CURRICULUM VITÆ 1 Personal information 2 Academic degrees


CURRICULUM VITÆ 1 Personal information 2 Academic degrees
Personal information
• Name: Sandra Isabel Pinto Mogo
• Parents: Viriato do Carmo Mogo
Palmira dos Santos Pinto
• Address: Rua da República, 1B, Borralheira, 6200 Covilhã, Portugal
• Date of birth: 30.09.74
• Identity card ner : 10224987
• Nacionality: Portuguese
• Contact:
– Universidade da Beira Interior, Departamento de Fı́sica, Rua Marquês d’Ávila e Bolama, 6200 Covilhã, Portugal
– Telef.: 351-(275)319703
– Fax: 351-(275)319719
– e-mail: [email protected]
– Web page:
Academic degrees & awards
• Licence Degree in Applied Physics – Optics (specialization on Optometry):
between 1992/93 and 1996/97 with final mark of 14.
• Tests on Pedagogical Aptitude and Cientific Capacity (equivalent to M.Sc.
Degree) in September 2000 with classification of Very Good.
• Ph.D. in Physics, April 2006, University of Beira Interior.
• Teaching Aggregation, April 2015, University of Lisbon.
• University of Beira Interior prize to the best finalist student on the Licence
Degree in Applied Physics of the year 1996/97.
Actual situation
• Assistant Professor on the University of Beira Interior since May 2011,
with Teaching Aggregation since April 2015.
• Researcher in the Group of Atmospheric Optics, Department of Optics and
Applied Physics of the Faculty of Sciences — University of Valladolid.
• Researcher in the Geophysical Center of the University of Lisbon.
Previous situation
• 1997 - Technician (Superior Level) on the Geografical Information Center
of the University of Beira Interior.
• 1997 - 2000: Assistant-trainee (equivalent to a junior teaching assistant)on
the University of Beira Interior.
• 2001 - 2006: Assistant Lecturer on the University of Beira Interior.
• 2006 - 2011: Assistant Professor (experimental period) on the University
of Beira Interior.
Courses imparted
• Optical Instrumentation I;
• Optical Instrumentation II;
• Optics II (practical classes);
• Ocular Geometric Optics;
• Technology of Ocular Optics;
• Physics III (Electromagnetism) (practical classes);
• Visual Perception I;
• Visual Perception II;
• Optometric Analysis;
• Optometry Fundamentals;
• Optometry I;
• Optometry II;
• Optometry III;
• Seminary (seminaries supervisor on several areas of the Optics and Optometry);
• Practical Training (practical trainings supervisor on Optometry).
Disciplinas de mestrado (2nd Cycle Degree) leccionadas
• Desenho de Elementos Opticos.
Responsavel pelos seguintes modulos de disciplinas de mestrado (2nd Cycle Degree):
• Anamnesis;
• Refraction;
• Light sources;
• Optical materials for eye protection;
• Lenses and filters.
Working books for students
1. Smirnov,A., Mogo,S., Optical System Quality Assessment, 1996.
2. Smirnov,A., Mogo,S., Optical Systems Calculation - Manual de Trabalhos
de Laboratório, 1996.
3. Mogo,S., Optometry I - Notes, February 2001.
4. Mogo,S., Optometry I - Practical Classes, February 2001.
5. Mogo,S., Notes of Optometry I, January 2003.
1. Apontamentos de apoio à disciplina de Fundamentos de Optometria;
2. Apresentações de apoio às disciplinas de Análise Optométrica, Percepção
Visual I, Percepção Visual II;
3. Fichas de exercı́cios de apoio às disciplinas de Percepção Visual I, Percepção Visual II, Óptica Geométrica Ocular;
4. Protocolos de apoio aos laboratórios de Óptica e Instrumentação I, Óptica
e Instrumentação II, Percepção Visual I, Percepção Visual II, Óptica
Geométrica Ocular, Desenho de Elementos Ópticos.
• Thesis:
1. Licence Monography: “Stereopsy”, 1997.
2. Tests on Scientific Capacity (equivalent to M.Sc. Thesis): “Production of aberration-corrected holographic concave diffraction gratings”, 2000.
3. Ph.D. thesis: “Optical methods for the measurement of absorption
by atmospheric aerosols”, 2006.
• Proceedings:
1. A.Smirnov, S.Mogo. Avaliação de Sistemas Ópticos (no curso de
graduação de Óptica Aplicada). Fı́sica 96, Faro, 13/17 de Setembro,
2. S.Mogo, A.Smirnov. Processamento Óptico de Imagens no CTIG. II
Simpósio Internacional de Optometria, Contactologia e Óptica (XIII
Congresso da UPOOP / V Congresso do NEFAO). Universidade da
Beira Interior, Covilhã, 22-24 de Maio, 1998.
3. J.Maciejewska, S.Mogo. Glaucoma de Pressão Normal. II Simpósio
Internacional de Optometria, Contactologia e Óptica (XIII Congresso
da UPOOP / V Congresso do NEFAO). Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, 22-24 de Maio, 1998.
4. A.Smirnov, J.P.Carvalho, S.Mogo. Probability of Obtaining Optical Satellite Images in Ecological Emergency Situation. 27th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, ISRSE
Proceedings, pp.766-768, Norvegian Space Center, Tromso, Norway,
8-12 June, 1998.
5. E.Sokolova, S.Mogo, M.Hutley. Practical Recording of Holographic
Diffraction Gratings in Opposite Directed Beams. Diffractive Optics
and Micro-Optics (DOMO & OFT 2000), DOMO 2000 Technical
Digest, pp.118-119, Québec City, Canada, 18-22 June, 2000.
6. E.Sokolova, S.Mogo. Geometric Theory of Double Monochromator.
Astigmatism Consideration. 2nd International Conference on Optical
Design and Fabrication (ODF2000), ODF2000 Proceedings, pp.197200, Tokyo, Japan, November 15-17, 2000.
