/' . ·TRADITIO --- . STUDIES HISTORY, IN ANCIENT THOUGHT, AND MEDIEVAL AND RELIGION Editors R. E. KASKE CHARLES H. LOHR RICHARD E. DOYLE ELIZABETH A. R. BROWN BRIAN E. DALEY Editor Emeritus STEPHAN KUTTNER VOLUME XXXVIII 1907 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 1982 PRESS BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDY MEDIEVAL LITURGICAL BOOKS IN TWENTY-THREE SPANISH LIBRARIES: PROVISIONAL INVENTORIES (Barcelona, El Escorial, Gerona, Huesca, Lerlda, Madrid, Montserrat, Pamplona, Poblet, Seo de Urgel, Silos, Tarazona, Toledo, Tortosa, Vallbona de las Monjas, Vieh) This article is mainly concerned with Office Books, but does not include books for the Mozarabic rite. A few books for the Mass etc. were included as a result of earlier incorrect descriptions; these were inspected and eliminated without further investigation. < Very few published catalogues describe liturgical books in as much detail as is included here, and few libraries of Spain (in common with many in the rest of Europe and North America) have catalogues which offer more than (a) the type of book (occasionally inaccurate or misleading), (b) the century (often very inaccurate), (c) the number of folios, (d) the size (often expressed by the approximations of folio or octavo, etc.), and occasionally (e) the provenance or Use. This article is accurate as to (a) and, where possible, (c). It can sometimes Improve on (b) and (e). When (d) is given it is accurate. Moreover, the contents of the book are listed in some detail, with the major sections emphasised by layout so that the user can tell whether or not his Breviary includes the Kalendar or the Sanctorale, and so on.1 I have justified in an earlier article the publication of descriptions which vary in thoroughness and which are sometimes incomplete.' Basically, we need to know reliably (or even just more accurately) what is there before we can do this or that in detail with it. The difficulties of dealing at all with liturgical books and of cataloguing them properly are enormous and may be very ttme-consumlng.s Of course adequate catalogues need to be made. Such was not my purpose, however. The present publication is the by-product (if an essential preliminary 1 The most useful recent catalogue of musical sources is that of I. Fernändez de la Cuesta, Manuscritos U fuentes musicales en Espaila: Edad Media (Madrid 1980). This book lists only the musical manuscripts, but Includes more libraries than does this article. Most of the entries are very brief. Descriptive titles are not sufficiently accurate (Psalter and Hymnals, for example, are referred to as Breviaries without qualification). There are, however, extremely useful Indices of feasts, Inclplts, and other matters. t •Medieval Liturgical Books at Arouca, Braga, Evora, Lisbon, and Porto: Some Provisional Inventories,' Traditio 31 (1975) 369-84 • • 1 discuss the problems briefly In my book Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office: A Guide to Their Organization and Terminology (Toronto 1982). Clear, widely-accepted, and consistent guidelines for the description of manuscripts (akin to those of the Library of Congress for printed books) could and should be adopted after discussion by scholars in the field. The present Library of Congress methods are of little use for manuscripts. I propose to broach the subject in another article. 366 TRADITIO may be so termed) of other research concerned with Office Books. The requirements of this research have caused some of the imbalances which may be observed In the inventories, in particular the concentration on the Sanctorale, on Thomas of Canterbury, and (because of Thomas' position in many books) the Christmas period of the Temporale. I should like to have had the time to return to each source to check accuracy and gain completeness, but such a trip was not feasible. I am publishing here the material I have available in the hope that it will ease the preliminary work of other scholars. The information given here is primarily what I have observed, not what I have concluded or found elsewhere. Many of the sources listed here I have examined in the Spanish libraries themselves: the words (MS seen) appear at the end of the description. A few of these were checked and the other sources were inventoried from the films available at the HilI Monastic Microfilm Library at St. John's Abbey and University, CollegevilIe, Minnesota.' Although the quality of the films in that library is astonishingly good, working only with the film has resulted in some inevitable deficiencies: it is often impossible on film to see folio numbers visible in the book itself; it is usually impossible to say anything about the collation of the book or to make more than guesses about missing leaves or misbound sections; it is difficult to state sizes because the ruler appears only on a card at the beginning of the film. This card identifies the film, giving library name and number, the HMML project (Le., film) number, and a very brief description of the manuscript. It is these descriptions, various combinations of (a)-(e) above, which have generally found their way into the Checklist of Manuscripts" published by HMML. In many cases, I do not know where material in these descriptions originated. Such information and other information derived from sources other than the manuscript itself is given only when I could find no evidence in the manuscript, and is placed between square brackets. The number of folios, which could in most cases have been checked by laboriously counting the leaves, has been given between square brackets only when I made no attempt to finish inventorying the book. In most cases, I worked to the end of the manuscript and the number is known to be approximately accurate. In fact, the foliation in some sources was so confused (or difficult to see) and multiple foliations so contradictory that only a complete collation could , I should like to thank the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (= HM:\IL) for a generous travel grant which enabled me to visit the library, and Dr. Jullan G. Plante and his staff, especially Peter Jeffery, for their hospitality and assistance during my stay. The latter's publica lions, A Bibliography for Medieval and Renaissance Musical Manuscript Research (CollegevlJle 1980) and 'Music Manuscripts on Microfilm in the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library at St. John', Abbey and University,' Notes 35 (1978-79) 7-30, describe the musical holdings of the library In general. , J. G. Plante, Checkllll of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the lIill Monastic Manuscript Library: 11. Spain (part 1) (Coilegcville 1978). Catalogues for the Spanish libraries are listed in thi, Checklist and In the regular progress reports issued by Hl\IML. They may also be found listed In P. O. Kristeller, Latin Manuscript Books before 1600 (3rd ed.; New York 1965) and R. Denton, Directory o( Music Research Libraries III (Iowa City 1973). There are lists of manuscripts In R. B. Donovan, The Liturgical Drama in Medieval Spain (Toronto 1958) 200-16, but these are mostly culled from earlier publications and preserve their errors. SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS 367 produce a correct result. In the inventories, square brackets are also used to show missing leaves, thus: 23v [ ] 24 (the consecutive numbering in such a case will of course have been added after the leaves were lost). The descriptions below are laid out as follows: Siglum. This consists basically of an extensible three-letter code for Country, City, and Library, followed by the MS number.' City, Library, fonds, and MS number (HMML number, where applicable).' Description, including (i) name and 'provenance' of book, (ii) type of book and seasons included, (iii) number of folios and size, (iv) date, (v) Order, if applicable, (vi) kind of musical notation, if applicable. (I shall discuss some of these matters in more detail below.) Inventories. These are laid out with the main sections hanging in the margin as follows: alendar K emporale T anctorale S • These are sigla based on my own personal system. The logic behind the system should be readily apparent. , As of the summer of 1981, HMML has films of manuscripts (sometimes only some of the manuscripts) from the following libraries: POBLET, Archivo del Monasterio de Santa BARCELONA,Archlvo capitular de la CateMaria dral SEO DE URGEL, Archivo de la Catedral Archlvo diocesano (SILOS), Archivos de la abad!a de Santo DoArchivo episcopal mlngo de Biblioteca publica episcopal SOLSONA,Archivo capitular (Blbl. del Seminario diocesano) TARAzoNA,Archlvo de la Catedral Sant Pere de les Puel'les TARRAGONA,Archivo hist6rico archidioceGERONA, Archivo capitular sano Archivo del Seminario episcopal TARRAsA,Priorat de Santa Maria Museo diocesano TOLEDO,Biblioteca del CabUdo (HUERTA), Monastery of Santa Maria de la TORTosA, Archivo capitular HUES CA, Archivo de la Catedral VALLBONADE LASMONJAS,Archivo del MoLtRIDA, Museo diocesano nasterio MADRID, Real Academla de la Historia VICH, Archivo capitular (containing col. Abbey of San MiII{m de la Cogolla lections from the Museo episcopal) Monastery of San Pedro de Cardena ZARAGOZA,Biblioteca capitular MONTSERRAT,Biblioteca del Monasterio ZARAGOZA,BibIioteca del R. Seminario de PAMPLONA,Archivo general de Navarra San Carlos Biblioteca de la Catedral PERELADA,Biblioteca del Palacio The Progress Report: VIII. Spain ••• (1974-1980) published by HMl\lL (ed, J. G. Plante; CollegeviIIe 1980), gives more details regarding the libraries and their affiliations; the Checklist mentioned in note 4 gives more details concerning the manuscripts. or the manuscripts which appeared from the descriptions to be relevant, I inspected about 90%, Including all those likely to include chant. Books bearing descriptions such as the following were Iavestigated: Antiphonal, Breviary, Liber liturgicus, Liber de choro, Officia, Sanctorale, Cantica sacra. 