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COMU UNIC CAÇÃO ORA O AL OR RAL C COM MMU UNIC CATIO ON PR RESE ENT TACION ORA O AL CO.001 AL TIME PCR P FOR ANTEMOR A RTEM DIA AGNOSIS IN I HUMANS AND HIGH H REA THR ROUGHPU UT RABIES S VIRUS SCREENIN S NG Zaratte-Segura P1,1, Bastida-Gonzalez F1, Ellison J2, Gallardoo-Romero N3, Loparev V4, Velaasco-Villa A2 - 1Institutto Politecnicco Nacionall, MEX - ES SM-UPIBI, 2Centers foor Diseaase Controll and Prevenntion, Atlannta USA - Rabies R Sectioon, 3Centerss for Diseasse 4 Conttrol and Prevvention, Attlanta USA - POX Secttion, Centers for Diseaase Control and Preveention, Atlaanta USA - Biotechnoloogy Core Faacility a most deevastating diseases, d typpically a 1000% case Rabies is one off the oldest and A rabies diaggnosis in hum mans is impportant to in nstitute infection morttality rate. Antemortem contrrol procedurres and avoid further exxposures off health perssonnel and other o people who may have been b in conttact with salliva of the patient, p to determine d eppidemiologiically uals were exxposed to thhe same sourrce, to mon nitor diseasee progression if othher individu durinng experimeental therapeutic interv ventions, to prevent p cross infection n during orggan transsplantation, and if negaative, to examine other differentiall diagnoses. Four samples are reecommendeed for antem mortem testiing of rabiees in humanss (saliva, seerum, nuchaal skin biopsy and cerebrospinnal fluid) inn which antiibodies, viraal antigens and a nucleic mmunofluoreescence andd acidss are detecteed using neuutralization, indirect annd direct im reverrse transcripption PCR methods. m Thhe turnarounnd time to provide p conclusive resuults on alll four sampples analyzeed by all tecchniques is approximate a ely 24 to 488 hrs. Real time t PCR R appears to be one prom mising techhnique to exppedite resullts on nucleic acid deteection and aaccurately quantitate q viiral loads inn patient sam mples. How wever, there is no univerrsal prim mer or probe that may deetect the bro oad lyssavirrus diversity y described to date, whhich decreeases the seensitivity off the test draamatically. The oobjective off this study was the dessign of a sennsitive and specific reaal-time PCR R assayy to detect and a quantitaate a broad variety v of raabies virusees in antemoortem and postm mortem sam mples from human/anim h mal tissues aand bodily fluids. f Meth hods. Moree than 2500 complete nu ucleoproteinn sequencess of RABV representattive of a gglobal specttrum of variiants from the t GenBannk and CDC C databases were w analyzzed to deesign 12 setss of broadlyy reactive prrimers and probes. p Twoo primer setts and probees from m the literatu ure were conncomitantly y consideredd. A total off 14 primer sets and proobes weree tested both h in silicon and a with a panel p of 20 viral isolatees (represen nting a broaad varieety of RABV V circulatinng in bat and d carnivoress worldwidee) using endd point reveerse transscription PC CR and real time PCR assays a run inn both a Ligght Cycler 480 4 (Roche,, Germ many) and CFX96 C Touch™ Real-T Time PCR (Bio-Rad, ( U USA) Detection System m for compparative purrposes. A drroplet digitaal PCR systtem QX100 (Bio-Rad Laboratories L s, Inc) w was used too assess the number of copies of am mplicons peer sample. To T confirm detecction, PCR products p weere sequencced and idenntified in thee BLAST NCBI N databaase. Resu ults. The priior primer sets s and probbes from thhe literature had limitedd sensitivityy circuumscribed too RABV cirrculating in respective regions of Asia A and Affrica. None of the pprimer sets and a probes we w designedd was able to t detect alll viruses tessted alone. How wever, a min nimal set of five primerrs and probees used conccomitantly in i separate reacttions were able a to detecct all RABV V included in i this studyy. The systeem was senssitive enouugh to detectt up to 5 coppies of ampplicon. Concclusions. Real time PC CR is a highly sensitivee and specifiic techniquee yet there is i no singlle set of brooadly reactivve primers and a probes capable c of detecting d all the existinng lyssaavirus diversity. We described fivee broadly reeactive prim mer sets that were used concomitantly inn a 96 well platform too detect all RABV R repoorted globallly. This form mat mans and for high throuughput screeening is suiitable for raabies antemoortem diagnnosis in hum of fieeld samples. Additionaal research on o a quantitaative assay will not onlly be able too assesss the numbber of copiess of amplicoons, but alsoo correlate with w an estiimated totall numbber of viablle viral partiicles. Refeerence Wachharapluesaddee S, et al. Expert Revv Mol Diagnn. 10(2):207 7, 2010. Coerrtse J, et al. J Clin Micrrobiol. 48(11):3949, 20010 CO.003 nitoring of a French bat colony shown natu urally infectted by EBL LV-1 from Mon 20099-2012. Disccovery of a new infecttion case in n the colony y three years after thee first positive ra abies diagnostic. Picarrd-Meyer E1,2 - 1C. Borrel, D. Jouann - CPEPES SC Lorrainee, France, 2A. A Servat, M.W Wasniewski, M. Moinet, F. Boué, F. F Cliquet - ANSES - Nancy N Laborratory for Rabies and Wild dlife The ppassive surv veillance off bat rabies was w improvved in Francce since 200 00, thanks too a Natioonal bat rabbies networkk constitutedd by Veterinnary Services and bat handlers h froom the C Chiroptera group g (Sociéété Françaisse pour l’Etuude et la Prrotection des Mammifèères). To date,59 Eptesicus serotiinus were sh hown infectted by the European E Baat Lyssaviruus type 1 (EBLV-11) in France out of 950 cases reporrted throughhout Europee. In the conntext urveillance, we reported for the firrst time in Juune 2009 inn France, in the of the passive su c sixx positive cases c villagge of Ancy sur Mosellee (located inn the north eeast of the country), in a ccolony of Eptesicus Ep serrotinus natuurally shownn infected by b EBLV-1.. The field studiies, carried out o from 20009-2012 onn 186 testedd bats with vaccinated v b specialissts bat show wed a fall off the seropreevalence byy 5. In 2009,, 45% bloodd samples were w shown posittive with a modified m FA AVNt adaptted for bat micro-samp m les for the presence p of neutrralizing EBL LV-1 antiboodies againsst 8% in 2011. Three years y after thhe first repoort of the E EBLV-1 infe fection in thee colony off Ancy Sur M Moselle, a new n positivee case was reporrted into thee reproductiion colony at a the end of July 20122. The colonny was consttituted by 80 bats in M May and by 46 4 animals aat the end of July. Simiilarly to 20009, the ccase was repported on a juvenile j fem male and thee isolated viirus was EB BLV-1b. Thannks to the ed ducation of bat workerss to the riskks of bat rabbies, a new positive p case was ddetected on n July 23, 20012 in Easteern France on o a Myotis naterreri. This T speciess was recenntly shown infected by BBLV (Bookeloh Bat L Lyssavirus) in Germanyy. To date, this is thee first case reported r in France on the t species M Myotis nateerreri. This case was foound in a vvillage distaant of 40 km m from Ancy sur Moselle. The moonitoring of the colony from Ancyy sur Mosellle with the results of fiield studies investigated from 20099-2012 willl be preseented and diiscussed as well as the new case of o infection diagnosed on o Myotis naterrreri. CO.004 VEL LYSSA AVIRUS FROM F A MINIOPTE M RUS SCH HREIBERSII BAT IN N NOV SPA AIN. Arécchiga N1,2, Vázquez-Mo V orón S1,3, Berciano J1,3, Nicolás O4, Aznar C1,3, Juste J5, 6 2 Rodrríguez C , Aguilar A A , Echevarría E J1 - 1Instituuto de Salud d Carlos III - Centro Nacional de Miccrobiología,, Majadahon nda, Madridd, España, 2Centro Méddico Nacionnal xico - Unidaad de Investtigación Méédica en Inm munología, 3Centro de Sigloo XXI, Méx Invesstigación Biiomédica enn Red de Eppidemiologíía y Salud Pública P (CIB BERESP), Espaaña, 4Centroo de Recupeeración de Fauna F de Vaallcalent, Lleeida, Cataluuña, Españaa, 5 6 Estaación Biológ gica de Doññana (CSIC)), Sevilla, Andalucía, A E España, Unniversidad de d Alcaalá de Henarres, Madrid,, España t Spanishh Rabies Surrveillance P Program, a bat b carcass was w receiveed on In the frame of the th National Ceenter of Marcch 12 , 2012, in the Ceentro Nacionnal de Micrrobiología (N Micrrobiology) (CNM). ( Thee bat was foound in the city c of Lleid da, in July 2011, 2 and itt was takenn to the Willdlife Care Center C of Vallcalent V (L Lleida, Catallonia). The bat died sooon after admission. Two differrent RT-PCR R generic methods m for the Lyssaviirus genus (1,2) ( d B Brain and ttwo commeercial rabies antisera forr antigen deetection werre used for diagnosis. smeaars were possitive for booth, FAT annd RT-PCR,, as well as the oropharringeal swabb for RT-P PCR. The baat was morpphologically y and moleccularly iden ntified as Miiniopterus schreeibersii (3). To determiine the idenntity of the virus, v a frag gment of thee nucleoprottein gene (N) was seequenced. Dataset D repreesentative of o all Lyssavviruses, inclluding the w used forr the phyloggenetic reco onstruction. The topoloogy recenntly described IKOV, was obtaiined by Bay yesian Inference (BI) sh howed a new w virus relaated more too IKOV andd WCB BV than any y other lyssaavirus incluuded in phyllogroups I and a II. Thesse results suuggest a new w virus, nam med Lleida bat lyssavirrus (LLEBV V), taking inn considerattion the locaality wherre the bat was found. Inn Europe, frrom 1977 too 2011, a tottal of 988 cases of bat rabiees were repoorted; Eptessicus serotinnus and E. issabellinus which w accouunt for moree than 95% of the cases are considered c thhe major naatural reserv voirs of EBL LV-1. Seveeral Myottis spp. are reservoirs r f EBLV-22, BBLV, ARAV, and KHUV(4). for K In I Spain, EBLV-1 has onlly been desccribed in E. isabellinuss (5). Interestingly, the lowest b LLEBV was with EB BLV-1. Thee LLEBV has h been dettected nucleeotide identtity shown by on M M. schreibers rsii such as WCBV. W M Miniopterus g genus preseently belonggs to the Vesppertilionidaee family as the t other baat genera linnked to lyssaviruses in Eurasia (Epteesicus, Myootis and Murrina). Howeever, recent molecular analyses haave postulated the ggroup as an independennt monospeccific Minioppteridae fam mily (6). M. schreibersiii is a migrratory bat, widely w distriibuted throu ughout Soutthern Europpe and Eurassia. This batt speciie gathers inn caves in laarge numbeers (thousannds) for winttering, mov ving in sprinng to different and som metimes disstant summeer roosts forr reproductiion. Due to its migratorry habitts and typically large siize of popullations of thhis bat, it is quite probaable that oncce an infecctious agentt is introduced, it may spread s quickkly within populations. p . The evoluutionary relationships between b thee new LLEB BV with WC CBV and IK KOV need to t be clariffied to deterrmine whethher they will form one or more ph hylogroups. Further analyyses are in process p to assess a this quuestion andd to establishh a probablee potential role r as a hhuman path hogen. Moree studies muust be done in order to evaluate eccological asppects of LL LEBV circu ulation. Nidiaa Aréchiga Ceballos is post-doctorral fellow granted g by thhe Consejo Nacional de d Cienncia y Tecno ología (CON NACyT) Mexico. M Thiss research was w financiaally supporteed by the pproject SAF 2009-091772 of the Geeneral Reseaarch Program m of the Sppanish Minisstry of Sccience and Education. E References: 11. 22. 33. 44. 55. 66. Echevarrría JE, et all. J Clin Miccrobiol.; 39: 3678-83. 2001. 2 Vázquezz-Morón S, et al., J Virrol Methodss. 135: 281--87. 2006. Ibáñez C, C et al.,Actaa Chiropterol.; 8: 277––297. 2006. Schatz al., Zoonnoses Publicc Health. Inn press. Vázquezz-Morón S, et al., Emerrg Infect Diis.; 17(3): 52 20-23. 2011 1. Hoofer, S. R y Van Der Bussch he. Acta Chhiropterol.. 5, 5 supplemeent:1–63. 20003. CO.005 MAN RABIIES IN TH HE UNITED D STATES: EVALUA ATION OF F CLINICA AL HUM FIND DINGS FR ROM 1960––2010 Bass JM1, Petersen BW1, Mehal M JM2, Blanton B JD1, Rupprechht C1 - 1CDC C - Poxviruus and 2 ogens and Pathology P Rabies Branch, CDC - Divvision of Hiigh-Consequuence Patho kground: Clinical C diaggnosis of huuman rabies is challeng ging in the United U Statees Back (U.S.) due to thee rarity of human h casess, non-speciific symptom ms, and infrrequent p exxposure history. The traaditional preesentations of rabies, attainnment of a potential furioous and paraalytic, are reeported in reegions of enndemic caniine rabies, but b have nott beenn systematically charactterized amoong rabies caases in the U.S. U This sttudy aims too exam mine the clinnical characcteristics of patients in the t U.S. thaat are associiated with raabies to aidd in diagnossis and survveillance. hods: Patiennt data weree extracted from an exiisting databbase associatted with Meth sampples submittted for rabiees diagnosiss to the Poxvirus and Rabies R Brancch at the CD DC. A dee-identified dataset consisting of reecords for all a patients diagnosed d w rabies ffrom with 19600-2010 and patients p ruleed-out for rabies from 2007-2010 was provid ded. Patientss with at least onee symptom reported r weere includedd in analysiss. Chi-squarre was usedd for tests of associatiion. ults: Of the 252 patientts in the dataset, clinicaal symptoms were repo orted for 2466; Resu 103 ((41.9%) of 246 were diiagnosed with rabies. S Symptoms significantly s y associatedd with rabiees (p<0.01) were localizzed pain or paresthesiaa (OR 10.4, 95% CI 5.6 6-19.1), hydrophobia (OR 9.9, 95% CI 4.3-22.2 2), dysphaggia (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.8 8-5.2), localized 2 95% CII 1.7-5.1), annd aerophobbia (OR 15..3, 95% CI 1.9-121.3). The weakkness (OR 2.9, preseence of agitation or a foocal neuroloogic sign (ddysphagia orr localized pain, p paressthesia, or weakness) w h a combined specificcity of 95% had % and a likelihood ratio of 1.8 fo for rabies. Symptoms siignificantlyy associated with patiennts for whom m rabies waas ruledd-out by laboratory diaggnosis incluuded: confuusion (OR 2..9, 95% CI 1.5-5.4), malaaise (OR 3.33, 95% CI 1.9-5.6), seizzure (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.8-5.4) andd headache (OR 4.1, 995% CI 2.4-8.8). h a, and aerop phobia should be Concclusion: Foocal neuroloogic signs, hydrophobia emphhasized in thhe evaluatioon of patiennts for rabies and the suubmission of o samples for fo laborratory diagn nosis. Thesee clinical associations may m also bee applied to a formal caase definnition to impprove reporrting of hum man rabies where w laboraatory diagno osis is limitted. Ongooing analysiis of clinicaal data from m patients tessted for rabiies may be utilized to develop algorithhms of signss and sympttoms predicctive of rabies diagnosis. R or Epidemiolog E gy and Surveillance of Rabies R Topiic: Human Rabies nancial Asssistance: Jeennifer Basss performedd this work as a a fellow in i the Honoors and Fin CDC C Experience Applied Epidemiolog E gy Fellowshhip. Brett Petersen P inittiated this projeect as an offficer in CDC C’s Epidem mic Intelligennce Servicee. CO.006 mans Cliniical Featurres of Dog- and Bat-accquired Raabies in Hum Udow w SJ1, Marrrie RA1, Jacckson AC1 - 1Universityy of Manitooba - Internaal Med. (Neuurology) nces in rabiees due to caanine and baat rabies viruus variants have been Cliniical differen notedd, but no deetailed studiies have beeen reported to support these t observ vations. Usiing PubM Med and thee MMWR we w identified d 120 case rreports of raabies from the t USA, Canaada, Europee, and Asia. We system matically absstracted seleected clinicaal features, resullts of investigations, inccubation tim mes and durrations of illlness. Detaiils about clinical featuures were reecorded. Casses were claassified as ddog- or bat-aacquired baased on repoorted anim mal exposuree or viral vaariant typingg by molecuular or monooclonal antiibody charaacterizationn. Categoricaal variabless were summ marized as frequency f (% %), and contiinuous variaables were summarized s d as mediann (interquarttile range [IQ QR]). We comppared bat- and a dog-acqquired cases using chi-ssquare or Fiisher’s exacct tests for categgorical variaables, and Mann M Whitn ney U tests for f continuo ous variablees. Of 120 ccases, 38 (332%) were dog-acquire d ed and 54 (445%) were bat-acquired b d. Survivorss and cases acquuired from aerosolized viral v exposu ure or tissuee/organ trannsplantation were excluuded. The median m incuubation timees for dog- and bat-acqquired rabiees were 63 (IQR 42.75, 108) and 552.5 (IQR 27.25, 2 92.5) days, respeectively (p= =0.074). Thee median du urations of illnesss for dog- and a bat-acqquired rabiess were 17 (IIQR 11.75, 23) and 14 (9.25,18.5)) days, respectiveely (p=0.2011). There waas no differeence in patiients with bat- and dogp m malaise, enccephalopathhy, acquuired rabies in terms of the presencce of fever, prodromal sore throat, cran nial nerve abbnormalitiess, hemipareesis or seizu ures. Clinicaal manifestaations w more common c in bat- than dog-acquiredd rabies inclluded a locaal prodromee of that were sensoory or motoor symptomss (p=0.026)), hemisensoory abnormaalities (p=0.042), tremoor (p=0.003), and myoclonus m (p=0.009). Neither N trem mor nor myyoclonus waas observed in og-acquired rabies. Aerophobia andd facial or pharygneal p patieents with do spasms werre moree common in n dog- thann bat-acquireed rabies (pp=0.007 andd p=0.029, respectively r y). Hydrrophobia waas more com mmon in doog-acquired rabies (p=0 0.054). Therre was no difference betweeen dog- annd bat-acquiired rabies in i terms of results r of diiagnostic a inn invesstigations suuch as skin biopsy, saliivary analyssis or the deetection of antibodies serum m and cerebbrospinal fluuid (CSF). The T CSF protein was higher h for baat rabies (799; IQR 52, 109 mg g/dL) than dog d rabies (331; IQR 26,, 48, mg/dL L,; p=0.012). In summarry, m local symptoms, s bat-aacquired rabbies is assocciated with more tremor, andd myoclonuss, wherreas dog-acq quired rabiees has more hydrophobbia, aerophoobia, and pharyngeal orr faciaal spasms. We W speculatee that these clinical diffferences maay reflect diifferences inn the routee of viral en ntry of the raabies virus variants v intoo the nervouus system because b fundaamental diffferences in the neuropaathology orr viral distribbution havee not been identtified. Bat raabies virus variants maay also havee greater efffects on the blood-CSF F barrier by affectting endotheelial cell perrmeability tthrough unkknown mechhanisms. CO.007 mune respon nses in hum man CNS during d rabiees virus ind duced encephalitis Imm Frankka R1, Batteen B2, Shiehh WJ2, Niezzgoda M1, Zaki Z S2, Ruppprecht C1 - 1Centers foor Diseaase Controll and Prevenntion - Poxvvirus and Raabies Brancch (PRB), 2Centers C for Diseaase Controll and Prevenntion - Infecctious Diseaases Patholoogy Branch (IDPB) Undeerstanding the t mechaniisms of rabiies virus cleearance from m the CNS will w be a signiificant step towards t thee treatment of o clinical rabies. r Althoough a few animal studdies have provided innsight abouut immune reesponses inn the CNS duuring rabiess encephalittis, ffindata about the saame are verry scarce forr humans. Inn our study, formalin-ffixed, paraff NS) tissues from patiennts who succcumbed to embeedded, centrral nervous system (CN rabiees followingg infection with w RABV V variants coommon to thhe tricoloredd bat (Periimyotis subfflavus) in thhe United States, caninne RABV prresent in Haaiti, and cannine RAB BV from Afg fghanistan, as a well as tissues from a patient whho recovereed from clinnical laborratory confiirmed rabiess following cat bite in Colombia, C but b succumb bed as a ressult of seecondary meedical intervvention, werre subjectedd to comparrative immuunohistologiical evaluuations idenntifying partticular imm mune cell poppulations asssociated with rabies encepphalitis. A non-enceph n halitic brain from an inffluenza patiient was useed as a negaative contrrol. Populattions of B-cells (CD20)), T-cells (C CD3), and macrophages m s (CD68), as a well as the preseence of rabiies virus anttigens were compared using u a sem mi-quantitatiive n Antiviral Response RT² R scalee. In addition, gene exppression anaalyses, usingg the Human Profiiler™ PCR Array, focuusing on thee expressionn of 84 key genes g invollved in the innatte antiviral immune i ressponse, were performedd. No rabiess virus antiggens were deteccted in the brain b tissue of the patieent who survvived cliniccal rabies orr in the conttrol brainn. T-cells annd macrophaages were abundant a in the parench hyma in all rabies patieents, but B B-cells weree detected only o in the perivascular p r tissue of thhe putative rabies r survivor, and rrabies patiennts infectedd with canin ne RABVs. Few F T- andd B- cells, annd only locaal microoglia cells, were detectted in the innfluenza pattient. Differrences in thee expressionn of multiiple genes associated a w innate immunity, with i aas well as innflammatoryy responsess, weree identified, suggesting the importaance of theiir role in rabbies encephalitis and viiral clearrance from CNS C tissue.. CO.008 Firstt Myotis lucifugus Raabies Virus Variant Deetected in a Human Orciaari L1, Brow wn C2, Lijew wski V2, Fraanka R1, Jacckson FR1, Niezgoda M1, Tack D1, 1 1 Yageer PA , High htower D , Rupprecht C1 - 1Centers for Diseaase Control and Prevenntion - Rabbies Program m, 2Massachusetts Dep partment of Public Heaalth m from Baarnstable County, MA was evaluaated at Masssachusetts A 633 year old male tertiaary care faciility for posssible strokee and encephalitis. Althhough the patient’s firsst sympptoms were joint stiffneess, within 2 days the ppatient was exhibiting signs s of hydrophobia, an nd acute proogressive enncephalitis. Serum, CSF F, nuchal (skin) biopsyy, and f the pattient were sent to CDC C for rabies diagnostic d t testing. No salivva samples from rabiees virus IgG G or IgM anttibodies werre detected in serum an nd CSF by the t indirect fluorrescent antibbody (IFA) test, and noo viral neutrralizing antiibodies werre detected in i the serum m or CSF saamples by thhe rapid fluuorescent foocus inhibitiion test (RFFIT). Rabiees viruss antigen waas detected in nuchal biiopsy samples using diirect fluoresscent antiboody (DFA A) test. Nested (and hem minested) RT-PCR R am mplicons were producedd from skin and salivva using mulltiple rabiess virus nucleeoprotein geene primerss sets. Sequeence analyssis of the eentire nucleo oprotein genne and compparisons wiith samples in the CDC C database and a Genbbank indicatted that the rabies viruss variant waas associateed with Myo otis sp bats. Furthher analysiss of phylogeenetic trees (1000) by Neighbor N Jo oining, Maxximum Parsiimony and Maximum M L Likelihood indicated i thhe variant was w most parrsimonious with the ccommon “litttle brown bat” b Myotis lucifugus. Postmortem P m brain tissuues were possitive for raabies virus antigen a by the t direct flluorescent antibody a test. Antigenicc typing witth monooclonal antiibodies to thhe rabies virrus nucleopprotein was consistent with w the previious results of a bat rabbies variant,, but lackedd the resoluttion of geneetic typing methhods. Sequen nce analysis of the RT-PCR ampliicons from the complette nucleoprootein gene were consiistent with the t previouss findings of the variannt seen in M. M lucifugus. h had kno own encountters Althoough M. luccifugus is coommon in thhe US and ffrequently has with humans and animals, this t is the fiirst documented case of this rabiess virus variaant in man. In conntrast to thiss unique findding, the rabbies virus variant v assocciated with a a hum solitaary bat with h rare knownn human orr animal enccounters Lassionycteris noctivaganss (silveer-haired baat) has beenn responsiblle for most hhuman rabies cases in the t USA ovver the laast 2 decadees. CO.009 CEPHALIT TIS OF UK KNOWN ET TIOLOGY Y AND HUM MAN RABIES IN TH HE ENC UNITED STAT TES, 1999-2008 H R1, Mehal J1, Petersen P BW W1, Recuencco S1, Tack D1, Voraa NM1,2, Blaanton JD1, Holman 1 1 2 Ruppprecht C - CDC, Epiidemic Intellligence Serrvice Enceephalitis is a severe neuurologic synndrome caussed by a varriety of infeectious and noninfecctious patho ologies. In many m instancces a definitive etiologgy of encephhalitis is nott identtified, but a study of enncephalitis in i Californiaa found thatt 0.3% of caases referredd for furthher evaluatioon to a speccialized diag gnostic facillity (Glaser,, Gilliam et al. 2003) w was due tto rabies. Unnder recognnition of hum man rabies in the Uniteed States by y healthcaree proviiders may account a for missed m diag gnoses of raabies. The purpose of th his investigaation was tto estimate the numberr of encephaalitis-relatedd deaths in the t United States S and the t propoortion due to t rabies speecifically. uman mortaality data in the United States betw ween 1999-2 2008 and We rreviewed hu identtified encep phalitis-assoociated deathhs using ICD-10 codess. Codes were categorizzed basedd on if an ettiology of encephalitis e o not. We also a reviewed all was listed or laborratory-confiirmed humaan rabies cases within tthe United States S and itts territoriess that weree reported to o the Centerrs for Disease Control aand Preventtion (CDC) during this samee time period. e -associated deaths werre identifiedd, of which 8726 8 A tottal of 12,457 cases of encephalitis (70% %) were of unknown u etiiology. Tweenty (0.2%) cases weree coded as raabies. Durinng this ssame time period, p 27 coonfirmed caases of rabiees were reported to CD DC. Of thesee 27 casess, 6 of the exposures occcurred in countries c othher than thee USA. Doggs were the most m comm monly reporrted exposuure among im mported casses. Of the 21 2 indigenoous cases, 144 weree attributablee to bats, 4 to tissue/organ transplaantation, 1 to t a dog expposure in Puuerto Rico and 2 from m unknown sources. s f sug ggest that thhe majority of encephaalitis-associaated deaths in the Uniteed Our findings Statees were of unknown u etiiology. Amoong the connfirmed casees of rabies,, the majoritty who acquired raabies withinn the United States acquuired the inffection from m wildlife. t indigenoous cases occcurred throough an unkknown expoosure. Healthhcare Nearrly 10% of the proviiders shouldd consider evaluating e f rabies whhen a patiennt develops acute for progrressive enceephalitis of unknown etiology e despite routinee evaluation n or if clinical histoory is suggesstive. Glaseer, C. A., S. Gilliam, ett al. (2003).. "In search of encephaalitis etiologgies: diagnostic challlenges in thee Californiaa Encephalittis Project, 1998-2000.." Clin Infecct Dis 36(6)): 731-7742. CO.110 MAN RABIIES IN RIO O CASCA MUNICIPALITY, 20 012: CASE REPORT,, SIX HUM YEA ARS AFTER R THE LA AST RECO ORD IN MINAS GERA AIS, BRAZ ZIL Santaana LF1, Toourinho BD2, Dias GMF2, Pinto JE EG2, Amânccio FF2, Brito MG2, Cuunha MMS SF2, Bento LJ2, Rodriggues DR2, Trindade T ML L2, Ferraz ML M 2 - 1Secreetaria de Esttado 2 da Saaúde de Min nas Gerais, Secretaria de Estado da d Saúde dee Minas Gerrais Rabies is a virall disease thaat affects thee central neervous systeem (CNS) of mammals and ost 100% off cases. In 2012, 2 six yeaars after thee last record d of a humann it’s ffatal in almo case in Minas Gerais, G the trransmissionn has been confirmed thhrough aggrression by pidemiologgical vamppire bat. Thhe objective of this repoort is to desccribe the cliinical and ep charaacteristics of o this case. On 06/19/22012, the Heealth Deparrtment of Minas M Geraiss Statee has been notified n by the t Regionaal Health Deepartment of Ponte Nov va of a suspeected case of o human raabies from Rio R Casca municipality m y. He was a 32-year-oldd malee patient, farrmer, residinng in the ruural area. Thhe patient suuffered bitteen by a bat in i his rightt hand after trying to reemove it from the back of a calf in the month of May. At that time the patient did not seekk medical care c and the event was not notifiedd to health griculture deepartment. The T calf dieed about 10 days after the t incidentt and serviice or the ag no m material was sent for labboratory exaamination. S Since 06/111/2012, the patient p succeessively sou ught care beecause of a barbed b wiree cutting on n the same hand h attackeed by the bbat, which began to shoow dormanccy. Then he developed lip deviatio on, fever andd vomiiting, and cllinical progression tow ward paresthhesia, insom mnia, agitatio on, confusioon, sore throat and drooling. d Teetanus, musscle twistingg and tonsilllitis were diiagnostic hypootheses raiseed by the muunicipal heaalth servicees. The aggrression was reported onnly after assistance at Ponte Noova municip pality, and ssuspected hu uman rabiess was notified. B Horizonnte On thhe same dayy, the patiennt was transsferred to thhe referral hoospital in Belo muniicipality forr specializedd care. Patieent sedationn was maintained, with antiviral admiinistration and a control of symptom matic complications. Thhe patient deeveloped hypeernatremia, ventilator-a v associated pnneumonia and a cardiac arrests. Theere was antem mortem labo oratory confirmation of rabies infeection by Po olymerase Chain C Reacttion (PCR R) in cerebrospinal fluiid and salivaa sample, annd genetic sequencing s indicated thhat it was ccompatible with Desmodus rotunddus genetic variant. Deespite speciffic treatmennt, the patieent died on 06/28/2012 0 due to refraactory circuulatory shocck. Postmortem examinnation was pperformed by b direct im mmunofluorescence reaaction, with infection co onfirmationn at CNS S fragments.. During thee conduct off the case, epidemiolog e gical investiigation was proceeeded by medical m reporrts and recoords reviewiing, family interviews and a active searcch of exposeed. In assocciation, heallth educationn, social mo obilization and a intersecctoral workk actions weere developeed. Throughh the describbed informaation it is evvident the impoortance of health system ms being abble to properrly suspect, notify, andd investigatee, added to need to o maintain surveillance s e and controol activities of rabies in n Minas Gerrais state. CO.111 unity in Reelation to Su usceptibilitty, Diagnossis and Meaasures of Raabies Immu Prevvention Hanllon CA1 - 1Director, D Kaansas State University U Rabies Laboratory, Maanhattan, Kaansas USA A n of animals ino oculated inteentionally with w A nuumber of repports describbe limited numbers rabiees virus thatt do not become ill and may have llittle to no detectable d a antibody whhile otherr conspecifiic individuaals succumb b to the samee inoculum.. This review w will detaiil methhods used in n measuringg immunity and optimal method vaalidation, inn relation to potenntial identiffication of baseline b suscceptibility, enhanced disease d diagnnosis, and optim mal preventiion practicees for human ns and anim mals. Potenttial factors for successfful rabiees virus infeection includde: 1) protection of infe fected neuro ons from host immunemediiated destruuction by thee inhibition of virus-meediated apopptosis and overexpress o sion of im mmune-subv versive moleecules resullting in killiing or inactiivation of 'p protective' T cells migrating into i the infeected nervouus system; 2) 2 an hypothhesis that leethality resuults m neuronal dysfunction d inhibiting proteins p reqquired for neeuronal maintenance; 33) a from positt that virus phosphopro p otein and hoost cell dyneein light chaain 8 interacction may regullate viral rib bonucleoprootein linkingg to cell trannsport; 4) a thesis that innate immuunity, paraddoxically, faavors rabiess virus neuroo-invasivenness throughh enhanced infilttration and promotion p o CD8(+) T cell eliminnation; and then alternaatively that ; 5) of type I IFN produuced in the rabies viruss-infected nnervous systtem reducess neurod partially protects p from m fatal infection. It is clear c that innnate immunne invassiveness and cells detect pathhogens, mosst likely inclluding rabiees virus, viaa pattern reccognition m recepptions, suchh as Toll-likke receptors and others. Pathogen-aassociated molecular patteerns activatee receptors which w inducce productioon of pro-innflammatoryy cytokines and signaals to activaate inflammaation. In adddition, these receptors are requiredd for an adaaptive immuune responsse. Innate annd adaptivee immune reesponses actt as two inteerlocking defennse lines. Foollowing a rabies r exposure, virus m may be initiially suppreessed by innnate immuunity accom mpanied by effector T cell c recruitm ment for activation of adaptive a immuunity. Alterrnatively, thhe uniquely high mortallity rate of successful s r rabies virus infecction may bee due to viruus-host inteeractions thaat remain laargely a mysstery. The accurrate and preecise measuurement of an a adaptive immune ressponse mayy be definedd by experimental meethods or well-describe w ed methods,, such as thee rapid fluorescent focuus v in some laborratories. Thee interpretattion antibbody test, ass performedd and fully validated of finndings baseed on these various v metthods shouldd be in relattion to clinical observaations and ccollaborativ ve investigattion of uniqque, isolatedd, novel finddings. The fine-tuning, f interaaction, and timing of innnate and addaptive host responses and the meethods used for detecction and measurement m t, will requirre dedicatedd investigattion towardss optimal diisease preveention. CO.112 FERENCE E IN INTRA ACELLUL LAR LOCA ALIZATION AND EX XPRESSIO ON DIFF LEV VEL OF RE ECOMBIN NANT RAB BIES G-PRO OTEINS OF O STREET T VIRUS (KYOTO STRA AIN) AND FIXED VIIRUS (CVS S-26 STRA AIN) EXPR RESSED IN N K293T CEL LLS HEK Ham mamoto N1, Kaku K Y1, Noguchi N A1, Morikawa S1, INOUE E S1 - 1Natioonal Institutee of Infecctious Diseaases - Veteriianry Sciennce bies virus (R RABV) has been mainlly studied with w fixed viiruses Virullence of rab (labooratory straiins) having different deegrees of paathogenicity y, however, virulence iss muchh different between b fixxed viruses and a street viiruses (wildd strains). Highly H attenuuated fixedd strains of RABV R doess not cause lethal infecction with prrofound infl flammation accom mpanied wiith apoptosiis and neuraal degenerattion in the central c nervoous system (CNS S). Inductioon of innate immune responses in CNS C is a haallmark of in nfection witth highlly attenuateed strains, whereas w neurral damage is absent orr minimal annd innate immuune responsses are not induced i in animals a infeected with street s virus. In the streeet viruss infected ceells, intracytoplasmic virion v maturration takenn place in thhe ER/Golgii appaaratus is com mmonly obsserved and budding b of virus v from cellular c plassma membrrane is lesss frequent than t in the fixed f virus infected i cellls. Since RA ABV G-pro otein is critical for innduction off virus neutrralizing antibbody, profoound expresssion and buudding of viirions on ceellular surfaace in fixed virus infectted cells miight be a maajor target of o the host immuune system. Thus diffeerent pathoggenicity betw ween street virus and fixed fi virus m might be asssociated wiith differentt localizatio on of virion maturation. However, little is knoown abouut molecularr mechanism m of virion maturation m T both of fixeed and streeet viruses. To eluciidate this, we w have exprressed G-prroteins of CVS-26 straiin (fixed virrus) and Kyyoto strainn (street viru us) in HEL2293T cells upon u transfe fection of th he pCAGGS S (CXN2) plasm mid bearingg G-genes off CVS-26 annd Kyoto sttrains, respeectively. Inttracellular expreession and localization l n of G-protein of each strain s was thhen examineed by fluorrescence anttibody technnique and Western W blott analysis using anti-G mAb (No.##7-19, kinndly providded from Drr.Kawai). Coonfocal laseer scanning microscopyy showed CVSC 26 G G-protein waas mainly loocalized on plasma mem mbrane, whhile Kyoto G-protein G was predoominantly localized at perinuclearr membranee region. CV VS-26 G-prootein was shhown to bee expressed in abundance than Kyooto G-protein in HEK2293T cells by b Western blot b analyysis. These results indiccate maturaation site of infectious RABV R solely determinned by loocalization of o G-proteinn. Four amin no acids in a signal pep ptide (SP) of o G-proteinn of CVS S-26 were diistinct from m those of Ky yoto. The number n of puutative N-liinked glycoosylation sittes was 3 annd 2 on G-pproteins of CVS-26 C andd Kyoto, resspectively. Furthher analysiss is requiredd to elucidatte whether these t differeences affectt intracellulaar locallization andd expressionn level of RA ABV G-prootein. CO.113 R viru us-induced Oxidative Stress S Rolee of Mitochondria in Rabies Alanndijany T1, Kammouni K W2, Roy Chhowdhury SK S 3, Fernyhhough P4, Jaackson AC2 1 Univversity of Manitoba M - Medical M Miccrobiology, 2University y of Manitooba - Internaal 3 Med. (Neurologgy), St. Bonniface Hosppital Researcch Centre - Neurodegennerative versity of Manitoba M - Pharmacolog P gy and Therrapeutics Disorders, 4Univ ouse model of rabies with Neurronal processs degeneration occurs in an experrimental mo hindllimb footpaad inoculatioon of the chhallenge viruus standard--11 (CVS) strain. s CVS S infecction of prim mary mousee and rat dorrsal root gannglion (DRG G) neurons has associaated axonnal degeneraation with axxonal swelllings and neeurite outgro owth reducttion. The CV VSinducced axonal swellings feeature proteein adducts of 4-hydroxxy-2-nonenaal (4-HNE),, a markker for lipid peroxidatioon, indicatinng a criticall role of oxidative stresss. Western immuunoblottingg analysis inndicated thatt adducts off 4-HNE ex xpression is also increassed in thee CVS-infected rat adrrenal medullla (PC12) cell line. Mittochondrial dysfunction is one oof the most important causes c for overproducti o ion and accu umulation of o reactive oxyggen species (ROS). We investigateed the effectts of CVS innfection on several mitocchondrial parameters inn different cell c types (D DRG primaary neurons, PC12, mouuse neurooblastoma (MNA), ( andd baby hamsster kidney (BHK-S13)) cells) at 72 2 hrs post infecction. The biochemical activity of electron traansport systeem (ETS) complexes (II, IIIII, aand IV) and Krebs cycle enzymes (citrate syntthase and malate m dehyddrogenase) were evaluuated using a spectrophhotometric approach. a K Krebs cycle enzyme acttivities weree not affeccted in CVS S- versus moock-infected d cells. Com mplex I activ vity was siggnificantly increeased in all CVS-infect C ted cells verrsus mock-innfected conntrols. Comp plex I was increeased by 30--35% in CV VS-infected DRG and PC12 P cells, whereas it was w increassed by 655-75% in MNA M and BH HK-S13 cellls. These vaalues were proportiona p al to the susceeptibility off the cells too CVS infecction suggessting a direcct effect of the t CVS infecction on Com mplex I. Coomplex II-IIII activity was w normal in i the infectted cells. Com mplex IV acttivity was uppregulated in i all types of CVS-inffected cells. However, the t increease did not relate to thhe susceptibiility of the cells c to the infection, su uggesting aan indirrect effect. We W postulatte that enhannced Complex IV activvity in CVS-infected ceells may play a role in avoidingg apoptosis. NADH, whhich is a Coomplex I-subbstrate, leveel m ed PC12 ceells. NAD+ level was ssignificantlyy higher in CVS-infectted versus mock-infect in CV VS-infectedd PC12 cellss was similaar to that in mock-infeccted controlls. Despite tthe increeased activitty of ETS complexes, CVS C infectiion reducedd the intracellular level of ATP in PC12 ceells. The redduced ATP level in CV VS-infected DRG neuroons may expplain, t reductioon in the neuurite outgrow wth that waas previouslly observed.. We at leaast in part, the prediict that a hig gh mitochonndrial innerr membranee potential iss generated in CVS infecction becausse of increassed proton pumping p accross the mitochondriall inner mem mbrane due to t higher acctivity of Coomplex I and IV, and decreased d prroton consuumption as indicated by b reduced intracellular i r ATP level. Induction of a high mitocchondrial membrane m potential pro omotes electtron leakagee, primarily y at the Com mplex I sitee, leading too ROS overggeneration and a oxidativve stress. CO.114 n RABV infection Paraadoxical rolle of IFN in Lafon M1 - 1Insttitut Pasteurr Paris Frannce BV infectionn is sensitivee to type 1 IIFN A serries of expeeriments cleearly indicatte that RAB signaaling and th hat P and N protein-meddiated IFN evasion is efficient e to promote p virrus repliccation. Nevvertheless, in i the coursse of infectioon, the IFN induction in i the wholee RAB BV-infected nervous syystem, NS, is far from being b abrogated. Indeedd, after injection of RA ABV (Challenge Viruss Standard, CVS strain)) into the hiindlimbs of mice, a progrressive infeection withinn the spinal cord and thhe brain is accompanie a d by a robuust innatte immune response r chharacterized by a type 1 IFN responnse. It may not be surprrising that IF FN can be produced p in n the NS durring infectioon because the mechannisms evolvved by RAB BV to escappe the IFN response aree restricted to t infected neurons, n thee only cell type ex xpressing thhe P and N proteins. p Thhese mechan nisms cannoot operate inn n express any viral proteins, gliaal cells beinng rarely inffected glial cells becauuse they do not heless, glial cells are innnate-immunno-competent cells andd they do noot in vivvo. Neverth needd to be infected to mounnt an innate immune reesponse sugg gesting thatt non infecteed glial cells may be b the sourcce of hetero ocellular IFN in the RA ABV -nfecteed NS. Onee can o the heteroocellular IFN N in RABV V infection is. i Beside wondder what thee function of intrinnsic antiviraal propertiess, IFN also controls thee expression n of a large number of IFN stimuulated genes (ISG). The ligand of the Program mmed deathh protein-1, (PDL-1) (aalso nameed B7-H1), is an ISG which w expreession is uprregulated inn RABV-inffected NS annd whicch has been demonstratted to be a critical c factoor for RABV V neuroinvaasiveness. Thus, it can be proposed thhat RABV evades e the antiviral a effe fect of IFN in i the infectted m the heterocellular IFN N to facilitatte its neuroons, whereaas RABV beenefits from progrression in thhe NS . CO.115 ALYSIS OF F RNA EXP PRESSION N BY BLOO OD MONO ONUCLEA AR CELLS ANA STIM MULATED D BY HUM MAN RABIE ES CSF Willooughby RE1, Jia S1, Heessner M1 - 1Medical College C of Wisconsin W - Pediatrics o effective antivirals, survival froom rabies haas been corrrelated withh the In thhe absence of appearance of neutralizing antibody within w 7 dayss of hospitallization. Thhis adaptive t earlier innnate immuune responsee to rabies, which can be b humooral responsse follows the subvverted by thee rabies viruus phosphopprotein. Unnderstandingg the cerebrrospinal fluiid (CSF F) environm ment affectinng innate an nd adaptive immunity to rabies viruus is key too imprroving rabiees survival. To T sensitiveely detect thhe presence of cytokinees, chemokiines and oother imporrtant immunne modulato ors (small nuucleotides and a lipids) inn CSF, we emplloyed a nov vel bioassay whereby a well-controolled periphheral blood mononuclea m ar cell ((PBMC) po opulation off a healthy blood b donor is used asa sensitive biosensor b thhat transscriptionally y responds to t these diluute disease-aassociated factors. f Thee readout is a compprehensive genome-sca g ale array. We W examineed 7 control CSF and 133 CSF sampples from m 6 patients with w laboratory-confirm med rabies, dating from m hospital days d 4 to 26. Dog and bat rabbies were eqqually repressented. CSF F was incubbated with reeporter (PBMC) m PBMC waas then extrracted, labelled and anallyzed using for 9 hours, totaal RNA from Affyymetrix Hum man Genom me U133Pluss2.0 array. Unsupervise U ed analysis separated raabies CSF from controols but did not n clearly group g rabiees samples by b patient, suggesting s thhat ments are greeater determ minants of thhe rabiees disease itself and asssociated medical treatm innatte immune response r to rabies measured in CS SF than are intrinsic i host variables. In general, interferron-inducedd genes weree up-regulatted while cy ytokine gennes were dow wnman PBMC respondingg to human rabies. r regullated in hum CO.116 CROARRA AY ANALY YSIS OF CE ENTRAL NERVOUS N S SYSTEM MIC ASSOCIATED D WITH TH HE INFILT TRATION OF MICR ROGLIA IN N MICE OWING SIG GNS OF PA ARALYSIS S AFTER THE T INTR RAMUSCU ULAR SHO INOCULATIO ON OF RV (CVS-11 STRAIN) 1 UE S , Udaa A1, Sugiurra N1, Hamaamoto N1, Park P CH2 - 1National In nstitute of INOU Infecctious Diseaases - Veteriianry Sciennce, 2Kitasatto Universitty - Veterinaary Patholoogy e year. As A Rabies occurs inn worldwidee and more than 70 0000 people diee of rabies every n l symptomss were preseented the ddisease proggresses of paatients, morre specific neurological incluuding such as a insomniaa, anxiety, coonfusion, sllight or parttial paralysiis, excitationn, halluucinations, agitation, a diifficulty swaallowing, annd hydropho obia (fear of o water). Patieents show seevere paralyysis graduallly and evenntually deadd after a com ma. Mice inocuulated intram muscularly (i.m.) with CVS-11 (fiix strain) shhowed the seevere hind limb l parallysis on 7 daays and thenn dead evenntually, how wever mice inoculated i w CVS-111 with intraccerebrally (i.c.) ( were dead d withouut limb parallysis (Kojim ma et al. 20009 and Sugiiura et al.. 2011). Forr understandding of hindd limb paralyysis, mice inoculated with w CVS-11, h i.m. aand i.c. wass comparativvely analysed by microoarray and hisotopatho logy. Brainns and spinaal cords of mice m were separatively s y collected after a 7 days of the postiinoculation of i.m. aand i.c.. Virral antigens was similaarly observeed in both off brains andd spinal cordds in micee inoculatedd i.m. and Pathologgically, micrroglia was infiltrated in n spinal cordds in micee inoculatedd i.m. not buut i.c.. In microarray, exxpression leevel of genees was norm malized withh each mockk. After com mparative annalysis of geene expresssion in micee inocuulated i.m. and a i.c., signnificantly (ffold changee >2, /p/<0.005) changedd genes werre exam mined by Ing genuity Pathhway Analy ysis (IPA). As A the resullts, calcium m ion relatedd gene and immun ne responsee genes incluuding inflam mmations, chemotaxis, c inflammatiion w obvioussly up-regullated in i.m. in both of brains and spinal cordss. and aapoptosis were Addiitionally, the /p/ valuess of these in spinal cordds were obv viously loweer than thosee of brainns. Moreoveer, there is significant s changes c of S Stat4, Ifng, Irf7 and Il12 which is the t centrral regulatioon factors off those resp ponses. The evoked stroong immunee responses assocciated with the infiltrattion of microglia in CN NS of mice infected i i.m m. suggest a reasoon of damagge developeed severe paaralysis in mice m inoculaated with CV VS-11, i.m.. This work was supported s by a grant-in n-aid for thee Health andd Labour Sccience Reseaarch M of Health, Lab bour and Welfare W of Jaapan. Grannt from the Ministry CO.117 OTEOMICS S ANALYS SIS OF HU UMAN RAB BIES CSF PRO Willooughby RE1, Halligan B2, Green A2 - 1Medical College of o Wisconsiin - Pediatriics, 2 Meddical Collegge of Wisconsin - Bioteechnology and a Bioengiineering Cen nter ncompletelyy understood. Wildtypee rabies infeection The ppathogenesiis of humann rabies is in is miinimally cyttolytic or innflammatoryy, and does not includee major disru uption to the bloodd brain barrrier. Cerebroospinal fluidd (CSF) froom human raabies patiennts is therefoore ideallly suited foor direct anaalysis by pro oteomics appproaches thhat may subbstantively eluciidate the im mmune respoonses, alteraations in meetabolism an nd fundameental cellularr mechhanism that contribute to rabies paathogenesis and recovery. We eexamined 200 control CSF and 13 CSF C samplees from 6 paatients with laboratory-confi firmed rabies, dating froom hospitall days 4 to 59. 5 Dog and d bat rabies were w equallly repreesented. Try ypsin digestts of CSF prroteins weree analyzed by b liquid revversed-phasse chrom matography y followed by b mass speectrometry uusing a Therrmo LTQ-O Orbitrap. Peeptide identtifications were w filteredd at a False Discovery Rate R (FDR)) of < 5% an nd proteins were requiired to havee two or more peptide forms f obserrved to be coonsidered. No N rabies viirus derivved peptidess were deteccted in any sample. In aggregate, a the t abundannce of 180 proteeins were statistically significant between b patiients and coontrols (p < 0.05) whenn correected for mu ultiple testinng and 36 proteins werre more thann 2 fold incrreased in patieents and 64 proteins p weere detected only in pattients only. Some of thee groups thaat thesee proteins were w involveed in innate and acquireed immunity y, complem ment, proteasses, strucctural proteins, synapticc granules, energy e metaabolism, inn nate immun nity and natriuuresis. CO.118 T BE THE T LAST T ATTEMP PT OF THE E HOST TO TH17 CELLS: COULD THEY EAR THE RABIES R VIIRUS? CLE Fernaandes ER1, Guedes F1, Martins JF F2, Pagliari C3, Duarte MIS M 3 - 1Insttituto Pasteuur de 2 São P Paulo, Insttituto de Inffectologia Emílio Ribass - Departam mento de Paatologia, 3 Facuuldade de Medicina M daa Universidaade de São Paulo P - Deppartamento de d Patologiaa Introoduction: following f ann antigenic stimulus naaive CD4+ T lymphocyytes becomee activvated, expan nd and differentiate intoo T helper ssubtypes Thh1 or Th2 lyymphocytes. Receently, a new w subtype naamed Th17 has h been prroposed. Sim milar to the other subtyypes of im mmune respoonse, Th17 cells requirre specific ccytokines annd transcription factorss for their differentiattion. TGF-β β along with h IL-6 are crrucial cytok kines in thiss process, while w L-21 has a role r in the amplificatio a on of the Thh17 responsee and IL-23 is responsiible the IL for thhe maintenaance of diffeerentiated Th17 T cells. Although A thhe role of Thh17 cells is not yet fully fu understtood, data from fr the liteerature sugggest that thesse cells havve importantt role in hoost defense against a micrroorganism ms, in particuular when thhe Th1 and Th2 type immuunity is not efficient too clear the pathogen. p Aim: to evaluate and quanttify the cellss expressingg IL-6, IL-117 and TGF-β in specim mens us system inn human rab bies cases trransmitted by b dogs. of ceentral nervou Mateerial and methods: m sixx fragmentss of central nervous n sysstem (cortexx, hippocam mpus, basall ganglia, ceerebellum, medulla m obllongata andd spinal cord d) were seleected from each e speciimen of the four humann rabies casses transmittted by dogss. By immunnohistochem mical reacttion with thee use of Streptavidin-bbiotin-peroxxidase methood it was exxamined thee expreession of cyytokines IL--6, IL-17 an nd TGF-β. All A immunostained cellls were quanntified using g a grid-scalle in an areaa of 0.0625 mm2 considdering 40 fields in eachh fragm ment of the CNS (10 fields in menninge and 300 fields in parenchyma) p ). Results were w expreessed in num mber of cellls per mm2. 