia.—Avenida Rio Braneo 108, Rio de Janeiro. Cooperativa Agricola Mista de Birigui.—Biriguf, Sao Paulo. Cooperativa Agricola Mista de Mesquita.—Mesquita, Sao Paulo. Co6perativa Agrfeola Mista de Pompeia.-—Pompeia, Rao Paulo, Co6perativa Agricola Mista de Rinopolis.—Rin6polis (Tupa), Sao Paulo. Cooperativa dos Plantadores de Banana Juquia.—Santos, Sao Paulo. Couderc, Jean.—Rua Ronald de Carvalho 5, Rio de Janeiro. Couderc Export Company.—Rua Ronald de Carvalho 5, Rio de Janeiro. Cunha, Orlando.—Florianopolis, Santa Catharina. Czerna e Cia., Ltda.—Rua Conselheiro Dantas 2, Bahia; and Santa Cruz Cabralia, Estado do Bahia. de Saboia e Cia., J. Thome.—Rua Major Facundo 126, Fortaleza, Ceara. do Krappe, Leo G. Sezefro.—Florian6polis, Santa Catharina. Dralle do Brasil Ltda., Perfumaria.—Rua Duque de Caxias, Joinville, Santa Catharina. Ehlermann e Cia., Ltda.—Rua Te6filo Ottoni 17, Rio de Janeiro. Eickhoff, Wilhelm.—Rua Santa Christina 104, Rio de Janeiro. Electrica Importadora Ltda.—Rua Florencio de Abreu 150, Sao Paulo. Empreza de Propaganda "Productos Knoll".-—Rua Alvaro Alvira 27, Rio de Ja:ieiro. Engel, Carlos.—Rua Vigario Jose Ignacio 58, Porto Alegre. Exportadora de Madeira do Brasil Ltda., Soc—Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul. Farmacia Central.—Ara<;atuba, Sao Paulo. Farmacia Fruetal.—Guararapes, Sao Paulo. Fischer, Friedrich J.—Blumenau, Santa Catharina. Franck, Franklin Chaves.—Fortaleza, Ceara. Franck, Germano Paulo.—Fortaleza, Ceard. Frey, Frederieo Paulo Adolfo.—Rua Thiers 136, Sao Paulo. Fujhvara, Hisato.—Cafelandia, Sao Paulo. Fujiwara & Takeuchi.—Cafelandia, Sao Paulo. Galeria Paulista de Modas.—Rua Direita 176, Sao Paulo. Gins, Adolpho.-—Avenida Alberto Bins 357, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Herrmann e Cia.—Rua dos Andradas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Importadora Brasil, Ltda.—Rua Cristovao Colombo 3, SSo Paulo. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I : ADDITIONS 5 B RAZIL—-Continued Industria Agrfcola Campineira Ltda.—Sao Paulo. Instaladora Geral.—Rua Rangel 162, Recife. Itinoze, R.—Arac.atubfl, Sao Paulo. Jacobi e Cia.-—Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Kanegae, Waziro.—Birigui, Sao Paulo. Kehl, Albert.—Rua Barros 221, Niter6i, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Kcppler, Alfredo.—Caixa Postal 186, Sao Paulo. Kicner & Kay.—Rua Senador Queiroz 185, Sao Paulo. Kiokawa, Joao.—Guararapes, Sao Paulo. Krizai, Estefano A. A.—Rua Jose Benifacio 278, Sao Paulo. Kuny, G.—Sao Paulo. Laboratories Novotherapica Ltda.—Sao Paulo. Landgraf, Ricardo.—Rua 7 de Sctembro 816, Porto Alegre. Lins e Cia., Almeida.—Rua Nova 260, Recife. Litografica Blumenau, Cia.—Blumenau, Santa Catharina. Livraria Herrmann.—Rua dos Andradas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Livraria Parana.