368 TRADITIO CS p t Ded Ven Common of saints salter Office of the Dead ication itarium The feasts inventoried are mostly evident: Sundays within a season are noted in arabic numerals; V refers to the Vigil. Adv. 1 Advent, first sunday VN Nativity, Christmas Eve N Nativity S St. Stephen J St. John, Evangelist Inn. feast of the Holy Innocents Thos. Cant. erbury Epi. Epiphany LXX Septuagesima XL 2 second Sunday in Lent (Quadragesima) The remainder do not need specifying. Material placed between parentheses ( ) consists either of my commentary - such as (no Thomas of Canterbury) and (RhO) for Rhymed Office - or denotes material in the manuscript which was obviously added later or is out of order; there should be no diffuculty distinguishing the two. Note that references in Roman numerals are to openings. Notes: here I refer to secondary information, give details about the foliation, indicate the folio numbers of specific evidence, and give other noteworthy material. As for the descriptive material which precedes each inventory, there are many difficulties, to some of which I have already alluded. The name of the book is generally not a problem. Liturgical scholars, I believe, must adopt a consistent meaning for the more common names which are used. Anliphonals and (Noted) Breviaries give all the material for all Offices for the whole of the year (or for the season specified) in liturgical order. Antiphonals and (Noted) Breviaries always include the chants for the sung items. Books containing only part of this material, such as books giving only antiphons or only responsories, are so qualified; they seem to be somewhat commoner amongst Spanish sources than elsewhere. Books which separate the various kinds of items into separate sections I have identified by terms such as •Sectional Breviary'; such a book is usually a Capitulary, combined with a Lectionary and Orational, or variants of this arrangement. Books which contain an obvious and small selection of feasts I have called •Offices,' or even •Office: Feast-Name.' The naming of the less common liturgical books such as these is extremely difficult, and is even less standardised than the naming of the more common books; perhaps the contents must be specified somehow with the name. The 'provenance' presents even more difficulties. The provenance of a liturgical book in the dictionary meaning of this term as •place of origin' is of little use, except to the palaeographer. Of much more importance is the destination, that is, where the book was intended to be used or subsequent places of use: •provenance' is sometimes used in this sense. If the destination is known, it is likely that the third characteristic will follow: this is the Use, involving versions and ceremonies and variants peculiar to a province, an Order, or even to a SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS 369 particular establishment. If the destination is not known, it may be possible to narrow the choice by discovering what Use the book was for, although such an investigation will almost always involve a very detailed examination of the texts and rubrics. The problem cannot be discussed further here, except to say that descriptions such as •Breviary of Toledo' are of little help unless the reader knows which of the three characteristics the designation 'of Toledo' refers to. The difficulties in this respect are so taxing that I cannot pretend to have done much more than consider the problem in these inventories. I have, however, tried to write' of the Use of' where this is clear, •for Toledo' when the destination is specified, and 'from Paris' if the scriptorium or place of origin is known. The MS Escorial SEM P. 111.13 may be cited. It seems to be 'of Paris' from the rubric on f. 127, and 'for Quimper' from the emphasis on feasts to a bishop of that town; where the manuscript is 'from' may be a task only the most expert of palaeographers can determine. On the other hand, preceding the Temporale in Toledo, STC 37-2, is a rubric which specifies the use of the cathedral of St. Mary 'Augustensis.' Given the Spanish location of the manuscript, this town is unlikely to be Aosta or Augsburg; it is probably Zaragoza (' Caesar Augusta '), possibly Portugal, Braga (' Bracara Augusta '). Following this identification, the rubric names the actual person for whom the Breviary was intended, Jacobus de Portu, beneficed in the said church, then the scribe, the Hermit of Beauvais, diocese of Rheims, and the date he began to write the Temporale, 5 August 1433. Unless specified in the manuscript, the date of a liturgical book is even more difficult to determine, and dates given in catalogues without substantial evidence should always be taken with much hesitation. Dates attributed on the basis merely of script or general appearance occasionally vary by as much as two hundred years, even if the assessment is by a palaeographer. The reasons for this are also too complex to enter into here. Dates given between square brackets should be regarded as previous rough guesses endorsed by me, unless noted otherwise. Naturally, the presence of certain feasts or saints allows some delimiting of the date. To allow later scholars more easily to access the relevant parts of the manuscript, I have generally noted the Kalendar and Litany, and feasts such as Trinity and Corpus Christi and for special saints, even where the rest of the source has not been done thoroughly. Finally, a few words about Spanish liturgical sources in general are in order. The libraries included here are mostly in Catalonia, Aragon, and Navarre (with Madrid, the Escorial, and Toledo) and may therefore not be representative of the whole country. The books appear in general to be rather rough, with only a few which one could describe as even elegant. Compared with France, Germany, and even England, fewer books seem to have survived. In these respects, the situation parallels that in Portugals and Italy. The feasts of saints who were important in Spain are, among others, those of Eulalia of Barcelona, Felix of Gerona, IIdefonsus, and Cucufat, although none of these personages seems to have been formally canonised. Also common is the feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, established for universal use in 1457. Some of these feasts are provided with rhymed offices. I have not indicated . 8 Cf. Fernändez (supra n, 1). 370 TRADITIO whether these rhymed offices have been published in Analecla Hymnica,' although I have sometimes listed the incipit of the first item. Where these offices are printed in AH, the volume and page number can easily be found in the recently published comprehensive index to that series.t" Although it is customary in catalogues to indicate the publication in AH, I have not done so for several reasons.t- The version in AH is usually a conflation of several sources, representing none exactly: since each manuscript representative of a rhymed office usually differs in order or text from the other representatives of the same office, it is often a very thorny question to decide the extent to which the offices are identical. Offices printed as separate 'texts' in AH often prove to be inextricably' interleaved' in reality. A few rhymed offices deserve special mention and seem to be especially associated with Spain. Temporale offices (apart from Trinity Sunday and rarely Corpus Christi) are seldom rhymed; a few Spanish sources, however, give rhymed items for Advent Sunday in the office beginning with 'Pro fidei meritis,' and the office for Peter in Chains is also occasionally rhymed. The rhymed office for Thomas of Canterbury is not the usual one, 'Pastor cesus,' but the office beginning 'Martyr Thoma': I have not yet explored the relationship between this and the' Pastor' office. I have noted several additional features which occur exclusively or at least principally in Spanish sources. The feast of Trinity sometimes occurs at the very end of the Temporale, on the last Sunday preceding Advent. The feature occurs in three manuscripts from Barcelona: SBB 303, SBB 305, and SBB 619. Certain locations, in and out of Spain, are known to have favoured such a position for the feast.12 In Spain, perhaps more often than elsewhere, the books transmitting the chants of the offices are separated into Antiphonal (only antiphons) and Responsorial (giving only responsorial items); the instances of this feature are so few, however, as to make it impossible to describe it as a Spanish characteristic. Interestingly, these manuscripts are also found in Catalonian libraries: Barcelona SBB 302, SBB 304, SBB 305, SBB 619, and Montserrat SMoM 837. Known to me only in Catalonian manuscripts is an unusual method of writing text beneath the melismas of chants.P In sources of other countries the final syllable of text under a long melisma is usually placed beneath the last notes of the melisma. In two sources in which I noted the feature, only the last letter is so placed, thus: Thoma ....... s, as in Barcelona SBB 305 f. 58. It also occurs in Montserrat SMoM 762. • AH vols. 5, 13, 14b, 17, 18, 24 (ed. G. M. Dreves), 25 (ed, Blume), 26,28, 45a (edd, Blume and Dreves), 52 (ed. Blume): Volume 17 is devoted to Spain. See my Medieual Music: The Sixth Liberal Art. (rev. ed.; Toronto 1980) item 56a. 10 Analeeta Hymnica: Register (ed. M. LütoIf; 2 vols. in 3; Bern 1978). 11 Investigation of the rhymed office has been my principal research topic for more than a decade. I am now only on the verge of assessing the voluminous evidence to the extent that I can say more than elementary things about the repertory. III F. Cabrol, 'Le cuIte de la Trlnlte dans la liturgie ••• ,' Ephemerides Lilurgicae 45 (1931) 270-78. 