2011 Trial Results - Canola - Liberty Link, Clearfield, Conventional
2011 Trial Results - Canola - Liberty Link, Clearfield, Conventional
NDSU Langdon Research Extension Center 2011 Variety Trial Data Canola - Liberty Link, Clearfield, Conventional - 2011 - Table 1 Langdon Blackleg Days to 1st Days to End Rating2 Status3 Flower Flower Duration Maturity days Flower Days to Company/Brand Variety Type1 Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics5 InVigor 5440 InVigor 8440 InVigor L130 InVigor L150 InVigor L120 XCEED Oasis CL EXP P-4 EXP P-9 H,LL,TR H,LL,TR H,LL,TR H,LL,TR H,LL,TR OP,CL,TR H,Conv,TR H,Conv,TR R R R R R R NA NA CA CA CA CA CA CA EXP EXP 43 44 42 45 43 38 54 53 58 56 56 60 57 54 81 81 15 12 15 15 14 16 27 28 84 83 82 85 83 81 97 96 080814 EM OP,Conv,HEAR NA EXP 45 64 19 92 Croplan Genetics 5 080822 EM OP,Conv,HEAR NA EXP 46 64 18 92 Croplan Genetics 5 080880 EM OP,Conv,HEAR NA EXP 46 65 19 93 Croplan Genetics 5 080820 EM OP,Conv,HEAR NA EXP 46 63 17 92 5 100877 EM 2012 CL 2014 CL CL166102H CL166103H 46H75 45H73 Rodin Heara OP,Conv,HEAR H,CL,HO H,CL,HO H,CL,HO H,CL,HO H,CL,TR H,CL,TR H,Conv,HEAR OP,Conv,HEAR NA R MR R R R R NA NA EXP CA CA EXP EXP CA CA CA CA 44 43 45 44 45 45 42 47 44 65 57 60 58 58 61 57 63 59 21 14 15 13 14 16 14 17 15 91 84 85 85 85 86 83 87 83 HyClass 940 H,RR,TR R CA 41 56 15 83 57 61 1.3 1.1 15 17 8.6 2.0 84 87 1.4 1.7 Croplan Genetics Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Pioneer Pioneer Technology Crops Technology Crops RR Check 4 4 RR Check DKL 72-55 H,RR,TR R CA 42 Trial Mean 45 C.V. % 3.1 LSD 5% 2.0 Planting Date: May 25 Harvest Date: August 31, September 9 1 H-Hybrid, OP-Open Pollinated, LL-Liberty Link, CL-Clearfield System, Conv-Conventional TR-Traditional Oil type, HO-High Oleic Oil Type, HEAR-High Erucic Acid Rapeseed 2 Blackleg Rating: S-Susceptible, MS-Moderately Susceptible, MR-Moderately Resistant, R-Resistant, NA-Not available. Ratings provided by the company. 3 Status: CA-Commercially available, EXP-Experimental 4 Roundup ready check variety. 5 Brassica carinata NDSU Langdon Research Extension Center 2011 Variety Trial Data Canola - Liberty Link, Clearfield, Conventional - 2011 - Table 2 Langdon Yield1 Company/Brand Variety Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Croplan Genetics Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Pioneer Pioneer Technology Crops Technology Crops RR Check RR Check Trial Mean C.V. % LSD 5% 1 - 8.5% moisture InVigor 5440 InVigor 8440 InVigor L130 InVigor L150 InVigor L120 XCEED Oasis CL EXP P-4 EXP P-9 080814 EM 080822 EM 080880 EM 080820 EM 100877 EM 2012 CL 2014 CL CL166102H CL166103H 46H75 45H73 Rodin Heara HyClass 940 DKL 72-55 2 Plant Height inches Cover2 % Oil1 % 2009 39 37 38 39 37 33 49 51 37 39 37 38 39 36 40 35 36 40 36 42 33 35 37 38 5.9 3.2 92 91 90 88 92 69 86 86 89 89 90 90 92 96 91 86 91 92 91 96 86 94 91 89 5.1 6.4 48.9 49.2 49.1 51.2 49.8 46.1 42.6 43.5 38.1 41.0 41.5 37.3 37.5 48.6 51.0 51.0 50.7 50.2 49.5 47.5 48.8 48.9 51.2 46.6 2.4 1.6 3190 3443 -------------------3127 3190 3104 11 NS Average 2 3 2010 2011 year year ------------lbs/ac-----------3381 3445 3294 3308 --------------3099 --3090 3090 3157 6 255 2177 1731 1802 1910 1946 925 960 999 1514 1651 1550 1486 1578 1928 1927 1608 1757 2089 1988 1883 1459 2085 2408 1711 16 387 2779 2588 2548 2609 --------------2543 --2587 2749 ---- % Cover- Visual rating of percent area of plot covered by plant growth. This is a measure of stand and vigor. Plants were at 5-6 leaf stage. 3 Roundup ready check variety. No lodging in trial. 2916 2873 -------------------2767 2896 ----
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