—Rua Barao do Rio Branco 23, Curityba, Parana. Lobo e Cia., Manoel.—Tres Casas, Rio Madeira, Amazonas. Machinas Excelsior.-—Rua Capitao Salomao 87, Sao Paulo. Machinas Ferri Ltda.—Rua dos Alpes 101-109, Sao Paulo. Machinas & Ferrovias Ltda.—Avenida Rio Branco 52, Rio de Janeiro. Machinas Ypiranga.—Rua Cavour 38, Villa Prudente, Sao Paulo Madeiras Compensadas Ltda.—Rua 24 de Maio 594, Curityba, Parana. Maecklcnburg, Kurt.—Rua Barao do Rio Branco 23, Curityba, Parana. Masaki, lyda Ltda.—Promissao, Sao Paulo. Matsushita, Aikiti.—Vera Cruz, Sao Paulo. Merten, Wilhehn Holland.—Avenida Graca Aranha 43, Rio de Janeiro. Meyer, Joao.—Rua Teofilo Ottoni 104, Rio de Janeiro. Meyer e Cia., Oswald.—Rua Coronel Vicente 384, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande "do Sul. Miyasaki e Cia., Ltda.—Pompeia, Sao Paulo. Moeller, Henrique.—Rua da Conceicao 134, Sao Paulo. Molinari e Cia., Hans.—Rua Luiz de Camoes 75 A, Rio de Janeiro. Molize, Anse.—Aracatuba, Sao Paulo, and all branches in Brazil. Mueller, Guilherme.—Rio de Janeiro. Nakamura, Joaquim.—Guararapes, Sao Paulo. Navarini, Alexandre Aguillar.—Avenida Delphim Moreira 1120, Rio de Janeiro. Neme, Tuffic.—Avenida Beira Mar 220, Rio de Janeiro. Nieckele, Palmeira e Cia.—Rua Marechal Floriano 14-16, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Niemer e Cia.—Rua Julio Adolpho 10, Babia. Okomoto, Haruishi.—Marilia, Sao Paulo. Okomoto, Sentaro.—Marflia, Sao Paulo. Outta & Kawano.—Sao Paulo. Pallavicini, Helmuth Csaky.—Rua da Alfandega 104, Rio de Janeiro. Palmeira e Cia., Nieckele.—Rua Marechal Fleriano 14-16, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Perfumaria Dralle do Brasil Ltda.—Rua Duque de Caxias, Joinville, Santa Catharina. Photo Halifax.—Rua Buenos Aires 120, Rio de Janeiro. Productos Bisleri Ltda.—Rua da Alfandega £01 e Rua Dias da Costa 12, Rio de Janeiro. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 PART I : ADDITIONS B RAZIL—C ontinued Productos Chimicos Elekeiroz S.A.—Silo Paulo. "Productos Knoll".—Rua Alvaro Alvim 27, Rio de Janeiro. Reprex Ltda.—Blumenau, Santa Catharina. Robertson, Herbert.—Rua Ministro Ferreira Alves 593, Sao Paulo. Romano, Adolpho.—Pra<;a Coronel Eneas 38, Curityba. Rubino, Onorato.—Rua Evaristo da Veiga 67, Rio de Janeiro. Russo, Francisco Giunta.—Rua Libero Badar6 388, Sao Paulo. Sabba e Cia., Perez.—Manaos. Sarnelli, Alberto.—Praea, Visconde Cayru 19, Bahia. Schendel, W.—Rua 7 de Setembro 790 (Caixa Postal 424), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Scheurer, Hans Peter (Dr.).—Rua Te6filo Otteni 17, Rio de Janeiro. Schmidt S.A. Comereio e Industrie, Walter.-—Rua 15 de Novembro 1495, Blumenau, Sant-a Catharina. Schnitzer, Franz.-—Rua Alvaro Alvim 27, Rio de Janeiro. Schwab, Filho e Cia., Adolpho.—Rua Dr. Jose" Montauri 72, Porto Alegre. SchwenHner, Fried rich.