ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada ENC – 100M Unidade de Comando para Guilhotina 1. Especificações Gerais Teclado ergonomico e duravel Mostrador claro e legivel Display de 6 digitos para valores atuais e medidas programadas, 2 digitos para comprimento de corte e 3 digitos para quantidade de pecas Capacidade para 50 programas armazenados, com ate 20 passos programados Lista de programas na memoria Recuperacao automatica de dados Posicionamento de alta precisao Conversao POLEGADAS / MILIMETROS com alta definicao Duas velocidades de aproximacao para maior precisao Potencialidade da seleção à máscara de erros posicionando nos limites Algoritmo dinâmico para pesquisar defeitos Compensacao de espessura Modos de operacao MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATICO e AUTOMATICO Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 1/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 2. FUNCOES DOS BOTOES FUNCAO 1; Modo operacional padrão PROGRAMA de chamada Mudança da ETAPA e do valor da exposição Corte MANUAL FUNCAO 2; Senha protegendo dependendo da seleção Todas as atividades relacionadas com memória do PROGRAMA e da ETAPA. (Críe, atualize, suprima, carregue, etc.) FUNCAO 3; Protegido por senha Ajuste dos parâmetros da máquina INFORMACOES PROGRAMADAS; Indicando todos os dados que consistem na ETAPA com valor posicionado real. RESET; Para reconfigurar posição zero mecânica CONVERSAO MILIMETROS/POLEGAGAS; Mudança da unidade de exposição APAGA; Suprime os DADOS do PROGRAMA de número relacionado. Suprime a ETAPA indicada pelo cursor CHAMAR; O cursor chama o PROGRAMA de leitura selecionado ENTER; Valida os dados digitados no campo selecionado pelo cursor Valida entrada de senha CURSOR; Move o cursor para o seguinte ou a área precedente a ser programada. ANTERIOR; Navega regressivamente entre os passos de um mesmo programa. Salta de forma decrescente através dos parâmetros de maquina uma vez dentro da zona de parâmetros F3 MODO AUTOMATICO; Aciona o modo automático ativando a mudança continua entre os passos de um mesmo programa e habilitando o contador decrescente de pecas PROXIMO; Navega progressivamente entre os passos de um mesmo programa; Obs.: Somente e possível acompanhar a contagem de pecas removendo o cursor indicativo do campo de contagem Adiciona um novo passo ao programa aberto se pressionada por alguns segundos caso o indicador luminoso esteja aceso Indica que o passo exibido e o ultimo de uma seqüência caso o indicador luminoso permaneça aceso INICIO; É válido somente na PÁGINA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO e ativa todas as funções posicionando. O indicador luminoso aceso mostra que os processos podem continuar. PARA; Para todos os movimentos nas modalidades operando-se SEMIAUTOMÁTICAS e AUTOMÁTICAS. INCIO DA UNIDADE DE CONTROLE; Inicio do processo programado. PARADA NA UNIDADE DE CONTROLE; Para as funções em andamento na unidade de controle. MOTOR; Ligar Motor. DESLIGA MOTOR; Para Motor CICLO PNEUMATICO; Ativar rampa pneumatica. CICLO PNEUMATICO DESLIGADO; Desliga o acionamento da rampa pneumática RETRACAO; Ativar retração do batente RETRACAO DESLIGADA; Desliga a retração do batente M OVIMENTO ACELERADO PARA A FRENTE; Fornece o movimento para diante rápido do calibre manualmente. For permitido para o movimento somente quando na PÁGINA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO. MOVIMENTO ACELERADO PARA TRAS; Fornece o movimento rápido inverso do calibre manualmente. For permitido para o movimento somente quando na PÁGINA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO. MOVIMENTO LENTO PARA A FRENTE; Fornece o movimento lento para diante do calibre manualmente. For permitido para o movimento somente quando na PÁGINA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO. MOVIMENTO LENTO PARA TRAS; Fornece movimento lento inverso do calibre manualmente. For permitido para o movimento somente quando na PÁGINA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO. Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 2/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 3. SELECAO DE FUNCAO E ENTRADA DE SENHA A selecao de cada função ( F1, F2 ou F3 ) e dada pelo simples acionamento da tecla correspondente FUNCAO1; Permite a alteração de medidas, mudança de unidade POLEGADAS/ MILIMETROS e operação normal de corte FUNCAO2; Permite a restauração mecânica, exclui, salva e altera programas FUNCAO3; Permite indicar e mudar parâmetros da máquina. Para algumas funções pode ser necessário entrar com a senha de acesso correspondente a função escolhida. Nestes casos aparecera no display uma mensagem como a que vemos na figura ao lado ... digitar a senha de acesso relativa a função escolhida e pressionar ENTER F1 4. ALTERANDO UNIDADE DE MEDIDA Para alterar a unidade de medida a ser utilizada e necessário pressionar a tecla INCH/METRIC que alternara as unidades entre POLEGADAS E MILIMETROS. Um indicativo luminoso permanecera acesso em frente a denominação da unidade selecionada. 5. ALTERANDO PARAMETROS DE MAQUINA Os parâmetros de maquina estão dispostos em seqüência de P00 a P25 sendo que o acesso a estes parâmetros se faz pressionando a tecla F3, função protegida por senha. Uma vez fornecida a senha de acesso e liberada a navegação através dos parâmetros bem como sua alteração. OBS: A alteração de parâmetros de forma aleatória e negligente implica em disfunção do equipamento e muitas vezes ate no completo travamento do comando. Qualquer alteração de parâmetros deve ser feita por profissional habilitado. 