Contents articles Science and the comings and goings of common sense ● 9 Michel Paty The modes of teleology in Cuvier, Darwin and Claude Bernard ● 27 Gustavo Caponi Origin of life and origin of species in 18th century: the viewpoints of Maupertius 43 ● Maurício de Carvalho Ramos scientific documents Logic, experience and authority in the letter from Galileo to Liceti on September 15, 1640 ● 63 Pablo Rubén Mariconda Letter from Galileo Galilei to Fortunio Liceti ● 75 Conarius and memory in the letter from Descartes to Mersenne on April 1, 1640 Marisa Carvalho de Oliveira Franco Donatelli Letter from René Descartes to Marin Mersenne ● 87 notes and criticisms Human cloning and ethics: the Clonaid-Raelians case ● Maurício de Carvalho Ramos Gunther von Hagens’ “De humani corporis circus” Regina André Rebollo ● 101 93 ● 81