Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentară
Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentară
Experienta LEONARDO/ LEONARDO Experience... ONCE AGAIN UN NEW BEGIN.... Realized by prof.Dorina Goiceanu Our IFQ TEAM: Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentară Craiova SIMPOZION NAŢIONAL DE CREATIVITATE ŞI IMPACT “In Food Quality” -activitate ştiinţifică- 6 martie 2010 Photos IFQ Diseminare cerc Oct 2009 In FoodQ Training courses IFQ for leaders and enterepreneurs 3-4.02.2010 THE SECOND TRANSNATIONAL MEETING in ROMANIA Workshops in Training courses fot LEADERS AND ENTEREPRENEURS Realization of HSW-cartolets with information about the objectives, partners, products of project Leonardo INFORMATIVE MATERIALS AND EXHIBITIONS… SIMPOZION NAŢIONAL DE CREATIVITATE ŞI IMPACT “In Food Quality” Brochure with the text-book Summary and attached CD The companies received the materials for promote the project Evaluation About the dissemination of the products questionnaire THE INTERPRETATION OF THE FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT THE EVALUATION OF THE TRAINING Pedagogical meeting in Craiova Fleyer for training Courses Fleyer for Manual’s presentation POSTER for training Courses LIST of the PARTICIPANTS at training After coaching processus Dezbaterea - la nivel national si activitatea de sustinere de referate cu tema: ,,Igiena alimentului/Igiena productiei anunt Simpozion National 66.03.2010-portofolii Protocols: Check-Lists in companies Local Partnerships CONTRACTS Dissemination in European Newspaper “RATIUNEA” EVRIKA!.... Is a magazine Producing dissemination materials for the project, the products/ textbooks (flyers, leaflets for each textbook/course) OUR INTERNATIONAL TEAM… AND FRIENDSHIP… OUR COORDINATOR….Thank YOU! • This project has been carried out with the support of the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY in the framework of the LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME - TRANSFER OF INNOVATION, MULTILATERAL PROJECTS, LEONARDO DA VINCI • Project Management Association (PROMAS) ROMANIA and the “In_Food Quality” Partnership Câmara de congelados Vestiários WC Pessoal Take-Away Zona de preparação de carnes Câmara de refrigeração de carnes e charcutaria Zona de preparação de pescado Câmara de refrigeração de pescado Zona de preparação de frutas e legumes Câmara de refrigeração de frutas e legumes Câmara de refrigeração de produtos diários Armazém de secos Cozinha Resíduos Lavagem de louça grossa Empratamento Lavagem de louça fina WC Clientes Restaurante Armazém de Produtos e Materiais de Limpeza
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