Feb 23 to Mar 4 2016
Feb 23 to Mar 4 2016
3RD. SUNDAY OF LENT/3º DOMINGO DA QUARESMA 2ND. SUNDAY OF LENT /2º DOMINGO DA QUARESMA MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA February 23 – 26 de Fevereiro, 2016 Terça-feira, 1 de Março – 7:00 pm Altino Resendes – Esposa Agostinho e Marquinha de Melo – L. Medeiros Maria Pimentel – Natália Lopes e Família David Soares – Esposa Terça-feira, 23 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm Altino Resendes – Esposa Afonso Amaral, avós e Padrinho – Pais Familiares falecidos de João e Irene Morais Pais de David Soares Wednesday, March 2 – 7:00 pm Domingos Costa – Family Diamantina Medeiros e Jacinto Moniz – J. Umbelina Manuel Resendes – Natália Medeiros Delfina Fernandes – Natália Medeiros Wednesday, February 24 – 7:00 pm Maria Costa & Parents – Celestino Costa António Junipero & Family – O. Borges Manuel e Maria de Deus de Melo – Family Maria Camara – Gil & Connie Brandao Quinta-feira, 3 de Março – 7:00 pm João Albernaz Júnior – M. Rebelo Manuel Cadete e Pais – Esposa Álvaro Almeida – Esposa José e Maria da Silva – Donna Jarvis Quinta-feira, 25 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm Evangelino Marques Ventura – Manuel Ventura Dorvalina de Medeiros – Salomé Almeida Décio Frada e Pe. Marcelino – M. Frada Irmãos de Maria R. da Silva First Friday, March 4 – 9:30 am António Marques – Pasqua Di Cicco Dolores Silva – CWL Purgatory Souls Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Exposição do Santíssimo Friday, February 26 - 9:30 am António Marques – Guerino & Loreta Di Cicco Purgatory Souls Francisco Medeiros Mendonça – Lúcia da Silva Fernando & Maria Borges – O. Borges 6:30 pm – Bênção do Santíssimo 7:00 pm – Missa em Português Familiares de Eduarda Resendes Manuel Cabral Teves – Esposa Elias Cardoso - Esposa José Pinheiro dos Santos - Esposa Sábado / Saturday, February 27, 2016 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Domingo / Sunday, February 28, 2016 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass Sábado/ Saturday, March 5, 2016 6:00 pm – Missa em Português READINGS THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT First Reading: Exodus 3: 1-8a, 13-15 Gospel: Luke 13: 1-9 Second Reading: o1 Corinthians 10: 1-6, 10-12 First Reading: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Second Reading 2 Corinthians 5: 17-21 Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 SACRAMENTS -2016 Confirmation Sunday May 29th @ 2:00pm MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA March 1 – 4 de Março, 2016 First Communion Sunday April 3rd. @ 2:00pm Reconciliation: Sat. Apr 2nd ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (February collection= $575.00) Holy Cross parishioners thank you for your generosity towards St. Vincent de Paul every 2nd weekend of the month. Who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord! Holy Cross SVDP conference R.C.I.A. Please keep in your prayers our Catechumen candidates Brooke and Meighen as they journey into being received in full communion into the Catholic faith. FUNDRAISER (Malassadas/Elephant Ears) Thank you to all of those who donated and purchased the elephant ears to raise funds for our Building fund. Total profit = $2630.00. Many blessings for all of you! Letter from Bishop Fabbro RE: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide A letter from Bishop Fabbro to the faithful of the Diocese of London regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide, can be found on the table besides the elevator… please help yourself to a copy. All resources noted in the letter will be accessible on www.dol.ca. Domingo/ Sunday, March 6, 2016 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass OFFERTORY COLLECTION /COLECTA DO OFERTÓRIO Nossa Gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé! Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith! February 6 – 7 de Fevereiro...............................................................$3,392.00 February 13 – 14 de Fevereiro...........................................................