@) Dloni1or This is a stereophonic recording and should be played only with cartridges designed for stereophonic reproduction. For the care of this record check your needle periodically, store away from heat, and wipe with a damp cloth before playing. For playback on wide-range equipment use the RIAA curve . MFS 454 STEREOPHONIC RECoRDINGS I ALSO MONAURAL: MF 454 VALENTINA FELIX One of Lisbon's youngest professional fadistas, Valentma Felix has an 'enviable reputation as performer and recording ar·tist. Born in the southernmost province of Algarve, Valentina began her singing career at ,the age of 17 as a vocalist with a jazz group and several years later she turned to fado singing. She has recorded two longplaying records for Monitor: "Petticoats of POrtugal" and "Cancao do Mar", JOSE BOR.GES A native of Lisbon, Jos~ Borges began singing as a hobby, then took part in a contest which he won. That event launched him ·b oth as a singer and an authorcomposer. Jose is best known for his interpretations of the Coimbra style fado. PLINIO SERGIO Born in Barreiro, a small town near Lisbon, Plinio Sergio has been a professional singer since 1951 and has made numerous appearances on Portuguese TV and radio. He specializes in singing the ~os of Coirobra. SID E TWO: SIDE ONE: 1. A AGUA DA FONTE E LOUCA FADOS OF COIMBRA Coimbra is the third largest city in Portugal and is located in the north central par.t of the country. It is the home of the University of Coimbra and the flavor and character of a university town is apparent. The river Mondego runs through the city and on the banks are groups of poplar trees (choupal ). The white and pastel houses cling .tQ the hills over the river and the University clock tower dominates the setting. Old university towns are the product of the ripening experience of successive waves of youthful vigor and Coimbra is especially cognizant and proud of its heritage and status. Its University is the second oldest in Europe and its moods are often expressed in the Fados of Coimbra, those melancholy "saudades" heard on this recording. For the listener interested in add itional singing from Coimbra, a recording has been released of the Coimbra Orfeon (Chorus) consisting of the 80-voice all male chorus of the University of Coimbra. OTHER PORTUGUESE MUSIC ON 1. The Water Of The Fountain Is Mad Vocal: Jose Borges 2. MENINA E M~A 2. FADO CORRIDO DE COIMBRA 3. 5. 6. DOCE ENTENDIMENTO MF ~~~::gU~~~ ~~:aQrr~t~S ~o~~~s~~; F~~oMC~~~i~~; PORTUGUESE HITS : Sou Do Povo, Fado Trin cheiras, Compina De Portugal , Belos Tempos, Men ina Do Res Do Chao, Eh Po Do Fado, Ch ico Do Cochene, Cino Ba irros, Ciganito, Brincodelfas Do Destlna, Beijo Empresta do, A Minho Apresen tacoo Barco Negro, COlmbro , Sobe·Se La ; Tendlnho ; La Val LISboo , Que Deus Me PerdOe ; Lisboa Ant igo ; Amallo . Stereo ; MFS 442 . 449 FERNANDO FARINHA SINGS HIS • Dloni1or ~c::::a tIJ4' z~~ O . cncnr;:l ,. VIRA DE COIMBRA Si2~ Vira of Coimbra Vocal: Valentina Felix g :z ::::~...,, o~~ '" ~ HIGH FIDELITY AND STEREOPHONIC RECORDS MF 437 CHRISTMAS IN PORTUGAL. Notal No Meu Lor; Cancoo 0. Notal; 0 Que Quer Olur Notal; Pres.eplo; Nolte 0. Notal; Notal 8elroo; Sinos 0. Notal ; Notal Albencooclo; Nolte 0. Notal No Serra; Nota l Do Amar; Notal No AIE Notal. Sung by : Manuel Fernandes, Soudode Dos t'rve; STUll MF 425 FERNANDA MARIA - FAOISTAI E Festa, E Fe$lo , Umo Historio ; Velho T ipoio, 8o/rro Amodo; Fodo Dos Tourodas; Progos; Fodo Corridinno; Soudode, Canto Cormgo; Sonho; Rec:ordococ; Fodo Do Perdicoo, Fodos E Tolras. Portuguese text Included. Stereo ~ MFS 425 ~~~,~~k, J':ge,CL:"~OOGom~':oll~~'ria~~= MF 406 FADOS OF PORTUGAL Performed by Moria Do Espirito Sonto and Manuel Fernandes. A Coneoo Do Emi gronte, Trovo Eterna , Eu Jo Noo 5. 