Ethanol in Brasil: a model to follow or to avoid? (Latin America mini
Ethanol in Brasil: a model to follow or to avoid? (Latin America mini
Ethanol in Brasil: a model to follow or to avoid? (Latin America mini-series 3 of 4) Dario Gaeta Objectives Understand the Ethanol economic environment in Brazil: past, present and future Know how a Sugarcane mill works Evaluate the recent milestones of the Ethanol Program Keep asking… AGENDA Milestones of the Ethanol in Brazil Basics about Sugarcane Ethanol Comparison between Ethanol and Gasoline Feasibility of the Ethanol as biofuel Future of the Bio feedstock – end of Oil era? Futurology Q&A Milestones for Sugarcane Ethanol in Brazil Early 70’s ‐ launched the Ethanol Program by Military Government Late 70’s –Ethanol car developed, production grew 6 fold 80’s ‐ second oil crisis, ethanol supply crisis Late 90’s – blend increased to 22% 2003 – FFC launched 2005‐2007 – ethanol booming 2008 – 2014 – ethanol blowing 2016 – ethanol Phoenix program Source: UNICA SUGARCANE MILL and BASICS UNICA PRESENTATION‐mill/video‐new/virtual‐mill.htm KEY NUMBERS – Sugarcane mill • 5MM t of sugarcane p.y. • 3.000 employees • 24/7 – 260 days • > 800 vehicles • 40 MM USD maintenance cost every year • 10.000 ha replant every year • 300 MM l Ethanol • 250 Th t Sugar SUGARCANE PRODUCTS: STEP BY STEP Source: UNICA Sugar Current technology Technology under development Cane juice (Sucrose) Drop‐in fuels (Diesel, jet fuel, gasoline) Detergents & solvents Cane stalks Ethanol Sugarcane Cosmetics Bagasse Lubricants Biopolymers (bioplastics, isoprene, etc) Flavors and Fragrances Straw (Leaves) Bioelectricity Food KEY NUMBERS ‐ BRAZILIAN SUGARCANE SECTOR • • • • • Number of mills: ~ 400 Sugarcane growers: 70,000 Direct employment: 1.2 million Sector annual revenue: US$ 48 billion Foreign Revenue (Exports): US$ 15 billion 1st SUGAR PRODUCER IN THE WORLD (2011) 22% of world production 45% of world exports (50% in 2010) 2nd ETHANOL PRODUCER IN THE WORLD (2011) 22% of world production 22% of world exports (2012 estimate: 38%) Sources: LMC, F.O.Licht’s, Secex, UNICA and Rais. SUGARCANE PRODUCTION IN BRAZIL: AN OVERVIEW OF THE LAST DECADE Sources: UNICA and MAPA. Note: * – forecast 1.World financial crisis acquisitions involving affected companies 2. Weather problems in three consecutive harvests 3. Loss of domestic competitiveness for ethanol compared to gasoline Stagnation 700 500 400 300 200 100 12/13 11/12 10/11 09/10 08/09 07/08 06/07 05/06 04/05 03/04 02/03 01/02 0 00/01 Sugarcane Million Tonnes of 600 MORE EFFICIENT PRODUCTION PROCESSES Expansion of mechanized harvesting in South‐Central Brazil (in thousands of hectares) 1 Mechanized harvesting Source: CTC and Conab. Elaboration: CTC. Manual harvesting Manual Harvesting Mechanized Harvesting Brazilian fleet by fuel (Otto cicle) Number of vehicles Year Total fleet Flex fuel Gasoline Ethanol Electric 2006 20.177.701 2.603.914 15.541.077 2.032.710 2007 21.517.698 4.586.512 15.085.856 1.845.330 2008 23.104.220 6.878.189 14.555.523 1.670.508 2009 24.967.140 9.467.825 13.991.052 1.508.263 2010 27.058.723 12.244.937 13.455.428 1.358.358 2011 29.160.425 14.944.734 12.995.272 1.220.419 2012 31.410.752 17.895.425 12.421.215 1.093.995 117 2013 33.513.236 20.772.995 11.761.194 978,439 608 Jan/2014 33.687.794 21.010.115 11.707.695 969.283 701 Nota: Ciclo Otto não inclui os veículos movidos a diesel. Veículos elétricos abrangem as versões elétrico/fonte externa, elétrico/fonte interna e híbrido (combustível líquido/elétrico). WHAT COMES NEXT? ETHANOL: ACCELERATED GROWTH OF THE FLEX FLEET Fleet of motorcycles: 53% of bikes sold, in the first half of this year, were flex 81% Flex fuel Gasoline Ethanol (only) Flex fuel Gasoline Brazil will need to double the supply of fuels (ethanol and gasoline) to attend the demand in 2020 Source: Estimate of UNICA. 