2 Resu ults: it was observed o hiigh expressiion of TGF--β (586.68 cells/mm c ), followed by IL6 (2228.79 cells/m mm2) mainlly in the parrenquimal region and th he presencee of cells expreessing IL-17 7 primarily in meningeeal (187.21 cells/mm2).. Discu ussion and conclusion n: consideriing that the cytokine microenviron m nment will direct d the tyype of imm mune responsse against innfection, if there is a prredominancce of cytokinnes such as IL-1 andd IL-6, theree is a proinfflammatoryy profile, if there t is an in ncreased GF-β and IL L-10, we caan suggest an a immunoreegulatory profile; howeever, expreession of TG the ccombination n of cytokines can geneerate other profiles p of thhe immune response inn an attem mpt to comb bat the infecctious agent. The concoomitant pressence of cellls expressinng TGF-β, IL-6 andd IL-17 sugggest a Th177 pattern of immune ressponse, whiich would be b an mpt by the host h to clearr the rabies virus v after the t profiles of Th1 and Th2 immunne attem respoonse have faailed viral elimination. e CO.119 ANIM MAL MOD DELS AND D BIOLOG GICS EVAL LUATION:: EXPERIM MENTAL RAB BIES VIRU US INFECT TION AND D DOSE TIT TRATION N OF CL184 4 MON NOCLONA AL ANTIB BODY COM MBINATIO ON IN THE E SYRIAN HAMSTER Tayloor ST1, Ellison JA1, Frranka R1, Marissen M WE E2, Rupprechht C1 - 1Cen nters for Dissease Conttrol and Prevvention, Attlanta, GA, USA U - Diviision of Higgh-Consequeence Pathoggens & Paathology, 2Crucell C Hollland BV, Leeiden, The Netherlands N s ute progressive encephaalitis responnsible for ov ver 55,000 human h fatallities Rabies is an acu i woound each year. This zoonosis is preventablee, if promptt medical inntervention includes A ely 10 millioon people care and both acctive and paassive immuunization. Approximate xis (PEP) annnually. Th he World Heealth receiive rabies poost-exposurre prophylax Orgaanization reccommends the adminisstration of hhuman and/oor equine deerived antirabiees immune globulin g (HR RIG and ER RIG) as welll as cell cullture vaccinne for moderrn PEP in humans. However, in i many devveloping reggions wheree canine rabbies is enzoootic, nization aree necessary due to the cost c prohibiitive, alternnative soluttions for passsive immun limitted supply of o HRIG andd ERIG. Suuch disparitiies have pro ompted the developmen d nt of anti-R RABV mon noclonal anttibody (mA Ab) cocktailss that can bee produced on an indusstrial scalee with consiistent potenccy and decrreased produuction costss in compariison to HRIIG and E ERIG. To assess the effficacy of a mAb combination in raabies PEP, we w evaluateed the use oof CL184, a 1:1 proteinn mixture raatio of two human h anti--RABV mA Abs (CR557/CR4098)) produced on the PER R.C6® humann cell line, in i the Syriaan hamster modeel. In separaate experim ments, femalee hamsters were w divideed into grouups and inocuulated on Day -1 into thhe gastrocnnemius musccle with a leethal dose of o a geneticaally distinnct carnivorre or bat RA ABV isolatee (Asian dogg or Parastrrellus hespeerus, respeectively). On Day 0, HR RIG at 20 IU U/kg (n=211) or CL184 4 at 6 μg/kg,, 12 μg/kg or o 16 μg/kgg (n=21/gro oup) was addministered to groups at a the site off inoculation n. In each experiment, a co ontrol groupp (n=12) and a vaccine only group p (n=21) recceived a placcebo 7 14, and 28, 2 hamsterss in experim mental groupps received a inocuulation. On Days 0, 3, 7, 50μl dose of com mmercially available RABV R vacciine. High mortality m waas observed in both placebo and vaccine only o groups by Day 40. Preliminarry data from m the Syrian ments demonnstrate these animals are a a suitablee model and d suggest thhat hamsster experim CL1884 may be a non-inferiior alternativve for HRIG G in rabies PEP P scenarios. CO.220 ALYSIS OF F RABIES VIRUS GL LYCOPRO OTEIN SEQ QUENCES S IN ANA REL LATION TO O THE PR ROPOSED USE OF MONOCLO M ONAL ANT TIBODIES FOR R POST-EX XPOSURE PROPHYL LAXIS Kuzm mina N1, Ellison J1, Orrciari L1, Maarissen W2, Kuzmin I1, Rupprechtt C1 - 1CDC C, 2 Cruccell Holland d mune globullin (RIG) foor post-expo osure prophy ylaxis (PEP P) is The ddemand forr rabies imm signiificant. Unfo fortunately, the cost of RIG R is prohhibitive for many m patiennts in developing coun ntries. Severral monoclo onal antiboddies (MAbs) which neuutralize rabiies h been prroposed as a replacemeent for convventional RIIG due to thhe viruss (RABV) have abilitty of their laarge-scale production p a a reducedd cost. In thee present stuudy, we at generated 487 RABV R glycooprotein (G)) sequencess from a varriety of virall lineages, and a he dataset with w 154 com mplete and 115 partial G sequencees available in supplemented th Bank. The objective o waas to evaluaate variabilitty of knownn MAb-bind ding epitopees on GenB the G G, which maay preclude virus neutrralization. The T analysiss demonstrated that binnding site oof MAb CR R57 (amino acids a 226-2231 of the G ectodomaiin) is very conservative c e. The ssubstitution ns detected (such ( as K2226R in seveeral raccoonn and Africaan dog RAB BV isolaates; L231P//S in severaal skunk, racccoon, and various v bat RABV lineeages; etc.) did d not ppreclude viru us neutralizzation from previously published studies. s No substitutionns that aabolished binding of MAb M CR57 in i escape mutant m studiees were deteected in naturrally occurrring field RA ABV isolatees. In contraast, numerous substituttions were deteccted in the binding b site of MAb CR R4098 (AA A 330-338 off the G ectoodomain). Exam mples includde a K330N N substitutio on in a bat issolate from Brazil; V33 32I/F substtitutions in several RAB BV lineages, associateed with big brown b bats;; N336D in severral viruses associated a w big broown bats in North with N America, in Sou uth-African monggoose RAB BV, in one African A and one Koreann dog RABV V isolate; N336G/S N in severral raccoon isolates; E3337D in sevveral caninee RABV from Serbia an nd in the souuthcentrral skunk RA ABV isolates; I338T inn the canyonn bat and Arctic A RABV V isolates. Subsstitutions in position 3336, particulaarly the N3336D, were detected d earlier in escappe viruss studies and d precludedd neutralizattion of suchh viruses by MAb CR40098. Neveertheless, noo isolates haad substitutiions in bindding sites foor MAbs CR R57 and CR R4098 simuultaneously. There is noo reason to expect e that any of the viruses v from m our study woulld escape neeutralizationn by a combbination of these t MAbss in vivo. Thhe situationn is different for HuMAb RAB1 (also referrred to as 177C7). We confirmed nu umerous 3 which may m abolish h binding off MAb RAB B1 as substtitutions, paarticularly inn position 336, was sshown prevviously by escape virus generation. The RAB1 1 was propoosed as a sinngle MAbb for use in human rabiies PEP, claaiming that there t are noo natural RA ABV isolatees whicch harbor critical substiitutions in itts binding site (the com mbination 3336D-346K in i the G ecttodomain). We encounntered this combination c n in the majoority of viruuses from onne of the liineages asso ociated withh big brownn bats distribbuted broad dly in Northh America. Our O findings clearly demonstratte that the proposed p usee of a singlee MAb for rabies r PEP is i i al recommenndations. inapppropriate, inn line with internationa CO.221 a effective as liveNeuttralization antibodies in combination of MCP-1 are as atten nuated rabiies virus in n preventing mice from m developin ng rabies Fu Z1, Huang J2, Li G2, Zhaang G2, Zhoou M2 - 1Unniversity of Georgia - Huazhong H Agriccultural Unniversity, 2University U off Georgia virus that causes ABV) is a neurotropic n c fatal disease in humans h andd Rabies virus (RA mals. Curren ntly there is no cure for rabies oncee clinical sig gns appear. It has beenn anim hypoothesized thaat once the virus enterss the centrall nervous syystem (CNS S), neutralizzing antibbodies in thee periphery cannot crosss the bloodd–brain barrrier (BBB) into i the CNS. Previious studiess have demoonstrated thhat treatment with live-aattenuated RABV R via the t intraccerebral rou ute 5 days after a infectioon with wildd-type virusses can leadd to the clearrance not oonly the atteenuated, butt also the wiild-type viruus. Direct administratioon of liveattennuated RAB BV stimulateed high leveels of neutraalization anttibodies and d enhanced the BBB B permeabiliity. Howeveer, direct inttracerebral administrattion of live-attenuated RAB BV possessees safety conncerns. In thhe present sstudy, neutraalization anntibodies weere admiinistered in conjunctionn with a cheemokine, MCP-1 M (know wn to enhannce the BBB B perm meability), in nto mice aftter infection n with wild--type virus. Significanttly more proteection was found f in micce treated with w this com mbination when w compaared to treattment with neutralizatiion antibodiies alone wiithout MCP P-1. Furtherm more, the co ombined ment with neutralizatio n on antibodiees and MCP P-1 is as effeective as thee live-attenuuated treatm RAB BV in prevennting mice from f develooping rabiess. These stuudies furtherr demonstraate that eenhancemen nt of the BB BB is criticaal for immunne effectorss in the periphery to ennter into tthe CNS to clear RABV V. CO.222 uman monooclonal anttibody com mbination foor rabies poostDeveelopment of CL184 hu expoosure proph hylaxis, froom preclinical design to t clinical evaluation e Mariissen WE1, Niezgoda N M2, Ellison J2, Franka R2, Kuzminaa N2, Kuzm min I2, Tayloor T2, 2 1 2 Ruppprecht C - Crucell Hoolland bv - Project P Mannagement, Centers C for Disease Coontrol and P Prevention t The ccurrently reecommended prophylaxxis for indivviduals expoosed to rabies virus is the combbined adminnistration off rabies vaccine and rabbies immunne globulin (RIG). ( How wever, limiteed supply haampers the availability of RIG, paarticularly in n enzootic aareas. To ciircumvent the t global RIG R limitatio on we aimed to developp a human monoclonal m l antibbody combin nation, CL1184, for rabiies post-expposure prophylaxis (PE EP) that wouuld replaace the plasm ma origin RIG. R CL184 consists off two human n IgG1 mAbbs, CR57 annd CR40098, which are directedd against noon-overlappping rabies virus v (RV) glycoprotein g n epitoopes. Previoously, we haave shown thhat the in viitro breadthh of neutraliization of CL184 againnst a large panel p of streeet RV of vaarious anim mal origins as a well as in vivo protecction by C CL184 in a Syrian S hamsster rabies challenge c model was coomparable to results obtaiined with hu uman RIG. A detailed preclinical p selection prrocedure waas applied too estabblish the CL L184 antiboddy combinaation. Effortts on RV su urveillance to t ensure adeqquate coveraage by CL1884 continuee. In additionn, encouragging data froom the Phasse I (US and India) and a Phase III (US and Philippines) P clinical evaaluation of CL184 havee beenn obtained. In I preparatioon of the pivvotal Phasee III evaluations for CL L184, a finall Phase IIb evaluaation has beeen executed d for which data analyssis is ongoin ng. The futuure C may help to ensuure consisteent supply of o pivotal liffe-saving availlability of CL184 bioloogics to rabiies endemicc areas and could c substaantially conntribute to thhe reductionn of humaan rabies deeaths, when combined with w educattional measuures and effforts to elim minate caninne rabies. CO.223 r nt rabies viiruses for both b GM--CSF or flaagellin imprroves the efficacy of recombinan pareental and orral immuniizations Fu Z1, Zhou M2, Zhang G2, Ren G2 - 1Huazhong H A Agricultural l Universityy - Universiity of Georrgia, 2Univeersity of Geoorgia p stuudies indicaated that reccombinant rabies virusees expressinng chemokinnes Our previous and ccytokines (iincluding GM-CSF) G coould enhancee the immunnogenicity by b inducingg innatte immunity y and recruiiting/activatting dendritiic cells and B cells. In this study, bacteerial flagelliin was cloned into the rabies r viruss genome annd recombin nant virus rLBN NSE-Flic was rescued. To comparre the immuunogenicity of rLBNSE E-Flic with recom mbinant virrus expressinng GM-CSF F (rLBNSE E-GMCSF), mice were immunizedd with each of these reccombinant rabies r virusses by i.m. oor the oral rooute. The paarental viruus BNSE) withoout expressiion of any foreign f moleecules was included fo or comparisoon. (rLB The ii.m.-immunnized mice were w bled att three weekks after the immunizatiion for the meassurement off virus neutrralizing antiibodies (VN NA) and theen challengeed with 50 LD50 L CVS S-24. The orrally immunnized mice were w boosteered after th hree weeks and a then bleed and cchallenged one o week affter the boooster immunnization. It was w found thhat both thee recom mbinant virruses LBNS SE-GMCSF and LBNSE E-Flic induced higher levels l of VN NA and pprotected more m mice aggainst rabiess challenge than the paarental rLBN NSE in bothh the i.m.- and the oraally immuniized groupss. Together, these studiees suggest that t recombbinant xpressing GM-CSF G or flagellin aree better vaccines than the t parent virus v rabiees viruses ex for bboth parentaal and oral im mmunizatioons, most likkely by recrruiting/activvating dendrritic cells. CO.224 PER RSISTENCE E OF ANT TI-RABIES S NEUTRA ALIZING ANTIBODI A IES IN A RUR RAL AMAZ ZONIAN COMMUNI C ITY VACC CINATED WITH PURIFIED VERO CEL LL RABIES S VACCIN NE (PVRV) FOLLOW WING VAM MPIRE BAT T RABIES OUT TBREAK Medeeiros R1, Maestri M A2, Le L Guern A--S3, Martoreelli L4, Alm meida M4, Kataoka K APA AG4, 5 5 5 5 5 3 Houiillon G , Jussot V , Zoccchetti C , Bosch B Castellls V , Rasu uli A , Chteo oui M , Jalllet C3, B Behillil S3, Assef A R2, Rodrigues R L2, Lima R6, Rotivel Y7, Tordo N8 - 1Universiddade Fedeeral do Para,, Brazil, 2Unniversidadee Federal doo Para, 3Instiitut Pasteurr, Paris, 4Cenntro de Controle de Zoonoses, Z S Paulo, 5Sanofi Pastteur, Lyon, 6Secretaria de Saude do São 7 8 P Innstitut Pasteuur - Virologgy Para,, ) Institut Pasteur, man rabies trransmitted by b vampire bats is a connstant threaat in the Am mazonian reggion, Hum regullarly exceedding in fatallities the claassical dog transmitted t rabies in reecent years. In 20044-5, several outbreaks have h occurreed in Para, B Brazil. In May-June M 20005, followiing 15 deeaths, mostlly children, in Augustoo Correa, a rural r commuunity of 53,,000 peoplee dispeersed along the Amazon estuary, 3,500 3 subjeccts aged from 2 to 60 years y receiveed puriffied Vero ceell rabies vaaccine (PVR RV Verorabb®, Sanofi Pasteur, P Fran nce) for posst- or pre-eexposure pro ophylaxis. The T presenttation will summarize s t follow-uup of this the comm munity duriing 4 years after a vaccinnation. The persistence p of anti-RABV neutraliizing antibbodies (VNA Abs) levels was evaluaated by RFFIT, FAVN, and Plateliia ELISA (B BioRAD D®) against the PV andd CVS referrence strainss as well as a vampire bat b isolate. Subjeects with VNAb V levelss <0.5 IU(EU U)/mL weree boosted. From F a totall of 507 subbjects incluuded in the study, s 428 (84.4%) ( werre availablee all along thhe follow-u up, an excelllent adherence consiidering the isolation, i diispersion, annd nomadicc live of the communityy. markably, 5% % to 7% of the t surveyedd populationn were poteentially re-eexposed onee to Rem severral times eaach year throough animaal bites (maiinly dogs also bats, catss, monkeys)). The ppersistence of the WHO O minimum m “seroproteective” level of VNAbss (≥0.5 IU/m mL) four years after vaccinationn was observ ved in 85.8% % of the non boosted population p ((346 s diifference inn VNAb perrsistence pro ofiles were patieents). Interesstingly, no statistical obserrved in pre--exposure (445 subjects)) and post-eexposure (30 01 subjects)) treated popuulations. Gloobally, the VNAb V levell and persisttence were better in yo oung populaation than in elderly, and a in femaales than in males, partiicularly the 16–40 yearrs old maless otection ratees. No interrference was observed whicch showed loower GMT and seropro betw ween anti-maalaria treatm ment and PV VRV immunnogenicity. At the methhodologicall levell, RFFIT annd FAVN reesults appearred highly concordant. c The concorrdance was loweer with the ELISA E resullts that show wed a globaal increase in GMT valu ue over the yearss paralleled by a decreaase in statisttical correlaation with RFFIT R (Pearrson’s correelation coeff fficient = 0.882 in 2007 to t 0.42 in 20009). A hun ndred serum m samples were w seleccted random mly each yeaar to evaluatte the concoordance of RFFIT R resullts using thee PV strainn versus a lo ocal vampirre bat isolatte. In suummary, this study dem monstrated persistence p o anti-rabiees VNAbs in of i the vast majoority of vacccinees (PVR RV Verorabb®) from thiis communiity at repeatted risk of vamppire bat bitees. CO.225 uation of raabies virus variants v Rabiies Surveilllance in thee United Sttates- evalu Dyerr J1, Blanton n JD1, Ruppprecht C1 - 11Centers foor Disease Control C and Preventionn Divission of Highh-Consequeence Pathoggens and Patthology, Po oxvirus and Rabies Brannch, Rabies program m 6 rabid animals reppresenting a Durinng 2011, 499 states and Puerto Ricoo reported 6,031 1.9% % decrease from f the 6,153 rabid an nimals reporrted in 2010 0. Relative contribution c ns by the major m animaal groups weere as follow ws: 1,981 raaccoons (322.8%), 1,6277 skunks (27.00%), 1,380 bats b (22.9% %), 427 foxees (7.1%), 303 cats (5.00%), 65 catttle (1.1%), and a 70 doogs (1.2%). Comparedd to 2010, a significant increase was reported among rabiid skunnks. Canine rabies viruss transmission has beenn eliminatedd in the Unitted States since 20044 and monitooring the raabies virus variant v assocciated with rabid domeestic animalls is criticcal. We evalluated rabiees diagnostic submissioon data for the t US from m 2008-20111 for reporrted rabid dogs, d cats annd coyotes. A total of 11,546 rabid cats, c dogs and a coyotes were reporrted, with raabies virus variants v chaaracterized iin 35%. Catts compriseed the majorrity of rabbid animalss not characcterized. No canine rabiies virus variants were reported. Most M rabidd domestic animals a werre infected with w the rabbies virus vaariant circullating in thee predoominant meesocarnivoree reservoir from f the geeographic arrea of subm mission. How wever, isolated cases asssociated witth bat rabies virus variaants were reeported. Theese findings highlight the need for enhanceed surveillaance to monnitor the circculation of mine emergennce of new rabiees virus variiants in locaal carnivore populationns to determ rabiees virus variiants. State health h depaartments maay not test suuspect rabidd animals unnless a hum man exposuure occurs. Moreover, M v variant typinng is not peerformed onn all sampless thouggh CDC proovides rabiees virus charracterization, if requested. The pu ublic health impliications of host h shifts and a potentiaal spillover of rabies viirus variantss from wildllife to doomestic anim mals reinforrces the neeed for additional laboratory diagnoostics. CO.226 BIES AND RABIES PROBLEM P MS IN NIGE ERIA RAB Ogunnkoya AB1,22,3,4,5,6 - 1Ahhmadu Belloo Universityy, Zaria, Niggeria - Veteerinary Mediicine, 2Osinnubi, MOV - Rabies Reesearch Uniit, Centers for f Disease Control C andd Preveention, Atlaanta, G.A-U U.S.A, 3Garbba, A - Diaggnostic and Extension Dept, D Natioonal 4 Veterinary Reseearch Instituute, Vom- Nigeria, N Auudu, SW - Dept. D of Vet.. Medicine, Fac. Y - Diagnosstic of Veet. Medicinne, Ahmadu Bello Univversity, Zaria-Nigeria, 5Atuman, YJ and E Extension Dept, D Nationnal Veterinaary Researchh Institute, Vom- Nigeeria, 6 Ehim miyein,AM - Dept. of Vet. V Mediciine, Fac. off Vet. Mediccine, Ahmad du Bello Univversity, Zariia-Nigeria Officcial reportinng of rabies in Nigeria started in 19912. The National Veteerinary Research Instittute (NVRI)), Vom, witthin the last 77 years, cconfirmed 4809 cases of o animal rabbies in Niigeria. Rabiies control through t imm munization programs p has crashed woefully w annd conseequently, th he rabies situuation has become b chaaotic and confounding. Locally, onnly 2,1377,615 dosess of dog antii-rabies vacccines were produced between b 195 56 and 20055 (averrage 43,6255 per year) by b NVRI, Vom. V Dog poopulation in n Nigeria is currently estim mated at 8 million. m In thhe last 20 yeears of reseaarch and folllow ups onn rabies and assocciated probllems, only 10% 1 of the dogs’ d popullation receivved anti-rabbies immuunization. Within W the immunized dogs, rabiess outbreaks occurred frrequently. Eviddences on th he trend of rabies cases recorded (11983-1991) confirmed 40%-60% increease in rabiees positive cases c for evvery decade in Nigeria. Molecular epidemiology and pphylogenetiic analysis study s of som me dog rabiees isolates in i Plateau State S confirm med the fl flow of rabiees virus from m neighboriing and far North Africcan countriees into Nigeeria. Somee studies off prevalencee of rabies antigens a in the t brain and saliva of apparently a healtthy dogs slaaughtered foor human co onsumption in Nigeria; revealed a 28% prevallence of rabbies antigen n in the connsumed dogss in North-W West, 31% from f North-East and 244% from m North-Cen ntral regionss of Nigeriaa. Similarly, 6%-8% of the dogs haad rabies anntigen in theeir saliva att the point of o slaughter.. A stuudy of the epidemiolog e gy of rabies in wildlife in Bauchi State, S revealled the preseence of rabbies antigen n in mongooose (11%), jackals j (9% %), squirrels (8.3%), hyydrax (17%)) and wild cats (16%). This suggeests an ongo oing spreadd of rabies within w the wild w animals in Nigeeria. Concclusively, raabies is a prroblem in Nigeria N such that even th he apparenttly healthy dogs d slaugghtered for human h conssumption haarbor the virral antigen in the brainns and salivaa. This is an obvioous public health risk an nd may havve serious im mplication. The T low nuumber of Niigerian dogs immunizeed (10% insttead of 70-880%) leavess the countrry with abunndance of ep pizootic sibllings for rabbies outbreaaks. The wid de spread off rabies in thhe wildllife is an em merging proof of the role of wildliffe in the epiidemiology of rabies inn Nigeeria. It is ourr recommenndation thatt a RITA moodel to rabiees control as a employedd in the A Americas bee applied in West Africca especiallyy Nigeria. Keyw words: Rab bies, Rabies problem, Rabies virrus, Appareently health hy dogs, Vacccination, Nigeria CO.227 ANSLOCAT TION OF DOG D RAB BIES IN ISR RAEL BY TOURISM T M TRA Daviid D1, Dverees N1, Yakoobson BA2, Dvorkin Z3, Davidson I4, Yagil J5, Oved Z6 1 Kim mron Veterinnary Institutte - Rabies Laboratory, 2Kimron Veterinary V Institute I Direcctor, 3Direcctor of Veterrinary Serviices, Jerusallem district, Israel, 4Kiimron 5 Veterinary Instittute, Bet Daagan 50250, POB 12, Israel, I Bet Zait, Z Israel, 6Veterinaryy o Israel, Beet Dagan, 50 0250, Israell Serviices, State of mic and strayy Rabies is enzoottic throughoout the Middle East. Inn Israel rabiees is endem miliaris) form m the main reservoir annd transmittter. Since 2004 2 and to the dogs (Canis fam w to the preseent the statee of Israel haas been forcced to cope with a rabiees strain new counntry, designaated V7. Beecause dogs are in closee contact wiith people thhe new V7 strainn that circullated at the Northern reegion of Israael possessees a serious health threaat to humaans. In the present coommunicatiion we repo ort a tourism m type of rab bies transloccation, in which w mily from Jeerusalem toook their unv vaccinated dog d to the northern n Israael. a fam On 19 Decembeer, 2011 a doog was diaggnosed positive for rabiies in the Issraeli Nationnal ory at the Kimron K Veteerinary Instittute. A casee investigatiion revealedd that Rabies Laborato d belongiing to a fam mily living inn on 133 Decemberr, a 3 years old Goldenn Retriever dog Jerussalem showed clinical symptoms s of o inappetennce, salivatiion and incooordination.. The dog w was vaccinaated twice against a disteemper and parvo p virus Duramune D Max® M (Forrt Dodgge, Iowa, USA) U but nott against rabbies. On 15 December the dog was admitted to t a privaate veterinarry clinic in Jerusalem and a under cllinical exam mination it showed s unusually alert behaviour b a reactionn to externall stimuli. Th and he dog show wed no clinical ggression duuring the perriod of illneess. On 16 December D t dog show the wed sympptoms of ag ulteriior deterioraation of clinnical sympto oms with coonvulsions and unconsciousness aand was ttreated with h diazepam (Assival, Teva). As noo health imp provement was w seen, thhe dog w was euthaniized on 18 December D a was trannsferred to the and t Kimron Veterinary Instittute. Rabies was diag gnosed by direct d fluoresscence assaay, and was confirmed by b isolationn of mily of suckkling the raabies virus in tissue cuulture and itss inoculatioon into a fam micee. Reverse transcriptase t e - PCR andd direct sequuencing weere applied to t a 469 basse pair ((bp) G-L in ntergenic reggion fragmeent and to thhe entire 1350 bp of thee nucleoprootein gene . A phylog genetic tree showed s thatt the Jerusaalem dog's sequence belonged to thhe V7 t circulatted in northeern Israel. D During the period p of 20004 to 2011, 181 genetic variant that rabiees viruses beelonging to V7 geneticc variants weere isolatedd from rabidd animals in northhern Israel. The Jerusallem dog's raabies virus isolate i was the only example of thhe V7 genetic variant that t was eveer isolated from f an anim mal in Centtral Israel. The T Jerusaleem was probably bitten byy the rabid stray dog thaat circulated d on the easstern coast of o the dog w Lakee Kinneret loocated in Northern N Israael. After ann incubationn period of about a 2 monnths the cclinical symp ptoms appeeared in Jeruusalem. As a consequencce of this raabies diagnoosis, post-exxposure vacccination waas given to the t o veterinariaans and an additional a 1 people, who 18 w had com me into conttact two oowners, two with the dog in Jerusalem. J V Various san nitary measuures were im mposed in Jerusalem, J ssuch nt of measurres against stray s animalls, boostingg of domestiic dog as reinforcemen mals can seerve vacciination and quarantine of unvaccinnated dogs. Because doomestic anim as a bbridge betw ween wildliffe rabies reservoirs andd humans, thheir vaccinaation greatlyy effecctive as public health toools that aree available to t safeguard d the humann health. CO.228 ANSICIÓN N EPIDEMIIOLÓGICA A DE LA RABIA R CA ANINA EN MÉXICO TRA Varggas FP1, Guttiérrez VC1, Chávez IA AF1, Lezanaa MAF1 - 1Secretaría S dee Salud/Méxxico CEN NAPRECE México com mo resultado de las camp pañas masivvas de vacuunación antirrábica caniina a En M partirr de 1990 y que se han mantenido a la fecha, el registro de d casos con nfirmados por p laborratorio por IFD I en estaa especie obbservó un deecremento sostenido s añño con año; compparando estee comportam miento en dos d períodoss, refiere quue en el prim mero de los 90’s se accumularon 13,811 1 casos en contrasste se reducce para el seegundo del 2000 2 a 921 casos con ddecremento del 93.3%,, se describeen a continuuación algunnas variablees epideemiológicass asociadas a ellos. oblación, enn la década de los 90’s los casos predominaro on en municcipios Denssidad de po con ccaracterísticcas urbanas por arriba del d 80%, afe fectando colonias o locaalidades popuulosas de claase media baja, b el restoo se ubicó enn localidadees de municcipios con caraccterísticas ru urales; en ell período deel 2000 se innvierte estaa proporciónn y predomiinan los casos en áreaas marginaddas de las grrandes ciuddades y de tiipo rural. Deestaca que los l p a basureros b descontroladdos, casoss de los últimos 3 años comprendeen lugares próximos vivieendas en desspoblado dee alta marginnación careentes de servvicios públiicos básicoss (callees, electricidad, agua potable p y dreenaje) lo quue favorece exceso de perros p en situaación de callle. l década dee los 90’s lo os casos ocu urrieron en 31 Entidades federrativas afecctadas, en la s divide el país, contraastando tress entidades que q acumullan entiddades de las 32 en que se 56% del total dee los casos; en el períod do del 20000 se reduce a 24 las entiidades que d acumulaan el 65% del d total. regisstraron casos, de éstas dos s como Dosiis aplicadass de vacunaa antirrábicca canina, a través de centros de salud puntoo de referenncia para ubbicar en la loocalidad loss puestos o brigadas b de vacunaciónn ya identtificadas por otras jornaadas de saluud por la comunidad; en la décadaa de los 90’ss se apliccaron 101.3 millones dee dosis, paraa el períodoo del 2000 se incrementtó a 196.2 milloones de dosiis. demiología molecular,, de la transferencia de d tecnologíía del CDC C, a partir dee Epid 19966 con la caraacterizaciónn antigénicaa con panel de d 8 anticueerpos monoclonales, see corrooboró en alggunas muesttras (160) de d perro o dee personas fallecidas f por rabia transsmitida por este animall según interrrogatorio, la l presenciaa de la variaante V1 (perrro) en ell 95% de lass muestras y el resto V33 (zorrillo) y V11 (murrciélago). A partir del año a 20066 se realizó el e secuenciaamiento nuccleotídico en e algunas de d estas mueestras, se utiilizó comoo referenciaa la clasificaación que hiizo el CDC (doce linajees de virus de d rabia en perroo), corroborrando que enn la región centro c del país p continúúa presente el e linaje D5 por persiistir el foco enzoótico en e el Valle de d México, de manera aislada con n casos únicoos los liinajes D8 enn el foco ennzoótico de Puebla, P D9 en el foco enzoótico e de d Oaxaca y con casoss permanenntes en los últimos añoss el linaje D10 en el surreste en el foco f rábico en Yucaatán y Chiappas, recienteemente se activó a el D1 (asociado perro-coyot p te) en Nuevvo Leónn en la fronttera con Esttados Unido os (Texas). CO.229 TECTION OF O THE DOG/COYO D OTE VARIIANT OF RABIES R VIIRUS IN THE T DET MEX XICO-US BORDER B Jaram millo E1, Viillarreal JZ1, Galindo EIG E 1, Carrannza P2, Melééndez A3 - 1Laboratorioo Estattal de Saludd Pública - Secretaría S dee Salud del Estado de Nuevo N Leónn. Guadaluppe, 2 Nuevvo León, México, Cenntro de Investigación Biomédica del Noreste - Instituto Mexiicano del Seeguro Sociaal. Monterreey, NL, Méxxico, 3Laboratorio de Rabia R - Instiituto de D Diagnóstico y Referenciia Epidemioológicos. México, DF Curreently in the border states of northeern Mexico,, samples frrom skunks and dogs thhat have the V-1 anntigenic variiant of the raabies virus have been identified, i h however, geenetic I 2010, 4 cases c of hum man rabies were w analyysis indicatees that they are strains of skunks. In regisstered in Meexico, whilee in Nuevo Leon L there w was 1 case of canine raabies transm mitted by innsectivorouss bats. It hass been almo ost a decadee since the apparent a non n-transmission of the (V-1) variiant dog/coyyote, in thee border bettween Mexico (Coahuilla and Tamaaulipas) andd USA (Texxas). Surveiillance data suggest thaat this variannt of caninee rabiees virus is no ot longer inn circulationn in the Unitted States of America, however, thhe last ddetection waas registeredd in March 2004 in thee US-Mexicco border. In n addition, one o dog ccarrying thee rabies viruus was deteccted in Junee 2011 in the town of Sabinas S Hidaalgo, NL., which is ab bout 130 km m from the US-Mexico U border. This finding iss very impoortant becauuse the (V-1) variant (ddog/coyote)) could be ppresent on thhe border off both counttries. The ggeography of o this regioon is very siimilar to Teexas, which may permitt the free moveement of caarnivorous species s on both b sides off the borderr. Thereforee, the objective of this study waas to identifyy the (V-1) variant of rabies virus in the dog from f Sabinaas Hidaalgo, NL. Byy using direect immunoofluorescencce, antigenic characteriization withh a panel of 8 monooclonal antibbodies, RT--PCR and nuucleotide seequencing techniques, the t 709ppb (751nt to 1460nt) annd 420pb (992nt to 1411nt) fragmeents from thhe semi-variiable regioon of the virral N proteinn were anallyzed. Accoording to thee antigenic characteriza c ation, the vvariant found was the V-1, V while thhe moleculaar study wass also positiive for this variaant. Our resu ults suggestt the same liineages pubblished by Velasco-Vill V la et al., 20005 in the aanalyzed sam mple. This study s demon nstrates the actual prev valence of th he V-1 variaant (dog//coyote) in the US-Mexxico borderr and warns about the risk for transsmission off the V-1 variant v to humans, h as well w as to doomestic andd wild animaals. Acknnowledgements: We arre grateful too Miguel Angel A Zunigaa, Isabel Agguilar Tavitaas and A Alma Lilian na Lizarán Meneses M forr their suppoort in the diiagnosis of rabies r viruss. Finanncial support: This worrk was supp ported by thhe Rabies Prrogram of thhe Ministry of Heallth of Nuevo o Leon and Health Servvices of Nuevo Leon. CO.330 PORTANCIIA EPIDEM MIOLÓGIICA DE LO OS MURCIIÉLAGOS IMP INSE ECTÍVOROS EN LA A TRANSM MISIÓN DE EL VIRUS RABIA A FELINOS Y OTR ROS MURC CIÉLAGOS CASERO OS EN EL VALLE DEL CAUCA, COL LOMBIA. Núñeez CM1, Páeez MA2, Heernández RC C3, Escobarr DH4, Boneelo PA1 - 1Grupo G VIRE EM. Labooratorio de Virología. V U Universidad d del Valle - Valle del Cauca. C Coloombia, 2 Laboratorio Virrología. INS S-Bogotá - Bogotá. Coolombia, 3Unnidad Ejecuutora de S Saneeamiento del Valle - Vaalle del Cauuca. Colombbia, 4Secretaaría Departaamental de Salud del V Valle del Caauca - Valle del Cauca. Colombia d años see ha destacaddo la imporrtancia epideemiológica de los En loos últimos diez murcciélagos inseectívoros coomo transm misores de laa rabia a feliinos y otross murciélagoos insecctívoros/caseros en Collombia. En junio del 2012, despuéés de 21 año os sin registtrarse casoss de rabia enn humanos en el Deparrtamento deel Valle del Cauca, se presentan p doos muerrtes en mujeeres mordiddas por gato infectado con c la variannte antigéniica 4 (VAg44), cuyoo reservorio es el murciiélago insecctívoro Tadaarida brasilliensis. Objjetivos. Determinar las asociacione a s entre espeecies de murrciélagos, su comportaamiento, la e gico con énfasis en riessgo transsmisión del virus entre ellos y su significado epidemiológ para la población humana y mascotas. Metodologgía. Durantee el periodo o diciembre 1999 or el prograama de vigillancia a junnio 2012, fueron capturrados más de 1.321 murrciélagos po de raabia en el deepartamentoo del Valle del d Cauca. El E diagnóstiico de rabiaa se hizo porr inmuunofluoresceencia directta e inoculacción en ratoones, utilizaando tejido encefálico e d los de murcciélagos cappturados. Laa tipificación viral se hiizo por inm munofluoresccencia indirrecta usanddo anticuerppos monocllonales. Ressultados. See detectaronn dos ejempplares de Eptessicus brasilliensis posittivos para raabia en los años a 2000 y 2002, y do os casos máás en especcímenes de E. brasiliennsis y Molossus molosssus, en el 20008. Se encontró virus rabia VAgg3 en gato añño 2009 y VAg4 V en huumano morddido por gatto año 2012 2. Se encontrraron distinntas especiees de murciéélagos, com mo E. brasiliiensis, M. molossus, m Myotis My nigriccans, Glossophaga sooricina, Nocctiliio albiveentris y Carrollia perspiicillata, com mpartiendo r de V VAg 3 y 4, en murciélaagos M.moloossus refuggios en casaas. Se detecttaron virus rábicos y E.bbrasiliensis así como enn gato y doss humanos. Conclusion nes. En Vallle la presenncia de laas VAg 3 y 4 del virus rábico r en murciélagos m insectívoros/caseros, probablemen p nte, ha sido facilitadda por la defforestación de d los hábittats naturalees de estas especies; e asíí d arquitectuura urbana que q provee un u hábitat artificial a quee posibilita el comoo el estilo de contaacto físico entre e las esppecies, aumeentando la pprobabilidad d de transm misión de rabbia entree estas y en las personaas que habitaan las casass invadidas. Ante las dificultades para p contrrolar la rabiia en murciéélagos y la falta f de herrramientas ad decuadas, laa vigilanciaa contiinua de la ennfermedad en los murcciélagos, basada en el diagnóstico d y la tipificaación de loos virus rábiicos por laboratorio, enn los asentam mientos hum manos y alreededor de ellos, e la vaacunación prreventiva enn animales domésticos d y de produucción, así como la educación de la comunidadd para la conncientizacióón del riesgo o y la recoleección pasivva de u análisis, se conviertenn en las mejjores herram mientas paraa prevenir laa muesstras para su transsmisión a huumanos. Aggradecimieentos y Finaanciación. Secretarías S de Salud Depaartamental Valle V y Munnicipal Cali, Unidad Ejjecutora de Saneamientto Valle, Labooratorios dell Instituto Nacional N de Salud y Unniversidad del d Valle. Núñeez MC. Infeectio. 2012; 16(1): 23-229. CO.331 CONDARY TRANSM MISSION OF RABIES S IN LATIN N AMERIC CA SEC 2 Kotaait I1, Carrieeri ML2, Ruppprecht C3 - 1Instituto Pasteur, P In nstituto Pastteur - Seçãoo de Diaggnóstico, 3Centers for Disease D Prevvention and Control mpared to prrimary pathways amonng reservoirss, secondaryy transmissiion of rabies Com viruss has not recceived muchh attention from f researrchers or pubblic health professiona p als, becauuse spilloveer of infectioon from hem matophagouus and non-hematophaggous bats too a potenntial vector is believed to be uncom mmon. Thiss review seeeks to remin nd those workking on Latiin Americann rabies conntrol program ms of the poossibility off a bat-cathumaan pathway. Followingg the increasse in the conntrol of canine rabies inn most Latinn Ameerican counttries, epidem miological surveillance s e also focuseed on hemaatophagous and a non-hhematophaggous bats annd the use of o molecularr techniquess in the charracterizationn of rabiees. At least eight e cases of secondarry transmisssion to hum mans were id dentified in Latin L Ameerica from 2001 to 20122: one in Brrazil (2001), two in Costa Rica (20001), four inn Coloombia (two in i 2008 andd two in 201 12) and one in Ecuadorr (2009). In each case, the t epideemiologicall investigatiion implicatted a cat as the t vector. The T antigennic and geneetic analyyses identifiied variantss maintainedd by the hem matophagouus bat Desm modus rotunddus. Fruitt-eating batss in the genuus Artibeus may also be b affected by b a variantt similar to that t of D.. rotundus. Such fruit bats b may bee found in urrban areas. Such affectted species can c transsmit rabies virus v to felidds, which arre importannt predators of bats. Therefore, in cases c of huuman rabiess following aggression by cats in areas a that are otherwisee free of cannine rabiees (variants 1 and 2) buut where theere are rabiees epizooticss in sentinells such as herbiivores, the hypothesis h o secondarry transmisssion of bat rabies of r virusees should allways be innvestigated. CO.332 ndards and Assays forr Rabies Serology Stan Moore S1, Hanlo on C1 - 1Kaansas State University U - KSVDL/R Rabies Laborratory oassays are currently ussed to meassure humoraal immunity y to the rabiees Seveeral immuno viruss. A standarrd or referennce serum iss a consistennt componeent of all asssays to standdardize the results r and control the assay perfoormance. Tw wo human innternationall standdard rabies immune i gloobulin (SRIG) referencce serum preeparations are a recognizzed by thhe World Heealth Organnization (WH HO): the firrst internatioonal WHO SRIG(WHO O 1) with a potency of o 59 IU andd the secondd WHO SR RIG(WHO 2) 2 with a pottency of 30 IU. RIG is also known k as RIG R Lot R-33 in the Unitted States, distributed d b by The WHO 1 SR ogics Evaluaation and Research R (CB BER). The WHO W 2 SR RIG is distribbuted Centter for Biolo by N National Insttitute for Biological Staandards andd Control (N NIBSC) in thhe UK. Theese standdards are used globallyy to promotee uniform pootency meaasurement off RIG produucts used for prophylaxis, indiviidual vaccinne responsee, and diseasse diagnosiss in a standaard onsistent an nd accurate internnational uniit (IU/mL). Because it is importannt to have co assiggnment of IU U/mL valuees for rabiess immune gllobulin (RIG G) productss and reliablle vacciine response measurem ments for thee evaluationn of vaccinees, the SRIG G in use for a particcular metho od should bee routinely evaluated for fo potency against a a recognized internnational staandard. Prevvious studiees in 1997 and a 2006 haave indicated that WHO O1 SRIG G has lost po otency in coomparison with w WHO 2 SRIG. Fuurther potenncy comparison studiies have sup pported this finding. Too determine the differennce in potenncy betweenn the two S SRIG prepaarations andd their potenncies in diffe ferent assayss, a comparison study was w perfoormed at KS SU. Three potency p leveels of each SRIG S and four fo rabies virus v neutrallizing antibbody (RVNA A) positive serum sampples were teested in two o rapid fluorrescent focuus inhibbition assays (RFFIT), differing inn challenge virus v strain and cell typpe, and two ELIS SA assays, one o indirectt and one blocking. Staatistical anallysis revealeed there is no n signiificant difference overaall in the meeasurementss when eitheer WHO 1 or o WHO 2 are a used as the SRIG G in the RF FFIT assays.. However, a trend wass clearly seeen in higherr mL values obbtained wheen WHO1 was w used as the SRIG to t obtain thee IU/mL vallues. IU/m Addiitionally, fo or some of thhe samples a significannt differencee in IU/mL was found. The compparison of inndirect ELIISA results, where the kkit standardd is used to calculate c the EU/m mL values, revealed r a significant difference between b WH HO 1 and WHO W 2 meassurements at a potency leevel 2.0 IU//mL; with WHO W 1 highher in EU/m mL value thaan WHO O 2. The pootential for obtaining o inncongruent m measuremen nts with usee of differennt SRIG G preparatio on and the performance p e of each SR RIG in diffeerent method ds should bbe consiidered when n selecting assays standdards/controols and in th he interpretaation of rabbies serollogy results. CO.333 a ELISA to t detect raabies antiboodies in willd (foxes an nd raccoon Evalluation of an dogss) and domeestic carnivvores (dogss and cats) Cliquuet F1, Guioot AL2, Scheereffer JL1, Tribout L1, Wasniewsski M1, Mähhar K3 - 1Naancy laborratory for raabies and wildlife, Frannce, 2CPB - Conseils en n Pharmaciee et Biologiie 3 Francce, Estoniaan Veterinarry and Foodd Laboratoryy, Virology y-Serology department d Estonnia W and E European Commission) C ) have prom moted The iinternationaal organizations (OIE, WHO the uuse of serolo ogical testinng in additioon to other sspecific requuirements as a an alternaative to thee quarantinee for free movements m o pets in ceertain countrries. They have of h also recom mmended thhat countriees involved in oral vacccination proogrammes ag gainst rabiees shouuld monitor the t efficacyy of the cam mpaigns by testing t a cerrtain numbeer of field sampples collecteed from the target species to checkk their immuunity againsst rabies. Thhe WHO O/OIE referrence tests (the ( FAVN test and thee RFFIT) are time-conssuming, expensive, requiire highly-trrained technnicians, the maintenancce of cell cuultures, h a high conntainment leevel and vacccinated tecchnicians too handle livee laborratories with rabiees virus. In addition, a sinnce they aree based on cell c culturess, they are sensitive to aany cytottoxic produccts and conttaminating agents present in sampples. We havve evaluatedd the perfoormances off a commerccial ELISA (BioPro Raabies ELISA A Ab kit, Czzech Repubblic), a bloocking ELIS SA that deteects rabies virus v antiboddies, in refeerence to thee FAVN tesst. The sspecificity assessed a onn 315 samplees from unvvaccinated dogs d and caats was 100% %. A total of 701 sam mples from vaccinated v d dogs and catts were tested using thee FAVN tesst and ELISA. The overall agrreement betw ween the tw wo tests wass found equaal to 86%. the E Conssidering sam mples from wildlife, w a total t of 188 sera from foxes f and raaccoon dogss weree sampled in n a rabies-frree country. The specifficity reacheed 100% in those sera taken t from m naïve anim mals. Overalll, a high cooncordance ((95%: 648 out o of 682 sera) s was obserrved betweeen the BioP Pro ELISA and a the FAV VN test, whhich was sim milar in seraa from m red foxes (95.1%: ( 3888 out of 408 8 sera) and raccoon r doggs (94.9%: 260 2 out of 2274 sera)). The concoordance betw ween tetraccycline and seropositiviity results was w also evaluuated. The overall o agreeement with h tetracyclinne results waas excellentt in the fox for f both the BioPro ELISA (955.9%) and thhe FAVN teest (91.8%).. Concordannce was sligghtly w a value of 82.8% for f the BioP Pro ELISA and a 78.4% for f loweer in the racccoon dog, with the F FAVN test. Rabies antibbodies weree equally deetected withh the BioPro o ELISA in anim mals vaccinaated with diffferent types of vaccinees (SAG2 or o VRG vacccine baits) and a in higghly haemo olysed sera. In ouur hands, thee BioPro EL LISA is a vaaluable alteernative to thhe FAVN teest for assesssing rabiees antibody titres in vacccinated petts and in foxx and raccooon dog popu ulations forr the follow up of oraal vaccinatioon campaignns efficacy.. An inter laaboratory co ollaborative d in the nextt future to assess a the reeproducibilitty of the BioPro ELISA A for studyy is planned laborratories invo olved in thee monitoringg of oral vacccination prrogrammes.. CO.334 TECTION OF O RABIE ES VIRUS - SPECIFIC ANTIBO ODIES IN WILD W DET MAM MMALS FROM A RA AINFORE EST AREA,, SÃO PAU ULO, BRAZ ZIL USING G RFF FIT, SFIMT T AND ELIISA TECH HNIQUES Arauujo DB1, Waasniweski M2, Rodriguues CS3, Cam mpos ACA3, Martorellli LFA4, Kattaoka 4 5 3 APA AG , Cunha EMS , Durrigon EL , Favoretto F SR R3,6 - 1Universidade dee São Paulo Núclleo de Pesqu uisas em Raaiva - Laborratório de Virologia V Cllínica e Mollecular, 2Naancy 3 Labooratory for Rabies R and Wildlife, W Universidad U de de São Paaulo, 4Centrro de Controole 5 6 de Zooonoses de São Paulo - COVISA, Instituto Biológico, B I Instituto Paasteur de São Pauloo The eemergent im mportance of o rabies in wild w animalls in Brazil demonstrattes the necessity of coontinuous ep pidemiologiical surveilllance in these animal sppecies aimin ng the development of better strateegies for thee preventionn and contro ol of the dissease. The use u of bloodd serum sam mples from several wildd species caaptured in a native Rain nforest areaa in the N North coast of São Paullo State, Braazil, was ann excellent opportunity o for the reseearch of rabbies virus circulation c a among wildllife in the reegion, and also a to comppare differeent technniques for antibodies a detection. In this study w we used thee “Rapid Flu uorescent Foocus Inhibbition Test – RFFIT, thhe Simplified Fluoresceent Inhibitioon Microtestt – SFIMT and the E Enzime Link ked Immunoosorbent Asssay – ELIS SA techniquues for the detection d of rabiees virus-speccific antibodies in terreestrial wild mammals. Out O of 139 samples, 155 (10,88%) presentted positive titers for RFFIT R (“goldd standard” for detectioon of rabiess viruss neutralizinng antibodiees), 50 (35,99%) positivee titers for SFIMT S and 02 (1,43%)) posittive titers foor ELISA. When W comparing RFFIT T and SFIM MT, 100 (72%) sampless preseented conco ordant resultts when connsidering poositive and negative n titeers. These resullts are an ev vidence of raabies virus circulation between thee wild anim mal species (mainnly opossum ms, capuchiin-monkey and a coati) inn the studieed area, even n when consiidering the low concorrdance betw ween RFFIT and SFIMT T. The disco ordant resullts betw ween ELISA A and RFFIT T or ELISA and SFIMT T, (99,3%), can be due to the fact that t the E ELISA kit used u was devveloped for vaccinatedd foxes, and when consiidering the Brazzilian fauna, which pressent a great species varriety withouut the use off oral vacciination, the efficacy off the techniqque could bee affected. This T result indicates i the impoortance of coontinuous research regarding a bettter knowledge of the role r presented by wild animals in rabies circuulation and transmissio t on in Brazil. Epidemiolo ogic studiess in v info formation reegarding thee different regionss of the Couuntry could provide a valuable c of thhe disease, and a also aim ming the staandardizatioon and validdation preveention and control of the different diagnostic d s serologic tecchniques, esspecially coonsidering thhe great andd o animals present p in ou ur Country. uniquue variety of nts: Gaia Consultoria Ambiental, A Fundação de d Amparo a Pesquisa do d Acknnowledgmen Estaddo de São Paulo P (FAPE ESP) and Coordenaçãoo de Aperfeiiçoamento de d Pessoal de d Níveel Superior (CAPES) ( CO.335 malies In th he Rabies Indirect I Flu uorescent Antibody A T Confou Test und Accurrate Anom Anteemortem Diagnosis D off Human Rabies R Ruddd RJ1, Wongg SJ2, Appleer KK1 - 1Rabies R Laborratory, Wad dsworth Labboratories - New Yorkk State Heallth Dept, 2Wadsworth W C Center, Diaggnostic Imm munology Laboratory L New w York Statee Health Deppt m diagnosis of rabies in n humans em mploys techniques that require The aantemortem accurracy, speed and sensitivity. A com mbination of o histochem mical, in vitrro virus isolaation, immunnologic andd molecularr amplification proceduures are utilized in an effort e to diaagnose the disease. d Prresent day technology t offers a pottentially lifee-saving treatm ment for a disease d that was consid dered invariaably fatal on nce clinicall signs develop. This new n developpment adds to the need for a rapid diagnosis as a early in thhe p Thhe techniquues offering diagnosis within w hourss are coursse of clinicaal signs as possible. the ddirect fluoreescent antiboody test on skin and thee indirect flluorescent antibody a proceedure on ceerebral spinaal fluid and d serum. We W describe examination e n by indirecct fluorrescent antibbody assay of cerebrall spinal fluidd and serum m taken from m patients with w viral encephalitiis or a presuumed viral infection i froom an agentt other than rabies viruus. A F samples frrom viral enncephalitis ppatients werre tested by y the rabies total of 135 CSF m indirrect fluoresccent antiboddy procedure. A majorrity of the spinal fluidss tested, from patieents with encephalitis, presented p im mmunoglobbulins that bound to anttigens preseent in cell cculture subsstrate. Mostt notable weere the reacctions on kiddney cells provided p froom sera or spinal fluuid obtainedd from patieents diagnossed with thee flavivirus infections T majorityy of reactionn patterns were w Powaassan Viruss or West Niile Virus. The recoggnizably diffferent than what is seeen with speccific anti-rab bies antiboddies. Howeever, resullts indicate that t false poositive resullts could occcur when innterpreting the t rabies indirrect fluoresccent antiboddy procedure. A stainiing pattern appearing a similar to speciific anti-rab bies stainingg was observved in 7 of the t 135 spinnal fluids exxamined. The T potenntial for falsse positive results r docu umented in tthis work offers weighht to the argum ment that taandem posittive results from f two diiagnostic test platformss are essentiial whenn diagnosing g rabies in the t human patient. p CO.336 NT AND GE ENETIC LINEAGE L IN I UNIQUE RABIES VIRUS VARIAN ECTIVOROUS BATS S Histiotus velatus, BR RAZIL. INSE Kataaoka APAG1, Favorettoo SR3,2, Marrtorelli LFA A1, Campos ACA4, Oliv veira RN2, R Rosa 1 1 4 1 4 AR , Almeida MF M , Araujoo DB , Sodrre MM , Rodrigues CS , Sacramennto DRV5, Duriggon EL4 - 1Centro C de Controle C de Zoonoses-C COVISA-PM MSP, 2Instiituto Pasteurr de Sao P Paulo, 3Universidade de d Sao Pauloo - ICB - Microbiologi M a, 4Universidade de Saao 5 Pauloo, Genomic Engenharria Moleculaar a ely one-thirdd of the Braazilian mam mmal fauna and a the Rabbies Bats represent approximate m 41 of the 167 speciess of bats preesent in the country. A viruss has been issolated from Rabiies virus ind dependent sppecies-speccific variant was detecteed in 16 inssectivorous bats b Histiiotus velatuss in the Souutheast of Brazil from 1995 1 to 20009. The antig genic charaacterizationn was made by monoclo onal antiboddies panel from fr Centers for Diseasse Conttrol and Prevvention (CD DC - Atlanta, USA) and the genetiic characterrization wass perfoormed by seequencing of o carboxi-teerminal porttion of nuclleoprotein followed fo by Maxiimum Likellihood (ML L) genetic annalysis withh GARLi software. Thee antigenic charaacterizationn made in 122 of these saamples show wed a uniqu ue profile prreviously descrribed only for f the insecctivorous baats Histiotuss velatus (po ositive reacctivity only with w MAbb C12 from the utilizedd panel). The entire 16 samples positive to rab bies virus were w genetically charracterized annd they werre segregateed in the inddependent monophyleti m ic b values. These sequences showed a minimal m aveerage clustter supported by high bootstrap intrinnsic distance whiting group g (1.3% %) but they presented p low similarityy when comppared to oth her lineages circulatingg in bats andd other wild animal lineeages from Brazzil and world dwide with a range of 8.8% 8 to 25.4%. The an ntigenic site of the nucleeoprotein att residue 377 to 379 (baased on PV strain) anallysis showeed a residue TEV (Thr--Glu-Val) liike a some insectivorou i us bats and different to o vampire baats lineage, marm mosets lineaage and terrestrial cyclee related sam mples. The PV strain shhows the am mino acidss residues TDV T (Thr-A Asp-Val), D.. rotundus isolates show w AET (Alaa-Glu-Thr) and Marm moset lineag ge show thee amino acid ds residues TEA (Thr-G Glu-Ala). This T antigennic variaant and geneetic lineage has been iddentified in a large areaa covering various v kilom meters and different d bioomes for at least 14 yeaars betweenn the states of o Minas Geerais and S Sao Paulo exclusively e i this bat species. in s Surpprisingly thhe system do ocumentatioon not ddescribe thiss antigenic variant v and genetic lineeage found before in otther bat species and tthe Histiotu us velatus baat species neever ever foound beforee with a diffferent antigeenic variaant and geneetic lineage.. The fact of this lineagge has been isolated on nly in this sppecies besiddes long tem mporal space and geogrraphically distal d to eachh other, assoociated withh phyloogenetic ressults and previously anntigenic dataa suggest strrongly that this rabies virus v lineaage is associiated to Histiotus velatuus. CO.337 TECTION OF O RABIE ES VIRUS IN I ORGAN NS OF BAT TS OF GEN NUS DET ART TIBEUS BY Y MEANS OF HEMI--NESTED RT-PCR AND A REAL L TIME RT TPCR R TECHNIQ QUES Scheeffer KC1, Fahl F WO1, Iaamamoto K1, Carnieli Jr J P1, Carrieeri ML1, Olliveira RN1, Ito 2 1 2 FH - Instituto Pasteur de São S Paulo, Faculdade de Medicinna Veterinárria da Univversidade dee São Paulo Moleecular technniques have been used increasingly i y as tools foor the diagnnosis by deteccting the rab bies virus geenome. This study aim med to detectt the presennce of rabiess viruss in the wash h of skull annd in different organs oof the genuss Artibeus bats b using thhe hemii-nested RT T-PCR (hnR RT-PCR) andd Real Timee RT-PCR molecular m techniques. From approoximately 4,000 4 specim mens of batss received at a the Instituute Pasteur for f rabies diagnnosis, 30 baats of the geenus Artibeuus were seleected, with records r of positive p resuults for raabies by thee traditionall techniquess of direct flluorescent antibody a tesst (FAT) andd inocuulation of murine m neurooblastoma cell c line (N22A). Salivarry glands, urinary u bladdders, kidneeys, lungs, and a also thee washes off the skullcaaps of the sppecimens weere collected. The sscraping off the skull was w performeed with the aid of sterille pipette tipps and then washhed with 1,0000μL dilueent composeed of 0.85% % saline soluution, suppleemented wiith 2% B Bovine Fetaal Serum, freee of rabiess virus speciific antibodiies and conttaining 0.1% % Genttamicin Sulffate. The urrinary bladdders were diluted using the same diluent menttioned abovve, to 1:20 (w w/v) and othher organs w were diluted d 1:10 (w/vv). The extraaction of tottal RNA waas carried ouut using the TRIzol® annd the reverrse transcripption was ffollowed byy PCR and hnRT-PCR h using primeers specific for the genne encoding the N prootein. From m the producct derived byy the reversse transcripttion, the Real Time RT TPCR R technique was w run by using primeers and probbes specificc for the antiigenic variaant 3 of rabbies virus. When W evaluuated the tottal samples analyzed, th he overall results r of thee sensiitivity for booth the hnR RT-PCR andd Real Timee RT-PCR teechniques was w 86%. A compparison betw ween the hnnRT-PCR annd Real Tim me RT-PCR R techniquess performedd by Fisheer's exact teest has reveaaled that thee proportionn of positivees detected for f the washhing of the skull was similar to that t of the organs o exam minations (P> 0.05). In relation to tthe f in hnnRT-PCR annd Real Tim me RT-PCR R techniquess were 100% % in posittive results found brainn washes, 900% and 93.333% in the salivary glaands, 83.33% % and 90% in urinary bladdders, 80% and a 93.33% in kidneys,, and 76.67% % and 50% in lungs. Thhese resultss sugggest that bothh the hnRT--PCR and thhe Real Tim me RT-PCR R techniquess can be useed as compplementary methods foor the rabiess diagnosis aand the techhniques are sensitive enouugh for use in i studies off pathogeneesis. The Reeal Time RT T-PCR technnique performed in thiis study pro oved effectivve in detectting the rabiies virus in different orrgans and exxtra neuraal tissues with w the advaantage of beeing a fasterr and more sensitive s prrocedure. CO.338 NTIFICAT TION OF THE T SPECIES OF RE ESERVOIR RS AND HOSTS H OF THE IDEN RAB BIES VIRU US AND OT THER PAT THOGENS S BY SEQU UENCING OF THE CYT TOCHROM ME-B MITO OCHONDR RIAL DNA A GENE Carnnieli Jr P1, Batista B HBC CR2, Scheffeer KC2, Fahl WO2, Lim ma JYO2, Olliveira RN2, 2 2 2 2 1 Castiilho JG , Iam mamoto K , Carrieri ML M , Kotait I - Institutto Pasteur, Brasil B Diaggnóstico, 2Innstituto Pastteur - Diagnnóstico on of animaal species th hat transmit pathogens such s as the rabies viruss is The iidentificatio of the utmost im mportance foor public heealth and thee natural hisstory of infeectious and o decompoosing contaagious diseaases. Diagnostic laboraatories very often receivve mauled or anim mal carcasses, particularrly of bats, rendering r m morphometr ic identificaation unviabble. The eexistence off different regional r nam mes for the same animaal, morpholoogical variaability and th he lack of staff s trainedd in zoologiccal identificcation constiitute a serioous probllem for epiddemiologicaal surveillannce. Molecuular techniqques are used d routinely and effecctively in syystematics, evolution e annd ecology to identify species s andd can even be b used to identify hybrids thaat originated d from geneetically closee animals, in i which thee b morphom metry. Somee mitochonddrial DNA (m mtdifferences veryy often go unndetected by A) genetic markers, m succh as contrrol region seequences annd the geness encoding DNA cytocchromes b and a c, are frrequently ussed in the geenetic identtification off species. Many of the genetic seequences for these genees are storedd in public-domain webbsites such as Bank, allow wing new seqquences to be b compareed with existing ones in n databases. The GenB objecctive of thiss study is to build a database with genetic sequuences from m the cytocchrome b geene of rabiees reservoir species for use in the identificatioon of these speciies. mt-DNA A fragments were amplified and sequenced as described previously by Carnnieli et al. (2 2008), usingg the primerrs 5’CGA ACTAATGA ACATGAA AAAATCAC CCGTTG-33’ (sense) annd 5’TAT TTCCCTTT TGCCGGTT TTACAAGA ACC-3’ (anntisense) described by Martins M et al. a (20077). Sixty-sixx mt-DNA samples froom differentt species of wingless Brazilian B mam mmals and fiifty-four sam mples from different sppecies of chhiropterans were w sequeenced. Anaalysis of thee genetic seq quences froom these win ngless mam mmals highllighted the problem p of genetic idenntification oof species as a only a few w sequencess of mt-D DNA from wingless w maammals of Brazil B were found in GeenBank. Fo or example, there are seven speciees of marmoosets (genuss Callithrix)) but mt-DN NA sequences for only some osited in GeenBank. Hoowever, the cytochromee b gene seqquences obttained of them are depo m bats in thiss study, togeether with morphometr m ric identification carried out in parrallel, from allow wed us to naame the species with ceertainty. Froom the fifty-four mt-DN NA sampless from m chiropteran ns, nineteenn species froom eight genera and four differentt families were w identtified. Thus, the method describedd here is effiicient in thee identificatiion of anim mal speciies and the search for samples s of mt-DNA m in Natural Hisstory Museu ums and Zooos may complemennt and certiffy unequivo ocally the seequences in the databasse under consttruction. Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Pasteur, Brazil CO.339 YLOGENETIC ANAL LYSIS OF RABIES VIRUS V IN THE T STAT TE OF RIO O PHY GRA ANDE DO SUL, SOUTHERN BRAZIL Batissta HBCR1, Oliveira RN N1, Carnielii Jr P1, Ferrreira JC2, Ro osa JCA2, Castilho C JG1, 1 1 3 4 3 1 Fahl WO , de Paaula FC , Sales EF , Paacheco SM , Maletich DJ , Carrierri ML , Roeehe P - Virrologia, 2FE EPAGRO Saúde Animaal, Instituto de PM5, Kotait I1 - 1Instituto Pasteur Pesqquisas Veterrinárias Desidério Finam mor, Eldoraado do Sul, RS, Brazil, 3Universiddade Fedeeral do Rio Grande G do sul(UFRGS s S), Porto Aleegre, RS, Brrazil, 4Instittuto Sauver, 5 Portoo Alegre, RS, Brazil, Universidad U de Federal do d Rio Grannde do sul(U UFRGS), Poorto Aleggre, RS, Braazil and FEP PAGRO Saúúde Animall, Instituto de d Pesquisass Veterináriias Desiddério Finam mor, Eldoraddo do Sul, RS, R Brazil v (RAB BV), a membber of the Rabies is a worlldwide zoonnosis causedd by rabies virus us, family Rhabdoviridaae. In naturre, RABV iss maintained d in cycles with w Lyssaavirus genu distinnct natural reservoirs. r I the urbann cycle, the main reservvoir for the virus is the In domeestic dog, on the other hand, in thee sylvatic cyycle differen nt species can c be the reserrvoir. In Lattin Americaa, the main natural n RAB BV reservoiir is the haeematophagous bat D Desmodus rootundus. Hoowever, RA ABV lineagees adapted to t different bat b species,, incluuding insecttivorous andd frugivorouus bats, have been frequ uently reporrted. The R RABV lineaages isolatedd from non haematophaagous bats aare geneticaally distinct from the RABV R lineaages whose natural n reseervoirs are haematopha h agous bats. In I the State of Rio Grannde do Suul (RS), souuthern Brazil, urban rabbies has nott been deteccted since 19988. Neveertheless, raabies remainns endemic in haematopphagous an nd non haem matophagouss bat speciies. The preesent work reports r the first f phylogenetic analyyses on RAB BV isolatess from m the State of o RS, for thhat, a total of o 30 rabies virus (RAB BV) isolates sent to rabiies diagnnosis were analyzed. a T isolates were recoveered from different The d batt species (Taddarida brasiiliensis, Myootis nigrican ns and Histtiotus velatuus), from herbivores (boviines and bu uffalo) and carnivores c (domestic doog and cat).. The bat species were identtified with the t aid of a morphologiical dichotoomous key. For the phy ylogenetic or analyysis, total RNA R was exxtracted from m original brains b (herbiivores and carnivores) c infeccted mice (b bats) with Trizol and suubmitted to reverse trannscription/p polymerase chain c reacttion (RT-PC CR) with priimers targetting a initial portion off the nucleopprotein genee (N). P Phylogenetic analysis of o the sequeenced fragm ments revealled the occuurrence of four fo RAB BV lineages, named afteer its naturaal hosts: Dessmodus rotuundus (haem matophagouus bat), Tadarida brasiliensis b (insectivoro ous bat), Myyotis nigrica ans (insectiivorous bat)) and A RABV isolates from m herbivores belonged to Histiiotus velatuss (insectivoorous bat). All the hhaematophaggous bat Deesmodus rottundus lineaage. The tw wo RABV isolates from m carniivores clusteered within the Tadarid da brasiliennsis lineage,, revealing two occasioonal spilloovers from insectivorouus bats to domestic petts, thus not compromis c ing the statuus of “urbaan rabies freee” of the area. a These findings f higghlight the importance i of the identtification off RABV lineeages and itts value as an a aid to suppport rabiess surveillancce. Finanncial support: Instituto Pasteur. CO.440 UACIÓN EPIDEMIO E OLÓGICA DE LA RA ABIA EN CHILE. C 20000-2011 SITU Yungg V1, Favi M1, Fernanddez J1 - 1Insttituto de Saalud Públicaa de Chile Chile, el añoo 1990, se deetecto el últtimo caso de rabia idenntificado com mo variantee En C caninna desde enttonces esta variante noo circula en el país, la im mportancia de los anim males silvestres en la transmisión t de la rabia fue reconoccida en 1985, cuando se s detectó poor mera vez rabiia en murciéélagos insecctívoros de la especie Tadarida T brrasiliensis. El E prim reconnocimiento de los murcciélagos com mo reservorrio de la enffermedad hiizo que se amplliaran las accciones de vigilancia v eppidemiológiica hacia esas especies caraccterizándosee el patrón epidemiológ e gico de la raabia por unaa endemia en e quirópterros. Desdde el año 20000 al 2011,, se analizo un total de 32802 muestras para diagnóstico d de rabiaa, de estas 979 fueron positivas p (3,,0%), 976 murciélagos m insectívoro os, 2 gatos y 1 perroo. Según la distribuciónn geográficaa de casos, estos e se registraron en las regioness centrrales del paíís, y no se han h encontraado muestraas positivas al virus ráb bico en las regioones extrem mas. A traavés de tipifficación antigénica y geenética se han h identificcado 4 variaantes viraless que son llas responsaables de la trransmisión de la rabia,, los princippales reservoorios silvesttres circuulando en ell país son murciélagos m de la especiie Tadaridaa brasiliensiis, Myotis chilooensis, Lasiu urius cineriius y boreallis y finalmeente Histiottus macrotuss. La especiie Tadaarida brasiliensis repreesenta el 91,,1% de los casos c positivvos Los eestudios de caracterización antigénnica y genéttica nos han n permitido tener un conoocimiento más m amplio de d la epidem miología de la rabia El Prrograma de Control de Rabia conteempla la edducación de la poblacióón para evitaar el contaacto con muurciélagos y el reporte de d cualquieer mamíferoo sospechoso o, la eliminaación de coolonias de murciélagos m se realiza solamente s een casos de detección d de d especímennes posittivos, en razzón del importante rol que q esta esppecie desarrrolla en la mantención m d del equillibrio ecológgico y dadoo el bajo porrcentaje de positividad p a rabia (alrrededor de 2%) 2 en caapturas masivas de estaa especie. CO.441 MOL LECULAR R CHARAC CTERIZAT TION OF RABIES R VIIRUS AND D OTHER VIRA AL AGENTS ISOLA ATED FRO OM BATS IN VENEZU UELA. BOY YER L1, PU UJOL F2, HID DALGO M1, PAPO S3 - 1Nationaal Institute of o Agricultuural 2 Reseearch (INIA) - Rabies Laboratory, L Venezuelaan Institute of Scientific Investigattion (IVIC C) - Molecuular Virologgy Laboratoory, 3National Institute of Integral Agricultura A al Heallth (INSAI) - Departmeent of contro ol and preveention of Raabies wildliife Batss (Chiropterra) are reserrvoirs for zooonotic diseeases, includding Rabies, Hendra, Nipah, N SAR RS-CoV, Ebola virus. Hence H their importance i as a potentiial reservoirr hosts of virusses affectingg human andd animal heealth. In ouur country, there t is no knowledge k of bats as reeservoir forr viruses exccept rabies. The aim of o this invesstigation waas the moleccular characcterization of o rabies virrus and otheer viral agents, isollated from bats b in Veneezuela. m characteriza c ation was baased on: viruuses with im mpact in pubblic health, The molecular persiistence in ho osts and enddemic areass. A total off 54 bats were collectedd in differennt states and years.. Those werre identifiedd and classiffied into: 12 2 vampires, 29 frugivorrous orous belongging to diffe ferent familiies, genera and a species. They weree and 113 insectivo autoppsied to collect tissues from differrent organs iincluding brain tissue of o livestockk posittive to rabiees virus. Diffferent systeems were ussed for PCR R to detect DNA D and RN NA viral genomes. Samples S weere amplified, moleculaarly characteerized and sequenced s t to W were ablle to detect 8 Herpesvirruses and 4 identtify the phylogeny of each virus. We Polyomaviruses in trachea and lungs samples from m different bat species and one Astrooviruses in an intestinee of an insecctivorous baat. Eight Rabbies isolates were grouuped in thee genus Lysssavirus gennotype 1. Foour of them m characterizzed as antigeenic variantt 3 (Desmodus rotuundus). t first andd paramounnt The ddetection off these virall agents in thhe Venezueelan bats is the inforrmation for the study off these unknnown agentts, which coould pose grreat risk to humaans and liveestock healtth in our couuntry. nowledgem ments: MCT TI-Misión Ciencia, C Vennezuelan Insstitute of Sccientific Ackn Invesstigation (IV VIC): Molecular Virolo ogy Laborattory, Nationnal Institutee of Agricultural Reseearch (INIA): Rabies Laboratory, National N Insstitute of Integral Agriccultural Heaalth (INS SAI). Fundiing: IVIC. her C, Rev.M Med.Vir, 177:67, Almeida M, Rev.Inst.Med.trop.S.Paullo; 53:31, 20011; Calish ue, J.Gen.V Virol, 90:8833, 2009; Dee Mattos C,, J.Clin.Miccrobiol, 34:11553, 20077; Chen Zhu 19966; Olivier D, D Plos/ONE E, 4:e2057, 2008; 2 Richter R, J.Geen.Virol, 90:44, 2009; Won ng S, Rev.M Med.Vir, 17:667, 2007. CO.443 d Temporaal Dynamiccs of Rabiess in China The Spatial and China CDC - Institute fo or Viral Dissease Tangg Q1, Yu J1, Hao L1, Raayner S2, Liang G1 - 1C Conttrol and Prevvention, 2Chinese Acaddemy of Sciences - Wuuhan Instituute of Viroloogy nd Objectivves: Recentt years havee seen a rapid increase in the numbber Background an g distribution d of the viruss. In of rabbies cases in China andd an expanssion in the geographic spite of the serioousness of the t outbreakk and increaasing numbeer of fatalitiies, little is wn about thee phylogeoggraphy of th he disease inn China. In this study, we w report ann know analyysis of a sett of Nucleoccapsid sequeences consisting of sam mples colleccted throughh the trial Chinese Naational Survveillance Syystem as welll as publiclly available sequences. This presents the most compprehensive dataset d from m China to date, d compriising sequeence set rep 210 ssequences (including ( 5 new samp 57 ples) from 115 provincees and coverring all epiddemic regioons. Using this t dataset we w investiggated geneticc diversity, patterns off distributionn, and eevolutionary y history. Resu ults: Our an nalysis indiccates that thee rabies viruus in China is primarily y defined byy two cladees that exhibbit distinct ppopulation subdivision s n and transloocation patterns and thaat contrributed to thhe epidemicc in differennt ways. Thee younger clade originaated aroundd 19922 and has prroperties thaat closely match m the observed spreead of the reecent epidem mic. The oolder clade originated around a 1960 and has a dispersion pattern thatt suggests itt repreesents a straain associateed with a prrevious outbbreak that reemained at low l levels throuughout the country c andd reemergedd in the curreent epidemiic. Concclusions: Our O findings provide new w insight innto factors associated a w the receent with epideemic and arre relevant to determiniing an effecctive policy for controllling the viruus. CO.444 ds: Prioritizzing human rabies biologics in limited supply scenariios Playying the odd Recuuenco S1, Vo ora NM1, Rupprecht R C1 - 1CDC - R Rabies Proggram Limiitations in th he availabiliity and acceess to humaan rabies bioologics in en nzootic regiions resullt in most raabies deathss in the deveeloping worrld. Efforts to t supply modern m rabiees vacciines and im mmune globuulin (RIG) have h improvved availabiility, but coost and the laack of strructured proograms in many m countrries remain major obstaacles to provviding optim mal care. Proposed policies p to provide p rabiies post-expposure prophhylaxis (PE EP) at no cosst to ugh governm ment prograams are challlenged by the t limited supply of raabies the ppatient throu bioloogics that prroviders aree able to obttain. In manny cases, thee demand foor biologics exceeeds the limiited supplies and nation nal rabies programs aree therefore forced f to raation, resullting in delaays or compplete failuress in provisioon of adequuate PEP. Op ptimal PEP invollves the usee of rabies im mmune globbulin and vaaccine. Whiile WHO reecommendaations for P PEP are com mprehensivee, those recoommendatioons offer noo guidance on o managem ment of rabbies exposu ures when thhere are lim mited suppliees of biologgics in the coountry nor iif theree is only vacccine availaable but no RIG. R Complex operatio onalization issues, suchh as to hoow to approaach prioritizzation whenn both nervoous tissue annd modern vaccines cooexist in a ccountry, or how to optiimally integ grate privatee distributioon of rabies biologics, are a not ppart of the WHO W guidannce documeents. We preesent a propposal on how w to develoop recom mmendationns and guidelines to deeal with thesse scenarioss accounting g for local rabies r epideemiology, patient p age and a body sizze, delays after a exposuure, and culttural and soccial issuees. Several Old O and New w World coountry casess are presented to highllight how thhese challlenging circcumstances might be managed m andd overcome.. CO.445 IMM MUNE RES SPONSE OF O BALB/C C MICE IM MMUNIZED D WITH VERO V CEL LL RAB BIES VACC CINE AND D BpMPLA A-SE ADJU UVANT Frazaatti-Gallina NM1, Silvaa ABP, Rinaaldi DP, Sillveri A, Raw w I, Menezees CRB 1 Instiituto Butanttan - Laboraatório de Raaiva The pprophylaxiss is an impoortant strateg gy to controol of humann and animal rabies diseease. The vvaccine from m Vero celllular culturee for humann use is efficcacy and safety. Howevver, becauuse the techhnology useed to producce this vacciine is expen nsive this prroduct costss abouut ten dollarss. This cost makes them m impossiblle the use of this vaccin ne type in poor p counntries where the animal rabies conttrol is ineffiicient and thhere many cases c of hum man rabiees. Rabies disease d is ressponsible foor about 55,,000 deaths per year in the world. The objecctive of thiss study was evaluate the humoral immune i respponse of miice (Balb/c)) immuunized withh three diffeerent doses of o Vero rabies vaccine associated with the BpM MPLA-SE ad djuvant. Thiis adjuvant is a productt obtained from f Bordettella pertusiis. Three groups off ten mice were w immunnized with tw wo doses off 500µl (G1), 250µl (G2) or µl (G3) of Vero V cell rabbies vaccinee (IB-lot 11003075) mixxed with BpM MPLA-SE 125µ (10µ µg/dose). Th hree groups control (Gcc) received only o rabies vaccine. Th he immunizzation a samples were taken ten days after a the last dose injeccted occuurred on dayys 0 and 21 and and oon days 60, 120 and 1880 to determ mine the titerrs of neutraalizing antibbodies for raabies viruss in BHK21 cells (RFFIT). The av verages of thhe neutraliziing antibodies titers fouund in thee samples from fr each grroup ten dayys after finiished the im mmunization n were 39.2,, 33.1,, and 20.4 IU U/ml for grroups G1, G2 G and G3 respectively r y. The resultts obtained on day 1180 were 17 7.1 IU /ml (G1), ( 10.6 IU U/ml (G2) and a 9.8 (G33). In the control groups the averaages of the antibodies a t titers were: 29.7 (Gc1),, 26.9 (Gc2)) and 22.2 IU/ml I (Gc3)) after immunizattion and 10.7 (Gc1), 9.55 (Gc2) andd 8.5 IU/ml (GC3) on day d 180 (Gcc3). w that the addjuvant BpM MPLA-SE increased thhe humoral immune i Thesse data show respoonse for rabbies vaccine in Balb/c mice m indepeendent of thee volume off vaccine utilizzed to immuunize the annimals. The results founnd are very important to t reduce the numbber of dosess and the voolume of Veero cell rabiies vaccine utilized u in the t immuunization ag gainst rabiees. Finanncial Suppoort: Butantann Foundatioon CO.446 FETY AND IMMUNO OGENICIT TY OF THE E PURIFIE ED VERO RABIES R SAF CCINE NEX XT GENER RATION IN I CHINES SE PEDIATRIC (≥ 10 0 YEARS) VAC AND D ADULT POPULAT P TIONS Pichoon S1, Li R2, Li J3, Shuu JD1, Chavand P1, Minnutello M1, Guinet-Morrlot F1 - 1Saanofi Pasteeur, 2Guanggxi Center foor Disease Prevention P aand Controll, 3National Institutes ffor Foodd and Drug Control C kground: The T Purifiedd Vero cell Rabies R Vacccine Next Generation G (PVRV-NG ( G) is a Back highlly purified vaccine v devveloped withh innovativee technologgy and humaan and anim mal origin componennts-free medium. It waas shown to be at least as a immunoggenic as p a similar safeety profile in i a phase III clinical stuudy conductted Veroorab™ and presented in Frrance (pre exxposure reggimen). A phhase III clinnical study was w perform med in Chinnese pediaatric (≥ 10 years) y and adult a populaations in sim mulated postt-exposure regimen r to furthher documennt PVRV-N NG in compaarison to Veerorab™. Meth hods: This was w a randoomized, blin nd-observerr, controlledd study in heealthy subjeects agedd 10 to 17 yeears (pediatrric cohort) or o ≥ 18 yearrs (adult cohhort). Particcipants receeived five ddoses by inttramuscularr route of PV VRV-NG or o Verorab™ ™ (ratio 2:1 in each agee groupp) at D0, D3, D7, D14 and D28 ass per recom mmendation for post-exp posure prophhylaxis (Essen schedulle). No rabiees immune--globulins were w adminiistered concomitantly with w the firstt vaccine doose. munogenicityy was evaluated at D0, D14 and D42 by meassuring the leevel of rabiees Imm viruss neutralizinng antibodiees (RVNA) using the raapid fluoresscent focus inhibition i teest. Testiings were performed att the Nationnal Institute for Food annd Drug Co ontrol (Beijinng). Safetty was evaluuated with a list of preddefined soliicited injecttion site and d systemic reacttions during g the period between D0 and D14 and a during the seven days d after the 2 last ddoses; any adverse a evennts until 28 days after the t final dose and any SAE until 6 montths after thee final dose were also recorded. Resu ults: 816 paarticipants were w enrolled; 408 in eaach age grouup correspo onding to 2772 in PVR RV-NG grouup and 136 in i Verorab™ ™ group. Thhe predefineed criterion n for noninferriority in terrms of propoortions of participants w with RVNA A titers ≥0.55 IU/mL at D14 D (befoore the 4th in njection) waas met in thhe per-protoocol analysis set and coonfirmed in the full-aanalysis set populationn, in each off the 2 age groups. g All subject s had titer ≥ 0.5 IU U/mL at D442 whateverr the age group and thee vaccine received. PVR RV-NG was safe and weell tolerated d after each vaccination n and its saffety profile was simillar to Verorrab™ in term ms of solicited injectionn site and syystemic reaactions, as well w as unnsolicited ad dverse evennts. There were w no serioous adverse events relaated to vacciination. Noo safety signnal emergedd during thee course of the t study. Concclusions: The phase IIII clinical stu udy results showed thaat PVRV-NG G is at leastt as immuunogenic ass Verorab™ ™ and presennted a similar safety prrofile, when n administerred accorrding to thee ESSEN reggimen in peediatric (≥ 10 1 years) annd in adult populations. p Takeen together with w the ressults of the previous p Phhase II cliniccal study, thhis confirmss that PVR RV-NG is an n improved and highlyy purified altternative foor rabies pree- and postexpoosure prophyylaxis. CO.447 VELOPME ENT OF AN N IN VITRO ELISA ASSAY A FO OR THE DEV QUA ANTIFICA ATION OF THE IMM MUNOGEN NIC GLYCO OPROTEIN G PRES SENT IN V VACCINE BATCHES B S: COMPA ARAISON OF O IN VIV VO AND IN N VITRO VAC CCINE POT TENCY TE ESTS 1 1 Jallett C , Castel G , Chteouui M1, Tordoo N2 - 1Instiitut Pasteur - Unit Antiiviral Strateegies, 2 Instiitut Pasteurr - Virology wards limitin ng and even n sometimess Sincee several yeears, there iss a global teendency tow waivving the use of animal experiments e s in Researcch and Produuction. How wever for Hum man and Veterinary rabiies vaccine producers and a controlllers, the in vivo v NIH asssay still remains r thee standard rooutine potenncy test befoore batch reelease. Neveertheless, fundaamental stuudies have been b accumuulated to coorrelate the structural s prresentation of the main m rabies antigen, thee glycoproteein G, and itts immunoggenicity. Thhe G proteinn contaains two maain antigenic sites: site II requires a folding off the G ectoodomain to bring b in proximity pep ptides distannt in the primary sequeence of the protein; p sitee III which is i d allong the ecttodomain buut also requuires a folded conformaation of the less dispersed ectoddomain. Botth sites are recognized by specificc monoclonaal antibodiees (mAbs) thhat are inn general neeutralizing viral v infectiion. Amongg them mAbb D1 (IgG I isotype), direccted against site III is sppecific of thhe trimeric state s of the glycoproteiin (it recognnizes the nnative but noot mercaptoo-ethanol annd/or SDS-trreated G) which w is pressumed to bee the mostt immunogeenic form off the antigenn. mAb D1 has been exxtensively used u to evaluuate the sttability of G trimers (Jallet et al., 1999, J. Virrol, 73: 225-33; Desmeezieres et al.., 20033, Virus Ress. 91: 181-7; Sissoeff ett al, 2005, J. J Gen. Virool, 86: 2543-52). It has also beenn proven suittable in ELIISA to monnitor the connsistency off the lot to lo ot rabies vaaccine produuction and to t evaluate the glycoprrotein conteent (Fournier-Caruana et e al, 2003, Bioloogicals, 31 : 9-16). Since the end of o the 90t's, the French National Regulatory R Authhority in chaarge of hum man rabies vaaccine conttrol (ANSM M) has decideed to use thhis ELIS SA test insteead of the siingle radial immuno-diiffusion assay (SRD) too monitor thhe consiistency of production p o rabies vacccines. The ELISA hass been transferred from of m Pasteeur Institutee to ANSM,, improved, optimised aand then vaalidated. Sinnce 2001, thhe consiistency of production p h been esttablished onn around 1000 batches while has compparing the NIH N assay and a the ELIS SA test. Thee results aree homogenoous betweenn both methods. ve of replaccing in vivo by in vitro assays, vacccine samplees have beenn In the perspectiv e oof the glycopprotein conttent was asssayed artifiicially altereed by heatinng and the evaluation by m mAb-D1 ELIISA. This assay a was sh hown to be sensitive s ennough to dettect vaccinee alteraations and to t discriminnate betweenn low and high-potent h potency p battches. This type t of EL LISA assay may have a promisingg future for w waiving in vivo rabies potency tesst and prom mote in vitro o antigenic/iimmunogennic quantificcation/qualification of the t G proteiin for vacciine batches. CO.448 VING TOW WARDS TH HE REPLA ACEMENT T OF THE NIH TEST T MOV Morllot FG1, CH HABAUD-R RIOU M1, CHAPSAL C J 2 - 1SAN JM NOFI PASTE EUR - R&D D, 2 SAN NOFI PAST TEUR - IO Potenncy testing of inactivatted rabies vaaccines is trraditionally performed by an intraccerebral (IC C) challengee method onn mice. The method waas originallyy developedd by the N National Insstitutes of Health H (NIH)) in the 1950s for poten ncy testing of o inactivateed rabiees vaccines for human uuse. The NIIH test is wiidely recogn nized and iss currently requiired by the World W Heallth Organizaation (WHO O) and Pharrmacopoeiass for rabies vacciines releasee. Neverthelless, the NIH H challengee method prresents a num mber of limittation and isssues: As a biological test the NIH meethod is higghly variablee, making thhis test inapprop priate for baatch-to-batch h consistenccy analysis A large number of mice is requuired This testt is time connsuming and d labor intennsive for booth the manuufacturer annd the authoorities that release r the batches. b For all a these reaasons, regulaators, experrts and manuufacturers are a seeking an alternative methhod to the exxisting NIH H test that guuarantees thhe potency of o the rabiess vaccine to be admiinistered forr pre or post exposure vaccination v n. A reccent internaational workkshop of thee NICEATM M and ICCV VAM was held h in Ames, Iowaa, USA on October O 11-13th, 2011 on "Alternaative Methoods for Hum man and Veterinary Rabiies Vaccine Testing" with w particular focus on Rabies Vacccine Potency w as folloows: Testiing. The maain conclusiions of this workshop were For inacttivated veteerinary rabiees vaccines,, the Serum Neutralizattion Test (S SNT) serologiccal method described inn the Ph. Euur. Monograaph 0451, should be immediaately considdered for prooduct speciffic validatioon by vaccinne manufactturers for both adjuvanted and non addjuvanted vaaccines. As humaan rabies vaaccines in soome regionss (e.g., U.S. and EU) arre simpler productss (non-adjuvvanted, mon novalent), manufacture m ers are encou uraged to develop and implem ment an in vitro antigenn quantificattion methodd to replace the a quanntification methods m currrently usedd by mouse chhallenge tesst. In vitro antigen rabies vaaccine manuufacturers as a in-processs tests inclu ude ELISA and a Single Radial Im mmunodiffuusion (SRID D) Test. Final pro oduct in vitrro methods will requiree identificattion and usee of approprriate reagents (e.g. monooclonal antibbody) with specificity s f the neutrralizing epitope for of the virrus-associatted trimericc form of glyycoprotein G. Validatioon of in vitrro replacem ment tests wiill need to in nclude idenntification off sub-poteent lots. For validating in vitro metthods for pootency testinng of humann rabies vaaccines, it may m be neceessary to com mpare in vittro results to o adequate serologiccal titers in humans. In the context off the Purifieed Vero Rabbies Vaccinne next geneeration (PVR RV-NG) ng the needd for development, Saanofi Pasteuur has set upp an in-housse ELISA teest answerin m to thee NIH potenncy test. an allternative method The ddescription of the correesponding ELISA E methhod for rabiies glycopro otein G quanntification an nd the data supporting the alternattive test, toggether with the proposeed globaal strategy for f implemeenting this ELISA E test in replacem ment of the NIH N test, wiill be preseented. CO.449 ELECTRO OCHEMILU UMINESC CENT ASSA AY FOR ANALYSIS A OF RABIE ES AN E VIRU US GLYCO OPROTEIIN IN RABIES VACC CINES Smitth TG1, Ellisson JA, Carrson WC, Ma M X, Rupprrecht C - 1Centers C for Disease D Conntrol and P Prevention n to o evaluate the t immunoogenicity of inactivatedd Vacccine potencyy testing is necessary rabiees virus (RA ABV) vaccinne preparatiions before human or veterinary v appplication. Curreently, the NIH N test is reecommendeed by the WHO W expert committee to evaluate intra-- and inter-llot variationn of RABV vaccines; however, h nuumerous disadvantages are inherrent concernning cost, number of annimals and biosafety b reequirementss. As such, numeerous in vitrro methods (e.g. antigeen-capture E ELISA) havve been propposed for thhe evaluuation of vaaccines baseed on RABV V glycoprottein (G) quaality and quaantity whichh correelates with vaccine v poteency. In this study an antigen-capt a ture electtrochemilum minescent (E ECL) assay was develooped utilizin ng three murrine anti-RA ABV G moonoclonal antibodies a (m mAb) to quaantify RAB BV G in twoo commerciaally available inacttivated RAB BV vacciness, one experrimental vacccine, and three t purifieed RABV G prepaarations. Th he first mAbb was speciffic for a connformationaal epitope soo that only immuunogenic, natively n foldded G was captured c in the t assay. Additionally A y, two mAbs that bind non-compeeting linear epitopes weere employeed to evaluaate the overaall quantity of V G and forr detection. Vaccine effficacy was also a assesseed in nativve and denattured RABV vivo using pre-eexposure vacccination off mice folloowed by perripheral RAB BV infectioon. n g antibody ((VNA) titer of 4.2 IU/m ml and proteected Puriffied G inducced a virus neutralizing 100% % of immun nized mice; while, an exxperimentall vaccine with w low quaality and quaantity of G induced a VNA V titer >0.03 > IU/mll and only protected p 211% of immuunized micee. h tthat in vivo efficacy maay be prediccted Thesse preliminaary results suupport the hypothesis from m the in vitro o measurem ment of RAB BV G using the ECL asssay. Based upon these resullts, the ECL L assay mayy have utilityy in measurring potencyy of RABV vaccines. CO.550 RAB® EFFIICACY IN N SKUNKS (Mephitis mephitis) m A AND RACC COONS ONR (Proccyon lotor) Know wles MK1, Fehlner-Gar F rdiner C1, Beresford B A2, Rosatte R3 - 1Canadiian Food Inspeection Agen ncy - Centree of Expertise for Rabiees, Ottawa, Canada, 2Artemis A 3 Techhnologies In nc., Guelph, Canada, Ontario O Minnistry of Nattural Resouurces - Wildlife Reseearch and Developmentt, Peterboroough, Canadda RAB®, a reccombinant human h adenovirus type 5 vector ex xpressing raabies ONR glycooprotein, haas been usedd under experimental permit p in thee Canadian provinces p o of Ontaario, New Brunswick annd Quebec for wildlife rabies oral vaccinationn programs.. Priorr to its use in n the field, a series of trials t were conducted c in two terresstrial wildliffe vectoors to determ mine the rabbies virus neutralizing antibody reesponse to ONR RAB®. Eigh hty-three % of skunks (10/12) ( andd 75% of racccoons (8/122) seroconvverted ® withiin 6 weeks after a consum mption of ONRAB O inn an Ultralite bait (ULB B) at a dose of 109.2 TCID50/mll in 1.8 mL. In the subsequent effi ficacy trial, all a skunks (n=28) ( that B®-ULB weere protectedd from lethaal rabies chaallenge, whhile consuumed a singgle ONRAB 86% (12/14) of the unvacciinated contrrols succum mbed to rabiees. In addittion, pre-exiisting a type 2 or hu uman adenoovirus type 5, neutrralizing antiibody to eithher canine adenovirus achieeved by intrramuscular inoculation i with the viruuses 28 d prrior to of skunks w admiinistration of o ONRAB® per os at 10 1 8.4 TCID50/ml, had noo effect on the t antibodyy ® ® respoonse to ONR RAB . Theese series off experimennts demonsttrated that ONRAB O -U ULB show ws promise over o previouus vaccine/b bait combinnations as itt elicited a measurable m immuunological response r in both skunkks and raccooons, and prrovided prottection agaiinst experimental letthal rabies virus v exposuure in skunkks. Further,, results of these t studiees f perform mance is unnlikely to bee affected by y pre-existinng immunitty to sugggest that its field otherr adenoviruses. CO.551 duction and d evaluation n of a chroomatograph hically puriified Vero cell c rabies Prod vacccine (PVRV V) in China using micrrocarrier teechnology DC - Institutee for Viral Tangg Q1, Yu P1, Huang Y1, Zhang Y2, Liang G1 - 1China CD Diseaase Controll and Prevenntion, 2Beijiing, China - Liaoning Chengda C Biiology Co. b cases evvery year; thhus, Chinna is a high population country wiith millions of animal bite it is nnecessary to o explore annd develop more m effecttive and prooductive rab bies vaccines for humaan use. To establish e a safe, s effectiv ve, inexpennsive and higgh-yield rabbies vaccinee, a non-aadjuvant puurified Veroo cell rabies vaccine prooduced in thhe SPEEDA A PVRV microocarrier bio oreactor wass developedd by Liaoninng Chengdaa Biology Co. Ltd. in China. C This vaccine waas producedd using Vero o cells that were w cultureed in a micrrocarrier bioreeactor. A miicrocarrier bioreactor b containing c 225 g/L of Cy ytodex-1 waas used for perfuusion culturre. The Veroo cell culturre density was w up to 1.2 2–1.5 × 107 cells/ml, virusses could bee constantlyy harvested for f 18–22 d, d and the resulting vacccine immunnizing potenncy was ≥ 4.5 4 IU/ml. Vaccine V safeety and imm munogenicitty post-imm munization were w also assessed. A total of 602 volunteerrs were enroolled and divvided into tw wo groups tthat V PVRV on days d 0, 3, 7,, 14 weree vaccinatedd with eitherr SPEEDA PVRV or VERORAB and 228. All subjects vaccinated with SPEEDA PV VRV showed no seriouss local or systeemic adverse effects. The positive conversionn rate of seruum neutralizzing antiboddies againnst the rabiees virus reacched 100% in both the test and conntrol groupss (inoculateed with VERORAB B PVRV) att 14 d and 45 4 d after vaaccination, and a no signnificant f betweeen the neuttralizing anttibody geom metric meann titers (GM MTs) difference was found ps. SPEEDA A PVRV is appropriatee for mass production p a shows and of the two group a immunoogenicity foor human poost-exposure prophylaxxis of satisffactory clinnical safety and rabiees. CO.552 nk rabies in n Texas; A retrospecttive look Skun Abboott S1, Meseenbrink B1, Mapston M1, Bodenchhuk M1, Oerrtli E2 - 1US SDA-Wildlife Serviices, 2Texass Departmennt of State Health H Servvices A is ubiquittous, with thhe majority of the state within the Skunnk rabies in Texas, USA rangee of the Souuth-Central skunk rabiees distribution. Statewide public health h surveeillance inddicates a cycclic trend, with w peaks inn total skunk rabies casses approoximately 22 2 years apaart. We exaamined publlic health caase-reports from f 1960-22006 to ideentify trendds, with the ultimate gooal of develooping a preddictive moddel for skunkk rabiees epizootics. Cases weere plotted by b county, by b year and d certain trennds were obserrved. Somee counties regularly rep ported skunnk rabies casses while many m others reporrted no casees for severaal years. We W also exam mined rainfaall data from m4 repreesentative coounties to determine d iff there was a correlationn between rainfall r and skunnk rabies casses. This paaper presentts the resultts of these innvestigation ns and preseents oppoortunities for further invvestigationss. CO.553 ulation Stru ucture of tw wo Rabies Hosts in Allaska Popu Clem ment CJ, Him mschoot E1, Goldsmith h EW1, Hunndertmark KJ K 1, Huefferr K1 1 Univversity of Alaska A Fairbbanks N andd Western Alaska, A but not n Rabies, is widesspread in arcctic and redd foxes in Northern endemic in Interrior Alaska.. Areas withh endemic rabies overlaap with the habitat of thhe c f of endeemic free Arctiic fox whilee regions soolely inhabitted by the reed fox are considered rabiees. It is thereefore not knnown if red foxes servee as competeent long-terrm reservoirrs for rabiees or supporrt only spill over infectiions. Three strains of rabies r virus are present in Alaskka with disttinct geograaphic distribbution. Furthhermore cliimate chang ge is expecteed to alter the distribu ution of thesse two speciies in Alaskka, expandinng the rangee of the red fox t arctic fo ox. We assesssed the poppulation stru ucture of the into tthe historic habitat of the two m major hosts in Alaska, red and arcctic foxes inn the contextt of rabies strain s distriibution in Alaska. A In coontrast to prrevious studdies on popuulation struccture of Arcctic foxess in North America, A wee found signnificant struucture in thee population n of arctic fooxes, whicch correlatess with the phylo-geograaphic distribbution of raabies strainss in Alaska. Red foxess also show wed evidencee of only lim mited gene flow f betweeen regions of o Alaska. CO.554 E GERMAN N RACCOON (PROC CYON LOT TOR) POP PULATION N AS THE POT TENTIAL RABIES R R RESERVOIR SPECIE ES Vos A1, Finke S2, Habla C1, Freuling C2, Teifke J2, Köllner B2, Müller T2 - 1IDT H, 2Friedricch Loeffler Institute I - Federal F Reseearch Instituute for Anim mal Bioloogika GmbH Heallth t red fox (Vulpes vulp lpes) was coonsidered th he only reseervoir speciees for Untiil recently, the terrestrial wildliife rabies inn Europe. Hoowever, sinnce the late 1980s 1 anothher host speecies N and East Europe; the raccooon dog (Nyyctereutes procyonoides). has eemerged in NorthInterrestingly, seeveral other potential raabies reservoir species occur in Eu urope but withoout evidencce that thesee animals play any role in the spreaad of the dissease; goldeen jackaals (Canis aereus) a in Sooutheast Euurope, the sm mall Indian mongoose (Herpestes auroppunctatus) inhabiting parts p of the Adriatic cooastal regionn, and the raaccoon (Proocyon lotorr) in most paarts of Euroope. Especiaally in (sem mi-) urban arreas in Germ many, extrem me high raccoon poopulation deensities havee been obseerved (appro ox. 100 anim mals/km²). To T p thhat raccoonns in Germanny could beecome a reservoir speciies in invesstigate the possibility case of re-emerg gence of rabbies in Germ many the suusceptibility of the ´locaal’ raccoon popuulation was investigatedd. Wild caught animalss were inocuulated with the most likkely lyssaavirus varian nts to infectt the Germaan raccoon ppopulation. It was show wn that the Germ man raccoonns were fullly susceptible for a dogg and raccooon rabies virrus (RABV V) variaant. Five of 6 raccoons inoculated with a fox R RABV isolaate showed subsequenttly cliniccal signs. Inn contrast too foxes, non ne of the inffected raccooons succum mbed to rabiies after infection with w European Bat Lysssavirus Typpe 1 (EBLV--1); althouggh all these onverted. Thhe most likeely event thaat a Germann raccoon will w come in raccooons seroco contaact with a lyyssavirus is through contact with an a infected bat. b It can th herefore be a reasssuring thoug ght that baseed on the reesults of thiss study racccoons are highly refracttory to EB BLV-1 virus infection. The highesst risk that thhe raccoon population will becom me infeccted with rabbies is by ree-emergence of this dissease by acccidental impportation off dog rabiees. Althoughh the immeddiate risk may m not seem m high it muust be stresssed that no experience and no n tools aree readily avaailable to coontrol a rabiies outbreakk among many. raccooons in Germ c as part of thee Lyssavirus Research Network annd sponsoreed by The sstudy was conducted the G German Fedderal Ministrry of Educaation and Reesearch (graant nr. 01KII1016A). CO.555 mes in the Balkan B region: achieveements and d perspectivves Rabiies control programm in M Macedonia Cliquuet F1, Mrennoski S2, Daavcheva K3, Kirandjiskki T4, Nakov va E4 - 1Nanncy laboratoory 2 for raabies and wildlife, w Frannce, Facultty of Veterinnary Mediccine in Skop pje - Macedoonia, 3 4 Agrriconsulting Europe SA A - Macedonnia, Food & Veterinary y Agency - Macedoniaa Throough the Insstrument andd Pre-Accesssion Assisttance, Europpean Unionn provides fundiing to suppoort the conttrol and erad dication of cclassical sw wine fever an nd rabies inn sevenn candidate or potentiaal candidate countries of o the Westeern Balkanss, where the mainn reservoir and a vector of o rabies is the t red fox (Vulpes ( vulp pes). Most of o those counntries have reinforced r m measures aim ming to conntrol the diseease and haave initiatedd oral vacciination proggrammes aggainst rabiess which starrted in Kosoovo in sprinng 2010. The projeect was initiiated in Maccedonia in August A 20100 and the first objective was to imprrove passivee surveillancce and reporting througgh enhancinng public aw wareness about the riisks of the disease d and training forr stakeholdeers. Macedoonia is a 25,,713 km2 counntry bordered by four innfected coun ntries. In Macedonia, M th here had beeen no casess reporrted since 2000. The firrst oral vacccination cam mpaigns weere implemeented in spriing and aautumn 2011 in the whhole country y using SAD DB19 vaccin nes and aeriial distribution. The ffirst case off rabies wass detected in n July 2011 on a fox in the centre of o the counttry. Eighht other casees have beenn reported inn the centree, in the eastt and in the south parts of Maceedonia. Sevveral cases have h been issolated at cllose proxim mity with Buulgaria and Greeece, requirin ng the impleementation of o addequatte measuress in those coountries. Thhe last case was recorded in a cat in i March 20012. The nuumber of sam mples and of o species mpared to thaat of 2009 and a 2010. Thhis analyysed in 2011 was signifficantly incrreased com refleccts a higherr level of aw wareness of rabies amonng hunters, general pubblic and profeessionals inv volved in raabies controol activities as well as increased i qu uality of thee rabiees surveillan nce and monnitoring. Thhe efficacy of o the camppaigns was assessed a thrrough moniitoring healthy foxes (w with active participatio p on of hunters) in all vacccinated areas and rrevealed a very v high peercentage off bait uptakee (estimatedd at 91%) annd an rabiess antibbody responnse of foxes at 59%. Thhe genetic chharacterizattion of eightt strains isolated in M Macedonia haas been unddertaken to identify i rabies variantss circulatingg in the counntry. The ttested isolattes were ressolved in the East Euroopean groupp with a highh nucleotidee identtity of the nucleoprotei n gesting wild dlife movem ments n gene founnd for all isoolates, sugg of rabbies in the region. r The multi m annuaal rabies conntrol prograamme will be b shortly deescribed (raabies surveeillance netw work, plannning, organiisation, impplementationn and evaluaation of the camppaigns, labo oratory inveestigations) as well as aachievementts done in thhe Balkan regioon. Perspecttives for streengthening collaboratioon with the neighbouring countriees for the nnext years will w also be discussed. d CO.556 SULTS OF THE FIRS ST ONRAB B® SAFETY AND IM MMUNOGE ENICITY RES FIEL LD TRIAL L IN RACC COONS IN THE U.S. Chippman R1, Veercauteren K2, Nelson K1, Algeo T1, Slate D1 - 1USDA, APHIS A Wilddlife Servicees, 2USDA, APHIS, WS W - Nationaal Wildlife Research R Ceenter mmunogeniciity field triaal to evaluatte a live reccombinant human h A saffety and im adennovirus (sero otype 5)-rabbies glycoprrotein vacciine (ONRAB B®) in racco oons and skkunks was cconducted in i the U.S. in i 2011. Ap pproximatelly 80,000 Ultralite U baitts (Artemis Techhnologies, Guelph, G ON, CAN) werre distributeed at 75 baitts/km2 alongg 750m fligght lines in 4, 127 km k 2 study arreas in south heastern Weest Virginiaa, U.S. The bait was s blisterr pack that contained c thhe ONRAB® vaccine with w a waxyy compposed of a small coatiing matrix of o attractantts impregnatted with tetrracycline biiomarker, annd camoufllaged by a green dye. No phone calls c from human h or peet bait contaacts were reeported through a n provvided on eaach bait. Loow human population p d density mayy toll-ffree phone number largeely account for no reported bait contacts. No tissue abnoormalities were w observeed in captiive cottontaail rabbits, opossums, o foox squirrelss, eastern wiild turkeys, and woodraats at ® a 10xx ONRAB dose, and field f histopaathology results shouldd be availabble in Decem mber 20122. Rabies viirus neutraliizing antiboody (RVNA A) was higheer among raaccoons (P<00.05) in postt-ONRAB® samples (4 49.4%, n=2996) than in naïve n pre-O ORV samplees (9.6% %, n=395). Biomarkerr was higherr (P<0.05), among posst-ONRAB® raccoons samppled, an indiication of vaccine-indu v uced RVNA A’s. The 49.4% RVNA A populationn levell in raccoon ns is the highhest observeed in the U..S. for a firsst time oral rabies r vaccine distriibution even nt. Skunk sample s size was inadeqquate to asseess ONRAB B® effects. Field F trial rresults warrranted replication and expansion e inn 2012 to assess raccooon populatioon immuunity from a second ON NRAB® triaal in four more m states, including i O Ohio urbansubuurban habitaats. These collaborativee trials, whiich will conntinue to brin ng togetherr multiiple discipliines from coounty, statee, federal annd internatioonal jurisdicctions in thee ® spiritt of One Heealth, shouldd provide a basis to dettermine if ONRAB O is suited to achieeve raccoon n rabies mannagement gooals. CO.557 EFERENCE ES OF SEL LECT ATT TRACTANT TS IN THE E COATIN NG OF ONR RAB PRE VAC CCINE BAIITS BY RA ABIES RES SERVOIR SPECIES Johnnson SR1, Beerentsen AR R1, Leland B2, Oertli E3, VerCauteeren K1 - 1USDA-APH U HISWS-N National Wildlife W Reseearch Centeer, 2USDA-A APHIS-Willdlife Servicces, 3Texas Depaartment of State S Healthh Services m annd researcheers in the United Statess are assessiing how thee Rabies control managers t United States S oral Canaadian vaccinne ONRAB® may perfform if integgrated into the rabiees vaccinatio on (ORV) program. p A measuremeent of success of any ORV O program m is bait uptake u by taarget speciees. The attraactant used in i the bait matrix m surroounding a vacciine influencces bait uptaake and vacccination ratte. Our objeective is to determine d w which flavoor of attractaant in the ONRAB® O cooating is thee most prefeerred by rabbies reservoir speciies in the fieeld. In Texaas (TX) we are evaluatiing four attrractants (sw weet, fish, eggg, and ccheese) in areas a inhabitted by raccooons (Procyyon lotor), skunks s (Meppthis mephiitis), foxess (Urocyon cinereoarggenteus), andd coyotes (C Canis latran ns). In Puerrto Rico (PR R), we arre comparin ng the prefeerence of moongoose (H Herpestes au uropuctatus)) for cheesee, coconut, and fish attractants. We moniitored bait stations s with h animal-acttivated cam meras s (untouuched, distuurbed, and removed). r I TX, we In and rregular checcks of bait status offerred 540 baitts of which 102 were reemoved, witth cheese an nd fish mosst often remooved (bothh 25%) follo owed by eggg (21%) andd then sweeet (15%) andd unflavored controls (14% %). Image sccoring from m camera datta is underw way. In PR,, mongoose removed baits on 388 of 343 occcasions. Though all data d are not yyet fully an nalyzed, it apppears monggoose prefeer cheese, foollowed clossely by fishh. Findings in both TX X and PR aree sugggesting that sweet s flavors are least attractive too rabies reseervoir speciies. To confi fidently statee which attrractants willl likely perfform the besst, we need to completee the analyyses of these data and do d more exttensive trialls, especially y in raccoonn habitat in the easteern United States. S CO.558 ALUATION N OF NON N-TARGET T ANIMAL L EXPOSUR RE TO HU UMAN EVA ADE ENOVIRUS S RECOMB BINANT ORAL O RAB BIES VACC CINE- OH HIO 2012 Walllace R1, Blaanton J1, Voora N1, Dyerr J1, Smith K1, Chipmaan R2, Rupprrecht C1 - 1US U Centters for Diseease Control and Preveention, 2US Centers for Disease Coontrol and Preveention ORV) is the primary maanagement practice p forr controllingg Oral Rabies Vacccination (O mong raccooons and foxxes. Two OR RV wildllife rabies inn the Unitedd States, parrticularly am bait designs d are primarily utilized u for the t distributtion of vacccinia rabies glycoproteiin (VRG G) vaccine: a fish meall polymer block and a coated c sachhet. A primaary public heealth concern related to ORV baiit distributioon is non-taarget contact between thhe ORV andd mestic pets. The VRG virus v strain used in OR RV is attenuated in micee, but humaans and dom humaan percutan neous exposure to ruptuured sachetss has resulteed in localizzed vacciniaa viruss infection in n very rare cases. Receently, a new w recombinaant human adenovirus a O ORV (AdR RG) has beeen developeed. This vacccine is incoorporated inn ultralight bait b which has h not ppreviously been b used inn the United d States. Surrveillance foor human coontact is impoortant, particcularly amoong young children c thatt may have contact witth the bait, due d to theeir lower prrevalence off prior expo osure and im mmunity to human h adennoviruses. To evvaluate poteential differrences in co ontact rates between b thee VRG and AdRG bait typess CDC, the Ohio Deparrtment of Health, H and USDA/WS U will conducct an invesstigation duuring ORV baiting b in Northeastern N n Ohio in Auugust 2012. The focus of this iinvestigation will be too ensure thaat public heaalth program ms are in place to captuure evennts of humann and domesstic animal bait contactt, ensure apppropriate prrotocols aree in placee in case of a severe addverse eventt from a baitt contact, an nd evaluate whether the AdR RG vaccine bait b matrix is i associated with a diffferent human detectionn rate comppared to baait types useed for distribbuting VRG G. Updated gguidelines related r to ap ppropriate manaagement of potential coontacts withh AdRG baiits during ORV O activities may be developed basedd on findinggs from this investigatioon. CO.559 a Pathogenesis of Bat Rabies Multtidisciplinaary Approaach to Epizoootiology and Viru uses in the United U Stattes Ellisoon JA1, Johhnson SR2, Kuzmina K NK K3, Gilbert AT3, Carso on WC3, Blaanton JD3, 2 3 1 VerC Cauteren K , Rupprechtt C - Centters for Diseease Controol and Preveention, Atlannta, Georrgia, USA - Division off High-Con nsequence Pathogens an nd Pathologgy, 2Nationaal Wilddlife Researcch Center, United U Statees Department of Agricculture - Wiildlife Serviices, Fort Collins, Co olorado, USA A, 3CDC Zoonnotic diseasee surveillannce is typicaally initiatedd after an annimal pathogen has cauused diseaase in humaans. Early deetection of potentially p h high-risk paathogens wiithin animall hostss may facilittate medicaal interventio ons to copee with an em merging diseease. To effecctively spillo over to a noovel host, a pathogen may m undergoo genetic chhanges resullting in vaarying transm mission pottential in thee new host and a potentiaally to humans. Rabiess viruss (RABV) iss one modell pathogen to t consider for studying the dynam mics of emeerging infecctious diseasses under booth laboratoory and fieldd conditionss. The evoluutionary hisstory of RA ABV is chaaracterized by b regularlyy documenteed spilloverr infections and a seriess of notabble host-shifts. Within this contextt, enhancedd field surveeillance to im mprove detecction of spilllover infecttions will reequire validdated techniqques to non n-invasively differentiate infeected from non-infecte n ed individuaals. In this sttudy we evaaluate the use of graphy to detect thermaal changes associated a w experim with mental RAB BV infraared thermog infecction in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) f in a captive coolony. Our results indiccated that 62% 6 of rabiid bats had detectable d f facial tempeerature decrreases (-4.6°°C, SD ±2.55), comppared to pree-inoculation baseline values. v Thesse data sugggest potential utility forr discrriminating rabid r bats inn natural field settings. In addition, focusing upon u RABV V circuulating in the United Sttates betweeen 2008 - 20012, we connfirmed spillover eventts of bat R RABV amon ng carnivores and identtified cross--species tran nsmission events e causeed by four lineages off RABV assoociated with h insectivorrous bats. Thhis study prrovides a ABV pathobbiology and spillover dyynamics am mong and beetween bats and glimppse into RA a varriety of messocarnivoress. CO.660 OWLEDGE E, ATTITU UDES AND D PRACTIC CES AMON NG POPUL LATIONS KNO EXP POSED TO O BATS IN SOUTHER RN NIGER RIA Osinnubi MOV1, Recuenco S1, Kuzminn I1, Haberling DL1, Blaau DM1, Daavis LB1, Ehim miyein AM2, Ogunkoyaa AB2, Ruppprecht C1 - 1Centers forr Disease Control C and 2 Preveention - Divvision for High-Conseq H quence Pathhogens and Pathology, P Ahmadu Bello B Univversity, Zariia - Veterinaary Medicin ne wide, all butt one Amoong the currently recognnized speciees in the Lyyssavirus geenus worldw (Mokkola virus) has h been ideentified in bats. b Recentt discovery of emerging pathogenss of zoonnotic importtance in batss raises concerns aboutt health riskks of populaations that direcctly or indireectly come in contact with w these diverse d mam mmals. Idanrre, an ancieent city ssituated in Southwest S N Nigeria, connducts a uniique bat festtival twice annually, a w where the ppopulations have traditiional practicces that invoolve capturiing and connsuming batts. Thesse activities bring them m into direct contact witth bats that are a importaant not only becauuse of potenntial exposuure to lyssavviruses, but also to otheer emerging g pathogens. A know wledge, attittude and praactices survvey was devveloped and administereed to investtigate the ppotential risk k of exposuure to emerg ging diseasees among these populattions living arounnd bat caves, as well ass those who o participatee in the bat festival. f Serrum samplees weree collected from f humanns and bats in i the studyy area, and were w analyzed for lyssaaviruses andd other potenntial microoorganisms. Participants (n=142) were recruited r froom 90 households in 5 different co ommunitiess (4 %) rurall and 1 urbaan). Participaant ages rannged betweeen 9 – 83 yeears. Twentty-one (28% particcipants claimed to have participateed in the baat festival annd 15 (71%) participateed twicee a year. Off those that participatedd in the festtival, 14 (677%) were in nvolved in multiiple activities: 14 (67% %) reported involvemennt in bat preeparation/coonsumption,, 12 (75% %) hunted baats, 4 (19%)) sold bats, and 5 (24% %) watched the t events. Thirty T (26% %) studyy participan nts claimed to t have enteered a bat caave and 53 (50%) touched a live bat. b Eighhteen (18%) participants who reporrted direct contact c with h bats also reported r scrattches and 144 (15%) repported bat biites. Ninety-three particcipants (92% %) made noo attem mpt to protect their fam milies from bat b bites, whhile 5 (5%) prevented bats b from enterring the hom me, and 1 (11%) reportedd destroyingg bats enterring the hom me. Only 100 (15% %) participan nts claimed to have an extensive knowledge k o rabies. However, of H 33 (53% %) would doo nothing if bitten or sccratched by a bat. A total of 102 bllood samplees weree collected from f humanns. Neutralizzation againnst rabies viirus was dettected in 3 (3%). ( Therre was no ev vidence of neutralizatio n on against non-rabies n lyyssaviruses.. Among thee 145 bat sera, seropreevalence of Lagos Bat Virus V (LBV V) antibodiees was obserrved in Roussettus aegypptiacus (51% %) and Eidoolon helvum m (24%) species. Some of the LBV Vposittive sampless additionallly neutralizzed Shimonii bat virus (SHIBV). Our results r indiccate an insuufficient knoowledge aboout rabies among the sttudy populaation and aan increased d exposure through t praactices and attitudes a tow wards bats, that maybe harbooring unkno own zoonottic pathogenns. This callls for plans to t provide continuous c surveeillance of important i pathogens off risk to hum man health, and the neeed to have preveentive meassures and reesponse straategies in plaace to safe-guard humaan health. CO.661 ACE-TIME DYNAMIC CS OF ATTACKS BY Y HEMAT TOPHAGO OUS BATS AND SPA GEO OGRAPHIC C ACCESS S TO HEAL LTH CARE IN A RE EGION OF MEXICO. Zaldiivar-Gomezz A1, Arteagga-Troncoso o G2, Velazzquez-Quiro oz IR3, Delggado-Urbinaa C1, 1 1 1 Ram mirez-Hernan ndez MD , Jimenez-Es J strada JM - Laboratorrio Estatal de d Salud Púbblica 2 del E Estado de México-ISEM M M - Laborattorio de Rabbia, Institutto Nacional de Perinnatología, 3Laboratorio L o Estatal de Salud Públiica del Estado de Méxiico-ISEM Labooratorio de Biologia B Moolecular The oobjective off this study was to estim mate the spaatial patternns in rates of aggressionn by vamppire bats (D Desmodus rootundus) andd identify human h popu ulations withh limited geoggraphic acceess to mediccal service with w post-exxposure propphylaxis. THOD: A seet of points georeferencced with case reports of o aggression n by bats inn MET humaans was useed to model the rates-addjusted of aggression a a against residdents of locaal comm munities in the south of the State of o Mexico. A continuouus predictioon area was consttructed baseed on the raates of aggreession from m events duriing the yearr 2000 (outbbreak of rabbies cases in animals, and a attacks to humans)) and during g the period 2001 to 2009 (stabbility in the frequency f o cases) usiing a spatial interpolatiion method (Poissonof Krigiing). The cooverage areas of health h services w were calculatted throughh a network analyysis, estimatting travel times t (30 to o 60 minutess) to the neaarest hospitaal unit. Bothh estim mates were integrated i w risk maaps. with ULTS: Twoo thousand one hundred ninety peoople of diffe ferent sexes and ages w were RESU attacked by vam mpire bats inn the region; 94.8% of attacks a were recorded in i the o Tejupilco and Luvian nos. In 20000, there wass an outbreaak of rabies in muniicipalities of anim mals, with an n increase of 74.4% in the numberr of attacks (1629 ( recorrded). Durinng 20011-2009, the rate r of aggrression by gender g show wed a signifiicant increaase in womeen (58.66%) in contrrast to men (41.4%). By age groupp, the highest percentagge of attackks was ffrom ages 1 to 19. By anatomical a region more attacks weere recordedd in the uppper extreemities with h 784 cases. Seasonal aggression a w observeed, with greaater frequenncy in was the months m of April A to Auggust. Mappinng was deveeloped for both b Poissonn-Kriging model m desiggns, a trend toward a hiigher rate of aggressionns being observed in bo oth models in the nnorth-west, in i the municipality of Luvianos. L T distribuution and seasonality iss This relateed to severaal factors suuch as: high productionn and marketing of livesstock in thee muniicipality, the physical and a geograp phical condiitions in thee region thatt favor the surviival of hemaatophagous bat, and soocio-econom mic conditioons with hig gh level of social vulneerability andd limited acccess to heaalth servicess of basic lev vels. NCLUSION N: The Geoggraphic Infoormation Systems in Heealth providde a tool for geoCON statisstical analyssis, manageement and planning which is essenntial becausee it is possibble to addreess the risk of aggression toward humans h by vampire v batts from a peerspective which w is spaatial, system mic, multi-ccausal and in nterdisciplinnary. Acknnowledgements The aauthors wissh to acknow wledge to María M Eugennia Jaimes from fr Comitee de Fomentto y Proteección Pecu uaria del Esttado de Méx xico. Faculttad de Geog grafía-UAEM Mex for hiss assistance with the creationn of cartogrraphy. MD Gabriel G O'sh hea Cuevass from Instittuto de Saalud del Esttado de Méxxico. CO.662 BIES VIRU US MONITORING IN N BATS FR ROM THE DIRECT AREA A OF RAB INFL LUENCE OF O HYDRO OELECTR RIC POWE ER PLANT T IN JIRAU U, RONDÔ ÔNIA, BRA AZIL Almeeida MF1, Rosa R AR1, Martorelli M L 1, Kataooka APAG1, Aires CC2 - 1Centro de LFA d 2 Conttrole de Zoo onoses-COV VISA-PMSP P, Museu de d Zoologiaa da Universsidade de Sãão Pauloo In Roondônia Staate, North reegion of Braazil is beingg built at Maadeira Riveer, the hydroelectric poower plant of o Jirau. Thee implemenntation of hu uge enterprises such as the mands a seriies of alteraations in thee environmeent, such as vegetation hydroeletric dem d movementt of land in large l extenssion along with w other antropic a suppression and h environmeental impacct. These acttivities can destroy the artificial annd activvities of high naturral shelters for bats. Seeveral studiees have poinnted an assoociation betw ween these envirronmental changes c andd outbreaks of rabies. Monitoring M J Jirau´s bat population p b began in 20010 and it was w made ovver a period of three years, with regular visits lasting 10 to t 12 days, twice a yeear, totalizinng six campaigns. First,, the local population p w intervieewed was o aiminng at elicitinng what theey knew aboout rabies annd bats and to locate thhe shelters of thesee animals. Inn the periodd of three yeears, 158 peeople were interviewed i d, 4.387 batss weree captured by mist net or o active seaarch and 3.8852 of them m were loosee after this proceeeding. Reggarding to raabies, 535 bats b and 4866 sera were sent for diaagnosis and antibbodies dosagge respectivvely at CCZ Z-SP by Direect Fluoresccence and Simplified S Fluorrescence Innhibition Miicrotest. All bats were negative n to rabies. The global prevaalence of anntibodies waas 15.4% ussing 0.5IU/m ml as a cut-off (0% in the t first camppaign, 2.8% %, 6.4%, 19.22%, 14.8% and 36.3% in the subsequent cam mpaigns). In the intervview 93.5% % declared too know the disease, hoowever rabiees was assocciate to doggs and jjust 52.5% knew k that bats b could trransmit rabies. Regardiing the type of houses, 93.5% % were vulnnerable to bats b presencce and bats were w roostinng in 70% of o these houuses. The rresults for rabies r antiboodies dosagge showed a progressive increase for f every subseequent cam mpaign. As thhe first cam mpaign was performed p before b the demolition d o the of houses and vegeetation supppression in the t direct arrea of influeence of the hydroelectri h ic, thesee results couuld be refleccting the perturbation inflected to the populattion of bats such as the stress of the t forced migration m to search for new n shelterrs and forag ging areas ass well f space annd food with h the bats poopulations already a estaablished in thhe as the disputes for ment when th here is the reestablishin r ng of the coolonies. new shelters up to the mom he contact with w the viruus, Conssidering justt the presennce of antiboodies as inddicative of th the aaverage of tiiters in the first f and seccond campaaigns was 0,,03UI/ml annd 0,04UI/m ml whilee in subsequ uent campaiigns this avverage was 00,21UI/ml, 0,49UI/ml, 0 0,24UI/ml and 0,38U UI/ml, respeectively. When W statisticcally analyzzed by Krusskal-Wallis (H=1.611,9942; p<0,00001) and Dunn D (R1= =44.330) theese tests connfirmed thatt there is sig gnificant difference in thee results obsserved amonng the camppaigns and the t differennce observedd betw ween the resu ults of first campaign and a subsequuent campaigns is significant. Thesse data indicate thee increase of rabies viruus circulatioon among th hese bat poppulations annd r outbreak that shoould be mon nitored. sugggest a potenttial risk of rabies CO.663 LIMITAÇà ÃO DE ÁRE EAS DE CONTROLE E NO ESTA ADO DE SÃO S PAUL LO DEL PAR RA A RAIV VA DOS HE ERBÍVOROS NAS REGIÕES R D SERRA DA A DA MAN NTIQUEIR RA E CANA ASTRA Cavaalcanti MP1, Nogueira VS V 1, Gomes MN1 - 1CO OORDENA ADORIA DE DEFESA A AGR ROPECUAR RIA - SECR RETARIA DE D AGRICU ULTURA E ABASTE ECIMENTO O os focos de raiva r em heerbívoros esstá associada às localizaações dos A proogressão do abriggos de Desm modus rotunndus que por sua vez, estão relacio onados às prrincipais feiições geoggráficas de uma u região. Muitos estuudos considderaram elevvadas altitudes, rios ouu deterrminado tipoo de cobertuura da terra como fatorr protetor ouu causal parra difusão de d epideemias. Geottecnologias foram utilizzadas por Gomes G et al (2011) paraa gerar um modeelo descritivvo com três camadas so obrepostas: a enfermid dade caracterizada por uuma funçãoo kernel doos focos de raiva r entre 1992 e 2003 3, os tipos de uso e cobertura da teerra obtidoss por classiificação dee imagens de d satélites e a altitudde a a ennfermidade esteve forteemente molddada oriunnda do radarr SRTM. Seegundo os autores, pelass áreas de veegetação rasteira (pastaagens). O reelevo formo ou os mosaicos de uso e cobertura da terrra, o qual deeterminou os o locais de grassamentto ou não daa enfermidaade. S da Maantiqueira nna Consstataram-se regiões perrmeáveis dee menores alltitudes da Serra divissa de estado com Minass Gerais quee eram carreeadores de casos, c assim m como, áreeas delim mitadas pelaa serra da Quebra Q Canggalha que diivide horizo ontalmente o Vale do Paraííba. A análiise temporall demonstro ou que os foocos tinham m sentido do estado de Minaas Gerais paara o de Sãoo Paulo. Freente às consttatações, a Coordenado C oria de Defeesa Agroopecuária doo estado de São Paulo (CDA) ( prioorizou uma faixa f na divvisa estadual para realização de d trabalhoss de controlle da enferm midade. Os locais l relataados como r s à introduçção de novoos casos. Dee certa formaa, carreeadores tambbém estão relacionado validdando o prim meiro modeelo descritivvo. Focos, aggora identifficados com mo pontos dee coorddenadas adqquiridos porr receptor de d GPS entree os anos dee 2008 e 2012, demonsstram que o vale do rio o Sapucaia e Sapucaia--Mirim propporcionam faixas f de menores altituudes na Seerra da Man ntiqueira parra introduçãão de raiva na Região de Bragançça Paulista e São José dos Campo os. A Serra da d Mantiqueira, na região de Cacoonde e Cruzzeiro, tambéém q possibiliitam maior permeabilid p dade de focoos. possuuem cortes de menoress altitudes que Por ffim, na regiãão da Serra da Canastraa também ocorre o tais formações f de d baixa altiitude. Assim m, estas anáálises descriitivas sugerrem que a CDA C possa definir d menoores áreas de d priorridade de co ontrole da ennfermidade, que delimiitariam áreaas específicaas sentinelaas e de coontrole de Desmodus D rootndus nas faixas f de menores m altituudes nas serrras aqui estuddadas. Trabaalhos conjuuntos com e estado minneiro deveriaam ser fomeentados. Agraadecimentoss a Coordennadoria de Defesa D Agroopecuária e FAPESP prrojeto Nº 033123119-0 mes MN, Moonteiro AMV V, Escada MIS. M Raiva bovina seguundo os moosaicos de uso u e Gom cobertura da terrra no estadoo de São Pauulo entre 19992 e 2003. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zooteec., v. 63, p. p 287, 20111. CO.664 LICACIÓN N DEL MA ANEJO INT TEGRADO O DE PLAG GAS (M.I.P P.) EN EL APL CON NTROL DE EL “DESM MODUS RO OTUNDUS S” EN COS STA RICA Sanccho VH1 - 1Senasa, S Cossta Rica - Raabia mentan añoo con año poor causa dell Las ppérdidas ecoonómicas enn nuestra gaanadería aum Desm modus rotun ndus (murcciélago hemaatófago) esttimándose en e $800.0000.00 por añoo. La prrincipal enffermedad quue transmiteen es la rabiia paralítica bovina y laa ecología de d nuesttro país hacce propicia la l multiplicaación de estte vector. De laas 110 especcies de murrciélagos qu ue existen enn Costa Ricca, solamentte tres son hemaatófagas y generalment g te los ganadderos no disstinguen esttás de las ottras especies que tieneen una gran importanciaa ecológica, por lo quee eliminan ecosistemas enteros utilizzando métod dos equivoccados en cueevas, troncoos huecos y otros refug gios, ya que por vivirr en grupos numerosos n son los aniimales más susceptiblees a la extincción. El P Programa Naacional de Rabia R Paraliitica Bovinaa del Minissterio de Ag gricultura y Ganaadería llevaa a cabo el control c de este vector, tomando t en n cuenta el concepto c de M MIP (Manejo Integradoo de Plagas), el cual se concibe coomo un sisteema de conttrol que cconsidera ell medio ambbiente en el que vive laa plaga, su dinámica d pooblacional, previiendo conseecuencias eccológicas y económicas, seleccion nando métoddos de contrrol para reducir las poblaciones por debajjo del daño económico, de salud an nimal y saluud c dee Educaciónn Sanitaria que q comprennde mil públiica. Por meddio de una campaña quiniientas charlas y demosttraciones dee métodos a más de quuince mil gaanaderos y estuddiantes se haa logrado cooncientizar al productoor ganadero para que noo elimine laas especcie benéficaas en sus finncas. CO.665 o Myotis lu ucifugus too heterologoous and hom mologous rabies r virusses. Suscceptibility of Daviis AD1, Jarvvis J1, Poulioott C1, Morgan S2, Ruddd RJ1 - 1Wadsworth W C Center - Division of Innfectious Diseases, 2Staate Universiity of New York, Y Albanny - Departm ment of Ecoology and E Evolutionarry Biology, R Rabies virus (RV) mainttenance in bats b is not w well understtood. Eptesiicus fuscus, Myottis lucifuguss, and Tadaarida brasiliiensis are thhe most com mmon bats species s in thhe US. T These colon nial bat speccies also havve the mostt frequent coontact with humans and domeestic animalls. Howeverr, the Lasionycteris nocctivagans/P Perimyotis subflavus s (Ln/P Ps) RV is asssociated with w the majoority of hum man rabies virus v infectiions in the Uniteed States an nd Canada. This T is of in nterest becaause the L. noctivagans n s and P. subfllavus bat species are m more solitaryy bats with less l frequennt human intteraction. O Our interest was w to deterrmine the liikelihood off a colonial bat species becoming infeccted with annd transmittiing a heteroologous RV. To determ mine the poteential of heterrologous RV V infection in colonial bat species,, M. lucifug gus bats werre inoculatedd with a homologoous or one of o two heterrologous (E E. fuscus andd L. noctivaagans) RV. d the diseasse process, bats b Addiitionally, to determine if the route of exposuree influenced weree inoculatedd either intraamuscularlyy (i.m.) or suubcutaneoussly (s.c.) wiith a homoologous or heterologou h us RV. Batss were obserrved for 6 months. m Survvivors weree challlenged i.m. with a hom mologous RV V and obserrved for an additional a 6 months. O Our results demonstrate d intramuscuular inoculattion results in a more rapid r progreession of disease onset as compareed to a signiificantly lonnger incubaation time inn bats inocuulated Additionally y, cross prottection was not consisttently achiev ved in bats previously s.c. A inocuulated with a heterologgous RV following a sixx month chaallenge withh a homologgous RV. Finally, batts that develloped rabiess following s.c. inoculaation were significantly s y moree likely to shhed virus inn their salivaa and demonstrated inccreased viraal tissue troppism. In suummary, batts inoculated via the route are more likely y to shed virrus thus increeasing the potential for transmissioon. CO.666 C’S GLOBA AL DISEA ASE DETEC CTION PR ROGRAM AND A THE CDC INTE ERNATIO ONAL HEA ALTH REG GULATION NS: PROVIIDING EA ARLY WAR RNING TO O CDC FOR R HUMAN N RABIES OUTBREA AKS Chrisstian KA1, Arthur A RR1 - 1Centers for f Disease Control and Preventioon - Global Diseaase Detectio on and Emeergency Ressponse RS alerted puublic healthh leaders thaat novel pathhogens could be In 20003, the spreead of SAR transsmitted alon ng internatioonal travel routes r with unpreceden u nted speed. With W the realizzation that an a outbreakk anywhere in the worldd was a poteential threatt to virtuallyy all counntries, the United Statess Congress in i 2004 authhorized the appropriatiion of fundss to estabblish a Globbal Disease Detection D (G GDD) proggram, based at the CDC C, with the aim a of prromptly deteecting and mitigating m thhe consequeences of em merging threeats. The GD DD progrram providees a platform m to develoop and strenngthen globaal capacity to t rapidly detect, identtify, and con ntain emergging infectioous disease and bioterro orist threatss in line withh the Interrnational Heealth Regulaations (IHR R), which enntered into force fo in Junee 2007 and legallly requires all signatorry nations too establish ssystems to detect d and reespond to new n diseaase threats. The T GDD program p waas subsequenntly selectedd by WHO as a key parrtner to heelp implemeent the IHR (2005) for its 194 mem mber states and in 2009 9 was designnated a WH HO Collabo orating Centter for Implementation of IHR Nattional Surveeillance andd Respponse Capaccity. A signiificant compponent of GDD G is the GDD G Operaations Centeer (GDD DOC), an epidemic inttelligence unnit which uses novel, event‐based e surveillancce technniques to prrovide CDC C programs with w a singlle source off reliable, coomprehensivve, and hhigh quality y informatioon on international diseease outbreaaks, and proovides logisttical and ffinancial sup pport to CD DC program ms for emerggency deplooyments to internationaal outbrreaks. Tech hnological advances havve revolutioonized the way w informaation is accesssed, and evvent-based surveillance s e provides a mechanism m for the org ganized andd rapidd collection and verification of info formation abbout events that are a riisk to publicc healtth, particulaarly with reggard to emerging zoonooses, which h countries sometimes s cannnot or do nott report to thhe global puublic healthh communityy. A re-emeerging, globbal zoonnosis that thee GDDOC actively a moonitors is rabbies in bothh animals annd humans. Sincee 2009, the GDDOC haas supported d provided epidemioloogic, logisticcal, or finanncial support to CDC’s Rabies Program for emergency deploymen nts to the Doominican o mitigate outbreaks o off human rabbies associatted Repuublic, Peru, Ecuador, annd Kenya to with canine and vampire baat rabies. Beecause of thhe GDDOC’’s work to actively a idenntify s e data to CD DC’s Rabiess Program, CDC C and rreport rabies-related evvent-based surveillance is bettter position ned to respoond to a requuest for techhnical assisstance by the affected counntry and estaablish core capacities c in n compliancce with IHR R. CO.667 SULTS WE EBSITE FO OR RABIES S DIAGNO OSTIC CON NSULTAT TION INTO O RES THE E HEALTH H SERVICE ES OF COA AHUILA, MEXICO. Fernaandez MM1, Solis MEP P2, Romeroo MAR2, Agguilar AMB B1 - 1Laborattory of Publlic 2 Heallth Saltillo, Coahuila, C M México, Heealth Services of Coahu uila kground: Health H Serviices of Coahhuila had noot a rabies diagnostic d laaboratory. Itt was Back needded to send samples s to Nuevo N Leonn and InDR RE to solve this t limitatioon. On Apriil, 20100, the State Authorities A establishedd this laboraatory that is placed insidde the faciliities of the State Laboratory of Public P Healtth. On July,, 2010 the laaboratory foormalized operaations with the InDRE.. The laboraatory has 2 eemployees: a professioonal diagnosstics speciialist and a laboratory technician. t mple shipm ments for rab bies virus monitoring m too other statees. Extempoorary Challlenges: Sam recepption of other states ressults. No cleear idea aboout rabies viirus circulattion and sannitary risk sstatus in thee State. Exppensive operrational costts. Several criteria c of raabies PEP based b on laab results. The T laboratoory had not a working algorithm a fo or technical and epideemiologicall reports as well w as for laboratory l r results. The lab had nott a standardd protoocol to estab blish a timely diagnostiic. T develop a feasibilityy study for the t operatioon of a rabiees Alterrnatives off Solution: To diagnnostic laborratory and too identify thhe mechanissms and sup pport elemeents to estabblish this llaboratory. Review R the operative and a financiaal plans and d rabies vacccines availaability for P PEP. Websitte design for electronicc consultatioon via Intern net, to get th he timely diagnnostic accorrding with the t needs an nd request fr from the opeerative unitss. Operration: Thee Epidemiollogical survveillance of rabies in thee State is deeveloped in threee steps: the pre-analytic p c step is for the data collection andd integrationn of the file with the suupport of th he sanitary regions r thatt send the saamples that could be cooming from m bittenn animals, for f monitoriing purposees and from wildlife. Thhe Analyticcal step for the t laborratory resultt and capturre of the epiidemiologiccal info as well w as the laaboratory reesult in thee website. Each E case iss identified with w an ID key that couuld be revieewed by inteernet for each sanitary y region. Thhe post-anallytic step is to follow up u the resultts. This is he sanitary regions r to deevelop the recommend r ded preventiion and conttrol developed by th A users haave an ID keey access thhat is individdual and noon-transferabble, meassurements. All once it is approv ved by the State S Authorities. The website w has different acccess levelss and f capturinng the initiall just tthe rabies laaboratory peersonnel havve administtrator level for info, modificatioons and corrections of each case. All A the otheer users, adm ministrative o peersonnel of the t sanitaryy regions, haave persoonnel of thee central levvel and the operative an ID D key to con nsult the labb results. Th he author waants to thannk to the Staate Authoritties and tthe workforrce of the Health Servicces in Coahuuila for the support recceived for thhe elabooration and presentation of this papper. CO.668 MAL BITE ED AND HUMANE H R RABIES SU URVEILLA ANCE IN IRAN I ANIM Shirzzadi MR1 - 1ministery of o health iraan - zoonosees man rabies inn Iran is woorking with the aim of having h no Survveillance sysstem of hum humaan rabies an nd 100% acccess to heallth services for all the community. c . Further moore, coopperation with h veterinaryy organization and enviironment prrotection orgganization aabout vacciination of dogs d and catts, samplingg of suspicioous animalss and also trraining the staff s and ccommunity and attendiing rabies national com mmittee meeetings is perrforming duuring the yyear. Iran hhas 31 provvinces and 386 3 districtss with a diffferent weathher conditio on as Mediiterranean weather w in thhe north of Iran and hoot and dry weather w in thhe south. Ass a resullt the domin nant carnivoores in the north n and Noorth West of o Iran are wolves w and in i otherr areas of th he country itt's fox. How wever, in thee whole cou untry jackals are found frequuently and have h been coonsidered as a the reservvoir of rabiees in the natuure. The hhealth centeer in villagees includes health h housees with trainned staff annd in the nexxt levell there are ru ural health centers c with h a family physician. p Inn the cities there t are heealth postss in the firstt level and urban u health h centers in the next lev vel which haave physicians; and aalso there arre hospitals in the distrricts. The coomplicated disease d are referred froom healtth houses annd health poosts to rural or urban heealth centers and in neccessary to hospitals. nd rabies coontrol progrram educatioonal measurres in contrrol and In annimal bite an preveention has been providded in all levvels. In eacch district th here is faciliitated prevention and ccontrol centter for humaan rabies in one of the urban u or rurral health ceenters or hospitals. More than 700 ceenters for coontrol and prevention p o human raabies are of t abou ut preventinng perfoorming in 3886 districts with 24-houur staff thatt had been trained treatm ment methoods. If the caases of anim mal bite refeer to health houses, heaalth posts orr healtth centers th he lesion wiill be washeed with wateer and soap for 15-20 minutes m afteer regisstration of thhe patients and a they wiill be referreed to preven nting treatm ment center for f humaan rabies to start vaccinnation and serum s theraapy if needed. Further more m the patieents' informaation will be sent to thee district heealth center to be declarred to the preveenting treatm ment centerr for the folllow-up. If thhe cases of animal bitee don't visit the preveenting treatm ment centerr for rabies they t are acttively follow wed-up. In the t district healtth center thee informatioon of the paatients will be b registeredd in the onliine portal reporrting system m. The onlinne informatiion can imm mediately bee seen after registrationn by the pprovince or national n levvel. In the national leevel the nattional guideeline for rabbies surveillaance had beeen publisheed n of nationaal rabies com mmittee andd they are distributed d too all the heaalth with cooperation venting treattment centeers for rabiees in Iran. centeers and prev Conssidering the national raabies commiittee decisioons two typees of vaccin nes includinng VER RO and PCE EC and speccific human rabies serum m are proviided and disstributed to all the ppreventing centers c for rabies. r Baseed on the tabble of inform mation received from preventing p t treatment ceenters for raabies, in thee year 2011 about 1350095 cases of animal bitte and 7 casses of rabiedd had been regisstered. Baseed on the naational guideeline of rabiies two typees of prevennting treatm ment measures are cconducted affter animal bite which include 3-ddose and 5-d dose treatmeent. The rabbies contrrol program m in Iran is successfully s y performingg due to 0n n time measu ures. CO.669 wards huma an rabies ellimination in i Eastern Europe an nd Middle East: E curreent Tow statu us and prosspects Vrannjes N1 - 1PA ASTEUR IN NSTITUTE E NOVI SAD D, SERBIA A, EUROPE E - Epidemioology Depaartment xpert Bureauu (MEEREB B) Folloowing the 1st Middle Eaast and Easttern Europee Rabies Ex meetting held in Turkey in 2010, 2 the grroup of rabiies experts from f 8 partiicipating counntries met inn June 2012 in Paris, Frrance for thee 2nd meetin ng, togetherr with repreesentatives from f the Insstitute Pasteeur and the Global Alliiance for Raabies Controol to discuuss the rabiees situation in their resppective couuntries, its evvolution, thhe problems encountered and d the solutioons. man rabies, number n of animal a bites and post-exxposure pro ophylaxis (P PEP) Hum admiinistered aree notifiable in all MEE EREB countrries howeveer reliable rabies data in the regioon still remaain scarce esspecially reegarding hum man rabies reporting. r T is evenn This moree pronounceed in countrries that are not part of the Rabies Bulletin Eu urope. Thankks howeever to MEE EREB mem mbers’ activee participatiion, a cleareer image off the rabies situaation in the region r is beecoming moore apparentt. REB countriees (Croatia and Serbia)) have not reecorded hum man deaths from Somee of MEER rabiees for more than 30 yeaars. Howeveer, persistennce of rabiess in wildlifee (foxes) requiires constannt surveillannce and maintenance off a high leveel of vigilannce and pubblic healtth interventiions in ordeer to preventt human rabbies cases. In I other ME EEREB counntries rabiees is presentt not only inn wildlife buut also in doogs, which increases i thhe risk of transsmission to humans. h In fact, humann cases stilll do occur inn these counntries. In coountries wheere the inciddence of huuman rabies did not excceed 0.15 peer million inhabbitants durinng the last 3 years, the incidence of o reported bites b and PE EP remained stablle. In the tw wo countries where the incidence i of human rab bies is the highest, h nd 0.67-1.377, respectiveely), the meean PEP Kazaakhstan andd Georgia (00.38-0.52 an inciddence increaase rate wass of over 15% %. In 2011,, 0.4% of Kazakh K popuulation receiived PEP.. In Georgiaa, PEP inciddence reacheed 0.9% - thhe highest known k PEP incidence in i the worldd, and 2-50 fold higherr than in othher MEERE EB countriess. All MEER REB countrries use ccell culture vaccines v thrrough intram muscular addministratio on. Rabies im mmunoglobbulin (RIG G) is locally produced inn Croatia, Serbia, S and Ukraine. U EREB particcipants stateed that hum man rabies transmitted by b dogs can be and shouuld MEE be elliminated from the regiion and disccussed requiirements to conduct a successful s rabies elimiination prog gram. Althoough in all MEEREB M coountries a leegal framew work for rabbies contrrol exists, most m often raabies eliminnation is nott consideredd as a publicc health prioority. In adddition, although some rabies conttrol measurees are alreaddy in place, there is stilll a signiificant dispaarity amongg the MEER REB countries as to eacch country’ss response too its rabiees situation. Furthermorre, some off the conditions for succcessful rabies eliminatiion progrrams are no ot met. MEE EREB mem mbers agreedd that reinforced interseectional collaaboration an nd “One Heaalth approacch” are the keys for succcessful rabbies control.. CO.770 MPARATIV VO DE LA A INVERSIIÓN EN BIIOLÓGICO OS ANTIR RRÁBICOS S COM PAR RA LA PRE EVENCIÓN N DE LA RABIA R HU UMANA TR RANSMITIIDA POR EL E PER RRO EN MÉXICO Varggas FP1, Guttiérrez VC1, Chávez IA AF1, Lezanaa MAF1 - 1Secretaría S dee Salud/Méxxico CEN NAPRECE ón de la rabiia humana transmitida t por el perro o en México o, los biológgicos En laa eliminació antirrrábicos han n sido elemeento básico para p alcanzzarlo, por elllo el gobiernno federal ha h destinado presup puesto para adquirirloss, gasto perm manente dessde 1990 a la l fecha. A coontinuación se establecee comparatiivo de la déccada de los 90’s con ell período deel 20000, se utilizan n indicadorees de resultaado (caso dee rabia hum mana transmitida por el perro y casso de rabia canina) c y dee proceso (ppersonas agrredidas, trattamientos inniciados y perros p vacuunados contrra la rabia), las cantidad des de los biológicos b antirrábicos a adquiridos y utilizzados (vacuuna antirrábiica humana,, inmunogloobulina antiirrábica hum mana y vacuuna antirrrábica caninna) en dólarres americannos y el efecto logradoo con los sigguientes resulltados: 0’s se registtraron Casoos de rabia humana trransmitida por perro,, en la décadda de los 90 240 ccasos en 20 entidades federativas f de d las cualees cuatro aportaron el 49% 4 del totaal, en contrraste en el período p del 2000 2 se nottificaron cuaatro casos en e sólo dos entidades, e s se dejarron de preseentar a partiir de 2006. d los 90’s se s acumularron 13 mil casos c en 31 de Casoos de rabia canina, en la década de las 32 entidades, en contrasste se reducee para el peeríodo del 20000 a 921 casos c en 23 9 entiddades (decreemento del 93.3%). didas, en la década de los l 90’s se acumularon a n 947 mil peersonas Personas agred agreddidas por annimal sospechoso de raabia con unaa tasa promeedio de 1066.2 agredidoos por cada 100 mil hab abitantes, miientras que para el perííodo del 20000 suman 1.2 millones de c una tasaa de 96.4 poor cada 100 mil habitanntes. estass personas, con Personas que see indica vacunar, en la década dee los 90’s see acumularoon 334 mil ntras que parra el períoddo del persoonas que iniiciaron trataamiento antiirrábico (355.3%), mien 20000 lo iniciaron n 378 mil (331.3%). una antirrá ábica canin na aplicada, en la décaada de los 900’s se aplicaaron 101.3 Vacu milloones de dosiis a igual núúmero de annimales de compañía, c m mientras que para el peeríodo del 22000 se incrrementó a 1996.2 millon nes de dosis aplicadas (93.7% de au umento). una antirrá ábica humaana aplicad da, en la déccada de los 90’s se utiliizaron 1.4 Vacu milloones de dosiis que correespondió en tratamientoos completo os (cinco doosis) al 56.4% y el ressto (44.6%)) en incompletos (tres dosis d en proomedio), misma cifra ap plicada en el e períoodo del 20000 pero se innvierte el co onsumo en trratamientoss completos 46.1% y enn incom mpletos el 54.9%. 5 unoglobulina antirráb bica human na aplicadaa, inicia su uso u a partir de 1998 Inmu acum mulando hassta el año paasado 385 mil m frascos aplicados a enn 97 mil perrsonas con agressión de riesggo grave. La innversión quee hizo la Seecretaría de Salud de 19990 a 2011 en estos bioológicos fuee de $1055.4 milloness de USD, que q comparaado con el gasto g que see dejó de apllicar en meddidas de coontrol de rab bia canina en e los casoss que se evittaron en estee período (9 92,028) estim mado en $22 25 millones de USD, reepresentó ecconomías paara el país por p $120 milloones de USD D, lo cual juustifica estaa inversión en e dichos biiológicos. CO.771 k model to estimate boovine rabiees occurren nce in Brazil Quallitative risk Bragga GB1, Leitte BM2, Sanntos EFS3, Dias D RA4 - 1FMVZ-US SP - Laborattório de Epiddemiologia e Bioestatísttica, 2Brazillian Ministrry of Agricuulture, Livesstock and Food F Suppply - Animaal Health Deepartment, 3Brazilian Ministry M of Agriculture, A , Livestock and Foodd Supply - Animal A Health Departm ment, 4Facullty of Veteriinary Mediccine, Univeersity of Saao Paulo - Department D of Preventive Veterinaary Medicin ne and Anim mal Health mic in Braziil and despitte the controol efforts, thhe Boviine rabies iss still considdered endem diseaase still spreeads in an innsidious waay and the main m vector is the vamppire bat, Desm modus rotun ndus. This project p aimeed to create a predictivee model to estimate e thee probaability of bo ovine rabiess outbreaks in each muunicipality of o 21 out of 27 Braziliaan Statees. The risk was estimaated using co oncepts of rreceptivity and a vulneraability. Quesstionnaires were w sent too the Local Veterinary Units of each State and d covered a numbber of questtions relatedd to the surv veillance off possible rissks, such ass: bovine outbrreaks, active roosts, baats positivityy and spatiaal changes. The T bovine density andd geom morphologicc features were w obtaineed from national registrries and geoographic inforrmation systtems. The riisk results where w comppared with thhe 417 boviine outbreakks in 20100 distributedd throughouut the municcipalities. Ouut of 5016 municipaliti m ies accessedd, 217 ((4,3%) weree rated as haaving a highh risk for thhe virus spreead, 1277 (2 25,5%) as mediium risk, 20045 (40,8%)) as low risk k, and 544 (10,8%) ( as negligible n riisk. In 933 (18,66%) cases thhe risk was unable to be determineed because the t lack of information i n. From m 417 municcipalities prresenting heerbivores ouutbreaks in 2010, 2 183 (4 43,9%) werre ratedd as high risk, 196 (47,00%) as meddium, 23 (5,5%) as low w and in 15 (3,6%) ( the risk r was nnot determiined. The reesults showeed that placees with outbbreaks weree skewed towaards areas with w higher risk r for the virus v spreadd. In the futu ure, these models m couldd allow w the targetiing of effortts, adoption n of control measures directed d to certain locattions, optim mization of the control team’s trannsit and a beetter understtanding of rabies r spreaad. Addiitionally, effforts need to be made to t stimulatee the continuuous surveilllance of rissk and rreduce areass with lack of informattion. CO.772 TIMIZATIO ON OF SPA ATIAL AC CCESSIBIL LITY TO VACCINAT V TION POIINTS OPT OF 22009 RABIIES VACCIINATION CAMPAIG GN IN SAO O PAULO CITY, C BRA AZIL Dias RA1, Polo G1, Guillouux AGA1, Ferreira F1, Amaku A M1 - 1Universiddade de Sãoo mento de Medicina M Veeterinária Prreventiva e Saúde Anim mal Pauloo - Departam Paulo city has h more thaan 2.5 million dogs andd 560 thousand cats. Th hese populaations São P are ddistributed irrregularly thhrough the territory, t m making it diffficult to allo ocate healthh serviices. One off the most im mportant heealth interveentions overr the animall populationn is the vvaccination against rabiies, presumaably responnsible for thee ending off the rabies epideemics in dogs and cats in 1983. Th he aim of thhis study is to t evaluate the accessibbility to vaaccination points duringg the 2009 mass m vaccinnation camppaign. To acchieve this, we used a two-step floating cattchment areea (2SFCA) method im mplemented in a geograpphic inforrmation systtem environnment, undeer the hypotthesis of opttimal distribbution of vacciination poin nts to assuree the potential use of thhe service by 100% of the t target popuulation. Areaas with low w accessibilitty were obsserved, espeecially in deense populatted areass, for both dogs d and catts. An algorrithm to opttimize the vaccination point p locatioon was ccreated in order o to impprove accesssibility, andd scenarios with w lower number n of vacciination poin nts were creeated. This methodolog m gy can be ussed to offer vaccinationn againnst rabies ev venly to thee entire popuulation of annimals, espeecially afterr the halt off this contrrol strategy from 2010 and 2011. The T model considered c the same loocation of vacciination poin nts for dogs and cats, when w approppriate. CO.773 D COLLAR R CAMPAIIGN: HELP PING TO CONTROL C L RABIES IN A RED HUM MANE, EFFECTIVE AND SUSTAINABL LE WAY. Gebaara RR1, Gaamboa M2, Quintero Q RM M3, Hiby E4, Russell E4 - 1WSPA-- World Socciety for thhe Protectio on of Animaals - WSPA A Brasil, 2WSPA- World d Society fo or the Protection 3 of Annimals - WS SPA Mesoaamérica, WSPAW Worlld Society for f the Proteection of Anim mals - WSPA A Suramériica, 4WSPA A- World Soociety for the Protection n of Animalls WSP PA Internatiional e 55 5,000 peoplee die of rabies every yeear1, and 99 9% of these are caused by An estimated bites from rabid d dogs.2 Thee global ecoonomic burdden of rabies is estimateed to be 4,0000M D/year3. Masss dog culls are organizzed by goveernments in misguided attempts to USD contrrol the diseaase and limiit outbreakss however thhis approachh has repeattedly been show wn to be inefffective for rabies conttrol4. Thesee culls incluude gassing, shooting, electtrocution, beeating, and poisoning, cause the neeedless death of millions of dogs each e year,, furthermorre such inhuumane meth hods are conndemned internationallly5. Converrsely, evideence shows that vaccinnating at least 70% of a dog populaation annually creates a barrier of healthhy immune dogs d that sto ops the diseease from sppreading.2 W Rabiees Day 20111, WSPA laaunched the Red Collarr Campaign (RCC), whhich On World is a gglobal camppaign to endd the inhumaane culling of dogs in the t fight against rabies. Our goal is to convin nce and assiist governm ments to conttrol rabies in i an effectiive, humanee, and mane cullingg of dogs. sustaainable way through maass vaccinattion withouut the inhum ( is an example of best b practicee in rabies control c as itt has been Latinn America (LA) comm mitted to do og vaccinatiion since thee 80´s. Usinng this apprroach, dog rabies r casess in LA ddeclined fro om 25,000 inn 1977 to 1996 in 2011, a decrease of 99% andd subsequenntly , humaan rabies also fell to onnly 15 in 20011, a decreaase of 96%..6 Thus, mass vaccinatiion of doogs has becoome an esseential compo onent in rabbies control by halting disease spreead, alonggside pre an nd post-expoosure prophhylaxis, survveillance annd informatiional campaaigns. This commendaable work reeveals the im mportance of o creating political p willl and providdes her regions to change their t policy and practicce. inspiiration to oth o in the previouusly rabies-ffree island of o Bali, In 20008, a rabiess outbreak occurred Indonnesia, leadin ng to a widespread dog g cull. In 20010, in respo onse to this unnecessarry killinng, WSPA worked w togeether with thhe Bali Aniimal Welfarre Association (BAWA A) and cconvinced Bali’s B goverrnment to sttop killing dogs d and im mplement thee first islanddwidee mass dog vaccination v , reaching 70% 7 coveragge and savin ng over 3000,000 dogs from f a neeedless death h. During thhis vaccinatiion period, human h rabiees cases deccreased by 335%, and ddog cases byy 76%.6 The Disease Innvestigationn Centre in Bali reportss that people in Indonnesia now believe b in thhe power off vaccinationn and the syystems and procedures p developed durin ng WSPA annd BAWA´s work in Bali B are beinng adopted as a national guideelines. 011, WSPA supported the t Bangladdeshi govern nment to caarry out a piilot In Noovember 20 dog vvaccinationn project in Cox’s C Bazarr, vaccinatinng more thaan 70% of th he dog popuulation in tw wo weeks. WSPA W is now w working with the Goovernment to t develop a natioonal action plan p for elim minating rabbies throughh mass dog vaccination n. PA’s RCC has h continueed to gather global mom mentum since these succcesses, WSP proviiding furtheer evidence for the conttribution off positive an nimal welfarre to humann healtth. 1. Knobel, D.L. et al. Re-evaluating the burdenn of rabies inn Africa andd Asia. Bullletin 3 (20005) of the World Heealth Organiization 83, 360-368 pdated Sept 2010. Acceessed 2. World Heaalth Organizzation Rabiees Fact sheeet No.99, up July 2012www.w o the Globaal Burden of Canine Raabies: Humaan & 3. Hampson K et al. Reassessment of mal Costs. Presented P byy S Cleavelaand to OIE Global Connference on Rabies Conntrol: Anim Towaards sustainnable prevenntion at souurce, 7-9 Sepptember 2011. Accesseed July 20122 www g/A_RABIE ES/presentaations_rage/S31%200Socioecon nomicBurdeen_DrHamppson.pdf 4. WHO (200 05) Expert consultation c n on rabies: First F report. Technical Report Serries Geneva: WH HO 931 G 5. World Organisation foor Animal Health H (OIE), Terrestriaal Animal Health H Codee chapter 7.7 Strayy dog contrrol. Accesseed July 20122 &L=0&htmffile=chapitrre_1.7.7.htm m http:///www.oie.iint/index.phhp?id=169& 6. Tamayo HS S. Eliminatiion of humaan rabies traansmitted by y dogs in thhe Americass: P n to OIE Gllobal Conferrence on Raabies Controol: Towardss Achiievements. Presentation sustaainable prev vention at soource, 7-9 September S 22011. Accesssed July 20012 www g/A_RABIE ES/presentaations_rage/S15%200CaseReport%20Amerrica_DrTam mayo.pdf 7. World Sociiety for Prootection of Animals A (W WSPA). Casee study- Rab bies controll: d disease prrevention, 2012. 2 Accesssed July 20 012 www.w wspaDog welfare and g/red-collar//case-studiees/default.asspx PO OST TER RES/// PO OST TERS S PT.0001 VITRO AN ND IN VIVO O INHIBIT TION OF RABIES R VIRUS REP PLICATION IN V BY R RNA INTE ERFERENC CE. Ono EAD1, Iam mamoto K2, Castilho C JG G2, Carnieli Jr J P2, Oliveeira RN2, Acchkar SM2, 2 2 1 1 K I , Braandão PE - Universiddade de São Paulo - Meedicina Carriieri ML , Kotait Preveentiva e Saú úde Animall, 2Instituto Pasteur de São S Paulo mals and leaads to more than 55,0000 Rabies is a zoonnotic diseasee that affectts all mamm r virus (RABV) (M Mononegaviirales: humaan deaths evvery year3, caused by rabies Rhabbdoviridae: Lyssavirus)). The searcch for antiviirals againstt rabies is on ne of the fronttiers in the field f but, deespite a prottocol (the Milwaukee M P Protocol) baased on ketaamin, ribavvirin, midazzolam and am mantadin was w successfful after the treatment of o a human patieent,4 it was shown s as noot reproduciible. RNA interference i e is an altern native as antivviral technollogy against RABV alrready shownn as effectivve in vitro in n cell culturres 1,2 , buut no reportts on its in vivo v use ex xist hitherto.. The aim of o this study y was to asssess the ddecrease in the t titer of rabies r virus both in vitrro and in vivvo using short-interferiing RNA As. To this end, e three siiRNAs weree used with antisense strands compplementary to rabiees virus nucleoprotein (N) ( mRNA.. BHK-21 cells monolaayers were infected i witth 1,0000 to 0.1 TCIID50 of PV V and after 2 hours the cells c were trransfected with w each of tree RNA As in separatte using Lippofectaminee-2000™. All A three siR RNAs reduced the titer of PV sstrain in a leeast 0.72 loggTCID50/m ml and no cyytotoxic effeect was obseerved in thee monoolayers treaated with Lippofectamine-2000™. Swiss S albino o mice infeccted with 100.000 to 1L LD of PV sttrain by the intracerebraal route werre also transsfected afterr two hours of infecction with a pool 3 siRN NAs with Lipofectamin L ne-2000™ by b the intraccerebral rouute, resullting in a suurvival rate of o 30% in mice m inoculaated with 1000 LD50, while w the sam me dose led to 100% % mortality in untreated animals. Lipofectam L mine-2000™ ™ showed noo ontrol mice. These resuults suggestt that intraceerebral adm ministration of o toxicc effect in co siRN NAs might be b an effectiive antivirall strategy foor rabies. The aauthors are grateful to FAPESP (F Fundação dee Amparo à Pesquisa do d Estado dee São Pauloo), Grant # 2008/515199-8, and Passteur Instituute of São Paulo for thee financial support. ERENCES REFE 1.Braandão PE ett al. Short-innterfering RNAs R as anttivirals agaiinst rabies. BJID, v. 111, p. 224, 2007. m artifficial 2. Isrrasena N et al. Inhibitioon of rabiess virus repliccation by multiple microoRNAs. A Res; v. 84, n. 1, p. 76, 2009. WHO Expertt consultatioon on rabiess, p.2, 2005. 3. W Willoughby Jr J et al. Surrvival after treatment t off rabies withh induction of coma. New N 4. W Englland Journall of Medicinne, v. 352. n. n 24, p. 25008, 2005 PT.0002 RESSÕES DE D Desmod dus rotund dus (E. Geooffroy) EM ANIMAIS S AGR DOM MÉSTICOS S PRÓXIM MOS A ÁRE EA URBAN NA DA ILH HA DE Sà ÃO LUÍS S/MARAN NHÃO/BRA ASIL Arruuda RCN1,2,33,4 - 1MAPA A - SFA-MA A, 2Santos EFS E - Coorddenação MA APA, 3Falcãão 4 MA, - AGED-M MA, Gualteer PP - AGE ED-MA umo Resu Agreessões de Deesmodus rotundus em animais a sãoo acontecim mentos comu uns no Maraanhão, comoo no Brasil,, com a difeerença que nesse n Estado o ainda há agressões a em m humaanos e houv ve transmisssão do víruss da raiva, ccomo ocorrido em 24 pessoas no ano a de 20005. O objeetivo do pressente estudoo foi chamaar a atenção à presença de D. rotunndus próxiimo a humaanos em áreea urbana dee São Luís/M MA, mostraar opção de monitorameento de árrea de forrag geamento attravés anilhhamento de morcegos, como tambéém, identifiicar caraccterísticas im mportantes nos indivíd duos para avvaliações e reavaliações r s. Executouu-se a armaação de redees em currall, caracterizzado o sentiddo Leste-Oeeste em relaação nascim mento e pôrr-do-sol num m croqui o que q facilitarria no direciionamento de d possíveiss abrigos doos D. rotunndus. Dos morcegos m caapturados, mediu-se m em m milímetross o antebraçço direito coom paquuímetro de plástico, p o peso em gram ma foi deterrminado por um dinam mômetro (1000g). As annilhas de 4m mm de diâm metro numerradas foram m colocadas no antebraçço do morceego menssurado com m objetivo dee novos monnitoramentoos. Observoou-se a ossifficação das epífises das falaanges das assas, que nos indivíduos jovens são mais maleááveis, e nos m calcifficados. O estado e repro odutivo foi avaliado a de adulttos os ossoss estavam melhor form ma visual e leeve palpaçãão, nas fêmeeas com um m volume maaior no abdô ômen e nos machhos quando os testículoos estavam na n bolsa esccrotal. No controle dos espécimes,, efetuuou-se a aplicação da pasta vampirricida (warffarina a 2%)) no dorso dos d morcegoos, por vvolta das 244 h quando havia h se enccerrado as capturas c e reecolhidas todas rede em m voltaa do curral. Foram F captturados 5 indivíduos, ssendo todos da família Phyllostom midae, mas de espécies diferentes, um frugívooro (Artibeuus), três hem matófagos (D Desmodus) e um ossophaga),, este últimoo não foi coolocado anell, já que nãoo era já nectaarívoro (Glo especcífico para o seu tamannho diminutto. Observou-se que os D. rotunduus foram peggos depoois da 21:17h h, indicandoo que onde há a presennça humana a alimentaçção dos indivvíduos podee acontecer mais m tardiam mente, deviido ao ambiente mais calmo. As cheggadas ou enttradas dos morcegos m heematófagos aconteceram m pelo Nortte, essas ‘rootas de vôôo dos vamppiros’ indiccam possiveelmente as loocalizações de abrigos. A presença de uma fêmea de D. D rotundus prenha e um m macho esscrotado inddicava que a colônias esstão em pplena atividaade sexual. Com o pressente trabalhho foi possíível concluirr que a pressença de D D. rotundus próximo p a humanos h é um u risco quue deve ser mitigado. m O anilhamennto é uma forma de gaarantir o moonitoramentto de morceegos em várrios estágioss da vida, seendo mportante anotar a todoss os dados em e fichas appropriadas para p saber a extreemamente im evoluução da eficciência do trratamento efetuado, e beem como o croqui c da árrea, para conhhecer possívveis abrigos através da captura c na fonte f de alim mentação, e os dados biolóógicos dos morcegos, m p identificar e/ou acoompanhar in para ndivíduos, reprodução, r , testes laboratoriais, e observar a evoluçção de anticcorpos da raaiva, de tem mpo em temppo, para melhor avaaliar riscos. Palaavras-chaves: anilhas, encefalite, raiva, herbíívoros, mitiigação de risco e quiróópteros. ___________________________________ 1 Fisccal Federal Agropecuáário do Miniistério da Agricultura, Pecuária P e Abastecime A ento (MA APA) 2 Fisccal Estaduall Agropecuáário da Ageencia Estaduual de Defessa Agropecu uária do Esttado do M Maranhão (A AGED-MA /BRASIL). PT.0003 CO SITUAC CIONAL DA D RAIVA A ANIMAL L NO ESTA ADO DO RIO R DIAGNÓSTIC DE JJANEIRO Meneeguete PS1 - 1Secretaria de Estadoo de Saúde do d Rio de Jaaneiro - Coo ordenação de d Vigillância Amb biental em Saúde S e Saúdde do Trabaalhador o de Janeiroo está localizzado na Reggião Sudestte, com umaa populaçãoo de O Esstado do Rio 15.8556.915 habiitantes, seguundo estimaativa do IBG GE, com um ma densidadde demográffica de 433.696,054 KM². K Possuui 92 municcípios distriibuídos em 9 regiões (M Metropolitanna I, Metroppolitana II, Baixxada Litorân nea, Médio Paraiba, P Centro Sul, Seerrana, Baíaa de Ilha Graande, Nortee e Norooeste Flumin nense), limiitando-se aoo Norte com m o Estado de d Minas Geerais, ao Suul São Pauloo e a Noroeeste com o Espírito E Sannto. Em m nosso Esttado o Progrrama Estaduual de Preveenção da Raaiva iniciou u a campanhha de vacinnação animaal no ano dee 1983, o qu ue determinnou à diminu uição signifficativa dos casoss de raiva em m cães e gaatos e como conseqüênccia a reduçãão de casos em humanoos. Apóss 21 anos seem ocorrênccia de caso de d raiva hum mana no Esstado do Rioo de Janeiroo, foi confi firmado um caso em dezembro de 2006 2 no muunicípio de São José doo Vale do Rio R Pretoo devido a acidente a com m morcego. As açções de con ntrole repressentadas pella coberturaa vacinal, attingindo índ dices maiorees do que 990% da pop pulação estim mada canina e felina enntre 1990 e 2009 contriibuíram parra a obtennção de resu ultados satissfatórios. No N ano de 2010, houve uma estimaativa de vaccinar aproxximadamennte 2.500.0000 animais. Porém, P apóós a ocorrênccia de eventtos adversos nos estaddos de São Paulo P e Rio de Janeiro,, o Ministério da Saúdee, baseado nos n resultado encontrado nas avaliações a l laboratoriai s de algumaas a partidass e dos estuudos epideemiológicoss efetuados,, decidiu pela suspensãão definitivaa do seu usoo na rede púública de Saaúde, ficand do o Estado sem coberttura vacinall desde entãão. Nos últim mos anos a ocorrência de raiva no Estado do RJ está resttrita a animaais da mos ocorrênccia de raiva em cães e gatos g área rural: bovinnos, eqüinoss e morcegoos. Não tem c e gatoss no desdee 2002, indiicativos quee as campannhas de vaciinação antirrrábica em cães Estaddo do Rio de d Janeiro têêm atingindo o objetivoo proposto. No Estaddo do Rio e Janeiro, enntre os anos de 2007 e 2010 2 foram confirmadoos e morcegoos não 170 ccasos de raiiva positivos em bovinoos, 40 em eqüinos, 14 em hemaatófagos e 03 0 em morcegos hemattófagos e 044 outros. Dos 98 casos co onfirmados no n Estado em e 2011, 133 % ocorreraam no muniicípio do Rio R de P resp pectivamentte). Janeiiro e 12% em Valença (Região Meetropolitanaa e Médio Paraíba, Os quue casos po ositivos vêm m aumentand do ano a ano, notadameente em aniimais que nãão bovinnos, e que apenas a uma pequena paarcela é captada pelos serviços s de vigilância. PT.0004 MPLETE GENOME G S SEQUENC CE ANALY YSIS OF FIIVE RUSSIIAN RABIES COM VIRU US FIELD D ISOLATE ES Chuppin S1, Cherrnyshova E1, Metlin A1 - 1Federal Centre for Animal Heaalth g of Russian rab bies virus fieeld isolates have been sequenced. Five complete genomes w collecteed from diff fferent regioons of Europ pean part off Russia. Thhe Thesse isolates were genoome lengths were 119233 nt (3 isolaates), 119277 nt (1 isolatte) and 11914 nt (1 isolate). All ggenomes rettained basic genetic feaatures charaacteristic forr genotype 1 lyssavirusses. Fourr isolates weere geneticaally close to European lineage l of raabies virus and shared 93,495,1% % nucleotid de identity with w strain 9147FRA 9 frrom France comparing complete genoomes. One issolate from reindeer was geneticallly close to Arctic lineaage of rabiees viruss and shared d 99,7% nuccleotide iden ntity with sttrain A09066 from Alasska compariing gene N sequences. This is the t first sequ uenced com mplete genom me of Arctiic lineage raabies k th his is the firrst proven case c of Arcttic lineage rabies r viruss. Furthermoore to our knowledge viruss distribution in Europee. PT.0005 NESS OF PA ARENTER RAL VACC CINATION N OF STRA AY DOGS EFFECTIVEN AINST RAB BIES TO REDUCE R T THE INCID DENCE OF F HUMAN N RABIES AGA DEA ATHS DUE E TO STRA AY DOG BIITES. Jayassundara VK K1 - 1Dehiwaala Mt. Lavvinia Municiipal councill Sri Lanka - Health Rabies is one off the notifiabble zoonosees in Sri Lannka. 96% off human rabbies deaths occur o r annd the transm mitter of thee disease in the due tto dog bites. The dog iss the main reservoir comm munity.In Sri S Lanka, vaccination as a a prophylactic measuure to contrrol canine raabies was ppracticed on nly for dom mestic dogs till t 2006. Ellimination was w the main control meassure for straay dogs duriing this periiod.The new w strategy of o mass pareenteral vacciination of sttray dogs inn addition to o the domesstic dogs, innstead of stray dog elimiination, has been impleemented by the health aauthorities of o Sri Lankaa after 20077. Aparrt from that,, chemical and a surgicall birth contrrol methods also were introduced i t to contrrol the strayy dog populaation densitty since 20007. An Autooplunger, a newly n invennted instruument in Srri lanka wass utilized forr intramuscular vaccinaation of straay dogs. m objecttive of this study s was too find out thhe effectiveeness of masss vaccinatiion of The main strayy dogs again nst rabies ass a prophylaactic measurre to reducee the incidennce of humaan rabiees deaths duue to stray dogs d in Sri Lanka. L d of epidemiology and the t The ddata obtaineed from quaarterly bulleetins of the department depaartment of thhe public heealth and veeterinary serrvices of thee ministry of o health betw ween 2007 annd 2010 weere analyzed d. man deaths due to strayy dog bites has h increaseed The ddata revealeed the incidence of hum from m 16 in 2001 to 28 in 20006 whereass the incidennce has deccreased from m 21 in 20077 to 18 inn 2010.The total t numbeer of femalee stray dogs subjected to t chemical birth controol weree 90380,853339,53931 and a 39888 inn 2007, 20008, 2009 andd 2010 respectively. Tootal numbber of femaale stray doggs surgicallyy sterilized were 1848, 119546, 2220280 and 907664 for these correspondding years. It I has been reported r thaat Some proovinces havee not ccarred out proper p vacciination and population control measures on sttray dogs duue to varioous issues inn 2010 comp mpaired to 20 009. The sstatistical annalysis reveealed a weakk negative correlation c (r= ( 0.27, R²=00.072) betw ween the maass vaccinattion of strayy dogs againnst Rabies and a the inciddence of hum man rabies deaths d due to t stray dogg bites. wever, the mass m vaccinaation of stray y dogs agaiinst rabies helps h to estaablish herd How immuunity in straay dog reserrvoir and itss feedback eeffect helps to arrest thhe transmisssion chainn of virus am mong stray dogs. Thereefore in connclusion, maass vaccinattion of strayy dogs makes the public less susceptiblee for rabies ddue to strayy dogs. v of stray dogs and popuulation conttrol Furthher strengthhening of annnual mass vaccination meassures to a grreater extennt in a methoodical way aat provinciaal level in fuuture is recom mmended. n vacccination proogramme is funded by Health Minnistry of sri This on-going national y was not fuunded. lankaa. My study man Rabiess, Mass vacccination Key words: Straay Dog, Hum PT.0006 NTROLE DE D Desmod dus rotundu us E EDUC CAÇÃO SA ANITÁRIA A EM CON PEQ QUENAS COMUNIDA C ADES DA BAIXADA A MARANH HENSE – BRASIL B Santaana SS1 - 1Agência A Esttadual de Deefesa Agroppecuária do Maranhão--AGED-MA AProggrama Estaddual de Conttrole da Raiiva dos Herbbívoros e Outras O Enceffalopatias e pessoas e Este trabalho tevve o objetivvo de traçar o perfil doss ataques dee vampiros em B Maaranhense (rregião alagaada), controlar a populaação de semooventes na Baixada Desm modus rotun ndus, bem como, c mostrrar que a edducação saniitária é umaa possibilidaade de traansformaçãão de compoortamento dos d indivíduuos avaliado os. Na regiãoo estudada, as áreass mais altas onde os aniimais se alim mentam durrante o perííodo das cheeias, são denoominadas peelos popularres de ‘Teso o’, no períoddo das secass os servidoores da Agênncia Estaddual de Deffesa Agropeecuária do Maranhão M (A AGED-MA)), atenderam m demanda de espolliações em animais e humanos h em m dois povoaados a 2 km m entre si. No N total foram m visitaadas 48 casaas, sendo 35 3 em Fradees e 13 no povoado p Teso da Taperra. Há histórico de abbertura de novas n áreas dentro d de reemanencenttes de matass que estariaam próximaas aos povooados em estudo. Nas comunidade c es agredidas foram realiizadas palesstras sobre Raivaa Humana e Animal e Bioecologia B a de Morceggos Hematóófagos para 86 pessoas em 3 ocasiiões distintaas. Realizouu-se um queestionário paara avaliar o sistema dee criação dee anim mais e mordeeduras do Desmodus D rootundus. Pella análise dos resultado os, observoou-se que 113 humanoss foram agreedidos, denttro de uma população de d 198 pesssoas, uma criança (0,,50%) e 12 outras adulttas (6,06%), perfazenddo um total de d 7% da mpre proteggidas com mosquiteiro m s. Da popuulação exposta. As criannças dormeem quase sem locallização das espoliaçõess nos humannos, 92,30% % foram nos pés, indicaando que as pessooas que dorm mem em redes , ficam com as extrremidades inferiores i esstão mais vulneeráveis a ataaque de vam mpiros e 81% % das pessooas entrevisstadas não tiinham esclaarecimentos necessários a respeito da raiva. A maior freqquência de mordeduras m em pessooas aconteceram num período dee 4 meses (992,30%), enntre os mesees de agostoo e outubbro e o restaante a no máximo m 1 anno. Indicanddo que as ag gressões poddem ter ocorrrido em fu função do deesmatamentto de áreas próximas p aoos povoadoss e no períoodo do desloocamento dee animais para outras áreas. á Todass as pessoass agredidas, só procuram mo serviiço de saúdee para tratam mento preveentivo após a primeira palestra, deemonstrandoo a impoortância da educação e saanitária em áreas de risco para raivva. Pela ausência de casos clíniccos, observaa-se que a população p d morcegoss hematófaggos não estaava enfermaa com de víruss rábico. Daas pessoas ennvolvidas em e entrevistta, (20,87%)) delas desccreveram coomo abriggos, ocos dee árvore e buueiros na Feerrovia Caraajás. Verificcou-se que dentre d 47 criaddores, 51,6% % destes deiixavam os seus s animaiss soltos no período, p e os o que ficavam próxiimos as resiidências serriam um atrativo aos morcegos. m No período annalisado, obserrvou-se quee apesar de haver h animaais nas redoondezas, os D. rotunduss, tinham prefeerências porr alimentar-se de sangu ue humano. Com base nas n elucidaçções de cam mpo, sistem ma de criaçção e caracteerísticas da área, concluui-se que háá muitos abrrigos ao lonngo da Feerrovia Caraajás que corrta os municcípios do Esstado e poucos nos cam mpos alagaddos; as moradias messmo sendo de d alvenariaa, não possuuem forros ou outro tippo de proteçção impeedindo a enttrada dos heematófagos;; no regime de criação dos animaiss na baixadaa, na estaçção chuvosaa os médios e/ou grandee animais estão próxim mo às residên ncias e no períoodo mais secco são criaddos soltos, os o morcegoss não acomppanham esssa moviimentação; o controle de d morcegoos hematófaggos e a educcação sanitáária são meddidas de fáácil visualização e convvencimento em comuniidades; facillmente o hoomem pode se tornaar uma fontee de alimentação alternnativa em árreas onde hoouve alteraçções de ambiiente, movim mentação ouu morte de animais e não n há circulação viral na n área já que q o resulltado do diaagnóstico labboratorial foi fo negativo para raiva e não houv ve casos da enferrmidade. Palaavras-Chave: Raiva, Edducação San nitária, Dessmodus rotuundus e Baix xada Maraanhense. ___________________________________ 1 Agêência Estaduual de Defessa Agropecu uária do Maaranhão - AGED/MA.S A São LuísMA//Brasil 2 Minnistério da Agricultura, A Pecuária e Abastecimeento.São Lu uís-MA/Braasil PT.0007 YLOGENETIC RELA ATION AM MONG BOV VINE RAB BIES CASE ES FROM PHY MIN NAS GERA AIS AND SA AO PAULO O STATES S, BRAZIL L: A POSSIBLE COM MMON OR RIGIN Garccia AIE1, Sillva SOS1, Peixoto P H1, Brandão B PE E1, Cunha EM E 2, Richtzeenhain L1 1 2 FMV VZ USP - Veterinary V P Preventive M Medicine annd Animal Health, H Instituto Bioloogico de Sãão Paulo - Laboratory L o Rabies annd Viral Enncephalitis of b hematophhagous bat Desmodus D r rotundus haas representted a Boviine rabies trransmitted by publiic health ch hallenge andd an econom mical burdenn to livestocck industry of Brazil sinnce 19111, when the first rabies outbreak inn this speciees was officiially docum mented in thee southh of the cou untry. Severral studies revealed r tem mporal and spatial s patteerns of endeemic preseentation alteernating witth epidemicc periods. Laast registereed epizooticcs occurred betw ween 1997 annd 2002, in Sao Paulo affecting boovines and equines e neaar the borderr of Minaas Gerais. The T objectivve of the preesent researcch is to perfform a phylogenetic analyysis of rabiees cases in livestock l fro om Minas Gerais G muniicipalities neext to Sao Pauloo´s epizootiic area in thhe subsequennt period (fr from 2000 to o 2009) andd try to assoociate moleecular data to t geographhical and eco ological facctors. 