Newsletter maio 2015
Newsletter maio 2015
n.º 37 maio 2015 9º SOPCOM: PRAZO ALARGADO Foi alargado até ao dia 23 de maio o prazo para submissão de propostas para o 9º Congresso da Sopcom. CFP: 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE | DEADLINE: 17 AUGUST 2015 Papers are invited from researchers in law, media studies. IP and related fields for this international conference. Join us in Melbourne for panels engaging with all areas of media and IP and to hear from plenary speakers: Professor Graeme Austin Victoria University of Wellington Professor Joshua Gans University of Toronto Professor Sonia Katyal Fordham University Professor Beate Roessler University of Amsterdam Professor Julian Thomas Swinburne University, Melbourne Possible topics include: Amateur media and user-generated content - - - Broadband futures - - - Competition - - - Content creation, use and re-use - - - Convergence - - - Copyright and speech - - - Data and surveillance - - Defamation and public debate - - - Design cultures and practices - - - Digital publics - - - Free speech - - - Intermediaries, responsibility, control, neutrality - - - Journalism and popular media - - Measuring and valuing IP - - - Media representations of law - - - Networks and networking - - - Patents and economy - - - Privacy and publicity - - - Privacy by design - - - Public knowledge - - - Public media - - - Reporting courts - - - Strategic uses of IP - - - Surveillance and security - - - Technology and IPRs - - - Trademarks - - - and more… Please submit an abstract of up to 300 words including keywords and a biography of 50-100 words here. For further information contact us. Contact: Hamish Carr, Ph: +61 3 8344 8957, Email: [email protected] Accommodation When booking mention - CMCL Melbourne Law School Conference to receive University of Melbourne discount rate. City Centre The city centre (CBD or downtown area) is walking distance from the Law School: the GPO is 1.5 km away. Trams also run to the city centre - most frequently along Swanston Street (200 m to the east of the Law School), and almost as frequently along Elizabeth Street (200 m to the west of the Law School). Conference Location All conference sessions will take place at the Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham Street, Carlton. All floors are accessible by lifts and by stairs. Airport Melbourne Airport is located approximately 25km north-west of the Melbourne's CBD on the Tullamarine Freeway. Transport to and from the airport can be arranged using the bus, taxi or private car. CFP: THE FANTASTIC IN A TRANSMEDIA ERA: NEW THEORIES, TEXTS, CONTEXTS DEADLINE: 5 AUGUST, 2015 The fantastic is today’s most popular and significant genre in entertainment media. Among its developments are George R.R. Martin’s fantasy book series /A Song of Ice and Fire/ and its HBO adapted series /Game of Thrones/; the /Hunger Games/ film series based on Suzanne Collins' books; /The Walking Dead/ in comics and television; the new Disney princesses in /Brave /and /Frozen/; the rebooted superheroes emerging in games, comics, and film series; religious-themed stories in blockbuster cinema; among games are LOL and WOW. The fantastic has reached new audiences and achieved mainstream status. Fantastic genres include fantasy, science fiction, horror, and the fairy tale, and today’s transmedia storytelling generates new versions, hybrid forms, and new audience engagements. Multiple media platforms and participatory audiences call for new theorizations of the fantastic as it expands, transforms, and migrates across media, be they grand cinemas or intimate cell phones. This raises questions about medium specificity: what does the fantastic look and feel like in different media and how do stories--affectively and aesthetically--behave when changing form? What significant developments demand our attention, from mash-up narratives to TV genre hybrids? How do audiences engage with the fantastic across media? How does the increase of female authors and female characters influence the fantastic? And, finally, the relation between imagination and the fantastic calls for re-conceptualization: Is the fantastic conservative or subversive, or can its appeal be explained by other factors? For more about keynotes and speakers, see the conference site here: For questions contact: [email protected] Tuesday 24 /**/November and /**/Wednesday 25 /**/November/**/ 2015/ International two-day conference at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU/* 