WP5 – Test sites
WP5 – Test sites
GABARDINE Project “Groundwater artificial recharge based on alternative sources of water: Advanced integrated technologies and management” Work Package Achievements and Status of Deliverables WP5 TEST SITES National Laboratory for Civil Engineering Groundwater Division Lisbon, PORTUGAL www.dha.lnec.pt/nas João Paulo LOBO-FERREIRA, Dr.-Ing. Habil. Catarina DIAMANTINO, PhD candidate at LNEC Teresa LEITÃO, PhD Manuel OLIVEIRA, PhD Maria João MOINANTE, PhD candidate Luís OLIVEIRA, Msc Patrícia TERCEIRO, Msc Albino MEDEIROS GABARDINE WP 5 Coordinating Authors of and participating authors from each Test Site for Deliverable D5.1 Portugal: João Paulo Lobo Ferreira, Catarina Diamantino, Maria João Moinante, Manuel Oliveira, Teresa Leitão, Maria José Henriques, Albino Medeiros (LNEC) Spain: Xavier Sanchez-Vila and Manuela Barbieri (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya) Greece: Klisthenis Dimitriadis and Mike Styllas (GEOSERVICE), Thanassis Soupilas (EYATH), Panagiotis Maheras, Christina Anagnostopoulou, Konstantia Tolika, Margaritis Vafiadis, Christos Machairas (AUTH) Israel: Jacob Bensabat (EWRE), Avichai Hadad (HSI) Palestine: Ayman Rabi and Abdel Rahman Tamimi (Palestinian Hydrology Group) GABARDINE case studies Objective of artificial recharge (AR) LLOBREGAT LOWER VALLEY (Spain) Sustainable management/recover the good status (both quantity and quality) by artificial recharge of surface water CAMPINA DE FARO AQUIFER IN ALGARVE REGION (Portugal) Groundwater rehabilitation through artificial recharge using river water surpluses COASTAL AQUIFER SHARED BY ISRAEL AND PALESTINE (Gaza Strip) Artificial recharge is already widely used in Israel. Define aquifer management schemes incorporating AR of freshwater, treated effluent, desalinated water in periods of surplus, etc. SINDOS BASIN OF THESSALONIKI Control seawater intrusion and storage of treated effluent. (Greece) Diverse water supply problems: overexploitation, saltwater intrusion, pollution by agricultural practices, etc. Viable solution Artificial Recharge of alternative sources of water WP5 – Test sites (LNEC coordinator) Objectives: Gather all data relevant to the test sites. Characterization of the subsurface. Field investigations. Identify in each test site potential areas for artificial recharge. Contractual deliverables: D51 “Reports describing the test sites and their characteristics” - (LNEC coordinator) D52 “GIS platforms for each test site” D53 “Fast and efficient integrated numerical algorithms for the different computational models” (EWRE coordinator) D54 “Results of the field investigation” (GEOS coordinator) D55 “Guidelines regarding water quality threshold of the recharged water and the impact of the mixing processes” (GZG coordinator) WP 5 work developed for each case-study regarding AR hydrogeological parameter assessment on quantity and quality Test site Infiltration basin Big well (5 m diam.) Medium well (0.5 m diam.) Small Well (4” diam.) Flash flood river bed (20 m x 4 m) Artificial Saturated Zone (NaCl) Vadose Zone (NaCl) Natural Saturated Zone (NaCl, NO3) Campina de Faro – Portugal X (D54) X (D54) X (D54) X X (D54) X X X (pumping experiment) X X X Greece X X (slug test) Spain Palestine Israel X Socio- economic analysis related to WP VII Mathematical modelling and economic analysis WP IV WP5 TEST SITES Status of Deliverables WP 5 leader: LNEC Lead participant Deliverable Sites Status D51 Test sites and their characteristics LNEC Pt, Es, Gr, Is, Pa Submission date to EC: December, 2006 D52 GIS platforms for each test site LNEC Pt concluded + Is, Gr and Es (*) D53 Computational models for the simulation of groundwater flow and multi-component transport EWRE Pt, ? Submission date to EC: May 2009 D54 Results of the field investigation GEOS