項目詳細信息 Detalhes de Projeto
項目詳細信息 Detalhes de Projeto
項目詳細信息 Detalhes de Projeto 檔案編號 No. de Arquivo 申請實體 Entidade Requerente 項目負責人 Responsáve l de Projeto 項目名稱 Designação de Projeto 019/2007/A 澳門大學 王百鍵 基於數據及指定值對汽車動力性能 建模及優化 The automotive engine dynamic performance usually refers to engine torque response and engine time-dependent performance which are significantly affected by the setup of control parameters in the electronic control unit (ECU). The performance model of a modern automotive engine is a complex multi-variable function, so it is very difficult to be found. Moreover, the performance model is also engine dependent. Current practice of ECU tune-up relies on the experience of the automotive engineer. The ECU tune-up is usually done by trial-and-error method. Obviously the current practice costs a large amount of time and money. The problem can be solved by developing a mathematical engine model and computer optimizer for engine setup optimization. This report presents 項目摘要 an investigation on a novel least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM) plus data Sumário de preprocessing techniques, such as committee machines, nonlinear regression and kernel Projeto principal components analysis, for modeling of engine dynamic performance under numerical and nominal data. Direct search techniques, such as Genetic algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization, are then applied to the engine models built in order to automatically determine the optimal ECU setup subject to user-specific constraints. All of the above techniques mentioned are emerging artificial intelligence techniques. As the topic of engine dynamic performance tune-up is very wide, this project only studied the problems of engine torque & power performance and idle-speed performance under different operating & environmental conditions and user-defined constraints. Experimental results show that the LS-SVM, data preprocessing and optimization techniques can successfully produce optimal automotive engine performance. 結果類型 Tipo de Resultado 主要完成者 結果名稱 結果說明 Designação de Resultado Agente Principal Explicação de Resultado 結果被引 用或收 錄情況 Situação de Citação ou Inclusão de Resultado Referred international journal paper Automotive Engine Idle Speed Control Optimization Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithm P.K. Wong, L.M. Tam, K. Li, H.C. Wong International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, Vol.1, No. 4, pp. 598-616, 2008 Referred international journal paper Data Preprocessing and Modelling of Electronically-Controlle d Automotive Engine Power Performance using Kernel Principal Components Analysis and Least-Square Support Vector Machines Engine Idle-speed System Modelling and Control Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence Pak Kin Wong, Chi Man Vong, Lap Mou Tam, Ke Li International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol.3, No.4, pp.312-330, 2008. P.K. Wong, L.M. Tam, K. Li, C.M. Vong Referred international journal paper Case-based Adaptation for Automotive Engine Electronic Control Unit Calibration Chi man Vong, Pak kin Wong Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 224, No.1, pp.55-72, 2010. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp.3184-3194, 2010. Referred international journal paper Compensation Map Calibration of Engine Management Systems using Bio-inspired Computing Pak Kin Wong, C.M. Vong Regional conference paper Prediction of Car Engine Brake Specific Fuel Consumption Using Support Vector Machines Engine Idle Speed System Calibration and Optimization Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithm Wong Pak-kin Referred international journal paper International conference paper International conference paper International conference paper International conference paper Li Ke, Wong Pak-kin, Tam, Lap-mou, H. C. Wong A Study on Online LS-SVM for Modeling of Electronically-controlled Automotive Engine Performance Incremental Modelling of Automotive Engine Performance using LS-SVM Chi-man VONG, Pak-kin WONG, Ke LI, Rui ZHANG Modelling and Prediction of Spark-ignition Engine Power Performance using Incremental Least Squares Support Vector Machines P. K. WONG, Chi-man Vong, H. C. WONG Ke Li C.M. Vong, P.K. Wong, R. Zhang Journal of Algorithms in Cognition, Informatics and Logic, Special Issue on Bio-inspired Computing: Theory and Applications, 2009. China, Written-paper, 14th China Symposium on Information Theory, Dec. 2007. Germany, Oral and poster presentation, International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA) 32nd World Automotive Congress, Sept. 2008. Japan, Oral presentation, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, 6-9 Oct., 2008. China, Oral presentation, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, China, 22-25th June 2009. Hong Kong-Macau, Oral presentation, 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics and 12th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, 30th Nov.-3rd Dec., 2009. 人才培養 數目 博士或以上 Doutor ou mais 碩士 Mestrado 學士或以下 Licenciado ou menos 1 2 3 Número de Formação de Pessoais 研究結果 Resultado de Estudo 樣品 Amostra 成品 Obra Concluída 產品 Produto - - - *註︰ *Obs.: (1) 由於申報獎勵、發表著作和申請專利需時,此項目可能還有一些成果未被列出,科學技術 發展基金將在收到新的成果資料後,進行更新。 (1) Devido à necessidade de tempo para processar a publicação de obra e os requerimentos dos prémios e de patente, alguns resultados podem ser não mostrados imediatamente na tabela, porém o Fundo irá atualizar as informações de resultado após o seu recebimento. (2) 如希望瞭解更多本項目的信息,可直接或透過科學技術發展基金聯繫申請實體。 (2) Para mais informações, pode contactar diretamente com a entidade do requerimento ou através do Fundo para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências e da Tecnologia.
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