Mission Portugal`s Opportunities and Strengths
Mission Portugal`s Opportunities and Strengths
Mission To support the activity of clinical research partners, promoting their growth, efficiency and excellence in clinical research, with drugs and medical devices. Quality Shared standards of high quality clinical research. Training Investigational staff adequately trained and certified. Support All local Clinical Research Coordinators hold a MSc or PharmD degree; All local Clinical Research Coordinators are fully and exclusively committed to the daily clinical research activities. Unique Network Hospitals and primary care units network, covering all therapeutic areas; Large population pool, fast study participants recruitment; Adequate support to clinical research activities Huge potential of patient referral from primary care units. Portugal’s Opportunities and Strengths www.blueclinical.pt Blueclinical Avenida Villagarcia de Arosa, n.º 1919 - 1.º 4460-439 Senhora da Hora · Matosinhos Tel.: +351 220 959 020 Email: [email protected] Political environment supportive of clinical research; Hospitals with good facilities and equipment; Excellent preparation of health professionals. www.blueclinical.pt UNIDADE LOCAL DE SAÚDE DO ALTO MINHO, EPE Hospital de Santa Luzia (Viana do Castelo), Hospital Conde de Bertiandos (Ponte de Lima) e Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Primários. 245 000 555 NURSES ............................. 849 POPULATION ........... CENTRO HOSPITALAR DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO, EPE MEDICAL DOCTORS............. CENTRO HOSPITALAR DO MÉDIO AVE, EPE Hospital Conde S. Bento (Santo Tirso) e Hospital S. João de Deus (Vila Nova de Famalicão) 245 000 201 NURSES ............................. 397 POPULATION ........... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. Hospital de S. Pedro (Vila Real), Hospital de Proximidade (Lamego), Hospital Distrital de Chaves, Hospital D. Luiz I (Peso da Régua) e Unidade de Cuidados Continuados e Convalescença (Vila Pouca de Aguiar). CENTRO HOSPITALAR DO ALTO AVE, EPE Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira (Guimarães) e Hospital de S. José (Fafe). 452 000 430 NURSES ............................. 861 POPULATION ........... 330 000 MEDICAL DOCTORS............. 207 NURSES ............................. 593 POPULATION ........... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. UNIDADE LOCAL DE SAÚDE DE MATOSINHOS, EPE Hospital Pedro Hispano, Unidade de Convalescença, Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos, EPE). HOSPITAL DA PRELADA (PORTO) ARS NORTE (primary care units) 50 000 45 NURSES ................... 118 318 000 509 NURSES ............................. 727 POPULATION ........... POPULATION .... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. MEDICAL DOCTORS...... 3 800 000 2 272 NURSES ......................... 2 774 POPULATION ....... MEDICAL DOCTORS......... CENTRO HOSPITALAR DE V. N. GAIA/ESPINHO, EPE CENTRO HOSPITALAR TONDELA-VISEU, EPE Hospital Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (Espinho), Hospital Distrital de Vila Nova de Gaia e Hospital Eduardo Santos Silva (Vila Nova de Gaia). Hospital Cândido de Figueiredo (Tondela), Hospital São Teotónio (Viseu). 700 000 443 NURSES ......................... 1 010 MEDICAL DOCTORS............. POPULATION ........... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. CENTRO HOSPITALAR DO BAIXO VOUGA, EPE Hospital Infante D. Pedro, EPE (Aveiro), Hospital Distrital de Águeda e Hospital Visconde de Salreu (Estarreja). 536 000 461 NURSES ............................. 791 POPULATION ........... CENTRO HOSPITALAR COVA DA BEIRA, EPE Hospital Pêro da Covilhã e Hospital do Fundão. 100 000 115 NURSES ............................. 416 POPULATION ........... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. 400 000 292 NURSES ............................. 628 POPULATION ........... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. New approach to clinical trials in Portugal HOSPITAL GARCIA DA ORTA, EPE 380 000 339 NURSES ............................. 889 POPULATION ........... MEDICAL DOCTORS............. A powerful national force in clinical trials
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