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (WEBIST) The purpose of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the technological advances and business applications of web-based information systems. The conference has five main tracks, covering different aspects of Web Information Systems, including Internet Technology, Web Interfaces and Applications, Society, e-Communities, e-Business, Web Intelligence and Mobile Information Systems. Conference Areas 1 . Internet Technology 2 . Web Interfaces and Applications 3 . Society, e-Business and e-Government 4 . Web Intelligence 5 . Mobile Information Systems Conference Co-chairs Valérie Monfort, LAMIH Valenciennes UMR CNRS 8201, France Karl-Heinz Krempels, RWTH Aachen University, Germany PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Tim A. Majchrzak, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway Ziga Turk, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia / Reflection Group, Slovenia Keynote Lectures Victor Chang, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom Paolo Traverso, Center for Information Technology - IRST (FBK-ICT), Italy Bernd Amann, LIP6 - Pierre and Marie Curie University, France Nishanth Ramakrishna Sastry, King's College London, United Kingdom Alberto Broggi, VisLab - Universita' di Parma, Italy Cornel Klein, Siemens AG, Germany Industrial Track Panel For more information: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR || 12-13 NOVEMBER 2015 “WORK ON SCREEN: SOCIAL MEMORIES AND IDENTITIES THROUGH CINEMA” CALL FOR PAPER Since the early 20th century, work in contemporary societies has suffered several processes of change, which, in the context of the current economic and employment crisis, demand equating the structuring of social identities that are built and modified through work. During this period, cinema has been a privileged vehicle for the creation and dissemination of representations on work and, therefore, the shaping of social memories. It has constituted a privileged channel in the construction of work memory narratives, contributing to the formation, reproduction and reconfiguration of social identities. This international and multidisciplinary seminar aims at gathering and discussing contributions that analyse the social processes involved in the formation of work identities and representations through cinema. It will explore how cinema and cinematographic practices – the production, making and uses of films – have shaped social memories on work. The seminar welcomes papers that highlight the main continuities and discontinuities of work memory narratives from the early 20th century to the present days, based on the analysis of specific films or bodies of films (both documentaries and fictions) and their reception. We encourage interdisciplinary approaches following theoretically and methodologically innovative paths as well as proposals from those who seek to incorporate visual material into their presentations. Topics include, but are not limited to: · Cinema and work (e.g. labour class, militant, educative, companies films) · Social identities and cinema (documentary, fiction, etc); · Social memories on work; · Uses and reception contexts of the film; · Useful cinema; · Industrialisation and desindustrialisation in cinema; · Gender approaches; · Work spaces; · Techniques, know-how and learning. We accept proposals in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Organisation Committee: Luísa Veloso, Frédéric Vidal, Emília Margarida Marques, João Rosas Deadline for proposals (1500 character abstract): June, 30th Contacts: [email protected] 2015 COST Action IS1303 CHIPME SUMMER SCHOOL Genomics and Genethics: current developments and controversies Aegina island, Greece – 10th-14th September 2015 Deadline for applications: 22/05/2015]: The 2015 COST Action IS1303 - CHIPME SUMMER SCHOOL is co-organised by members of the Action's three Working Groups and which will take place in the picturesque Aegina island in Greece. The School will be an opportunity for postgraduate, postdoctoral or established researchers, as well as other suitably qualified individuals working in the relevant academic and non-academic fields, to avail of a mixture of cutting-edge lectures and interactive sessions in the following areas: · Translating genomic research to genomic medicine · Direct to consumer genetic testing: scientific, legal and ethical concerns · Incidental findings and informed consent · Genomics in