32 parrtial DNA sequences were w obtaiined corresp ponding to rabies r exterrnal glycoprrotein (540 nucleotides n of length). To inferr genetic relations amonng virus iso olates were performed p analysis a app plying NeighhborJoiniing algorithm m and Kimuura 2 param meter evoluttion model with w 1000 bootstrap b repettitions. The proposed phylogeny p p presented heere is in agreeement withh a previouss workk (Carnieli, virus researrch,v 144, p 215, 2009)) which prompts the prresence of thhree mainn sub lineages in the Saao Paulo´s epizootic e areea, near to the frontier with w Minas Geraais: “Old Strrain”, RD1 and RD2/R RD3. The olld Strain is composed c b isolates by previious to 1998 8. The strainn RD1 is inntegrated byy viruses isolated after 1998 1 and haas a different geneticc origin. Linneage RD2//RD3 has suubtle geneticc differencee when D1 even thouugh they em merged in thhe same period of time and also haave comppared to RD an ovverlapping pattern p of geographic distribution. d . All samplees from Minnas Gerais analyysed in this research weere classifieed as RD2/R RD3. This genetic sub b-lineage is located alonng the bordder between the two staates, mainly over g sub-lineage is the loowest portioons of Serraa da Mantiqqueira mounntain. This genetic slighhtly divergen nt from rabiies isolates from the rest of the couuntry and iss possible too differentiate it among a rabiees viruses from inner municipalitie m es of São Paaulo (far froom o isolatees involvedd in previouss epidemic waves w as thhe old epizoootic area), even from older and R RD1 Strain.. Molecularr analysis suuggests a poossible invollvement of Artibeus A lituraatus in the rabies r cyclee from innerr municipaliities of São Paulo state. Geographiic analyysis showedd that the caases were mainly m distribbuted in thee Mata Altlaantica biomee and alongg the rivers:: Pardo, Moogi-Guaçu, Piracicaba/J P Jaguarí and Grande. Molecular M analyysis suggestts that rabies virus circuulating in bovines from m south of Minas M Geraais betweenn 2000 to 20009 is genetically indisttinguishablee from one of the genettic strainns involvedd in the last epizootics e r registered inn Sao Paulo from 1997 to 2002, caalled here as RD2/RD D3. ES, FAPESP P process nuumber 20111/06236-0 Acknnowledgements: CAPE PT.0008 ANCE DE LA L RABIA A BOVINA EN EL ES STADO SA AN LUIS POTOSI P AVA (ME EXICO) Cam macho J1 - 1SERVICIOS S S DE SALU UD DE SAN N LUIS POT TOSI - ZOO ONOSIS nzaron en el e año de 1992, hasta 1999 cuando o aun no exiistía en el país p la Los ccasos comen caraccterización antigénica. a Se analizarron 30 muesstras resultaando 17 possitivas con 11 muniicipios afectados, 8 ceercanos a laa capital del estado inclluyendo La misma y soolo 3 fueroon de la zon na huasteca, se infiere que q los 8 caasos de los municipios m cercanos c a la l capittal del edo. Fueron causados por caninos ya que q se presen ntaban en promedio p 400 casoss anuales enn perros . essto reforzado por que ya y no se pressentaron máás casos al contrrolarse la raabia canina en e 1996. Los 3 de la zonna huasteca se sospechaa que ya inniciaba el prroblema de los l casos M Vampiro. originados por Murciélago 000-2011 see procesaron n 1039 mueestras con 6225 positivass ya En ell periodo 20 caraccterizándosee 471 de ellas. inicioo un brote en e la zona huasteca: h dee 3 municipios afectado os se increm mento en prom medio anual 2.6 los muunicipios afeectados, paara hacer un total en el estado e de 41 ddesde 1992. obserrvándose ell avance connstante de lo os casos haccia el centroo del estadoo y muy probaablemente a los estados vecinos, por p falta de medidas prreventivas como la vacuunación al gaanado, observándose ya afectacioones a otross animales de d interés Econnómico com mo Equinos, Caprinos, ovinos y a fauna Silveestre como mustélidos. m Existtiendo la lattencia de unn probable ataque a y trannsmisión a los seres huumanos. La prrincipal varriante antigéénica que see ha encontrrado es la V11 V en meno or proporcióón es la V33 y V5. PT.0009 M DE NORM MAS TÉCN NICAS DO TRATAM MENTO ESTUDO DO MANUAL OFILÁTICO O ANTIRR RÁBICO HUMANO H P PARA PRO OFISSION NAIS DA 155ª PRO CRE ES – CRAT TEÚS/CE, 2010. 2 Dennnis DFCM1 - 115ª Coorrdenadoria Regional R dee Saúde Craateús A raiva é uma doença inffecciosa aguda, cara acterizada por um qu uadro p óbito em poucoss dias. Aprresenta do ois ciclos neurrológico, que evolui para básicos de tran nsmissão: o urbano, cujos principais rese ervatórios são s os cãe es e os, e o silve estre, que ocorre prin ncipalmentte entre mo orcegos, macacos m e gato rapo osas, com destaque d p para o sag gui no Esta ado do Cea ará. Essa doença d é de d extre ema imporrtância para a saúde pú ública, devvido a sua letalidade de apro oximadame ente 100%. O diagnó óstico laborratorial da raiva é de e fundamen ntal impo ortância pa ara o tratam mento proffilático hum mano pós-e exposição, mediante a apliccação de im munobiológ gicos espe ecíficos, e para a ado oção de me edidas que e visam m o contro ole da doen nça. O obje etivo deste e trabalho foi f realizarr estudo do o man nual de norrmas técniccas do trattamento prrofilático an ntirrábico humano h co om profiissionais de saúde no o universo o dos 11 municípios que q compõ õem a 15ª CRE ES - Crateú ús. A partirr desta açã ão foi realizzado estud do quantita ativo descritivo, base eado no Arrt.6º, inciso o III da lei Nº N 8.080/9 90, que incllui no campo de atua ação do S SUS a orde enação da formação de recurso os humano os na área de saúde.. Dura ante os me eses de outubro e no ovembro do o ano de 2010, foram m realizada as 05 oficin nas, sendo o dois méd dicos veterinários do NUVET/SESA e um da 15ª CR RES Cratteús os faccilitadores, e foram ca apacitadoss 42 enferm meiros,12 médicos, m 0 05 agen ntes de imunização, 03 coordenadores de e vigilância a sanitária, 08 veterinários e 09 0 agentess de contro ole de endemias. Tra atar pessoa as agredidas animais é atividade a r rotineira da as equipess de Atençã ão Básica / Estratégia por a Saúd de da Fam mília e da Vigilância V e Saúde que em q devem m ser dese envolvidas visan ndo tornarr viáveis oss princípioss e diretrize es de acessso universsal e da integ gralidade do d cuidado o conforme a necessidade de saúde utilizando a epidemiologia para o esttabelecime ento de prio oridades. Concluímo C os que a ormações relativas r ao o processo o saúde-do oença, as doenças d e difussão de info suass formas de e prevençã ão e contro ole proporccionam um m melhor co onhecimen nto sobrre os fatore es condicio onantes e a situação de saúde. Capacitar profission nais que trabalham em diferentes setore es da saúd de favorece a definiç ção de o e na man nutenção das d ações de controle de agravvos a priorridades, a elaboração sere em desenvo olvidas de acordo co om as suass especificiidades. PT.0010 DEMIOLÓ ÓGICO NA A PROFILA AXIA DA RAIVA R NA A 15ª CRES S– ESTUDO EPID ATEÚS/CE E, NOS ANO OS DE 200 09, 2010 e 2011. 2 CRA Dennnis DFCM1 - 115ª Coorrdenadoria Regional R dee Saúde Craateús As m mordedurass causadas por anim mais são motivo de grrande preo ocupação devid do a possibilidade de e transmissão de zoo onoses, prrincipalmen nte raiva. Este E estudo descritiivo quantita ativo foi re ealizado na a 15ª CRES S – Coorde enadoria aúde – Cra ateús, form mada por onze o munic cípios: Ararrendá, Regional de Sa pendência, Ipaporang ga, Ipueira as, Monsen nhor Tabos sa, Nova Cratteús, Indep Russsas, Novo Oriente, Poranga, P Quiterianóp Q polis e Tam mboril. Os dados d foram colettados atravvés da fich ha mensal de profilaxxia da raiva a , enviada a pelos mun nicípios a CRES C até o quinto dia a útil de ca ada mês co om dados referentess ao mês anterior. No N ano de 2009, fora am atendid das 577 pessoas, dass quais 87,,9% eberam trattamento, no n ano de 2010, 2 foram m 587 pessoas atend didas com rece 89,6 6% de trata amentos, já á em 2011, foram 812 atendime entos com 93,3% de e trata amentos. Quanto Q as mordedura m as, no ano de 2009, os o cães foram resp ponsáveis por p 69,2% do total e os gatos por p 19,2%, no ano de e 2010, cãe es foram m 71% e os o gatos 19 9,2%,em 2011 os cãe es foram 72,4% 7 e ga atos 21,4% %, send do que as demais d mo ordeduras foram causadas por primatas, morcegoss, rapo osas, bovin nos e equin nos. A quantidade de e cães e ga atos obserrvados pela a quan ntidade destes anima ais agresso ores foi de e 40,2%, 44 4,5% e 46,,3%, resp pectivamen nte nos ano os estudad dos. O núm mero de ate endimentos nos anoss é basttante eleva ada e vem apresentando aumento. Os da ados també ém nos reve elam que os cães são o os princip pais agresssores, seg guido peloss gatos, com quan ntidade de animais agressores a observado os ascendente. O fatto de anim mais dom mésticos serem os agressores mais m signifiicativos nã ão justifica o alto perccentual de tratamento os anti-rábico human no, mostran ndo a nece essidade de capa acitação de e médicos e enferme eiros em attendimento o profilático o, bem com mo uma a maior inte egração en ntre ESF e os profisssionais de controle c de e zoonosess na indiccação de trratamento.. PT.0011 TITU ULAÇÃO DE D ANTICO ORPOS NEUTRALIZ ZANTES DE D VÍRUS DA RAIVA A DOS S DOCENT TES DO CURSO DE MEDICINA VETERIINÁRIA DA A UNIV VERSIDAD DE FEDER RAL DE GOIÁS (UFG G), CAMPUS JATAÍÍ. Meirrelles-Bartoli RB1, Cruzz CA1, Sousa DB1, Asssis LN2, Coosta KD3, Crruz EG3, Rezeende Júnior SA4, Barceelos AA5 - 1Docente D da Universidaade Federal de Goiás / Cam mpus Jataí - Laboratório L o de Sanidadde Animal, 2Aluna do curso c de Meedicina Veterinária da Universidad U e Federal dee Goiás/Cam mpus Jataí, 3Aluna do curso de Campus Jataaí, 4Técnico do Laborattório Enfermagem daa Universidaade Federal de Goiás/C Análise Clíniica Veterináária da Univversidade Feederal de Goiás/Campu G us Jataí, de A 5 Técnnico de Enffermagem da d Universiddade Federaal de Goiás. Campus Jaataí A pro ofilaxia da raiva hum mana pode ser feita pré p ou pós--exposição o ao vírus. A profiilaxia pré-e exposição, realizada com vacin nas, é indic cada para as a pessoas que, devido à atividade a p profissiona al, correm o risco de exposição e ao vírus, uisadores, professore es e alunos que trabalham com m como veterinárrios, pesqu mais potenc cialmente infectados com o vírus da raiva a. A profila axia pósanim expo osição é indicada parra as pessoas que accidentalme ente se exp puseram ao a víruss; combina a a limpeza a da lesão e a administração da a vacina, is soladamen nte ou e em associa ação com o soro ou a imunoglo obulina hum mana anti-rrábica. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a o pe erfil sorológ gico de antticorpos ne eutralizante es M V Veterinária da de vvírus da raiva dos doccentes do curso de Medicina Univversidade Federal F de e Goiás, Ca ampus Jata aí. Foram coletados 5 mL de sang gue de 17 professore es e encam minhado pa ara o Institu uto Pasteu ur 2 mL de soro cong gelado de cada c amosstra em microtubos acondicion a ados em caixa c de iso opor com gelo recicclável manttendo uma a temperatu ura entre 4º 4 a 8º grau us. Todas as ostras estavvam devidamente ide entificadass e acompa anhadas de ficha de amo requ uisição. O Microteste M Simplificado de Inibição de Flu uorescência foi utiliza ado pelo Instituto Pasteur P para a titulaçção dos anticorpos. Das D 17 amo ostras, 07 2%) aprese entaram tittulação sattisfatória (≥ ≥ 0,5 UI/mL) e 10 (58 8,8%) (41,2 insattisfatória (˂ ˂ 0,5 UI/mL). Por me eio da ficha a epidemio ológica fora am observa adas algumas caraccterísticas em e relação o à profilaxxia da raiva a recebida a por estes essores. Dos D 17 doccentes, 12 (70,6%) ( re eceberam profilaxia p p pré-exposiç ção profe dura ante o curs so de Mediccina Veterinária e 05 5 (29,4%) já haviam recebido r profiilaxia pós-e exposição antes da faculdade. f Dos 12 prrofessores que rece eberam a profilaxia p prré-exposiç ção, 01 (8,3 3%) relatou u realizar exames e de e soro ológicos an nualmente, 04 (33,4% %) confirma aram ter re ecebido do ose reforço sem a rea alização de e sorologia a prévia e os o outros 07 0 (58,3%)) disseram m nunca terr rece ebido uma dose reforrço e nem ter t realizad do sorologia. Os 05 docentes d q que realizaram pro ofilaxia pós-exposição o recebera am soro-va acinação, sendo s que, 02 %) também m receberam o esque ema de pro ofilaxia pré--exposição o no mome ento (40% que entraram na n faculdade, sem re ealização de d sorologiia prévia; 01 0 (20%) disse d m tomado dose reforrço; 01 (20%) comentou nuncca ter realizado sorollogia e nem ter fe eito um no ovo tratame ento pós-exxposição (soro-vacin ( nação), ma as nunca realizado um exame e soro ológico; e 01 0 (20%) relatou r que e assim qu ue entrou no n municou já ter t realizad do profilaxiia póscurso de Mediccina Veterinária com osição, e que q faz monitoramentto sorológiico periodicamente, recebendo r o expo dose e reforço somente qu uando apre esenta titulação insattisfatória. Desta D form ma, pode emos conccluir que exxiste a neccessidade de d alertar e estimular a realizaçção de sorologias periódicas p e prévias à dose refforço para que estes profissionais postos a re eações advversas pelo o recebime ento de trattamentos não sejam exp necessário os. desn Agra adecimento o ao Institu uto Pasteur pela realização dass titulaçõess. PT.0012 MPARATIV VO DA OC CORRÊNC CIA DE RA AIVA EM HERBÍVOR H ROS ESTUDO COM TENDIME ENTOS ANTIRRÁBIC COS HUM MANOS NA A REGIÃO DE SÃO JOSÉ J E AT DO R RIO PRET TO NO PER RÍODO DE E 1999 A 20011 Boccchi MR1,2, Paulino P FS1, Tomé MFA A1 - 1Fatec Rio Preto - Faculdade de Tecnoloogia 2 em A Agronegócioo, Grupo de d Vigilânciaa Epidemiológica 29 - SJRP A raiiva, que noss bovinos see manifesta de forma paralítica, accarreta granddes prejuízoos aos ppecuaristas. No homem m pode caraccteriza-se poor uma enceefalite de allta letalidade. O objettivo deste trrabalho foi estudar e a distribuição temporal t e geográfica g d raiva em da herbíívoros e doss atendimenntos antirrábbicos humannos na regiãão de São Jo osé do Rio Pretoo. As fontess de dados foram fo Grupoo de Vigilânncia Epidem miológica e Escritórios de Defeesa Agropeccuária, a tabbulação foi feita f utilizanndo Excel e o mapeamento utilizanndo progrramas TrackMaker e Google G Eartth. Os resulttados mostrraram que o número de AAR RHs (Atendiimentos Anntirrábicos Humanos) H p contato com por c herbívo oros seguem m padrõões mensaiss semelhanttes ao longo o dos anos, ccom aumen nto em feverreiro/abril e setem mbro/outubrro e o mesm mo padrão ocorre o com nos n focos em m herbívoro os. A notificcação de raaiva em herbbívoros ocoorreu em 19999, 2000, 20003, 2006, 2007, 2 2008, 2010 e 2011, próxiima a cursoos d’água e área á antropiizada. Foram m encontraddos 25 proppriedades coom focoss de raiva (bbovinos/equuinos) totaliizando 57 annimais em 14 1 municípiios. Evidencciase coorrelação enntre aumentoo de casos de d raiva em herbívoros seguido dee aumento do d númeero de pesso oas tratadass. Estes aum mentos podem coincidirr com períoddos de aumento de plluviosidade, cheias de rios r e melho oria de pasttagem. O co oeficiente dee incidênciaa demoonstrou umaa grande vaariabilidade,, dados quee nos direcio onam a novas pesquisaas, assim m como a faalta do dimeensionamento dos prejuuízos econômicos e subbnotificaçãoo de casoss. Essa dificculdade em contabilizaar os casos, somados àss várias fonttes de inforrmação dificculta a obtennção de daddos. Concluui-se que a raiva causa perdas p econnômicas e rissco à saúde pública, po orém não esstimados. A ocorrência de raiva em m herbíívoros e ateendimentos antirrábicoss humanos coincide c e apresenta a auumentos noss períoodos de feveereiro a marrço e setembbro a outubrro. Há relaçção dos caso os com o maapa hidroográfico da região, direecionando a pesquisas a respeito do os fatores condicionan c tes. É diffícil padroniizar dados de d diversas fontes, sugeere-se a criaação de bannco de dadoss que perm mita comparttilhar as infformações entre e as instiituições. PT.0013 ALIAÇÃO DE QUIRÓ ÓPTEROS S POSITIV VOS PARA RAIVA E SITUAÇà ÃO AVA VAC CINAL DO OS GATOS NO BLOQ QUEIO DE FOCO DE E BOTUCA ATU-SP, EM M UM PERÍODO O DE 5 ANO OS Carvvalho VM1,2,3,4,5 - 1Facuuldade de Medicina M Vetterinária e Zootecnia Z - UNESP 2 Cam mpus Botucaatu - Depto de d Higiene Veterinária V e Saúde Pú ública, Proff. Dr. Cassiaano 3 Victóória - Deptoo de Higienee Veterináriia e Saúde Pública, P Prrof. Dr. Carllos Roberto Padoovanni - Dep pto de Bioestátistica, 4Gabriella G K Koppany González - Eqquipe de Vigillância Amb biental em Saúde, S Prefeeitura de Bootucatu, 5Vaaldinei Moraaes Campannucci da Siilva - Equip pe de Vigilâância Ambieental em Saúúde, Prefeittura de Botuucatu os - Raiva Palaavras Chavee: Quirópteros – Felino 1. Introduçãoo O preesente trabaalho avaliouu a situação do risco dee transmissãão da Raiva em felinos levanndo-se em consideração c o a incidênccia de quiróópteros posittivos para a Raiva e o perceentual da co obertura vaccinal em gattos nas áreaas de Bloqueeio de Foco o no municíppio de Botucatu-SP,, através de um estudo retrospectivvo no períoddo de 2005 à 2009. Parra d bloqueio de foco forrnecidos pella Equipe dee análiise foram uttilizados os relatórios de Vigillância Amb biental em Saúde S (EVA AS) da Prefeeitura Municcipal de Bottucatu. 2. Resultadoss e Discussãão No período p avalliado, constaatou-se 9 caasos de quirrópteros possitivos para Raiva no muniicípio, de 4 espécies diiferentes. Duurante os 5 anos de Blooqueio de Foco, F 10.6255 residdências foram m visitadas e avaliado a situação vacinal v e idade de 5.1003 cães e 980 gatoss. Posteeriormente os o dados levvantados peelo Bloqueioo de Foco foram fo comparados com m os resulltados obtiddos na Camppanha de Vaacinação Anntirrábica noo mesmo peeríodo, paraa avaliiar se os feliinos domiciiliados no perímetro doo Foco estavvam corretaamente imunnizados conttra Raiva e se há risco real de trannsmissão da doença. 3. Conclusãoo Conssiderando qu ue a média da coberturra vacinal naas Campanhhas Antirráb bicas no perríodo de 20005 à 2009 foi 52,65%, índice abaaixo do precconizado pela Organizaação Mundial da Saúdde (OMS) e que na avalliação do esstado vacinaal dos gatoss conferidoss pelo Bloquueio de Fooco indicam m que 92% dos d felinos não estavam m previamennte imunizaados, concluuindo que hhá risco de reintroduçã r o da Raiva em humanoos através do ciclo: quirópteros – felinoos – humannos, caso as Campanhass de Vacinaação não atin njam a Metta Vacinal para p gatoss no Municíípio de Botuucatu. mentos 4. Agradecim D de Higiene e Saúúde Pública da FMVZ – Unesp Caampus Botuccatu, a Equiipe Ao Depto de V Vigilância Am mbiental em m Saúde da Prefeitura de d Botucatuu – SP e a ag gência FAP PESP pelo financiameento da pesqquisa. PT.0014 NITORAM MENTO DE E MORCEG GOS (QUIROPTERA A) COMO ESTRATÉ ÉGIA MON DE V VIGILÂNC CIA DA CIIRCULAÇà ÃO DO VÍRUS DA RAIVA R NO RIO GRA ANDE DO SUL Witt AA1, Doninni MAW, Predebon P J, Diedrich G, Prato R - 1Centro Estaadual de S - Programa P E Estadual de Controle C e Profilaxia P d Raiva da Vigillância em Saúde/RS Morccegos são annimais com muns em áreaas urbanas no n Rio Gran nde do Sul, principalm mente em ggrandes cidaades. Atualm mente, dentrre os animaais sinantróp picos observvados nessaas áreass os morceggos são, provvavelmentee, os que cauusam maiorr preocupaçãão por partee das autorridades de saúde s públicca. Segundo o o Ministérrio da Saúdee, desde 20004, os morccegos são oos principaiss agentes naa disseminaação do víruus da raiva no n Brasil. Diante D desse cenárrio, a Secretaria Estaduual de Saúdee através doo Centro Estadual de Vigilância V em m Saúdde (CEVS), instituiu o Programa P d Monitoram de mento de Morcegos, M co om o objetivvo de estuddar a importtância dos quirópteros q n ciclo urbbano da raivva. O monittoramento de no d raivaa através de amostras de d morcegoss era realizaado até o ano o de 2011, de d forma passiiva, onde oss morcegos encontrado os em situações não habbituais (caíddos no chão, dentrro de casa, etc.), e eram eenviados paara investigaação laborattorial sem terem sido identtificadas e catalogadas c as espéciess envolvidass neste processo. Sendoo assim, o CEVS C passoou então a identificar e catalogar os o animais enviados e pela populaçãão, com o objettivo de traçaar estratégiaas para o maanejo de moorcegos em áreas urbannas no Estaddo. Além m disto, foi estabelecida e a rotina para coleta de morcegos, para p obtençção de amosstras de saaliva, sanguue e tecido cerebral c de indivíduos i eem colôniass de diversas regiões doo Estaddo. A maiorr parte dos morcegos m é anilhada e solta para verificar v desslocamentoss entree cidades e regiões r posiitivas para raiva. r No anno de 2011 foram f enviaadas para annálise 268 aamostras dee quirópteroos, das quaiss apenas seiis indivíduos de morceg gos nãohemaatófagos ressultaram positivos. A maioria m das amostras dee morcegos pertence à famíllia Molossid dae, onde see observam m espécies beem adaptadas à vida naas cidades. Com C base neste moniitoramento o Rio Grandde do Sul esstá investind do na preveenção e mente, o invesstigação da circulação do vírus rábbico nas áreeas urbanas, onde atualm morccego é consiiderado o prrincipal ageente transmiissor. PT.0015 TECTION OF O B LYM MPHOCYT TES IN THE E CENTRA AL NERVO OUS SYST TEM DET OF C CATTLE AND A HORS SES NATU URALLY IN NFECTED D WITH RA ABIES VIR RUS. Achkkar SM1, Feernandes ER R1, Carrieri ML1, DUARTE MIS2 - 1Instituto Pasteur Labooratório de Diagnóstico D o da Raiva, 2Faculdade de Medicinna da Univeersidade de São S Pauloo - Departam mento de Paatologia moral immun nity has an essential e prootective funnction in thee course of rabies r viruss Hum infecction. Virus--neutralizinng antibodiees, under thee control of T helper ceells, play a criticcal role in im mmunoprotection. Therrefore, our aim was to detect the presence p of B lympphocytes in samples of central nerv vous system m (CNS) fro om cattle annd horses annd comppare the finddings betweeen species.. For this weere selectedd four samplles of cattlee and four samples of horses. Fraagments CN NS (cortex, hippocampu h us, cerebelluum and braiin m) were analy yzed by imm munohistocchemical reaaction. All immunostaained cells were w stem quanntified with the t aid of thhe graticule of 1 cm2 cooupled in ligght microsccope with 100x eyepiece and 400 x objectivee, were quanntified 40 fiields in everry fragmentt of the CNS S. pressed in number n of cells c per mm m2. When coomparing thhe populatioon of Resuults were exp B lym mphocytes in i cattle andd horses, wee found a sttatistically significant s in ncrease of these t cells in cattle in relation to horses (p = 0.0006). By analyzing g the differeent brain areeas in nificant diffferences sampples obtaineed from bovvine not wass found statiistically sign betw ween areas, but b in samplles of horsees was foundd a greater presence p off these cells in the bbrain stem (p p = 0.0266)). We could also observve that the meningeal m a perivasccular and envirronments were w where we w find morre immunosstaining for B lymphocyytes. The detecction of B lyymphocytess in CNS saamples of caattle and horrses was mo ore pronounnced in meeningeal annd perivascuular environnments, sugggesting that these cells would be enterring the CN NS by breakiing the bloo od brain barrrier, howevver, the induuction of speecific antibbodies for viral v clearannce is delayeed, occurrinng only wheen the animaal already have h in sevvere neuronnal damage.. Although we w have dettected B cellls in situ inn the samplees studiied, these ceells were in small amouunts mainlyy in sampless of horses. The collaaboration inttercellular between b CD D4 + T lympphocytes an nd B lymphoocytes for activvation of theese cells andd consequenntly inductioon of speciffic antibodiees to the virrus may be impairedd because CD4 C + T lym mphocytes when w enterinng the CNS S may underrgo gh its associiation with infected neuurons that up u expressin ng FASL annd apopptosis throug bind to CD4 + T cells expreessing FAS occurring so s the deathh of these im mmune cellss v Thesee findings arre importan nt for essenntial for prootection agaiinst rabies virus. undeerstanding how h the imm mune responnse is maniffested in theese animal species s and also to im mprove undeerstanding of o the pathogenesis of rrabies in catttle and horsses. TUTO PAS STEUR/FAC CULDADE E DE MEDIICINA DA USP U Finaancial support: INSTIT PT.0016 A us Expressin ng G protein of Rabiees in mice Efficcacy of Reccombinant Adenoviru Yangg DK1, Kim m HH1, Songg JY1 - 1QIA A - Viral dissease kground: Since rabies case occurrred again inn 1993, a number of aniimal rabies had Back beenn reported up p to 2011. Even E thoughh animal rabbies cases seeemed to bee decreased, the contiinuous outbbreak was iddentified at some s countties of Ganggwon Provinnces of Korrea. Althoough nationnal mass vacccination prrogram withh live and innactivated vaccines v to domeestic and peet animals has h blocked dog-to-dogg transmissio on, most off rabies casees are relateed with to animal a bittenn by rabid raccoon r doggs and rabiees in wild an nimals are not n eradiicated. A saafe and effecctive vaccinne is neededd for the imm munization of wild anim mals and ddogs. Humaan adenoviruuses have been b studiedd as viral vector. In thiss study, we consttructed threee kinds of recombinan r nt adenoviruus expressing rabies prooteins and checkked efficacy y of the connstructs in mice. m M Raabies virus (RABV) cirrculating in n Korea wass isolated ussing Mateerial and Methods: neurooblastoma cell c (NG1088-15) in 20009. The RAB BV designaated as KRV VB0910 straain was ppropagated in the NG108-15 cellss for the clonning of genes. In orderr to analysiss the glycooprotein (G) and nucleoocapsid (N)) genes of thhe strain, thhe G and N genes g were ampllified with three t kinds of o primers and a cloned into pENTR R/D-TOPO cloning vecctor respeectively. Affter cloning three geness (Nfull, Gfu full,G-TMCD D), each plaasmids contaaining the genes g were transfected t into TOP100 competentt cells. The purified plasm mids were mixed m with pAd/CMV/ p /V5-DEST gateway g vecctor and thee mixtures had h reacttion with LR R Clonase II enzyme too catalyze thhe LR recom mbination reeaction. Aftter confi firming the expression e c clones, the clones c weree digested with w Pac I to o expose thee ITRss and transfeected into thhe 293A celll lines to coonstruct reccombinant adenovirus a (reAddV) expresssing N and G genes of RABV. Thhe 293A cellls transfecteed with the clonees showed specific s cytoophatic effeect. For 6 daays after inooculation, thhe cells werre stainned with monoclonal anntibodies annd FITC connjugated goaat anti humaan IgG+IgM M and exam mined by fluuorescent microscopy. m T check effficacy of thhree kinds of To o reAdVs, tthe reAddVs containiing 108.0 TC CIID50/ml was w inoculatted into 4 weeks w old Baalb/C mice. Survvival rate and change off body weig ght of the mice m were chhecked for 17 days afterr challlenge. ults: We succcessfully reeconstructed three kindds of reAdV Vs (Nfull, Gfull, G G-TM MCD) Resu in 2993A cells. The T titer of reAdVs r rangged from 1007.7 to 108.0 TCID50/ml.. Four groupps of micee (Gfull, G-T TMCD, Nfuull+Gfull, Nfull+G-TM N MCD) were inoculated with w 0.2 mll reAddV and half of mice in each e group were challeenged with CVSN2c sttrain intram muscularly 21 days aftter inoculatiion. All micce did not shhow any typ pical rabies sympptoms and showed s com mplete protection. On thhe other hannd, half of mice m in threee groupps (Gfull, G-TMCD, G G G-TMCD+N Nfull) did noot show com mplete proteection againnst challlenge by inttracranial (IC) route. However, thee one group inoculated with Nfulll+Gfull reA AdVs revealed 100% su urvival rate. These dataa demonstraated the poteential of the reAdV as a safe rabiees vaccine. Vs in 293A cells. The combination c n of Concclusion: Wee constructeed three kinnds of reAdV two kkinds of reA AdVs (Nfulll+Gfull) maay be a usefful tool in seearch of rabbies vaccinee canddidate for annimals and further f study y related to oral vaccinnation of doggs and raccooon dogs is needed in the near future. PT.0017 R Viru us Glycoprrotein Fragments with h the Nicotiinic Interraction of Rabies Acettylcholine Receptor R Rideout SA1, Haarris MB2, Hueffer H K3, Schulte MK K2 - 1Univeeristy of Alaaska Fairbannks, 2 3 Univversity of Alaska A Fairbbanks, Univ versity of Alaska A - Vetterinary Medicine The rrabies viruss glycoproteein (RVG) innteracts witth Torpedo and musclee nicotinic acetyylcholine receptors (nA AChR). The field of Liggand Gated Ion Channeels, such as the nicottinic receptoors, has bennefited greaatly over thee last decadee due to thee discovery of non-m membrane bound b Acettylcholine Binding B Protteins (AChB BP). Since nicotinic n acetyylcholine receptors andd the ACHB BP share signnificant seqquence and structural s homoology in thee neurotoxinn binding do omain, the A AChBP cou uld provide a useful moodel for sttudying the molecular basis b of thee RVG/nAC ChR interacttion. In this study we investigateed the interaaction betweeen RVG neeurotoxin like peptide ments and thhe AChBP. Surface Plaasmon resonnance (SPR R) was used to assess fragm bindiing kineticss to the AChhPB. Electroophysiologyy experimennts were useed to compaare thesee results to interactions i between thhese RVG fragments fr an nd human nicotinic n acetyylcholine receptor subtyypes. RVG G fragments were shown to bind with w micromolar affinnity to the Lyymnaea AC ChBP. SPR R permits detterminationn of on and off o rates forr bindiing of all 6 fragments. Our data shhow slow on o rates (ka= = 100-300 1/M•s) 1 with off rates (kd = 0.01--0.004 1/ M•s) M corresponding to binding b withh a dissociatte rate (Kd of omolar). Vooltage clamp p electrophyysiology daata obtained using Xenoopus 25.4--60.3 micro oocyytes shows similar s Ki values for innhibition of acetylcholinne induced responses on o alphaa4/beta2 nA AChR. PT.0018 Rabiies in Iran Baghhaipour MR R1 - 1Milad Hospital H b a virus, Lyssavirus L r rabies that affects a the nervous n systtem Rabies is a diseaase caused by ults in deathh unless treaated quicklyy. Rabies is found in maammals in all a and uusually resu regioons of the world. w The disease d infeccts domesticc and wild animals, a andd is spread to t peopple through close c contacct with infected saliva via bites or scratches. Dogs D are thhe mainn host and trransmitter of o rabies butt bats, foxess, raccoons, coyotes, wolves w may transsmit the diseease as welll. More thann 50 000 people die of rabies everyy year. The vvirus spread ds through the t central nervous n system and proogressive, fatal fa inflam mmation off the brain and a spinal co ord developps. After an incubation period of 1–3 montths (days to years) the initial i sympptoms start with w fever and a often paain or paraeesthesia at the t wound site. s In abouut 35% of thhe patients, Rabies R has a longer course .The muscles grradually beccome paralyyzed, startinng at the sitee of the bite or scratch. A med the paraalytic form and a comaa slowly devvelops, andd eventually death occuurs. It is nam its diiagnosis is difficult. d Thhe majority of patients show a furious form annd exhibit siigns of hyyperactivity, excited beehavior, hyd drophobia annd sometim mes aerophobbia. After a few days, death occu urs by cardiio-respiratorry arrest. No teests are avaailable to diaagnose rabiees infectionn in humans before the onset of clinnical diseaase. For susp pected anim mals, taking tissue sampples (often brain b tissue) and using immuunofluoresccence or imm munologicaal techniquees to detect the t virus is the mainstaay of diagnnosis.A persson exposedd to rabies should s ideallly be treateed within 12 2 hours of thhe expoosure and deefinitely witthin 48 hourrs for the beest outcomee. They are usually u treaated with rabies imm mune globuliin and rabiees vaccine innitially and then get sevveral additiional vacciine injectionns. The nnumber of infected i perrson has beeen decreasedd during paast decade inn Iran. Mostt of them m are males and a under ten years oldd. More thann 250 centeers provide post p exposuure treatm ment for Raabies and Paasture Instittute have prroduced IG and Vaccinne of Rabies sincee 85 years ago. a PT.0019 E e Saúde - Alcance, eestratégias, metodologgia. em Proggramas de Educação Reichhmann MLB B1, Nunes VFP V 2, Santoos MB3, Viaaro O4 - 1Insstituto Pasteeur - Assisteente Técnnico, 2Prefeiitura do Muunicípio de Jundiaí J - Jarrdim Botâniico, 3Ministtério do Meio 4 Ambbiente - Instiituto Chico Mendes, Secretaria S M Municipal dee Saúde de São S Paulo Centtro de Contrrole de Zoonnoses Introodução: A Edducação em Saúde devee ser estrutuurada em açções program máticas. Os profissionaais da área devem conhhecer a reallidade local a ser traballhada, estrattégias especcíficas que d princípio os de promooção da saúd de, preservaação do meiio favorreçam a inccorporação de ambiiente, a interação saudáável com an nimais de esstimação, effetivando a guarda g respoonsável. Os interlocutoores devem ser s estimulaados a comppreender o assunto, a anaalisar as informações, aplicar os conteúdos c aprendidos a e experimenntar mudançças em seus ortamentos, transferinddo e replicanndo os conceitos adquirridos e hábittos e compo incorrporando-oss a sua cultuura e a seus valores. Objeetivos: Divuulgar os trab balhos de edducação em saúde do Estado E de Sãão Paulo – SP, S em 20111. Mateeriais e Métodos: Pesqquisa docum mental nos prrogramas de educação e promoção o da saúde nos n municíppios que uutilizam meetodologia compatível c c com as pesqquisas cientííficas, geran ndo um roteeiro, descrrevendo ativ vidades e reesultados obbtidos. Resuultados: O rotteiro utilizaado incluiu resumidame r ente: conheccer e visitarr o local habbitado peloss interllocutores, iddentificar problemas na interação com animaais, estabeleccer objetivoos e estraatégias comppatíveis com m aquilo quee deve ser trabalhado, t avaliar periodicamentee os resulltados e corrrigir vieses.. As ações programátic p cas geraram instrumentos que serviram de noormas e direetrizes para informar, nortear n e eduucar interloocutores de diferentes d classses socioecoonômicas e educacionais, fortaleceendo vínculo os para umaa melhor qualiidade de vidda. Concclusão: A inccorporação de program mas de educaação em saúúde por proffissionais daas áreas de Saúdde, Meio Am mbiente e Saaúde Animaal, desde o iinicio de suas carreirass, utilizandoo metoodologia com mpatível coom suas atribbuições proopicia maiorr efetividadee nos resultaados. PT.0020 ALIAÇÃO DOS ESTR RATOS DA A POPULA AÇÃO CAN NINA DE MUNICÍPI M IOS AVA DO IINTERIOR R DO ESTA ADO DE SÃO S PAUL LO – BREV VE AVALIA AÇÃO DA LITE ERATURA A. 2 Reichhmann MLB B1, Alves MCGP M , Maatos MR3, Dominguez D M 4, Dom MHS minguez MH HS4 1 2 Instiituto Pasteuur - Assistennte Técnico, Secretariaa de Estado da Saúde de d São Pauloo Instittuto de Saúdde, 3Secretaaria de Estaddo da Saúdee de São Paaulo - Superintendênciaa de Conttrole de End demias, 4Proofissional au utônoma Introodução: Um ma das princiipais questõ ões relacionaadas ao cuiddado e proteeção da saúúde humaana e animaal consiste na n determinação do núm mero de annimais e de suas s demaiss caraccterísticas demográfica d as. Esta avalliação semppre foi possíível em um dos estratoss, a de cãães com pro oprietários, uma u vez qu ue a presença nos domiccílios permiite sua contaagem. A Téécnica Pasteeur São Paullo (TPSP) foi f um modeelo de avaliação de popuulações caniinas de áreaas urbanas, desenvolvid d do em 2001,, que permittiu a estimaação da poopulação seegundo os estratos e de restrição r e dependência d a. Metoodologia: Em m 2002, a TPSP T foi aplicada nos municípios m do interior do Estado dde São P Paulo para estimar e o núúmero de cãães existentes segundo estratos e conhecer c aspecctos relacionados à vaccinação e diinâmica poppulacional. A amostra foi f compostta de 100 ssetores censsitários, disttribuídos em m 41 municíípios. Resuultados: Foraam obtidos dados que se s situavam m acima da relação r até então e dispooníveis, indicando umaa proporção de um cão para cada quatro q habitantes. Salieentase a bbaixa idade dos cães, em e média, de d quatro annos, indicativva da velocidade da repossição populacional. A maior m conceentração (599%) de cãess foi de até três t anos, geranndo preocuppações com m a introduçãão continuaa de animaiss susceptíveis e os posssíveis prejuuízos no conntrole da leiishmaniose e demais zooonoses. Estas dificulddades ficam preseentes quand do se observva a alta percentagem (220%) de pro oprietários que q descoonheciam see seus anim mais foram vacinados v coontra a raivaa nos 12 meeses anteriores e quanntas crias forram geradass nos partoss ocorridos nno mesmo prazo p de tem mpo. Concclusões: Meesmo para cães com prooprietário, parcela p teoriicamente mais m protegidda, a convvivência com m animais de d estimação o não tem see revestido da responsaabilidade leggal para prevenção de doenças que envolvvam as pessooas e os aniimais. Recomenda-se a inserrção de proggramas supllementares, como os dee educação, de registro e concessãão de licennças e a interação com profissionai p is de diversaas especialiidades para obtenção dee resulltados concrretos no equuilíbrio ecollógico de cãães mantidoos em domiccílios. PT.0021 LIZAÇÃO O DO GEOP PROCESSA AMENTO COMO FE ERRAMEN NTA NO UTIL MON NITORAM MENTO E CONTROL C LE POPUL LACIONAL L DOS MO ORCEGOS HEM MATÓFAG GOS NAS ILHAS I FLU UVIAIS DO O MUNICIIPIO DE ANANINDE A EUAPAR RÁ/BRASIL L. Ram mos OS, Barrreiros MA, Souza EM, Souza SMF F, Melo TIS S RES SUMO mportância do d ciclo silv vestre envolvendo os morcegos m hem matófagos na n É creescente a im regiãão, tem sidoo observada uma mudannça no perfiil epidemiollógico da raaiva humanaa no estaddo do Pará, tornando t oss morcegos os principaais responsávveis pela dooença. O preesente trabaalho visa forrnecer subsídios possibbilitando um m banco de dados d geoggráficos dos principais eventos, e parra gerar mapas de áreas propicias para o ataquue espolliativo de morcegos m heematófagos, fazendo o ccontrole poppulacional dos d quirópteros, cadastrando e geeorreferenciiando abrigos e as proppriedades doos moradorees ribeirinhoos P Santta Rosa e Viiçosa onde os o animais (suínos, bovvinos das ilhas Sasuneema, João Pilatos, e Avves) são ataccados. Diannte dos fatoss, o sistema de Vigilânccia em Saúdde do municcípio de Ananindeua progrramou as açções em 20112 usando as a técnicas do d geoproceessamento. Os O mapas fo foram elaboorados utilizzando-se o sistema s AR RC.GIS 9.3, as bases caartográficas do Municíppio de A Ananindeua e o equipam mento GPS MAP M 60 CS SX Garmin.. Foram m atendidass, 05 propriedades na Ilha João Pillatos, 01 naa llha viçosaa e 01 na Ilhha Santaa Rosa. Sen ndo capturaddos 35 morccegos hemaatófagos geoorreferenciaados e cadastrados 06 abrigos a artifficiais e 03 abrigos natuurais e 07 pontos p de caaptura geranndo mapaa para fazerr uma avaliaação espaciaal. Certas caaracterísticaas de uma reegião deterrminam altaas populaçõees de D.rottundus em áreas á próxim mas aos rioss, geralmentte favorrecem a exiistência de um u numero maior de abbrigos Lordd (1988). Os abbrigos artifiiais georrefe ferenciados, a maioria são: s Caeirass desativadaas e casas dee taipaa abandonaddas foram enncontrados morcegos em e ocos de árvores á dennominadas siriúbba (Avicennnia nítida) ao a longo doss rios. Invesstigação epiidemiológicca sobre o caaso de raaiva em Aug gusto Corrêa relata a exxistência dee grande poppulação de morcegos m q que habittam os manguezais e abbrigam-se no n oco da sirriubeira Ministério da Agricultura A a Pecuuária e Abasstecimento (2005). ( Ao se inter-relaccionar as baases de dado os georreferrenciados e espresa-las visualmentte a e ass propriedaddes atacadass por atravvés do mapaa digital, pode-se obserrvar que os abrigos morccegos localizam-se as proximidade p es dos rios, possivelmeente os mesm mos deslocaamse atrravés dos manguezais m q margeiaam as ilhas.. que O coontrole da poopulação doos morcegoss hematófaggos conform me o mapa, ajuda a na caraccterização do d transmisssor, identificcando as coomunidades mais afetad das e defininndo a situaação de risco o, estabelecendo uma ação a estratéggica especiffica de vigillância a saúúde. go hematófaago, mapa Palaavras-Chave: Ananindeua, georrefferenciamennto, morceg G Vazz Secretáriaa de Saúde de d Ananindeeua pelo apooio, e Agraadecemos a Dra Ivete Gadelha os aggentes de enndemias Arttemis, J.Theeodósio, Avviz, Augustoo, Erivaldo e Edmilsonn por suas dedicações na captura.. PT.0022 YLOGEOG GRAPHY OF O THE RA ABIES VIR RUS ISOLA ATED FRO OM CANID DS PHY IN T THE NORT TH AND NO ORTHEAS ST OF BRA AZIL Carnnieli Jr P1, Oliveira O RN1, Castilho JG J 1, Vieira LFP2 - 1Insstituto Pasteur, Brasil 2 Diaggnóstico, Innstituto de Defesa D Agro opecuária e Florestal doo Espírito Santo, S Espíriito Santoo, Brazil R Viru us (RABV), typically foound in doggs in Brazil, still Antiggenic variannt 2 of the Rabies circuulates in the North and Northeast of o Brazil in spite of mass vaccinatiion campaiggns againnst rabies in n domestic animals. a Preevious studiies have shoown that thiis variant is madee up of two main genettic lineages:: one found in dogs (Ca anis familia aris) and anoother typiccally found in wild caniids, particullarly the craab-eating foox (Cerdocyyon thous), whicch is known in Brazil ass cachorro do mato. C.. thous is cuurrently the only wild land speciies in whichh RABV is continually isolated, with w an averaage of 20 caases/year. Althoough previo ous studies and a phylogeenetic analyyses of the N and G gen nes and interggenic G-L region r all coonfirmed th he existence of these tw wo genetic liineages, thee way in whhich the lineeages had dispersed d tem mporally annd spatially remained too be elucidaated. We ssequenced a 1388 nucleeotide-long region of thhe RABV N gene from m 53 typical canidd samples. The T phylogeeography off the datasett obtained was w determiined using thhe BEA AST (Bayesiian Evolutioonary Analyysis Samplinng Trees) program withh the follow wing data for the scrip pt: Evolutioonary Modeel K3Puf+G4; Partitioniing into coddon positionns r uncoorrelated lognormal; Demographic D c model (1+2)+3; Molecular clock relaxed wth; Disperrsion model relaxed ranndon walkin ng (RRW). The T coaleescent exponential grow resullts can be su ummarized as follows. The commoon ancestorr of the RAB BV in the sampples analyzeed became established e around a 1900 in the borrder region between b thee states of Paraíbaa and Pernam mbuco and diversified into the lin neages typically found iin C. familliaris and C. C thous. Aroound 1910 the t original C. thous linneage diverrsified into ttwo mainn sublineagees in the sam me area, onee of which migrated m to the south and a the otherr to the nnorth. Then, around 19330 the southhern sublineeage diversiified even fuurther and moveed in two diirections: tooward the sttate of Bahia and towarrd the state of Pernambbuco. In appproximately 1945 the northern su ublineage off C. thous allso diversifiied, resultinng in a subblineage thaat remained in the state of Pernambbuco and an nother that diversified d e even furthher and movved toward the t state of Piauí. The lineage l typiically found d in C. familliaris diverrsified aroun nd 1945 andd moved tow ward the noorth and souuth. Howeveer, around 1970 1 it undderwent a major m diverssification when one of the t 1945 su ublineages divided d into two subliineages, onee of which migrated m to the states oof Pernambu uco, Sergipee and Alagooas and tthe other to the states of o Pará and Piauí. P Analyysis with thhe RRW moodel allowedd us to inffer not only y the movem ment of the virus v lineagges isolated from C. fam milaris and C. thouss among thee municipallities sampleed, but also the probable location where w dispeersion of thee lineages occurred. o Fuurther studiees covering a longer peeriod and ussing moree samples arre required to confirm the t pattern of movement of the virrus describeed here so that its geographic g s spread can be b predictedd and blockked. B Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Pasteur, Sãão Paulo, Brazil PT.0023 RELIMINA ARY ANAL LYSIS OF THE GLY YCOSYLAT TION PAT TTERN OF F A PR SER RUM IgG FOLLOWIN F NG PRE-E EXPOSURE E SCHEME E FOR HU UMAN RAB BIES VAC CCINE Silvaa SR1, Cunhha Neto RS2, Chaves LB B1, Faquim m-Mauro EL L3, Silva AC CR1 - 1Instituuto 2 Pasteeur - Seção de Diagnósstico, Instittuto Butantaan - Laborattório de Biooquímica e Biofí física, 3Instittuto Butantaan - Laborattório de Imuunopatologiia T currenttly recommeended by WHO W for preevention inddividuals Intrroduction: The expoosed to rabiees virus (RV V) is pre-expposure propphylaxis (PE EP) through h the admiinistration of o three dosees of rabies vaccine byy intradermaal (ID) or in ntramuscularr (IM) route. The previous sttudy showedd that the peersistence of o protectivee antibodies titer ule is more long-lived, suggestingg a different clearance mechanism m in thee IM schedu of antibbody. It known that carbbohydrate modification m n of antiboddies could innduce accellerated cleaarance or moodulate of antibody a efffector functiions. All enddogenous IggG antibbodies contaain an N-linkked glycan in the Fc reegion and abbout 20% coontain glycaans elsew where on thee molecule to maintainn the two heeavy chains of the Fc inn an open confo formation reequired for interactions i with activaating Fcγ receptors (FcγγRs). Objecctive: Baseed on these data, d we com mpared the glycosylatiion patterns of serum IggG of indivviduals whoo received thhe PEP scheedule by ID or IM routee. Methodss: The Puriffied Veroo Cell Vacciine (PVCV)) (Sanofi /Pasteur Labooratory) wass utilized, with w a minim mum of 2.5 IU per doose. Sera of individuals who previoously receivved the PEP P by the IM (n= v dosse) or by thee ID (n= 19;; 0.1 mL /doose) route were w collecteed to 15; 00.5 mL per vaccine IgG detection d an nd its subclaasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG G3 and IgG44) by antigeen-specific ELIS SA and to measured m RV V neutralizinng antibodiies by rapid fluorescentt focus inhibbition test (R RFFIT). Thee N-linked oligosaccha o aride chain of o purified IgG I antiboddies from m serum wass evaluated by b a lectin enzyme-link e ked immuno osorbent assay. Resultts: All 334 persons tested t developed titers of antibodyy ≥ 0.5 IU/m mL, with a maximum m geom metric mean n titer of 18.0 IU/mL. There T was noo statisticallly significan nt relation betw ween neutralizing antiboody titer andd route of addministratioon. Similarlly, the majoority of the anti-rabiees humoral responses r w restricteed to the IgG1 subclasss in both grooups. were wever, the lectin-bindingg assay showed differeence on the monosacch m aride contennt, How mainnly of galacttose, neuram minic acid, mannose m annd fucose beetween seruum IgG1 indivviduals whoo received thhe PVCV by y ID or IM route. Concclusion: Thhese results sugggest that IgG G1 serum off individualss vaccinatedd intramuscuulary with PVCV P are more m glycoosylated thaan IgG1 seruum of subjeects who recceived the vaccine v intraadermally. This T differential glyccosylation patterns betw ween antiboodies is encoouraging and warrants furthher examinaation. PT.0024 ÁLISE EPIDEMIOLÓ ÓGICA DA AS AGRES SSÕES POR R ANIMAIIS ANÁ SILV VESTRES NA 10ª RE EGIÃO DE SAÚDE/L LIMOEIRO O DO NOR RTE – CE/ 2007 2 A 20011. LIMA A FMG1, CHAVES C CS S1, RODRIG GUES VC2 - 1Secretaria de Saudee do Estado do Cearrá - 10ª Coordenadoria Regional dee Saúde de Limoeiro do d Norte, 2Secretaria dee Saúdde do Estado o do Ceará - 10ª Coorddenadoria Reegional de Saúde S de Liimoeiro do Nortee INTR RODUÇÃO O: no Brasil, a partir de 2004, aum mentou o núm mero de cassos humanoss de raivaa transmitidoos por anim mais silvestres(MS, 2011). O Cearáá, em 2008 e 2010 tevee dois óbitoos transmitid dos por saguui. Apesar de d não regisstrar casos humanos, h auumentaram as agresssões por annimais silveestres na 10ªª Coordenaddoria Regional de Saúd de, de 29 caasos em 22007 para 355 em 2011. Nesse perío odo 12,5% das d amostraas foram positivas, um caníddeo silvestree e um morccego hemattófago(Desm modus rotun ndus). OBJE ETIVO: analiisar a epidem miologia daas agressõess por primatta não humaano, quirópttero e caníddeo silvestre na 10ª Região R de Saúde S - Lim moeiro do Norte - CE, de d 2007 a 20011, enfocaando ológico paraa a raiva a que q sua população está submetida. o riscco epidemio MET TODOLOG GIA: o estudo trata-se de d uma pesquisa docum mental e bibbliográfica dos d relatóórios do Sisstema Nacioonal de Agravos de Notificação(SIINANNET,, 2012), da Ficha F Epiddemiológica de Profilaxxia da Raivaa Humana(110ª CRES) e artigos reccentes. RES SULTADOS S: na Regiãão de Saúde predominaaram as agreessões por primatas p nãoo humaanos (71,1% %), seguidoss por quiróppteros(18,4% %), e canídeeos silvestrees(10,4%). O sexo masculino foi o mais agredido a po or quirópteroo(62,1%) e canídeo silvvestre(75%). O % nas agresssões por prrimatas não humanos, com c um feminnino se expôs em 55,3% aumeento de 17 agressões a em m 2007, parra 25 em 20011. Mãos e pés tiveram m 42,98% das d lesõees, membross inferiores 24,1%, membros supeeriores 21,499%, tronco 5,26%, cabeçça/pescoço 4,38%, mucosa 1,75% %. Registraraam-se 67% dos ferimenntos como únicoo, e 33% múúltiplo. Em 47,7% dos acidentes o ferimento foi profund do, 47,2% superrficial, e 4,9 9% dilaceraante. O soro antirrábicoo foi adminiistrado em 60,2% 6 dos pacieentes, revelaando que occorreu um maior m númerro de acidenntes graves.. CON NCLUSÃO O: embora nãão haja histó órico de raiiva humana,, o registro de animais silvestres positivvos indica a circulação do vírus naa região, que aliado ao alto percenntual de leesões gravess, potencialiiza o risco de d transmisssão caso a vigilância v doo agravo sejja negliigenciada. PT.0025 MORAL IM MMUNE RESPONSE R E IN DOGS S AND CAT TS VACCIINATED HUM AGA AINST RAB BIES IN TH HE MUNICIPALITIIES OF DR RACENA AND A PRE ESIDENTE PRUDENTE, SP, BR RAZIL. Albaas A1, PÍCO OL0 MR, SO OARES CN, BACHEG GA HVH, TA ARUMOTO O MH - 1AP PTA - PÓLO ALTA SOROCAB BANA n Brazil, haas been mad de campaignns to vaccin nate dogs an nd cats once a Introoduction: In year in almost all a municipaalities and thhese animals are among g the main transmitters t s of rabiees to humanns. The preseence of rabiies antibodiies in animaals is likely a good indicator that they t are imm munized annd protectedd this zoonosis.Objectiv ve: This exxperiment aiimed to invvestigate thhe humoral immune i ressponse in doogs and catss vaccinated d against rabbies in thee Municipalities of Preesidente Pruudente and Dracena D 12 months beffore the masss vacciination cam mpaign condducted in 20009. Method ds: In this paper p are repported the resullts of 834 seera from doggs and cats involving these t animaals. It was used u for this purpoose, the techhnique of Rapid R Fluoreescent Focuus Inhibitionn Test (RFF FIT) and was consiidered as reeactant sera with valuess ≥ 0.5 IU/m ml. Results:: Thus, Pressidente Pruddente had 1553 (51.0%) samples s reaactants for dogs d and 599 (32.6%) reeactants forr cats, while the Municipality M y of Dracenna had 110 (52.1%) ( sam mples reactaants for dogs and 771 (50.0%) for cats. Coonclussion:: In this papper, is discusssed the vacciinal coverag ge of the annimals invollved in this experimentt. It was obsserved low perceentages of titres ≥ 0.5 IU/ml, I especciallity in cats of Presiddente Prudeente. P, process 08/54266-3. 0 Finanncial Suppoort: FAPESP PT.0026 VELOPME ENT OF RE EAL TIME E RT-PCR (TAQMAN ( N) FOR DE ETECTION N DEV AND D GENETIC C CHARA ACTERIZA ATION OF ANTE-MO ORTEM HUMAN H RAB BIES Morii E1, Scheffe fer KC1, Fahhl WO1, Oliiveira RN1, Asano KM1, Carnieli Jr J P1, Carrieeri 1 1 1 ML , Kotait I - Instituto Pasteur P de São S Paulo - D Diagnósticoo man rabies is still an im mportant pubblic health problem p in some s Brazillian regionss. Hum Usuaally, ante-m mortem diagnnosis of rabbies is made by demonsstration of virus v antigenn by direcct immunoflluorescencee in corneal or conjuncttival smearss and skin biopsies; b howeever, this technique hass a low senssitivity. Reccently, moleecular techn niques such as the reeverse transscriptase poolymerase chhain reactioon (RT-PCR R) and nucleeic acid sequeence based amplificatioon assay (N NASBA) havve been dev veloped to im mprove the sensiitivity and specificity s o ante as well as post-m of mortem diaggnosis of raabies. Rapidd and accurrate diagnosis of ante-m mortem hum man rabies iis essential for effective medical manaagement andd to ensure appropriatee post-expossure prophyylaxis of pottential contaacts with the patient.. The presennt study wass carried ouut to evaluatte the sensittivity and man) in com mparison witth RT-PCR and DNA speciificity of reaal time RT--PCR (Taqm sequeencing for the t diagnosiis of rabies.. From Junee through Ju uly 2012, ninne specimenns from m three patieents with rabbies were suubmitted to the Pasteurr Institute foor rabies diagnnosis. Five saliva (2551 and 2613 to 2616) annd two hair follicles (25552 and 26112) speciimens were collected serially from m patient susspected of having h rabiees from Matto Grossso (MT) staate. Saliva (3550 ( and 4109) 4 specim mens were collected c froom patients rabiees suspectedd from Minaas Gerais (M MG) and Maranhao (M MA) states, respectively r y. The posittive rabies results r weree confirmed by RT-PCR R using prim mers targeteed to nucleeoprotein (N N) gene andd all of specimens weree identified as compatib ble with hemaatophagous bat lineagee (variant 3) by DNA seequencing, with w the excception of the t salivva collected from MA patient, p whicch was genootyped as caanid lineagee (variant 2)). A real time t RT-PC CR (Taqmann), with two o primers annd probe setts targeting to N, has beeen descrribed in ordder to validaate an alternnative methood for rabies diagnosis in ante-morrtem sampples. This method m was capable of accurately a i identifying t variant 3 in saliva the speciimens collected from MT M patient previously p ggenotyped as a hematophhagous bat lineaage. The haiir follicle annd saliva speecimens froom MT and MG patientts, respectivvely, yieldded high Ct (threshold cycle) c valuees (betweenn 35 and 38)), suggestingg low viral load. This assay failedd to detect amplificatio a on in the chaallenge viruus standard (CVS) ( straiin M patient (genotyped ( as variant 2) 2 due to miismatches and ssaliva colleccted from MA betw ween the prim mers/probe sets and thee target N ggene. Thus, our o results showed s the usefuulness of reaal time RT--PCR as a raapid alternaative to DNA A sequencinng (at least four f timess faster) forr the confirm mation of raabies diagnoosis. PT.0027 R A ANTIBODIE ES IN DOG GS PRIME E VACCINATED KINETIC OF RABIES C HF2, Martorellii LFA3, Kattaoka APAG G3, VICTOR RIA C1, Babbboni SD1, COSTA 4 1 1 PAD DOVANI CR R , Modolo JR - UNE ESP -Botucaatu - Departtamento de Higiene Veterinária e Saaúde Públicaa, 2UNESP-- Araçatubaa - Departam mento de apo oio, produçção e 3 C de Controle C de Zoonoses Z - Laboratórioo de Zoonosses e Doençças saúdee animal, Centro Trannsmitidas po or Vetores, 4UNESP -B Botucatu - Departament D to de Bioesttatística, Instittuto de Biocciências w populaation (3.5 biillion people) occupies areas wherre Introoduccion: Half of the world theree is an increase of dogs, cats and ro odents, and zoonosis trransmitted by b these aniimals, wherre rabies is the t most woorrisome. Thhe protectioon of humanns against urban u rabies is achieeved mainly y by the proophylaxis off dog and caat with vacccines that ind duce a minim mum of anttibody titerss (≥ 0.5 IU/m mL). This study aimed d to evaluatee the kineticc of antibbodies in do ogs that weree prime vacccinated witth Fuenzalid da&Palácios modified vacciine during 12 1 months. Materials and a methodss: The study y was condu ucted in 20009 durinng the 41st Annual A vaccination cam mpaign agaainst rabies in i dogs andd cats in the urbann area of Bootucatu, Sãoo Paulo, Braazil. It was considered to determinne the sample size aat 95% conffidence alonng an estim mation error of the orderr of 10% ran ndom contrribution associated withh the casuall participation of the an nimal. Thuss, the study invollved 576 doogs over thee age of threee months, never n vaccin nated against rabies before, regarrdless of breeed, age or sex random mly selected for blood collection. c S Samples werre colleected during g five momeents at the sttudy periodd, which are: 0 (first dose of vaccinne), 1 [30 ddays after first vaccinattion (dafv) and a the secoond dose off vaccine], 2 (60 dafv), 3 (180 dafv) and 4 (360 dafv)). Thirty day ys after the first vaccinnation (timee 1) dogs t same typpe of vaccin ne (Fuenzallida&Paláciios receiived the boooster vaccinnation with the modiified vaccin ne- Institute of Technollogy of Paraaná - TECPA AR®). Seru um neutralizzing antibbodies to rabbies was helld at the Ceenter for Zooonosis Conttrol of São Paulo P trouggh the rapidd fluorescen nt focus inhiibition test (RFFIT). ( Reesults: Totaal (urban and d rural) of rrabies vacciination coveerage reachhed 81.36% in Botucatuu / SP, and 3229 3 (16.97 7%) of dogss in urbann were first time vaccinnated. At 3660 days afteer first vacciination, onlly 51.5% off the dogs had protecttive titers thhroughout over o all period of the stuudy (over 5 moments).. b the Conttrol Program m, the caninne rabies Discuussion and conclusion:: In Brazil, by vacciination is annnual and mandatory m a after three m months of ag ge. The low concentratiion of anntibodies aftter vaccinattion of dogss against rabbies has been reported, also the iimmune ressponse of doogs with priime vaccinaation (Fuenzzalida&Paláácios modifi fied vacciine) withouut booster was w evaluated d, where thee results observed rapid d decline off antibbody titers, suggesting s t many animals that a cannnot be proteected betweeen the camppaigns. Acccording to thhe Institute Pasteur P in 22000, titers below b 0.5 IU/mL do noot confe fer protection against raabies. In add dition, rabiees can infectt the dogs at a any periodd durinng the camp paigns. The coverage of vaccinatioon shows weeak protectiion, since onnly 51.5% % of dogs had h protectivve titers at all a time of m moments annalyzed. Furrthermore, it i is also kknown that half of the dogs primee vaccinatedd are not imm munized ag gainst rabiess viruss after 12 months, m the results allow w us to inferr a new vacccination straategy in doggs prim me vaccinated should bee adopted. nowledgem ments Ackn This work was supported s by the Grantt of Fundaçãão de Ampaaro a Pesquiisa do Estaddo de São P Paulo-FAPE ESP (2009-09098-8). Municipalityy of Botucaatu, Environnmental Heaalth Survveillance Deepartment PT.0028 MPARAÇà ÃO DA CO OBERTURA A VACINA AL DE CÃE ES E GATO OS NAS COM CAM MPANHAS S ANUAIS DE VACIN NAÇÃO CO ONTRA A RAIVA, NO N MUN NICÍPIO DE D SÃO PA AULO, PER RÍODO DE E 2004 A 20 012. 