6. RESTAURACAO MECANICA A restauracao mecanica consiste no ajuste entre as medidas indicadas no display e o posicionamento mecânico real do batente traseiro. Este ajuste se faz inserindo a medida real de posição do batente diretamente no parâmetro P03 (vide ALTERANDO PARAMETROS DE MAQUINA) Uma vez inserida a medida real precionar F2 entao a tecla RESET e manter precionada ate que a mensagem RESET apareca no display. Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 3/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 7. RELACIONANDO PROGRAMAS ARMAZENADOS Os programas da lista conservados na memória permanente podem ser acionados a qualquer momento, a não ser no modo de parâmetros da máquina. Os números conservados do programa são mostrados no PROG NO (PROGRAMA NUMERO). Para alternar entre programas utiliza-se as teclas indicativas PROXIMO E ANTERIOR. A lista começa no programa de menor numero e segue de forma crescente. Não é permitido executar nenhuma ação na memória permanente e mudar dados na memória provisória a menos que um valor novo seja incorporado usando TECLADO NUMÉRICO. (veja 8.6, 8.7, 8.8) 8. PROGRAMANDO Há dois tipos de memória no ENC100, uma delas e a memória provisória outra é memória permanente. Alistando, as ações chamando-se, suprimindo e conservando relacionado ao PROG NO são realizadas na memória permanente, indicando, suprimir, introduzindo e adicionando ações relacionado à ETAPA NO são realizados na memória provisória. Os DADOS do PROGRAMA indicados antes que a energia se apague estão indicados na ETAPA relacionada lendo da memória permanente quando o ENC100 é energizado. Pressione F2. 8.1. PROGRAMAÇÃO DA ETAPA Movimente o indicativo ate a posicao que você quer incorporar o valor usando o CURSOR. (a área relacionada é iluminada e mostra onde o cursor está) Incorpore o valor usando as teclas NÜMERİCAS. O P conduzido começará a piscar para consultar ao valor mudado. Aprove o valor incorporado usando-se a tecla ENTER. AJUSTE O VALOR O valor ajustado posicionando para a operação SEMIAUTOMÁTICA e AUTOMÁTICA. CONTAGEM DA PARTE Mostra a parte que conta valor ajustado quando o cursor está na área, se não mostra o número da contagem da parte. Na modalidade AUTOMÁTICA da operação, dependendo da peça que conta o sentido (o valor do parâmetro 14) será aumentado ou diminuído após a terminação com sucesso de cada processo posicionando e ao definir da borda levantando-se do CICLO NOVO. Quando o valor de contagem da peça alcançou ao valor do jogo, é passado à etapa seguinte e o número da contagem da parte será restaurado. COMPRIMENTO DO CORTE Na modalidade SEMIAUTOMÁTICA e AUTOMÁTICA da operação, após a terminação com sucesso de cada um posicionar o processo de ao definir a borda levantando-se do CORTE COMEÇA a entrada dependendo do valor incorporado no fim do período de tempo ([S] +P22 [s] *CuttingLength P21 [m] /P23 [m]) computado, o CORTE PERMITE a saída será ativado. CORTAR PERMITE a saída será passivo quando movido para um contato novo do ciclo ou da abertura da entrada do COMEÇO do CORTE. Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 4/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 8. PROGRAMANDO (CONTINUACAO) 8.2. ADICIONE A ETAPA Conduzido EM SEGUIDA é iluminado se a ETAPA mostrada for a última etapa do PROGRAMA. Nesta imprensa do momento EM SEGUIDA tecla para 1 segundo quando o cursor dentro não no PROG NO. No fim de 1 segundo que adiciona uma ETAPA nova à memória provisória será realizado e o número da etapa aumentará 1. Máximo. 20 etapas podem ser usadas em um PROGRAMA. (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) 8.3. ETAPA DA EXPOSIÇÃO As etapas conservadas na memória provisória podem ser indicadas subseqüentemente usando-se PRECEDENTE ou EM SEGUIDA teclas quando o cursor não for no PROG NO 8.4. INTRODUZA A ETAPA Não mova para a ETAPA NO usando-se CURSOR. Número do achado da ETAPA que você quer introduzir se usando PRECEDENTE e EM SEGUID. Tecle ENTER. Desse modo uma ETAPA nova inclui os dados da ETAPA indicados é introduzida à memória provisória porque uma ETAPA seguinte e as etapas renumeradas subseqüentemente. Máximo. 20 etapas podem ser usadas em um PROGRAMA. (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) 8.5. ETAPA DA SUPRESSÃO Não mova para a ETAPA NO usando-se CURSOR. Número do achado da ETAPA que você quer suprimir usando PRECEDENTE e EM SEGUIDA. Tecle SUPRESSÃO. A ETAPA indicada é suprimida desse modo da memória provisória e as etapas renumeradas subseqüentemente. Pelo menos uma ETAPA deve ser usada em um PROGRAMA. (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) 8.6. EXECUTANDO O PROGRAMA Escolha o programa a ser executado no campo PROG NO usando as teclas correspondentes. Uma vez escolhido o programa será executado ao primar a tecla ENTER seguida da escolha de modo automático ou semiautomatico e a tecla START (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 5/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 9. MODO DE OPERACAO MANUAL E CORTE MANUAL Para posicionamento manual do batente traseiro basta acionar as teclas ++, + -- e – dando o movimento para frente ou para trás mais rápido ou mais devagar enquanto a posição real será sempre indicada na primeira linha do display. Uma vez iluminado o indicativo POSITION OKAY será permitido o corte através do acionamento do pedal. (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) 10. OPERACAO SEMI-AUTOMATICA A operação semi automática consiste na operação normal de corte sem o acionamento do modo automático. As medidas programadas serão posicionadas contudo o programa