7. S.Mogo. Analysis of Protein Deposits in Contact Lenses by Fluorescence Spectroscopy. I Congresso Virtual de Óptica e Optometria.
España, 15 de Feverero, 2001.
8. E.Sokolova, S.Mogo. Optimization of the Wave Aberration of the
Diffraction Monochromator. SPIE’s 46th Annual Meeting, Proceedings of SPIE: Wave-Optical Systems Engineering, Vol.4436, pp.123129, San Diego, USA, 29 July - 3 August, 2001.
9. F.Molero, V.Cachorro, M.Pujadas, S.Mogo, M.Sorribas, J.A.Martı́nez-Lozano, L.Alados-Arboledas, J.Lorente, J.P.Dı́az, A.Labajo, J.
M.Vilaplana, B.De la Morena, J.A.Rodrigues, A.M.Silva, H.Horvath.
Characterization of a Saharan dust event during VELETA-2002 (Spain) Campaign. 22nd International Laser Radar Conference, Proceedings of the 22nd International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC2004),
ESA SP-561, Vol.I, pp.531-534, Matera, Italy, July 12-16, 2004.
10. S.Mogo, A.M. de Frutos, V.E.Cachorro. Comparison of filter based
measurements of visible light absorption by aerosols collected in Valladolid (Spain). European Aerosol Conference (EAC’2004), Journal
of Aerosol Science, Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference
2004, pp.S339-S340, Budapest, Hungary, September 6-10, 2004.
11. V.E.Cachorro, C.Toledano, A.M. de Frutos, S.Mogo, A.Berjón, M.Sorribas, J.M.Vilaplana, R.Vergaz and B.De LA Morena. KCICLO
correction method for the observed fictitious diurnal cycle of the aerosol optical depth. European Aerosol Conference (EAC’2004), Journal of Aerosol Science, Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference
2004, pp.S451-S452, Budapest, Hungary, September 6-10, 2004.
12. S.Mogo, V.E.Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analisys of the aerosol collected
over Valladolid (Spain) during 2003/2004 winter. 8th International
Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, 8ICCP
Proceedings, pp.124, Vienna, Austria, September 14-16, 2004.
13. M. Sorribas, V.E. Cachorro, S. Mogo, R. Fernández, F. Martinez,
J. de la Rosa, J.P. Bolı́var, A.M. de Frutos, B.A. de la Morena.
Estudio de los parámetros fı́sico-quı́micos de la contaminación por
aerosoles atmosféricos en Huelva. Semana de la Ciencia, Universidad
de Huelva, Huelva, España, 2004.
14. S.Mogo, V.Cachorro, M.Sorribas, A. de Frutos, J.Vilaplana, J. de
la Rosa, R. Fernández, B. de la Morena. UV-Visible light absorption
and size distribution of particulate matter collected in “El Arenosillo”
(Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, pp.08484, 2005.
15. S. Mogo, A. M. de Frutos, V. E. Cachorro. Determinação de coeficientes de absorção através de técnicas ópticas baseadas na recolha de
partı́culas sobre filtros. 5a Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia
e Geofı́sica, Sevilla, Espanha, 30 de Janeiro - 3 Fevereiro, 2006.
16. S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, A. M. de Frutos, M. Sorribas, J. de la
Rosa, C. Toledano, B. Torres, R. Rodrigo, A. M. Sánchez de la
Campa, J.M. Vilaplana, J. A. Adame, B. de la Morena. Campaña
experimental de estudio de los aerosoles atmosféricos “El Arenosillo: verano 2004” — resultados preliminares. 5a Assembleia LusoEspanhola de Geodesia e Geofı́sica, Sevilla, Espanha, 30 de Janeiro
- 3 Fevereiro, 2006.
17. J. de la Rosa, Ana M. Sánchez de la Campa, Y. González, M. Sorribas, S. Mogo, J.A. Adame, V. Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos, B. de la
Morena, J.P. Bolivar. Campaña experimental “El Arenosillo, Huelva:
verano 2004” — Niveles y composición quı́mica de PM10. 5a Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofı́sica, Sevilla, Espanha, 30
de Janeiro - 3 Fevereiro, 2006.
18. M. Sorribas, V. E. Cachorro, S. Mogo, A. M. de Frutos, B. de la
Morena. Caracterización general de la estación de monitorización de
propiedades de los aerosoles atmosféricos in situ en El Arenosillo. 5a
Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofı́sica, Sevilla, Espanha, 30 de Janeiro - 3 Fevereiro, 2006.
19. V. E. Cachorro, N. Prats, C. Toledano, M. Sorribas, S. Mogo, B.
Torres; R. Rodrigo, A. M. de Frutos, J. de la Rosa, A. M. Sánchez
de la Campa, J. A. Adame, J.M. Vilaplana, B. A. de la Morena,
J. P. Bolı́var. Caracterización de la intrusión Sahariana más fuerte
registrada por técnicas fotométricas en la Peninsula Ibérica. 5a Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofı́sica, Sevilla, Espanha,
30 de Janeiro - 3 Fevereiro, 2006.
20. S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, M. Sorribas, A. M. de Frutos, J. de la
Rosa, J. M. Vilaplana, B. de la Morena. The imaginary refractive index and black carbon levels of particulate matter collected in “El Arenosillo” (Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, pp.07380,
21. S. Mogo. (best oral presentation award)
GOA Aerosol Arctic Campaigns 2005-2006 — in situ measurements.
ALOMAR ARI (Access to Research Infrastructure) Users Meeting,
pp.19, Engelberg, Switzerland, May 20-23, 2006. (included in A. de
Frutos, E. Rodriguez, A. Berjon, A. Bastidas, N. Prats, S. Mogo, B.
Torres, P. Ortiz, C. Toledano, V. E. Cachorro. GOA Aerosol Arctic
Campaigns 2005-2006).
