My English Language Passport - Pearson English Language
My English Language Passport - Pearson English Language
My English Language Passport Personal information Address: First name: Surname: Date of birth: First language: Email address: Languages spoken: English learnt at school Type of school Number of years of English Primary school Secondary school Qualifications and certificates Type of certificate 6 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 6 Awarded by Year Grade Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:38 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My English Language Biography My family and school experiences Regista aqui as tuas experiências de aprendizagem da língua inglesa no seio da tua família (por exemplo, quando falas com familiares), nas escolas que já frequentaste, em cursos particulares, durante períodos de estudo no estrangeiro, visitas de intercâmbio etc. When and where photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 7 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 I’m from ... Extra information (descrição e comentários) 7 13/11/09 07:45:41 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My free time and holiday experiences Regista aqui quaisquer experiências práticas que tenhas tido nos teus tempos livres, relacionadas com a aprendizagem de inglês (por exemplo, correspondência trocada com amigos por carta ou por e-mail, utilização da Internet, comunicação em inglês nas férias etc.) When and whereComments (Com quem falaste? Sobre o qué?) 8 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 8 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:41 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My daily experiences Regista aqui as tuas experiências diárias com a língua inglesa (por exemplo, ouvir música, ver televisão, usar a Internet etc.) What photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 9 When Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 Comments 9 13/11/09 07:45:41 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My learning aims Give three reasons why it is important for people to learn English. 1 2 3 Give three reasons why you want to learn English. 1 2 3 Write which things are easiest, which are most difficult and which are most fun when you learn English. Easy: Difficult: Fun: 10 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 10 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My learning habits É importante saber quais são as estratégias de ensino/aprendizagem mais eficazes para ti quando estás a aprender outra língua. Discute com o teu parceiro e com o professor os itens que se seguem. Depois, assinala os que melhor correspondem à tua situação. 1 Compreendo e memorizo melhor as palavras através de – leitura – audição – imagens – visualização de vídeos – cópia – repetição n n n n n n 2 Acho que é mais fácil expressar-me – através da utilização de gestos e objetos – se já conhecer o tema – aprendendo com antecedência palavras/expressões relacionadas com o tema – se já possuir alguma experiência sobre o tema n n n n 3 Aprendo melhor – nas aulas – em casa, sozinho(a) – com um amigo – em grupo n n n n 4 Responde a estas perguntas sobre os teus métodos de estudo. 1 Organizas o teu caderno de exercícios em secções? 2 Planeias os teus períodos de estudo? 3 Já usaste mapas mentais? 4 Conheces formas eficazes de te lembrares de palavras e expressões? 5 És capaz de entender o significado de uma palavra a partir do contexto? 6 Sabes como consultar toda a informação disponível num dicionário? photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 11 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 Sim n n n n n n Não n n n n n n 11 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My learning progress (Self-assessment) Nesta secção, tens de avaliar os teus progressos ao nível da expressão oral, compreensão oral, leitura e escrita. Esta avaliação ajudar-te-á a conhecer os teus pontos fortes e também os aspetos em que precisas de trabalhar mais. Regista, para cada item, a apreciação mais adequada: Brilliant, Good, OK. Brilliant Good OK Brilliant Good OK Brilliant Good OK Brilliant Good OK Units 1-4 Greet someone Ask someone’s name Introduce yourself Introduce your family Ask and say how old you and other people are Ask and say where you and other people are from Ask and say what something is Ask and say where something is Ask and say what things are Units 5-8 Ask and say where you and other people are Ask and say who things belong to Describe a house/room Describe people Ask for something to eat or drink 12 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 12 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Brilliant Good OK Brilliant Good OK Brilliant Good OK Brilliant Good OK Units 9-12 Ask and say what you and other people have or haven't got Ask and say what you and other people can and can’t do Give and understand instructions Ask and talk about your likes and dislikes Describe animals Ask and talk about other people’s routines Units 13-16 Ask and talk about prices Tell the time Ask and talk about routines Ask and talk about your likes and dislikes Ask and talk about food Ask and talk about people's routines photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 13 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 13 30/11/09 10:56:29 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My scores from my Livro de Exercícios Units Date Score Units 1-2 Units 3-4 Units 5-6 Units 7-8 Units 9-10 Units 11-12 Units 13-14 Units 15-16 14 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 14 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio My Dossier Sempre que selecionares um trabalho para o teu Dossiê, completa o quadro em baixo. Date photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 15 Type of material Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 