18 Cf. op. eil. (supra n. 2) and other books on chant for descriptions of this musical term. rr r - SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS 371 Also appearing in Catalonian manuscripts (Barcelona SBB 302 and SBB304 and Vieh SVMu 85) is the word 'verbeta' for a prosa, usually after a Matins responsory. Common 'also is the practice of referring to the repetenda of a responsory by the abbreviation P, whose meaning is unknown to me and which I do not recall having met outside Spain. Several further Catalonian manuscripts (from Barcelona and Gerona) agree on the unusual practice of beginning the Sanctorale with Nicholas, placing Andrew at the end of the section (in Barcelona SBB 304 he is omitted altogether, surely an error). I do not recall this arrangement outside Spain. Following Cistercian practice; a number of Spanish sources place the Christmas saints, Stephen, John, and Holy Innocents (and Thomas of Canterbury when he occurs) in the Sanctorale, and the whole section begins with Stephen. Extremely unusual is the arrangement of Silos SSiM 9, where the Temporale feast of Christmas is also transferred with the Christmas saints to the Sanctorale.ls Spanish Sanctorales are often very extensive. Typically Spanish, however, is the way the EVOVAEformula (for Seculorum Amen) is written.P It nearly always has the S, and often the N, thus: SEVOVEN, SEVOVAE,SEVO,etc. Most of the sources with chants demonstrate this feature. Clearly, many manuscripts from the libraries of Catalonia (Barcelona, Montserrat, Vieh, and Gerona) have common and distinct features which we may perhaps conjecture to originate in a local scriptorium or from some provincial practice. ANDREWHUOHES University of Toronto LIST OF LIBRARIES The siglum for the library is given first (in bold-face), then the name of the library (with the word used for the siglum italicized). Where no word is italicized, the collection is now a fonds within the library mentioned. The inventories are in alphabetical order, by city, then by siglum. Useful catalogues are listed and are referred to by short-titles. SBB Barcelona, Biblioleca Central (Biblioteca de Catalunya) SBC - Archivo capitular de la Catedral SEM El Escorial, R. Biblioteca del Monaslerio de San Lorenzo G. Antolln, Catdlogo de los cOdices latinos de la Real Biblioieca del Escorial (5 vols.; Madrid 1910-23). J. Janlni, Manuscritos litUrgicos de los bibliotecas de Espaila: I. Castilla U Navarra (Burgos 1977). U I have encountered this arrangement elsewhere, but I cannot easily find the reference: it is buried on one of several thousand cards on liturgical manuscripts, few of which are comprehensively cross-referenced. It may be of interest to know that this article (and most of what I do now) is in machine-readable torm, on North Star 5-inch discs prepared on a personal micro-computer with a word-processor under CP/M. Eventually, I hope to transfer all the cards into this form, where they can be much more easily cross-referenced. 1Ii Cf. op. eil. (supra D. 2). 372 SGC SGMu SGS SHC SLMu SMA SMN SMU SMoM SPaA SPaC SPM SUC SSlM STaraC STC STorC SVallM SVM TRADITIO Gerona, Archlvo Capitular - Museo diocesano - Archlvo del Seminario epIscopal (Collegiate church of San Fellü) Huesca, Archlvo de la Catedral A. Durän Gudiol, 'Los manuscrltos de la catedral de Huesca,' Argensola (Huesca) 4 (1953) 293-322. L~rida, Museo dlocesano Madrid, Real Academia de la Hlstoria - Blblioteca Nacional Inventario general de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional (9 vols. to date; Madrid 1953 -). J. Sublrä and H. Angl~s, Caldlogo musical de la Biblioieea Nacional de Madrid (3 vols.; Barcelona 1946-51). J. Janlni and R. Serrano, Manuscritol liturgicol de la Biblioieca Nacional (Madrid 1969). - Biblloteca de la Unioersldad (fac. mOB.) Montserrat, Blblloteca del Monasterio A. M. Albareda, 'Manuscrlts de la blblloteca de Montserrat,' Analecta Montserraiensia 1 (1917-18) 3-99. Pamplona, Archivo general de Navarra - Biblloteca de la Catedral A. S. Hunt, 'The Library of the Cathedral of Pamplona,' Centralblatt (ar Bibliothekswesen 14 (1897) 283-90. J. Janlnl, Manuscrito. liturgico, de 10' biblioiecas de Espaila: I. Caslilla l/ Navarra (Burgos 1977). Poblet, Archlvo del Monasterio de Santa Maria Seo de Urgel, Archivo de la Catedral Silos, Archlvo del Real Monasterio de Santo Domlngo W. M. Whltehlll and J. Perez de UrbeI, 'Los Manuscrltos del Real Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos,' Boletin de la Real Academia de la Hlstoria 95 (1929) 521-601. J. Janinl, Manuscritos liturgico. de los bibliotecas de Espaila: I. Castilla UNavarra (Burgos 1977). Tarazona, Archlvo de la Catedral V. Saxer, 'Mss llturgiques, calendriers et litanies des saints du 12-16- 8. conserves A la Bibllotheque capltulaire de Tarazona,' Htspania Sacra 23 (1970) 335-402; 24 (1971) 367-423; 25 (1972) 131-83. Toledo, Biblloteca del Cabildo J. Janlnl and R. GonzAlvez, Catdlogo de los manulcrito, litdrgico. de la catedral de Toledo (Toledo 1977). Tortosa, Archlvo capitular E. Bayerrl y Bertoneu, Los C6dices medievales de la catedral de Tortosa: NovlBimo inventario descriptivo (Barcelona 1962). Vallbona de las Monjas, Archlvo del Monasterio J. Janlnl, 'Los manuscrttos del Monasterio de Vallbona (Urlda),' Hispania Sacra 15 (1962) 439-52. Vieh, Museo episcopal (Archlvo capitular) J. Gudlol y Cunlll, 'CaUleg dels lllbres manuscrits anterIors al segle XVIII deI Museu episcopal de Vil'h,' Butlletl de la Biblioteca de Catalunua 6 (1920-22) 50-97; 7 (1923-27) 59-154; 8 (1928-32) 46-120. SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS 373 I. OFFICE BOOKS BARCELONA; BIBLIOTECA CENTRAL (BIBLIOTECA DE CATALUNYA) • SBB 302: MS 302 (706) Responsoriale, 121f, 360 x 260, [14j15c] CS: 163 Note: (MS seen) T : 2" Adv., [ ] 3, 3" Epl., 12" LXX, 17 L, 38 Passion, 42 Palm, 51" VPascha, 53" Pascha, 64 Ase., 67 Pente., 71 CX • SBB 304:: MS 304 (662) Responsorial, 204f, 355 x 245, [14j15c] t : 97" S : begins 102 Nlcholas, 102" Lucy, lOS" S, 108 J, 110" Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 113 Agnes, 115 cony. . Paul, 117" PURIF. BVM, 121 Agatha [] Note: the use of the word 'verbeta' endorses Spanish connections. (MS seen) • SBB 303: MS 303 (705) Antiphonal, diurnale, 171f, 370 x 260, [14c] T : [] 4 Epl., 46" Good Friday,' 52 Pascha, 68" Pente., 99 Tri. S : begins 105 Nicholas, 108 Lucy, 108" S, 111" J, 114" Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 117" Sebastian, 120 Agnes, 124" cony. Paul, 125" PURIF • BVM, 129" Agatha, 131" ANN. BVM, 133" Phlllp & James, 134" Inv. Holy Cross, 135" John Baptist, 139 John & Paul, 139" Peter, 143" Comm. Paul, 145" Mary Magdalen, 148 Cucufatus, 149" Fellx Gerund., 154 Laurence, 156 Hyppolitus, 159 ASSUMPT. BVM, 162" Augustine, 164" decoIl. John Bapt., 165" NAT. BVM; 168" Ex. Holy Cross, 169" Michael, 174 All Saints, 175" Martin, 181" Cecilla Ded: 191 CS: 193" Notes: the use of the word 'verbeta' (e.g., f. 101) endorses Spanish connections. The book may form a pair with the Antiphonal, MS 305, but the contents are not Identical (MS seen) T : 1 Adv., 8bis Os, 11 VN, (no Xmas saints); '-" 4~" Pascha, 57" Pente., summer Sundays, 69" Tri., summer Hlstorlae t : 79 [ ] 81 Marlan material S : begins 83 Nlcholas, 84 Lucy, 85" Thos. ap., 86" S, 89 J, 91" Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 95 Agnes, 95" Vincent, 97" cony. Paul, 99" PURIF. BVH, 101 Agatha, 103 cath, Peter, 105 ANN. BVH, 109 Phlllp & James, • SBB 305: MS 305 (663) 109" Inv. Holy Cross, Ill" John . Antiphonal (only antiphons), 149f, Baptist, 113" John & Paul, 370 x 260, [14j15c] 118 Peter, 120" Mary Magdalen, T : [] I" Adv. 4, (no Xmas salnts), 122" Cucufatus, 123 Fellx Gerund., 10 XL 2, 20 Holy Sat., 29 Pascha 125" Transfiguration, 126" Laurence, 1 post oct., 33 VAse., .36" VPente., 129 ASSUHPT. BVH, 133 Augussummer Sundays, 45 Dom. IS, tine, 135" decolI. John Bapt., 137" 47" Tri. NAT. BVH, 140 Raphael, 141 LamDed: 50 bert, 143 Michael, US" Ded., 147 Ursula (RhO), 148 All Saints, t : 51" S : begins 53 Nlcholas, 54" Eulalla, 151 Passlo fmaglnls Domini, 151" 56" Lucy, 57" Thos. ap., 58" S, Martin, 157 Cecllla, 159 Katharlne 61 J, 63" Inn., (no Thol. Cant.), (RhO), 161 Andrew 374 TRADITIO 65" Sebastian, 67" Agnes, 69 Vincent, 71" cony. Paul, 74" PURIF. BVM, 76 Agatha, 77 cath. Peter, 80· Inv. Holy Cross, 82. John Baptist, 84. John & Paul, 85" Peter, 88· Comm. Paul, 95 Mary Magdalen, 97 Cucufatus, 100 Fellx Gerund., 102" Domlnic (RhO), 106· Laurence, 109 ASSUMPT. BVM, 112. decolI. John Bapt., 113. NAT. BVM, 115· [ ) 116 Ex. Holy Cross, 117. Michael, 126· All Saints, 129· [ ) 130 Martin, 134· Cecilia, 139" Andrew CS: 141. Notes: the book may form a pair with the Responsorial, MS 304, but the contents are not identical. The contents are mainly restricted to antiphons for the canticles, for Vespers and Lauds, occasionally for the little hours and the nocturns, the invitatory, and for a few processions. (MS seen) • SBB 619: MS 619 Antiphonal (only antiphons) [of Barcelona], 139f, 368 x 261, [13e] 1 responsory tones and Benedicamus Domino T : I· Adv. (RhO), 4 Adv, 2, 10 Os, U VN, 12 N, (no Xmas saints), 16 Epl., 26. LXX, 34 XL 2, 42 Palm, 48 Pascha, 58 Pente., (summer Sundays), 67 Tri., 68" summer historiae S : begins 75 Nieholas, 76 Paul of Narbonne, 77 Lucy, 78. S, 80" J, 83 Inn. 83" Sebastian 84" Agnes, 85 Vincent, 87" PURIF. BVM, 89" Eulalla Bare., 93" AN!';. BVM, 95" Inv. Holy Cross, 97 Ded., 98" John Baptist, 100 John & Paul, 100" Peter, 104" Comm. Paul, 106 Benedict, 107· Mary Magdalen, 110" Felix Gerund., 111 Peter in Chains, and Transfiguration, 112" Laurence, 114 ASSUMPT. BVM, 117" decoll. John Bapt., 117bis NAT. BVM, 118" Ex. Holy Cross, 119" Michael, 121 All Saints, 122" Martin, 126" Cecllia, 129" Andrew CS: 131 137" Passio imaginis Domini, and the office of the Dead, 138'" Petrus sacerdos deboixdil (?) qui me scripsit' 139 (Kyrie trope, sequence and alleluia) Notes: this contains antiphons only, for little hours, and Matins