22. S. Mogo, M. Sorribas, V. E. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, J. de la Rosa.
Aerosol absorption properties during El Arenosillo 2004 summer campaign. Conference on Visibility, Aerosols, and Atmospheric Optics,
Vienna, Austria, 3rd-6th September, 2006.
23. V. E. Cachorro, N. Prats, S. Mogo, M. Sorribas, A. Berjón, B., A.M.
de Frutos , J. de la Rosa, N. Laulainen, B.A. de la Morena. Characterization of the aerosol columnar microphysical and radiative properties during “El Arenosillo 2004 summer campaign”. Conference
on Visibility, Aerosols, and Atmospheric Optics, Vienna, Austria,
3rd-6th September, 2006.
24. A. de Frutos, E. Rodriguez, A. Berjón, A. Bastidas, N. Prats, S.
Mogo, B. Torres, C. Toledano, P. Ortiz, V. E. Cachorro, M. Frioud, M. Gausa. Aerosol Arctic Campaign 2005 and 2006 at ALOMAR (Andenes, Norway). Conference on Visibility, Aerosols, and
Atmospheric Optics, Vienna, Austria, 3rd-6th September, 2006.
25. C. Toledano, V.E. Cachorro, P. Ortiz de Galisteo, A. de Frutos, E.
Rodrı́guez, A. Berjón, A. Bastidas, N. Prats, S.Mogo, B. Torres, M.
Gausa, M. Frioud, S. Blindheim, K. Stebel, C. Myhre, G. Hansen.
Propiedades de los aerosoles atmosféricos en ALOMAR (Noruega,
69◦ N, 16◦ E). VII Simposio Español de Estudios Polares, Libro de
Resúmenes, pp.341-344, Granada, España, 18-20 septiembre, 2006.
26. S. Mogo, A. M. de Frutos, V.E. Cachorro. Métodos ópticos para
determinación de la absorción por partı́culas: casos de Valladolid y El
Arenosillo. VIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica, Libro de Resúmenes,
pp.104, Alicante, España, 18-22 septiembre, 2006.
27. S. Mogo, M. Sorribas, V.E. Cachorro, C. Toledano, A.M. de Frutos.
Análisis de parámetros ópticos de aerosoles durante un fuerte episodio
de intrusión de polvo sahariano en la Penı́nsula Ibérica. VIII Reunión
Nacional de Óptica, Libro de Resúmenes, pp.105, Alicante, España,
18-22 septiembre, 2006.
28. A.J. Berjón, V.E. Cachorro, P.J. Zarco-Tejada, A.M. Frutos, S. Mogo. Monitoring Vegetation using QuickBird data with a Vegetation
Index through Radiative Transfer Simulation. RAQRS’II: 2nd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote
Sensing, Abstract book, pp.137, Torrent, Valencia, España, 25-29th
September, 2006.
29. S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, M. Sorribas. Determinação
por métodos ópticos de espectros de absorção da luz por partı́culas
aerossóis no intervalo 320-800 nm. APMG2007: 5o Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofı́sica da APMG / 8o Encontro Luso-Espanhol de
Meteorologia, Livro de Resumos, pp.90, Peniche, Portugal, 5 a 8 de
Fevereiro, 2007.
30. E. Rodrı́guez, M. Frioud, M. Gausa, P. Ortiz, S. Mogo, B. Torres, C. Toledano, A. Bastidas, A. Berjón, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos. Campañas del Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de la Universidad
de Valladolid (GOA-UVA) en el Ártico. I Congreso Nacional Sobre
Cambio Global, Abstracts, pp.46, Madrid, España, 25 al 27 de abril
de 2007.
31. K. Stebel, M. Frioud, C. Myhre, G. Hansen, M. Gausa, S. Mogo, E.
Rodriquez, A. de Frutos, V. Cachorro, J. Kristjansson. Aerosol optical properties obtained from troposheric lidar and sun photometer
measurements in 2005 and 2006 at Alomar (69◦ N, 16◦ E). The Earth
Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) Workshop,
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 7 to 9 May, 2007.
32. E. Rodrı́guez, M. Frioud, M. Gausa, K. Stebel, N. Prats, S. Mogo,
B. Torres, C. Toledano, A. Bastidas, A. Berjón, V. Cachorro, A. M.
de Frutos. Aerosol Optical properties of tropospheric aerosols from
Lidar and sun photometer measurements at ALOMAR (69N) in 2005
and 2006. IV Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America,
Ilha Bela, São Paulo, Brazil, June 17-23, 2007.
33. V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, B. de la Morena, A. Berjón, M. Sorribas,
C. Toledano, S. Mogo, N. Prats, E. Rodrı́guez, R. Rodrigo, J.F.
López, E. Montilla, B. Torres, J.P. Ortiz. Estudio de los aerosoles
atmosféricos por el GOA-UVA. RECTA- Primera Reunión Española
de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Aerosoles, Madrid, España, 5 y 6 de julio,
34. M. Sorribas, S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, J.F. López, N. Prats, E.
Montilla, B. Wehner, W. Birmili, A.M. Sánchez De La Campa, Y.
González, J. De La Rosa, A. Wiedensohler, A.M. De Frutos, B. A.
De La Morena. Measuring ’in situ’ tropospheric aerosol properties
at El Arenosillo station (Southwest - Spain). First Spanish Meeting
on Aerosol Science and Technology, Madrid, Spain, July 5-6, 2007.
35. V. Cachorro, N. Prats, M. Sorribas, C. Toledano, S. Mogo, A.
Berjón, A.M. De Frutos, B. De la Morena. Reporting aerosol data
about the most strong desert dust outbreak registered over the Iberian peninsula mixed with a forest fire episode. Columnar properties with remote sensing techniques. European Aerosol Conference
(EAC’2007), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007.