1 1 Parannhos NT1, Bernardi B F1, Silva EA1, Mendes MCNC M - Ceentro de Co ontrole de Zoonnoses da Cooordenação de Vigilânccia em Saúdde - Secretarria Municipal de Saúdee de São P Paulo A Caampanha dee Vacinaçãoo Contra Raiiva em Cães e Gatos noo Municípioo de São Paaulo é uma das atividaddes do Proggrama de Co ontrole da Raiva R desenvvolvido dessde 1973 peelo m duração de d 14 dias e foi Centtro de Contrrole de Zoonnoses. A Caampanha tem desceentralizada a partir de 22004, quanddo passou a ser executaada pelos Seerviços Regionalizados de Vigilânccia à Saúde (SUVIS), sob s a Superv visão e Cooordenação do m essa estratéégia um maaior número o de postos de d Centtro de Contrrole de Zoonnoses. Com vacinnação foi diisponibilizaddo. O preseente trabalhho analisou a cobertura vacinal noss 96 Distrritos Admin nistrativos (D DA) do Muunicípio paraa os anos 20004 a 2012,, com o objeetivo de veerificar a ten ndência de cobertura vacinal v e se a interrupçãão da campaanha em 2010 e 20111 acarretou em e diminuição na vacinnação de 20012. Compaarando os annos de 20044 e 20099 houve um aumento dee 17,23% no o total da coobertura vaccinal. Em 20 008 observoou-se uma diminuição o de 3,86% do d número de cães vaccinados e auumento de 7,7% na nha foi suspeensa no seuu vacinnação de fellinos em rellação a 20077. Em 20100, a Campan quartto dia devid do à notificaação de evenntos adversoos acima doo esperado tendo t sido vacinnados 24,755% (247.5500 animais) do d total da m meta estimaada. No ano de 2012 a vacinna voltou a ser disponibbilizada e a Campanhaa foi viabilizzada no perííodo de 21 de d maioo a 3 de junh ho. Os resulltados obserrvados mosttraram um decréscimo d de 16,6% no n númeero total de animais vacinados em m relação a 2009, 2 sendo a diminuição de 21,188% para cães e um acréscimo a 2 2,27% para gatos. g Obseervou-se aum mento de feelinos vacinados ndo se compparou 2012 e 2009, senndo 31 destees pertencenntes a áreass de em 442 DAs quan maioor exclusão (áreas homoogêneas 4 e 5). Nos DA As Iguatemii, Pedreira, Perus e Jaççanã a vaccinação de felinos f foi respectivamente 21,23% %, 31,41%, 38,3% e 400% superiorr a 20099. Houve dim minuição dee cobertura vacinal de gatos g em 53 3 Distritos de d áreas de maioor inclusão como c Tatuaapé, Santa Cecília, C Saúdde e Santana. Em relaçção à vacinaação de cãães, em 2012 houve um m decréscim mo em geral,, sendo que em 29 DAss a vacinaçãão foi inferrior a 70% do d total de 2009. 2 Somen nte os DAs Marsilac, Vila V Curuçáá e Bela Vista vacinnaram mais cães do quee em 2009. Observa-see uma tendêência anual de d crescimeento na coobertura vaccinal do muunicípio, senndo mais evvidente em felinos. f Com m a suspensão da camppanha por dois d anos consecutivos, verificou-sse um decréscimo no tootal de anim mais vacinnados em 20012. Sugeree-se estudoss periódicos de estimatiiva das popu ulações cannina e felinaa a fim de se s avaliar a relação r entrre número de d animais vacinados v e população de cães e gatos. PT.0029 EXPLORA ATION OF THE KNO OWLEDGE E, ATTITU UDES AND D AN E PER RCEPTION NS OF NON N- MEDICA ALLY TRA AINED, AD DULT GRE ENADIAN NS ABO OUT ZOON NOTIC DIS SEASES Bidaaisee S1 - 1Stt. George's University - Departmeent of Publicc Health and d Preventive Mediicine d to be awarre Whether people own dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbbits or fishh, they need d an nimals can have h an effeect on their health by trransmitting certain diseeases. that domestic Anim mal diseasess, that are zooonotic diseeases, are thhose naturallly transmittted from verteebrate animaals to humaans. The aim m of the reseearch was too explore th he perceptionns of the loocal Grenaddian public about their knowledge towards ceertain zoonootic diseasess. In Grennada, there are a known reservoirs r fo or zoonotic diseases in the form off rabies from m strayy dogs and mongoose. m R Rabies is a fatal f viral disease d that infects i the brain b and sppinal cord in mammalls includingg humans. The T virus is transmitted d through thee saliva of a b The stuudy populattion comprissed adults, non-health n rabidd animal, ussually by a bite. profeessional, Grrenadian citiizens in thee parish of St. S George. A total of 450 participaants compprised the saample base for the colllected data. Rabies wass correctly identified ass beingg caused byy a virus am mong 28.4% of the sampple populatiion. Rabies as obtainedd from m the bite of an infectedd animal was correctly iidentified by b 434 (96.44%) of particcipants. Kn nowledge off the mongo oose as the aanimal reserrvoir of Rab bies in Grennada was ccorrectly reecognized byy 434 (96.4%) of the participants. Rabies prev vention, requiiring vaccinnation of aniimals, was identified i b 339 (75.33%) of the study by s populaation. For Rabies, R 20 (4.4%) ( of thhe populatio on selected nnervous reaactions as th he associatedd sympptom. PT.0030 BIES ANTIIGEN SPRE EAD AMO ONGST AP PPARENTL LY HEALT THY DOGS S IN RAB NIG GERIA: A REVIEW R Ogunnkoya AB1, Aina OA2, Adebayo OO O 3, Oluwaagbenga AA A4, Tirmidhii AB5, Auduu 6 7 3 7 1 SW , Atuman YJ Y , Babasolla OO , Garrba A - Ahhmadu Bello o Universityy, Zaria, Niigeria 2 - Vetterinary Meedicine, Deepartment off Zoology, F Faculty of Science, S Unniversity of 3 Ibadaan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria - Zoology, Z Deepartment of o Veterinarry Public Heealth and P Preventive Medicine, M F Faculty of Veterinary V M Medicine, University U off Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeeria - Veterinnary Publicc Health andd Preventivee Medicine, 4Departmeent of Virollogy, Collegge of Mediccine, Univerrsity of Ibaddan, Ibadann, Oyo Statee, Nigeria Virollogy, 5Deptt. of Animall Sciences, Faculty F of Agric, A Tarabba State Unniversity, Jalinngo. - Animaal Sciences,, 6Dept. Vett. Surgery & Med, Fac.. Vet. Med. Ahmadu Bello B Univversity, Zariia-Nigeria - Veterinary Medicine, 7Diagnosticc and Extension Dept, Natioonal Veterinnary Researrch Institutee, Vom- Niggeria - Diagnostic and Extension E MMARY SUM Rabies with a tim meline histoory of over 2300 years BC is 100% % preventab ble. Yet oveer a reported dead annuaally due to rabies. r Mosst of the deaaths are in thhe 55,0000 people are developing coun ntries, Indiaa and Africaa. In Nigeriaa, the first officially o documented report o canine raabies was in n 1925. The long historry of of huuman rabiess was in 19112 and that of rabiees and the ev vidences off its endemiccity have beeen found inn all native dialects in Nigeeria that described onlyy the violentt rabies. Ressearchers ovver the yearrs have repoorted the ppresence of rabies r viruss antibodies in over 15.93 to 30.7% % of unvacccinated dogss and humaans respectiively, in souuth western part of Niggeria. Of reccent, researcchers in Niggerian Univversities andd Research Institutes I arre experienccing and rep porting casees of the preseence of rabiies virus anttigen in the brains of appparently heealthy dogs and even inn the wild life across the countryy. Some studdies of the pprevalence of o rabies anttigens in thee brainn and saliva of apparently healthy dogs slaughhtered for huuman consu umption in Nigeeria; revealeed a 28% coonsumed doggs in N/wesst, 31% - 444% from N/eeast and 24% % from m N/central tested t positiive for rabiees antigen inn their brain n. Similarly, 6%-8% of the doogs had rabiies antigen in i their salivva at the pooint of slaugghter. n tested for rabies r antiggen revealedd prevalencee in mongooose to be 111%, In wiildlife brain jackaals 9%, squiirrels 8.3%,, hydrax linkk 17% and w wild cats 166%. The iintent of thiis review is to bring intto focus thee prevailing carrier statu us of high perceentage of Nigerian N doggs and wildlife and its possible p con nsequences on human beforre the rabiess interest grroups of thee internationnal communnity. This is with a viiew to open facets for discussion d aand understaanding the epidemiolog e gy of N rabiees and to seeek for furtheer collaboraation on the situation off rabies in Nigeria. It maay necessitaate drawing new protoccol for humaan prophylaaxis followinng bite from m appaarently healtthy dogs. Key words: Ra abies antigeen spread, Apparently A y healthy do ogs, Nigeriia. PT.0031 CUSSING THE RABIES SURV VEILLANC CE SYSTEM M IN BRAZIL: AN DISC EXP PERIENCE E OF SURV VEILLANC CE TOWA ARD BATS AFTER TH HE HALT OF MAS SS VACCIN NATION OF O DOGS AND A CATS IN CAM MPINAS, SA AO PAULO O Dias RA1, De Lu ucca T2, Roodrigues RC CA3, Castaggna C3, Presotto D3, De Nadai DV3, S5, Martins CM C 5, Ferreiira F5 Fagree A4, Bragaa GB5, Guillloux AGA5, Alves AJS 1 Univversidade de d Sao Pauloo - Departam mento de Medicina M Veterinária Preventiva e Saúdde Animal, 2Prefeitura de d Campinaas - Vigilânccia Sanitária Norte, 3Prrefeitura de Cam mpinas - Cenntro de Conttrole de Zooonoses, 4Colorado Statee University y, 5Universiidade de Sãão Paulo - Departamen D nto de Mediccina Veterinnária Prevenntiva e Saúdde Animal f fragm mentation thhan any otheer mammal,, and for thaat Bats are less vullnerable to forest ore bats are reasoon, some species can diisperse to peri-urban orr urban areaas. Insectivo abunndant in urbaan areas duee to the dennsity of artifficial roosts and insectss attracted by b city llights. Interr-species traansmission of o the rabiess virus betw ween bats caan occur, annd this iis the most probable p mechanism of virus circuulation in baat populatio ons. Bats caan also ttransmit thee rabies viruus to other mammal m speecies, like dogs d and catts. With thee halt of vaaccination campaigns c o dogs and cats in 20100, the imporrtance of raabies of surveeillance in bats b has incrreased in Brrazil. In Cam mpinas, Sao o Paulo Statte, a passivee surveeillance system for batss was impleemented in 1994 and raabies-positivve bats from m the famillies Molosssidae, Phylloostomidae and a Vesperttilionidae were w found inn a peri-urbban area. In these areas, a vacciination blocckage in doggs and cats was w recomm mended afteer the o the massiive vaccination campaiign in 2010. This contrrol strategy was able too halt of increease the prop portion of vaccinated v a animals aboove a critical value whille in the resst of the sttudy area itt did not. Thhe probability of infectiious contactt between bats b and doggs or cats w was higher in the blockkage areas, evidencing the importaance of the implementaation of coontrol measu ures. PT.0032 BIES IN NIIGERIA: A NEW PAR RADIGM SHIFT? RAB Jahunn BM1, Ehimiyein AM M2, Audu SW W2, Orasetinn AT3, Adaw wa DAY1 - 1Ahmadu Bello B 2 Univversity Zariaa - Veterinaary Teachingg Hospital, Ahmadu Bello B Univerrsity Zaria Veterinary Meddicine, 3Ahm madu Bello University U Z Zaria - Veteerinary Public Health and a Preveentive Meddicine Rabies is an infecti ious disease of the central ner rvous syst tem (CNS S) that kills k ov ver 50,0000 people eacch year. The prevalencce rate is i between 15-20% in Nigeria, N how wever, becaause of the problem p witth reportingg, the true ppicture is diifficult to obbtain. Most of the casees are from the t rural areeas and are not n reporrted to the relevant r authhorities. Reecent surveyy of dog braain from dog g market acrross threee states show wed an increease in the prevalence p of rabies up p to 54% froom Kaduna Statee, 50 from Abuja A whilee Plateau Staate had 58% % prevalencee. In additioon, the emerrgence of assymptomatic rabies whhich after sevveral mousee inoculatio ons will kill the micee without sh howing cliniical signs off rabies is caase of conceern. This paaper demoonstrates thee public heaalth significcance of thee observed high h rabies prevalence p a and the ddangers of having h asym mptomatic raabid dog in the society.. PT.0033 VA HUMA ANA TRAN NSMITIDA A POR SAG GUI-IPÚ/C CE-BRASIL L-2010 RAIV Duarrte NFH1, Pinheiro KM MA1, Rolim BN2, Targinno LMF1, Almeida A IL1, Duarte BH H3 1 2 3 SES SA-CE - Nuuvet, SESA A-CE - LAC CEN, UFER RSA - FACU ULDADE DE D MEDIC CINA VET TERINÁRIA A r é umaa doença connsiderada de d alta relevâância no âm mbito da saúúde Introodução: A raiva públiica, causa grandes g prejuuízos econôômicos, posssui alto podder de letalidade. No Brasil, nos aanos de 19990 a 2010, houve h 575 caasos de raivva humana, destes 325 (56,52%) fooi na regiãão Nordeste, sendo respponsável peelo maior núúmero de caasos, no Ceaará um totall de 44(13,53%). Deestes, 12(27,,27%) dos casos c a transsmissão foi por animaiis silvestres,, x jacchus, auumentando a preocupaação ainda mais m com essta espécie, já j saguiis Callithrix que aas pessoas tem t o hábitoo de capturaar e criar essses animais, sem ter a menor m noçãão do riscoo. Desde o ano a de 2004, houve uma mudança no perfil ep pidemiológiico da raiva, consiiderando um ma redução da raiva urbbana e um aumento a no ciclo silvesstre. Objetiivos: relataar um caso de raiva hum mana em Ip pu/CE no anno de 2010 e as ações desenvolvid d das. Mateerial e Méttodos: Os daados obtidoos foram atraavés de inveestigação eppidemiológiica, Miniistério da saaúde SVS, Unidade U de laboratório Animal-UN NILAN, Sisstema de inforrmação de agravos a de Notificação N R : Ipu fica a 257 km de - SINAN. Resultados Fortaaleza, com uma u populaação de 40.3300 habitanttes IBGE 20010. Ao passsar perto dee uma árvore, umaa criança dee 11 anos fooi agredida no n rosto porr um sagui, apesar da com mento. Apóós 60 dias, 16/11/2010, 1 graviidade da lessão, não foi iniciado neenhum tratam inícioo dos primeeiros sintom mas: dor de cabeça, c febrre, cansaço, sonolênciaa, falta de apetiite, a criançaa foi levadaa ao hospital e tratada dde enxaquecca. No dia 17/11/2010 deud se início a um qu uadro convuulsivo, ficanndo internado por três dias. Os exames ante m morte t RT-- PCR dos materiais: m saaliva, folícu ulo piloso, liiquor foram m realizzados pela técnica negaativos para raiva r e o tituulo de anticoorpos igual a 0,02UI/m ml. No dia 26/11/11 o garoto g foi a óbito e o reesultado póss – morte fo oi positivo para p raiva pela técnica de IFD. Forram v sobrre raiva paraa alunos do realizzadas palesttras educatiivas e apreseentação de vídeos ensinno fundamental e médioo (1341), prrofessores e diretores, população, p treinamentoo sobree raiva paraa profissionaais do PSF, busca ativaa de expostoos com idenntificação dee 13 pessooas agredidaas (mão, péé e rosto). Dose D por saggui e um porr cão, desses apenas doois haviaa iniciado o tratamentoo, os demaiss iniciaram ssomente apóós orientaçãão, recolhim mento de noove animaiss (saguis) mantidos m em cativeiro coom realizaçção de coletaa de sanguee e salivva para diagnnóstico da raiva r com o resultado nnegativo. Coonclusão: Apesar A de exxistir todass as ferrameentas para o controle daa doença, aiinda morrem m pessoas vítimas v de raaiva. É neccessário quee haja fortallecimento das d ações dee vigilância,, atendimennto das pessooas agreddidas em tem mpo oportuuno, fiscalização e apliccação de leis em relaçãão à captura e criaçção dos anim mais silvestrres, integraçção, sensibilização da população p e relação ao em a riscoo que os anim mais silvesttres oferecem e que o luugar deles é no seu hab bitat naturall. PT.0034 CO E MONITORAME ENTO DA RAIVA EM M OLINDA A DIAGNÓSTIC RNAMBUC CO – POSIT TIVIDADE E PARA RA AIVA EM MORCEG GO NÃO PER HEM MATÓFAG GO Machhado JL1, Araújo A ACR R2, Ribeiro MGB M 3, Silvaa LAM4, Olliveira JCT5, Gomes ES S6, 7 1 2 3 Bolleer MAA - LACEN - PE, P LACE EN/PE / LAN NAGRO/PE E, Universiidade Federral de 5 Pernaambuco, 4GEMNE, G U UFPE/CAV / GEMNE, 6Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São José do Egito, 7Fundação F O Oswaldo Cruuz, Institutoo Nacional de d Controle de Qualidaade Saúde - Imunologia em S R a Caapital A ciddade de Olinnda, localizzada na Nordeste do Brrasil, distantte 6 km de Recife, Pernaambucana, tem como principal p carracterística,, o pólo turíístico. A pop pulação é estim mada em 3755. 559 habittantes. A cid dade alta dee Olinda é formada f porr extensa áreea verdee, o que prooporciona a presença e a permanênncia de quirópteros. Noo mês de Abbril de 20012, foi enccaminhada para p o diagn nóstico da raaiva, um qu uiróptero da espécie Moloossus molosssus, fêmea,, adulta. Seg gundo as innformações coletadas c noo Formuláriio Únicco de Requissição de Exxames para Síndrome S N Neurológica , o morcegoo foi enconttrado em uuma residência no Bairrro Amaro Branco B e aprresentava inncoordenaçãão e alteraçãão compportamentall. O proprieetário da residência connfirmou quee não houve agressão ouu contaato com o animal, a que veio a óbitoo. A prova de d Imunoflu uorescência Direta diagnnosticou positividade para p o vírus para raiva, o que foi coonfirmada na n Prova Biolóógica. Podeemos entendder que o creescimento desordenado d o e o desmaatamento poodem corrooborar com o aumento de casos dee morcegos positivos paara a raiva. A vigilânciia por sua vvez, se faz necessária n p que hajaa o controlee epidemiológico eliminação da dooença para atravvés do moniitoramento do d vírus rábbico na regiãão através do d envio de amostras dee anim mais suspeito os, para o diiagnóstico. No Nordestte, mais preecisamente na n Cidade de d Floreesta, Sertão Pernambuccano, um gaaroto de 14 aanos foi agrredido por um u morcegoo hemaatófago e innfectado pello vírus da raiva r em outtubro de 20008. O protoocolo utilizaado foi uma adaptaçção do Protoocolo de Minwalker, e ddesta formaa foi criado o Protocoloo de M c como ficou conhecido, c foi o segundo no mund do de cura da d Reciffe. O caso Marciano, raivaa, porém com m sequelas.. A partir daaí, as autoriddades sanitáárias intensiificaram a vigilâância na tenntativa de evvitar que ouutros episóddios sucedam m. O fato occorrido em Olindda alerta as autoridadess sanitárias para o riscoo de contraiir a raiva, attravés de espéccies de quirrópteros incllusive não hematófago h os. A educaçção ambienttal para a popuulação em geral, se faz necessária para p que as espécies seejam presevadas em funnção da suua importânncia no meioo ambiente, mas, que seejam observvadas as orientações e recom mendações relacionadaas à presençça destes aniimais. PT.0035 MPORTÂN NCIA DA AVALIAÇà A ÃO SOROL LÓGICA PARA P RAIV VA E A A IM IMP PLANTAÇà ÃO DA TÉ ÉCNICA NO O ESTADO O DE PERN NAMBUCO Arauujo ACR1, Machado M JL LM2, Ribeiroo MGB3, Silva LAM4, Oliveira JC CT5, Gomes ES6, 7 1 Bolleer MAA - LACEN/LA ANAGRO--PE - DIAG GNÓSTICO DE RAIVA A, 2 3 4 LAC CEN/LANA AGRO-PE, LANAGR RO/PE, Gruupo de Estuddos de Morccegos no Norddeste (GEM MNE), 5UFPE E/CAV/GE EMNE, 6Seccretaria Mun nicipal de Saúde de Sãoo 7 José do Egito - Vigilância V S Sanitária, Fundação F O Oswaldo Cru uz, Instituto Nacional de d Conttrole de Quaalidade em Saúde - Imuunologia na está na Liista Nacionnal de Comppulsória Imeediata – LNCI ANEXO O II A Raaiva Human 13. R Raiva Humaana; PORTA ARIA N.º 2.472, DE 311 DE AGOS STO DE 20010 (DOU de d 1º/099/2010 Seçãão I pág. 50)), que definne as terminoologias adootadas em leegislação nacioonal, conforrme disposto no Regulaamento Sannitário Intern nacional 2005 (RSI 20005), a relaação de doeenças, agravvos e eventoos em saúdee pública de notificaçãoo compulsórria em toodo o territóório nacionaal e estabeleecer fluxo, critérios, c responsabilid dades e atribuuições aos profissionai p is e serviçoss de saúde. A Organizaação Mundiaal da Saúdee consiidera que um m título iguual ou superrior a 0,50 UI/mL U repreesenta um esstado imuniitário suficciente para proteger p inddivíduos exp postos ao rssico de contaaminação pelo p vírus rábicco.A determ minação dos anticorpos neutralizanntes (AcN), deve ser reaalizada em indivvíduos previiamente imuunizados e expostos e aoo risco de coontrair a raivva. A profillaxia vacinnal pré-expoosição é inddicada para pessoas p quee, por força de suas ativvidades esteejam expoostos perman nentemente ao risco dee infecção pelo vírus ráábico. Todoss os indivídduos perteencentes aoss grupos de risco que freqüenteme fr ente estão em m contato com o vírus rábicco devem seer avaliados a cada seiss meses.O Innstituto Pasteur, no Esttado de São Pauloo, referência Nacional para a soron neutralizaçãão dentre ouutras técnicaas, desenvoolveu um teeste simplifficado de inibição de foocos fluoresscentes – SF FIMT- que vem v sendo utilizzado para av valiação sorrológica parra raiva.Nesste Sentido, o Laboratóório Central LAC CEN/PE, vem m através do d apoio e daa parceria ccom o Instituuto Pasteur,, realizandoo treinaamentos com profissioonais do Estado de Pernnambuco, coom o objetivvo de implaantar a técnnica que fav vorecerá o monitorame m ento de proffissionais en nvolvidos coom o vírus rábicco na Regiãoo que atuam m na área dee saúde anim mal tais com mo, Médicoss Veterináriios, Médiicos Sanitarristas, agenttes de endem mias, agentees ambientaais nos maiss variados ambiientes de traabalho tais como: c diagnnóstico e caampo capturrando, vacinnando, identtificando e classificand c do animais passíveis p dee albergar o vírus, dentrre outros profiissionais quue estão expostos ao vírrus. No Estaado de Pernambuco, maais precisam mente na Capital, Reciife, de acorddo com o levvantamentoo dos Centroos de Controole de manda para determinação dos anticcorpos neutralizantes (A AcN), é de Zoonnoses, a dem 4.0000 amostras/ano.A impoortância da implantação i o da Técnica de dosageem de anticoorpos anti-rrábicos hum mano no Esttado, vem no n momentoo em que, a Vigilância e o controlee da raivaa em Pernam mbuco são prioridades p no que se trrata de Vigiilância Epiddemiologia. Com a creescente dem manda desta avaliação soorológica, a implantaçãão da técnicca no LACE ENPE, ppromoverá a otimização do diagnóóstico, faciliitará maior dinâmica no que diz respeeito ao temppo de respossta do diagnnóstico, ao custo c benefi ficio, e princcipalmente a profiilaxia da raiiva humana em nossa Região. R Agraadecimentoss Ao Innstituto Passteur, Dra Neide N Yumiee Takaoka, Dra Ivanetee Kotait e Dra D Maria Luuiza Carriieri que vem m contribuinndo de form ma incansáveel na constrrução deste Trabalho. PT.0036 TRIBUIÇà ÃO GEOGR RÁFICA E CARACT TERIZAÇà ÃO MOLECULAR DE DIST VÍRU US DA RA AIVA DE IS SOLADOS S HERBÍVO OROS PRO OCEDENT TES DO NOR RTE DO BR RASIL Peixooto HC1, Gaarcia AIE2, Silva SOS2, Ramos OS S3, Silva LP P3, Brandão PE2, 2 1 Richhtzenhain L - FMVZ USP U - Veterrinary Preveentive Mediicine and Animal A Health, 2 FMV VZ USP - Medicina M Veeterinaria Preventiva P e Saúde Anim mal, 3Laborratório Naciional Agroopecuário, LANAGRO L O, Pará z com m 100% de letalidade que q acometee todos os mamíferos, m é A Raaiva é uma zoonose impoossível estim mar os custoos reais de perdas p na peecuária, prin ncipalmentee pelo elevaado númeero de subn notificações.. As ferrameentas molecculares perm mitem identiificar as linhaagens virais circulantess e associar essas linhaggens à origeem geográfiica. Foram analiisadas 17 am mostras isolladas de bovvino (11), eqquídeo (4) e bubalino (2), ( no períoodo de 20004 a 2008, procedentees dos Estad dos do Pará,, Tocantins e Rondôniaa. As referiddas amosstras foram submetidass a RT-PCR R tendo com mo alvo um segmento s doo gene da glicooproteína, reeferente a um m fragmentto de 917pbb. Os amplifficados obtiddos foram purifficados e seqquenciados, o dendrogrrama foi geerado utilizaando-se critéério de otimiização de distância com m algoritmoo Neighbor--Joining e modelo m evolu utivo Kimuura 2parâm metros, emp pregando-see 1000 repettições de boootstrap. A análise espaacial dos isolaados investiggados no prresente estuddo foi elaboorado, a parttir de mapas retirados do d IBGE E, com auxíílio do proggrama ArcG Gis versão 9..3. Todas ass 17 amostraas de vírus da d raivaa foram geneticamente agrupadas dentro d do clluster de Deesmodus rottundus. Denntro dessee cluster os isolados doo presente estudo se agrruparam em m seis subgruupos princippais: subggrupo I, com mposto por isolados oriuundo de Toccantins e um m isolado prroveniente da d mesoorregião sud deste do Parrá; subgrupoo II, composto de isolaado bovino procedente p de Tocaantins, agrup pou-se com m isolados dee Desmoduss rotundus e Diphilla ecaudata e originários de São Miguel Tapuio T no Piauí; P subgrrupo III, form mado por issolados T e um u isolado procedente de Goiás; subgrupo s IV V, compostoo por originários de Tocantins fo porr amostras isolaados de diveersas localiddades de Tocantins; subbgrupo V, formado oriunndas de diveersas localiddades de Ro ondônia, as quais apresentaram sim milaridade com c isolaados procedeentes de Gooiânia e São o Paulo; subgrupo VI, composto c poor isolados proceedentes do Nordeste N Paaraense e isolados de suurtos de raivva humana ocorridos no n Maraanhão. A fillogenia dem monstrou que todas as liinhagens viirais dos iso olados do preseente estudo estão relaciionadas à reegião geográáfica. Supoorte Financeeiro: CAPES S PT.0037 RIE HISTÓ ÓRICA DO ATENDIM MENTO AN NTI-RÁBIC CO HUMA ANO - UMA A SÉR ANÁ ÁLISE DAS S NOTIFIC CAÇÕES NA N 19ª CRS S - FREDE ERICO WE ESTPHALE EN RS. Dornnelles M1 - 119ª Coordeenadoria Reegional de Saúde S - Vigiilância Ambbiental em Saúde S SÉRIIE HISTÓR RICA DO ATENDIME A ENTO ANT TI-RÁBICO O HUMANO O - UMA ANÁ ÁLISE DAS S NOTIFICA AÇÕES NA A 19ª CRS - FREDERIICO WESTP PHALEN RS. R Varggas J C A¹, Dornelles D M L², Bagatiini T³ ¹Vigiilância Epiddemiológicaa ǀ E-mail: [email protected] ²Vigiilância Ambbiental em Saúde S ǀ E-m mail: mauro--dornelles@ ³Imuunizações ǀ E-mail: E imuunizacao19@ INTR RODUÇÃO O O Attendimento Anti-Rábicco Humano, é um dos Agravos A de maior notifficação nos muniicípios da árrea de abranngência da 19ª CRS. A 199ª CRS é connstituída poor 28 municípios, localiizada na reggião do méd dio alto urugguai, sendoo Frederico o Westphaleen o municíppio sede da 19ª CRS. O Attendimento Anti-Rábicco Humano ocorre em diversos d perríodos do anno, após as pessooas sofrerem m agressõess principalm mente por cãães e gatos, necessitanddo a utilizaçção de vacinna e soro an nti-rábicos para p a preveenção da raivva. OBJE ETIVOS Conhhecer o perffil epidemioológico dos atendimenttos através da d avaliaçãoo de alguns aspecctos do Aten ndimento Anti-Rábico A Humano naa 19ª CRS de d 2007 a 2011. Tom mar medidas preventivass, buscandoo a diminuiçção do númeero de dosess de vacinass, atravvés da corretta observação do animal agressor,, bem como da correta indicação do d imunnobiológico. MÉT TODOS Foi rrealizado um m estudo obbservacionall descritivo de análise quantitativa q a, analisandoo as inforrmações conntidas no Siistema de Innformações de Agravoss de Notificação (SINA AN ), no peeríodo de 20 007 a 2011,, da ocorrên ncia nos munnicípios perrtencentes a 19ª CRS. No N períoodo foram notificados n n SINAN 1822 casos de Atendim no mento Anti-R Rábico Hum mano. RESU ULTADOS S Dos 1822 casos de Atendim mento Anti-Rábico Hum mano 54,9% % foram do sexo mascuulino, % a espéciee agressora foi f o cão, a sendoo 50,8% mooradores daa zona urbanna, em 94,4% conddição do anim mal para finns de condu uta do tratam mento em 866,2% eram sadios, 94,77% dos aanimais eram m passíveis de observaação, sendo que 53,1% do tratamennto indicadoo foi obserrvação + vaacina, sendoo 3019 doses de vacinas aplicadas no período. CON NCLUSÕES S A auumento no número n de Notificações N s, bem comoo a quantidaade de Vaciinas utilizaddas, tem levado l a Vigilância em m Saúde da 19ª 1 CRS a innvestir na sensibilizaçã s ão de profiissionais de saúde e enttidades direeta e indiretaamente envo olvidas, atraavés de curssos de caapacitação em e sala de vacinas, v saliientando paara que nos municípios m haja profiissionais quue efetivameente realizem m a correta observação o do animal agressor beem comoo a correta indicação i doo imunobio ológico, dim minuindo as doses de vaacinas utilizzadas, consiiderando a atual a ausênccia de circu ulação de vírrus rábico em e populaçõ ões de caninnos doméésticos no Rio R Grande do Sul. BIBL LIOGRAFIA A ARA AÚJO, F.A. A Situaçãoo da Raiva no n Brasil. Inn: Seminárioo Internacioonal da Raivva, 20000. p. 22. ATL LAS de Saúdde do Brasill, Brasília: Secretaria S d Vigilânciia em Saúdee, 2004. de GUIA A de Vigilâância Epidem miológica. Brasília: B Fuundação Naccional de Saaúde, 2002. 920 p. mas de Vaciinação. Brasília: Fundaação Nacionnal de Saúdee, 2002. Manuual de Norm PT.0038 DUÇÃO DA A EXPOLIAÇÃO E DO D RISCO O DE OCOR RRÊNCIA DA RAIVA A RED EM HERBÍVO OROS PELO CONTR ROLE POP PULACION NAL DE DE ESMODUS S TUNDUS NA N REGIÃO NOROE ESTE DO ESTADO E D RIO DE DO E JANEIRO O. ROT ROM MIJN PC1, Bruno B LM de d P2, Carneeiro I de C, Bruno AM de P2, Cattaaneo CAM,, Rubiião EC, Kim mura LMS3 - 1PESAGR RO-RIO - Centro C Estaddual de pesqquisa em Saniddade Animaal, 2SEAPEC, 3PESAG GRO-RIO A preevenção da difusão de enfermidaddes infecto-ccontagiosass pelo controole populacional dos ttransmissorees/vetores é uma práticca secular dee comprovaada eficácia, seja aplicaada a roedoores, carnívvoros, inverttebrados e pragas p de veegetais. Paraa reduzir aoo máximo a expoosição de heerbívoros à espoliação e p morcegoos hematófaagos da espécie Desmoodus por rotunndus e conseqüentemennte, ao risco o de infecçãão por Lyssaavirus, foram m identificaados abriggos com collônias de moorcegos hem matófagos, e estes monnitorados sem mestralmennte, com capturas e controle c poppulacional eventuais, e e três micrrobacias do Estado do Rio em R de Jaaneiro. Verificou-se que na microbbacia de Mirracema, os casos de Raaiva transmiitidos por D D. rotundus foram se reeduzindo a partir p de 19995, quandoo foi iniciadoo o moniitoramento dos abrigoss e controle populacionnal da espéciie. No interrvalo de 36 mesees (anos de 2005 2 a 20077) em que não n houve controle c poppulacional, os o casos de Raivva em herbívvoros tornarram a se eleevar. Verificcou-se que o repovoam mento dos abbrigos moniitorados lev vava de 2 a 5 anos. Na microbacia m envolvendoo o municíp pio de Aperiibé, o moniitoramento dos abrigoss e eventual controle poopulacional por 30 messes coincidiuu com a ausência de Raiva em m herbívoroos ao longo de 5 anos (d de 1996 a 2000). 2 Tambbém c de Raaiva em herbbívoros durrante o não fforam notifiicados/diagnnosticados casos moniitoramento dos abrigoss e eventual controle poopulacional,, realizado por p 30 mesees nos municípios m de Três Rioos e Sapucaiia. Conclui--se que o coontrole popuulacional dee D. rotunndus por téccnicos experrientes reduuziu substanncialmente o contato diireto dos morccegos com animais a dom mésticos sussceptíveis nas n microbaccias trabalhadas, e conseeqüentemen nte o risco de d infecção quando da presença dee Lyssaviruss na saliva dos d morccegos. Enquuanto era reaalizado o coontrole popuulacional biianual de D.. rotundus nos n três aambientes distintos d e issolados, nãoo foram diaggnosticadoss casos de Raiva R em herbíívoros doméésticos ao loongo dos peeríodos de monitorame m ento. Em não o se realizanndo o conntrole popullacional durrante um míínimo de 488 meses, cassos de Raivaa em herbívvoros passaaram a acon ntecer nessees ambientess sob estudoo. Em nenhuum dos D rootundus exam minados foi encontrado Lyssaviruss na saliva pela p IFD, neem anticorp pos específicos contrra a virose no n soro de 163 1 indivíduuos examinaados. É imp prescindívell ampliar a discuussão quantoo ao significado epizoó ótico da detecção de annticorpos coontra antígennos de Lyyssavirus em m mamíferoos silvestress, e a possibbilidade desttes estarem infectados sem apressentação de quadro clínnico (“portaadores assinntomáticos”)). PT.0039 TORES ASS SOCIADO OS À OCOR RRÊNCIA DE RAIVA A EM REG GIÃO RUR RAL FAT DE C CAMPINA AS/SP/BRA ASIL EM 2.001 e 2.0022. Ram mos LHM1, Donalísio D M 2, Lourennço RW3 - 1Prefeitura Municipal MR M d Campinass de Secreetaria Muniicipal de Saúúde, 2UNIC CAMP - Uniiversidade Estadual E de Cam mpinas/Faculldade de Ciêências Méd dicas - Depaartamento dee Saúde Colletiva, 3UNE ESP - Uniiversidade Estadual E Paaulista/Faculldade de Enngenharia Ambiental A e virral, com altaa taxa de lettalidade e ocorrência o em m A raiiva é uma zoonose de etiologia bovinnos e equídeos, que cauusa prejuízo os sociais e econômicos, tendo com mo transmisssor o moorcego Desm modus rotunndus. Em árrea rural do município de d Campinaas estado dee São Pauloo, foram reggistrados 299 casos de raaiva confirm mados laborratorialmentte em herbíívoros, em 2001 2 e 20022. Técnicos da Secretarria de Saúdee e da Agriccultura realizzaram um trrabalho inteenso e conjuunto na prevvenção da raaiva animall e humana na n regiãão. O objetiv vo deste esttudo é descrrever o perffil epidemioológico da ep pizootia e analiisar variáveiis associadaas aos óbitos na área dee ocorrênciaa. Foi realizzado estudo transsversal com a aplicaçãoo de questio onário a 7300 proprietáriios e morado ores de imóóveis da árrea, sendo que q 5 propriedades não foram incluusas. As varriáveis colettadas foram m: espéccie animal acometida, a ó óbitos na prropriedade nos n últimoss 6 meses, ex xistência e tipo t de abbrigos de morcegos m hem matófagos, número de pessoas exppostas ao víírus. Foram calcuulados coefiicientes de mortalidade m e por raiva por p espécie animal por 1000 indivvíduos. Foi ajustado a moodelo de reg gressão logíística múltippla, tendo como variávvel respoosta a ocorrência de óbbitos por raivva, e variávveis preditorras as acimaa referidas, utilizzando-se os programas EPI-INFO 6.04 e, R para digitaçãão e análisess estatísticaas. O coefiiciente de mortalidade m (CM) total foi de 2,3/11000 animaiis (n = 82300), em equíddeos foi 17,9/1000 e em bovinoss 1,97/1000. Em 81(11,,1%) das prropriedades foi referidaa a existtência de abrigos de moorcegos, senndo 27 (46,66%) do tipoo árvore, 25 (43,1%) consttrução habittada e 6 (100,34%) consstrução abanndonada. Fooram contab bilizadas 12278 pessooas que lidaavam com os o animais, sendo s que 38 3 exerciam m atividades nas proprriedades com óbitos, portanto exp postos diretaamente ao riisco de raiva humana. As A variááveis estatisticamente significantes s s associadass aos óbitos obtidas no modelo forram: existtência de abrigos de moorcegos hem matófagos nna propriedaade (OR = 3,2 IC 95% 1,03 – 9,991) e a ocorrrência de óbbitos em aniimais nos últimos ú 6 meeses (OR = 32,64 IC 955%= 9,11 – 116,90). A análise de d CM por espécie e anim mal pode traazer informaações relevaantes C em equíddeos 9 vezees maior quee o de bovin nos na área,, na reegião. Obserrvou-se o CM diferrente de daddos da literatura. O estuudo desta eppizootia mosstra o poten ncial de ocorrrência em humanos h vivvendo e trab balhando naas proximidaades dos casos em anim mais. A referrência de moortes de aniimais em peeríodo recen nte (6 mesess) foi predittora de raaiva, sugerinndo a circullação préviaa do vírus e a falta de conscientização dos proprrietários em m manterem os animais vacinados. A associaçção entre a raiva r animall e preseença de morrcegos tem sido relatadda em outros estudos, reeforçando a necessidadde de moniitoramento de colôniass de morcegos em área rural. As açções de vigiilância epideemiológica,, educação em e saúde e profilaxia animal a e hum mana pressuupõem açõees intersetoriais de relevância para a prevvenção e conntrole da raiiva humanaa e animal. PT.0040 CO Y CARA ACTERIZA ACIÓN MO OLECULA AR DE VIR RUS RÁBIC CO DIAGNÓSTIC MUESTRA AS EN AVA ANZADO ESTADO E D DESCO DE OMPOSICIIÓN EN M Beltrrán F1, Gury y Dohmen F1, Del Pietrro H2, Cisteerna DM3 - 1Instituto dee Zoonosis Luis Pasteeur - Diagnóóstico, 2Servvicio Nacioonal de Saniidad y Calid dad Agroalim mentaria 3 Proggrama Nacioonal de Rabiia Paresiantte, INEI-AN NLIS Dr. Carlos C G. Malbrán M Serviicio de Neuurovirosis, Buenos B Airees, Argentinna Argentina ex xiste una Reed de Laborratorios Reggionales de rabia r que reealizan el En A diagnnóstico de rutina r en aniimales a parrtir de muesstras de cereebro median nte inmuunofluoresceencia directta (IFD) y aislamiento a m mediante ennsayo biológico en ratoones lactaantes (EBRL L). Las conttramuestras de los posittivos y/o los aislamienttos de RAB BV se envíaan al Laboraatorio Nacioonal de Refferencia quee es el Serviicio Nacionaal de Sanidaad y Caliddad Agroaliimentaria (S SENASA) o al Institutoo de Zoonossis Luis Passteur (IZLP)) perteeneciente al Gobierno de d la Ciudadd Autónomaa de Buenoss Aires (GC CABA), parra identtificar la esp pecie reservvorio usandoo un panel de d anticuerp pos monoclo onales (caraacterización n antigénica)). La toma, conservacióón y transpoorte adecuaddos de las muesstras y/o aisslamientos son s factoress decisivos para p la correecta realizacción e interppretación dee estos ensaayos. Las elevadas tem mperaturas, como c las qu ue se registraan en las prrovincias deel norte de Argentina, A p pueden ocasionar el deeterioro de los cadáverees de los annimales inv vestigados, provocando p o que las muuestras de ceerebro preseenten desdee una licueefacción leve hasta un avanzado a esstado de desscomposició ón. Estas co ondiciones afecttan la sensibbilidad de laas pruebas diagnósticas d s dado que provocan p laa degradacióón de la esttructura viraal y la produucción de to oxinas bacteerianas. Asiimismo, si los l aislamieentos de RA ABV no se conservan a muy bajass temperatuuras (-70°C)), pierden ráápidamentee su viabiilidad lo quee ha provoccado la pérddida de muchhas coleccioones de RA ABV en laborratorios quee carecen dee la infraestrructura adeccuada. Se evvaluó una téécnica de RTR PCR R de un pasoo para el diagnóstico y caracterizac c ción molecu ular en muesstras de tejido cerebbral en avannzado estadoo de descom mposición y en aislamieentos antiguuos. Se tom mo un grupoo de 10 cep pas de rabia aisladas en cerebro de ratón lactannte, de las variantes v de mayoor circulació ón en nuestrro país, 3 ceerebros caninos expuesstos a descoomposición contrrolada y 14 cepas antigguas. La caracterizaciónn antigénicaa se realizó mediante laa técniica de inmun nofluoresceencia indireccta usando un u panel dee 19 anticuerrpos monooclonales (C CDC, USA)). La caracteerización molecular m dee una regiónn de 159 nucleeótidos corrrespondiente al gen de la nucleoprroteína fue analizada a y se confecciionó un árrbol filogen nético. La caaracterizació ón antigénicca y molecu ular se correespondió enn todoss los aislam mientos. En este e estudioo pudo efecttuarse la carracterización n molecularr de los aislamientoss de mayor circulación c en Argentinna, en muesstras en avan nzada ue utiliza unna descoomposiciónn y en cepas antiguas enn forma direecta, con unna técnica qu pequueña porciónn del gen dee la nucleopproteína viraal en el 100% % de las mu uestras. PT.0041 TIGENIC VARIANTS V S OF RABIIES VIRUS S IN VENE EZUELA. 2000-2012 ANT PERE EZ M1, HID DALGO M1, BOYER L1 - 1Nationnal Institute of Agriculttural Researrch (INIA A) - Rabies Laboratoryy ype of the geenus Rabies is a fatal zoonotic diisease, caussed by the raabies virus, the prototy he Rhabdoviiridae familly, with a sinngle-strandded negativee-sense RNA A Lyssaavirus of th genoome, surroun nded by a bullet shape capsid. In Venezuela V f many yeears rabies has for h occuurred in endeemic and eppidemic form m, constitutting a socioeconomic problem p thatt affeccts human health h and caauses lossess in livestocck. It is distrributed throoughout the counntry. The dettection of raabies antigeen and antiggenic characcterization of o field straiins allow wed the idenntification of o animal sppecies that serves as a reservoir ressponsible foor an outbrreak of rabiies in a giveen area. Thee aim of thiss study was to perform the antigennic charaacterizationn of 34 fields isolates off rabies viruus from diffferent animaal species, states s and yyears, to know which antigenic a vaariants were circulating in our counntry. The detecction of rabiies antigen was perform med by direect immunoffluorescence test of nerrve tissuee imprints of o animals with w sympto oms of the disease. d Thee viral amplification waas perfoormed by innoculation inn suckling mice. m Antigenic characcterization was w perform med by inndirect imm munofluoresccence impreessions brainns of mice inoculated i w field sttrains with that had h obviouss symptomss of the diseease. Only variants v 1 annd 3 were fo ound. It wass concluded that the t antigenic variant 1 (canine) waas located exxclusively in i Zulia Statte, ( w present in several states, was s so thee common vampire v batt D. whilee variant 3 (vampire) rotunndus was th he main trannsmitter of rabies r for livvestock in th hat period. Ackn nowledgem ment: Nationnal Institutee of Agriculltural Reseaarch (INIA),, National Instittute of Integ gral Agriculltural Health h (INSAI). Funding: INIA. I Mattos C. OM MS pg 30(1989). Hidaalgo M. Revv. Fac. Cs Vets V UCV 466:33. DeM (20044) Hidalgo M. Rev. Faac. Cs. Vetss. UCV. 49((2):121.(20008). Meslin FX WHO 476p (1996). Hidalgo M. Med.Vet al día. 1:19 (2011). PT.0042 PERIMENT TAL ANTIIVIRAL TH HERAPY AGAINST A DIFFEREN NT RABIE ES EXP VIRU US LINEA AGES USIN NG TRANS SFECTION N WITH AN NTI-RABIIES ANT TIBODIES Castiilho JG1, Baatista HBCR R1, Rodriguues AC1, Caarnieli Jr P1, Oliveira RN N1, Silva ACR A 2, 2 1 1 3 1 Capoorale GMM , Carrieri ML M , Kotaitt I , Brandãoo PE - Insstituto Pasteeur - Virologgia, 2 Instiituto Pasteuur - Imunoloogia, 3Faculldade de Meedicina Veteerinária e Zootecnia daa Univversidade dee São Paulo t develop a new mechhanism for antiviral a theerapy againsst The aim of this study was to w a cationnic reagent (lipofectami ( ine rabiees based on the introducction by traansfection with 20000) of antiboddies into neuuronal cellss infected with w the rabiees virus. N22A cells werre infeccted using 96-well platees and diffeerent viral cooncentrationns (0.1, 1.0,, 10 and 1000 TCID D50) of threee lineages of o rabies viru us circulatinng in Brazill (dog, Desm modus rotunndus and E Eptesicus fu urinalis). Affter incubation for 24 hh, the cells were w transfeected with antia rabiees-virus poly yclonal antiibodies and lipofectamine 2000. These T cells made m up thee treatm ment group (TG). The cells in the negative coontrol group p (CG) weree treated wiith only Minimum Essential E M Medium. Aftter 11 hourss, the plates were fixed with 80% acetoone and anaalyzed by direct immunnofluorescennce using a fluoresceinn isothiocyannateconjuugated antinnucleocapsiid rabies anttibody. The effectiveneess of the traansfection and a subseequent neuttralization of o the virus was w determ mined by calcculating thee percentagee inhibbition of fluorescent focci. This wass done by m measuring thhe difference in the num mber of fluuorescent fooci in the tw wo groups (C CG and TG). The resullts show thaat for lower viral concentrations (0.1 ( and 1.0 TCID50), viral v inhibitiion was 100 0% for all thhe lineages gher virus concentratio c ons were useed (10 and 100 TCID500), inhibitionn testedd. When hig varieed accordingg to the viraal load and lineage l of raabies virus used. With an infectiouus dose of TCID50, inhibition varied v from m 82.7% to 100% 1 for th he lineages tested. t Withh a TCID50 dosse, inhibitionn was 90.7% % for the D.. rotundus lineage, l 90.33% for the dog d 100 T lineaage and 67.0 0% for the E. E furinalis lineage. It can c be concluded from these resultts that, irrespectivee of the viraal load the patient p is exxposed to, trransfection with w antiboddies m f use in anntiviral theraapy against rabies in caases where the for t is an efficient mechanism D rotundus or the dog as inhibition only varieed transsmitter is thee hematophhagous bat D. from m 89.2% to 100% 1 when these lineages were ussed. Howev ver, if the paatient has beeen expoosed to the liineage assoociated with the insectivvorous bat E. E furinalis,, inhibition variees with virall load. Thesse findings show s that trransfection with w antibodies is a prom mising mech hanism that could be ussed to develop an antiviral therapyy against rabbies. Furthher studies are a requiredd to assess th he efficienccy of transfeection with antibodies in i vivo. P Finanncial Suppoort: FAPESP PT.0043 ASSIFICAT TION AND D POSITIV VITY RATE E OF BATS S RECEIV VED FOR CLA RAB BIES DIAG GNOSIS Limaa JYO1, Schheffer KC1, Achkar SM M1, Kotait I1, Carrieri ML M 1 - 1Instituuto Pasteur d The ddiversity off bat speciess in Brazil iss great, andd there are 172 species distributed amonng nine fam milies. The Phyllostomid P dae family is the most numerous, followed byy Vesppertilionidaee and Molosssidae. According to feeeding habitts, the majority of bats are insecctivorous, foollowed by frugivorouss, nectarivorrous, carnivvorous and hematophag h gous. As thhese animalls are considdered reserv voirs of rabiies virus it is i essential to t correctlyy identtify the speccies and knoowledge of the biologyy, behavior and a adaptation of bats in urbann environm ments. The obbjective of this t study was w to identiify the seveeral specimeens of bats rreceived forr rabies diaggnosis at thhe Pasteur Innstitute, meeet the positiive index off them m and assess their distribbution on th he feeding habits h in relation to the seasons. Inn the periood between January andd Decemberr 2011, speccimens of bats were recceived for thhe rabiees diagnosiss and submittted to identificate the family, gennus and/or sppecies, accorrding to ideentification keys, k journaals and scieentific bookss. We also recorded r thee feediing habits an nd month of o capture off animals. The T period of o this studyy was divideed accorrding to thee seasons. During D this period, p 28466 specimenss of bats weere identified, beingg 77.6%,11.4% and 11% belonginng to the Moolossidae, Vespertilioni V idae and Phyllostom midae families, respectivvely. Of thee total of baats identified d 88.53% haad % frugivorouus, 4.39% suucking necttar and 0.28% habitts insectivorrous, 6.82% hemaatophagous.. In the warrmer seasons of the yeaar (spring annd summer) it was receeived 18088 bats being 1727 insecctivorous, 488 frugivorouus, 29 suckiing nectar and a two hemaatophagous.. In the coldder seasons (autumn annd winter), it i was receivved 1038 baats beingg divided in nto 791 inseectivorous, 145 1 frugivorous, 95 succking nectarr and 6 hemaatophagous.. In relationn to the rabiees diagnosiss, 37 specim mens (1.3%)) were diagnnosed as po ositive, incluuding the faamilies Vesppertilionidaee (17), Phylllostomidaee (13) and M Molossidae (7). Accordding to feed ding habits bats b were cllassified into 30 insecctivorous annd seven fruugivorous sp pecimens. The T positivee rate in the winter, werre four insectivorous and one frugivorouss, and it seeems smaller than other stations.Thee t summerr was higherr in Vesperttilionidae thhan in Molosssidae. Thiss posittive rate in the resullt was differrent that waas observed by Constanntine in the USA. U He obbserved the higheer rate posittive in Moloossidae. Thee differencees observed in this studdy suggestedd the impoortance of feeeding habitts and breedding seasonn of bats, con nsidering prrincipally thhe supply of food and a warm seeasons. Thee knowledgee of bats andd seasonal identificatio i on mprove the epidemiolog e gical surveilllance progrram used inn studiies can conttribute to im rabiees managem ment in deterrmining the existence of o bats of diifferent fam milies and/orr feediing habits in n different seasons. s PT.0044 UDY AND DISTRIBU D UITION OF F RABIES VIRUS V IN NON NEU URONAL STU ORG GANS IN BATS B SENT T TO LAB BORATORY Y DIAGNO OSIS IN PA ASTEUR INST TITUTE Limaa JYO1, Achhkar SM1, Scheffer S KC C1, Castilho JG1, Rodriggues AC1, Kotait K I1 , 1 1 Carriieri ML - Instituto Paasteur Bats are consideered importaant reservoiirs of rabiess virus, whicch is paramount in the o this zoono osis disease, through thhe use of sen nsitive systeems. studyy of the pathhogenesis of The ppresence off viral antigeen in these species s show ws that non n-neuronal viral v spread is efficiient in diffeerent organss that particiipate effectiively in the eliminationn of rabies virus, v such as, salivary y glands andd bladder. This T study aimed to invvestigate thee presence of o b submittted for laborratory diagnnosis, as weell as, to studdy rabiees virus in saamples of bats the ppathogenesiss of the diseease through h the use off laboratory animals. 3,930 routinee diagnnostic speciimens of batts were proccessed durinng the periood between January 2011 and M May 2012 by b direct im mmunofluoreescence (DIIF) and virall isolation on o murine neurooblastoma cells c (VICC C) techniquees. 58 samplles were diaagnosed rab bies positivee from m 37 bats in 2011 and 21 samples were w diagnoosis rabies positive p in 2012, 2 repreesenting a positivity ratte of 1.80%. We random mly selected 28 bats frrom rabies posittive which were w submittted to colleect organs foor preparatiion of inocu ulum in the propoortion to thee ratio of 1::10 for salivvary glands and tongues, and 1:20 for bladderrs, whicch were inocculated in volume of 0..03 mL by the t intracereebral route in i post-weaaning Swisss mice (21 days old annd weighingg 11g and 144g). Clinicaal observatioon was perfoormed durinng 30 days and a the pressence of thee virus was verified v by the DIF technnique in diseased and dead d animalls. 