não conta os cortes e não alterna entre programas. (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) 11. OPERACAO AUTOMATICA No modo de operação automático e habilitado o contador de cortes e permitida a alternância entre programas subseqüentes (veja 14. MENSAGENS de ERRO se a mensagem de ErrXX for mostrada na exposição real do valor) Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 6/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 14. MENSAGENS DE ERRO Aparece quando o botao de emergencia esta acionado e inibe o acionamento do motor eletrico que comanda a bomba hidraulica É indicado quando o valor posicionado REAL alcança valor que não pode caber na tela RESTAURAÇÃO MECÂNICA deve ser feita. (veja 6. RESTAURAÇÃO MECÂNICA) É indicado e quando o pedido MANUAL, SEMIAUTOMÁTICO ou AUTOMÁTICO da operação veio se os parâmetros determinados como P00 [0] ou P01 [0] e não está permitido para o movimento. Está indicado e não permitido para o movimento se não houver nenhum movimento por 2 segundos. É indicado e não permitido para o movimento se o valor posicionando REAL excede aos limites que está no sentido do movimento (P14 ou P15) como limites determinados de maquina (P16 ou P17) No exemplo da operação SEMIAUTOMÁTICA ou AUTOMÁTICA, é indicado e espera pressionar START se o valor posicionando REAL de acordo com o valor do JOGO for realizado fora da tolerância. (P09) Quando a tecla START e precionada a exemplo da operação SEMIAUTOMÁTICA ou AUTOMÁTICA, Se aproximando-se para trás; i se (AJUSTE - P04) < (P14) ou ii se (AJUSTE + P12) > (P15) não são permitidos PARA COMEÇAR o processo. Se aproximando-se de para diante; i se (AJUSTE) < (P14) ou ii se (AJUSTE + P04) > (P15) ou iii se (AJUSTE + P12) > (P15) não são permitidos PARA COMEÇAR o processo. É indicado e não permitido para o SAVING quando um PROGRAMA NOVO EXCEPTO o pedido veio se a memória permanente estiver cheia. (máximo. 50 PROGRAMAS) É indicado e não permitido PARA CHAMAR ou SUPRIMIR o processo quando uma CHAMADA ou uma SUPRESSÃO do pedido da memória vieram se o PROGRAMA NO NÃO FOR CONSERVADO na memória. Está indicado e não permitido para o SAVING quando umas ECONOMIAS ao pedido da memória vieram se o PROG NO pertença ao outro PROGRAMA, conservado à memória antes. Está indicado e não permitido para o processo durante o processo relacionado à memória permanente se o PROG NENHUM for 0 ou o F2 não estiver selecionado. Está indicado e não permitido PARA ADICIONAR e INTRODUZIR o processo quando uma ETAPA NOVA ADICIONA ou a INSERÇÃO ao pedido provisório da memória da ETAPA veio se a memória provisória da ETAPA estiver cheia. (máximo. 20 ETAPAS por o PROGRAMA) Está indicado e não permitido PARA SUPRIMIR o processo quando uma ETAPA da SUPRESSÃO do pedido provisório da memória veio se o número da ETAPA pertencer a PROGRAMA relacionado é um. Está indicado e não permitido PARA ADICIONAR ou SUPRIMIR o processo quando uma SUPRESSÃO ou ADICIONA A ETAPA do pedido provisório da memória veio se o F2 não for selecionado. Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 7/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 15. DIAGRAMA ELETRICO Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 8/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada FUNCTIONS OF BUTTONS FUNCTION 1; Calling PROGRAM Display STEP and value changing MANUAL cutting FUNCTION 2; Protecting Password depending on selection All related activities with PROGRAM and STEP memory. (Create, update, delete, save, call etc.) FUNCTION 3; Protecting Password depending on selection To set machine parameters PROGRAMMING DATA; Displaying all data which consists of STEP with actual positioning value. RESET; To set of mechanical zero position INCH/METRIC CONVERSION; Changing of display unit of value. DELETE; It deletes PROGRAM DATA of related number which entered when the cursor in the PROG NO area from memory. It deletes displayed STEP when the cursor in the STEP NO area and deletes related values when the cursor in the other areas from temporary memory. CALL; Cursor provides to call which reading PROGRAM DATA which related entered number from memo to temporary memo when the cursor in the PROG NO area. SAVE; The cursor saves temporary memory data to memory with number entered when the cursor is in the PROG NO area. A new step which includes same data with shown STEP on the display is saved to the temporary memory when the cursor is in the STEP NO area. It approves entered value and saves to the temporary memory if the cursor is in the other areas. CURSOR; It moves the cursor to the next or previous area can be programmed. PREVIOUS; It shows all PROGRAM numbers saved in the memory as decreasing sequence when the cursor is in the PROG NO area It provides to show DATA of previous step if the cursor is in the other areas. It shows previous machine parameter if the F3 pressed. SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION; It performs all activities related to the STEP is shown on the display without changing number of part counting when the START button is pressed. The POSITION OKAY output is activated after all positioning finished successfully. It is necessary to determine NEW CYCLE rising edge to pass to the next positioning. The operation can be stopped any time of SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION phase by pressing to the STOP button. NEXT; It shows all PROGRAM numbers saved in the memory as increasing sequence when the cursor is in the PROG NO area. It provides to show DATA of next step if the cursor is in the other areas. The LED