36. M. Sorribas, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, J. de la Rosa, N. Prats, J.F.
López, A.M. Sánchez de la Campa, Y. González, A.M. de Frutos,
B. De la Morena. Monitoring station for ground based tropospheric
aerosol properties in Southwest Spain. European Aerosol Conference
(EAC’2007), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007.
37. E. Rodrı́guez, V. Cachorro, S. Blindheim, N. Prats, S. Mogo, A.
Berjón, B. Torres, C. Toledano, P. Ortiz, A. de Frutos, M. Sorribas, A. Bastidas, E. Montilla, M. Gausa, K. Stebel. Aerosol optical
properties of arctic aerosols derived from CIMEL sun photometer
measurements in 2002-2006 at the ALOMAR station. 34th Annual
European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Andenes, Norway, August 27th to 31st, 2007.
38. V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, E. Rodriguez, B. Torres, A. Berjón, N.
Prats, S. Mogo, P. Ortiz, C. Toledano, R. Rodrigo. GOA Aerosol
Arctic Campaigns 2007-2008. Proceeding eARI Users Meeting 2008,
Bourgas, Bulgaria, May 2008.
39. T. Evegnieva, N. Kolev, S. Blindheim, S. Mogo, A. Berjón, E. Rodriguez, M. Gausa, I. Kolev. Summer Lidar measurements in the
troposphere over ALOMAR, Norway (2007). Proceeding eARI Users
Meeting 2008, Bourgas, Bulgaria, May 2008.
40. E. Rodrı́guez, S. Mogo, E. Montilla, A. Berjón, B. Torres, C. Toledano, S. Blindheim, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, M. Frioud, M. Gausa,
K. Stebel. Desert dust event in the sub-arctic area - ALOMAR (69N)
in 2007. 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC2008), Colorado, USA, 23-27 June 2008.
41. H. Lyamani, S. Mogo, F. Olmo, N. Prats, V. Cachorro L. AladosArboledas. Aerosol absortion coefficients over an urban area as measured by two filter-based instruments. RECTA - Segunda Reunión
Española de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Aerosoles, Torremolinos, Málaga, 30 de junio - 1 de julio de 2008.
42. E. Rodrı́guez, V.E. Cachorro, C. Toledano, S. Blindheim, S. Mogo,
P. Ortiz de Galisteo, A. Berjón, B. Torres, E. Montilla, R. Rodrigo,
K. Stebel, M. Gausa, A.M. de Frutos. Aerosol events over Alomar
Station. RECTA - Segunda Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Aerosoles, Torremolinos, Málaga, 30 de junio - 1 de julio de
43. E. Rodrı́guez, V. Cachorro, A. Berjón, S. Mogo, E. Montilla, C.
Toledano, B. Torres, S. Blindheim, N. Prats, P. Ortiz, A. de Frutos,
K. Stebel, M. Gausa. Characterization of the sub-artic aerosol in
the Alomar station with sunphotometer (69N, 16E, 380 m), during
2002-2007. International Radiation Symposium (IRS2008), Foz do
Iguaçu, Brazil, 3 to 8 August 2008.
44. H. Lyamani, S. Mogo, F. Olmo, N. Prats, V. Cachorro, L. AladosArboledas. Inter-comparison of two optical measurement methods for
aerosol absorption coefficient in the urban environment. European
Aerosol Conference (EAC2008), Thessaloniki, Greece, from 24 - 29
August 2008.
45. E. Rodrı́guez, V.E. Cachorro, C. Toledano, S. Blindheim, S. Mogo,
P. Ortiz de Galisteo, A. Berjón, B. Torres, E. Montilla, R. Rodrigo,
K. Stebel, M. Gausa, A.M. de Frutos. Aerosol events over ALOMAR
station. 35th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by
Optical Methods, Maynooth, Ireland, 24 to 29 August, 2008.
46. E. Rodrı́guez, V. Cachorro, C. Toledano S. Blindheim, A. Berjón, S.
Mogo, E. Montilla, B. Torres, A. De Frutos, M. Gausa, K. Stebel.
Towards the climatology of columnar aerosol properties at ALOMAR
station (69N, 16E). NOSA (Nordic Society for Aerosol Research) Aerosol Symposium. Oslo, Norway, November, 2008.
47. E. Montilla, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. De Frutos, J. Lopez, R. Rodrigo, B. Torres, E. Rodrı́guez, M. Sorribas. Aerosol light absorption
in the ALOMAR station (summer 2007 and 2008). NOSA (Nordic
Society for Aerosol Research) Aerosol Symposium. Oslo, Norway,
November, 2008.
48. N. Kolev, T. Evgenieva, S. Blindheim, B. Lahnor, S. Mogo, A.
Berjon, E. Rodriguez, K. Stebel, V. Cachorro, M. Gausa, Ivan Kolev. Summer lidar measurements in the troposphere over ALOMAR,
Norway (2007). 15th International School on Quantum Electronics:
Laser Physics and Applications, edited by Tanja Dreischuh, Elena
Taskova, Ekaterina Borisova, Alexander Serafetinides, Proceedings
of SPIE Vol. 7027, 70270W, doi: 10.1117/12.822506, Online Publication Date: 19 December 2008.
49. E. Rodrı́guez, V. Cachorro, C. Toledano, A. Berjón, S. Mogo, E.
Montilla, B. Torres, S. Blindheim, A. de Frutos, M. Gausa, K. Stebel. Characterization of Sub-Arctic Aerosols at ALOMAR (69 N,16
E) using Sun Photometer Measurements (2002-2007). CURRENT
PROBLEMS IN ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION (IRS 2008): Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS).
Volume 1100, pp. 197-200, doi:10.1063/1.3116948, March 11, 2009.
50. E. Montilla-Rosero, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. De Frutos, R. Rodrigo, J. F. López, B. Torres. Absorcion de luz por aerosoles en
la estacion ALOMAR (Noruega). APMG2009: 60 Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofı́sica da APMG e 100 Encontro Luso-Espanhol de
Meteorologia, Livro de Resumos, pp.??, Costa da Caparica, Portugal,
16 a 18 de Março, 2009.
