serra circular de mesa scm-1800
DWT Model No.: 127V / 230V SERRA CIRCULAR DE MESA SCM-1800 Pos. Código 1 SCM-0001/01 2 SCM-0001/02 3 SCM-0001/03 4 SCM-0001/04 5 SCM-0001/05 5 SCM-0002/05 6 SCM-0001/06 7 SCM-0001/07 8 SCM-0001/08 9 SCM-0001/09 10 SCM-0001/10 11* SCM-0001/11 11** SCM-0002/11 12 SCM-0001/12 13 A1-0906/01 14* SCM-0001/14 14** SCM-0002/14 15 A1-0914/01 16 SCM-0001/16 17 SCM-0001/17 18 SCM-0001/18 19 A1-0901/01 20 SCM-0001/20 21 SCM-0001/21 22 SCM-0001/22 23 SCM-0001/23 24 A1-0911/01 25 SCM-0001/25 26 SCM-0001/26 27 SCM-0001/27 28 SCM-0001/28 29 SCM-0001/29 30 SCM-0001/30 31 SCM-0001/31 32 SCM-0001/32 33 SCM-0001/33 34 SCM-0001/34 35 SCM-0001/35 36 SCM-0001/36 37 SCM-0001/37 38 SCM-0001/38 39 SCM-0001/39 40 SCM-0001/40 41 SCM-0001/41 42 SCM-0001/42 43 SCM-0001/43 44 SCM-0001/44 45 SCM-0001/45 46 SCM-0001/46 47 SCM-0001/47 48 SCM-0001/48 49 SCM-0001/49 50 SCM-0001/50 51 SCM-0001/51 52 SCM-0001/52 53 SCM-0001/53 54 SCM-0001/54 55 SCM-0001/55 56 SCM-0001/56 57 SCM-0001/57 58 SCM-0001/58 59 SCM-0001/59 60 SCM-0001/60 61 SCM-0001/61 62 SCM-0001/62 63 SCM-0001/63 64 SCM-0001/64 65 SCM-0001/65 66 SCM-0001/66 67 SCM-0001/67 68 SCM-0001/68 69 SCM-0001/69 Description (Q-ty) Screw ST x 16 (3) Rear Cover Strain Relief Brush Holder (2) Carbon Brush 127 V Carbon Brush 220 V Wire Connector Motor Housing Screw M5 x 30 (6) Spring Washer 5 (11) Flat Washer 5 (8) Stator 127 V Stator 220 V Screw M5 x 78 (2) Bearing 629 Rotor 127 V Rotor 220 V Bearing 6201 Wind Washer Gear Box C-Ring 13 Bearing 607 gear Spindle Key Circlip for hole 35 Bearing 6003 Bushing Gear Box Cover In Flange Blade Out Flange Blade Nut Pin Pin Screw M6 x 85 Link Plate Lock Nut M6 (14) Adjustment Support Nut (2) Adjustment Pin Bolt M8 x 18 (2) Support Board A Scale Board Screw M5 x 10 (2) Nut M8 (2) Indicator Block Plate Finger Board Wave Washer (5) Spring Adjustment Bolt Pin 2.5 x 22 Control Wheel Nut M8 (2) Wheel Label Wheel Handle Screw Gear Washer Flat Washer (4) Screw M4 x 10 Lock Washer (12) Bolt M6 x 16 (3) Shaft bube (3) Screw Big Nut M6 (4) Washer Plate Lock Knob Screw (4) Spring Washer (16) Support Board B Flat Washer 6 (5) Descrição Parafuso Ph ST 4 x 12 (3) Tampa Traseira Prensa Cabo Suporte Escova (2) Escova Carvão 127V Escova Carvão 220V Indutor Carcaça do Motor Parafuso Si M5 x 30 (6) Arruela Pressão Ø5 (11) Arruela Lisa Ø5 (8) Estator 127 V Estator 220 V Parafuso Ph ST5 x 80 (2) Rolamento 629 Induzido 127 V Induzido 220 V Rolamento 6201 Defletor Caixa da Engrenagem Trava do Eixo Ø13 Rolamento 607 Engrenagem Eixo Chaveta Ø 11,7 x 5 x 5 Anel Elástico Ø35 Rolamento 6003 Retentor Ø17 x 25 x 7 Assento Rolamento Flange Interna Lâmina Flange Externa Porca Lâmina M14 