wsg latin american regional meeting
wsg latin american regional meeting
WSG LATIN AMERICAN REGIONAL MEETING Challenging Times: Growth and the New Structure of the Firms Moderator: Ramón Ignacio Moyano Partner, Estudio Beccar Varela Panelists: Fernando C. Alonso Partner, Hunton & Williams LLP Pablo Peschiera Managing Partner, Define Consultoría S.A. Jose E. Quiñones Managing Partner, Quiñones, Ibargüen & Luján & Mata, S.C. Ronaldo C. Veirano Founding Partner, Veirano Advogados Path to Partnership Hunton & Williams Equity Partner (Levels) Equity Partner Non-Equity Partner Counsel (Indefinite duration/ contract ) Counsel Other firm Associates – 8 to 9 years of practice Associate Retention Jose E. Quinones Guatemala SIMPLIFIED STRUCTURE Team Leader (Partner) Corporate, M&A, Tax & Financing Structures Associate Assistant Team Leader (Partner) Corporate & Financing Associate Assistant Team Leader (Partner) Corporate & Electricity Associate Assistant Assistant Associate Assistant Associate Assistant Assistant Team Leader (Partner) Arbitration & Litigation Associate Associate Assistant Team Leader (Partner) Labour Law Assistant Assistant Associate Assistant Assistant Associate Assistant Assistant Associate Assistant ASSOCIATE ISSUES Correct allocation of business risk Significance of Corporate Culture Nudge with compensation packages, practice areas, specialty clients, flexible schedules Flexible compensation structures as a mean for customization of individual situations Managing apparent hurdles like Gender Polarization Overall trends in evaluation of personal success Direct Economic Comparisons Vs. Overall happiness Research in Hapiness New approaches to “Well-being“ PARTNERSHIP CONSIDERATIONS Win / Lose decision process vs. career alternatives Adapting to different requirements, involves revisiting the business model? Stripping of Partnership Benefits & Obligations 24/04/2012 Challenging Times: Growth and the New Structure of the Firms Define’s Case Agenda Our Business Ownership Structure Organization structure Distribution of Benefits Our Business Six Lines of Business Management Consulting Define Consultoría 1997 Financial Advisory Economic Research Define is a group of three professional services companies Define Servicios 2010 Dirige 2000 Accounting and Administration Services Supervision and Control Services Company and Asset Liquidation 13 Ownership Structure Transition Process Partners were admitted early on Some partners were not up to the challenge The target is to Share risks and rewards across business lines Motivate cross selling and synergies The founder needs to make room for younger partners Founder Define Holding Partners Define Consultoría Define Servicios Dirige Partners Define Consultoría Transition Define Servicios Dirige 14 Organization Structure Structure and Career Paths Partners Board Retaining young talent Continuos learning Compensation Professional growth Flexibility Retirement: no policy yet The founder will be the first to retire Managing Director Consulting Director Accounting Director Supervision Director Liquidation Director Project Manager CPA Project Supervisor Assistants Consultant Sr. & Jr. Accounting Assistant Analyst Analyst 15 Distribution of Benefits Criteria for Distribution of Benefits Short term motivation Alignment of long term interests Potential for developing the business The challenge is to balance short term motivation with long term interests Commercial drive to build client base Innovation and service development 16 Distribution of Benefits Short Term Motivation Salary Originating Bonus Cash Bonuses The challenge is to balance short term motivation with long term interests 5 – 10% of fees Execution Bonus We calculate the contribution margin for each project Part of this margin is paid in cash and shared by the Project Manager with the project team members We keep a “current account “ of the managers’ projects Bonuses are paid monthly or at the end of the project 17 Distribution of Benefits Alignment of Long Term Interests Compensation in stock We expect associates and partners to “bet” on the growth of the company and long term value generation The founder gave stock to partners / associates based on Individual performance and contribution to growth The employee’s long term potential of for developing the business We are currently implementing a profit sharing scheme by which The Execution Bonus paid in cash is caped at a % of the project income The excess over the cap is paid in stock to the manager / associate at the end of the year 18 HOJE GOVERNANÇA CORPORATIVA PLENÁRIA DE SÓCIOS Elege e destitui sócios de capital; Elege Conselho de Administração; Aprova alterações na estrutura organizacional; Aprova contas semestralmente. CONSELHO DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO Aprova o plano estratégico e o orçamento semestral; escolhe o CEO e aprova os demais gestores; avalia a performance dos gestores; interage com o Conselho Consultivo e recomenda candidatos a sociedade de capital. COMITÊ GESTOR Elabora e executa o plano estratégico e o orçamento; coordena a avaliação dos advogados; define a distribuição de bônus; foca na rentabilidade e produtividade através do aumento de receita e redução de custos. CONSELHO CONSULTIVO Avalia e aconselha sobre as diretrizes do negócio. Os conselheiros não podem ser clientes do Veirano. SISTEMA ORGANIZACIONAL Sócio Gestor Finanças Marketing Práticas Jurídicas RH e Administração Tecnologia da Informação Sócio Gestor e de Finanças | Pedro Freitas Gestor de Marketing | Otavio Carneiro Gestor de Práticas Jurídicas | Ricardo Veirano Gestora de RH e Adm | Kristie Vasconcelos Gestora de TI | Tânia Maria Sales PRÁTICAS JURÍDICAS Video: How to Make Work – Life Balance Work