51. E. Montilla-Rosero, S. Mogo, J. F López, V. E. Cachorro, R. Rodrigo, A. De Frutos. Absorption properties of atmospheric aerosols in
the ALOMAR station (summer 2008). European Aerosol Conference
(EAC’2009), Abstract T160A15, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 611, 2009.
52. B. Barja, J. Antuña, R. Estevan, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de
Frutos. Atmospherics particulate matter fractions measured at Camagüey, Cuba. Preliminary results. V Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 30 December 4, 2009.
53. E. Montilla-Rosero, E. Rodrı́guez, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, R. Rodrigo, A. de Frutos. Aerosol absorption measurements at the ALOMAR subartic station. V Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin
America, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 30 - December 4, 2009.
54. E. Montilla-Rosero, S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, J. F López, A. De
Frutos. Retrieval of aerosol single scattering albedo at ALOMAR
station (69◦ N, 16◦ E) during summer 2008 campaign. International
Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, 8-12 June, 2010.
V. Cachorro, R. Rodrigo, B. Torres, L. Martı́n, S. Mogo, E. Montilla, C. Toledano, E. Rodrı́guez, A. Berjón, P. Ortiz De Galisteo, A.
De Frutos, S. Blindheim, M. Gausa, K. Stebel. Aerosol properties
by remote sensing and in situ measurements during the 2008 summer campaign at ALOMAR (Norway). International Polar Year Oslo
Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, 8-12 June, 2010.
S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, A. M. de Frutos. In Situ Measurements of
Aerosol Absorption Coeffcients in Covilhã, Portugal. 2010 Western
Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-25 June, 2010.
E. Montilla-Rosero, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, J. López, A. de Frutos.
Retrieval of the single scattering albedo at ALOMAR station during
the summer 2008 as part of POLARCAT. IV Reunión Española de
Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Aerosoles, 28-30 de junio, 2010.
E. Montilla-Rosero, S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, J. F López, A. de
Frutos. Comparative analysis of aerosol absorption coefficients at
European subarctic area measured by two different instruments. IV
Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Aerosoles, 28-30 de
junio, 2010.
V. Cachorro, N. Prats, S. Mogo, C. Toledano, A. Berjon, E. Montilla, B. Torres, R. Rodrigo, D. Fuertes, R. Gonzalez, Y. Bennouna,
A. de Frutos. Discrimination of aerosol types and absorbing aerosols. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany, 18-25
July, 2010.
S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, A. M. de Frutos. Absorption Ångström
exponents of aerosols obtained from PSAP data in Beira Interior,
center of Portugal. 37th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric
Studies by Optical Methods, Valladolid, Spain, 23-27 August, 2010.
B. Barja, S. Mogo, E. Montilla, J. Antuña, R. Estevan, V. E. Cachorro. Optical absorbing characteristics of the atmospheric aerosols
at Camagüey, Cuba. 37th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric
Studies by Optical Methods, Valladolid, Spain, 23-27 August, 2010.
A. Amorim, A. Tomé, J. Lima, S. Mogo, F. Santos. Optics and data
acquisition for the CLOUD experiment. 7o Simpósio de Meteorologia
e Geofı́sica da APMG / 12o Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia / XIV Congresso Latino-Americano e Ibérico de Meteorologia,
Setúbal, Portugal, 28 a 30 de Março de 2011.
S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, J. F. Lopez, R. Rodrigo, B. Torres, Y.
Bennouna, A. M. de Frutos. In situ measurements of aerosols microphysical properties in a subarctic region. VI Workshop On Lidar
Measurements In Latin America (VI WLMLA), La Paz, Bolivia, September 26 to October 1, 2011.
E. Montilla, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, J. Lopez, A. de Frutos. Absorption, scattering and single scattering albedo of aerosols obtained from
in situ measurements in the coastal subarctic area of Norway. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. Vol.11, pp.2161-2182,
65. S. Mogo, V.E. Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos, J.F. Lopez, B. Torres, Y.
Bennouna. Characterization of aerosols in the Norwegian subarctic
region (ALOMAR station): optical properties, size distributions and
nucleation events. International Radiation Symposium 2012, Dahlem
Cube, Berlin, Germany, 06-10 August 2012.
66. S. Mogo, V.E. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, B. Torres, J.F. López, C.
Toledano, A. Berjón, B. Barja. Spectral dependence of aerosol light
absorption obtained from several field experiments. European Aerosol Conference, EAC2012, Granada, Spain, 2-7 September, 2012.
67. S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, J. Lopez, B. Torres, Y. Bennouna. Characterization of aerosols in the Norwegian subarctic region (ALOMAR station): optical properties, size distributions and
nucleation events. Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean
(IRS 2012), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1531, pp.576-579, doi:10.
1063/1.4804835, 2013.
68. B. Barja, S. Mogo, J. C. Antuña, R. Estevan, V. E. Cachorro, A.
Rodrigues, A. de Frutos, P. Artaxo. Material Particulado medido en
Camagüey, Cuba, durante 2008, 2010 y 2012. Análisis Quı́mico y un
estudio de aporte de fuentes. V Taller de Contaminación atmosférica
vs desarrollo sostenible, La Habana, 17-19 de septiembre, 2013.
69. A. Marcos, V.E. Cachorro, Y. Bennouna, M.A. Burgos, D. Mateos,
J.F. López, S. Mogo, A. M. de Frutos. Medida y caracterización
de la concentración numérica (CPC) de partı́culas atmosféricas en
la ciudad de Valladolid. Proceedings of the 2nd Iberian Meeting on
Aerosol Science and Technology — RICTA 2014, Tarragona, Spain,
7-9 July, 2014.
70. B. Barja, J. Rosas Santana, J.C. Antuña, R. Estevan, A. Arana, P.
Artaxo, H. Barbosa, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos. Particulate matter measured in Camagüey, Cuba during 2012 and 2013.