2020 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2019 2020 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 0 2005 ‐ 2006 5 2004 10 2011 10 2010 20 15 2009 30 20 2008 Flex/total 2003 Millions of vehicles 51% 40 25 2007 motorcycles (million) Fleet 70% Flex/total Flex/total 2006 50 61% 30 2018 Flex/total 2005 60 2019 Estimate of the Brazilian fleet of light vehicles (Otto cycle) AUTOMOTIVE FUEL IN SHORT SUPPLY IN BRAZIL In billion liters of gasoline equivalent Otto Cycle consumption Productive capacity of gasoline and VNG consumption 75 Ethanol supply 29,5 48 gasoline Fuel deficit 6,0 20,0 16,5 25,5 2012 Source: UNICA. Gasoline production and VNG consumption: stable Need to expand production of ethanol and / or 25,5 2021 Ethanol productive capacity (> 30 billion liters) Ethanol trade offs There is a historical 70% Ethanol/gasoline price ratio Mills have flexibility but not that much: 60 / 40 – 40 / 60 Since 2009 Gasoline did not have its price adjust by inflation Since 2009 Ethanol has a 7%p.a. avg cost increase Petrobras case Lack of long term Policy BRAZILIAN ENERGY MATRIX INPUT 2012 Other Coal and Renewables Uranium Derivatives 4.1% 1.5% 5.6% Natural Gas 10.1% Wood and Other Biomass 9.7% Hydro 14.7% Oil and Derivatives 38.6% Sugarcane 15.7% #1 Source of Renewable Energy in BR (but decreasing) 47.3% 45.5% 44.1% 52.7% 54.5% 55.9% 2009 2010 2011 Non‐renewable Renewable WORLD (%) 12.9 7.6 87.1 92.4 44,1 55,9 World OCDE Brazil (2008) (2009) (2011) Non‐renewable Renewable Source: Balanço Energético Nacional BEN (2011) and International Energy Agency. Key World Statistics 2010. Elaboration: UNICA Sugar, Ethanol and Gasoline production volume and prices Ethanol Project (Pro‐álcool program between 1975 and 2009 Ethanol Fas Productio Ethanol Price Ano n e (m3) (R$/m3) 1975 1976 1ª 1977 1978 1979 tGc (%)* 1980 1981 1982 2ª 1983 1984 1985 1986 tGc (%)* 1987 1988 1989 1990 3ª 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 tGc (%)* 580 642 1.388 2.248 2.854 5.589 3.676 4.207 5.618 7.951 9.201 11.563 9.983 2.176 12.340 11.523 11.809 11.518 12.862 11.766 11.395 12.513 12.745 55 2.052 2.402 2.450 2.297 2.348 227 3.063 3.327 2.798 2.814 2.833 2.561 2.452 ‐412 3.004 2.672 2.027 1.909 1.694 2.014 1.933 2.394 1.445 ‐535 Gasoline Price Sugar Price (R$/m3) (Kgm3) 3.638 4.257 4.342 4.071 4.161 227 5.908 5.832 5.167 4.787 4.526 3.945 3.775 ‐775 4.610 3.929 2.703 2.543 2.262 2.566 2.452 2.964 1.791 ‐771 2,74 3,18 3,36 3,23 3,09 254 3,10 3,23 3,47 3,26 3,23 3,27 2,59 ‐207 3,09 3,24 3,22 2,34 2,40 3,05 2,44 2,99 2,22 ‐304 Produção Preço do Preço da Preço do Açúcar Ano Fase de Etanol Etanol Gasolina (m3) (R$/m3) (R$/m3) (Kgm3) 1996 1997 4ª 1998 1999 2000 tGc (%)* 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 5ª 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 tGc (%)* tGc (%)* fonte: * Elaboração Própria a partir dos Dados Oriundos do Ipea, Mapa, Conab, ANP, IEA e Unica. 14.134 15.494 14.121 12.981 10.700 ‐707 11.466 12.588 14.470 14.648 16.039 17.764 22.556 26.683 25.866 27.604 22.736 23.473 27.365 637 691 1.551 1.813 1.984 1.653 2.132 559 2.016 1.788 1.890 1.553 1.666 1.994 1.955 1.783 1.752 1.886, 2.117 2.359 2.921 3.268 1.527 3.246 2.988 2.908 2.670 2.815 3.023 2.770 2.430 2.383 2,15 1,71 1,63 1,27 1,64 ‐804 1,62 1,56 1,81 1,30 1,43 1,81 1,37 1,12 1,56 ‐8 ‐126 ‐152 ‐181 ‐116 ‐275 Gasoline Prices in Brazil Ethanol / Gasoline price comparison DIVERSOS PAISES Ethanol / Gasoline price comparison by State in BR DIVERSOS PAISES Ethanol demand trend Bndes setorial Gasoline Volume Due to this “policy” gasoline demand is increasing and Ethanol... Hydrous Ethanol volume ... Is crashing. ETHANOL: Sugar cane prices Etanol: Preços O preço médio do etanol hidratado no produtor em fevereiro, sem tributos, teve uma média de R$ 1,389/litro do combustível. O preço médio do etanol anidro ficou em R$ 1,522 por litro do combustível. O que representa uma variação mensal positiva em relação ao mês de janeiro de 8,1% e 4,3%, respectivamente, nos preços do etanol