Pt, ? Submission date to EC: ? GZG Pt, Es?, Gr ? Submission date to EC: ? D55 Guidelines regarding water quality threshold of the recharged water and the impact of the mixing processes (*) Piotr Wojda has tested Israel (some detailed data on wells, their pumped volumes of water and the exact lithological description), Greece (two infiltration ponds) and Radu has tested Barcelona. WP5 Milestones WP 5 leader: LNEC WP 5 Milestones End date M51 All test sites are characterized Month 12 M52 Field investigations completed WP05 Month 24 M53 Computational models for the test sites ready WP05 Month 30 Other Deliverables related to WP5 WP 3 leader: UPC Lead participant Deliverable D31 Inventory of alternative water sources for each test site Sites LNEC Pt, Es, Gr, Is, Pa Status Submission date to EC: December, 2006 Work package 5 – Test sites Campina de Faro artificial recharge experiments (Portuguese Test Site) Main groundwater problems in the study area > High nitrate concentrations in the upper aquifer systems caused by agricultural practices > Campina de Faro aquifer system is part of a declared Nitrate Vulnerability Zone by the applications of the Nitrates Directive (since 1997, enlargement in 2004) Objective of ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE: > optimisation of groundwater rehabilitation through AR aiming the minimization of diffuse pollution effects to fulfil the Water Framework Directive goals of achieving good water quality status by 2015. NO3 concentrations Campaign of Sept. 2006 Nitrate vulnerability zone of Campina de Faro Portaria n.º 1100/2004 (IDRHA) Main Results/Conclusions • Methodology to identify preliminary candidate areas to implement artificial recharge (GABA-IFI Index) • Artificial recharge infiltration and tracer tests in Campina de Faro 1) Areal Gordo test site 3 Infiltration basins 2A) Areal Gordo test site Injection tests in large diameter well “nora” 3) Carreiros test site 2 Infiltration basins in the river bed Curva de chegada do traçador ao piezóm etro LNEC1 durante o ensaio realizado em Maio na Bacia de Carreiros Parâm etros de qualidade da água m edidos no piezóm etro LNEC1, durante a estação seca (Carreiros) 4 55 2400 4500 5 2000 2500 Inicio do ensaio de infiltração 03/05 15h:45 7 Colocação do traçador na bacia 08/05 09h:35 8 2000 1500 1000 500 9 Chegada do traçador ( 29 a 66 horas) Co ndutividade eléctrica (us/cm) Cl (mg/L) NO3 (mg/L) P ro fundidade ao nível - valo r o bservado (m) P ro fundidade ao nível - valo r registado (m) 0 10 11 12 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 Dia/hora Condutividade eléctrica (us/cm) Cl (mg/L) Fim do ensaio 11/05 16h:25 3500 50 45 6 Profundidade ao nível (m) Condutividade eléctrica (us/cm) Cl e NO3 (mg/L) 4000 3000 Cl (mg/L) Condutividade eléctrica (us/cm) NO3 (mg/L) Escoamento superficial no rio 2200 Alteração causada por ocorrência de escoamanto superficial e infiltração da água do rio nas bacias 1800 1600 1400 1200 40 35 30 25 1000 20 800 15 600 10 400 5 200 0 19-07 23-07 27-07 31-07 04-08 08-08 12-08 16-08 20-08 24-08 28-08 01-09 05-09 09-09 13-09 17-09 0 21-09 25-09 NO3 (mg/L) 5000 2B) Areal Gordo test site Injection test in medium diameter well Correlation infiltration rates vs hydraulic head and soil types Test site Algarve Nora 1/1 (5 m diameter) Nora 1/2 (5 m diameter) Nora 1/3 (5 m diameter) LNEC 6/1 (0.5 diameter) LNEC 6/2 (0.5 diameter) bacia 1 (1000 m2) bacia 2 (80 m2) bacia 3 (60 m2) bacia do leito do rio (80 m2) Infiltration rate (m3/d) Hydraulic Head (m) 0.27 3.85 270 9.88 480 16.19 208 15 50 8 40 0.6 37 1 60 1.025 120 4 Soil type yellow sand yellow sand yellow sand yellow sand yellow sand red sand brown sand yellow sand yellow sand Nora 1/1 Infiltration rate vs hydraulic head Nora 1/2 Nora 1/3 600 Infiltration Rate (m3/d) LNEC 6 (furo de