Chemical analysis and source apportionment study. 13th Quadrennial iCACGP Symposium. 13th IGAC Science Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Brazil, Natal, 22-26 September, 2014.
71. A. Costa, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, M. Medeiros, R.
Martins, J. F. López, A. Marcos. Análise de aerossóis durante um
episódio de queima de biomassa. 9°Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofı́sica da APMG, 16°Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia, Tavira,
Portugal, 16-18 March, 2015.
72. A. Costa, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, M. Medeiros, R.
Martins, J. F. López, A. Marcos, N. Marcos, S. Bizarro, F. Mano.
Analysis of derived optical parameters of atmospheric particles during a biomass burning event. 3rd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science
and Technology, Elche, Spain, 29 June - 1 July, 2015.
73. S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, A. M. de Frutos, R. Martins, M. Medeiros,
L. Neves, E. Conceição. In situ measurements of atmospheric aerosols at a remote site, north of the Arctic Circle. 7th Portuguese
Conference on Polar Sciences. Évora, Portugal, 28-29 October, 2015.
74. A. Costa, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, M. Medeiros, R. Martins, J. F. López, A. Marcos, N. Marcos, S. Bizarro, F. Mano. Analysis of derived optical parameters of atmospheric particles during a
biomass burning event. Comparison with fossil fuel burning. 3rd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology. IOP Conf. Series:
Earth and Environmental Science, 28, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/28/1/
012005, 2015.
75. S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, M. Medeiros, R. Martins, L.
Neves, E. Conceição. Measurement of the optical properties of aerosols observed during a desert dust event registered in Covilhã, Portugal. 8th Internatıonal Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Assocıated
Dustfall. Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 May, 2016.
• Personal communications:
1. S.Mogo. Aparelho Espectral para Observação de Espectros de Fluorescência. 1st UDR Workshop, Covilhã, 14-16 Junho, 2000.
2. S.Mogo. Redes Côncavas com Correcção de Aberrações. 1st UDR
Workshop, Covilhã, 14-16 Junho, 2000.
3. S.Mogo. Medición de la absorción de radiación solar entre 300 y
800 nm por aerosoles atmosféricos, Instituto Nacional de Tecnica
Aeroespacial, Mazagón, Spain, 9 de septiembre, 2004.
4. V.Cachorro, C.Toledano, A. de Frutos, S.Mogo, N.Prats, A. Bastidas and E.Rodriguez. Aerosol arctic campaign at ALOMAR 2005,
Andøya Rocket Range, Andenes, Norway, Mars, 2005.
5. S.Mogo, N.Prats. Campaign Vienna 2005 — UVA-GOA instrumentation and methods, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität
Wien, Austria, June 15, 2005.
6. B. Barja, S. Mogo, J. C. Antuña, R. Estevan, V. E. Cachorro, A.
Rodrigues, A. de Frutos, P. Artaxo. Material particulado medido
en Camagüey, Cuba, durante 2008, 2010 y 2012. Análisis quı́mico
y un estudio de aporte de fuentes. Pre-Congreso de Meteorologı́a
de la Región Centro-Oriental del paı́s - Camagüey, Cuba, 25-27 de
septiembre, 2013.
7. S.Mogo. Medição in situ de partı́culas atmosféricas. UBI, Março
• Scientific journals (peer reviewed):
1. E.Sokolova, S.Mogo. The Double Monochromator. Geometric Theory and Compensation of Aberrations. Optical Review, Vol.8, No.4,
pp.287-293, 2001.
2. S.Mogo, V.Cachorro, A. de Frutos. Morphological, chemical and optical absorbing characterization of aerosols in the urban atmosphere
of Valladolid. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol.5, pp.27392748, 2005.
3. S.Mogo, V.Cachorro, M.Sorribas, A. de Frutos, R. Fernández. Measurements of continuous spectra of atmospheric absorption coefficients from UV to NIR via optical method. Geophysical Research
Letters, Vol.32, L13811, 2005.
S. Mogo, V. E. Cachorro, M. Sorribas, A. M. de Frutos. Optical
and chemical properties of atmospheric PM fractions related with air
masses in the central Iberian Peninsula. Óptica Pura Y Aplicada,
Vol.39, No.4, pp.331-340, 2006.
N. Prats, V. E. Cachorro, M. Sorribas, S. Mogo, A. Berjón, C.
Toledano, A. M. de Frutos, J. de la Rosa, N. Laulainen, B. A. de
la Morena. Columnar aerosol optical properties during “El Arenosillo 2004 summer campaign”. Atmospheric Environment, Vol.42,
pp.2643-2653, 2008.
E. Rodrı́guez, M. Frioud, M. Gausa, K. Stebel, S. Mogo, N. Prats,
B. Torres, C. Toledano, A. Bastidas, A. Berjón, V. Cachorro, A. de
Frutos. Aerosol optical properties of tropospheric aerosols derived
from Lidar and sun photometer measurements at ALOMAR (69◦ N)
in 2005 and 2006. Óptica Pura Y Aplicada, Vol.41, No.2, pp.183-190,
V. Cachorro, C. Toledano, N. Prats, M. Sorribas, S. Mogo, A.
Berjón, B. Torres, R. Rodrigo, J. de La Rosa, A. de Frutos. The
strongest desert dust intrusion mixed with smoke over the Iberian
Peninsula registered with Sun photometry. Journal of Geophysical
Research, Vol.113, D14S04, 2008.
V. Cachorro, A. Berjón, C. Toledano, S. Mogo, N. Prats, A. de
Frutos, J. Vilaplana, M. Sorribas, B. de la Morena, J. Gröbner, N.
Laulainen. Detailed Aerosol Optical Depth Intercomparison between
Brewer and Li-Cor 1800 Spectroradiometers and a Cimel Sun Photometer. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Vol.26,
Issue 8, pp.1558-1571, 2009.
