Cour Coor Teac ECTS 1. Int 2. We 3. Cli 4. Cli 5. Th wa 6. Cli an 7
Cour Coor Teac ECTS 1. Int 2. We 3. Cli 4. Cli 5. Th wa 6. Cli an 7
Academ mic Year: 20 016/2017 Courrse: Climate e and Society Coorrdinator: António Lopes s Teac ching Staff: António A Lop pes & Ezequ uiel Correia ECTS S: 6 Weekly Hours: H 4h h Typology: Theore etical and P ractical clas sses Contents 1. Introduction: Climate and societies. 2. We eather and climate: Time e and space sscales. The global g atmos spheric circullation. 3. Climates of the e earth; clima ate variabilityy; classificatio on systems. 4. Climatic changes: past and d future proje ections. 5. Th he climate ass a resource to several h human activities: agricultture, tourism m and energy y. The wa ater manage ement problem. Predicted d impacts on human activ vities with cli mate change e. 6. Cliimatic risks and a meteoro ological extre eme events: causes and consequencces of heat waves w an nd cold spellss, droughts, storms and ffloods; 7. The knowledge e of local clim mates applied d to the urba an and spatia al planning. Obje ectives and skills Objecctives - To u understand: i) the climatic system; ii)) the climatic c risks and resources; iii)) climatic changes and its spatial consequence c es; iv) enviro onmental prroblems rela ated with cliimate chang ges at globa al, regional and a local sca ales; v) mitig gations and adaptation a measures m at local and regional scale es of analysiss. Skillss - At tthe end of th he course the e students sshould be ab ble to know: i) the main ssources of climate inform mation; ii) th he instrumen nts, methodss, technique es and international sta ndards relatted to meteorological observations o ; iii) statisttical data analysis, a pe erform indexxes and climatic classsifications; iv) how to intterpret synop ptic charts, identifying all its compoonents; v) we eather typess associated with meteorrological and climatic extreme events s in Portugal (droughts, floods, f heat w waves and cold c spells; vi) how to devvelop capabilities to read scientific paapers. References s Ahren ns, C. D. (2004) ( - Me eteorology to oday. An in ntroduction to t weather, climate an nd the en nvironment, 7º 7 ed., Thom mson Learnin g/Brookscoo ole. Ferná ández-García a, F. (1995) – Manual de Climato ología Aplica ada. Espacioos y Socied dades. Ed ditorial Sintesis.Madrid. Miran nda. P. (2001 1) – Meteoro ologia e Amb iente, Univ. Aberta, A Lisbo oa. Pidwiirny, M. - Fundamentals of Phyysical Geography [http://www.physiicalgeograph fundamentals//chapter7.htm ml]. Santo os, F.D. e P. Miranda (ed d.) (2006) - A Alterações Climáticas em m Portugal. C Cenários, Imp pactos e Medidas de Adaptação - Projecto SIA AM II", Gradiva, Lisboa. Thom mpson, R.D.; Perry, A. (19 997) – Applie ed Climatolo ogy. Principle es and Practi ce. Routledg ge, Lo ondon. Knowledge e evaluation n methods and a their parrtial grades Norm mal regime – three exam minations: 1 ((one) theoretical (50% of the final sccore); and 2 (two) practice tests (20 0% of the fina al score each h one). 5% should s be giv ven to the sttudent progre ession in the e practical cla asses. Speccial Regime - two examination: 1 (o one) theoretical test (60%) and 1 (oone) practica al test (40% %). NB: In order to be e approved, students s musst have at least a numeriical grade off 8 (in 20) in the t theorretical test. IGOT-ULLisboa - Edifício do IG GOT, Rua Branca Edm mée Marques, 1600-2276 LISBOA - tel.: 21 044 0 30 00 -
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