is lit if the last step saved in the memory is shown. In this case if the button pressed for 1 second a new step is added to the temporary memory. It shows next machine parameter if the F3 pressed. AUTOMATIC OPERATION; Activities are performed from STEP shown on display like as SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION when the START button is pressed. Number of part counting will be increased or decreased depending up on the counting direction after founding position and when determining the NEW CYCLE rising edge. It is passed to the next step when the number of part counting reached to the SET value. The PROGRAM END output will be activated after all steps saved completed like this. The operation can be stopped any time of AUTOMATIC OPERATION phase by pressing to the STOP button. START; It is valid only in the PROGRAMMING PAGE and activates all positioning functions. LED illuminated shows processes continue. STOP; It stops all movements in the SEMI-AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operating modes. CONTROL UNIT START; Control Unit start. CONTROL UNIT STOP; Control Unit stop. MOTOR START; MOTOR start. MOTOR STOP; MOTOR stop. PNEUMATIC IN USE; PNEUMATIC in use. PNEUMATIC NOT IN USE; PNEUMATIC not in use. RETRACT ON; RETRACT on. RETRACT OFF; RETRACT off. FORWARD FAST MOVEMENT OF GAUGE; It provides rapid forward movement of gauge manually. It is permitted for movement only when in the PROGRAMMING PAGE. BACKWARD FAST MOVEMENT OF GAUGE; It provides backward rapid movement of gauge manually. It is Permitted for movement only when in the PROGRAMMING PAGE. FORWARD SLOW MOVEMENT OF GAUGE; It provides forward slow movement of gauge manually. It is permitted for movement only when in the PROGRAMMING BACKWARD SLOW MOVEMENT OF GAUGE; It provides backward slow movement of gauge manually. It is Permitted for movement only when in the PROGRAMMING Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 9/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada PAGE. PAGE. FUNCTION SELECTION and PASSWORD APPROVAL Function selection is possible when in the MANUAL. By pressing F1 button F1 Function, by pressing F2 button F2 function, by pressing F3 button F3 function is selected. FUNCTION1; It permits that changing machine parameters, changing display unit as INCH/METRIC, displaying mechanical reset value, to call the PROGRAM, STEP displaying and value changing, displaying list of PROGRAM, MANUAL operation, MANUAL cutting SEMI-AUTOMATIC operation and AUTOMATIC operation functions. FUNCTION2; It permits mechanical reset, deleting and saving PROGRAM, creating, deleting and adding STEP, with together functions are permitted by FUNCTION1 except MANUAL cutting operation. FUNCTION3; It permits displaying and changing machine parameters. It is necessary to enter PASSWORD by using NUMERIC buttons and approve by SAVE button if any PASSWORD determined for FUNCTION2 and FUNCTION3 for realising of function selection. The unit returns to the previous mode if the wrong password is entered. CHANGING MEASUREMENT UNIT OF DISPLAY It can be realised changing unit of display any time except SEMI-AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operations, approving password and changing value by pressing to the INCH/ METRIC button. Unit of display can be monitored via leds on the screen. When INCH unit of display is selected for values of actual position and values position set 1/1000, when METRIC unit of display is selected 1/10 resolution will be got. Changing machine parameters is realised as METRIC what ever unit of display is. CHANGING MACHINE PARAMETERS To enter machine parameter is realised by pressing to the F3 button any time except SEMIAUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operations, Mechanical reset. First of all the password should be approved as correct if password is defined. (see 3. FUNCTION SELECTION and PASSWORD APPROVAL) Number of parameter is shown on the actual value display, value parameter is shown on the value of set display when entered to the machine parameters. Changing machine parameters is realised as METRIC what ever unit of display is. Find parameter you want by using PREVIOUS and NEXT button. Change value by using NUMERİC buttons. To show that value is changed the led of F3 flashes. Save changed value to the memory by using SAVE button. The led of F3 is lit continuously when the value approved. The SAVE button is not work unless the value is changed. The value will not be saved to the memory and the button of F3 is lit continuously if the parameters number is changed by using PREVIOUS and NEXT button without changed value approved. Change is deleted and value of related parameter will be shown again and the led of F3 is lit continuously if the F3 button is pressed after value changed. To exit from machine parameters press one of the F1 or F2 buttons. It is exit from machine parameter without changed value saved to the memory if these buttons are pressed without approving changed value. (see 13. MACHINE PARAMETERS for detailed description, descriptions of parameter numbers and forms of the numbers) Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 10/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada MECHANICAL RESET Mechanical reset can be realised at any time except MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operations, changing machine parameters and approving password by pressing to the RESET button or closing the RESET Contact. Press F2 button. Press RESET button for 5 second. The value of Mechanical reset (P03) is displayed on the actual value display during the end of this time of period. The mechanical reset is realised after displaying the message of RESET on the actual value display when the time period is ended. To exit from the mechanical reset mode release the RESET button. The mechanical reset is realised when the RESET contact closed also. (The time period of closing RESET contact should be at least 50 ms) LISTING PROGRAMS SAVED Listing programs saved on the permanent memory can be realised at any time, except SEMIAUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operations, changing machine parameters and approving password by pressing to the PREVIOUS or NEXT buttons when the cursor is in the PROG NO area. The saved program numbers are shown in the PROG NO area from number of displayed PROGRAM, as in decreasing number of sequence by pressing to the PREVIOUS button, as in increasing number of sequence by pressing to the NEXT button. Listing will begin from number of the little numbered program if the displayed program is not saved on the permanent memory. It is not permitted to perform any action on the permanent memory and to change data on the temporary memory unless a new value is entered by using the NUMERIC buttons to the PROG NO area during listing process. (see 8.6, 8.7, 8.8) To exit from the listing programs saved press one of the STOP, F1, F2, RESET or CURSOR buttons. PROGRAMMING There are two memory on the ENC100, one of them is temporary memory other one is permanent memory. Listing, calling, deleting and saving actions related to the PROG NO are realised on the permanent memory, displaying, deleting, inserting and adding actions related to the STEP NO are realised on the temporary memory. The PROGRAM DATA displayed before the energy goes off is displayed from related STEP by reading from permanent memory when the ENC100 is energised. Press the F2 button. 8.1. STEP PROGRAMMING Move to the area you want to enter value by using CURSOR button. (The led which belongs to related area is lit and shows where the cursor is) Enter value by using NÜMERİC buttons. The P led will begin to flash for referring to the value changed. Approve the value entered by using SAVE button. In this manner the new value has been saved to the temporary memory. The P led will light on continuously when the value approved. The SAVE button does not work unless the value is changed. Changing value process will delete if the one of STOP, F1, F2, RESET or CURSÖR button is pressed without changed value approved, value does not save to the temporary memory and the P led lights on continuously. (see 14 ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) SET VALUE The positioning set value for SEMI AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operation. PART COUNTING It shows part counting set value when the cursor is on the area, otherwise shows number of part counting. In AUTOMATIC operation mode, depending on the part counting direction (the value of parameter 14) will be increased or decreased after completing successfully of each positioning process and when defining of NEW CYCLE rising edge. When the part counting value reached to the set value, it is passed to the next step and number of part counting will be reset. CUTTING LENGTH In SEMI AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operation mode, after completing successfully of each positioning process from when defining rising edge of CUTTING START input depending on the value entered at the end of time period (P21[s]+P22[s]*CuttingLength[m]/P23[m]) computed, the CUTTING ENABLE output will be activated. CUTTING ENABLE output will be passive when moved to a new cycle or opening contact of CUTTING START input. Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 11/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada PROGRAMMING (continue) 8.2. ADD STEP The NEXT led is lit if the STEP shown is the last step of PROGRAM. At this moment press NEXT button for 1 second when the cursor in not on the PROG NO area. At the end of 1 second adding a new STEP to the temporary memory will be realised and number of step will increase 1. Max. 20 STEPs can be used in a PROGRAM. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) 8.3. DISPLAY STEP STEPs saved on the temporary memory can be displayed subsequently by using PREVIOUS or NEXT buttons when the cursor is not on the PROG NO area. 8.4. INSERT STEP Move to the STEP NO area by using CURSOR button. Find number of STEP you want to insert by using PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons. Press SAVE button. In this manner a new STEP includes data of STEP displayed is inserted to the temporary memory as a next STEP and STEPs will be renumbered subsequently. Max. 20 STEPs can be used in a PROGRAM. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) 8.5. DELETE STEP Move to the STEP NO area by using CURSOR button. Find number of STEP you want to delete by using PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons. Press DELETE button. In this manner the STEP displayed is deleted from the temporary memory and STEPs will be renumbered subsequently. Min. 1 STEP should be used in a PROGRAM. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) 8.6. SAVE PROGRAM Move to the PROG NO area by using CURSOR button. Enter PROG NO for data on the temporary memory and you want to save on the permanent memory as a PROG NO which did not save on the memory before by using NUMREIC buttons. The P led will begin to flash for showing the value changed. Press SAVE button. In this manner data on the temporary memory will be saved on the permanent memory. The P led lights on continuously when save process is finished. The SAVE button does not work unless the value is changed. Changing process will be canceled if one of the STOP, F1, F2, RESET or CURSOR buttons is pressed without done anything on the value changed. The P led lights on continuously and the PROGRAM does not save on the memory. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 12/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada PROGRAMMING (continue) 8.7. CALL PROGRAM Move to the PROG NO area by using CURSOR button. Enter PROG NO which you want to call to temporary memory from permanent memory. The P led will begin to flash for showing the value changed. Press CALL button. In this manner data related desired program is called to the temporary memory from permanent memory and is displayed from number of STEP 1. The P led lights on continuously when CALL process is finished. The CALL button does not work unless the value is changed. Changing process will be canceled if one of the STOP, F1, F2, RESET or CURSOR buttons is pressed without done anything on the value changed. The P led lights on continuously and the PROGRAM does not call from the permanent memory. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) 8.8. DELETE PROGRAM Move to the PROG NO area by using CURSOR button. Enter PROG NO which you want to delete from permanent memory. The P led will begin to flash for showing the value changed. Press DELETE button. In this manner data related desired program is deleted from permanent memory. The P led lights on continuously when delete process is finished. The DELETE button does not work unless the value is changed. Changing process will be canceled if one of the STOP, F1, F2, RESET or CURSOR buttons is pressed without done anything on the value changed. The P led lights on continuously and the PROGRAM does not delete from the permanent memory. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) 9.9. CHANGE PROGRAM Call the PROGRAM you want to change. (see 8.7) Apply changes what you want on the PROGRAM. (see 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5) DELETE PROGRAM you called from permanent memory. (see 8.8) SAVE PROGRAM you changed with same number. (see 8.6) (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) MANUAL OPERATION and MANUAL CUTTING MANUAL OPERATION can be realised any time except SEMI-AUTOMATIC operation, AUTOMATIC operation, changing machine parameters and password approval by pressing GAUGE FORWARD/BACKWARD FAST/SLOW MOVEMENT buttons. Movement goes on SLOW SPEED when approached to limit in movement direction (P14 during backward movement, P15 during forward movement) as slow speed distance (P07). If these limits are exceeds it is not permitted to movement on exceed direction. However it is permitted to movement on opposite of exceed direction. POSITION OKAY led is lit and output is activated if there is no any axis movement while F1 is pressed. MANUAL cutting operation is started at moment from determining the rising edge of CUTTING START and goes on until determining the rising edge of NEW CYCLE. It is no permitted to axis movement during MANUAL cutting operation. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 13/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION can be realised at any time except MANUAL operation, AUTOMATIC operation, changing machine parameters and password approval, after the STEP is displayed (see 8.3) by using PREVIOUS or NEXT button which you wanted to run if the SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION led is lit by pressing to the START button. In The SEMI-AUTOMATIC OPERATION mode the POSITION OKAY output is activated at the end of each successfully finished POSITIONING. (if the positioning is in the tolerances determined in positioning parameter P09) CUTTING ENABLE output is activated at the end of time period computed depending up on CUTTING LENGTH (see 8.1 STEP PROGRAMMING – CUTTING LENGTH) after finding position, at moment from determining the rising edge of CUTTING START. Even if the period is not finished if the CUTTING START is open contacted CUTTING ENABLE output is deactivated and to wait for next positioning. If the RETRACT led is lit since at the moment of determining the rising edge of CUTTING START input, RETRACT action is realised when determining for rising edge of RETRACT input. (to + direction as P12 parameter value as) It is necessary that to determine the rising edge of NEW CYCLE input at any time after finding position (after or before realising of CUTTING or RETRACT process) to move for next positioning. When to the next cycle is passed the POSITION OKAY and CUTTING ENABLE outputs will be deactivated without changing number of part counting and positioning will start again for the same SET value. The processes continue like this until STOP button is pressed. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) AUTOMATIC OPERATION AUTOMATIC OPERATION can be realised at any time except MANUAL operation, SEMIAUTOMATIC operation, changing machine parameters and password approval after the STEP is displayed (see 8.3) by using PREVIOUS or NEXT button which you wanted to run from if the AUTOMATIC OPERATION led is lit by pressing to the START button. Procedures realised like as SEMI-AUTOMATIC operation. The number of part counting is increased or decreased depend on counting direction after finding position, when determined the rising edge of the NEW CYCLE input. The number of part counting is reset and moves to the NEXT STEP when reaching to the part counting SET value. After finished all saved step like this the PROGRAM END output is activated and pressing to the STOP button is waited. Operation can be stopped any time during AUTOMATIC OPERATION by pressing to the STOP button. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) CONTROL PROCEDURE It is approached that if the value of parameter P04 is determined different value than 0, for the value of parameter P05 equal to 0 always from backward, for the others always from forward. When the START button is pressed difference between SET and ACTUAL values are computed. Depending on the approaching direction to the target, it is computed that difference value in which area is and action starts. Description of machine parameters as an area value for both two direction as follows; [2+3+4+5] : P04 (Overrun Distance) [3+4+5] : P07 (Slow Speed Distance) [5] : P08 (Advanced Stop ) If the ACTUAL positioning value for both two approaching direction is AREA 1, FAST MOVEMENT directly to the target begins without overrun (P04) and waiting before movement to the opposite direction (P06). (see 13. MACHINE PARAMETERS for detailed descriptions number of parameters and forms of numbers) Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 14/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada In the case of approaching from forward, if it is in the behind of the AREA 1, FORWARD FAST MOVEMENT begins until to the AREA 1. When it is reached to the AREA 1 the engine stops and rests for time period determined parameter P06 before engine runs opposite direction. The BACKWARD FAST MOVEMENT begins until to the AREA 3 when the time period is finished. The movement goes on as BACKWARD SLOW MOVEMENT when reaches to the AREA 3. If it is reached to the AREA 5 the engine stops. In the case of approaching from backward, if it is front of the AREA 1, BACKWARD FAST MOVEMENT begins until to the AREA 1. When it is reached to the AREA 1 the engine stops and rests for time period determined parameter P06 before engine runs opposite direction. The FORWARD FAST MOVEMENT begins until to the AREA 3 when the time period is finished. The movement goes on as FORWARD SLOW MOVEMENT when reaches to the AREA 3. If it is reached to the AREA 5 the engine stops. Movement goes on SLOW SPEED regardless control sequence when approached to limit in movement direction (P14 during backward movement, P15 during forward movement) as slow speed distance (P07). Movement goes on SLOW SPEED unless limits are exceeded as determined hardware limits (P16 or P17) as. (see 14. ERROR MESSAGES if the ErrXX message is shown on the actual value display) To make positioning with desired accuracy machine parameters mentioned should be values reached after gaining test results done according to mechanical property. First of all STOP DISTANCE is entered as 0 without repetition and deviations at different SET points of Unit is recorded. Result values got from this process should be enough close each other. It is very important that system speed should be stabile before than stop distance. Overrun distance should be enough wide to cover of mechanical space without causing slow down for positioning. As General should be (OverrunDistance)>=(SlowSpeedDistance)>(AdvancedStop) Average of the deviations which got from different SET points and enough close each other is entered as Advanced Stop. In case of difference between ACTUAL and SET values which got at the end of positioning is out of determined tolerance positioning will be repeated for same SET value entered to the machine parameter as P11 value (unless positioning is done in the limits tolerances) Advanced Stop is recomputed according to test sequence. Errors made in numbered tests 1., 3., 5. etc. compute and according to approaching of added to advanced stop or subtracted from advanced stop. Values of parameters themselves will be used for in tests numbered 0., 2., 4. etc. (see 13. MACHINE PARAMETERS for detailed descriptions number of parameters and forms of numbers) MACHINE PARAMETERS 0 – 999 pulse/rnd P00 Encoder Type Number of pulse of Encoder is used pulse. P01 Pitch Movement distance when the axis of encoder is rounded one time. P02 Multiplication Factor Multiplication Factor of Encoder [0]:X1, [1]:X2, [other]:X4 P03 Mechanical Reset Value Axis mechanical resetting value. P04 Overrun Distance If the value is [0] The target is not overrun and only one try is done what ever the repetition number is. 0.0 – 99.9 mm P05 Approaching Direction If the value is [0] is approached always from backward. If it is other is approached always from forward. 0–9 P06 Forward / Backward Waiting Time The time period of AC Engine waits and rests before begins to movement at opposite direction at the end of Overrun Distance. If the value less than 0.5 it is limited with 0.5. It is not used in the case that it is not necessary to overrun and if the P04 equal to 0. 0.0 – 9.9 sec P07 Slow Speed Distance It is used for double speed systems. If it is [0] Movement to the target is realised as FAST MOVEMENT. The movement goes on as SLOW MOVEMENT when is approached to the target for value entered. 0.0 – 99.9 mm P08 Advanced Stop The movement stops when approaching to the target for value entered. 0.0 – 9.9 mm P09 Tolerance Acceptable ± positioning error. 0.0 – 9.9 mm P10 Error Blanking If it is [0] shading is off. For the [other] values if the positioning is realised with in the tolerances the actual value display is equalized to the SET value display. 