—Rua Professor Saldanha 125, Rio de Janeiro. Segui, Tetsueiri.—Marflia, Sao Paulo. Selinke, Otto Max.—Florianopolis, Santa Catharina, Siqueira, Fortunate—Mangos, Amazonas. Siqueira, J. R.—Manaos, Amazonas. Siqueira e Cia., J. R.—Manaos, Amazonas. Soejima, Arthur.—Guarantan (Pirajii), Sao Paulo. Sswao, Isositi.—Baurii, Sao Paulo. Stummel, Joseph.—Rua Sao Pedro 89, Rio de Janeiro. Suematsu, Midori.—Marilia, Sao Paulo. Sugayama, Terukiti.—Lins, Sao Paulo. Takeda Irmao e Cia.—Baurii, Sao Paulo. Tarrago & Lang.—Uruguayana, Rio Grande do Sul. Ttuzu, Rikiti.—Aracatuba, Sao Paulo. Usina Ele"ctrica de Bastos.—Bastos, Sao Paulo. I'sina Porongaba.—Fortaleza, Ceard. Von Bellingshausen, Nicolaus Eduard.—Rua Te6filo Ottoni 96, Rio de Janeiro. Westphal, Joao.—Avenida Sao Joao 578, Sao Paulo. Willner e Cia., E.—Itua da Quitanda 60, Rio de Janeiro. Wolff, Harald H.—Rua dos Benedictinos 21-22A, Rio de Janeiro. CHILE Buchholz, Otto.—Cochrane 552 (Caeilla 1407), Valparaiso. Caiuiles B., Mathilde.—Catedral 1361, Santiago. Cornelius, Jan.—Picarte 1223, Valdivia. Flugel Deming, Guillermo.—Bandera 620, piso 3 (Casilla 1120), Santiago. Framm, Eduardo.-—Roberto del Rio 1644, Santiago. Framm y Cia., Eduardo.—Agustinas 1111, ofieina 715, Santiago. Gnadt, Walter.—Avenida Portugal 8, Santiago. Goehring Schunider, Helmuth.—Valdivia. Karcher Richter, Erich.-—Valdivia. Lingua Buzzetti, Theo.—Chacabuco 481 (Casilla 135), Copiap6. Purcell Hnos., Ltda.—Blanco 1131 (Casilla 2087), Valparaiso. Qulmica Industrial, Ltda., Cia.—Santa Rosa 3440, Santiago. Tapia, Manuel Anibal.—Bandera 75, Santiago. Thomas, Eugenio.—Avenida C. Col6n (Casilla 2961), Santiago. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I.* ADDITIONS 7 CHILE—C outinued Werner Werner Werner Werner Held, Alfredo.—Estaci6n Llanquihua. Kretschmar, Jorge.—Estaci6n Llanquihua. Raddata, Erardo.—Estaci6n Llanquihua. y Cta., A.—Estacion Llanquihua. COLOMBIA Braun, Hcriberto.—c/o Almacenes Helda, Call. Fabrica de Jabones Textiles.—Apartado 286, Medellfn. Feinauer, Heinrich.—Edificio Medina, oficina 36, Bogota. Gaviria, Octavio.—Apartado 286, Medellin. Hautmann, Max W.—Apartado 324, Barranquilla. Importadora Santander, Ltda.—Cucuta. Kniess, Erwin.—Edificio Medina, oficina 36, Bogota. Kniess y Cia., Ltda., Erwin.-—Edificio Medina, ofietna 36, Bogotd. Larsen, Fritz.—Carrera 5 No. 89, Cucuta. Ritter, Adelbert.-—Apartado 286, Medellfn. Samck, Amelia de la Espriella de.—San Bias, Progrcso, Edificio Napolitana, Barranquilla. Samek, Erwin Anton.—San Bias, Progreso, Edificio Napolitana, Barranquilla. Samek y Cia., E.—San Bias, Progreso, Edificio Napolitana, Barranquilla. Schomacker, Karl.—Cueuta. Stiefkcn, Paul.—Bogota. COSTA EICA Almace'n Romolus.—San Jose". Castillo, R.—San JOE«. Coto, Manuel Alberto.—Apartado 1883, San Jose. do Prado, Edgar.—Apartado 1830, San Jose". lezzi, Guerino.