$1,740.00 LENTEN SEASON Via – Sacra Terças e Quartas-feiras (6:00pm) Stations of the Cross Tuesdays – Wednesdays Fev 23 – Romeiros & Grupo 60+ Feb 24 – St. Vincent de Paul / Parish Council / Finance Committee Março 1 – Ministros da Eucaristia (Português) March 2 – English Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of the Word Março 8 – Grupo de Oração March 9 – All Day Confessions, no Stations of the Cross Março 15 – Corais Portugueses March 16 – Why Catholic Parish Team and Leaders Março 22 – Via – Sacra Paroquial Solene (Ministros da Palavra) (7 pm) March 23 - Solemn English (Tableau) Youth (7 pm) (Day of Reconciliation for the Diocese of London) Wednesday - March 9 There will be no Mass this day! Our schedule is as follows: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm 7:00 pm – end YOUTH- LENTEN FISH FRY (Friday February 26th) The youth group of our parish is organizing a lenten fish fry; scheduled for Friday February 26th between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Take out will also be available. Adults $10 children $8. Tickets available after mass and through the office. Profits supporting the World Youth Day pilgrimage. YOUTH - BOWLING NIGHT! (March 12th) You are invited to come out with your family and join us for a Fun and Enjoyable Night f bowling, supporting the Youth group of our Parish! Date: Saturday March 12th (Tickets will be available after mass next weekend) Where: Bowlarama On Thompson Road. Price: $10 per person (includes the shoe rental and 2 hours of bowling) 7-9 pm YOUTH – SOCIAL SWEETS & COFFEE! (Feb 27 & 28th) The Youth Group reminds all parishioners that they are invited for a complimentary coffee after all masses on February 27th and 28th in the church hall. THE LENTEN JOURNEY – PARISH RETREAT (Saturday March 5) We are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during these holy days of Lent. The Lenten journey of forty days calls us to prepare ourselves for the task of reflecting on the meaning of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. To better prepare us for this journey we invite you to participate in our Parish Lenten retreat to be held on the above date. All are welcome! THE LIVING ROSARY/SCHOOLS PROGRAM To pray the Rosary with students in their classroom is a special way to energize your Lenten journey and beyond. We are seeking parishioners who know and love the Rosary and would like to share this devotion with young students. Only two hours of your time once a month. Our Lady needs your help to pass on this powerful tradition of our Catholic faith. Training is provided. Please call Rosemarie & Terry Lyng 519-473-3445 FUNDOS PARA A IGREJA / Malassadas Um sincero Obrigado a todos que contribuíram com a venda das MALASSADAS para o building fund conseguimos o total de $2630.00. Que Deus os abençoe! RETIRO QUARESMAL (Sábado 27 de Fevereiro) A Quaresma é tempo para nos virarmos para Deus. Reflectimos, de um modo especial, sobre o que Deus tem feito por nós, e como nos mostrou o Seu amor ao longo da vida – sobretudo através do sofrimento, morte e ressurreição do seu Filho, Jesus Cristo. Convidamos os paroquianos a participar no retiro Quaresmal de preparacao orientado pelo Pe. José Seminati. Sábado dia 27 de Fevereiro iniciando à 1pm da tarde até às 5 da tarde. Ligue para a paróquia para se inscrever ou com o Conselho Pastoral. ROMARIA – 2016 Como todos os anos a romaria da Paroquia sairá na sexta-feira santa para sua caminhada de fé. Quem quiser participar da romaria compareça para a reunião de preparação iniciando no Sábado 27 de Fevereiro após a missa. (DIA DE RECONCILIAÇÃO DIOCESE DE LONDON) QUARTA – FEIRA, 9 DE MARÇO Não haverá Missa neste dia! O horário da nossa Paróquia para as confissões é o seguinte: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm 7:00 pm – até terminar FLORES PARA A PÁSCOA Pedimos a todos que queiram contribuir para as flores da Páscoa que podem entregar seus donativos à D. Ilusinda Simões ou no escritório da Paróquia.
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Nossa Gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé! Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith! February 21 – 22 de Fevereiro............................
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