0–9 P11 Number of Retry It is not permitted if the value is [0]. For the [other] values for number of attempt entered if the unit makes positioning out of the limits of tolerances, repeats until correct positioning is done. 0–9 P12 RETRACT Distance It is not permitted for RETRACT process if the value is [0]. For the [other] values, if the RETRACT ON led is lit RETRACT procedure is permitted to the (+) direction as much as the value entered. 0.0 – 999.9 mm P13 RETRACT Delay Time Allow to RETRACTION at the end of the defined time after the RETRACT input is avtivated. 0.00 – 9.99 sec P14 Position Lower Limit It is not permitted by Software to movement under value entered. 0.0 – 99999.9 mm P15 Position Upper Limit It is not permitted by Software to movement over value entered. 0.0 – 99999.9 mm P16 Hardware Lower Limit Distance between position lower limit and hardware lower limit switch. 0.0 – 9.9 mm P17 Hardware Upper Limit Distance between position upper limit and hardware upper limit switch. 0.0 – 9.9 mm P18 Part Counting Direction Part counting process is realised from 0 to SET value if the value entered is [0], from SET value to 0 if the value is [other]. Visite nosso site em 0.0 – 99.9 mm/rnd 0–9 0.0 – 99999.9 mm 0–9 ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 15/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada P19 END OF PROGRAM The END OF PROGRAM led is on and output is activated after the last step of current program is finished. If the defined value is [0] than the first step is displaying and stop. No more positioning. For the [other] values, automatically passed the first step and relaized the positioning. The END OF PROGRAM led is off and output is deactivated with the following NEW CYCLE signal. 0–9 P20 Tool Offset It is used for compensation of Blade Thickness. The value entered is added to the SET value and positioning is realised according to this value. 0.0 – 99.9 mm P21 Cutting Length Offset Time The time period is to reach the point of cutting process will begin of cutter. İt is added to the computed CUTTING LENGTH TIME according to the cutting length wanted. 0.0 – 9.9 sec P22 Max. Cutting Length Time It is time required for max. Cutting Length will be realised. 0.0 – 9.9 sec P23 Max. Cutting Length It is maximum Cutting Length will be realised. 0.0 – 9.9 M P24 F2 Password Password protection for FUNCTION 2. The password is canceled if it is [0] , the value entered is accepted as password if the value is [other]. 0 – 9999 P25 F3 Password Password protection for FUNCTION 3. The password is canceled if it is [0] , the value entered is accepted as password if the value is [other]. 0 – 9999 ERROR MESSAGES It is displayed when the EMERGENCY STOP input is open contact. It is not permitted for MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC operation. It is displayed when the ACTUAL positioning value reaches the value can not fit to the screen. To delete this message MECHANICAL RESET must be done. (see 6. MECHANICAL RESET) It is displayed and when the MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATIC or AUTOMATIC operation request came if parameters determined as P00 [0] or P01[0] and is not permitted for movement. It is displayed and is not permitted for movement if there is no movement for 2 sec. although when the MANUAL, SEMIAUTOMATIC or AUTOMATIC operation request came. It is displayed and is not permitted for movement if the ACTUAL positioning value is exceed to limits which is in movement direction (P14 or P15) as determined hardware limits (P16 or P17) as in the MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATIC or AUTOMATIC operation. In the case of SEMI-AUTOMATIC or AUTOMATIC operation, it is displayed and waits for pressing to the STOP button if the ACTUAL positioning value according to the SET value is realised out of tolerance. (P09) When the START button is pressed in the case of SEMI-AUTOMATIC or AUTOMATIC operation, If approaching from backward; i if (SET – P04) < (P14) or ii if (SET + P12) > (P15) than it’s displayed and is not permitted to START process. If approaching from forward; i if (SET) < (P14) or ii if (SET + P04) > (P15) or iii if (SET + P12) > (P15) than it’s displayed and is not permitted to START process. It is displayed and not permitted for SAVING when a NEW PROGRAM SAVE request came if the permanent memory is full. (max. 50 PROGRAMS) It is displayed and not permitted to CALL or DELETE process when a CALL or DELETE from memory request came if the PROGRAM NO is not SAVED on the memory. It is displayed and not permitted for SAVING when a SAVE to memory request came if the PROG NO is belong to the other PROGRAM, saved to the memory before. It is displayed and not permitted for process during process related to the permanent memory if the PROG NO is 0 or F2 is not selected. It is displayed and not permitted to ADD and INSERT process when a NEW STEP ADD or INSERT to the temporary STEP memory request came if the temporary STEP memory is full. (max. 20 STEPS per PROGRAM) It is displayed and not permitted to DELETE process when a DELETE STEP from temporary memory request came if the number of STEP belongs to related PROGRAM is one. It is displayed and not permitted to ADD or DELETE process when a DELETE or ADD STEP from temporary memory request came if the F2 is not selected. Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 16/17 ENC100M Assistência Técnica Especializada 15. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION Visite nosso site em ENC100M-Portugues.V1.2 Elaboração R&J Maquinas 17/17