hidratado e anidro. Comparando os preços de fevereiro de 2014 com os preços do mesmo período ano anterior, o do anidro está 13,3% maior e o do hidratado está 12,1% mais caro. Destaca‐se que o acompanhamento dos preços semanais realizados pela ESALQ refere‐se aos preços praticados no mercado spot, ou seja, não captura os preços praticados nos contratos. ETHANOL: Sugar cane prices ETHANOL: margins ETHANOL: Prices comparison – monthly average Etanol: Paridade de Preço – Semana de 16.03.2014 a 22.03.2014 A paridade de preços no varejo, em nível nacional, no meado de março de 2014, esteve acima dos 70% (valor que torna o consumo de hidratado mais vantajoso do ponto de vista econômico em relação à gasolina) em todas as capitais do país. As cidades de Macapá, Belém, Teresina e Boa Vista tiveram as maiores paridades, próximas ou iguais a 90%. Na média das capitais a paridade está acima dos 70%. Os preços desfavoráveis ao etanol demonstram o período de entressafra na região centro‐sul. ETHANOL: Sugar and Oil prices compared to Ethanol Oil Price Evolution The future price evolution will show the ethanol advantages Oil Price Evolution World Oil Consumption by country GEEs in a 100 km travel by different fuels in the same type of car: GEEs Avoided emissions emission kgCO2 (%) Model Motor Fuel Km/L Engine max HP S10cabine simples 2.8turbo Diesel 13,5 140HP 29,69 ‐‐ S10cabine simples 2.4 flexpower Gasoline A 10,4 141HP 35,10 0 S10cabine simples 2.4 flexpower Gasoline C (24%ethanol) 9,5 141HP 28,34 19 S10cabine simples 2.4 flexpower Ethanol (sugar cane) 7,2 147HP 6,92 80 O veículo a álcool emitiria somente 20 % dos GEEs do que se rodasse a gasolina pura! Ou O uso do bio‐etanol proporciona uma mitigação de 80 % das GEEs emitidas em comparação com o uso de gasolina pura. Futurolgy Ethanol will be an additive to gasoline worldwide Biomass residue will have cost (waste also) Algae may be the biggest source of CH Nanotech will open new frontiers Dario Costa Gaeta Oil participation in energy history 100 500 1000 1800 1850 1900 1950 1980 2000 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Before WW2 Post war Near future – Coal – Oil - Renewables Agrícola Carvão Petróleo “When we look back, we will notice that we have had an short fossile raw material period fasis...” Christian Kohlpaintner – Board of Directors of Clariant Thank you!!! Back up SUGARCANE AGROECOLOGICAL ZONING IN BRAZIL 1. It excludes sugarcane expansion in the most sensitive biomes – e.g. Amazonia and Pantanal. 2. It excludes sugarcane expansion on any type of native vegetation (Cerrados, Campos, etc.) 3. Authorized areas for sugarcane expansion: 64.7 ml hectares, equivalent to 7.5% of the Brazilian territory (Currently 1% of the area is used for sugarcane) Prices by product evolution AVERAGE PRICE IN SÃO PAULO STATE R$ / Kg of Sugar Content ( ATR) Produto White Sugar – local market White Sugar – export VHP Sugar – export Anhydrous Ethanol fuel Hydrous Ethanol fuel Anhydrous Ethanol industrial Hydrous Ethanol industrial Anhydrous Ethanol export Hydrous Ethanol ‐ export Average Price per harvest year Average Price ‐ Sugar Cane Average Price – Sugar for Ethanol Source: UNICA 2014 Consecana Model/SP 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014¹ 0,2399 0,2484 0,2149 0,2727 0,2510 0,2794 0,2551 0,2504 0,2575 0,2443 0,2284 0,3011 0,2958 0,2615 0,2982 0,2652 0,3063 0,2730 0,2841 0,2870 0,2782 0,2785 0,5136 0,4085 0,3433 0,3422 0,3019 0,3360 0,3085 0,2987 0,2414 0,3492 0,3982 0,5667 0,4386 0,3934 0,4007 0,3536 0,3697 0,3684 0,3600 0,3096 0,4022 0,4408 0,5892 0,5752 0,4927 0,5276 0,4389 0,5144 0,4462 0,4553 0,3985 0,5018 0,5280 0,4879 0,5361 0,5013 0,4472 0,4165 0,4693 0,4206 0,4741 0,4294 0,4728 0,5027 0,4941 0,4834 0,4292 0,4734 0,4377 0,4871 0,4476 0,4711 0,4443 0,4524 0,4517 0,2582 0,2781 0,3070 0,3663 0,4698 0,4371 0,4823 Ethanol demand trend Bndes setorial
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