the Brown Club of Rhode Island!


the Brown Club of Rhode Island!
Welcome to the Brown Club of Rhode Island!
It’s a new year and we have some exciting changes to announce. This year, all
Brown University alumni who live in the Rhode Island area are automatically
members of the Brown Club of Rhode Island — no dues required! All members
will receive notice of Club events by e-mail and by checking our website,
In addition, we have created a new category of Premium Membership. Now,
your dues payment of $25 (or more if you’d like!) will, in its entirety, support
The Jean and Francis Madeira Award, given annually by BCRI to a graduating
senior who has majored in music and plans to continue her or his studies in
the field. Donors will receive personal notification of all regular club events,
a private reception with the Madeira recipient (or similar recognition event), early
notice of events where attendance is limited, and complimentary admission to
the Club’s annual Christmas reception. Not to mention the heartfelt gratitude
of BCRI and Brown’s Department of Music! This program will continue our
special relationship with the Department of Music, built over the last 40 years.
Please consider becoming a Premium Member
and support the Madeira Award!
Please make check payable to Brown Club of Rhode Island
and mail it with the form below to:
Brown Club of Rhode Island
c/o John Andrews ’53 Membership Chair
51 Belcourt Avenue North Providence, RI 02911-3214
or join online at
Questions? Call John Andrews — home phone (401) 353-1645
cell (401) 932-3087 or send an e-mail to [email protected]
BCRI Premium Membership Application 2007 – 08
Name(s) and class year(s)
All first year graduates automatically receive Premium Membership status. All
Brown alumni, friends, and relatives are elegible to become Premium BCRI Members.
If you do not have access to a computer and do not wish to become a Premium
Member, please send in the membership application with your contact information
and we’ll be sure to keep you apprised of upcoming events.
Phone: Evening
I look forward to seeing all of you at Club events in the near future.
Ever True,
Daniel S. Harrop ’76, ’79 MD
BCRI President, 2007-2008
BCRI Executive Board 2007–2008:
Dr. Daniel S. Harrop ’76 President
Gail Solomon ’76 First Vice President
David Hammarstrom ’89 Second Vice President
Diane Scott ’75 Secretary
Kevin Tracy ’85 Treasurer
John Andrews ’53 Membership Chair
Dr. Ann M. Galligan ’77
Ginny Tortolani McQueen ’81
Jeffrey Schreck ’73
My /our Premium Member Dues of $25 per person is enclosed
I/ we are enclosing an additional contribution to the Madeira Award Scholarship Fund
in the amount of $ ___________________________
I/ we do not wish to become Premium Members and do not have access to e-mail or the web.
Please notify me/us of upcoming events.
Are you interested in becoming a member of the BCRI Board of Directors? Have an idea for a
Brown Club program or event? Please check this box and we’ll contact you.