Pino Especial M6 Pino Especial M8 Parafuso Especial M6 Placa de Contato Porca Trava M6 (14) Suporte Ajuste Porca M5 (2) Pino Ajuste Parafuso Sx M8 x 16 (2) Suporte (A) Indicador Parafuso Ph M5 x 12 (2) Porca M8 (2) Indicador Placa Trava Placa de Contato Arruela ondulada Ø12 Mola Ø14 x 45 x 1 Parafuso Especial Ajuste Pino 2.5 x 22 Volante Porca M8 Etiqueta Adesiva Manopla Parafuso Especial M8 x 65 Arruela Ø4 Arruela Lisa Ø4 (4) Parafuso M4 x 10 Trava Ø6 Parafuso Sx M6 x 25 (3) Eixo Tubular Parafuso M6 x 30 Porca Grande M6 Arruela Lisa Ø6 x 16x1 Botão Trava Parafuso Sx M6 x 16 (4) Arruela Pressão Suporte (B) Arruela Lisa Ø6 (5) 70 SCM-0001/70 71 SCM-0001/71 72 SCM-0001/72 73 SCM-0001/73 74 SCM-0001/74 75 SCM-0001/75 76 SCM-0001/76 77 SCM-0001/77 78 SCM-0001/78 79 SCM-0001/79 80 SCM-0001/80 81 SCM-0001/81 82 SCM-0001/82 83 SCM-0001/83 84 SCM-0001/84 85 SCM-0001/85 86 SCM-0001/86 87 SCM-0001/87 88 SCM-0001/88 89 SCM-0001/89 90 SCM-0001/90 91 SCM-0001/91 92 SCM-0001/92 93 SCM-0001/93 94 SCM-0001/94 95 SCM-0001/95 96 SCM-0001/96 97* SCM-0001/97 97** SCM-0002/97 98 SCM-0001/98 99 SCM-0001/99 100 SCM-0001/100 101 SCM-0001/101 102 SCM-0001/102 103* SCM-0001/103 103** SCM-0002/103 104 SCM-0002/104 105 SCM-0001/105 106 SCM-0001/106 107 SCM-0001/107 108 SCM-0001/108 109 SCM-0001/109 110 SCM-0001/110 111 SCM-0001/111 112 SCM-0001/112 113 SCM-0001/113 114 SCM-0001/114 115 SCM-0001/115 116 SCM-0001/116 117 SCM-0001/117 118 SCM-0001/118 119 SCM-0001/119 120 SCM-0001/120 121 SCM-0001/121 122 SCM-0001/122 123 SCM-0001/123 124 SCM-0001/124 125 SCM-0001/125 126 SCM-0001/126 127 SCM-0001/127 128 SCM-0001/128 129 SCM-0001/129 130 SCM-0001/130 131 SCM-0001/131 132 SCM-0001/132 133 SCM-0001/133 134 SCM-0001/134 135 SCM-0001/135 136 SCM-0001/136 137 SCM-0001/137 138 SCM-0001/138 139 SCM-0001/139 140 SCM-0001/140 Spring Pin 4 x 8 (3) Nut (3) Spring Flat Washer 10 Nut M5 Pivot Rod Underlay Screw M5 x 22 Rear Axis Plate Screw M6 x 25 Screw M5 x 12 (2) Table Insert Washer 5 Screw Screw M6 x 25 (2) Work Table Bolt M6 x 25 Gear Washer 5 Hex.Screw M5 x 8 Press Plate (6) Scale Label Rivet 2 x 6 (3) Screw ST4 x 12 (11) Spring Plate (2) Fence Base (2) Base Data Label 127V Data Label 230V Inner Plate Screw M4 x 8 (9) Gear Plate Screw ST4 x 16 (8) Switch Base Switch 127 V Switch 220 V Circuit Breaker 127V / 220 V Breaker Nut (3) Switch Box Dustproof Ring Wire Holder Screw ST4 x 16 (2) Strain Relief Spindle Dust Port Cover Screw ST4 x 16 (2) Nut M4 Mitre Gauge Storage Spring Plate Spring Washer 4 (2) Screw M4 x 10 Rubber Foot (4) Rear Plate Spring Spring Defence Board Fence Bolt Hex.Bolt M6 x 10 (2) Washer Plate Fence Support Long Nut (2) Spring Pin 3 x 22 Bias Wheel (2) Pin