—San Jos6. GUATEMALA Brackmann Hijos y Cfa., Sucrs., Juan.—6a Avenida Sur 12-E, Guatemala, Guatemala. Finca "Asuneidn".—Colomba, Quezaltenango. Hermann, Rudolph.—Colomba, Quezaltenango. MEXICO Gutierrez O., M.—Revillagigedo 83 (Apartado 459), Mexico, D.F. URUGUAY Albers, Dirk.—Avenida Brasil 3105, piso 7, Apt. 31, Montevideo. Carroceria Feuerstein.—Cerro Largo 791, Montevideo. Finsterwald & Schaich.—25 de Mayo 635-639, Montevideo. Sagara, Shukichi.—Sim6n Bolivar 1436, Montevideo. Tidemann, Hugo.—Estancia "Tidemann", Trinidad, Depto. de Flores. 463572°—-42- Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a PART I : ADDITIONd VENEZUELA Bloemer, Hugo.—Apartado 552, Caracas. Diirr, Fritz.—Caracas. Gudel, Gregorio-—Maracaibo and Caracas. Herbertz, Reinhard.—Conde a Pifiango 7, Caracas. Zimlich, Ricardo.—Apartado 552, Caracas. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I AMENDMENTS BOLIVIA For Ashton & Schulz.—Calles Mercado y Colon, La Paz, substitute Ashton & Schulz "El Condor".—Calles Mercado y Colo"n, La Paz. For Diaz, A.—La Paz, substitute Diaz, Adalid.—La Paz. For Loaiza, Carlos.-—La Paz, substitute de Loaiza, Carlos.—La Paz. MEXICO For Boesch y Cia., G.—Orizaba, substitute Boesch Sues. S. en C , Guniermo.1—Orizaba. • Formerly known as G. Boeseh y Cln. URUGUAY For Skoda, S.A.—25 de Mayo 477, Montevideo, substitute Skoda, S.A., Establecimientos.—25 de Mayo 477, Montevideo. y Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART I DELETIONS ARGENTINA C.A.R.P.E., Compania Argentina Representaciones Productos Extranjeros, S. de R.L.—25 de Mayo 252, Buenos Aires. Argentina Representaciones Productos Extranjeros, S. de R.L., Cia.—25 de Mayo 252, Buenos Aires. Teatro General Mitre.—Corrientes 5424, Buenos Aires. BRAZIL Arruda, Vicente Humberto.—-Rua Candelaria 86, Rio de Janeiro. Arruda Irmao e Cia.—Edificio Associac.ao Commercial, sala 205, Rio de Janeiro. Brasileira. de Carbureto dc Calcio, Cia.—Rua 1° de Marco 31, Rio de Janeiro. Cinema Apollo.—Santa Cruz. Cinema Gymnastico.—Santa Cruz. Da Fonseca, Joao Altino.-—Rua da Italia 12, Bahia. Farmoquimica, Ltda.-—Rua Voluntaries da P&tria 132, Rio de Janeiro. Kores, Ltda.—Al. Santos 1362, Sao Paulo. Laborat6rio Vitex, Ltda.—-Rio de Janeiro, and all branches in Brazil. Pareto e Cia., Carlo.-—Rua 1° de Marco 31, Rio de Janeiro. Pettinati e Cia. Ltda., Francisco.—Rua Conselheiro Crispiniano 29, Sao Paulo. Pires, ManoeL—Rua 15 de Novembro 204, Santos. Sit, Ely&io.—Rua Visconde Cabo Frio 44 e Rua Valparaiso 64, Rio de Janeiro. CHILE Galemiri, Abraham.—Bandera 575 (Casilla 1303), Santiago. Walter, Konrad Kadelbach.1—Nueva York 52, Santiago; and Coqtiimbo. 1 This deletion does not affect tiie listing cf Conrado Kadolbach, 1'adre Mariano 207, Santiago; and Coquimbo. COSTA RICA Farmacoutica Oreamuno Flores S.A., Cfa.—Cartago. 10 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O