60.7%, 50% and 42..8% of anim mals selectedd for the sttudy were rabies r positiive by viral isolation inn the salivarry glands, to ongue and bladdder, respectively. The minimum m inncubation peeriod was seven days and a maximuum incubbation periood varied beetween 17 annd 21 days.. The presen nt study dem monstrated the t preseence of rabiies virus in non-neuron n nal organs (ssalivary glan nd, bladder and tonguee) in 67.8% % rabies po ositive anim mals in central nervous ssystem (CN NS).The deteection of rabbies viruss in non-neu uronal organns by DIF and a virus isoolation has been b observved in severral studiies. For stud dies of pathoogenesis off rabies in baats, these reesults demonnstrate that the use oof mice is sttill a good alternative. a Due D to lackk to use CNS S in routine practice in bats for reeasons of pooor preservaation of the specimen, it may be necessary n to use nonneuroonal organss in order to obtain the positive p rabbies diagnossis. PT.0045 RAB in selecct non-targ get wildlife species Effeccts of ONR Fry TL T 1, VanDaalen K1, Dunncan C2, VeerCauteren K1 - 1USDA A-APHIS-W WS-Nationaal Wilddlife Researcch Center, 2Colorado State S Univerrsity RAB® is a reecombinantt rabies vacccine used too as an oral vaccine v in wildlife w speecies ONR such as: fox (Vu ulpes vulpess), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and striped s skunnks (Mepthiss v vector in the ONR RAB® vaccinne is humaan adenoviru us type 5 (H Had5) mephhitis). The viral with the gene fo or rabies glyycoprotein in ncorporatedd into its gennome. Had d5 is a relatiively u in manyy vaccine foormulationss. Canadian safe and well-stuudied virus,, which is used reseaarchers (e.g.., Knowles et al. 2009) have conduucted vaccinne efficacy and safety studiies using ON NRAB® in 18 species of o animals. Our researcch expands on the species previiously evaluuated. We studied s the vaccine v as it i relates to its safety inn wildlife ® speciies likely too contact thee ONRAB vaccine duuring oral raabies vaccinne (ORV) camppaigns in the United Sttates. We investigated the t effects of o high dosees of the ONR RAB® vaccine in wood rats (Neotooma spp.), eastern e cottoontail rabbitts (Sylvilaguus floriddanus), Virgginia opossuums (Didelp phis virginiiana), Easteern wild turrkey (Meleaagris galloopavosilvesttri), and foxx squirrel (S Sciurus nigeer), whose range overlaaps with OR RV targeet species inn the Unitedd States. Affter inoculattion of the animals a we performed p r realtime PCR on feccal swabs, oral o swabs, and tissues to detect viiral DNA. Our O preliminnary d postresullts mostly cooncur with the findingss of Knowlees et al. (2009). By 7 days vacciination, turk keys, opossums, and coottontails haad all stoppeed sheddingg viral DNA A. One woodrat annd five fox squirrels s stilll had detecttable levels of viral DN NA in fecal % of fox sqquirrels weree co-infecteed swabbs on 7 dayss post-innocculation. Hoowever, 45% with Leptospira interroganns, which maay be a confounding faactor to the prolonged p f swabs from these animals. Th here were no n significannt detecction of viraal DNA in fecal findings on grosss histologyy of liver, kidney, smalll intestine, large l intestine, and lungg in W are currrently comppleting PCR R analysis off the tissuess any oof the speciees studied. We listedd above as well w as nasaal turbinatess. Initial ressults suggesst low likelihhood of ® persiistence of ONRAB O inn the environnment or inn individual animals thaat contact thhe vacciine. Our preeliminary coonclusions suggest s thatt non-targett species will not be negaatively impaacted by the distributionn of ONRA AB® as part of o ORV proograms in thhe Uniteed States. PT.0046 LATION AND A DETE ECTION OF O RABIES S VIRUS IN N THE FEC CAL ISOL CON NTENTS OF O NATUR RALLY INF FECTED FRUIT F BAT TS Scheeffer KC1, Fahl F WO1, Iaamamoto K1, Rodriguees AC1, Carrnieli Jr P1, Carrieri C ML L1 , 1 2 1 2 Oliveeira RN , Itto FH - Insstituto Pasteeur de São Paulo, P Facuuldade de Medicina M Veterinária e Zoootecnia da Universidad de de São P Paulo The sspread of thhe rabies virrus into variious tissues, organs and d secretionss in infectedd anim mals occurs with w the proogression off clinical dissease. Fecall samples may m have low wer viral concentratiion and the objective of o this study was to isollate and deteect rabies virus in thee fecal conttents of fruitt bats through virus isoolation in ceell culture teechnique annd by RT-P PCR, hemi-n nested RT-P PCR (hnRT T-PCR) and Real Time RT-PCR. Thirty T specimens of the genus Arttibeus bats, previously identified as a positive for f rabies byy FAT and m neurooblastoma cell c line (N22A) were seelected and the t intestinee was inocuulation of murine remooved from every e animaal and was scraped off, in order to collect the fecal f contennts. The ffecal conten nts were weeighed, hom mogenized annd diluted 1:10 1 (w/v) using u a dilueent, consiisting of 0.8 85% saline solution, suupplementedd with 2% Bovine B Fetaal Serum freee of rabiees virus-speccific antibodies and 0.11% of gentaamicin sulfaate. The susppensions were kept at 4°C for 30 3 minutes and centrifuuged at 800xg for 30 minutes m at 4°°C, filtered with a 33mm length l syrinnge providedd with filterr Millex® with w porosityy of the aaid of 5-ml and 0.45μ μm. The susspensions were w inoculaated into muurine neurobblastoma ceells (N2A) for f viral isolation. For F molecullar techniquues, extractioon of total RNA R and th he reverse o followeed by PCR aand hnRT-P PCR targetinng to gene N. N transscription weere carried out, The R Real Time RT-PCR R tecchnique was performedd on the prooduct generaated from thhe reverrse transcripption. Of thee 30 suspen nsions inocuulated, only one (3.33% %) was posittive for vvirus isolatioon. None off the samplees was posittive by RT-P PCR, howevver, 13 sam mples (43.333%) were positive p for rabies by hnRT-PCR h aand Real Tiime RT-PCR R techniquees. The ffact that onlly one sampple was positive by viruus isolation can be exp plained by a varieety of interfe ferents foundd in this sub bstrate, suchh as the pressence of baccteria and also a different degrad ded productss of food thaat can causee inhibition of the reacttions. It is also a belieeved that theese interfereents may inffluence the results of th he RT-PCR R, hnRT-PCR R and tthe Real Tim me RT-PCR R techniquess, demonstrrating that th he fecal con ntents are off the mostt complex biological saamples for amplificatio a on techniquees used as diagnostic d methhods. Neverttheless, thiss study dem monstrated thhat both thee hnRT-PCR R and Real Time T RT-P PCR techniqques were sensitive forr the detection of rabiess virus. Thuus, we concllude that these t techniiques can bee used as co omplementaary tools in laboratory diagnosis d annd fecall samples may m also be used u for diaagnosis of raabies. PT.0047 urvey of thee reportingg of human n rabies A woorldwide su 2 Tayloor LH1, PRP P2 - 1Globall Alliance for f Rabies Control, C Parrtners for Rabies R Preveention r cases, it is imposssible to asssess the truee Withhout accuratte reporting of human rabies burdeen of the disease on coountries, to assess a how much resou urces a goveernment shoould alloccate to rabiees control, or to carry ou ut cost-beneefit analyses on rabies prevention efforrts. Global Alliance for Raabies Controol (GARC) with the Paartners for Rabies R The G Preveention is coonducting a global surv vey of humaan rabies repporting pracctices. We want w to gaain a global picture of where w humaan rabies is a notifiablee disease and d to assess whetther the systtems in placce for the reeporting of cases c are peerceived to be b adeqquate. Netw works of rabiies experts have h been aasked to com mplete a sho ort survey which w colleected inform mation on whhether hum man rabies was w notifiablle, which auuthorities weere respoonsible for the t collationn and reportting of casees, whether the t system was w effectivve, and ssome detailss of what daata is colleccted and how w it is disseminated. Thhe survey iss availlable online in a user-frriendly form mat in Engliish, French or Spanish. ults from 1004 respondeents in 69 coountries havve been anallyzed and shhow Preliminary resu h rabiees is a notiffiable diseasse in 61 (88%) of thesee countries. However, that human respoondents indiicated that the t reportinng system was w ineffectivve for 23% of the counntries wherre rabies waas notifiablee. A regionaal analysis suggests s thaat the counttries where rabiees is not nottifiable, or where w the syystem is ineeffective aree almost all in Africa annd Asia where the burden b of human h rabies is highest, and more investment in rabies coontrol is badly needed.. PT.0048 RADERMA AL-INTRA AMUSCUL LAR SWIT TCH EFFIC CACY IN RABIES R PO OST INTR EXP POSURE PR ROPHYLA AXIS. Poujool P1, Simons de Fanti A1, Goeschh J1, Ribadeeau Dumas F2 - 1Pasteu ur Institut Rabies Center, 2Pasteur Insstitut - Rabiees Center/ N National Reeference Cennter for Rabbies bjectives: Introoduction-ob Becaause of the high h costs of o rabies intrramuscular (IM) post exposure e pro ophylaxis (P PEP) protoocols, cheap per intraderm mal (ID) prootocols usinng reduced doses d were developed in somee countries and a validateed by WHO O. Due to lacck of data on o the efficaacy of a prottocol usingg ID and IM M route succcessively, WHO W recom mmends usinng only one route of admiinistration per p protocoll. In France and many other o high resource couuntries, no packkaging adaptted to ID rooute is availaable and onnly IM regim mens are autthorized by the markketing authoorization, leading doctoors not to foollow WHO recommendations for patieents having started an ID D protocol abroad. As there is no study availaable on ID-IM switcch efficacy, we sought to evaluate it with twoo objectives:: to describee serologicaal efficaacy of our daily d practicce and to asssess if theree is a need to t alert our national n heaalth authoorities abouut the need of o authorizin ng the ID rooute. m Mateerials and methods: In ouur rabies cennter, PEP innitiated abro oad with ID route are sy ystematically switchedd to IM and a one seroology (ELIS SA) is prescribed 7 to 14 1 days afterr the end off this mixedd protoocol to contrrol its efficaacy. We reaalized a nonn interventioonal descrip ptive prospective studyy including all 15 patieents of our center c who began b ID PE EP abroad between b 07/01/2010 and 08/31/20111. ults: Resu The rrabies serollogy, carriedd out in med dian 13 dayys after the end e of the PEP, P was availlable for 12 of the 15 patients p whoo received an a ID-IM prrotocol (3 others were lost l to follow-up). Mean M age off the patientss was 38.8 years y (6.5 too 61.5 yearss) and the S Lanka, Thailand, T Madagascar and a India. The T antibodyy counntry of exposure were Sri levell was higherr than the onne recommeended (0.5 EU/ml) E in all a cases. No o patient discllaimed any side s effect. Concclusion: This study is lim mited by a sm mall numbeer of patientts but to ourr knowledgee it is the onnly n this topic. We found no n evidencee of a lack of o efficacy due d to the ID D to one aavailable on IM rooute switch h during rabiies PEP. Coonsequentlyy this study does d not proovide any argum ment favoriing an alert of the healtth authoritiees concernin ng this practtice in counntries wherre only the IM I route is authorized. These resuults need to be b controlleed by largerr studiies. The aauthors discclose no connflicts of intterest for thhis work. PT.0049 PER RFIL EPIDE EMIOLÓG GICO DO ATENDIM A MENTO AN NTIRRÁBIICO HUMA ANO EM A AGRESSÕ ÕES POR CÃES C E GA ATOS NA 10ª REGIà ÃO DE SAÚ ÚDE/LIMO OEIRO DO NORTE, NO N PERÍO ODO DE 20007 A 2011.. Chavves CS1, LIM MA FMG2, RODRIGU UES VC3 - 1SECRETA ARIA DE SA AÚDE DO ESTA ADO DO CEARÁ C - 100ª COORDE ENADORIA A REGION NAL DE SA AÚDE DE LIMO OEIRO DO O NORTE, 2SECRETA ARIA DE SA AÚDE DO ESTADO DO D CEARA A10ª C COORDENADORIA REGIONAL R L DE SAÚD DE DE LIM MOEIRO DO O NORTE, 3 SEC CRETARIA A DE SAUD DE DO EST TADO DO CEARÁ C - 10 0ª COORDENADORIA REG GIONAL DE E SAÚDE DE D LIMOEIIRO DO NO ORTE A raiva é transsmitida ao homem pe ela inoculaçção do víru us presentte na saliva ae u animal infectado,, e tem leta alidade de aproximad damente secrreções de um 100% %2. Sua prrevenção é baseada no tratame ento profilá ático quand do houver susp peita de exxposição ao o vírus da raiva, send do este ba aseado nass cara acterísticass da lesão provocada a pelo anim mal agresso or, tipo de animal e sua s posssibilidade de d observa ação¹. O esstudo tem como obje etivo conhe ecer o perfil epidemiológico o do atendimento anttirrábico hu umano em m agressões por cãess e os na 10ª Região R de S Saúde de Limoeiro do d Norte, no período de 2007 a gato 2011 1.Realizou-se a partir de dadoss do Sistem ma de Inforrmação de e Agravos de d Notifficação(SIN NANNET,1 10ª CRES)) dos onze município os da Regiã ão de Saúd de Fora am analisados o tipo,, local, exte ensão e prrofundidade das lesõ ões, a cond duta de p profilaxia da a raiva ado otada; e também o m motivo de in nterrupção o do trata amento. Ass agressõe es por cães s representtaram 62,7 7% dos aciidentes, enqu uanto 31,2% foram por p gatos. Predomino P ou a morde edura como o tipo de agre essão com 86,9% dass notificaçõ ões, e as lesões de ferimento f ú único com 51,8 8% dos cas sos. Dos lo ocais ataca ados, mãoss e pés tive eram 41,8% % das agre essões, seg guidos porr 34,2% da as lesões em e membro os inferiore es. Quanto oà profu undidade do d ferimento, 50,6% foi lesão superficial. s Um total de d 4605 pesssoas foram m atendidass no períod do e o trata amento foi instituído para 83,7% %. Apóss a condutta terapêuttica, 59,5% % dos pacie entes conccluiu o trata amento, 1% % deles o interrompeu (0,4% por indicação da unidade u de e saúde) e 39,5% com inforrmação ign norada. Co onsiderando-se o loca al de agres ssão, 47,3% dos cassos foram m definidos como gra aves, realizzando-se o tratamen nto associa ado de soro oe vacin na em 8% das pesso oas. A indiccação de vacina v fez parte da conduta c de quasse 100% dos tratame entos instittuídos. A conduta de observaçã ão e vacina a foi apliccada em 52 2% das ag gressões. Um U percen ntual de 78,8% foram m considera ados sem suspeita de d raiva no o momento o da agresssão e 11,8 8% clinicam mente peitos. Nota-se que as a agressõ ões por cãe es lideram o número de acidentes. susp O tra atamento profilático p p pós-expos ição institu uído é na maioria m de vezes base eado na utilização da a vacina, e que a con nduta de ap penas obsservação, que q deve e ser utiliza ada em acidentes levves não foii relevante. Todavia, se 78,8% dos anim mais foi con nsiderado clinicamen c nte sadio no momentto da agresssão e 50,6 6% dos acidentes foram sup perficiais, sugere-se que q grande e parte dessses pacie entes eria ter sido dispensa ada do trattamento. Ressalta-se R e que a conduta de pode obse ervação foi aplicada em e apenass 10% dass notificaçõ ões. Torna--se necesssária a correta aplica ação da no ormatizaçã ão de profilaxia antirrrábica, com mo também ma ação multid disciplinar. Além disso, o preenchimento adequado a da ficha de e atua notifficação é im mportante registro do os dados e avaliação o dos mesm mos, oporrtunizando a tomada de decisões. PT.0050 STA ABILITY EVALUATIION OF FL LUORESCENT ANTII-RABIES VIRUS CON NJUGATE PRODUCE ED IN INS STITUTO PASTEUR P R OF SÃO PAULO P Freittas AP1, Peixoto ZMP1, Silva ACR R1, Schefferr KC1, Chavves LB1, Capporale GMM M1 1 Instiituto Pasteuur The ffluorescent anti-rabies conjugate (FARC) ( prooduced in In nstituto Pastteur de São Pauloo (IP-SP) iss obtained by b fluorescein isothiocyyanate (FITC C) conjugattion with speciific polyclonal antiboddies purified d and it recoommended storage s temp perature of 4°C proteected from light l incidennce. Given the t fundam mental imporrtance of thiis reagent foor rabiees laboratoriial diagnosiis, the aim of o this studyy was evaluaate its stabillity in relatiion to physical factors that can afffect the quaality and maaintenance of o product characteristi c cs. C batch IP-T TOT1/11 subbmitted to temperatures of To do this, diffeerent aliquotts of FARC 8 for 1hoour or exposed to ambiient light for 10, 20, 30 0, 45, 60, 900, 37, 556, 65 and 80°C 120, 150 minutees and 24 hoours were used on direcct immuneffluorescencee (DIF) test on prints of micce infected with Challeenge Virus slides with centrral nervous system imp PV), Standdard (CVS)) and in monnolayers off BHK-21 ceells infectedd with Pasteeur Virus (P with titers previously defined of 1:160 0 and 1:80, respectively r y. Also, withh one aliquoot r ded conditioons, the sam me tests weree performedd and exposed retainned on the recommend for 1, 3, 5, 8 e 10 minutes to ultravioleet (UV) radiiation on fluuorescence microscopy m y. The w adoptedd to evaluating the fluoorescence in ntensity obseerved in thee crossses system was reacttions, whichh was attribuuted 4+ for high fluoreescence intennsity, 3+ to o media intensity, 2+ loow intensityy and 1+ to total t loss off fluorescennce. For ligh ht exposition n, the samples expoosed of 10 to o 90 minutees received 4+, 4 the sam mples exposeed to 120 annd 150 minuutes receiived 3+ and d the samplees exposed for f 24 hourss received 2+. 2 The sam mples submittted to tem mperatures of 37°C andd 56°C receeived 4+ andd the samplles submitteed to 65 andd 80°C C showed onnly traces off residual FITC on the reactions, being b imposssible observved the ccharacteristics rabies virus citoplassmatic incluusions. And with the inccreasing of expoosition time to UV it waas observedd the graduaal loss of fluuorescence intensity i reachhing to 1+ after a 10 minnutes. Thesee results shoowed that FA ARC testedd kept the saame qualiity characteristic even exposed e to room light uuntil 90 min nutes and 566°C for 1 hoour, show wing the sam me florescennce intensityy of reagentt kept on reccommendedd conditionss, althoough it doesn’t be expoosed to UV for f long perriods duringg the readingg of reactionns on fluorrescence microscopy, showing be a stable reaagent and as it has a higgh value, it must m be reevaluated whhen submittted to adverrse conditioons, avoiding g waste. Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Pasteur PT.0051 ALUATION N OF THE INTERFE ERENCE OF O ALKAL LOIDS OBT TAINED EVA FRO OM THE SK KIN SECR RETION OF F Ameeregga picta IN THE PEN NETRATIO ON OF R RABIES VIRUS IN BHK-21 B CE ELLS Freittas AP1,2, Siilva ACR2, Scheffer KC C2, Pimentaa DC1 - 1Instituto Butanntan, 2Instituuto Pasteeur Rabies is an infeectious diseease caused by a virus bbelonging too the familyy Lissaviruss that mals includiing humanss. Rabies traansmission occurs o by virus-contai v ining affeccts all mamm salivva , through biting or liccking of an injured tisssue. The viruus replicates at the site of inocuulation untill it reaches the nerve en ndings. At the t neuromu uscular juncctions, the virus v bindss specificallly to the niccotinic acetyylcholine reeceptor. On the other haand, alkaloiids have yielded intteresting ressults in term ms of drug ddevelopmentt. Since rabies virus infecction is, at leeast, partially associateed to the niccotinic acetyylcholine reeceptor, the preseent study fo ocus on the evaluation e of o moleculees obtained from f the skin secretionn of Ameeerega picta,, in the proccess of peneetration andd infection of o rabies viru us in Baby Ham mster Kidneyy (BKK-21)) cells. The secretion was w collected d though stimulation byy manuual compresssion of the amphibian glands, andd then separrated into 14 4 fractions by b reverrsed-phase high h perform mance liquiid chromatoography (RP P-HPLC). The T fractionss weree characterizzed by masss spectromeetry and testted for their cytotoxic effect e on BH HK21 ceells. Fractio on 3 was thee only one presenting p cyytotoxicity,, by means of o arising morpphological changes c wheen compareed to the neggative contrrol (cells + MEM) M and the posittive control (cells + 20% % DMSO). Subsequenntly, the fracctions were screened foor their ability to innterfere in the t process of virus cellular penetrration. The rapid r test foor 3 6 and 7 were w able to inhibbition of fluorescent focci (RFFIT) showed thaat fractions 3, decreease the viraal infection. Analyses by b mass speectrometry showed s thatt the molecuules preseent in the acctive fractioons ranged from f 200 to 500 Da, whhich is in th he alkaloid moleecular mass range. Mollecules are undergoing u purification n for properr virologicall assayys and strucctural characcterization. C FAP PESP, CNPq. Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Pasteur, CAPES, PT.0052 NSORIAME ENTO REM MOTO EM M MORCEG GOS HEM MATÓFAGO OS Desmoddus SEN rotun ndus NO MUNICÍPIO M O DE POTIRETAMA A, CEARÁ,, BRASIL, 2008 – 20009 Mouura FBP1, Silva MVS1 - 1Secretariaa da Saúde do d Estado do d Ceará - 1ª Coordenaddoria Regional de Saú úde de Fortaaleza RODUÇÃO O - Estudos de sensoriaamento remooto tornaram m-se cada dia d mais pressente INTR entree os trabalho os desenvollvidos na áreea animal. Carini C conclluiu que a raiva r em bovvinos era trransmitida pelo p morceggo Desmodu us rotunduss¹ e estudos relacionadoos ao controole dessaa doença vêêm sendo direcionados paralelamente aos estu udos de com mportamentoo, contrrole e dinâm mica de populações desssa espécie. Em 2008 em Potiretam ma-Ceará fooi realizzado um traabalho com m sensoriameento remotoo numa colôônia de D. rotundus com m, aproxximadamennte, trezentoos indivíduo os numa furnna chamadaa Furna da Onça. O Apesaar da amplla distribuiçção desta esppécie, poucco estudo se propôs a esstudar seu comportame c ento de accordo com o sexo e fase lunar atraavés do senssoriamento remoto. r OB BJETIVOS – GER RAL - Preveenir casos dee Raiva hum mana originnários do cicclo silvestre através do moniitoramento e controle populaciona p al de morceggos hematófagos. MAT TERIAL E MÉT TODO – Foi utilizado sistema s de rádio-teleme r etria terrestrre com codiificação diggital, frequuência de op peração 4333.92 MHZ (UHF); receeptores manuuais com an ntena direcional YAG GI de três elementos; reeceptores au utônomos Data-loggers D s com registtros dos anim mais em vvários interv valos de tem mpo diferenttes e radio trransmissorees (Chips) pesando p 3g.Para análiise das perm manências dos d quirópteros fora, deentro e na en ntrada do abbrigo foram m convvencionadoss parâmetross de tempo constituindo períodos Longos L ≥ 50 minutos, Médiios 30 ≥ e < 50 minutoos e Curtos < 30 minutoos. RESULT TADOS – Os O morcegoos hemaatófagos D. rotundus appresentaram m, segundo sexo, comportamentos distintos naas diferrentes fases lunares. CO ONCLUSÃO O - Na lua N Nova ambos, macho e fêmea apressentaram atiividade ao longo l da nooite (antes, durante d e appós o apareccimento da lua), l perm maneceram na n entrada do d abrigo quuando não havia h risco de d predação o. Na lua Chheia houvve pouca ou nenhuma atividade a aliimentar do macho m com m pouca ocorrrência de saída de loonga duração antes da lua l aparecerr e sem perm manência na n entrada do abrigo, teendo em vvista a alta inntensidade do d luar que favorecia o risco de prredação. Naa lua Minguuante o maacho apresenntou atividaade alimentaar significannte antes daa lua apareceer e moderaada ou neenhuma apóós o seu apaarecimento, permanecendo na entrrada do abrigo quando não n haviaa risco de prredação. O conhecimennto da dinâm mica de trannsmissão dee Lyssaviruss entree morcegos hematófagoos e o homeem, pode peermitir mudaanças na dinnâmica da enferrmidade e a readequaçãão, em temp po hábil, das estratégias de controlle. Agraadecimentoss Aos moradores do município de Potireetama, pela disponibiliddade em cedder seu temppo A técnico os do Núcleo de Controole de e connhecimento para a realiização dessee trabalho. Aos Vetoores (NUVE ET) - Secretaaria da Saúd de do Estaddo do Ceará (SESA), prrincipalmennte, Mariia Mariza dee Lima e Sillva e Estevãão Curado D Domingues,, que acomp panharam o prim meiro autor em e todas as atividades, visitas e cooletas. Aos técnicos t vetterinários e demaais servidorres da 10ª Coordenadorria Regionall de Saúde de d Limoeiroo do Norte. Aos serviidores da Seecretaria Muunicipal de Saúde de Potiretama. Referências Bib bliográficas F.; Aguiar, E.C.E.; E Marrtorelli, L.F.A.; Silva, M.M.S.. M Diagnóstico 1. Allmeida, M.F laborratorial de raiva r em quiirópteros reealizado em área metrop politana na região sudeeste do Brasil. Revissta de Saúdee Pública, p. 341-344. 1994. 1 PT.0053 BIES IN CA ANADA – 2011 2 RAB Know wles MK1, Kush K J2, Iqbbal Z2, Ham mill P1, Fehlnner-Gardineer C1 - 1Can nadian Foodd Inspeection Agen ncy - Centree of Expertise for Rabiees, 2Canadiaan Food Insspection Aggency - Letthbridge Labboratory uspect rabidd animals were w submittted for testinng to the Caanadian Foood In 20011, 4397 su Inspeection Agen ncy diagnosstic laboratoories in Ottaawa, Ontarioo and Lethbbridge, Albeerta. Of thesse, 115 (2.66%) tested positive p in thhe fluoresceent antibody y test (FAT T). Additionally, enhannced wildliffe surveillannce sampless from Ontaario (ON, n=1885) and Alberta (AB, n= =88) were tested t and found f to be negative. n The T majorityy of rabiees cases werre detected in i the proviince of Saskkatchewan (n=34), ( follo owed by ON N (n=26), Manitobba (n=21), Quebec Q (n=17), Britishh Columbia (n=7), Nortthwest N cases w were found inn AB, Yukoon Territories, or Terriitories (n=6) and Nunavvut (n=4). No the A Atlantic provvinces, although with the t exceptioon of AB, saamples subm missions weere very low (1 to 40 samples) from these regions. Thhe striped skunk (Mephhitis mephittis) wed by big brown bat was tthe species most frequeently found positive (nn=42), follow (Epteesicus fuscuus, n=35), Arctic A fox (V Vulpes lagoppus, n=11) and red foxx (V. vulpes,, n=5). Spillover of wildlife rabies variaants into doomestic anim mals was ob bserved in 1 bovinne and 1 doog (Arctic foox variant), and in 4 caats, 2 horses and 1 dog (Western skkunk variaant). The reemaining poositive casess were found in variouss bat species. Positive casess involving human exposures origiinated from m 33 differennt counties, whereas those with only domesstic animal exposures or o no exposures noted came c from 58 and 14 t 105 couunties repressented only 6 were com mmon to twoo or counnties, respecctively. Of the moree exposure categories. c While 1% of o samples with human n exposuress tested posiitive, 10.6% % of those with w domesstic animal exposure, e annd 5.2% of those with no n exposuree indiccated tested positive forr rabies. In addition to the animal samples, seeven humann suspeect cases weere tested by RT-PCR and/or FAT T on saliva and a nuchal skin biopsyy sampples; all werre negative for rabies. PT.0054 n experimeental mice rabies r viruss infection Shorrt-Interferiing RNA evvaluation in caused by varia ant 2 and variant v 3 M1, Allendorrf SD1, Perees MG1, Anntunes JMAP P1, Vicente AF1, Pantoj oja Appoolinario CM 1 1 1 JCF , Megid J - Unesp- Faculdade F dee Medicina Veterináriaa e Zootecniia Depaartamento de d Higiene Veterinaria V e Saude Pubblica Objeective n no effeective treatm ment is availlable. Treattment Rabies is an anccient diseasee and until now A (siRNA) to t inhibit raabies virus (RABV) ( repplication shoowed usingg short-interrfering RNA prom mising resultts in vitro. Our O purposee was to evaaluate the effficacy of siiRNA in treeating micee experimen ntally infecteed with diffferent streett RABV straains. M Mateerials and Methods C miice, SPF, 4--6 weeks-olld were inocculated in gaastrocnemiuus 3 grooups of 20 C57/BL6 musccle with 3 different d RA ABV strains.. A variant 2 isolated frrom a dog [dv2 (LD50 103.39//0.03 mL)], a variant 2 isolated froom a humann [hv2 (LD550 10-6.66/0 0.03 mL)] aand a variaant 3 isolateed from a huuman [hv3 (LD50 ( 10-66.66/0.03 mL L)] . For eaach group, 10 1 micee remained untreated u annd 10 mice were w treatedd with a mixx of 3 differrent siRNA A sequeences (3.3 µM µ each) asssociated with w lipofectaamine (Branndão et al. 2007) 2 basedd on rabiees virus N gene as a target. Animalls received a single dosse of siRNA A mixture, via v intrapperitoneal route, r 24h post p RABV inoculationn (p.i) and were w observeed during 300 days. Cox Propo ortional Hazzards modells were usedd to estimatte lethality rates r and Haazard ween groupps. Ratioos (HR) betw Resuults d lethalitty was 37.55% in the innoculated grroup and 50% in the siRNA groupp (P= For dv2, 0.71;; HR= 0.75)); For hv2, lethality waas 100% in the inoculaated group and a 70% in tthe treateed group (P P= 0. 27; HR R=0.57); Foor hv3, lethaality was 600% in the innoculated grroup and 880% in the treated t grouup (P= 0. 211; HR= 1.977). Concclusion ms to be asssociated to the t RABV strain s once the results of The eefficacy of siRNA seem surviival was varriable in thee groups sub bmitted to siRNA and infected i witth different RAB BV strain . The T siRNAss used were designed based on Passteur virus N gene sequeence, a fixeed strain whhile in our sttudy street RABV R strains were useed. Even consiidered as a conserved gene, g studiees showed significant genetic g variaability. A nearly n perfeect complem mentary sequuence betw ween siRNA molecule and a the virall RNA targeet is necessary for mR RNA cleavage. Our RA ABV N genne sequencees showed 85.7% - 95.22% of 1 to v2, confirmingg this homoology betweeen v3 and siRNAs seqquences andd 95.2 % - 100% naturral variability and the better b results obtained with w the varriant 2. In this t study, a nonbioloogical deliveery system was w used annd an imporrtant point is i the difficuulty of siRN NAs delivvery within CNS being this a majoor problem in i practical therapeutic. PT.0055 i the state of São Pau ulo - data frrom the Paasteur Instiitute Caniine and feliine rabies in of Sãão Paulo, 1999-2012 Carriieri ML1, Achkar A SM1, Castilho JG G1, Oliveiraa RN1, Carn nieli Jr P1, Macedo M CI1, 2 2 2 1 Omooto TM , Taakaoka NY , Kotait I - Instituto Pasteur P - Seção de Diag gnóstico, 2 Instiituto Pasteuur P cooordinated by the Pasteuur Institute of The São Paulo State Rabiees Control Program, Paulo, has been b involved in endeaavors to impprove the eppidemiologiccal surveillaance São P of rabbies in dogss, cats and bats, b particu ularly in urbban areas. Since 1998, when w the laast case of canine raabies due too antigenic variant v 2 occcurred in thhe state, the Institute haas mples, 17,7 796 sampless from cats aand receiived 66,352 canine cenntral nervouss system sam 38,1333 from batt specimens. Using connventional teechniques for f rabies diagnosis, 11 dogs, 8 cats and d 554 bats were w found to be positivve for this disease. d Wheen moleculaar nd genetic ssequencing, were used, antigenic technniques, suchh as antigennic typing an variaant 3, which h is associated with Dessmodus rotuundus, was detected in 11 dogs annd 7 cats; this variantt has also beeen identified in bat sppecies from the genus Artibeus A sppp., w is whicch has synannthropic habbits. Only one cat was ppositive forr variant 4, which assocciated with Tadarida brasiliensis. b It should bee noted thatt the signs and a symptom ms of cats aand dogs innfected by raabies variannts associateed with batss were quitee different frrom thosee in dogs inffected with variants associated with dogs (varriants 1 andd 2). In geneeral, sympptoms were atypical, thhe most com mmon cliniccal picture being b that off paralysis and a hemoorrhagic gasstroenteritiss, and cases were nearlyy always isoolated. Posiitive samplees from m cats and doogs frequenntly came froom animalss that had beeen run overr and died. Thesse findings show s the im mportance off maintaininng active eppidemiological surveillaance of caats and dogss and of sending samplees for rabies diagnosis,, particularly in regionss wherre rabies is known k to occcur in urbaan areas. PT.0056 EVA ALUATION N OF HUM MORAL IM MMUNE RE ESPONSE CONFERR RED BY PUR RIFIED CH HICK EMB BRYO CEL LL VACCIN NE (PCEC CV) AND PURIFIED VER RO CELL VACCINE V (PVCV) USED U IN CO OMPLETE E AND MIX XED PRE-EXP POSURE SC CHEMES AT PASTE EUR INSTIITUTE OF F SÃO PAU ULO Cunhha Neto RS1, Cunha RS S2, Chaves LB L 1, Schefffer KC1, Caaporale GMM M1, Silva ACR A 1 1 2 - Insstituto Pasteeur - Laboraatório de Soorologia, Innstituto Pastteur - Área Clínica C The most m widelyy used vacccines in the Western W woorld for hum man rabies prophylaxis p are Puriffied Chick Embryo E Celll Vaccine (PCECV) ( annd Purified Vero Cell Vaccine V (PVC CV), which is used at Pasteur P Instiitute of São Paulo sincee 2000. Whhereas in Braazil theree are no repo orts of the use u of PCEC CV in replaccement or complement c tation to PV VCV, the aaim of this study was too evaluate humoral h imm mune responnse of people vaccinateed againnst rabies in n complete and a mixed pre-exposur p re schemes using u PCEC CV and PVC CV with different ro outes of appplication, inttramuscularr (IM) and intradermal i (ID). Accorrding r 1115 serum sam mples from m different inndividuals were w to thee vaccinatioon scheme received, distriibuted in seeven groups: three containing serum m samples from f patiennts who receeived compplete schem mes with onee vaccine an nd one routee of applicattion - 3 PVC CV (IM), 3 PVC CV (ID) e 3 PCECV (IM M) -, used as reference;; and four containing seerum samplles from m patients whho receivedd both vaccinnes and twoo routes of application, a featuring a mixeed scheme - 2 PVCV (IID) + 1 PCE ECV (IM), 1 PVCV (ID D) + 2 PCEC CV (IM), 2 PCEC D) e 1 PCE ECV (IM) + 2 PVCV (ID). The hum moral immuune CV (IM) + 1 PVCV (ID respoonse was an nalyzed baseed on the levels of rabiies virus neuutralizing an ntibodies (RVN NA) obtaineed by rapid fluorescentt focus inhibbition test (R RFFIT); thrrough calcuulation of itss maximum m and minim mum values,, median, staandard deviiation, 1st and a 3rd qquartiles, intterquartile range r and Kruskal-Wal K llis test. Diffferences staatistically signiificant (p-vaalue < 0.05)) were obserrved when tthe group 2 PVCV (ID) + 1 PCEC CV (IM) was compaared with thhe groups 3 PVCV (IM M) and 1 PCE ECV (IM) + 2 PVCV (ID). ( m samples from f patientts who receiived 2 PVC CV (ID) + 1 The ggroup contaaining serum PCEC CV (IM) is the one responsible for statistical differencess observed, because b it is the groupp in which higher h RVN NA titers weere detectedd, ie, the grooup with thee best humooral immuune responsse. Despite the differennces observeed, in all serrum samplees, RVNA tiiters obtaiined can be consideredd adequate (≥ ≥0.5 UI/mL L), regardlesss of the vacccine and rooutes of appplication ussed. The use of PCECV V for rabiess vaccination n, in complete or mixed pre-eexposure schheme, show wed satisfacttory results in the induction of hum moral immuune respoonse and its use may bee adopted when w it is neecessary to complemen c nt or replacee PVC CV. P, Brasil Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Pasteur, Sãão Paulo/SP PT.0057 ALYSIS OF F DOG AN ND CAT PO OPULATIO ON SUBMIITTED TO O ANA VAC CCINATIO ON CAMPA AIGNS AG GAINST RA ABIES IN A SMALL CITY FRO OM BRA AZIL Babbboni SD1,2, Fornazari F F1, GONZAL LEZ GK2, V VICTORIA A C1, Modolo JR1 - 1UN NESP 2 -Botuucatu - Deppartamento de d Higiene Veterinária V a e Saúde Púública, Preffeitura Munnicipal de Bootucatu - Viigilância Am mbiental em m Saúde In many developping countries domestic dogs and cats are thee most impoortant r to meen. The annu ual vaccinattion constituutes an important transsmitters of rabies preveentive activ vity, and thee knowledgee of animal population profile can assist futurre prophhylatic prog grams, not just for rabiees but also ffor other infectious disseases and social probllems involvving dogs annd cats. In most m Braziliian cities there is no ceensus that caan proviide these daata. One alteernative, altthough limitted, is to co ollect inform mation from m the vacciination cam mpaign itselff, realized by b the publicc service. The T present study s aimedd to analyyze: the num mber of vaccinated doggs and cats in i a small Brazilian B cityy; their sex and reprooductive staatus; and evaaluate if theere was a deecrease in vaaccinated annimals afterr two yearss without caampaign. Thhe study waas realized inn the city of Botucatu (22°53’09” ( S 48°26’42”W), São S Paulo Sttate, Brazil,, which com mprises an area a of 1,4822.87 km2, has a on of approximately 12 27,370 hab. (last censu us, 2010), an nd its dog annd humaan populatio cat ppopulation are a estimatedd to be 29,1197 and 7,5442 animals, respectivelly (Pasteur Instittute estimattive,2010). Data D from the t campaiggns of 2009 and 2012 were w obtaineed from m the recordss of the Envvironmentall Vigilance Department D t of the cityy. The total of o vacciinated anim mals in 20099 was 26,6644 (23,755 dogs d and 2,9 909 cats) and in 2012 was w 23,5884 (20,195 dogs and 3,,389 cats). The T profile of the vacciinated dog population p w was as foollow: in 20009 – 12,2844 females annd 11,471 m males; 3,9666 castrated and a 19,789 intacct. In 2012 – 10,659 fem males and 9,563 9 males;; 5,281 casttrated and 14 4,914 intactt. The pprofile of vaaccinated caat populatio on was as foollow: in 20009 – 1,699 females andd 1,1922 males; 1,3307 castrateed and 1,602 2 intact. In 2012 2 – 1,9007 females and a 1482 males; m 1,5377 castrated and a 1,852 inntact. The number n of fe females wass higher thann males for both speciies and yearrs. The propportion of inntact animalls was also higher thann castrated ones, o especcially for doogs. These facts f shown n that the poopulation off dogs and cats c submitteed to vacciination agaiinst rabies has h a high proportion p o individualls able to brreed. This of patteern probably y also occurr in the popuulation of unnvaccinated d animals. Towards T theese data, local autho orities shoulld be aware of the probblematic invvolving uncoontrolled annd i noot just rabiess control, buut undeesirable reprroduction off these speccies, which involves also other aspeccts of publicc health. During the yeaars 2010 andd 2011 there was no mpaign againnst rabies inn Botucatu. Nevertheless, only a sm mall decreaase in vacciination cam the nnumber of vaccinated v animals was observed inn 2012. Thiis differencee is probably not signiificant, and can be obseerved amonng previous years y with successive s campaigns. c Also, during 2012 there waas no reinforrcement in divulging d th he campaign n against raabies. mpaign, thee human Thuss, despite the two-year interruptionn of the vaccination cam popuulation appeears to continue to conssider it as ann important activity. PT.0058 BIES SEAS SONALITY Y IN BATS S (Chiroptera, Mamm malia) FROM M RAB NOR RTHWEST T OF SAO PAULO P ST TATE, BRA AZIL Pedroo WA1, Biaagi MB2, Caarvalho C3, Perri SHV3, Queiroz LH L 3 - 1UNES SP - Faculddade e Meedicina Veteerinária de Araçatuba A - Bolsista dee Produtividdade em Pessquisa CNP Pq 2 Depaartamento de d Apoio, Prrodução e Saúde S Anim mal, UNESP P - Faculdadde e Medicina Veterinária de Araçatuba A - Graduando do Curso de d Medicinaa Veterinária - Bolsistaa U - Faaculdade e Medicina M V Veterinária d Araçatub de ba PIBIC/CNPq, 3UNESP d Apoio, Prrodução e Saúde S Anim mal Depaartamento de Rabies is an impportant zoonnosis whichh has the batts as one off the main reeservoirs off the fi losses to the liivestock inddustry viral agent. In thhe XXI centtury still cauuses huge financial A altthough it is a disease th hat has prev vention, by and ppublic healtth in Latin America, preveentive vacciination in cattle and huuman populaations in rissk areas, and d post expoosition treatm ment with serum in hum man beings. Conssidering the importancee of the diseease, the objjective of th his study waas to test statisstically the correlation c between itss occurrencee in bats andd seasonalitty (rain preciipitation) inn the northw west of São Paulo, P Brazzil. To teest this hypoothesis we used u the reccords of resuults diagnosstic for samp ples of batss that weree sent for ex xamination to t the Rabiees Laboratorry at UNES SP (Araçatub ba Campus)), by healtth or agricullture teams services off the municippalities in thhe northwesstern regionn of São P Paulo, Brazzil. Some samples camee from bats found insidde the housees or in the streets by the geeneral popullation or capptured by thhe staff of th he Laboratoory of ESP (Araçaatuba Campu us), betweeen the years 1999 and 2010, 2 in the same Chirooptera, UNE regioon. The rain nfall data weere providedd by the stattion of INM MET (Instituute of Meteeorology) Votuporanga V a in the sam me period. Foor statisticall analysis thhe data weree groupped in perioods of rain (October-M ( March) and ddry (April to o Septemberr), year to year, y and w we used thee Spearman correlation coefficient to test the correlation c between b raiinfall and tthe occurrennce of rabiees in bats. The aanalysis ressulted in a negative n andd significantt correlation n using the average a rainnfall durinng the dry and a rainy seaasons and th he rabies poositivity (p = 0.0185, R = - 0.477, N = 24). T Therefore, the t positivitty of rabies increases during d the drry season. The T weak buut signiificant negaative correlaation betweeen rainfall aand the occu urrence of raabies suggeests that this t is one of o the factorrs that affect the tempooral distributtion of this zoonosis inn bats in thee northwesttern region of o São Paullo, Brazil. It is aargued heree, by hypothhesis, that duuring the drry seas on thhe dislocatioon of bat poopulations frrom their shhelters occu urs due to thhe water scarrcity and rresources, and a also duee to the form mation of neew colonies by young bats b that leaave their original shelters. Thesse displacem ments lead too dispersionn of the viruus to new arreas, o bat as weell as an inccrease in thee intraspeciffic and interrspecific intteractions of popuulations, thaat will comppete for spacces in shelteers, and connsequently resulting r an increeased occurrrence of rabbies in differrent speciess. In additioon to rainfall, other facttors and pprocesses prrobably affeect or determ mine the disstribution an nd occurren nce of rabies, incluuding the avvailability off shelters annd resourcess, and the methods m for control of hemaatophagous species. Acknnowledgmen nts: To the Institute off Meteorologgy (INMET T) for rainfalll data. To CNP Pq for provid ding scholarrships to Peedro WA annd Biagi MB B. PT.0059 TS AND RA ABIES IN THE T NORT THWESTE ERN REGIION OF Sà ÃO PAULO O BAT STA ATE, BRAZ ZIL. Casaagrande DK KA1, Favaro ABBBC2, Carvalho C C3, Picolo MR4, Lopes AP A 1, Favoreetto 5 6 7 7 4 3 SR , Campos AC CA , Hernaandez JCB , Lot MS , Albas A A , Pedro WA , Queiroz LH H3 1 UNE ESP - Faculldade e Meddicina Veterrinária de Araçatuba A - Mestranda do Program ma de Ciênncia Animal, 2UNESP - Faculdade e Medicinaa Veterinária de Araçattuba Gradduanda de Medicina M Veeterinária, 3UNESP U - Faaculdade e Medicina M V Veterinária d de Araççatuba - Deppartamento de Apoio, Produção P e Saúde Anim mal, 4APTA A - Agência Pauliista de Tecnnologia Agrropecuária de d Presidentte Prudente - Pólo Regional de Deseenvolvimentto Tecnológgico dos Ag gronegócios da Alta Sorocabana, 5Instituto I Paasteur de Sãão Paulo e Universidad U de de São Paaulo - Núcleeo de Pesquuisas em Raaiva -ICB, 6USP U - Uniiversidade de d São Paullo - Núcleo de Pesquisaas em Raivaa -ICB, 7UN NIP - Araçattuba - Graaduanda do Curso de Farmácia e Bioquímica B l decadess three distinct cycles of o rabies weere identifieed in the Durinng the two last northhwestern reg gion of São Paulo Statee: the urbann cycle characterized prredominantlly by caninne rabies froom 1993 to 1997 and th he aerial annd rural cyclles starting in i 1998, witth the ppredominancce of cases in bats in urrban areas aand in herbiivores. Tweenty six bat speciies were preeliminarily reported r in this geograaphical regioon, includinng D. rotunddus and D Diaemus yooungi and frrom 1998 too 2007, a tottal of 4,035 bat samples were testeed for rabiees resulting 50 (1.2%) positive p cases in nine nnon-hematopphagous speecies: three Moloossidae, fivee Vespertiliionidae and one Phyllostomidae. The T aim of the t present reseaarch was to describe thee occurrencce of rabies in non-hem matophagouss bats and thhe preseence of antib bodies against rabies virus v in vam mpire bats inn the northw west of São Paulo P Statee, during thee period from m January 2008 2 to Julyy 2012. Rabbies virus was w detectedd in 22 (11.97%) out of o 1117 nonn-hematophhagous bats and none off the 190 vaampire bats exam mined. 82% of the bat positive p sam mples was submitted s too antigenic and a genetic charaacterizationn and the varriant of D. rotundus r waas identifiedd in 28% off them. Seruum from m 125 vampiire bats capttured in fouur different sshelters werre tested forr rabies viruus neutrralizing antiibodies andd 28% (35/12 25) resultedd negative; 65% 6 (81/12 25) resulted posittive with titeer from 0.100 to 0.5UI/m ml and 7% (9/125) ( highher than 0.55UI/ml. Moost of vamppire bats preesenting anttibody weree female (611%) from a natural shellter located in a tree role. r Althou ugh no vamppire bat wass found possitive for rabbies, four poositive cases of rabiees transmitteed by that sppecie were detected in the studied d region: three bovine cattle c and oone cat. Thee presence of o high perccentage of vampire v batss with viruss neutralizinng antibbody indicattes a recent exposure too rabies viruus, which coonfirms thatt, although this t geoggraphical areea is considdered as low w or negligibble risk for rabies r in herbivorous, surveeillance meaasures shouuld be mainttained. P (Process 2008/00976 2 6-0) and CN NPq (Processs 578281/20008Finanncial Suppoort: FAPESP 2) Pq Technicaal Support Fellows: Carrvalho C, Piicolo MR, Hernandez H J Lot MS JC, CNP PT.0060 VA EM MORCEGOS S (MAMM MALIA: CH HIROPTER RA) NO ES STADO DE E RAIV PER RNAMBUC CO: PROBL LEMAS E PERSPEC CTIVAS FU UTURAS Silvaa LAM da1, Machado JLM J 2, Araujjo ACR2, Oliveira O J doo CT de3, Silva-Filho TPda3, 3 3 1 Silvaa EMVG daa , Silva RR R da - CAV V/UFPE - Núcleo N de Biologia, 2LA ANAGRO/P PE 3 SECR RETARIA ESTADUA AL DE SAU UDE, CAV/UFPE - GE EMNE n região Noordeste do Brasil B possu uindo 186 O Esstado de Perrnambuco loocaliza-se na muniicípios distrribuídos em m cinco mesoorregiões (A Agreste, Meetropolitana, São Franccisco, Sertãão e Zona daa Mata), cadda uma apreesentando distintas d varriações sociooeconômicaas, sanittária, climátticas e fitogeeográficas que q podem influenciar na dinâmicca da raiva local. A raiiva pode serr subdivididda em quatro o ciclos o urbano, u o sillvestre, o ru ural e o aéreo, este uultimo tem como princcipal agente participantte os morceggos não hem matófagos. O preseente trabalho levantou o recebimennto de amosstras de morrcegos pelo LANAGRO/PE para análise rábiica entre 19991 e 2011 identificand i do localidadde de encam minhamento,, e da. Nesse inttervalo foraam espéccimes positiivos e quanndo possívell a espécie encaminhad regisstradas 31.322 amostrass para analise, destas 2,64% eram morcegos (n ( = 827) coom uma maior repreesentação das regiões metropolitan m nas (n = 4433 ) e sertão (n = 291). Foi F m a 25 espéécies e cincoo famílias. possíível identifiicar 322 esppécimes quee pertenciam Moloossus molosssus foi a esppécie mais enviada (n= =151) seguida por Glosssophaga soriccina (n=32).. Houve um m crescimen nto acentuaddo no envio de morcegos ao longoo dos anos, partindo de d uma única amostra em e 1991 até 240 em 2011, os maioores valores m para os úlltimos quatrro anos. Enttretanto, essse envio não o é bem disttribuído um ma foram vez qque apenas 52 5 municípios encaminnharam amoostras, com apenas nov ve enviando mais de deez amostras, permaneceendo muitos municípioos com a vig gilância desscoberta nessse grupoo. Das 827 amostras reecebidas 299 não se enccontravam em e condiçõees adequadaas para análise, esttando mal coonservadas,, em elevado estágio dee putrefaçãoo ou C a amostras forram positivaas com ocorrrências da extreemamente reessecadas. Cinquenta regiãão metropolitana ao serrtão, 29 delaas não foram m identificaadas, as dem mais pertenciam as seeis espécies (Molossus molossus, m D Desmodus rootundus, Arrtibeus plannirostris, Myyotis sp, Glossophaga G a soricina e Eptesicus furinalis), f m muitos dos registros r ocoorreram no ambiiente urbanoo. Os princiipais problemas detectaados devem m-se ao baixo o número dee amosstras de morrcegos recebbido e ao ellevado núm mero de munnicípios sem m encam minhamento que faz coom que a sittuação do conheciment c to da raiva nesse n grupoo no estaddo de Pernam mbuco aindda seja incippiente. Haveendo assim a necessidaade de ter coomo resollução futuraa, para minim mizar esse efeito, e se inntensificar as ações de monitorame m ento da raaiva em morrcegos bem como form mar protocolos para o reegistro, encaaminhamennto e identtificação daas espécies enviadas e parra análise, implantando i o equipes treinadas na identtificação de morcegos e na resoluçção de probllemas assocciados a esse grupo noss órgãoo responsávveis pelo moonitoramentto da raiva ffacilitando assim a o dessenvolvimennto do trabalho. ves: quiróptteros, ciclo aéreo, sinanntrópicos, vigilância v eppidemiológiica Palaavras – Chav PT.0061 DEMIOLO OGIC, SOR ROLOGIC AND MOL LECULAR R STUDIES S OF RABIIES EPID VIRU US ISOLA ATED IN BA AT COLO ONIES OF Histiotus H veelatus, BRA AZIL 1 Marttorelli LFA1, Kataoka APAG A , Cam mpos ACA2, Sodre MM M1, Araujo DB2, Rosa AR1, 1 3 1 Trezzza Netto J , Oliveira RN R , Almeidda MF , Saccramento DR RV4, Durigo on EL2, 2,3 1 2 Favooretto SR - Centro dee Controle de d Zoonosees-COVISA A-PMSP, Universidadee de Sao P Paulo, 3Insttituto Pasteuur de Sao Paaulo, 4Genoomic Engenhharia Moleccular Rabies was deteected in twoo bats coloniies of insecttivorous Hisstiotus velatus that useed as o buildingss in the sam me park in thhe North reggion of São Paulo City,, sheltter ceilings of Brazzil in 2001 and a 2009. Thhis park althhough locatted in an urbban area, haas a large arrea of rainfforest. Rabiees diagnosiss was made by FAT (Fluorescent Antibody A T Test) and MIIT (Mouuse Inoculattion Test) teechniques. The T numberr of bats sub bmitted to rabies r diagnnosis was fforty-three in the first colony c and forty in the second. Beefore it, batss received anestthesic and blood b samplles were colllected by cardiac punccture in sixty y animals (thirtty-eight of the t first coloony and tweenty-two off the second d colony) an nd the presennce of rabbies virus neutralizing n antibodies was determ mined by SFIMT (Simp plified Fluorrescent Inhiibition Micrrotest). The antigenic ccharacterizaation of the isolates i wass madee using a paanel of monoclonal antiibodies, whhich was prooduced and provided byy Centters for Diseease Control and Preveention (Atlannta, U.S.A), as establisshed by PannAmeerican Healtth Organizattion for chaaracterizatioon of rabies isolates in Americas. A F Five bats w were positivve to rabiess by FAT annd MIT in each colony,, 12% in thee first colonny and 112.5% in the second. However, H tw wo bats deadd of the seco ond colony were unsuittable for raabies diagnoosis by tradditional tech hniques and their brainss were subm mitted to RT TPCR R with positiive results, totalizing t seeven positivves bats indiicating 23.33% of rabiess viruss positivity. All blood samples s anaalyzed preseented neutraalizing antib bodies titerss and sixteen animals (40%) from m the first coolony and tw wo (4.6%) of o the secon nd presentedd mL. There was a positivve correlatioon between the t incubatiion period inn titerss ≥0.5 UI/m micee and the anttibodies titeers observedd in the batss. The sampples with thee higher incubbation periood for MIT (29 ( days) were w from baats that show wed the higghest neutrralizing antiibody titer. Some bats negative n byy MIT and FAT F and app parently healtthy, presented high antiibodies titerrs. The antiggenic charaacterization showed onlly one aantigenic prrofile (positiive just to MAb M C12) observed o in previous sttudies with sampples isolated d in the sam me species of bats in Braazil. Genettic characterrization wass perfoormed by seequencing of o a fragmen nt of N proteein region and a the rabies genetic lineaage identifieed in these study s were segregated s w isolatees obtained from with f other Histiiotus velatuss samples issolated in otther regionss of Brazil. These resullts show thee impoortance of thhese methoddologies forr the epidem miological suurveillance of rabies viirus in baats and the necessity n off the monitooring of bat colonies in parks and environmen e ntal reserrves frequen nted by hum mans and whhere living other o wildlife species as a preventivve actioons of rabiess control. PT.0062 ESTIGAÇà ÃO DE CA ASO DE RA AIVA EM FELINO, MUNICÍPI M IO DE SÃO O INVE PAU ULO, 2011 Menddes MCNC1, Bernardi F1, Paranho os NT1, Alvves GM2, Olliveira JL3 - 1Centro dee Conttrole de Zoo onoses da Coordenação C o de Vigilânncia em Saúúde - Secretaaria Municippal 2 de Saaúde de São o Paulo, Suupervisão dee Vigilanciaa em Saúde de Lapa/Pin nheiros Secreetaria de Saaúde do Munnicípio de São S Paulo, 3Supervisão de Vigilancia em Saúdde de Jabaqquara/Vila Mariana M - Secretaria S dee Saúde do Município de d São Paullo 9 casos de d raiva anim mal e cinco Em 11969, no Muunicípio de São Paulo ocorreram 989 casoss de raiva humana. Enttre 1969 e 1973 (fundaçção do Centtro do Conttrole de Zoonnoses- CCZ/SP), o núm mero de casoos de raiva humana h aum mentou 2,2 vezes, o núúmero de annimais vacinnados cresceu cinco veezes e obserrvou-se um decréscimo dos casos de d raivaa animal, ch hegando a 566% do totall ocorrido em m 1969. A partir p de 1981 não ocorrreram mais casos humaanos e entree 1983 e 20110 não foram m registrados casos autócctones em cães c e gatos. O perfil ep pidemiológiico da raivaa vem mudaando em toddo o Brasiil, com restrrição da áreea de circulaação da cepa canina doo vírus. Nas regiões em m que a raivva foi contrrolada nos animais a dom mésticos, os casos de raaiva em hum manos diminnuíram e oss animais sillvestres passsaram a reppresentar um m novo desaafio. Em Sãão Pauloo a variantee canina nãoo tem sido mais m detectaada. Atualm mente as variiantes circuulantes são relacionadas r s a quirópteeros, ocorrenndo anualm mente, em média, m dois a quatrro casos em m morcegos não hematóófagos. Em 01/12/2011 o CCZ/SP foi comuniicado de diiagnóstico positivo p para raiva de um u felino, coom histórico de contatoo com quiróóptero e morte sem sinttomatologiaa. O animal foi a óbito no dia 3/10 0/2011 e encam minhado no o dia 04/10//2011 para a Faculdadee de Medicinna Veterináária e Zoottecnia/USP com suspeita de envennenamento. A liberaçãoo do resultaddo positivo ocorrreu em 01/1 12/2011. O felino, umaa fêmea, castrada, dez anos, a tinha livre l acesso à rua e histórico de d vacinaçãoo anterior a 2010. No im móvel situaado em área estritamentte residdencial no Distrito D de Moema, M viveem cinco cãães e 23 felinos. A regiãão é bastantte arborrizada, com m árvores quue podem offerecer abriggo e alimen nto para difeerentes espéécies de m morcegos, naas proximidades de um m parque arbborizado, Paarque do Ibirrapuera (à 750m 7 de diistância). Frrente à conffirmação da variante Deesmodus rotundus/Artiibeus liturattus desennvolveram-se ações dee bloqueio em área de 500m 5 de raio, a partir do d foco. Forram realizzadas visitaas domiciliares, levantaamento de abbrigos, avalliação e orieentação paraa encam minhamento médico dee moradores e freqüenttadores da casa c que tiveram contatto com o animal dooente, vacinnação contraa raiva e ideentificação de d todos os animais daa bservação por p 180 diass a partir do óbito do an nimal positiivo. Todos os o moraadia, com ob imóvveis da área de abrangêência foram visitados, totalizando 1.277 imóveis trabalhaados, 769 ffechados e 140 recusass. Houve disstribuição de d material educativo, e e foram vacinnados contraa raiva 102 cães e 16 gatos, g com hhistórico de mais de seiis meses de vacinnação, no raaio de coberrtura de focoo. Os animaais contactaantes foram acompanhaados pelo CCZ, no peeríodo de obbservação, mantendo-s m e saudáveiss. Recomendda-se o a de viggilância: - laaboratorial; - das agresssões; - de ru umores e caasos impleemento de ações suspeeitos de anim mais com morte m súbitaa ou históricco de contatto com quiró ópteros ou outroos animais silvestres s e a revisão dee estratégiass do controlle da raiva devido d à mudaança da situ uação epidem miológica da d doença no municípioo. PT.0063 TIGENIC AND A GENE ETIC STAB BILITY OF RABIES S VIRUS AF FTER ANT CON NSECUTIV VE PASSAG GES IN MICE AND IN I CELLS S Batissta HBCR1, Oliveira RN N2, Carnielii Jr P2, Roddrigues AC2, Santos SO O2, Fahl WO O2, de 2 2 2 2 1 Paulaa FC , Carriieri ML , Kotait K I , Casstilho JG - Instituto Pasteur P - Virrologia, 2 Instiituto Pasteuur ognized stabbility of the rabies viruss (RABV), antigenic an nd genetic Desppite the reco differences amo ong strains isolated from m different species havve been founnd. Differennt i in generating heterogeneity in RABV V, includingg duration of o factoors may be involved infecction, virus load l and hoost immune response. This T work was w carried out o in orderr to exam mine the antigenic and genetic g stabbility of RA ABVs isolateed from diffferent naturaal reserrvoirs and to o help the understandin u ng of viral pathogeny p a after consecuutive passagges in different system ms. In this stuudy were ussed tree RA ABV strains, one isolateed from cannine, m haematopphagous batt and the staandard rabiees virus straain (Challennge one iisolated from Virus Standard - CVS). Theese strains were w submittted to five consecutivee passages in i micee and in cells. The conssecutive passsages in miice were maade by intraccerebral rouute, for thhat, groups of six mice were subm mitted to fivee inoculations with eacch one of thee threee RABV straains. The innoculated mice m were obbserved dailly and the dates d of deatth weree recorded. The T consecuutive passagges in cells were made in “Neurob blast albino mousse” (N2a) cell c lineage, for that, thee strains weere inoculateed in suspen nsion cells and a incubbated for 72 2 hours, subbsequently, cells c were frozen f and thawed t threee times. Both micee and cell paassages werre submittedd to antigeniic and genettic characteerization. Thhe antiggenic characcterization was w determiined by indiirect immunnofluorescennce (IIF) wiith a panel of eight monoclonal m a antibodies ( (Mabs) raiseed to RABV V antigens. For the gennetic NA was exttracted withh Trizol and d submitted to reverse charaacterizationn the total RN transscription-po olymerase chhain reactioon (RT-PCR R) with prim mers targetinng the N andd the G geenes, the am mplicons obttained were subjected to nucleotide sequence analysis. Thhe RAB BV sequencees were anaalyzed usingg Bioedit paackage. Nonne significannt modificattion was ddetected in the RABV pathogeny after five coonsecutive passages, p foor all RABV Vs analyyzed. The N gene, show wn the samee characteristics after five fi consecuutive passagges in both systems an nalyzed (micce and cells) for the treee RABV strrains. The RABV R isolaated m canine and d the CVS, shown s the same s nucleootide sequennce for the G gene afterr five from passaages in micee and in cellls. The RAB BV isolatedd from haem matophagous bat shownn one aminno acid chan nge in the G gene after five passagges, as in cellls as in micce. Our resuults confi firm the high h stability of o RABV an nd indicate minor m genettic stability of RABV isolaated from haaematophaggous bat thann RABV isoolated from m canine, moore experim ments couldd be made to t confirm thhese resultss. Finanncial support: Instituto Pasteur PT.0064 ORRÊNCIA A DE RAIV VA EM HU UMANO TRANSMIT TIDA POR ANIMAL OCO SILV VESTRE, EM E ABRIL L 2012, NO O MUNICIP PIO DE TA APURAH-M MT. Reis VGL1, Roccha SM2, Allmeida NN1, Barros MC1, Reis RC C3 - 1SES-M MT - Vigilânncia Saúde Ambiiental, 2Secrretaria de Vigilância V em m Saúde do Ministério - GT Raivaa, em S 3 Secrretaria Mun nicipal de Saaúde de Cuiiabá - CCZ SUMO RES A raiiva é uma doença d infeccciosa agudaa, causada ppor um víru us, que comppromete o sistem ma nervosoo central (SN NC), levanddo a um quaadro de enceefalomielite aguda, cujaa letaliidade é de aproximadam a mente 100% % (Brasil, 20005; Brasil,, 2009 e Kootait et all, 20099). Os anim mais doméstiicos, silvesttres terrestrees e morceg gos são os maiores m transsmissores deessa doençaa aos seres humanos h priincipalmentte pelo conttato da salivva contaaminada por meio de mordedura, m l lambedura o arranhaddura (KOTA ou AIT et all, 2009 2 e WA ADA et all, 2011). O vírus v da raivva apresentaa uma alta caapacidade de d adaptaçãoo a diferrentes espéccies de mam míferos, senddo esta doennça com am mpla distribuuição mundiial, ocasiionando graande impactto socioecon nômico e geerando um grave g problema de saúdde públiica (KOTAIIT et all, 20009; e WAD DA et all, 20011). Diantee da problem mática da ocorrrência destaa doença em m escala munndial este estudo teve como c objetiivo avaliar o númeero de atend dimentos poor agressõess causadas por p animais silvestres, sobretudo por p morccegos, no esstado do Maato Grosso no n período de d janeiro de d 2007 a juulho de 20122, atravvés dos dado os registrados no SINA AN/DATAS SUS/MS/SE ES-MT. De acordo a com m os regisstros do SIN NAN, para o período annalisado foraam notificadas 688 agrressões a humaanos por an nimais silvesstres. Destes casos de agressões a no otificadas, 3,0% 3 (21/6888) a espéccie agressorra foi a rapoosa, 23,5% (162/688) ( fo foram por prrimatas não-humanos e 73,4% % (505/6888) foram porr morcegos.. As agressõões por morrcego corresspondem em m médiia 84,1 (5055/6) agressõões por ano, sendo 64,7% (327/5055) destes ateendimentos regisstradas na zoona urbana e 35,2% (1778/505) na zona rural. Este estudoo corrobora com os reealizados poor Reis et all, 2010; e Wada W et all, 2011, em que q as agressões por morccego segue um u padrão onde o os maaiores registrros foram na n zona urbaana, sugerinndo uma ascendente procura ao atendimentto do serviçço público de d saúde. Esste fato podee ser u como o também, a conseequência daa acessibiliddade ao servviço de saúdde na área urbana consccientização da populaçção urbana em e relação ao a contato com c estes annimais. No períoodo avaliadoo observou--se que os maiores m conttatos foram principalm mente por morccegos não hematófagoss, insetívoro os e frugívorros, comunss em ambien ntes urbanoos, comoo edificaçõees e em árvoores frutíferras, utilizadaas em paisaagismo cultu ural regioonalizado, como c em poomares e praaças, facilitaando a interração entre estas e espéciies, e com os caninos,, felinos e huumanos, poodendo ocassionar gravees consequêências, fatoss n estudos de Sodré ett all, 2010 e Ribeiro et all, 2010. estess observados também nos Anallisando os casos c de raivva em morcego, no perríodo estudaado foram reegistrados em e 20088, 02 casos em e morcegoo não hemattófagos. Em mbora não teenha observ vado registroo de posittividade em m morcegos hematófago h os, no estadoo de Mato Grosso G tem ocorrido caasos de raaiva em herbbívoros, trannsmitidos por p Desmoduus rotunduss, sugerindo o assim umaa subnnotificação nos n sistemass de informaação. Este ffato indica que q o vírus rábico silveestre – com mpatível com a variantte 3, tem cirrculado no estado e repreesentando asssim um graande riscoo para a população hum mana. As nottificações dde agressõess a humanoss, os casos de d raivaa em morceggos, a ocorrrência de raiiva em herbbívoros, denntre outros fatores, f evideenciam o reegistro de um m caso hum mano no munnicípio de Tapurah, T diaagnosticada por variaante compattível de anim mal silvestree (variante 3) 3 com sugeestiva transm missão por cervíídeo. Estas situações s diiscutidas, su ugerem que outros casoos suspeitoss de raiva podeerão ocorrerr, sendo necessária e dee fundamenttal importânncia a impleementação de d ações de vigilânncia e conduutas oportunnas frente a contato porr morcegos e outros aniimais a a todaa sociedade sobre o riscco de transm missão da dooença silvestres, sinaliizando um alerta hos desenvo olvidos peloos por eestas espéciees. Este estuudo teve como incentivvo os trabalh profeessores Wilson Uieda e Ricardo Moratelli M Roocha, e o apooio instituciional da Secreetaria Estad do de Saúdee do Estado de Mato Grrosso. Palaavras-chavee: Raiva, Viigilância, Animais Silvvestres, Quirrópteros. PT.0065 OSPHOPRO OTEIN P GENE G IS NOT N ASSO OCIATED WITH W RAB BV PHO INCU UBATION N PERIOD AND LETHALITY Fahl WO1, Scheeffer KC1, Iaamamoto K1, Carnieli Jr J P1, Castillho JG1, Oliiveira RN1, 1 1 2 1 K I , Braandão PE - INSTITUTO PASTE EUR - VIRO OLOGIA, Carriieri ML , Kotait 2 Univversidade de d São Pauloo - FMVZ-U USP The pphosphoprootein P is muultifunctionnal and the lless conservved among Rabies R viruss (RAB BV) proteinns, associateed with the ribonucleop r protein (RN NP), with a role r in the bindiing of the polymerase L in the RN NP. Interactiions involviing P are rellated to RABV tropism, the celll-to-cell viruus spread annd inhibition of innate immune ressponse that o stops the replication of viruses. P is also inv volved in thhe trans-axoonal interferes with or BV and inteerferon (IFN N) inhibitionn, which coould modulaate the transsport of RAB pathoogenesis virral. There arre hypothesses that the RABV R protteins polym morphisms caan lead to variation ns in the repplication effi ficiency of different d strrains of RABV in diffeerent hostss, culminatinng in variabble viral titeers, modulatting viral paathogenesis and leadingg to different efficien ncies of intrra-axonal trransport andd function as a co-factoor in the T synthhesis of viraal RNA. Hoowever theree is still muuch to be claarified on thhis subject. To this eend, 29 RAB BV strains from f bats of the genus Artibeus spp. isolated in n mouse braain weree selected with w variablee lethality (L LET) and inncubation peeriods (IP) in i days afterr inocuulation in th he central neervous systeem of mice.. The samplles were sub bjected to titrattion in N2a cell cultures and compplete sequenncing of the P gene. Data analysis incluuding LET, IP and titer in associatiion with thee pattern of segregationn of the viraal strainns studied inn the phyloggenetic treee showed noo associationn between these t variabbles and ppolymorphisms of the P Gene. It can c be specuulated that other o proteinns, such as the polym merase L, currently c under consideeration by thhe authors, may m have an n importantt role in thee modulatio on of incubaation and letthality, wheen consideriing viral strains that aree very closely relaated regardiing the P geene. This infformation iss applicablee for discusssions oirs, the dynnamic of thee virus and the t differentt abouut the importtance of rabbies reservo form ms of host-viirus co-evollution, contrributing to further f studies on RAB BV pathogennesis. S Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Pasteur dee São Paulo and CAPES PT.0066 RVEY OF THE T SPAT TIAL DISTR RIBUTION N OF BATS ACCOR RDING TO SUR TYP PE AND PO OSITIVE FOR F RABIE ES IN BOT TUCATU-S SP THE PE ERIOD 20006 TO 22011. Langgoni H, Men nozzi BD, Vitória V C Bats are consideered to be thhe man transmitters andd disseminaators of rabiies virus in c particularly in regions r wheere canine rabies has beeen controllled. Brazzil’s urban centers, This brings up a great fear for f the publlic health auuthorities inn the country y about thiss w be the possible reintroductio r on of rabiess in domestiic animals due d to diseaase, which would easieer interaction with the bats, b and alsso from conntact with hu umans. Cleaarly increasing the nnumber of caases of various speciess of bats thaat were diagnnosed as poositive for raabies throuughout the country c espeecially in thhe state of S São Paulo. The T municippality of Botuucatu – SP iss located in the midwesstern regionn and is locaated at 22 53 09 south latituude and 48 26 2 42 west longitude, l 8 meters above 804 a sea leevel, and makes m an impoortant surveiillance workk, since 20003, where annimals are collected c on n public roaads or residdences and then t are subbmitted for diagnosis d att Faculty off Veterinaryy Medicine and a Anim mal Science of UNESP, Botucatu, where is innstalled the Zoonosis Z D Diagnostic Labooratory. Am mong theirs 2006 2 and 20 011 where received r 9844 bats for diiagnosis, beeing in 20006, 278 batts, 182 in 20007, 115 in 2008, 116 in i 2009, 166 in 2010 annd 127 in 2011. Onlyy in 2008 an nd 2011 did not find poositive for raabies bats. In others yeaars there weere 11 poositive diaggnoses, charracterized att least three genres: Arttibeus, Myo otis and Nyctinomops an nd two speciies, Artibeuss lituratus aand Myotiss nigricans. The positivve bats (all non-hem matophagouus) are distrributes in thhe central paart of the citty, in areas whit w he city. In thhe spatial diistribution of o species inn the largee trees, two creeks that surround th counntry, we find d the homoggeneous disttribution off at least 40 genus/species of bats, beingg the most frequent f 55% % (557) bellonging to thhe genus Molossus, M inccluding speccies Moloossus molosssus and Moolossus rufus, distributeed in equal uniformity u throughout t the muniicipality. Reevealing thaat although this distribuution, and th he large num mber of genera/species involved, thhe virus is reestricted to only o five geenera/speciees, also nicipality. Also A important to highllight the nonnrestriicted to the central areaa of the mun posittivity of the bats of the genus Molo ossus, despiite being thee greater quuantity and better b distriibuted by co ounty. 