and Lauds. (MS seen) BARCELONA: ARCHIVO CAPITULAR DE LA CATEDRAL ~ SBC 106: MS 106 (HMML 183f, [14e] • SBC 107 and 108: MSS 30374) 108 (HMML 30376 and 30377) Notes: similar to MS 106 Lectionary, 107 and EL ESCORIAL: BIBLIOTECA DEL MONASTERIO DE SAN LORENZO • SEM b.I.l: MS b.I.l (or j.b.l) Office: Presentation of the BVM, 261, 460 x 350, [15c], square not. on fiveline staves Notes: This is the rhymed office 'Fons ortoruIn.' (MS Seen) • SEM b.II.4: MS b.IIA Masses and Offices, 46f, 415 x 308; [14c], square not. heighted on one red line 1" Transfixionis beate Marie, Mass and rhymed office ('Gaude mater nostra ecclesia '), including ,lessons 30" Ivo, Mass and rhymed office ('Confessor dulcissime') Note: (MS seen) • SEM b.III.20: MS b.III.20 Breviary for Brescia, ix+435f, [14c] K: 1 7 index of psalms SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS P: 2· H: 62 T : 74 Adv., 93" VN, 98" S, 100'0 J, 103 Inn., 105 Thos. Cant. (RhO) 291 great rubric S : 293" Andrew, 336'0 John Baptist, 349 Visitation BVM CS: 405 420 Marian offices t : 424'0 Notes: several leaves are missing. Brescla (f.iv). (MS seen) • SEM e.IV.10: MS e.IV.I0 Breviary for Braga, 492f, 185 x 125, [15c] K: 1 tables P : 1 73" Litany H: 75 t : 89'0 98 Marian offices 99'0 great rubric (102 hymns for CX) T : 103 Adv., cxxi Adv. 4, cxxliil VN, (no Xmas saints), cclli Holy Sat., S : begins 281 S, 283'0 J, 286" Inn., 290 Thos. Cant. (prayer and six lessons), CS: 464 483'0 Marian offices •bracharensis ' Notes: Braga (f.l of Psalter, 103, 290'0). (MS seen) Donovan p. 210: St. Juan de la Pefia, 14c. • SEM g.IV.29: MS g.IV.29 Breviary [of La Pena], monastic, 449f, 165 x 115, [He, Benedictine] T : 2 Adv. 1, 16'0VN, (no Xmas saints until f.23 Silvester I), (several different hands in Temporale) K: 161 167 prayers for Mass P : 179 . 230'0 Litany H: 233 CS: 260'0 S : begins 280 S, 284 Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 286'0Silvester Ded: 437 t : 441'0 426'0 benedictions 375 Notes: Thos. of Cant. is in the Kalendar but not in Litany or elsewhere. (MS seen) • SEM g.IV.36: MS g.IV.36 Breviary [of the Roman curia], monastic, 257f, 132 x 97, [He] 1 T : begins?, 48 Dominica (1) post Nat. Domini, (no Xmas saints), rest of Temporale not done t : 181 S : begins 184 S, 187'0J, 190'0Inn., (no Thos. Cant.) Notes: rest of book not done. (MS seen) • SEM g.IV.40: MS g.IVAO Breviary lord. Hieronymite], 100 x 65, [15c] 492f, K: 1 P : 8 68 Litany H: 70 82 great rubric T : [] 109'05, 112'0 J, 115 Inn., 117 Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons) t : 476 Notes: rest of book not done. (MS seen) • SEM L.III.3: MS L.III.3 Noted Breviary [of La Pena, monastic], Psalter and Sanctorale, 172f, 247 )(160, r12c], [Benedictine], heighted neumes P:l S : begins 23 S, 26'0 J, 30'0 Inn., 34 Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons), 38'0 Sebastian, 41'0 Agnes, 44 Vincent, 49 cony. Paul. 53" PURIF. BVM, 59 Agatha, 61'0Dorothy, ScoIastlca, Eulalia Bare., 63" cath. Peter 66 Benedlct, 70'0ANN. BVM, 89 John Baptist, 93'0 John &: Paul, 100 Mary Magdalen, 109 Transfiguration 110" Laurence, 114 ASSUMPT. BVM, 119'0 decolI. John Bapt., 124 NAT • BVM, 127'0 Ex. Holy Cross, 133· Michael, 140· All Saints, 142'0 [J 143 Martin, 146 Cecilia, . 151'0 Andrew, 154'0Nicholas, 159 Lucy CS: 161 ending incomplete Notes: (MS seen) Janlnl (Espaiia) p. 99: Aqultanian notation. 376 TRADITIO • SEM L.III.4: MS L.III.4 Noted Breviary, [monastic], Sanctorale, 99f, 245 x 160, [12c, Benedictine], heighted neumes S : [ ) 4" John Baptist, 11 John & Paul, 29" tr. Martin, 33 tr. Benedict, . 49" Peter In Chains, [ J 50 Laurence, 52" ASSUMPT. BVM, 73" decolI. John Bapt., 81" NAT. BVM, 90 Ex. Holy Cross, 94" Michael Note: Janini (Espaiia) p. 100: Aquitanian notation. • SEM P.III.i3: MS P.III.13 Breviary of Paris for Quimper, secular, 834f, 205 x 140, [15c] K: 1 P : 13 102 Litany 109 rubric for Adv., 127 memorials T : 137 Adv., 103 VN, (no Xmas saints), rest of Temporale not done S : 411 Andrew, 445" Thos. Cant. (RhO), 452 Genoveva, 457 Guillermus, 463 Sebastian, 466" Agnes, 469" Vincent, 474" cony. Paul, 482 Batildis reglna, 484" PURIF. BVM, 491" Agatha, 496 Scolastica, 498 cath. Peter, 502 Wingualoeus, 505 Thos. Aquinas, 508" Paul ep, Leon, 513" ANN. BVM, 517" Mary of Egypt, 527 rubric, 540" Philip & James, 542 tr. Chorentinus chorlsopltens. ep., 543" Chorentlnus (another office), 547 Inv. Holy Cross, 553" Ivo, 558" Peter erem., 559" tr. Ludovlcus, 563 Grimanus ep., 596 Peter & Paul, 6UY tr, Martin, 614 tr, Thos. Cant., 625" Mary Magdalen, 630" James, 640" Martha, 647" Inv. Stephen, 658" tr. Corona Domini, 667 ASSUMPT. BVM, 678" Ludovicus, 683" Bernard, 690" decoJJ. John Bapt., 701 NAT. BVM, 713" Eufemia, 715 AUdomarus, 724 Michael, 741 Leodegarius, 769 AJJ Saints, 795 Ellsabeth CS: Notes: the emphasis on Chorentinus of Quimper (f. 542) suggests the destination of the book: f. 127 gives 'Sequnt memorie qui debent (1) post mat. et post vesperas per totum annum In ecclesia parlslensls.' Note also the large number of (unusual) saints and the presence of two offices to Thos. Cant. There may be Dominican connections (Thomas Aquinas and Ludovlcus). (MS seen) • SEM P.III.14: MS P.III.14 Breviary [of Huesca (Zaragoza '1)J, 314f, 202 x 137, [13 or 14c] K: 1 P : 8 61 Litany T : 62 Adv., 75" VN, (no Xmas saints), rest of Temporale not done S : begins 169 S, 172 Inn., 174 Thos. Cant. (prayer and six lessons) CS: 275 Notes: •Cesaraugustana' (Zaragoza) (f. 286). Rest of book not done. (MS seen) GERONA: ARCHIVO CAPITULAR • SGC VII-7: MS VII-7 (HMML 31007) Ferial Psalter, 381f, [13j14c] • SGC VII-i5 to 24 and VII-26: MSS VII-15 to 24 and VII-26 (HMML 31016-19, 31021, 31023, 31026-28, 31030-31) Antiphonals Note: these seem to be a set of Temporal volumes • SGC 20,b,i: MS 20,b,1 (98) (HMML 30895) Breviary, secular, 255f, [13c] K: 4 15 tables T : 16 Adv, 31 Os, 59 S, Cant.), 65 Epl. Note: very rough, small book. (no Thos. SPANISH LITURGICAL • SGC 20,b,3: MS 20,b,3 (99) (HMML 30897) Breviary, [20lf, 13c] [ ] 1 Psalter and canticles, 103" Kai. Notes: rough, small book. 29th Dec. (Kal.): St Troflmus, with Thos. Cant. (added 1) in very small script. I 1 r , r • SGC 20,b,5: MS 20,b,5 (126) (HMML 30899) Breviary of Gerona, secular, winter, 518f, [14c (A.D. 1339)] K: 1 T : 8 (1) xxvii Nat., (no Xmas saints), clxxxvi Tri. [] Ded: cxc t : cxcvl (1 PURIF. BVM, ccvil Corona Domini) ccIx benedIctions T : ccx Adv P : (not ferial) cc? cclxxxlx Litany H: ccxcll S : (begins with Nleholas), cccxxx 1 Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons) Notes: References are to openings: the Iollation is very difficult to follow as many numbers have been removed In trimming and some parts of the book seem to be out of order. - Gerona (f. 8), cf. MSS 20,b,6 and 20,b,8. • SGC20,b,6: MS 20,b,6 (125) (HMML 30900) Breviary of Gerona, secular, 663f, [14c (A.D. 1339)] (2 CX, Paul) T : 17 Adv, "coNe. BVM, (no Xmas saints), 7" conv. BOOKS 377 Thos. Cant. (rubric), cxxxIx VPente., cxllx CX K: cxcviil P : ccv ecxel Litany H: ccxvc (cccxxvlii Anna, BVM) S : begins cccxIvil Nicholas, ccclxIx ThOs. Cant. (prayer and three lessons) CS: Notes: Gerona (f. 14), cf. MSS 20,b,5 and 20,b,8 • SGC 20,b,8 and 9: MS 20,b,8 and 9 (95 & 96) (HMML 30902 & 30903) Breviary of Gerona, secular, 282f (MS 8, not known for 9), [14e (A.D. 1339)J MS 8 K: 1 T : 8 Adv. (no Xmas saints), 35 Thos. Cant. (rubric), 175" homilies and domlnleal prayers t : 193 203 RubrIc P : 205 279 Litany H : 281, continuing In MS 9 MS 9 H : [] 283, continues to f. 291" S : begins I( 1)Nicholas, Stephen, xxllll Thos Cant. (prayer and three lessons) CS: Notes: foliation Is continuous from MS8 to 9, the break between the volumes being In the middle of the Hymnal. At the Sanctorale, In MS 9, the foliation changes to roman numerals. - Gerona (f. 8, MS 8), cf. MSS 20,b,5 and 6. xxxIi GERONA: MUSEO DIOCESANO I 1 • SGMu 7027: MS 7027 (HMML 31086) Ferial Psalter, 103f, [15e (A.D. 1453)], square not. Note: beginning with Miserere mel (PS 50, 55, or 56). 378 TRADITIO GERONA: ARCHIVO DEL SEMINARIO EPISCOPAL • SGS 238: MS 238 (HMML 31100) Processional and Book of Hours, 130f Index Hours: 1 Expectation BVlIf, 9 Helena, 16 Gregory, 23 Joseph, 30 Lazarus, 35 Rosarium, 51 Corona, 58 Visitation BVlIf, 75 Anna, 92 Nomine Domini Processional: 108 Ang. Cust., 112 Narcissus Hours: 116 Ang. Cust., 128 Seraplo Note: some of the offices have music, sometimes of Inclplts only. • SGS 329: 1\IS 239 (HMML 31101) Processional, 178f, [16c), square not. GERONA: ARCHIVO DEL SEMINARIO EPISCOPAL (COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF SAN FELIU) • SGS(F) 14: MS 14 (HM~fL 31045) Breviary [of Gerona], secular, winter, 463f, [14c] • SGS(F) 15: MS 15 (IIMML 31046) Breviary [of Geronn, use of San Fellü], 277f, (15c) T : 1 Adv, (no Xmas saints), 118 Tri. Ded: 120v K: 125 tables P : 133 209 Litany S : begins 235 Nlcholas, 249" Thos, Cant. (ruhrlc, prayer and three lessons) CS: T : 1 ( ) Adv, 15" N, (no Xmas saints), 96 Ase. K: 121 S : begins 128 Nlcholas, 147v Thos, Cant. (prayer and three lessons) CS: Notes: rough. Initials and rubrics frequently not entered. HUESCA: ARCHIVO DE LA CATEDRAL • SHC 7 & 8: MSS 7 and 8 (II:\tML 31560 and 315611) Noted Breviary, secular, winter, Temporale (MS 7) [194f, 485 x 340J and summer Temporale (MS 8) [157!, 425 x 315), square not. MS 7 T : Adv, (no Xmas saints) to VPaseha MS8 T : Pascha to end of liturgical year Notes: Folios not numbered until later. No staves are apparent, but the notation seems carefully helghted, - Guldol p. 300: Huesea, 12c, Aqultanlan notalIon Donovan p, 206 (following GuldoI1): Huesca 12e. See SHC 9. • SIIC 9: MS 9 (HMML 31562) Noted Breviary incomplete, Sanctorale, 286f, 450)( 315, [12c), square not. S : ( ) Nlcholas, 7 Lucy, 10" Th. ap., 13 S, 16v S, 16" J, 20v Inn., 24 Thos, Cant. (various items), 26v ( ) 27, 33v Sebastian, 40 Agnes, 41 Vincent, 48" conv. Paul. 52v PUnJF. BVM, 