injecção)/1 500 LNEC 6 (furo de injecção)/2 bacia 1 (1000 m2) 400 bacia 2 (80 m2) 300 bacia 3 (60 m2) bacia do leito do rio 200 lnec6 100 nora Linear (lnec6) 0 0 5 10 Hidraulic Head (m ) 15 20 Linear (nora) Main Results/Conclusions (cont.) • Seasonal monitoring of piezometry and groundwater quality. • Flow and transport groundwater modeling for different artificial recharge scenarios in Campina de Faro • DSS application based on a multicriteria analysis considering environmental and economical aspects GABARDINE Project “Groundwater artificial recharge based on alternative sources of water: Advanced integrated technologies and management” WP5 achievements for integration with WP 2, 3, 4 and 6 National Laboratory for Civil Engineering Groundwater Division Lisbon, PORTUGAL www.dha.lnec.pt/nas João Paulo LOBO-FERREIRA, Dr.-Ing. Habil. Manuel OLIVEIRA, PhD Luís OLIVEIRA, Msc Patrícia TERCEIRO, Msc LNEC main achievements on Gabardine Rating methodology for a preliminary identification of candidate areas for artificial recharge – GABA-IFI index Natural recharge under climate change conditions Modelling of the infiltration in a well (“Nora”) in Campina de Faro Development of a GIS platform and of a DSS on Algarve case study area … … Rating methodology for a preliminary identification of candidate areas for artificial recharge GABA-IFI The GABA_IFI was divided in three sub-indexes: 1- GABA-IFI_N : This sub-index considers the natural characteristics of the aquifer system that influence the choice of an artificial recharge area. 2- GABA-IFI_€ : Two issues should be considered for an economical analysis: 2.1 - Transport of water from the water source to the artificial recharge area; 2.2 - Construction and maintenance of the artificial recharge facilities. 3- GABA-IFI_SOC : For this analyses it is important to be aware that the society has a great impact on the decision of a project; and that, the best area to construct artificial recharge facilities is the one that has the better impact on the population that depends of the project. GABA-IFI= GABA-IFIN & GABA-IFI€ & GABA-IFISOC GABA-IFIN This sub-index considers the natural characteristics of the aquifer system that influence the choice of an artificial recharge area. For this Sub-Index the parameters are: Dist: Distance to the groundwater discharge area D: Depth to the water level Artificial recharge rate: o tt: Vertical travel time to the water table (D/KV) o KH: Horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the aquifer GABA-IFIN = Dist + D + (1/2*tt+1/2*KH) Recharge rate GABA-IFIN Maximum = 30 More favourable Querença-Silves (storage) Minimum =3 Less favourable Campina de Faro (cleaning) Incorporation of the GABA-IFI index in GABA-DSS? Natural recharge under climate change conditions Actual: Climate change: • AUTH produced series of daily precipitation and temperatures developed for the central Algarve in the 1960-2100 period. • BALSEQ_MOD numerical code can be run with this data. • A 10, 20 and 30 year moving average comparison is now possible to be made in order to estimate how recharge will change along the time and depending on the scenarios. • The results given for the late period (2071-2100) will determine the artificial recharge water needs, if similar to today problems exist. Modelling of the infiltration in a well (“Nora”) in Campina de Faro Code developed by the Nottingham University Water table maximum elevation: 0.84 m Campina de Faro case-study Injection test in a large diameter well (“nora”) Data for the groundwater flow simulation model Data from the injection test (consider just the last injection test performed) Injection rate = 20 m3/h Duration of the injection test = 50 hours Diameter of the well = 5 m Depth to the water table before the injection test = 17 m Depth of the well = 24 m Data