Method of work Grade (individual, trabalho em pares, trabalho de grupo) Reason for choice 15 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Units 1–4 Livro do Aluno: Unit 1b, Exercise 6 Write a postcard to a boy or girl in the book. Livro do Aluno: Unit 2a, Exercise 6 Draw a picture of two people in your family and write about them. 16 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 16 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro de Exercícios: Unit 2b, Exercise 6 Draw a picture and write a letter about you. Be careful with capital letters and punctuation. Livro do Aluno: Unit 4a, Exercise 7 Livro de Exercícios: Unit 4b, Exercise 5 Write a form for you. Look at the form on page 25. Write about Henry. Try to use and. photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 17 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 17 13/11/09 07:45:42 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Unit 4b, Project Find a photo of you and your family or a photo of your best friend. Write about them. Message Record a short message for a pen friend. Talk about you, your family and your friend. 18 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 18 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 30/11/09 10:56:29 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Units 5–8 Livro do Aluno: Unit 5a, Exercise 7 Write about your favourite colour. Livro de Exercícios: Unit 6b, Exercises 6 and 7 Complete the chart for you. Look at the emails on page 34. Write an email about you to Oscar. Be careful with adjectives. [email protected] photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 19 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 19 13/11/09 07:45:43 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Unit 7a, Exercise 5 Send an email about you and your friend to the pen friend website. The pen friend website Livro do Exercícios: Unit 8b, Exercise 5 Look at the chart on page 45. Write about Chola. Try to use she. 20 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 20 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 PhOtOcOPIABLE 13/11/09 07:45:43 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Unit 8b, Project Draw a map of your country. Mark and name the capital city, a river, your town and a beautiful place in your country on the map. Then write a sentence about each place. Message Record a short message for a pen friend. Talk about you, your family and your friend. photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 21 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 21 30/11/09 10:56:29 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Units 9–12 Livro do Aluno: Unit 9a, Exercise 7 Write an email about your bedroom. Livro de Exercícios: Unit 10b, Exercise 7 Livro de Exercícios: Unit 12b, Exercises 5 and 6 Write a letter to Cool Magazine about your favourite day, place and person/animal. Be careful with apostrophes and use because. Look at the picture of the wasp on page 65. Use the information in the chart to write about the wasp. Try to use and and but. 22 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 22 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 PhOtOcOPIABLE 13/11/09 07:45:44 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Unit 12b, Project Find a photo or draw a picture of a pet and write about it. Message Record a short message for your pen friend. Talk about your pet or favourite animal. Say what colour it is, its favourite food and what it can and can’t do. photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 23 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 23 30/11/09 10:56:29 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Units 13–16 Livro do Aluno: Unit 13b, Exercise 6 Write about your meal times and the time of your favourite TV programme. Livro de Exercícios: Unit 14b, Exercise 6 Draw a picture of you and write a short text about you. Try to use but and because. 24 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 24 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 13/11/09 07:45:44 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Unit 15a, Exercise 8 Find a photo or draw a picture of your favourite pop singer, then write about him/her. Livro de Exercícios: Unit 16b, Exercise 6 Look at the chart on page 85. Write a short text about Ken. Try to use in, on and at. photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 25 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 25 13/11/09 07:45:44 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Unit 16b, Project Collect photos or draw pictures and write about a typical day. Message Record a short message for your pen friend. Talk about your day. Say when you have your meals, when you start and finish school, what you do after school and your favourite TV programme. 26 Sky_TB_CEF.indd 26 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 photocopiable 30/11/09 10:56:29 New Sky 5. o – English Language Portfolio Livro do Aluno: Festivals, Project Design a poster giving information about festivals in Portugal. Message Record a short message for your pen friend. Talk about a festival in Portugal. photocopiable Sky_TB_CEF.indd 27 Pearson Educación, S.A., 2010 27 30/11/09 10:56:30 © PEARSON EDUCACIÓN, S.A., 2010 Editorial team • Nicola Sugden • Vanessa Rodrigues Acknowledgements Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication and modification of this work is strictly forbidden without the prior consent of the intellectual property copyright holders, unless otherwise stated in Law. The infringement of said copyright may constitute an offence against intellectual property legislation (articles 270 et seq. of the Penal Code). Sky_TB_CEF.indd 28 The publishers wish to thank Patricia Mugglestone, Ana Nolasco and the Council of Europe. 30/11/09 10:56:30
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