developing countries · Genomics, markets and justice/inequality · Economics of genomic medicine and health technology assessment · Intellectual property in genomics · Policy-making, public engagement and genetic literacy This School (organised by the COST Action IS1303) is open to individuals from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds (incl. scientific, health care, sociological, philosophical, bioethical, economic, journalistic and other fields) as well as individuals from both academic and non-academic backgrounds. For full details, funding opportunities, application procedure, The deadline for applications is Friday the 22nd of May 2015 (23:59 CET) please go to: CALL FOR PROPOSALS, ESOF 2016 SCIENCE PROGRAMME SUBMISSIONS FOR THE SCIENCE PROGRAMME ARE NOW OPEN UNTIL THE DEADLINE FOR SESSION PROPOSALS IS 1 JUNE 2015 AT 10:00 AM CET. There are nine core themes running through the science programme, spanning particle physics to pandemics, antimicrobial resistance to artificial intelligence and the Anthropocene epoch. More information on each of the themes can be found here. More information here. COMPLEXITY IN SOCIAL SYSTEMS Summer School 2015 Theories, methodologies and tools applied to European and Asian case studies to be held at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon 15-19 June 2015 Deadline for applications: 29 May 2015 Summer school: 15-19 June 2015. See the detailed schedule at the summer school website. OPINION SURVEY ON VET IN EUROPE AO/DLE/LSALVA-EVGAR/VET_SURVEY/003/15 This call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union 2015/S 080-140435 of 24/04/2015. Deadline of submitting tenders: 08/06/2015 (17h00 for hand-delivered tenders). Requests for additional information/clarification should be received by 28/05/2015. More information here. Convite à apresentação de comunicações Simpósio «Investigação Sociológica em Saúde: Questões Éticas» 11 de Dezembro de 2015 | Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz Para apresentação de comunicações clique aqui. Consulte o programa provisório aqui. Candidaturas abertas ao “Prémio João Cordeiro- Inovação em Farmácia” Este prémio foi instituído pela Associação Nacional das Farmácias (ANF), tem como objetivo premiar projetos inovadores cuja implementação promova o desenvolvimento das Farmácias. Na edição de 2015 serão atribuídos dois prémios adicionais nas seguintes categorias: • Responsabilidade Social em Farmácia, destinado a reconhecer projetos ou iniciativas de intervenção social nas Farmácias. • Comunicação Social em Farmácia, destinado a reconhecer trabalhos publicados na imprensa, rádio, televisão ou meios digitais que tenham como tema, ou um dos temas principais, o papel das farmácias e o que delas espera a sociedade portuguesa. Candidatos Poderá candidatar-se qualquer entidade, individual ou coletiva, pública ou privada, dos mais diversos setores profissionais. Prémio O valor do “Prémio João Cordeiro – Inovação em Farmácia” é de 20.000 euros para investimento na implementação e desenvolvimento do projeto. O vencedor de cada prémio adicional temático terá direito a 7.500 euros. Os premiados também receberão apoio à implementação dos seus projetos pelas estruturas do universo ANF, a definir de acordo com a especificidade de cada caso. Para mais informações consultar, por favor, o regulamento do concurso em: A submissão de candidaturas encerra a 30 de junho de 2015! CALL FOR ABSTRACTS FOR THE THIRD ISA FORUM OF SOCIOLOGY Submission must be done on-line at the ISA official website. The time for submissions is from 14 April 2015 - 30 September 2015 24:00 GMT The RC54 is now calling for abstracts to the session: The Phenomenology of Brain, Embodiment, and Technology – Contemporary Challenges Session Organizer(s) Anabela PEREIRA, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, [email protected] If you are interested in submitting an abstract please follow the link bellow PHD AND EARLY SCHOLARS WORKSHOP: CALL FOR PAPERS ‘QUANTITATIVE, QUALITATIVE AND MIXED METHODS RESEARCH: NEW INSIGHTS FOR THE STUDY OF HEALTH AND ILLNESS’ To be held on the 18th of May 2016, prior to the mid-term conference of the ESA Research Network ‘Sociology of Health and Illness’, Lisbon, Portugal Coordination: Ana Patrícia Hilário in collaboration with Helena Serra and Tiago Correia Deadlines: Abstract submission with a short biography by the 15th October 2015. Full paper submission (between 10 and 15 pages) by the 15th March 2016. Keynote speakers: Professor