from the aquifer Unconfined aquifer (sandy aquifer) Estimated hydraulic conductivity = 35-45 m/d Porosity = 0.33 Estimated saturated thickness = 50 m t=110hours kx/ ky=15 Development of a GIS platform and of a DSS on Algarve case study area GIS platform • Developed in collaboration with the University of Liège (ULG). • It is an ArcMap project named GeospatialDatabase-GABARDINE.mxd that presents the following general information: • wells; • geology; • faults; • surface monitoring stations; • roads; groundwater bodies; • river water bodies; • cartographic base maps; • land use (Corine Land cover); • administrative boundaries; • pedology (soil map); • piezometric interpolated surface; • nitrate interpolated surface. • The Geospatial database links to the Microsoft Access database GDB_GABARDINE.mdb. GABARDINE Project “Groundwater artificial recharge based on alternative sources of water: Advanced integrated technologies and management” Gaba-DSS application to the Querença-Silves aquifer in the Algarve case-study region. National Laboratory for Civil Engineering Groundwater Division Lisbon, PORTUGAL www.dha.lnec.pt/nas João Paulo LOBO-FERREIRA, Dr.-Ing. Habil. Luís OLIVEIRA, Msc Patrícia TERCEIRO, Msc Teresa LEITÃO, PhD Manuel OLIVEIRA, PhD Malva Mancuso, PhD GABARDINE DSS – Querença-Silves Aquifer Case Study Water lost during 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98 and 2000/01 years in the Arade Dam Dam Hydrological year ARADE 2000/2001 Dam Hydrological year ARADE Depth discharge (*103 m3) 37 499.20 Depth discharge (*103 m3) Surface discharge (*103 m3) 19 256.70 Surface discharge (*103 m3) Total discharge (*103 m3) During the 2004/2005 drought in the Querença-Silves Aquifer 56 755.90 Volume of withdrawal water (*10 6 m 3) Percentage Agriculture 23.79 47.31% Urban supply of the Águas do Algarve regional system of Algarve 14.25 28.34% Urban supply of the local municipalities 12.25 24.36% Private users Not Available - Total 50.29 100% Total discharge (*103 m3) 1995/96 0 81 255.39 81 255.39 1996/97 0 42 599.62 42 599.62 1997/98 8 556.65 113 762.30 122 318.97 TOTAL (*103 m3) 246 173.98 Sources for the artificial recharge Standardized Precipitation Index GABARDINE DSS – Available and sent Information SPATIAL INFORMATION •Channel • CrossSectionPoint • Drainage • DrainageLine, RiverBasin, RiverBasinDistrict, SubBasin • GroundwaterFeatures • Borehole, BoreLine, BorePoint, Drain, GroundwaterMonitoringStation, MultipleWell, Screen, Sinkhole, Spring • Hydrogeology • GroundwaterProtectedZone • Hydrography • LakeWaterBody, LakeWaterBodySegment, RiverSegment • Other information • Horizontal hydraulic conductivity, Impermeable layer, Thickness of Surface impermeable layer, Thickness of the first aquifer, Depth to Groundwater table, Infiltration rate, Electric conductivity of GW, Nitrate concentration of GW, Proximity to waste disposal site or other hazardous site, Electric power facility, Road network, Travel time GABARDINE DSS – Available and sent Information NON SPATIAL INFORMATION • Basin characteristics • Water source characteristics • Water quality assessment • Water quantity • Description of water resources problems to be treated by groundwater artificial recharge Most of the spatial information was used as a GABARDINE DSS input GABARDINE DSS – Spatial Information GABARDINE DSS - Geodatabase Valid GABARDINE Database? Created Geodatabase with the spatial information: GABARDINE DSS - Planning Basin type 1 or basin type 2? Only for intraannual problems? GABARDINE DSS – Start Planning HowToSaveaProj.avi GABARDINE DSS – Empty fields: Some queries Method 1 or Method 2? GABARDINE DSS – Multi Criteria Analysis Thanks to GABARDINE and all colleagues Thanks to European Community Thank you for your attention
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