Fence Handle Pin Front Nip Board Screw M4 x 6 Indicator Pin Guide Ruler Gauge Pointer Spring Washer Pino Elástico 4 x 8 (3) Porca M6 (3) Mola Arruela Lisa Ø10x20x2 Porca M5 Eixo Pivo Bloco Trava Parafuso Si M5x22 Eixo Final Placa Parafuso Ph Cch M6 x 25 Parafuso Ph M5x12 (2) Inserção da Mesa Trava Ø5 Parafuso Sx M6 x 25 Parafuso Si M6 x 25 (2) Mesa de Trabalho Parafuso Sx M6 x 25 Arruela Lisa Ø5 Parafuso Si M5 x 8 Placa Pressão (6) Escala Rebite Ø2 x 6 (3) Parafuso Ph ST4 x 12 (11) Placa Pressão (2) Base Limitador Base Etiqueta Adesiva 127V Etiqueta Adesiva 230V Placa Interna Parafuso M4 x 8 (9) Placa Trava Parafuso Ph ST4x16 (8) Base Interruptor Interruptor 127 V Interruptor 220 V Circuito de Proteção 127V / 220 V Porca M3 Caixa Interruptor Isolador Fixador Parafuso Ph ST4 x 16 (2) Presa cabo Eixo Capa Proteção Parafuso ST4 x 16 (2) Porca M4 Esquadro Placa de Pressão Arruela Pressão Ø4 (2) Parafuso Ph M4 x 10 Pés de Borracha Placa Traseira Mola Ø6x30x1 Bloco Trava Regua Parafuso Especial M5 x 460 Parafuso Sx M6 x 12 (2) Placa Plana Suporte da Regua Porca Longa M5 Especial Pino Elástico Ø3 X 22 Polia excêntrica Pino Ø6 x 25 Punho Pino Ø8 x 25 Placa Dentada Parafuso Ph M4 x 6 Indicador Pino M6 X 18 Guia Régua Indicador de Alumínio Arruela Pressão Ø4 141 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 SCM-0001/141 SCM-0001/142 SCM-0001/143 SCM-0001/144 SCM-0001/146 SCM-0001/147 SCM-0001/148 SCM-0001/149 SCM-0001/150 SCM-0001/151 SCM-0001/152 SCM-0001/153 SCM-0001/154 SCM-0001/155 SCM-0001/156 SCM-0001/157 SCM-0001/158 SCM-0001/159 SCM-0001/160 SCM-0001/161 SCM-0001/162 SCM-0001/163 SCM-0001/164 SCM-0001/165 SCM-0001/166 SCM-0001/167 SCM-0001/168 SCM-0001/169 SCM-0001/170 Screw M4 x 6 Mitre Gauge Angle Bolt Lock Knob Blade Guard Block Pin (2) Spring Washer (2) Guard Arm Bush (2) Spring (2) Follow Blade Board Anti-Kickback Pawl (2) Bolt M6 x 22 Bolt M6 x 40 (2) Flat Washer (6) Block Bushing-R Spring Pin 3 x 10 Block Bushing-L Hex.Bolt M6 x 12 (6) Press Plate Hex.Bolt M5 x 20 Flat Washer 5 Support Base Dado Inser Wrench Open Ended Wrench Push Stick (4) Power Cord Circlip for hole 42 Parafuso Ph M4 x 6 Graminho Parafuso Scb M6 Botão Aperto Protetor da Lamina Pino Especial (2) Arruela Pressão (2) Base Proteção Bucha (2) Mola Torção Especial (2) Placa Base do Protetor Placa Anti Recuo Parafuso Sx M6 x 22 Parafuso Sx M6 x 40 (2) Arruela Lisa Ø6 x 18 x 1 (6) Bloco Apoio -R Pino Elático Ø3 x 10 Bloco Apoio -L Parafuso Si M6x12 (6) Placa de Aperto Parafuso Si M5 x 20 Arruela Lisa Ø6x18 Base Suporte Flange Superior Chave Sextavada Chave de Boca Bastão Cabo 2 x 1.5 mm 220V Anel Elástico Ø42
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