1; Moria 00 Mor, Fodo Hilaria; Duos Polovras, Coslela Sronco, Noo Te Digo,' QueilO Soloia, Nem As Paredes Confesso, Morcho Dos Nomar ados; Moldicoo Porluguese text Included Sler.a MFS 406 Tonkho, and Vktor Moreira. Stereo : MFS 437. STEREO STElE' PETTleOATS OF PORTU GAL VALEnTIn A FELIX SONG OF THE SEA AND OTHER PORl\.IGUESE SONGS MF 396 FERNANDA MARIA Llsboo 8011"'10, Conde.o , Boirr05 Ot Llsboo; FICO Sobendo Fodo e l.sboo, Ele Zongou. se Com'9CI, Velko Tendlnko , Pregoes de l,sboo , Canoe de Vela Broneo, Corocoes LOUC05, Porq~ Ie Quero, Fodo dos Mogoas. Portuguese text included. Stereo : MFS 396. II ~ Sweet Understanding 4. MENINO DO BAIRRO NEGIii Vocal: Plinio Sergio Little Boy Of The Dark Tenement CANCAO DUMA TRICANA Vocal: Jose Borges Song tH A "T rincana" 5. FADO HILARIO (Note : A "trincana" is a girl born in Coimbra. Vocal: Valentina Felix Vocal: Valentina Felix RAINHA SANTA (Desgarradas Em Coimbra) 6. VI A AMELIA Queen Saint (Desgarradas In Coimbra) I Saw Amelia Vocal: Jose Borges Vocal: Plinio Sergio TRIO de GUITARRAS de FONTES ROCHA PRINTED IN U. S. A. $T[~E' MF "'21 CANCAO 00 MAR Song of the Sea and other Portuguese Song, sung by VALENTINA FELIX Ace r", Coneoo Do Mar , Sou FodlstO, Slm Sennar, Notal Em Portugal , Manll'IQ5 Vamos 0 Vlro , A Rue Dos MeV!; Clumes , llSboo, Alfoma , Ro",ko Sonia , Jordlm A Belro Mar, Doneo A " 810 " MoIS 0 " Ble", Fodo T.....st Portuguese text ", . eluded Stereo MFS 421 Th~..,.. MENINO D'OIRO STEIEI MF 442 AMALIA RODRIGUES : Umo Coso Portu - I TUA BOCA DIZ-ME C~ Golden Baby Vocal: Plinio Sergio Vocal: Valentina Felix 4. ::::jZ::O : ::I:C-y, Your Mouth Tells Me Vocal: Jose Borges Girl And Damsel Vocal: Plinio Sergio 3. cn s:=- MF 393 LISBON BY NIGHT A Se\lera, Vol. 2. Performed by Mono Jose Do Guio, Valentina Fel ix, Jose Borges, Isabel 511\10, Alfredo Duarte, Jr., Alice Moria Concelcao, With The Contores de Po rtugal Ensemble PrOia -Mar do Nazare , Fado Part iu; Tem Tento, Nao Tentes , Anlnhos; Can tares do Madeira , Almo d~ Rlbotelo; Nem Tudo Mandaste, Sem Razao; Crlei -me no Malandragem ; Songue Tourelfo , Meloches do Algarve Stereo " MF 391 PETTICOATS OF PORTUGAL Popular Portuguese Songs Performed by Valentino Felix With the Canto res de Portugal Ensemble llsboo Antigo , Mar Eterna, Contc a Fodo , 0 Nosso Viro , Noo e Nao; lisboa e lindo , Petticoats of Portugal (SolOS de Nazare l , Barco Negro ; April In Po rtugal IFod~ Co lmbro ), Copos Negros 00 luar ; Baile dos Quintolinhos , Morcho dos Centenarios. Po rtu guese text included, Stereo MF5 391. MF 374 APRIL IN PORTUGAL An E\lenlng " A Severo" Performed by Marla Jose Do GUla , Valentino Felix Concelcoo Fade COlmbro , Borrete Verde ; Urna Coso Portuguese , Canto res do Mln no; Rosas Broncos , Marcho de A Se\lera , Borcos do Tejo; Fodo Nosse; Modrogoo , 010 Vem do Mar; Vorinas, Noi\los do Mar , Desgorrodo Stereo ' MFS 374. MFS 393 For Complete Catalog "Music of the World" write MONITOR RECORDS - 156 Fifth Avenue , New York, N. Y. 100 10