58" Agatha, 66" cath, Peter, 73 Benedlct, 77" ANN. BVM, 87" Phlllp .l James, 93 Inv. Holy Cross, 109 John Baptist, 119 Peter & Paul, 127" Comm. Paul, 141 Mary Mngc1alen, 150 Peter In Chains 163" ASSUMPT. BVM 156" Laurence, (166-169 Inserted (RhO), 165"· (J SPANISH LITURGICAL leaves), 178 Augustine (RhO), 184" decoIl. John Bapt., 190 NAT. BVM, 197 Ex. Holy Cross, 205" Michael, 219" All Saints, 230M artin, 241 Cecilia, 247 Saturnine (complete office) Ded: 256" CS: 260" Notes: part of the Thomas of Canterbury office is rhymed. It is unusual to find a complete office to Saturnine. Guidol p. 300: Sanctorale for MSS 7 & 8, using Aquitanlan notation. • SHC 12: MS 12 (HMML 31565) Noted Breviary, secular, 100f, 425 x 295, [13c], Aquitanian not. Note: Folios not numbered. • SHC 13: MS 13 (HMML 31566) Breviary of the use of Huesca cathedral, secular, 653f, 270 x 185, [14c] K: T : (no Thos. Cant.), cxxxx VPascha, clxxiiii Pente., clxxx Tri., CX p : H: (] S : begins with Step ben, Thos. (prayer and three lessons) (] Cant. 379 BOOKS CS: Notes: Various different hands are used for different sections. Use of Huesca cathedral (beginning of Temporale). • SHC 14: MS 14 (Hl\lML 31567) Breviary of the use of Huesca, secular, 605f, 285 x 200, [14c] K: T : (no Xmas saints), (rubric) xxxvii Thos. Cant. P: S : begins with Stephen, J, Inn., (no Thos. Cant.) Note: Use of Huesca (f. 1, beginning of Temporale). • SHC 22: MS 22 (HMML 31575) Breviary, secular, winter Temporale, [10 )(286f, 157 x 115, A.D. 1479-80, paper] T : I Adv, xliii Os, lxx VN, (no Xmas saints) Notes: rest of Temporale not done. Guldol pp. 304-5: written in Valencia, paired with MS 23. • SHC 23: MS 23 Breviary, 205f, 157 le 115 Notes: MS not seen. This Information is from Guldol pp. 304-5. See MS 22. LERIDA: MUSEO DIOCESANO • SLMu B.n.: MS s.n. (HMML 31383) Venitarium [79f), large square not. • SLMu B.n.: MS s.n. (HMML 31384) Breviary of the use of Lerida, secular, 446f, [15c] T : 1Adv (no Xmas saints) Ded: clxllll (additions) ( ] P : c1xxil ccxlv BVM t S : begins cclv Stephen, (RhO) celx Thos. Cant. CS: Notes: of Lerida (f.l). A rough, small book. • SLMu B.n.: MS s.n. (HMML 31385) Breviary [of the use of Lerlda], secular, 301f, [15c] K: 1 P : I lxxxii Litany T : lxxxlll Adv, (no Xmas saints), ex Epl. Ded: ccxxxll S : begins ccxxxv S, ccxxxxli Thos. Cant. (RhO) 380 TRADITIO MADRID: REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA • SMAc 79: MS 79 (HMML 34937) Breviary, monastic, [242f, 14c] K: P : (non-ferial) t : lxxviii T : Adv, xix N, (no Xmas cxxi Pascha I, cxcill [ ] saints), S : begins I S, lx Thos. Cant. (commem, only), lxxxi Laurence, cxxxv Katharine CS: Notes: sections are numbered independently. Description on film has •Cronlcon de Cardeüa, ' MADRID: BIBLIOTECA • SMN 240: MS 240 (A 174) Breviary [of the use of the convent of Ucl~s], 593f, 333 x 165 [] T : ( ) 1 Adv. 2, 21 VN, 26" S, 29 J, 31" Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 91 Palm, 135 Tri., 138 ex, P : (printed Insertion, 207-270", with hymns) S: 271 Andrew, 288" Thos. Cant. (prayer and six lessons), 466" NAT. BVM CS: 563 583 Marlan offices, (588 Ang. cu .todes) Notes: the Sanctorale, not completely done above, Is very full. The assignation 'sec. ritum et cons. fratrum c1ericorum ordinis milltlae sanctl Jacobl de Spata,' and the convent Ucles (Oculense), J derive from AH. Janlnl (1969): written In Castile for a military order of Santiago. (MS Ileen) • SMN 713: MS 713 (C 69) Breviary of the Roman curia [for Uceda, regular], 4901, 308 x 207, [1315c, Franciscan] NACIONAL S : 288 Andrew, 419 All Saints CS: 434" Ded: 455 457· ordo BVM t : 461" (476 CX, 488 Visitation BVM) Notes: Roman curia (t. 94). (MS seen) Janlnl (1969) p. 37: written In Sicily. • SMN 6086: MS 6086 (R. 186) Breviary of Seville, 4191, 146 x 200, [ISc] P : 1 (incl. hymns) 96 Litany t : 116· 120 Marlan offices •see. cons. ecclesle Yspalensls ' () S : (1 128 Inn., 128" Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons), rest of Sanctorale not done, ending with Lucy (additional offices) CS: 373 Notes: Ypsalensls (f. 120). (MS seen) Janlnl (1969) p. 79: written In Andalusia. K: 1 • SMN 6087: MS 6087 (R.187) Breviary, Temporale, 229f, 150 x 192 P:7 (I H: 82" T : 94 Adv., 113" N, 120. Inn., 122 Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons), 200" Good Fri., 225 VAse. 280. great rubric, 285 ordo T : [ I 2 Adv. 2, (no Xmas saints), 23" VEpl. Notes: rest of book not done. (MS seen) Janlnl (1969) p. SO: written In Andaiusla. I SPANISH LITURGICAL • SMN 9082: MS 9082 (Bb.166) Breviary of the Roman curia, [regular), 745f, 75 x 123, [14c, FranciscanJ 1-17 mise. prayers, tables K: 17 25 hymns and benedictions T : 261, 65v Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons), 226 Dominica 3 post Pente. 263 great rubric P: 267 CS: 362 t : 406 S : 411 Andrew (569 CX) 575 rubric and ordo, (582 Inv. Holy Cross), 639 rubric (642 TrI. (RhO), 639" Antony, various other additions) Notes: Roman curia (f. 26). (MS seen) Janini (1969) p. 104: adapted for Hieronymites, written in Italy. • SMN 9694: MS 9694 (Ff. 147) Breviary [of Toledo), secular, 653f, 137 x 187, [14c) K: 1 P : 7 (Incl. hymns) t : 89v T : 98 Adv., 127 Thos. Cant. (RhO 'Martyr Thoma '), 174" XL 2, 230 VPente., . 243 CX 286 memorials for various saints S : beginning 287 with JuIian and Basil, 372" Jnv. Holy Cross, 458v Domlnic, 513v NAT. DVM, 562 All Saints, Ded: 588v CS: 633 Notes: Janlnl (1969) p. 115: written In Castile. (MS seen) • SMN 9785: MS 9785 (Ee. 147) Breviary partial, monastic, 152f, 174 x 226, [after A.D. 1488J, Cluniac K: 1 Cap!tulary T:(J7N S : 1 CS: 30 OraUonale T : 36" Adv. S : 65" BOOKS 381 CS: 1 117 Litany, 121" benedictions, 123 prayers and memorials, 136 Marlan offices 'sec. usum clunlacense' 146" psalm! famlllares, blessings of ashes, and salt and water Notes: Thos, Aqulnas, can. 1323, Is added to the Kalendar. (MS seen) Janlni (1969) p. 120: Kalendar has the feast of St. Consortia (Introduced 1480) and Barbara (1488). (MS seen) • SMN M.1322: MS M.1322 Antiphonal, [monastic, Cistercian}, summer, 203f, 430 x 320, [14/15cJ T : 1 Holy Sat., 13 VAse., 18" VPente., 25" Tr!. S : 61 Benedict, 64v ANN. DVM, 71" PhiIip & James, 74v Jnv. Holy Cross, 78 John Baptist, 81 Peter & Paul, 82" Mary MagdaIen, 87 Jnv. Stephen, 96" Laurence, 102 ASSUMPT. DYN, 108 Bernard, 112v deeoIl. John Bapt., 115v NAT. DVM, 120" Ex. Holy Cross, 122 Michael, 125 All Saints, 130" Martin, 135 Cecllla, 140 Andrew CS: 144v Ded: 171" t : 176v Ven: 180, incl. dialogue tones Tonary: 186" Note: (MS seen) • SMN Res. 186: MS Res. 186 (A 169) Breviary, [Hieronymite, of Garsias Crunensis 1J, 485f, 141 x 191, A.D. 1463 K: 1 P : 1 T : 45 1 Adv., 68 J, 73" Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons), 128 XL 3, 213 Dominica 2 post Pente. 243 great rubric S : 248 Andrew, CS: 394 (424 Marlan offices, other saints, 482 Ang. custodes) Notes: 'Garsias crunensls ... 1463' (f. 422"): Roman curia (f. 45). Janlnl (1969) p. 211: Kalendar of Toledo. 382 TRADITIO MADRID: BIBLIOTECA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD (FAC. FILOS.). • SMU 15: MS 15 (01. 147) Offices, regular ('1), 97f, 145 x 100, [14c], Franciscan ('1) 1 Francis (RhO 'Franciscus vir seraphlcus '), 10 Inv. Holy Cross, 21 Ex. Holy Cross, 26 TrI. (RhO 'SedentI'), 33 CX, incl. octave and Mass, 42" Transfiguration, 49 CONC. BVM (RhO 'Gaude mater ecclesla '), 55 In descensione BVM, 59 Visitation BVM, 64v Mary of the Snows, 68v Presentation BVM (RhO 'Fons ortorum '), 85v Ludovlcus (RhO' Tecum fiat '), 84 Ildefonsus (RhO' 0 decus antisturn '), 89v remaining folios blank Nole: (MS seen) MONTSERRAT: BIBLIOTECA DEL MONASTERIO • SMoM 36: MS 36 (HMML 30162) Noted Breviary [for the Cluniac priory of Vergy, Dijon], monastic, [434fj, 180 x 125, [13j14c, Cluniac], square not. I) . P : 21 44v Litany t : 46 H: 50v I) T : 64 Adv, lxxvii Os, lxxxv N, 92" S, 102 J, 106v Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), cxv Epl., () cc Pascha, 238 I)Pente., 234 ( ) Tri., (no CX) 274-282 missing, 286-294 missing S : I) 295 Viventlus, 298 Sebastian, () 305 Vincent, 310v cony. Paul, 316 PURIF. BVM, 320v Agatha, 325v cccxlvllii Benedict, 330 cccxxxx ANN. BVM, 335v Phllip & James, 337v Inv. Holy Cross, 343" John Baptist, 363 Peter & Paul, 371v Mary Magdalen, 386v Transfiguration, 391 Laurence, 395 ASSUMPT. BVM, 404 decolI. John Bapt., 406" NAT. BVM, 417 Michael, 428" All Saints, 433 Martin, 444v Andrew, 449v NIcholas CS: 455v (491v fragments of a Venitarium) Notes: references in roman numerals are to openings: these are visible on the film. Arabic numbers derive -from inspection of the MS itself: they normally correspond with the roman numerals, and have been used where they are known. Where there seem to be discrepancies, both numbers are given. There are occasional Insertions of later, cruder leaves, and several leaves are missing. The chant notation sometimes looks mensural (fr. 363"-85, for example). (MS seen) • SMoM 759: MS 759 (HMML 30045) Antiphonal, regular, Sanctorale, 310f, 300 x 390, [15c], Dominican, square not. (1 Anna (by the name Agnes: RhO; incl. Mass), 12 Katharine (RhO 'Ave gemma'» S : [) 29 Agnes, 37 Vincent, 46 cony. Paul, 55" PURIF. BVM, 61v Agatha, 71 ANN. BVM, 84V Peter martyr (RhO), 89 Phlllp & James, 95 Corona Domini (RhO 'Gaude mater'), 99v tr, Domlnie (RhO 'Adest dies letltle'), 104 John Baptist, 112 John & Paul, 115" Peter & Paul, 124" Comm. Paul, 133 Mary Magdalen, 145 Domlnle (RhO 'Gaude feIix'), 153 Laurence 163 ASSUMPT. BVM, 173 Augustine, 183v decolI. John Bapt., 186" NAT. BVM, 194v Ex. Holy Cross, 202" Michael, 211 All Saints, 220v t, 228" Martin, 237" Cecllla, 2·17"Katharlne (RhO 'Vlrginis exlmle') CS: 251v 301 Te Deum, 303 Ursula (RhO) Notes: hymns are included. (MS seen) • SMoM 762: MS 762 (HMML 30046) Antiphonal, regular, winter Sanctorale, f: SPANISH LITURGICAL 383 BOOKS 172f, 345 x 490, [14/15c], prob. Dominican of