S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos, J. de la Rosa, M. Sorribas.
Comparing surface measurement of black carbon and columnar AERONET inferred contents during the “El Arenosillo 2004 summer
campaign”. Óptica Pura Y Aplicada, Vol.43, No.1, pp.49-55, 2010.
E. Montilla, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos. An integrating
sphere spectral system to measure continuous spectra of aerosol absorption coefficient. Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol.42, pp.204-212,
E. Montilla, E. Rodrı́guez, S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, R. Rodrigo, A. de
Frutos. Aerosol absorption measurements at the ALOMAR subartic
station. Óptica Pura Y Aplicada, Vol.44, No.1, pp.25-31, 2011.
B. Barja, J. Antuña, R. Estevan, S. Mogo, E. Montilla, V. Cachorro,
A. de Frutos. Atmospherics particulate matter fractions measured
at Camagüey, Cuba. Preliminary results. Óptica Pura Y Aplicada,
Vol.44, No.1, pp.115-125, 2011.
M. Sorribas, B. de la Morena, B. Wehner, J. F. López, N. Prats,
S. Mogo, A. Wiedensohler, V. Cachorro. On the sub-micron aerosol size distribution in a coastal-rural site at El Arenosillo Station
(SW-Spain). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol.11, pp.1118511206, 2011.
14. J. Kirkby, J. Curtius, J. Almeida, E. Dunne, J. Duplissy, S. Ehrhart,
A. Franchin, S. Gagné, L. Ickes, A. Kürten, A. Kupc, A. Metzger,
F. Riccobono, L. Rondo, S. Schobesberger, G. Tsagkogeorgas, D.
Wimmer, A. Amorim, F. Bianchi, M. Breitenlechner, A. David, J.
Dommen, A. Downard, M. Ehn, R. Flagan, S. Haider, A. Hansel, D.
Hauser, W. Jud, H. Junninen, F. Kreissl, A. Kvashin, A. Laaksonen,
K. Lehtipalo, J. Lima, E. Lovejoy, V. Makhmutov, S. Mathot, J. Mikkilä, P. Minginette, S. Mogo, T. Nieminen, A. Onnela, P. Pereira,
T. Petäjä, R. Schnitzhofer, J. Seinfeld, M. Sipilä, Y. Stozhkov, F.
Stratmann, A. Tomé, J. Vanhanen, Y. Viisanen, A. Vrtala, P. Wagner, H. Walther, E. Weingartner, H. Wex, P. Winkler, K. Carslaw,
D. Worsnop, U. Baltensperger, M. Kulmala. Role of sulphuric acid,
ammonia and galactic cosmic rays in atmospheric aerosol nucleation.
Nature. Vol.476, pp.429-433, 2011.
15. S. Mogo, V. Cachorro, A. de Frutos. Absorption coefficients of aerosols obtained from in situ data in Covilhã, central Portugal. Óptica
Pura Y Aplicada, Vol.44, No.4, pp.653-656, 2011.
16. S. Mogo, V.E. Cachorro, J.F. Lopez, E. Montilla, B. Torres, E.
Rodrı́gues, Y. Bennouna, A.M. de Frutos. In situ measurements of
aerosol optical properties and number size distributions in a coastal
region of Norway during the summer of 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol.12, pp.5841-5857, 2012.
17. S. Mogo, V.E. Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos. In situ UV-VIS-NIR
absorbing properties of atmospheric aerosol particles: Estimates of
the imaginary refractive index and comparison with columnar values.
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol.111, pp.267-271, 2012.
18. S. Mogo, V.E. Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos, A. Rodrigues. Absorption
Ångström exponents of aerosols and light absorbing carbon (LAC)
obtained from in situ data in Covilhã, central Portugal. Journal of
Environmental Monitoring, Vol.14, pp.3174-3181, 2012.
19. B. Barja, S. Mogo, V.E. Cachorro, J.C. Antuña, R. Estevan, A.
Rodrigues, A. de Frutos. Atmospheric particulate matter levels, chemical composition and optical absorbing properties in Camagüey,
Cuba. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts. Vol.15, pp.440453, 2013.
• Other publications:
1. S. Mogo. Integrating sphere spectral system (IS3). In Topics in
Particle and Dispersion Science - Very brief abstract (online monograph).
2011_Int_sph_20110405. ISBN 0-9780628-0-9, 2011.
• “Non-destructive Optothermal Characterisation of Materials”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Miguel de Jesus.
• “Theory, Fabrication and Application of Holographic Difraction Gratings”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Elena Sokolova.
• “Ciência Viva — Desenvolvimento de um Centro Educacional em Ciências
da Terra e do Espaço”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Paulo Moniz.
• “Determinación y predicción de la radiación ultravioleta solar en España.
Influencia de la columna de ozono, particulas aerosoles y nublosidad”
Proyecto coordinado. CICYT, REN2000-0903-CO8-04 CLI.
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Estudio de la influencia de los aerosoles y albedo del suelo en la radiación
ultravioleta (UVA) y (UVB) e indice ultravioleta (UVI)”
CICYT Acción Integrada con Francia (Universidad Joseph Fourier de Grenoble).
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Creación de instrumentación para la caracterización de los aerosoles atmosféricos (INSTRAER)”
Junta de Castilla y León. Ref. VA026/02.
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Climatologı́a y discriminación de los aerosoles mediante la caracterización
de sus propiedades ópticas y el estudio de masas de aire en dos áreas
representativas: marı́tima y continental (CLIMASOL)”
CYCIT. Ref. REN2002-00966/CLI.