Ellen Annandale (University of York, UK) Professor Jonathan Gabe (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) More information here. EVENTO DEDICADO ÀS PARCERIAS EUROPEIAS DE INOVAÇÃO 28 DE MAIO Gabinete de Promoção no Programa Quadro de I&I (GPPQ), responsável em Portugal pelo suporte ao Horizonte 2020, organiza no dia 28 de Maio em Lisboa (local a confirmar) um evento dedicado às Parcerias Europeias de Inovação (European Innovation Partnerships – EIPs). As EIPs constituem uma nova abordagem à investigação e inovação na União Europeia, reunindo os intervenientes do sector público e privado ao longo de toda a cadeia de inovação, de forma a abordar os grandes desafios da atualidade, tais como as alterações climáticas, a energia, a disponibilidade de água, a segurança alimentar, a saúde e o envelhecimento da população. Os concursos lançados no âmbito do Horizonte 2020 constituem um dos instrumentos financeiros de apoio à implementação das prioridades de I&I definidas nas EIPs e, como tal, a promoção do envolvimento de entidades portuguesas nas estruturas das diferentes EIPs é essencial para potenciar a criação de consórcios para os concursos do Horizonte 2020. O presente evento de divulgação sobre as cinco EIPs em curso (Active and Healthy Ageing, Agricultural Sustainability and Productivity, Smart Cities and Communities, Water e Raw Materials), envolverá uma sessão plenária com a presença de representantes da Comissão Europeia e sessões paralelas focalizadas nas diferentes EIPs (tarde), incluindo a partilha de experiências de participantes nacionais nas diferentes EIPs. Consulte a agenda aqui e inscreva-se neste evento AQUI até ao dia 22 de Maio. A participação é grátis mas a inscrição é obrigatória. COLÓQUIO DOUTORAL ESCOLA DE SOCIOLOGIA E POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS, ISCTE-IUL 26 a 29 de maio Programa completo aqui. ENCONTRO DE CIENTISTAS 2015 2 de junho Ver o programa aqui. PROJETO DE FORMAÇÃO “EQE CANDIDATE SUPPORT PROJECT” O Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial informa que no âmbito do programa de cooperação com os Estados-Membros e a OEP – Organização Europeia de Patentes, volta este ano a lançar o projeto de formação “EQE Candidate Support Project”. Considerando a grande disparidade do número de mandatários de patentes nos diversos países signatários da Convenção da Patente Europeia, torna-se fundamental procurar um maior equilíbrio desta rede, proporcionando aos estados membros com um sistema de patentes menos desenvolvido, a possibilidade de garantir a necessária representação junto da OEP. Neste contexto, são objetivos deste projeto: 1. - Aumentar o número de mandatários profissionais qualificados através do EQE nos Estados-Membros elegíveis; 2. - Aumentar a taxa sucesso de aprovação dos candidatos ao EQE, sem diminuir a qualidade da qualificação; 3. - Promover o papel dos institutos nacionais de patentes no apoio aos mandatários locais; 4. - Promover a profissão de Agente Oficial da Propriedade Industrial / Advogado Europeu de Patentes. Este projeto será concretizado através de ações de formação, presenciais e on-line, atividades de coaching e disponibilização de bibliografia relevante, formação no idioma escolhido para realização do EQE, bolsa de formação e subvenção nas propinas dos diversos exames a realizar. Na qualidade de Estado-Membro da Convenção da Patente Europeia, Portugal, através do INPI – Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, em parceria com a ACPI – Associação Portuguesa dos Consultores em Propriedade Intelectual, associou-se a esta iniciativa através da criação de um Applicant Review Board que tem como funções: divulgar o projeto; receber e analisar as candidaturas nacionais, elaborar a lista de candidatos e enviá-la para decisão final do secretariado do EQE na OEP. Para efetuar a sua candidatura, estão disponíveis os seguintes documentos: 1. Convite à participação aqui 2. Formulário de candidatura aqui As candidaturas com toda a documentação de suporte indicada nos documentos referidos anteriormente deverão ser enviadas até ao dia 12 de junho de 2015 para o e-mail [email protected]. Salienta-se ainda que os candidatos deverão, paralelamente, assegurar a inscrição no pré-exame do EQE 2015 até 2 de junho de 2015. (Mais informações podem ser encontradas aqui). Para mais informações ou esclarecimentos sobre o projeto EQE CSP, poderá contactar a Dr.ª Luísa Modesto através do endereço de correio eletrónico acima indicado, ou consultar