Spain, square not. Note: the folio numbers In the Montserrat catalogue are incorrect. (MS seen) (] Ded: 1 S : 8v Andrew, 15v Nicholas, 23 Lucy, 25 S, 33v J, 41 Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 54 Vincent, 64 cony. Paul, 73 PURIF. BVM, 82v Agatha, 89v Eulalia Bare. (RhO), 89 Thos. Aquinas (RhO), 107v ANN. BVM (164V hymns to EulaUa, 166 Paula vldua (RhO], ending Incomp.) (] Notes: MS 763 is surely the summer section. The presence of EulaIla of Barcelona, and the use of SEVOVEN for EVOVAE, strongly suggest the Spanish destination. (MS seen) • SMoM 837: MS 837 Antiphonal (antiphons only), [monastic, 1551, 200 x 145, 15e, probably Carthusian] • SMoM 763: MS 763 (HMML 30048) Antiphonal, regular, summer Sanctorale, 195f, 330 x 460, [15c], prob. Dominican of Spain, square not. S : 1 CS in Easter time, 6 Peter martyr (RhO), llv Inv. Holy Cross, 15v Corona Domini (RhO ' Gaude mater'), 19v tr. Domlnlc (RhO 'Adest dies leUtie'), 24 John Baptist, 34 Peter & Paul, 43v Comm. Paul, 51 Mary Magdalen, 59v James, 62v Domlnlc (RhO), 70v Laurence, 78v ASSUMPT. BVM, 87v Augustine, 100v NAT. BVM, 107v Ex. Holy Cross, 115 Michael, 123 All Saints, 131v t, 139 Martin, 147v Cecilia, 157 Katharine (RhO), 165v AngeU custodes (RhO and Mass), 173 Anna (RhO) (181 Tonary, 186 Adv. 1, 190 Presentation BVM (RhO] Notes: SEVOVEN for EVOVAE. Cf MS 762. (MS seen) • SMoM 764: MS 764 Antiphonal [for Monastery of the Incarnation, Madrid, regular '1], autumn, 1 + 232 + 11, 380 x 550, [15c, Dominican] T : 1 Adv., 54 S 57 VN, (no Thos. Cant.), 88 VEpl. S : 105 Andrew, 116 Nicholas, 127 Lucy, 130v S, 142v J, 152v Inn., (no Thos. Cant.) CS: 163 T+S: 1 Adv, 12v Os, 18v S, 20 J, 21 Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 37 PURIF. BVM, 25 VEpl., 39v ANN. BVM, 41v LXX, 47v XL 1, 62v Passion Sun., 87 Asc., 92v Pente., 117 John Baptist, 123 Mary Magdalen, 126 Peter in Chains, 130 decolI. John Bapt., 131 Ex. Holy Cross, 135 Michael, 137 Bruno, and All Saints, 139 Hugo CS: ? Ded: 151v Note: (MS seen) • SMoM 852: MS 852 (HMML 30105) Breviary [for Augustinian canons in the diocese of Reggio ErniIia, regular, 12 + 505f, 15c] 1 tables, index K: 7 P:(]iiI H: lxxxi lxxxxv great rubric T : cvilil Adv, cxx Os, cxxvllil N, exxxliil S, ex! Inn., cxlll Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons) S : cccxxvlIi (I Andrew CS: cccclxxvli t : ccccclll Notes: rest of book not done. (MS seen) • SMoM 880: MS 880 Breviary [of the Roman curia for Toledo, 334f, 195 x 135 [14c] 1 ordo T : 7 Adv., 31 Thos. Cant. (RhO 'Martyr Thoma') K: 141 Notes: rest of book not done. (MS seen) • SMoMI117: MS 1117 Breviary, [monastic, 2 475 x 355, 13e, Cistercian] + 124 + It, T : ( ] Adv. fer. 11, 49v VPente. to end of Temporale Notes: Salmon, pp. 61, lOS, 107-9, 117, 118 (MS seen) 384 TRADITIO PAMPLONA: ARCHIVO GENERAL DE NAVARRA • SPaA 7: MS 7 (HMML 34851) Office misc., [103t, 13c), square not. K: 1 5 ex, incl. prayers and lessons, 13 Visitation BVM (RhO), 19 Adv chapters and prayers for Temporale and Sanctorale, 90v t • SPaA 12: MS 12 (HMML 34856) Breviary, secular, [287t, 14c) Notes: description on film says 'Llber de choro mon. ': it Is in fact secular In form. Spanish destination Is suggested by the use of SEVO[VAE). PAMPLONA: BIBLIOTECA • SPaC 18: MS 18 (HMML 34792) Breviary ot the dioc. of Pamplona, secular, 523f, [14c (A.D, 1332») K: 1 7 tables, 8 rubrics and Marian of- fices ('1) T : 19v Adv, (no Xmas saints), 50 Thos. Cant. (rubric), 196 off. novo sol, CX P : 249 (Includes hymns) S : begins 320 S, 324v J, 326 Inn., 328v Thos. Cant. (prayer) CS: Notes: diocese of Pamplona (f. 8). Rest of book not done. It ends with the New Constitutions of bishop Arnald de Barbazän of Pamplona. Cf. MS 19•. • SPaC 19: MS 19 (HMML 34793) Breviary, secular, 570f, [14c] [J Marian offices (1) T : (no Xmas saints), near 50 Thos. Cant. (rubric), near 190 Tri. p : 262 339v Litany S : begins I S, v J, Cant. (prayer) 350 Inn., Ix Thos. es: Notes: the foliation Is very confused, difficult to read. Cf. MS 18. and DE LA CATEDRAL • SPaC 20: MS 20 (HMML 34794) Breviary of Pamplona, secular, 546f, [14c] K : 5, 11 tables, [J 17 Marian offices T : 28 Adv, 47v Os, 51 N, (no Xmas saints), 57v Thos. Cant. (rubric), 84 Pente Ded: 161V o : 255v 330 Litany S : begins 333 S (different foliation:) 6 J, 6v Inn., 9 Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons) t : 202 CS: Notes: Pamplona (f. 161V). Cf. MS 21. • SPaC 21: MS 21 (HMML 34795) Breviary, secular, 323 + 92 + 36f, [14c] [J rubrics and Marlan offices T : Adv, 11 Thos. Cant. (rubric) K: 316 P : I lxxxv Litany t : Ixxxlx S : begins I S, vlli Inn., Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons) Notes: references are to openings; the foliation Is confused. Cf. MS 20. SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS 385 POBLET: ARCHIVO DEL MONASTERIO DE SANTA MARIA • SPM 4: MS 4 (HMML 30525) Book of Hours, 172f, [16c] • SPM 5: MS 5 (HMML 30526) Antiphonal, monastic, 288f, [290 x 215, 13c], Cistercian, square not. [ ) (John Baptist) T : 1 Adv, 15 Os, 17 N, (no Xmas saints), 84 VEpi., 84 VPente. S : begIns 109v S, 114v Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 117 Agnes, 120 PURIF. BVM, 123v Agatha, 126v Benedlct, 130v ANN. BVM, 136 Phllip & James, 138 Inv. Holy Cross, 139v John Baptist, 143 Peter & Paul, 150v Mary MagdaJen, 153 Inv. Stephen, 155 Laurence, 156v ASSUMPT. BVM, 161 Bernard, 165 decoll. John Bapt., 167 NAT. BVM, 171v Michael, 175v All SaInts, 178" Martin, 182" Ceellia, 186 Andrew CS: 189 Ded: 213v Ven: 217·, and Te Deum and Benedicamus Domino (Ursula RhO) • SPM 6: MS 6 (HMML 30527) Antiphonal, Sanctorale, monastic, 15H, [13c], Cistercian, square not. S : begIns 1 S, 3 J, 5 Inn., 12 PURIF. BVM, 16 Agatha, 19. BenedIct, 23v ANN. BVM, 26 Phillp & James, 28 Inv. Holy Cross, 30· John Baptist, 35 Peter & PauJ, 39 Comm. Paul, 44 Mary Magdalen, 46 Laurence, 51 ASSUMPT. BVM, 58 decolI. John Bapt., 60 NAT. BVK, 65 Michael, 70 All Saints, 73 Martin, 76 Cecilla, 83" Andrew CS: 84. Ded: 109 t : 113 Ven: 116, and Te Deum and Benedlcamus Domino Marlan office, 123 ANN. BVM, 128 Bernard H : 134V, beginning with Stephen Notes: folios around 120 to 134 seem to be out of order. The feast of St. Andrew has a large historiated Initial, suggesting that this saint was of some Importance. • SPM 10: MS 10 (HMML 30531) Antiphonal, Kyriale, and Hymnal, 62f, [13 and 14c], square not. CX office and Mass, 42 Mass for the dead Kyriale Hymnal Note: folio numbers usually not visible. 8. Agnes, SILOS: ARCHIVO DEL R. MONASTERIO DE SANTO DOMINGO • SSiM 9: MS 9 (HMML 33691) Noted Breviary, monastic, 396f, [268 155, 12/13c], Aquitanian not. tian, Vincent, x T : [) 2 Adv., 16" [ ) (Nat. Is In the Sanetorale), 17 Nat. oct., (no Xmas saints), 26v Epl. 2, 29. LXX, lxvllll Pascha, lxxxviIli VAse., 160 Tri., (no CX) S : 143 (= I of new section) Nat., S, J, Inn., 160V Thos. Cant. (marginal note: 'seek lessons and office at end of book' [now missing), 167· Epl., 177 Sebas- 185 cony. Paul, 189 192 Agatha, EuJalia of Barcelona, 196 cath. Peter, 199 Phlllp & James, 205v John Baptist, 211 John & Paul, 212" Peter & Paul, 228v Mary Magdalen, 233 Inv. Stephen, 234 Transfiguration, 239 Laurence, 244 ASSUMPT. BVK, 253 decoll, John Bapt., 257 NAT. BVM, 262 Ex. HoJy Cross, 266 Michael, 274" All Saints, 280 Martin, 291" Andrew, Nlcholas, Lucy PURIF. BVK, 386 TRADITIO Ded: 304 CS: 308 3371' lessons tor various periods of the year P : (non-ferial) 354 ending Incomplete Notes: placing of the Christmas period in the Sanctorale Is unusual, but not unique. Donovan p. 211 and Janlnl (Espaiia) p. 254: San Salvador de Celanova. See Fernändez de la Cuesta, p. 163-64. • SSiM 16: MS 16 (HMML 33698) Psalter and Hymnal, 215f, [230 x 155, 15c] P : (partly ferial) 2 133 Litany H: 146 t : 184 Notes: SEAEN for EVOVAE. Whitehill p. 583: written in Spain. Donovan p. 211: San Millän? TARAZONA: ARCHIVO DE LA CATEDRAL • STaraC 31: MS 31 (HMML 32611) Breviary [of Tarazona], secular, 505f, [14c] I) Thos. K: 1 I) T : 7 Adv., 34 N, 381' Thos. Cant. (rubric, see Sanct.), 1331' Pascha I, 2291' tables P : 231 3121' Litany S : begins 316 S, 324 Thos. Cant. (RhO) CS: Note: rest of book not done. P : (non-ferial) Notes; these three MSS seem to be parts of the same book. Toulouse (MS 78, f. 1). • STaraC 78, 79 I, and 79 11: MSS 78, 79 I, and 79 11 (HMML 32656, 32657, 32658) Breviary of Toulouse, secular, 175f & 210f & 66t, [14c] MS78 T : 1Adv., 27 rubrics tor Xmas saints, 154 Benedictus and Magnifieat antiphons for the summer S : begins 1651' Stephen, Thos. Cant. (with some missing folios, continued In MS 79 I): MS79 I Cant. (rubric and lessons), Martin, 1991' Martha 1441' MS 79 11 • STaraC Mus, 18: MS Mus, 18 (HMML 32585) Antiphonal, Temporale, 163f, [16c ace, to card on film, but surely more like 15c], square not. I)Nat., (no Xmas saints), torla •Adaperlat' Epl. to His- • STaraC Mus, 20: MS Mus, 20 (HMML 32587) Antiphonal, Temporale, 146f, [16c], large square not. I] xv Pascha to Tri. • STaraC 152: MS 152 32731) Psalter, 151f, [14c] (HMML K: 1 P : (ferial) 4 t : TOLEDO: BIBLIOTECA • STC 33-4: MS 33-4 (HMML 33398) Psalter and Hymnal, 90f, 259 x 169, [14c], square not. Notes: the ferial chants for EVOVAB. are given. SEVON DEL CABILDO • STC 33-5: MS 33-5 (HMML 33399) Noted Breviary, Sanctorale, secular, 1431, 260 x 170, [t3e], Aquitanian not. S : 2" I] 3 Silvester, 9" Vincent, 15" cony. Paul, 19 PURIF. BVM, 26" f SPANISH LITURGICAL Agatha, 43 Phlllp & James, 46" Inv. Holy Cross, 51 John Baptist, 64 Comm. Paul, 71 Mary Magdalen, 79 Transfiguration, 82 Laurence, 88 ASSUMPT. BVM, [ ) 101 decoll, John Bapt., 105 NAT. BVM, 113 Ex. Holy Cross, 18 Michael, 127 All Saints, 136" Martin Notes: many leaves are missing. SEVOVAE[N) for EVOVAE. Janlnl (Toledo) p, 64: written near Toledo. • STC 33-6: MS 33-6 (HMML 33400) Breviary of Toledo, secular, 415f, 218 x 157, [14c] K: T : Adv., S, J, Inn., Thos. Cant. (prayer and six lessons) to