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA Aerosol Arctic Campaing 2003 (GOA-AAC’03)”
Unión Europea. Acceso a Grandes Infraestructuras Europeas ALOMAR
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “GOA Winter Aerosol Arctic Campaing 2003 (GOA-WAAC’03)”
Unión Europea. Acceso a Grandes Infraestructuras Europeas ALOMAR
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA: Apoyo a la Campaña Ártica 2003 (GOA-ACA’03)”
CICYT. Acciones Especiales. Ref. REN2002-12641-E/CLI
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Workshop General de la red AERONET”
Universidad de Valladolid. Ayudas para la organización de eventos cientı́ficos.
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Workshop General de la red AERONET”
CICYT. Acciones Complementarias.
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA LIDAR and Arctic Aerosol campaign 2005 (GOA-LAAC’5)”
RITA-CT-2003-506208 (ALOMAR eARI)
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA Investigación de las Propiedades de Absorción de la Luz por Aerosoles Atmosféricos”
CICYT. Acciones integradas hispano - austriacas convocatoria 2004 (2005
Y 2006) Ref. HU2004-0007
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro e Prof.Dr.Helmuth Horvath.
• “Evaluación climatológica, medioambiental y agronómica de la radiación
solar y de los aerosoles atmosféricos (CLIMERAD)”
Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación, Tipo C “Grupos de
Excelencia”, de la Consejerı́a de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Estudio de las Propiedades Opticas en Columna e in situ de los Aerosoles:
Énfasis en las caracterı́sticas fisico-quı́micas, absorbentes y distribución
vertical (EPOCA)”
Coordenated project Univ. de Valladolid, INTA-Huelva, Univ. de Extremadura
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CGL2005-05693-C03-01/CLI)
Subproject: “Climatologı́a Local de los Aerosoles en Areas Representativas: Enfasis en la región UV (ozono y radiación UV), en las caracterı́sticas
absorbentes de los aerosoles y en su distribución vertical (CLAAR)”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Summer Arctic Aerosol campaign 2005 (GOA-SAAC’5)”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA Spring Arctic Aerosol campaign 2006 (GOA-SAAC’06)”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Campañas preliminares del GOA-UVA para el Año Polar Internacional
2007-08 (CPGOAIPY)”
Acción Complementaria CICyT (MEC): CGL2006-26188-E
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA Summer Lidar & Spectrometric Arctic Campaign 2006 (GOASLSAC’06)”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “GOA Arctic Aerosols Norway: Emphasis in Transport and Absorption
2007 (GOA-AAN-’07)”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Actividad del Inta en el Año Polar Internacional durante 2008 (INTA IPY’08)”
Ref. CGL2007-29842-E
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Benito A. de la Morena Carretero.
• “Actividad del GOA-UVA en el Año Polar Internacional durante 2007
Ref. CGL2007-29874-E
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Redes de medida a largo plazo de aerosoles, ozono y radiacion solar y
UV. Enfasis en las metodologı́as de calibración y validación (Red-CAL).”
Coordenated project Univ. de Valladolid, INTA-Huelva, Univ. de Extremadura
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CGL2008-05939-C03-00)
Subproject: “Redes de medida a largo plazo de aerosoles, ozono y radiacion solar y uv. Elementos para evaluar el cambio climatico (Red-CCLI)”
Subproject UVA: CGL2008-05939-C03-01
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Colaboração na experiência CLOUD. Collaboration in the CLOUD experiment”
Ref. CERN/FP/83591/2008
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Filipe Duarte Santos.
• “Determinação do forçamento radiativo devido à absorção da luz por aerossóis atmosféricos”
Acções Integradas Luso-Espanholas - 2009 Ref.E-99/09
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Sandra Mogo e Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Colaboração na experiência CLOUD. Collaboration in the CLOUD experiment”
Ref. CERN/FP/109326/2009
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Filipe Duarte Santos.
• “Organizacion de congreso cientifico: 37 AMASOM”
Ref. CGL2010-09016-E
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Ángel de Frutos Baraja.
• “Colaboração na experiência CLOUD. Collaboration in the CLOUD experiment”
Ref. CERN/FP/116387/2010
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Filipe Duarte Santos.
• “Desarrollos y Aplicaciones Técnicas y Cientı́ficas en la Red RIMA-AERONET (DATEC-RIMA)”
Ref. CGL2011-23413
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
• “Colaboração na experiência CLOUD. Collaboration in the CLOUD experiment”
Ref. CERN/FP/123590/2011
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Filipe Duarte Santos.
• “Individual particle analysis of atmospheric aerosols at a remote site, north
of the Arctic Circle”
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Sandra Mogo.
• “Aerosoles, nubes y vapor de agua en zonas polares: énfasis en fotometrı́a
Ref. CTM2015-66742-R
P.I.: Prof.Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro.
Other activities
• Practical Training on the enterprise ARTOP in 1997, on the area of Geographical Information Systems and its deal with “MicroStation”.
• Development Course about ARC/INFO, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, 1998.
• Development Course about “Presbiopy”, Varillux University — Essilor,
Paris, France, 6-8 de April, 1999.
• 1998/99 - Teacher on ESTEBI (technical school) where taught General
• Member of the Pedagogical Council of Exact Sciences of the University of
Beira Interior as representative of the Assistants of the Physical Departament on the years 1998/1999 and 1999/2000.
• 2001 - Tutor of the 5o year of the Licence Degree in Applied Physics —
Optometry and Optotechnie of the University of Beira Interior.
• 2006 - Tutor of 14 new students of the Licence Degree in Optometry Vision Science: 2006/2009.
Language skills
• Portuguese: Maternal language
• Spanish: Very good, fluent
• English: Good, fluent
• French: Suficient
• Italian: Tourist
Programming language and technical software skills
• Basic, Pascal, C (beginer), QT (beginer), HTML, IDL;
• Unix Like systems (especialy Linux), Windows, VMS (beginer);
• AutoCad, ARC/INFO, MicroStation, MathCad, Mathematica, ...
Other interests
• Observational astronomy;
• dogs, especialy Saint Bernards;
• mountain walking with my dogs;
• martial arts;
• equitation.