summer Sunday 22 [) P : (non-ferial) 197 307 great rubric S : Notes: folio numbers are rarely visible. Toledo (I: 11, f. 307). done. Rest of book not • STC 33-7: MS 33-7 (HMML 33401) Breviary of Toledo, secular, 477f, 230 x 160, [13c] K: T : Adv., N, S, J, Inn., xlv Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons) Notes: Toledo (f.vIII). Rest of book not done. • STC 33-8: MS 33-8 (HMML 33402) Breviary, abbreviated [of Toledo], secular, 321f, 235 x 185, [13c] S : cxxi Note: the body of the book consists of prayers, chapters, lessons, psalms, and hymns, omitting the other musical items. • STC 33-9: MS 33-9 (HMML 33403) Breviary of Toledo, secular, 545f, 230 )( 160, [15c] 387 BOOKS P : 221 309 Litany H: t : S : 332 CS: 522 Note: Toledo (f. 332). • STC 33-10: MS 33-10 (HMML 33404) Psalter, (ferial), 83f, 220 x 145, [15e] Note: Janlnl (Toledo) p. 67: written In Italy. • STC 33-12: MS 33-12 (HMML 33406) Breviary, 183f, 210)( 145, [14e), Francisean P : [1) K: [100) CS: 106 Ded: Note: Janlnl In Italy. (Toledo) pp. 68-69: written • STC 34-2: MS 34-2 (HMML 33416) Breviary, 258f, 134)( 95, [15c], Franeisean H: 1 S : 12 Andrew Notes: rest of book not done. ledo) p. 76: written In Italy. Janlnl (To- • STC 37-1: MS 37-1 (HMML 33481) Breviary, 195f, 193 x 44, [13e], Franciscan K: [) (2) P: (] T : (35) Adv., Os, VN, S, Inn., (no Thos. Cant.) CS: (144) Ded: (152) Notes: rest of book not done. Janlnl (Toledo) pp. 114-15: written In Italy. K: 1 • STC 37-2: MS 37-2 (HMML 33482) Breviary of Zaragoza ( ?), secular, 414f, 166 x 113, A.D. 1433 T : [) 13 Adv., 42" N, S, J, Inn., Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons), 158 Ase., Tri. [] P : [1) t : 35" 388 TRADITIO T : i Adv., xxviii Inn., xxxi Thos. Cant. (RhO) Notes: 'secundum usum et consuetudinem ecclesle cathedralis Beate Marie Augusten. ad opus domini lacobl de Portu beneficiatur in dicta ecclesia, scriptum Heremitani de Belvaco Remanensis diocesis inceptum die vi mensis augusti a.d, msm.o quatercentessimo trigesimo tercio' precedes folio 1: this surely refers to Caesar Augusta (Zaragoza), rather than to Aosta or Augsburg. • STC 37-3: MS 37-3 (HMML 33483) Breviary of Zaragoza (1), secular, 436f, 160 x 110, [14c] K: P : (ferial) 1 78 Litany T : 78 Adv., 109 Inn., 111 Thos. Cant. (prayer and nine lessons) Notes: Zaragoza?, and Roman curia (see f. 78 and MS 37-2). Janini (Toledo) p. 116: written in Italy. Notes: the book contains rubrics, and is an Ordinal or Pica. written in Italy. Janinl (Toledo) p. 118: • STC 44--2:MS 44-2 (HMML 33614) Antiphonal, secular, 220f, 393 x 264, [LSc], Aquitanian not. Index made in 1775 T+S: [] 2Adv, 16N, 21" S, (no Thos. Cant.), 30 Epi., 37 HiIarlus, 39 Sebastian, 45 Vincent, 48 conv. Paul, 51 PURIF. BVM, 54" Agatha, 57" Benedict, 80" Palm, 92" Pascha, 106 Inv. Holy Cross, 107 Ase., 111 Pente., 114" Tr!., 119 Peter in Chains, 126" Laurence, 148" ASSUMPT. BVM, 134" decoll. John Bapt., 136 NAT. BVM, 141" Maurlclus, 144 Michael, 149" Gerald aqult., 154" Martin, Cecllia, 164 Andrew, Nicholas, 169" Antoninus CS: 172 Ded: 190" • STC 37-4: MS 37-4 (HMML 33484) Lectionary (1), Franciscan, 735f, 132 x 93, [14cl K: 193 Marlan offices for the summer Yen: 213" Notes: SEVOVAE for EVOVAE. Janinl (Toledo) p. 179: written in France. T : 48" Thos. Cant. (lessons), 213 VPente. Notes: the body of the book seems to contain lessons and chapters. Janini (Toledo) p. 116: written in Italy. • STC44--3: MS 44-3 (HMML 33615) Antiphonal, monastic, Temporale, 119f, 230 x 224, [t3c], square not., heighted on a stave of apparently only two lines. Yen: 1 • STC37-5: MS 37-5 (HMML 33485) Breviary, regular, 482f, 235 x 168, [14c], Dominican K: 1 P : (ferial) 8 T : 84 Adv., 98 Os, (rubrics for Xmas saints), 200 Pente. Ded: 262 266 great rubric S : 271 Andrew, 287 Inn., Thos. Cant. (nine lessons) Notes: rest of book not done. Janlni (Toledo) p. 117: written in central Italy. • STC 37-6: MS 37-6 (HMML 33486) Ordinal, 124f, 220 x 155, [13cl, Dominican] K: \ T : 3" Adv, 11 Os, 14" N, 17" S, 18" J, 19" Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 56 Pascha, 78" Pente., (no Tr1.), (no CX) [] Note: Donovan p. 213: Italian. • STC 44-5: MS 44-5 (HMML 33616) Antiphonal, monastic, 405 x 295, 1583, corali not. Preceded by an Index T : Tr!., CX, to end of Temporale, with various saints Note: Janini (Toledo) p. 181: written in Rome by Juan hlspano, 1583, for the monastery of Clarlssas de S. Sllvestre de capite, Rome. •• SPANISH LITURGICAL BOOKS 389 TORTOSA: ARCHIVO CAPITULAR • STorC18: MS 18 (HMML 30591) sectional Breviary (partial), 315t, 310 x 210, [14c] P : (ferial) 1 52 Litany H: the next section seems to be a very abbrevIated Capltulary T : 67 (1), 71Y Tri. S : begins 72 Step hen, (no Thos. Cant.) 76 prayers 97 lessons • STorC 98: MS 98 (HMML 30668) Offices mise., 256t, 133 x 176, [14/15c] [J 1 (1), 4 prayers for feasts, beginning with Stephen, 19Y Thos. Cant., [ ) 36 CONC. BVM, 48y Os Notes: this begins like an Oration al, but gradually Includes more of the material normally found In a Breviary. Rest of book not done. • STorC 136: MS 136 (HMML 30705) sectional Breviary [ot Tortosa, 206(, 200 x 272, 14c] P : (non-ferial) 1 Litany H: 61Y 69Y Marian offices for the whole year 79 chapters and dialogues 92y prayers for Temporale, then for Sanctorale T : 118 lessons, responsories, Invitatories, and canticle antiphons, 138Y N., (no Xmas saints), (no Thos. Cant.) • STorC 145: MS 145 (HMML 30714) Office book, [ot Tortosa, 299t, 300 x 200, 14c] K: 1 P : (ferial) 6 H: 169Y 184 Marlan and other memorials The next section (beginning f. 198) seems to be a Capitulary, Including the dialogues and short responsories. The next section (beginning 221Y) seems to be an Oratlonal, 240y Thos. Cant. Notes: rest of book not done. Bayerri p. 308: cathedral of Tortosa. . SEO DE URGEL: ARCHIVO DE LA CATEDRAL • SUC 2710: MS 2710 (HMML 31539) Offici a, 104t, [l6-17c] 1 Seven martyr, 37Y Rafael archang., 62y Justl &: Pastoris, Queen of Portugal, dolours BVM, 13 George 27 BVM de Monte Carmelo, 49 Gabriel, 75Y ElIsabeth, 76 ANNUNC. BVM VALLBONA DE LAS MONJAS: ARCHIVO DEL MONASTERIO • SVallM 10: MS 10 (HMML 30555) Antiphonal, monastic, Temporale, 172f, 385 x 275, [15c), large square not. T : 1 Adv., 19Y N, (no Xmas saints), S6Y VEpl., B6y Ase., Tri., CX Ends with Benedlcamus Domino chants (Including some polyphonic settlngs), eantlea, hymns. • SVallM 21: MS 21 (HMML 30566) Antiphonal, monastic, Sanctorale, 308r, 310 x 390, not. S : A.D. 1520, Cistercian, square [J S, J, Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 28 Agnes, 39Y Vincent, 40 PURIF. BVM, 54Y Agatha, Eulalla Bare., Benediet, ANN. BVM, (new hand) 96 Phillp &: James, 99y Inv. Holy Cross, John Baptist, Peter &: Paul, Mary Magdalen, Inv. Stephen, 136 Laurence, 144 Corona Domini, AS- 390 TRADITIO Decoll, John Bapt., Ex. Holy Cross, Michael, Ursula (RhO), 197v All Saints, Martin, Edmund Cant. (RhO),. Cecllia, 233 Andrew CS: 237? (Bernard, Visitation et aI.) Note: Anno domini mdxx at end. dalen, Corona lnv. Stephen, Laurence, Domini (RhO), 126 ASSUMPT. BVM 136v Bernard, decolI. John Bapt., 149 NAT. BVM, 165v Michael, 175v Ursula (RhO), 185 All Saints 193 Martin, Cecilia, Katharine, Andrew, Nlcholas SUMPT. BVM, NAT. BVM, • SVallM 22: MS 22 (HMML 30567) Antiphonal, monastic, Sanctorale, 322f, 410 le 310, [15c), Cistercian, square not. S : begins 1 S, 7v J, 14 Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 20 Agnes, cath. Peter, 45v Benediet, 56 ANN. BVM, 68v Philip & James, 71v Inv, Holy Cross, 75v John Baptist, 83v Peter & Paul, 91v Comm. Paul, 100 Mary Magdalen, 105 Laurence, 115 Corona Domini (some rhymed items), 124v ASSUMPT. BVM, 138 decolI. John Bapt., 142v NAT. BVM, 151 Ex. Holy Cross, 155 Michael, 167 Ursula (RhO), 180v All Saints, 189 Martin, 199v Edmund, 200 Ceeilia, 210v Andrew (additions) es: 222 Ded: 280v 281" [ ] (282 Bernard) Ven: 293 and responsory tones 309 Visitation, 321 Edmund (RhO) • SVallM 23: MS 23 (HMML 30568) Antiphonal, Sanctorale, 288f, 370 le 510, [14c), square not. S : S, J, Inn., (no Thos. Cant.). 19v Agnes, 27 PURIF. BVM, 35 Agatha, 43 Benedict, 53 ANN. BVM, 62 Phlllp & James, 67 lnv. Holy Cross, 72 John Baptist, Mary Mag- VICH: MUSED EPISCOPAL • SVMu (C) 80: MS 80 (HMML 31200) Breviary of the use of Vieh, secular, 504f, [210 le 140, 14c] K: T : Adv., xxvii S, xxx J, xxxiii Inn., xxxvi Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons), near clii ex, cxcvii end of summer Sundays P : (non-ferial) cc CS: Ded: t : (additions) Notes: the MS is badly rubbed: folio numbers are hardly visible. • SVallM 24: MS 24 (HMML 30569) Antiphonal, Sanctorale, 289f, Cistercian (1), square not. S : S, J, Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), Agnes, PURlF. BVM, Agatha, Benedict, ANN. BVM, Philip & James, lnv. Holy Cross, John Baptist, Mary Magdalen, Laurence, Corona Domini, ASSUMPT. BVM, Bernard, decolI. John Bapt., NAT. BVM, Michael, Ursula, All Saints, Martin, Cecilia, [ ] Katharlne, Andrew, Nicholas CS: Notes: no folio numbers can be seen. Bernard referred to as 'pater.' • SVallM 25: MS 25 (HMML 30570) Antiphonal, monastic, Cistercian, Temporale, 229f, 370 le 500, square not. Notes: the MS Is badly rubbed: no folio numbers can be seen. The whole of the Temporale, including Trinity but not CX, appears. (ARCHIVO CAPITULAR) S : [I 30v John at the Latin Gate •.. ends with Katharine CS: 1 Notes: references are to openings; some sections are numbered Independently. 'Secundum consuetudinem sedls vlcen. ' at beginning of Temporale or beginning of Psalter. Cf. MSS 81, 82, 84. • SVMu (C) 81: MS 81 (HMML 31193) ---- ~~-----------------------....... ..,..... ........ SPANISH LITURGICAL Breviary of the use of Vieh, secular, 431f, [235 x 138] K: T : xcv Adv., cxx Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons), cxxvll Epl., (rest not done) S : (beginning not done), 275 Fructuosus, 294 Eulalla Bare., 315 Qulterla, 366 ASSUMPT. BVM, 354 FeUx Gerund. Notes: Vieh (opening 1111). Cf. MSS 80, 81, 84. • SVMu (C) 82: MS 82 (HMML 31199) Breviary of the use of Vieh, secular, 5341, 210 x 160, A.D. 1396-1410 K: P : (non-ferial) 63v Litany H: 66 [) (81 CONe. BVM, 85 Thos. Aqulnas, 95 Elisabeth, 95v Katharine, et al.) T : 115 Adv., 136v end of N. S. J, Im•., 145v Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons) Notes: 'secundum novam consuetudlnem sedis vicen.' (f. 115). Rest of book not done. • SVMu (C) 83: MS 83 (HMML 31201) Breviary of Barcelona (1), 534f, 145 x 135, A.D. 1361-68 secular, K: [J 11Adv., xlii Os, xxi N, (no Xmas saints), cxxxiil Historia Si bona, Temporale ends on clv P : (ferial) [J ili lxxx Litany H: [] t : ending on cxvi CS: [J 11 to xxv [ ) S : [) xxvii S. J, -xxxllt Thos. Cant. (three lessons) Notes: references are to openings; sections are numbered Independently. ~Ded. sedls Barchn.' added to the Kalendar (Nov.). • SVMu (C) 84: MS 84 (HMML 31198) T : Breviary of the use of Vieh, secular, 489f, 220 x 160, A.D. 1420 K: T : 29v Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons) BOOKS ,.".,..---- 391 Notes: 'sec. novam cons. vicensls diocesis' (t. 29V). Rest of book not done. Cf. MSS 80, 81, 82. • SVMu 85: MS 85 (HMML 31270) Breviary [Urgel diocese], secular, [237 x 165], A.D. 1398 or ea. 1430 (1) T : [) xv N, xix S, xxi J, xxiii Inn., xxiiii Thos. Cant. (rubric) Notes: 'A passione Domini ••• mccclxxxix' (opening lxxiiii). The use of the term 'verbeta' (opening xv, passim) endorses Spanish destination. • SVMu 86: MS 86 (HMML 31248) Breviary [of Vieh], secular, 2561, 203 x 135, paper, [15c] T : [) 1 Adv., 25'"Thos. Cant. (prayer and three lessons) Note: rest of book not done. • SVMu 113 & 114: MSS 113 and 114 (HMML 31349 only) Antiphonal, Temporale (MS 113), Sanetorale (MS 114), 137f and 134f, 470 x 340, [14c], large square not. on one line !\IS 113 T : 1 Adv. (Rhymed), 18 Os, N, (no Xmas saints), 55v L, 85 Maundy Thurs., 97 Pascha 2, 101v Asc., Pente., CX MS 114 S : 1 S, 4 J, 7v Inn., (no Thos. Cant.), 10 Sebastian, 12v Agnes, 16v Vincent, PURIF. BVM, 25 Agatha, 29 cath. Peter (RhO), 32 ANN. BVM, 33v Phillp &; James, 34v Inv. Holy Cross, 38 John Baptist, 41 John &; Paul, 55 Mary Magdalen, 59 Peter in Chains, 58? Cucuphat, 62 Transfiguration, 64 Laurence, 67v ASSUMPT. BVM (RhO), 72v decolI. John Bapt., 76 NAT. BVM, 84v Ex. Holy Cross, 83? Michael, 86 All Saints, 89 Martin, Cecilia, Katharine, [) CS: 100 [ ) " then the offices of Lucy and Thos. ap, and of the Dead Note: the folio numbers of both MSS "are weak and very confusing. The Rhymed offices for Advent Sunday and for Peter in Chains are noteworthy. ................,........::::::: 392 TRADITIO 11. SUPPLEMENTARY WORKS GERONA: ARCHIVO DEL SEMINARIO EPISCOPAL • SGS 3: MS 3 (HMML 31096) Gradual, 276f, [16c], square not. on a MADRID: BIBLIOTECA • SMU 21: MS 21 Gradual (1), 132f, 222 five-line stave DE LA UNIVERSIDAD (FAC. FILOS.) Note: (MS seen). x 155 MONTSERRAT: BIBLIOTECA • SMoM 1034: MS 1034 Missal [for the diocese of Hildesheim], 274f, 375 le 280, [15c], gothic not. Note: (MS seen). TOLEDO: BIBLIOTECA • STC 1-25 & 1-26: MSS 1-25 & 1-26 (HMML 32806, 32807) [Carmina sacra, 58! & 225!, 14c & 13c] Note: these MSS contain only texts of poems. • STC 33-24: MS 33-24 (HMML DEL MONASTERIO DEL CABILDO 33415) Gradual, 305f, [13c] • STC 35-10: MS 35-10 (HMML 33455) Gradual, 149f, [13c), Aquitanian not. INDEX (References are to sigla; includes only Office Books, not other MSS) Advent Sunday, rhymed office: SBB 619, . SYMu 113 &. 114 Andalusia: SMN 6086 Angell custodes: SGS 238, SMN 240 rhymed office: SMoM763 Anna, rhymed office: SMoM 763 Anna (by the name Agnes), rhymed office: SMoM 759 ANTIPHONAL: SGCVII-15 to 24 and VII-26, SMN M.1322, SMOM 759, SMoM 762, SMoM 763, SMoM 764, SPM 10, STaraC Mus 18, STaraC Mus 20, STC 44-2, STC 44-5, SVMu 113 &. 114, SVallM 23, SVallM24, SVallM25 (only antiphons): SBB 305, SBB 619, SMoM 837 diurnale: SBB 303 monastic: SMoM837, SPM 5, SPM 6, STC44-3, SValIM10, SValIM21, SValIM 22 Aqultanian notation: SEM L.III.S, SEM L.III.4, SHC 7, SHC 8, SHC 9, SHC 12, SSiM 9, STC 33-5, STC 44-2 Arnald de Barbazän, bishop of Pamplona: SPaA 18 Assumption of the BVM, rhymed office: SHC 9, SVMu 113 &; 114 Audomarus: SEM P. 111.13 ~.=-==~~------------~====~~------- SPANISH LITURGICAL Augustine, rhymed office: SHC 9 Augustinian canons: SMoM 852 Barcelona: SBB 619, SVMu (C) 83 BatlIdls reglna: SEM P. 111.13 BOOKOP HOURS: SGS 238, SPM 4 Braga: SEM e.IV.I0 Brescla: SEM b.IIl.20 BREVIARY:SEM b.III.20, SEM e.IV.I0, SEM r.rn.ta, SEM P.III.14; SGC VIl-7, SGC 20 b 5, SGC 20 b 6, SGC 20 b 8 & 9, SGS(F) 14, SGS(F) 15, SHC 9, SHC 13, SHC 14, SHC 22, SLMu s.n. (HMML 31384 & 31385), SMN 713, SMN 6068, SMN 6087, SMN 9082, SMN 9694, SMN 240, SMN Res. 186, SMoM 852, SMoM 880, SPaA 12, SPaC 18, SPaC 19, SPaC 20, STaraC 31, STaraC 78, 79 I and 79 11, STC 33-6, STC 33-7, STC 33-8, STC 33-9, STC 33-12, 86, 87, STC 37-2, STC 37-3, STC 37-5, STorC 136, SVMu (C) 80, SVMu (C) 81, SVMu (C) 82, SVMu (C) 83, SVMu (C) 84, SVMu 85, SVMu 86 Benedictine: SEM g.IV.29 HieronymIte: SEM g.IV.40 monastic: SEM g.IV.36, SMAc 79, SSIM 9 Cisterclan: SMoM 1117 Cluniac: SMN 9785, SMoM 36 noted: SHC 7 & 8, SHC 12, STC 33-5 Benedictine: SEM L.III.3, SEM L.III.4 partial: STorC 18 BVM de Monte Carmelo: SUC 2710 CAPITULARY:SMN 9785 Carthuslan: SMoM 837 cathedra of Peter, rhymed office: SVMu 113 & 114 Chorentlnus, bishop of Qulmper: SEM P. III.13 Cistercian: SMN M.1322, SMoM 1117, SPM 5, SPM 6, SVallM 21, SVallM 22, SVallM 24 Cluny: SMN 9785, SMoM 36 Conception of the BVM, rhymed oflice 'Gaude mater ecclesia': SMU 15 Corona Domini: SGC 20 b 5, SGS 238, SVallM 21, SVallM 22 rhymed office: SMoM 763, SVallM 23 translation: SEM P.Ul.13 Corpus Christi, ollice and Mass: SPM 10 Cucufat: SBB 303, SBB 304, SBB 305, BOOKS 393 SVMu 113 & 114 Domlnlc, rhymed office 'Gaude felix': SBB 305, SMoM 759, SMoM 763 translation: rhymed office 'Adest dies letitie': SMoM 759, SMoM 763 Dominican: SMoM 759, SMoM 762, SMoM 763, SMoM 764, STC 37-5, STC 37-6 Edmund of Canterbury, rhymed office: SVallM 21, SVaIlM 22 Elisabeth, Queen of Portugal: SUC 2710 Eufemla: SEM P.III.13 Eulalla of Barcelona: SBB 305, SBB 619, SEM L.III.3, SSiM 9, SVMu (C) 81, SVaIlM 21 rhymed office: SMoM 762 Expectation of the BVM: SGS 238 Fellx of Gerona: SBB 303, SBB 304, SBB 305, SBB 619, SVMu (C) 81 France: STC 44-2 Francis, rhymed office 'Franclscus vir seraphlcus': SMU 15 Franclscan: SMN 713, SMN 9082, SMU 15, STC 33-12, STC 34-2, STC 37-1, STC 37-4 Genoveva: SEM P.III.13 George martyr: SUC 2710 Gerald of Aquitaine: STC 44-2 Gerona: SGC 20 b 5, SGC 20 b 6, SGC 20 b 8 & 9, SGS(F) 14 use of San Felix: SGS (F) 15 Grlmanus, bishop: SEM P.UI.13 Guillermus: SEM P.III.13 Helena: SGS 238 Heremitanus de Belvaco: STC 37-2 HIeronymites: SMN 9082, SMN Res. 186 Huesca: SEM P.I1I.14, SHC 13, SHC 14 HYMNAL:SPM 10, SSiM 16 Ildefonsus, rhymed office '0 decus antlsturn': SMU 15 In descenslone BMV: SMU 15 Italy: SMN 9082, STC 33-10, STC 33-12, STC 34-2, STC 37-1, STC 37-3, STC 37-4, STC 37-5, STC 37-6, STC 44-3, STC 44-5 Ivo: SEM p.II1.13 rhymed office 'Confessor dulcisslme': SEM b.IIA Jacobus de Portu: STC 37-2 Jacobus de Spata: SMN 240 I(YRIALE: SPM 10 La Peüa: SEM g.IV.29, SEM L.IU.3 394 TRADITIO LECTIONARY:SBC 106, STC 37-4 Lerida: SLMu s.n (HMML 31385) Louis: SEM P.III.13 rhymed office 'Tecum fiat': SMU 15 translation: SEM P.UI.13 Madrid: SMoM 764 Mary of the Snows: SMU 15 Mass: SEM b.U.4, SMoM 759, SMoM 763, SPM 10 Monastery of the Incarnation: SMoM 764 Narcissus: SGS 238 OFFICIA: SMU IS, SPaA 7, STorC 98, STorC 145, SUC 2710 ORATIONALE:SMN 9785 ORDINAL: STC 37-6 Pamplona: SPaC 18, SPaC 20 Paris: SEM P.III.13 Passlo imaginis Domini: SBB 619 Paul, bishop of Lean: SEM P.UI.13 Paul of Narbonne: SBB 619 Paula vldua, rhymed office: SMoM 762 Peter martyr, rhymed office: SMoM 759, SMoM 763 Peter the hermit: SEM P.III.13 polyphonic music: SValIM 10 Presentation of the BVM, rhymed office 'Fons ortorum': SEM b.l.l, SMU 15, SMoM 763 PROCESSIONAL:SGS 238, SGS 239 PSALTER: SSiM 16, STaraC 152, STC 33-4 ferial: SGC VII-7, SGMu 7027, STC 3310 Quimper: SEM P.UI.13 Quiteria: SVM (C) 81 Rafael archang.: SUC 2710 Regglo in Emllia: SMoM 852 RESPONSORIALE:SBB 302, SBB 304 Rheims: STC 37-2 Rhymed office: SBB 305, SBB 619, SEM b.II.4, SEM b.III.20, SEM P.III.13, SHC 9, SLMu s.n, (HMML 31384-31385), SMN 9082, SMU 15, SMoM 759, SMoM 762, SMoM 763, SMoM 880, SPaA 7, STaraC 31, STC 37-2, SVMu 113 & 114, SValIM 21, SVallM 22, SVallM 23 Rosarium: SGS 238 San Millan: SSiM 16 San Salvador de Celanova: SSiM 9 Scolastica: SEM P.III.13 Seven dolours of the BVM: SUC 2710 Seville: SMN 6086 Sicily: SMN 713 Tarazona: STarae 31 Thomas Aqulnas: SEM P.I1I.13, SMN 9785, SVMu (C) 82 rhymed office: SMoM 762 Thomas of Canterbury, rhymed office: SEM b.I1I.20, SEM P.UI.13, SHC 9, SLMu s.n, (HMML 31384 & 31385), STaraC 31, STC 37-2 rhymed office 'Martyr Thema ': SMN 9694, SMoM 880 translation: SEM P.III.13 Toledo: SMN 9694, SMN Res. 186, SMoM 880, STC 33-5, STC 33-6, STC 33-7, STC 33-8, STC 33-9 TONARY:SMoM 763 Tortosa: STorC 136 Toulouse: STaraC 78, 79 I and 79 11 Transfiguration: SBB 303 Transfixion of the BVM: SEM b.IIA Trinity, rhymed office 'Sedentl': SMN 9082, SMU 15 Troflmus: SGC 20 b 3 Uceda: SMN 713 Ucles: SMN 240 Urgel diocese: SVMu 85 Valencia: SHC 22 VENITARIUJII:SLMu s.n, (HMML 31383) Verbeta: SBB 302, SBB 304, SVMu 85 Vergy, Dijon: SMoM 36 Vieh: SVMu (C) 80, SVMu (C) 81, SVMu (C) 82, SVMu (C) 84, SVMu 86 Visitation of the BVM: SGS 238, SMU 15 rhymed office: SPaA 7 Wlngualoeus: SEM P.III.13 Zaragoza: SEM P.UI.14, STC 37-2, STC 37-3 Books incorrectly (or misleadingly) described on the film, older catalogues, and HMML catalogues (e.g., using Cantorale, etc): SBC 106, SGS 3, SGC VII-7, SGS 238, SGMu 7027, SGS 239, SLMu (31383), SMoM 762, SMoM 763, SPaA 7, SPaA 12, SPM 10, SSIM 9, SSiM 16, STaraC 152, STC 33-10, STC 37-6, STC 44-5, STorC 98, SValIM 24