1 UN NESP - São Paulo P State University – Veterinarry Medicinee and Anim mal Productioon Colleege – Publicc Health andd Veterinaryy Hygiene Department D t – Botucatuu – SP, Brazzil. PT.0067 V RÁ ÁBICO EM M INDIVÍDU UOS E CO OLÔNIAS DE D ESTUDO DO VÍRUS OS NO RIO O GRANDE E DO SUL BRASIL QUIRÓPTERO R JCA2, Ferreira F JC2, Batista HB BCR3, Rigo oletti R2, Rooehe PM2,4 Pachheco SM1, Rosa 1 2 3 4 Instiituto Sauver, FEPAGR RO - IPVDF F, Institutoo Pasteur, UFRGS U O núúmero de esppécies de quuirópteros infectadas pelo p vírus daa raiva (RABV) tem siddo cresccente. Até o momento, 42 espéciess de três fam mílias foram m identificad das no Brasil. Os dadoos sobre a prrevalência do d vírus nesstas espéciess e a importtância destaas na manuutenção doss diferentes ciclos da raaiva, ainda são s escassoss. O Institutto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finaamor (IPVD DF/FEPAGR RO) é refereencia para o diagnósticco de d Brasil. Deesde agostoo de 2007 o raivaa no Rio Graande do sul (RS), sul do IPVD DF/FEPAGRO faz a iddentificação morfológicca dos quiróópteros enviiados ao diagnnóstico de raiva, r cujos espécimes são proveniientes de divversos munnicípios do Estaddo. A identiificação dass espécies dee quirópteroos é fundam mental tanto para avaliaar a circuulação do RA ABV, comoo para identtificar possívveis impacttos do estressse nas colôônias de quuirópteros das d diferentees espécies. De 2007 a 2011 houvee 47 morceggos positivoos para o RABV vaariando de 07 0 a 13 indiivíduos/anoo. Cerca de 300 3 morceggos/ano foraam boratório dee Virologia do d IPVDF/F FEPAGRO para o diaggnóstico de enviaados ao Lab raivaa, provenien ntes de 115 municípios m . Das 38 esppécies que ocorrem o no RS, nove foram fo identtificadas inffectadas com m o RABV.. As espéciees são Artibeeus lituratuus e Desmoddus rotunndus pertenccentes à fam mília Phyllo ostomidae; E Eptesicus fuurinalis, Hisstiotus velattus, Lasiuurus ega, Myotis M levis e Myotis nig gricans da família f Vesppertilionidaae, e repreesentantes da d família Molossidae, M Molossus molossus m e Tadarida T brrasiliensis. As A espéccies A. liturratus, E. furrinalis e Lassiurus ega foram f relataadas como agressoras. a Porém m, tal agresssão ocorreuu no momen nto da captuura. As outras espécies identificadaas posittivas para o RABV nãoo apresentarram relatos dde agressão o, apesar de terem sido identtificadas mu uitas fraturaas ósseas e cranianas c (ààs vezes, quase sem cérrebro), lesõees internnas (órgãoss com hemattomas) ou carcaças c seccas. As espéécies Molosssus molossuus e Tadaarida brasiliensis são as a espécies mais m frequenntes com diiagnóstico positivo p para raivaa e, também m as mais comuns no Riio Grande do d Sul. Nos últimos doiis anos (2011020111) o IPVDF//FEPAGRO O vem receb bendo indivííduos proveenientes de colônias c e, entãoo, é realizadda a análise a fim de veerificar se ass colônias possuem p circculação do vvírus rábicco. Os resulttados mostrram que collônias até 700 indivíduoss não possu uem morceggos posittivos; no enttanto, em allguns casos, morcegos encontradoos mortos e provenientees de colônnias com mais de 500 ou o 1000 moorcegos, posssuem indivvíduos positiivos, e nessse caso,, a espécie é T. brasilieensis. Os daados demonsstraram quee nem semprre os relatoss de agresssões por morcegos m esttão relacionnados com a infecção peelo RABV. Portanto, estuddos devem ser s realizadoos para avalliar se o imppacto na rem moção dos morcegos m d de seus abrigos diuurnos, sem aguardar a suaa dispersão natural e saazonal, acarrreta o aumeento c e consequente c e queda na imunidade, i que pode in nfluenciar no n do esstresse nas colônias, aumeento do núm mero de indiivíduos infeectados peloo RABV. PT.0068 BEH HAVIOR FOR SIX YE EARS OF ATTACKS A S A HUMA AN BY VAM MPIRE BA ATS IN N NORTHER RN JALISC CO, MEXIC CO, AFTER R THE IMPLEMENT TATION OF O A INTE ENSIVE CAMPAIGN C N TO CON NTROL TH HIS POPUL LATION AND A ITS REL LATIONSH HIP WITH THE EXIS STENCE OF O REFUG GES AND LOCAL L LIVE ESTOCK NEARBY. N Moraales Rodrígu uez JA1, Goonzález Lóp pez AA1, Roodríguez Coobián FJ2 - 1Secretaría de d Saludd Jalisco - Región R Saniitaria 01 No orte Colotlánn, 2Secretarría de Agriccultura, Ganaadería, Desaarrollo Ruraal, Pesca y Alimentació A ón de Jaliscoo - Distrito de Desarrolllo Ruraal 08 f six yearss of attacks on humanss by Absttract. Objective. To deetermine thee behavior for vamppire bats in northern Jaalisco, Mexiico, after thee implemen ntation of ann intensive camppaign to conntrol their population by b using an ointment o made m of warffarin suspennded in vaaseline ( Vam mpirinip II)), and the reelationship of o such attacks in the presence p of refugges and nearrby livestocck. Materiaal and Meth hods. From June 2006 to April 20008 was made m an inttensive searrch campaiggn bats refugges in northhern Jalisco,, recording your locattion on GPS S and applyiing ointmen nt of anticoaagulant only y those classified as vamppire bats by y their externnal morphological featuures. In add dition, a seaarch was condducted and timely moniitoring of atttacks on huumans by vaampire bats during the years 20066 to 2011, an nd the amouunt of livesttock in the area a in the same s periodd to find anyy relatiionship betw ween these variables. Results. R Duuring the six x years studiied there weere 864 aattacks on humans h by vampire v batts. The ten municipaliti m ies of northeern Jalisco reporrted attacks, although in i different amounts. Frrom 2008 thhere was a reduction r inn the numbber of attackks, with thee overall redduction at thhe end of 20011, 50%. We W identified 551 rrefuges with h bats, but only o 13.25% % of them had h the preseence of vam mpire bats. We W obtaiined a positive correlattion betweenn aggressionn to humans and the prresence of refugges in the prresence of vampire v bats (r2 = 0.699, p = 0.00). There was no correlation betw ween aggresssion and thee presence of o livestock in the regioon. The mosst affected muniicipalities were w Bolañoos Chimaltittán and Sann Martin de Bolaños. B Co onclusions.. The ointm ment of antiicoagulant Vampirinip V II has proveen useful in n controllingg vampire bats. b The nnearby refu uges identifyy the presennce of these bats, can seensitize the population to carryy out strateg gies to reducce the attackks on humann and on local livestock. Ackn nowledgem ments. The authorities a o the Healthh Region 1 of the Heallth Departm of ment of Jaalisco, the Rural R Develoopment Disttrict 08 of thhe Ministry y of Agriculture, Livesttock, Ruraal Developm ment, Fisherries and Foood of Jaliscoo, and H. Municipalitie M es of northerrn Jaliscco-Bolaños, Colotlán, Chimaltitán C n, Huejucar,, Huejuquillla el Alto, Mezquitic, M S San Marttin de Bolañños, Santa Maria M de loss Angeles, Totatiche T annd Villa Gueerrero- durinng the yyears 2006 to t 2008, for his technical, methodoological and d / or financcially unquaalified support to perfo orm this worrk. PT.0069 TECTION OF O RABIE ES VIRUS IN I INSECT TIVOROU US BATS FR ROM THE E DET URB BAN AREA A IN MONT TERREY NUEVO N LE EON, MEX XICO Reynna EJ1, Péreez JZV1, Gaalindo EIG1, Rosales PC C2 - 1Laboraatorio Estataal de Salud Públiica - Secretaría de Saluud del Estaddo de Nuevoo León, 2Ceentro de Investigación Biom médica del Noreste N - Instituto Mexxicano del Seguro S Sociaal Mexico theree are 154 speecies of bats, of these, 37 are distrributed in Nuevo N Leon,, In M whicch can be innsectivorouss, frugivoroous, or hemaatophagous.. The most common c baat in Nuevvo Leon is Tadarida T braasiliensis mexicana, m it is and insecctivorous, an nd it is alsoo the smallest free-taiiled bats. Thhere are othher species oof insectivorrous bats, suuch as ous palliduss, Nyctticeius humeeralis, Myotis sp, Lasiuurus ega, Euumops perootis, Antrozo Coryynorhinus toownsendii, Lasiurus L cinnereus, and Leptonycteeris nivalis, which are uuseful in maaintaining ecological e b balance, conntributes to the t spread of o seeds, and d eat insects that harm m agriculturee. However, in 1984 th he rabies virrus was repoorted in Taddarida brasiiliensis mex xicana , and in 1998 thee first humaan death cauused by rabiies transmittted by baats insectivoorous was reported r in Latin L Ameriica. Betweeen 2009 andd 2010, 7 caases of the variant V--9 were diaggnosed andd they corressponded to the t same doomestic speccies, c In rural areas of N Nuevo Leon n, as well ass in the urbaan Canis familiaris and Felis catus. s of bats. b Monterrrey is the area of Monterreey there aree habitats foor different species t most populous p citty in Mexicco, there, thee highest capittal of the staate and the third numbber of casess have been detected. Therefore, T thhe objectivee of this stud dy was to detect casess of rabies in the urbann area of Moonterrey beccause of pottential risk for f humans and domeestic animalls. During 2011 2 and 20012, 21 bat samples s weere analyzedd by using immuunofluoresccence, antiggenic characcterization and a genotypping techniqques,. Identtification off species shoowed 14 Taadarida brassiliensis, 3 Lasiurus L sp, 1 Nycticeiuus humeeralis, 1 Lep ptonycteris nivalis, 1 Lasiurus L egaa, and 1 Lassiurus cinereeus. From thhese, 8 batts were posiitive for rabbies virus, annd an antiggenic characcterization was w perfoormed using 8 monocllonal antiboodies, with this study, the variantt 9 (V-9) waas the mostt predominaate. Genotyyping of Lassiurus ega annd Lasiuruss cinereussee samples show wed 99% of similitude with w Lasiuruus intermeddius. This sttudy demonnstrates the high h prevaalence of raabies in inseectivorous bats, b which threatens t bo oth humans and domestic anim mals, and sugggests the im mplementattion of sustaainable prog grams to preevent cases of rabiees in these species. Acknnowledgements: We arre grateful too Miguel Angel A Zunigaa, Isabel Agguilar Tavitaas and A Alma Lilian na Lizarán Meneses M forr their suppoort in the diiagnosis of rabies r viruss. Finanncial support: This worrk was supp ported by thhe Rabies Prrogram of thhe Ministry of Heallth of Nuevo o Leon and Health Servvices of Nuevo Leon. PT.0070 a historic review r Publlic producttion of antirrrabies vacccines in Arrgentina: an Perezz OR1, De Filippo F J1, Jurado J R1, Micucci M M1, Rudak L1, Fernandez G1, Zanetti F2, Calam mante G2 - 1ANLIS "D Dr. Carlos G. G Malbrán" - Servicio Vacuna V Anttirrábica - IN NPB, 2 Instiituto Nacion nal de Tecnnología Agropecuaria (IINTA) - Insstituto de Biotecnología In 19976, the most importannt outbreak of o rabies occurred in Argentina. A Thhe governm ment adoppted differen nt strategiess to find an answer a to thhis sanitary problem. The T main impoortant was a vaccinationn campaignn using first generation vaccines Fu uenzalidaPalaccios type (F FP), that havve been prod duced in ratt sucking brrain. At natiional level, this produuction has been b done inn the INPB-ANLIS “D Dr. Carlos G. G Malbrán” and resulteed in an efffective conntrol of the outbreak. o Unntil 2009, 100000 hum man doses (oonly for natiional use) and 50000 veterinary doses d (only for outbreaak control) have h been produced p peer wing OPS-O OMS´ recom mmendationns, the goveernment is year.. Since 20099, and follow leadiing for a rep placement of o FP vaccinnes for impoorted second d generationn ones for humaan use and stressed s vacccination annimal campaaigns using similar vacccines produuced by prrivate vacciine manufacctures. Althhough endem mic areas sttay in the no orth of the counntry, modificcations in bats´ migratiion patterns have to be consider, due d to climaate channges. This scene entaiils an urgent need of veeterinary vaaccines to make m a real sanitary s imppact. his challenge, we have been b develooping cell-cculture platfforms to Lookking after th approoach more technologic t cal vaccines. The ddevelopmennt of veterinnary vaccinees using BH HK cells as substrate haas been donne on microocarriers ceell culture. We W have woorked with cell c densitiees between 5 and 8 x 1006 cells//ml generatting, at leastt, four harveests with titlles of 106 LD L 50/ml or higher. h Threee consiistent vaccine batches have h been produced p with a potenccy of 1 IU/ddose or highher. For new n nationaal vaccines, we have deeveloped a rrecombinan nt canarypoxx virus in collaaboration wiith the INTA A. This viruus has the gllycoprotein n rabies genee among its DNA A, extracted of CVS-Malbrán rabiees strain, deeveloped in our laboratoory. The virrus is grow wn over prim mary culturee of chickenn embryo fibbroblasts. Inn non avian hosts, thesee virusses produce a suicidal infection: i thhey can’t coomplete its infection i cyycle, but therre’s expreession of viiral proteinss that are proocessed by host cells, generating g a humoral and a celluular immunee response. This T potential vaccine has shown impressive antigenic valuees, higher thhan 3.5 IU/m ml and the measuremen m nt of neutraalizing antibbodies doesnn’t decreease significcantly after a year. An advantage of o these viru uses is the resistance r too liofillization proccess using lactose l 10 mg/ml m withoout losing itts immunogenicity. In this t way,, we have reealized potency assays that show similar s valuees in compaarison with not nother liofillizated virusses. By thesse days, we are workingg hard in deeveloping an recom mbinant can narypox viruus containinng only the rabies nucleoprotein gene. g The finnal objecctive would d be a canaryypox antirabbies vaccinee containing g both the raabies nucleeoprotein annd glycoprootein genes. PT.0071 PLEO DE LA L TÉCNIICA DE PC CR EN MU UESTRAS CLÍNICAS C S PARA EMP DIAGNÓSTIC CO DE RAB BIA - DESC CRIPCIÓN N DE CASO O M 1, Ram mírez-Torress J1, Venegaas-Cureño E1, Ortiz-Ricco A1, Roblles-Pesina MAG 1 Delggadillo-Álvaarez JB , Moontaño-Hiroose JA1 - 11Centro Naccional de Seervicios de Diaggnóstico en Salud S Anim mal (CENAS SA / SAGA ARPA / SEN NASICA) - Carretera C Fedeeral México - Pachuca Km K 37.5, Tecámac de Villanueva, V , Estado de México, México M c de laa polimerasaa (PCR) se aplica exitoosamente en n el diagnósstico La reeacción en cadena confi firmatorio y la vigilanciia epidemioológica de laa rabia. A peesar de no ser s una técnnica presccrita por la OIE O ni por la l OMS, cu uando se reaaliza por perrsonal entrenado y bajoo estricctos controlles de calidaad resulta seer de gran utilidad u cuanndo el diagnnóstico por técniicas tradicioonales no ess muy claro.. Adicionalm mente, una vez amplifiicado, el gennoma se puuede secuennciar para coonfirmar el origen del virus v y provveer informaación muy valioosa para estu udios epidem miológicos y de evoluución. A conntinuación se s describe un u ejem mplo: Se reciibió un encééfalo de cannideo. La historia sólo refería r un annimal vacunnado, con uun cuadro de d dos semannas de deprresión, pérdiida de peso, tristeza y falta f de apetito pocoo antes de laa muerte. Noo hubo expo osición de personas. p Laa muestra fuue procesadda en menoos de 24 horras por inm munofloureseencia segúnn la técnica descrita d porr la OIE (Maanual of Diiagnostic Teests and Vaaccines for Terrestrial T A Animals, 6thh Edition. Paaris, Francee, 20088). Los resulltados obtennidos fueronn discordanttes entre do os técnicos: para uno fuue negaativa, mientrras que otroo observó unn foco fluorescente en una u de las im mpresiones. La pruebba biológicaa para aislam miento viraal en ratoness CF1 resulttó negativa aun después de un paase ciego y la muestra se dio comoo negativa al a no haber virus v viablee. Para compplementar el e diagnósticco, la muesttra fue proceesada en el laboratorio de biologíaa moleecular del Centro, segúnn la técnicaa descrita poor Heaton P.R. (Journall of Clinicall Micrrobiology. Nov. N 1997: pag p 2762- 2766). 2 Para la validacióón del proceeso de extraacción y PC CR fue proceesada a la paar una muesstra de viruss de rabia vacunal. v Adiccionalmentee, como testiigo interno se empleó un u juego de primers paara detecciónn de A ARN 18S 3224 pb con laa finalidad de d descartarr la posibiliddad de tenerr un falso negaativo debido o a posibles factores de inhibición de la muesttra. Los productos obtennidos fueron n visualizaddos en un geel de agarossa al 2%. Enn la muestraa problema y en el tesstigo positivvo de extraccción se obsservó un am mplificado de 606 pb. Asimismo, A see obserrvó una ban nda de 495 bp b en la muuestra probleema y testig go de extraccción. Es bieen sabiddo que la sensibilidad y especificad de las técnnicas de PC CR son más elevadas quue las técniicas como detección d dee anticuerpo os fluorescenntes, inmunnoperoxidassa o ELISA.. Adiccionalmentee, no se requuiere que el virus permaanezca viabble para su identificacióón y clasifficación. Ell eventual esstado de descomposición del tejiddo tampoco presenta p unn probllema para el e diagnósticco. Al tenerr estos primeers con la capacidad dee identificarr seis diferrentes genottipos de rabiia, se reduce la cantidaad de reactiv vos necesariios para su identtificación. Actualmente A e la muestraa está en prooceso de seccuenciaciónn. Este trabaajo fue realizado con recursos del d gobiernoo federal dee México, a través de laa Secretariaa de ural, Pesca y Alimentacción. Agriccultura, Gannadería, Deesarrollo Ru PT.0072 ESTRATÉGIA A DE AÇÃO O PARA DIMINUIR D O NÚMER RO DE TR RATAMENTOS TIRRÁBIC COS HUMA ANOS PÓS S-EXPOSIÇ ÇÃO ANT Friass DFR1, Nunnes JOR2, CARVALH C O AAB2 - 1EMBRAPA A CAMPO GRANDE, 2 UNE ESP - FACU ULDADE DE D CIÊNCIIAS AGRÁ ÁRIAS E VE ETERINÁR RIAS DE JABO OTICABAL L - MEDIC CINA VETE ERINÁRIA PREVENT TIVA A avvaliação dos casos de aggressão por animais, seem critérios bem definiidos, pode leevar à inddicação equiivocada de profilaxia p a antirrábica. O número de d tratamenttos pósexpoosição, em muitos m muniicípios em todo t o Brasiil, tem preocupado as autoridades a sanittárias. Assim m, o presentte trabalho objetivou o avvaliar os reggistros e a conduta c da profiilaxia antirráábica humaana no Muniicípio de Jabboticabal, no n período de d 2007 a 20010. Para tanto, foram m analisadaas as inform mações das fichas fi de ateendimento e dos resultaados a Os dados fooram tabulaados de viisitas domicciliares e obbservação doos animais agressores. em E Excel e analisados com m softwares EpiInfo E e Action. A Tamb bém calculoou-se o custto diretoo das vacinas antirrábicas humanaas aplicadass. Foram elaaboradas a nova n ficha de d atenddimento anttirrábico hum mano a ser proposta, a ficha referêência de ateendimento a agresssão animall e a ficha de visita zoo ossanitária, todas t com seus s respecttivos manuaais de instruução para preenchimennto. Além disso, foi reaalizada a cappacitação doos responsááveis pela aplicação das d mesmas e as visitas zoosanitáriias. Em 13666 fichas annalisadas, m agravo paara cada 2122 habitantes; das pessoaas agredidass, 74,3% compputou-se um recebberam profilaxia pós-exxposição, nu um total de 1.251 dosees de vacinaa. A análise detallhada dos daados, aliadaa ao fato de Jaboticaball ser consideerada regiãoo controladaa para a raiva, perrmitem quesstionar que 894 pessoas podem terr recebido vacina v sem necessidade, totalizando 10094 doses a um custo approximado de R$20.1334,70. Nas a agressores, 78,,1% eram visitaas zoosanitáárias, constaatou-se que,, dentre os animais domiiciliados; 844,4% estavaam sadios nos dias zeroo e após perríodo de obsservação; 555% dos aataques foraam provocaddos e 73% das d agressõees ocorreram m nas próprrias residênccias. Vale ressaltar quue esta pesqquisa compllementou um ma anterior,, onde o índdice de indiccação ós-exposiçãão, no períoddo de 2000 a 2006, foi 81,6%%. A redução desse d de traatamento pó índicce nos anos seguintes demonstrou d que o conheecimento doos dados peelos profissionais envoolvidos no attendimento antirrábicoo humano leevou a uma atuação maais criteriosaa com conseequente dim minuição daa taxa de ind dicação de vacinas v e dee erros no prreenchimennto das ffichas. Concclui-se, entãão, que umaa maior atennção deve ser dispensaada ao atenddimento a agravos por animais, coom adequaçõões na fichaa de registro o, aplicação das fichaas referênciaa de atendim mento a agreessão animaal e de visita zoosanitárria. É essenncial a interaação dos seerviços médiicos e médiicos veterináários e a avaliação de todos t os aspecctos envolvidos em cadda caso; isso o dará subsíídios e seguurança para se instituirr o tratam mento antirrrábico pós-exposição com c critérioo e segurançça. Por outro o lado, progrramas educativos sobree comportam mento anim mal, cuidadoos e posse reesponsável devem ser intensificados coom a expecttativa de dim minuir o núm mero de cassos de agresssão mal. anim PT.0073 ANT TI-RABIES S ANTIBOD DIES SEROLOGICA AL INVEST TIGATION N FROM DOG GS OF A RURAL R AR REA IN SÃO O PAULO STATE - BRAZIL B Peress MG1, Baccchiega TS1, Martorelli LFA2, Kataaoka APAG G2, Vicente AF1, Apolllinario CM M1, Allendorf SD1, Antuunes JMAP1, Megid J1 - 1UNESP - School of Veterinary Meddicine and Animal A Sciennce - Deparrtament of Veterinary V Hygiene H andd 2 B P, Brasil, Zoonosis Z Coontrol Centeer - Rabies Laboratory L Publiic Health- Botucatu-SP - São Pauloo-SP, Brasil Rabies is one off the most im mportant zooonoses, witth fatal proggnosis in alm most 100% of mated that evvery 10 to 15 1 minutes one o person dies from a rabies viruus casess. It is estim infecction and 10000 people receive posst-exposure treatment by b hour in thhe world. D Dogs are thhe main tran nsmitters too man by bitte, so it is esstimated thaat approxim mately 55,0000 casess of human rabies in thhe world aree caused by dog viral vaariant. The main m prevenntive meassure of hum man cases is the rabies vaccination v campaign of o dogs and cats, whichh was respoonsible by thhe decreasee of dog andd consequenntly human rabies r numbber . The last humaan rabies caase caused by b canine raabies virus in the state of São Paullo occurredd in 19977 and in 199 98 the last caase canine rabies. r In thhis context the t present work w aimedd to evaluuate the effeectiveness of o protectivee vaccinatioon of dogs from f rural faarms in the counnty of Anhem mbi - SP, affter two yeaars without being b immuunized againnst rabies with w a vacciine campaiggn. During 2011 2 an epiidemiologiccal question nnaire was applied a to 222 farm ms to collect data about the health of animals and a hygieniic handling of propertyy. One hundred peercent of dogg’s owners declared thaat their dog gs only receiived anti-rabbies p camppaing that was w stopped two years before. b Fiftyy one dogs vacciine during public bloodd samples were w collectted by jugullar vein punncture. The blood b collecction tube was w centrrifuged and the serum stored s at -200 ° C. Sera were w testedd for neutralization in ceell cultuure for the determinatio d on of neutralizing antibbodies to rabbies virus byy rapid methhod focuss inhibition of fluorescence (RIFF FT). Of the 51 5 analyzedd dogs, 68% % presented antirabiees antibodies titers aboove 0.5 UI/m ml, indicatinng that they are still pro otected but on the oother hand 32% 3 of analyyzed populaation was detected unpprotected annd therefore susceeptible to in nfection. Ouur results aggree with liteerature dataa that indicaates that rabies vacciine induce immunity i loonger than one o two yeaars and conssider the revvaccination everyy three yearrs but at the same time demonstratte that a percentage of the t animals don't manttain protectiive titers aft fter two yearrs indicatingg that the reevaccinationn protocol m must be caarefully evaaluated conssidering the epidemioloogical situattion. PT.0074 ÓRUM DE QUALIDA Q ADE E BIOSSEGURA ANÇA NO DIAGNÓS D STICO DA l FÓ RAIV VA EM RE ECIFE: PE ERSPECTIIVAS E MU UDANÇAS S DE PARA ADIGMA Arauujo ACR1, Machado M JL LM2, Ribeiroo MGB3, Silva LAM4, Oliveira JC CT5, Gomes ES6, Bolleer MAA7 - 1LACEN/LA ANAGRO--PE - DIAG GNÓSTICO DE RAIVA A, 2LACEN N/PE/ 3 LAN NAGRO/PE, Universiddade Federaal de Pernam mbuco. Cen ntro Acadêm mico de Vitóória, 4 Gruupo de Estuddos de Morccegos no No ordeste (GE EMNE), 5UF FPE/CAV/G GEMNE, 6 Secrretaria Mun nicipal de Saaúde de São o José do Eggito, 7Fundaação Oswalddo Cruz uação atual do rebimennto e das conndições de Diannte da necessidade de ellencar a situ amosstras para raaiva no Laboratório Naacional Agroopecuário em Pernamb buco LAN NAGRO/PE, amostras estas, e potencialmente innfectantes que q vem senndo expostaas de modoo indiscrimiinado em allguns casos, se fez neceessária a reaalização do l Fórum dee Quallidade e Bio ossegurançaa no Diagnóstico da Raiva, entre os dias 15 e 16 de Noveembro de 20011 em Reccife-PE. Este Fórum tevve como objjetivo prom mover a discussão e o deebate sobree a Qualidadde e a Biosssegurança no n diagnóstiico da Raivaa, destacanddo de modo incluusivo a coletta, acondiciionamento e envio do m material, vissando aindaa a impleementação do método para a padronização e conformidaades das am mostras, garanntindo assim m a Biosseggurança paraa os profissiionais envollvidos diretta e indirretamente no o monitoram mento e conntrole da Raaiva no Estaado. Durantee o evento, que teve como públiico alvo Méédicos Veterrinários, Méédicos Sanittaristas, Epiidemiologisstas, n controle da Raiva, foram f Gestoores das Reegionais de Saúde e Proofissionais eenvolvidos no levanntados temaas relevantess sobre a realidade e poor vezes, o obstáculo o d envio de do amosstras de alguuns Municíppios de Pern nambuco. Na N ocasião, pudemos coonceber quee, o contrrole e o mon nitoramentoo da raiva, é uma realiddade ainda pouco p difunndida e priorritária em allguns Municcípios mais distantes da Capital. A distância geográfica g ea ausênncia de treinnamento paara profissioonais envolvvidos, tambéém foi destaacado comoo sendoo um dos im mpedimentoos para o ennvio das amoostras. Através das paleestras e daddos comppartilhados com o publlico, foi elabborada umaa pactuação entre os Geestores Munnicipais e a Secretaria S d Saúde do Estado juntto ao LACE de EN/PE, as estratégias e d de melhhorias para a consolidaçção da qualiidade e biosssegurança na Vigilânccia epideemiológica da raiva. Fooi acordadoo o comprom misso do Esttado: Acom mpanhar e orienntar os trabaalhos de cappacitação veerificando o cronogram ma de execuçção das atividdades; Forn necer normaas e instruçõões para exeecução das atividades; a L Liberar os recurrsos financeeiros previsttos para a exxecução dass capacitaçõões e treinam mentos; Proporcionar coondições físiicas e financeiras para a execução das capacittações e R de Saúde parra o envio das d amostrass dos superrvisões; Esttruturar as Regionais Munnicípios da sua Regionaal. As amosttras, deverão chegar ao o laboratórioo em condiçções adeqquadas de seerem trabalhhadas e paraa que isso occorra, se fazz necessário o que as Normas de Q Qualidade e de d Biosseguurança, sejaam obedeciddas e os proffissionais reesponsáveiss pela coletta, acondicioonamento e envio destaa(s) amostraa(s) tenham m o conhecim mento básicco sobree a zoonosee e a técnicaa de coleta padronizada p a, através daa efetiva reaalização destta pactuuação. Podeemos avaliarr que, aparttir deste eveentos, e no cumpriment c to dos acorddos entree as partes envolvidas, e ocorreu um ma melhora significativa s a. Sabemos que o ideall aindaa está em coonstrução m mas, o passoo inicial se deu, d no mom mento em qu ue a discusssão sobree a importanncia da vigiilância epideemiológica da Raiva, foi f democraatizada e toddos se fazem m protagoniistas nessa luta, l que é a erradicaçãão da raiva no n Estado de d Pernambuuco. PT.0075 ÁLISE ESP PACIAL DA A EPIZOO OTIA DE RAIVA R OCORRIDA NO N ANÁ MUN NICÍPIO DE D CAMPIINAS/SP/BRASIL NO OS ANOS DE D 2.000 A 2.002. Ram mos LHM1, Donalísio D M 2, Lourennço RW3 - 1Prefeitura Municipal MR M d Campinass de Secreetaria Muniicipal de Saúúde, 2UNIC CAMP - Uniiversidade Estadual E de Cam mpinas/Faculldade de Ciêências Méd dicas - Depaartamento dee Saúde Colletiva, 3UNE ESP - Uniiversidade Estadual E Paaulista/Faculldade de Enngenharia Ambiental A ovinos e equuinos (tambbém chamadda de raiva dos A raiiva é uma zoonose quee acomete bo herbíívoros ou doos Animais Domésticoos de Interessse Econôm mico - ADIE E), de grandee relevvância para a saúde púbblica e anim mal. É caractterizada porr encefalite viral e apreesenta elevaado coeficieente de letallidade. Nesstes animaiss tem como transmissorr o morcegoo Desm modus rotun ndus. A criaação e manu utenção de herbívoros h o ocorre em áreas á rurais, com cenárrios diferen ntes, isto é, pastagens, p m matas nativaas, refloresttamentos, vaales e rios. Ferraamentas do geoprocesssamento poddem ser úteiis para o connhecimentoo da epizoootiologia da d doença em m áreas exteensas ou redduzidas. No os anos 2.0000 a 2.002 foi f regisstrada epizootia de raivva em herbívvoros em região rural do d município o de Campiinas, todoss confirmaddos laboratoorialmente. O objetivo deste d traballho é caracteerizar a distriibuição espaacial dos óbbitos de herbbívoros e doos abrigos de d morcegos hematófaggos. A loccalização e informaçõees dos óbitos animais e dos abrigoss de desmoddus foram colettadas pela Secretaria S M Municipal dee Saúde e peela Secretaria de Agricu ultura ambaas utilizzando-se GP PS (Global Position Syystem). Padrronizou o lo ocal de óbito o a porta de entraada da proprriedade em que o anim mal estava alojado. Foraam utilizadoos os prograamas compputacionais Microsoft Excel®, E ArrcGIS® verssão 9.2, para transferên ncia, e análiise dos ddados. As variáveis estuudadas foraam: ano e mês m da ocorrrência do óbbito, espéciee anim mal, localização espaciaal dos óbitoss e dos abriggos de Desm modus e tipoos de abrigoos destees últimos. Foram F delim mitadas áreaas de influenncia (bufferrs) de 3 km dos abrigoss de morccegos. Como resultadoss, foram geoorreferenciaados 66 (98,5%) registrros de mortes de anim mais em 52 focos, f sendoo acometidoos 40 (59,7% %) bovinos e 25 (37,3% %) equinos. Não foi evvidenciada sazonalidadde da doençça. Houve deeslocamento dos casoss na direção sudeste-noroestee, contornanndo a zona urbana, u suggerindo que esta sirva como c obstácculo morcegos heematófagos. A maioriaa dos abrigos localizavaam-se próxiima a corpos aos m d’águua. Foram identificados 10 abrigos de Desmoodus, todos do d tipo artifficial. O núm mero médiio de morceegos foi de 11 1 por abrig go. Os buffeers dos abriggos 3, 5 e 6 concentram ma maioor número de d óbitos reggistrados. Os O resultadoss mostraram m que 25 (37 7,9%) óbitoos estavvam contidoos em áreas de influênccia de 3 km de três abrigos próxim mos (abrigos 3 e/ou 5 e/ou 6). Não N foram considerado c os os abrigos de Desmoodus localizaados nos muniicípios vizinnhos. Verifiica-se o carááter rural daa doença, poorém há várrios bairros residdenciais circcundados peela área ruraal, o que eviidencia o rissco de infeccção humanna. Este trabalho refforça que a incorporaçãão das ferraamentas e téécnicas de m na compreeensão da coomposição da paisagem m e padrõess geopprocessamennto auxiliam ambiientais, da ocupação o doo solo sendoo de grande utilidade naa vigilânciaa epidemiolóógica da raaiva como de d outras zooonoses. Verrifica-se a escassez de trabalhos t uttilizando ferraamentas do geoprocessa g amento e dee análise esppacial na occorrência daa raiva. PT.0076 O RABIES S AND EASTERN AN ND WESTE ERN EQUIINE VIRA AL DIAGNOSIS OF CEPHALIT TIDES IN EQUIDS E BY MULTIP PLEX HEM MI-NESTE ED RT-PCR R ENC TEC CHNIQUE Iamaamoto K1, Durymanova D a EA2, Carriieri ML1, Oliveira O RN1, Carnieli Jr J P1, Fahl WO W 1, 1 3 1 2 1 Kotaait I , Silva MLCR M , Caastilho JG , Ito FH - Instituto I Passteur - Diaggnóstico, 2 Univversidade de d São Pauloo - FMVZ-U USP, 3UFCG G-PB - CST TR-UFCG/P PB Seveeral viral zooonoses affect the equidds causing nneurologicall diseases, in ncluding raabies and E Eastern andd Western eqquine encepphalitides (E EEE and WE EE). Clinicaal diagnosiss is oftenn not conclu usive, in a way w that labooratory diaggnosis is esssential. Dataa from the Labooratory of Rabies R Diagnnosis at the Pasteur Insstitute of São Paulo, bettween 20000 and 20100, demonstraate that approximately 75% of subbmitted equiid samples, wich animaals preseented neurological sym mptoms, werre negative for rabies, emphasizing e g the imporrtance of acchieving a differential d d diagnosis foor equine enncephalitis caused c by allphaviruses. The aim of o this studyy was to tesst the suitabiility of usinng multiplex x hemi-nesteed RT-PCR R for the ddiagnosis off rabies, EEE E and WEE E in equids central c nerv vous system samples. W We used the primerss 21G, 304 and 504 dirrected to thee N gene off rabies viruss, and the mers cM3W, M2W, nEE EE and nWE EE directedd the NSP1 gene g of WE EE and EEE E prim virusses. A prelim minary studdy of the primers was caarried out, as a well as thheir use in a hemii-nested RT T-PCR, evaluuating the optimal o annealing temp perature, thee analytical sensiitivity and specificity s a the reprooducibility of the techn and nique in possitive field sampples for rabiies and EEE E. Based on the establisshed protoco ol for the heemi-nested RTPCR R, variations in reagentss concentrattions for thee multiplex hemi-nested h d RT-PCR protoocol were peerfomed. After establisshing the prrotocol for th his reaction n, the tests too veriffy the analyttical sensitivvity and speecificity andd reproducib bility were performed and the reesults were compared to t those obttained by heemi-nested RT-PCR. R Inn the detectiion thresshold test, thhe analyticaal sensitivityy was similaar for both techniques, t resulting inn 101.7 foor the three standard s virrus CVS, EE EEV and WEEV. W In th he detection threshold teest usingg a sample with w the three viruses, a high specificity of the primers was w verified and the multiplex m heemi-nested RT-PCR R waas able to deetect the thrree viruses simultaneou s usly. Therre was no diifference in the proporttions of sam mples detected as positiv ve for rabiees obtaiined by both h techniquees, according g to the Fishher exact test (P = 1.00000). Howevver, for E EEE positivee field sampples, the prooportion of samples dettected as po ositive by thhe hemii-nested RT T-PCR a diffference in th he proportioon obtained d by multipleex hemi-nessted RT-P PCR (P <0.00001) was observed. o A Although it was w not possible to use WEE posittive field samples in this study, the results suggest thatt its detectio on would bee possible bby m heemi-nested RTmultiiplex hemi--nested RT-PCR. Thus,, data suggeest that the multiplex PCR R technique could c be appplied to dettect rabies and a WEE, but with som me limitationns for the E EEE detectioon, in a wayy that new studies s will be carried out. o I of São S Paulo Finanncial support: CNPq annd Pasteur Institute PT.0077 PLEMENTA ATION OF F THE FLU UORESCE ENT ANTIB BODY TEC CHNIQUE E IMP NEU UTRALIZA ATION VIR RUS TEST T IN RABIE ES LABOR RATORY DIAGNOSI D IS OF P PASTEUR INSTITUT TE OF SÃO O PAULO / BRAZIL Ferreeira JS1, Tro otti ACP1, Scheffer S KC C1, Caporalee GMM1, Siilva ACR1, Chaves LB1 1 Instiituto Pasteuur - Laboratóório de Diagnóstico dee Raiva Fluorescentt Antibody Virus V Neutrralization Test (FAVN)) is used rou utinely in many m The F laborratories for the referencce measurem ment of rabies virus neeutralizing antibodies a (VNA A) in serum m of animalss to confirm m the efficaccy of vaccinnation against rabies, which w is reqquired to au uthorize the transit of thhese animalls in countriies free of raabies. The Worlld Organizaation for Annimal Health h (OIE) recoommends a VNA title ≥ 0,5 IU/mL L to ensurre that the animal a has immunity i aggainst the raabies virus. The rabies laboratory diagnnosis of Passteur Instituute of São Paaulo/Brazil (IP/SP) is a national reeference of the Miniistry of Heaalth for rabiees diagnosiss and perforrms the meaasurement of o VNA in humaans and anim mals serum m samples foor proof of im mmunizatio on against raabies. The objecctive of thiss study was to implemeent the FAV VN in the laaboratory rooutine of rabbies diagnnosis at IP/S SP using as reference th he Rapid Flluorescent Focus F Inhibition Test (RFF FIT). Initiallly, the Challlenge Viruss Standard (CVS) ( was titrated by the t FAVN and a RFFIIT methods, performinng serial diluutions from 10-1 to 10-112 and determ mining the dilutiion of 100 TCID50 T (500% infectiouus dose in tissue culturre) or 100 FFD50 (50% % of the ddose formingg focus) forr FAVN and d RFFIT, reespectively. A total of 97 9 serum sampples from annimals vaccinated againnst rabies with w differen nt ranges off VNA previiously titratted by RFFIIT, and 15 samples s from m unvaccinated animalls were seleected. Statistical analysis of agreeement was performed p c considering the results in i a qualitattive -6 a ³ 0,5) ussing the Kapppa test. Thhe CVS titlee was 10 inn TCID50 fo for analyysis (< 0,5 and FAV VN and 10-5 in FFD50 for f RFFIT. The T FAVN showed higgh specificitty with titerrs <0,099 IU/mL an nd LogD50 <0,83 in sam mples from m unvaccinatted animals. Qualitative analyysis of the results r show wed a substaantial agreem ment betweeen the two methods m (kaappa = 0,666, p <0,0011). The titles of the seraa from vacccinated anim mals were 0,,12 IU/ml too 5,92 IU/ml (GM M = 0.92 IU//mL) for FA AVN and 0,13 IU/mL to t 9,55 IU/m mL (GM = 11,34 mL) for RFF FIT. The diluution factorr in LogD500 values varried from 0,74 to 2,27 (GM ( IU/m = 1,555) for FAV VN and 1,088 to 2,48 (GM = 1,84) for f the RFFIT. The obtained resullts show wed concorddance withinn the param meters of speecificity and d sensitivityy between FA AVN and R RFFIT meth hods. In thiss context, thhe implemenntation of FAVN F in thee rabies diagnnosis laboraatory IP/SP has a great importancee for rabies epidemiological invesstigation by y the VNA evaluation e inn animal serum samplees and may complemennt the technniques alreaady in use inn the IP/SP. PT.0078 OFILAXIA PRE EXPOSIÇÂO DA D RAIVA A HUMANA A ATEND DIDOS NO O PRO AMB BULATOR RIO MÉDIC CO DO IN NSTITUTO PASTEUR EM 20111 Cunhha RS1 - 1innstituto pasteeur p necessiddades O Innstituto Pastteur atende em seu ambbulatório médico as pesssoas, que por profiissional ou de d lazer proocuram proffilaxia da raaiva humanaa, realizada através de esqueema de pré exposição de d acordo com a normaa técnica esppecifica. O atendimentto médiico é dispon nível diariam mente, inclu usive aos finnais de semana e feriaddos, facilitanndo o acessso à vacina contra raivaa. O esquem ma de pré exxposição consiste na ad dministraçãoo de três ddoses de vaccina de céluulas VERO((VERORAB B®), via inntradermica,, nos dias 0,, 7 e 28. A avaliação do titulo dee anticorposs neutralizanntes pelo método simpllificado de soronneutrlizaçãoo é realizadaa dez dias após a a adminnistração daa ultima dosse da vacinaa contrra raiva hum mana. Nestee trabalho annalisamos oos dados obttidos dos prrontuários das d pessooas atendidaas que iniciaram o esquuema de vaccinação durrante o ano de d 2011. Fooram atenddidas 1221 pessoas, p senndo 69,50% % do sexo feeminino e 30 0,50% sexo o masculino,, nas seguiintes faixas etárias: 16,,30% menorres de vintee anos, 79,922% entre 200 a 49 anos e 3,77% % 50 anos e mais. Quaanto às atividades inform madas a disstribuição fooi de 54,50% % de profiissionais e estudantes e d biologia e medicina veterinária;; 16,90% dee agentes dee de zoonnoses, 11,200% de funcioonários de pet p shops/faaculdades/addestradores; 4,60% de viajaantes; 5,60% % de estudanntes de cursso técnico de auxiliar de veterináriia; 5,20% dee volunntários de centro c de controle de zooonoses/zooológico e 2,000% a inforrmação não dispoonível. Do total t de pesssoas atendid das, 1086 peessoas iniciaram esqueema de pre expoosição em 20011, e dentrre estas 885 (82,87%) completaram c m o esquem ma proposto de três ddoses da vaccina contra raiva humaana. A avaliação soroló ógica foi reaalizada por 610 6 pessooas (60,93% %) e o título satisfatórioo foi obtido por 96,56% %. PT.0079 A DO ESTA ADO DE Sà ÃO PAULO O PARA A VACINAÇ ÇÃO CON NTRA ESTRATÉGIA AIVA EM CÃES E GATOS G EM M SITUAÇà ÃO DE AB BASTECIM MENTO A RA PAR RCIAL DE VACINA Takaaoka NY1, Reichmann R M 1, Omo MLB oto TM1, Kotait K I1 - 1In nstituto Pastteur - CCD SES//SP a de vaccina contra a raiva em cães c e gatoss para o Estaado de São A neecessidade anual Pauloo (ESP) é de d 8 milhõess de doses, para p todas as a atividadess (campanh ha, repasse, rotinna, bloqueio de foco, essterilização e adoção officiais etc.). Como em 2010 2 a Cam mpanha de Vacinação V fooi suspensa, frente aos eventos advversos pela vacina v utilizzada, e em m 2011 não havia h disponnibilidade de d vacina dee boa qualid dade, o ESP, assim com mo outroos estados em e que a raiiva pela variiante caninaa encontra-sse controladda, durante dois d anos não recebeeu outra vacina. Foi neccessário, enttão, o estabelecimento de estratégias u melhor vigilância epidemiológ e gica da raivva por parte dos municíípios, para estimular uma mais suspeitos, b) que com o envio de material paara diagnóstiico laboratoorial: a) anim or serem aggressores, c)) com causaa de morte morrreram no peeríodo de obbservação po descoonhecida, d) d atropeladoos e e) perceentual dos apreendidos a s, não regataados ou adotaados. No caaso de recebbimento de parcela p da quantidade q d vacina neecessária, fooram de priorrizados os loocais com circulação c viral, em quaalquer espéccie, estabeleecendo-se metas m de vaacinação maais baixas, baseadas b no os números de cães e gaatos vacinaddos nos anoos de 20077, 2008 e 20009. Foram, também, esstabelecidoss contatos com c o Centrro Panameriicano de Feebre Aftosaa e Zoonosess (PANAFT TOSA/OPA AS/OMS), Faculdade dee Medicina da Univversidade dee São Paulo (FM/USP) e Faculdadde de Mediccina Veterin nária e Zooteecnia da U Universidadee de São Pauulo (FMVZ Z-USP), paraa viabilizar estudos sobbre análises dos fatorres de risco da raiva em m animais dee estimação, tanto por variante v de morcego, quannto pela reinntrodução daa variante canina. A etaapa inicial dos d estudos deve ser a deterrminação daa proporçãoo de amostraas a serem encaminhad e das ao laboraatório e o aprim moramento das estimativas das pop pulações caaninas e, priincipalmentte, felinas. Em E inícioo de 2012 o Ministérioo da Saúde disponibilizo d ou 3 milhõees de doses de vacina impoortada de bo oa qualidadee, para o ES SP. Nesta opportunidadee, foi efetuad da a distriibuição, dan ndo prioridaade aos munnicípios quee demonstraaram circulaação viral (22011 e 20112), seguido os dos que vacinaram v em e 2010 maais de 20% dos d cães, co om uma estim mativa da po opulação cannina de pelo o menos de 6 mil. Isto, pelo receioo de que se as vacinnas que viesssem a comppletar o quaantitativo neecessário tivvessem exceesso de album mina bovinaa, propicianndo maior possibilidadee de choquee anafilático o aos animaiis pela hipersensib bilidade à vaacina anterio or. Pela vinnda de mais 1.090.000 doses, d até o, foram atendidos 163 municípioss, incorporaando aqueless com meaddos de julho diagnnóstico labo oratorial possitivo para raiva, r de fevvereiro a meeados de jullho deste anno, além m daqueles com c circulaçção viral em m 2009 e 2010. Essa esttratégia fez com que oss muniicípios ficasssem mais atentos a aos sintomas s dee raiva nos animais, a meelhorando a vigilâância epidemiológica, com mais amostras, a dee todas as esspécies, envviadas para diagnnóstico labo oratorial e, consequente c emente, maior quantidaade de casos positivos para raivaa (2011 – 1116 casos e 2012 2 – 174 casos c até finnal de julhoo). PT.0080 ENTOS AD DVERSOS PELA P VAC CINA CON NTRA A RA AIVA EM CÃES E EVE GAT TOS NO ES STADO DE E SÃO PAU ULO - 20100 Takaaoka NY1, Reichmann R M 1, Omo MLB oto TM1, Kotait K I1, Gomes LH2, Aranda A CM3 1 2 Instiituto Pasteuur - CCD - SES/SP, S Ceentro de Coontrole de Zoonoses do Município de 3 São P Paulo, Cooordenadoria de Controle de Doenças - SES/SP P o Paulo (ES SP) coordena a Campannha de Vacinação contrra a raiva em m O Esstado de São cães e gatos desde 1975. Noo inicio da década d de 80, 8 atingiu-sse 80% de cobertura c vaacinal p com m a particippação de toddos os muniicípios. A vacina v utilizada (1 cãão para 10 pessoas), no peeríodo 1975 5 a 2009 foii tipo Fuenzzalida & Pallácios. O im munobiológico utilizadoo nos estaddos é forneccido pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS S), que decid diu em 2010 0 substituir a vacinna por uma produzida em e culturas de células BHK, B que não n deveria causar reaçção adversa neurológica e propiiciaria uma melhor respposta imunoológica. Noo Brasil todoo v d deve ser aprrovado peloo Ministérioo da Agriculltura, Pecuáária e produuto de uso veterinário Abasstecimento (MAPA) ( e a vacina adqquirida peloo MS produuzida por um m Laboratórrio privaado nacionaal tinha regisstro no MA APA e os lotes foram approvados seggundo parâm metros de potência, inoocuidade, essterilidade e vírus residdual, conforme recom mendações da Oficina Internacionnal de Epizoootias (OIE)). É importaante destacaar que no ESP a campaanha de vaciinação é reaalizada pelaa maioria doos município os no mês de d agostto, antes doos demais esstados. Já noo final de juulho, algunss municípioss passaram a referrir ocorrênciia de eventoos adversos após a apliccação da vaacina; em innício de agosto o muniicípio de Gu uarulhos, seegundo maioor do estadoo, relatou muitas m reações à vacina,, suspeendendo a campanha c e em meadoss desse mêss na capital do ESP, ao iniciar a vacinnação, ocorrreram inúm meras notificcações dessees eventos. Diante D desssa situação, a camppanha de vaacinação conntra raiva em m cães e gaatos foi susp pensa em 20 0/08/2010. O muniicípio de Sãão Paulo, poor intermédiio do Centroo de Contro ole de Zoonooses, já conntava com uma forma de a populaação notificcar problem mas com seuss animais ap pós vacinaçção, d mais consistentes c s para essa ddecisão de suspensão s d campanhaa da forneecendo os dados (altísssima incidêência de eveento adversoo de quase 3 casos por 1.000 cães vacinados e cercaa de 30 por 1.000 gatoss vacinados)). Do total de d animais a serem vaccinados em todo t ESP (cerca de 6.500.000), aproximada a amente 10% % receberam m a vacina. Foram F tomaadas proviidências, deentre as quaais se destaccam reuniõees com especialistas, alggumas necroopsias dos animais a morrtos (em Faculdades dee Medicina Veterináriaa), testes em m anim mais de laborratório com m diferentes vias de adm ministração, testes de citotooxicidade, assim comoo dosagem da d concentrração de sap ponina e pro oteínas, por métoodos bioquím micos. Os estudos e realiizados indiccavam que a vacina prooduzia evenntos adversos e especcialmente a alta concenntração de albumina a boovina, sendoo que esta última usa do probblema. Essass providênccias adotadaas pelo ESP,, fizeram coom podeeria ser a cau que sse intensificcasse os estuudos e fosseem realizadoos mais testtes com a vaacina, antess de sua liberação, beem como hoouvesse melhoria no eddital de aquisição pelo MS. a Atuaalmente estáá em mudannça o processso de produução da vacina de uso animal, produuzida em cu ultivo celulaar por laborratório nacioonal. PT.0081 S 5 CLAVE ES PARA LA L PREVENCIÓN DE E MORDE EDURAS DE PERROS LAS Gebaara RR1, Gaamboa M2, Mora M R3, Vigilato MA4, Tamayo H5 - 1WSPA A Brasil (Sociiedade Mun ndial de Prooteção Anim mal), Brasil - Gerente de Programaas Veterinários WSP PA Brasil, 222 WSPA M Mesoamérica (Sociedadd Mundial para p la Proteección Anim mal), 3 Costaa Rica - Gerente de Proogramas Veeterinários - WSPA Meesomérica, 3- WSPA Suram mérica (Socciedad Munndial para laa Protecciónn Animal), Colombia C - Gerente de Proggramas Veteerinários - WSPA W Suram mérica, 4PA ANAFTOSA A/OPS (Orgganización Panaamericana de d la Salud) - Especialissta em Saúdde Pública Veterinária V 5 PAN NAFTOSA/O OPS, PANAFTOSA/O OPS (Organnización Pan namericana de la Saludd) Coorrdenador dee Zoonoses - PANAFTO OSA/OPS La innformación es esencial para el éxitto de prograamas de preevención de Rabia transsmitida por mordeduras m s caninas. Estudios E cieentíficos dem muestran quue la mayorría de las m mordeduras de perros see dan por unn desconociimiento sobre la manerra correcta de d interaactuar con ellos. e Las leesiones caussadas por mordeduras m son s un probblema globaal, ponieendo a personas en riessgo de contrraer enferm medades com mo la Rabiaa. Este proyecto bu usca identifficar los mennsajes más importantess y relevantes para infoormar e manejo dee los perros usando meensajes simpples. Ello buusca y eduucar a persoonas sobre el tambbién preveniir situacionees que puedden desencaddenar morddeduras caniinas, conseecuentemennte reducienndo el numeero de casoss de rabia humana. h Los pprincipales mensajes iddentificadoss como " Laas 5 claves" fueron diseeñados a parrtir de unna investigaación biblioggráfica teniendo en cueenta las prin ncipales cau usas de los acciddentes por mordeduras m y la interprretación prinncipal de los errores deel idioma caanino. LOS MOLE ESTES: No molestes o acaricies peerros cuand do estén com miendo, NO L durm miendo o enffermos, o cuuando se enncuentren coon sus cachoorros o jugu uetes; No tee acerqques a perro os que esténn dentro de un u automóvvil, detrás dee una reja, amarrados, a o que sean desconociddos; No haggas movimientos o sonnidos brusco os cerca de perros. p TIENDE SU U LENGUAJE: No te accerques a peerros que deemuestren miedo. m Estoos se ENT echann para atráss, se lamen la l cara, bajaan la cola, eechan las oreejas para atrrás y muesttran los ddientes; No te t acerques a perros ag gresivos. Esstos fruncenn los labios, enseñan los dienttes, gruñen, se les erizaa el pelo y mantienen m laa cola erguida y erizadaa. QUÉ ÉDATE TOT TALMENT TE INMÓV VIL SI SE ACERCA UN N PERRO SUELTO: S N No corraas ni grites. Baja la cabbeza y no mires m directaamente a loss ojos del peerro; si estás de pie, qquédate quieto con los brazos pegaados al cuerrpo como un n tronco; si caes al pisoo, proteege tu cara y vientre y permanece p inmóvil com mo una rocaa; cuando ell perro hayaa perdiido interés, aléjate lentamente y enn silencio. EVIT TA ACCIDENTES: Loos niños siem mpre debenn estar acom mpañados po or adultos cuanndo estén cerrca de un peerro, aún si este es connocido; Siem mpre pide peermiso al duueño antess de acariciaar a un perroo; Antes de acariciar a un perro, permite que huela tu maano y acaríícialo en la espalda e o laados del peccho; Manténn tu cara aleejada de la cabeza c del perro; p Si el perro se rettira, no tratees de reteneerlo. CASO DE SER S MORD DIDO, SIGU UE ESTAS RECOMEN NDACIONE ES: Lava laa EN C heridda inmediataamente por 15 minutoss con abunddante agua y jabón; Reecolecta inforrmación quee identifiquee al perro (iincluyendo su estado dee vacunació ón) y a su duueño; Acudde al centro de salud más m cercano lo antes possible; Inform ma al centro o de salud y a la autorridad sanitaaria competeente sobre el e incidente de mordeduura y el lugaar en dondee se encuuentra el perrro. No lo molestes, m maaltrates o mates; m La auutoridad maantendrá al perro p en unn lugar segu uro con agua y comida para observvación. LIOGRAFIA A: BIBL 1. A communityy approach to t dog bite prevention. p V Medical M American Veterinary Canine Interractions .Veet Assoociation. Tassk Force onn Canine Agggression annd Human-C Med Today: Cannine Aggresssion Task Force F JAVM MA, Vol 21 18, No. 11, June J 1, 20001. At : httpp://www.avm 2. Prreventing do og bites in children: c ranndomised coontrolled triial of an eduucational intervvention , Siimon Chapm man,John Cornwall,Joaanne Righettti,Lynne Suung BMJ 20000;320:1512-1513 doi:100. bmj.320.77248.1512 ((Published 3 June 20000) At: http:/// 8/1512.1.fulll.pdf 3. Asspectos epiddemiológicoos de las mo ordeduras caaninas. Jorgge Palacio / Marta Leóóna / Sylviia García-B Belenguer Departament D to de Medicina y Ciruggía Animal. Facultad dee Cienncias Experimentales y de la Saludd. Universiddad Cardenaal Herrera-C CEU. Moncaada. Valencia. Españ ña.Departam mento de Pattología Aniimal. Faculttad de Veterrinaria. Z Z Zaragoza. E España. Univversidad de Zaragoza. 4. Brritish Kenneel Club. In Safe S and souund websitee: http://ww uk/safe_andd_sound.htm ml 5. C Centers of Disease Conttrol and Prevention; US SA Gov . Dog Bite Preevention . At w website: httpp:// ntion.html 6. Thhe blue dog project – The T developm ment of a dog d bite prevvention proggramme aim med at yooung childreen T De Keeuster, K Meeints, R Buttcher . Journnal of Injurries Preveention 10;116:A169, 20010 7. Doog bite prev vention: whaat children know k .C A Dixon, E M Mahabee--Gittens, C J Linddsell At : Jouurnal of Inuuries Prevenntion 2010;; 16:A169-A A170 8. W World report on child injjury preventtion , M. M. M Peden,K. Oyebite, World W Healthh Orgaanization, 20 008 9.httpps://ebusineess.avma.orrg/EBusinesss50/files/prroductdownnloads/dog_bbite_brochuure.p df Doggone Saafe Program m. Dog bite prevention p t through eduucation/Dog g Safety for kids 10. D at : http://www h and ww 11. hhttp://www.w Prevention.ppdf 12. H Humane Dog Populatioon Managem ment Guidannce. Internaational Com mpanion Aniimal Manaagement Cooalition. ICA AM , 2007. At : www.wspa-intern national.orgg 13. F Feldman ED D, Nelson RW. R Caninee and feline endocrinoloogy and repproduction. 3 ed. St Loouis: Sauderrs; 2004. p. 1088-90. 14. ““Criando um m amigo“ víídeo. Realizzação Centroo Controle de d Zoonosees-SP (Centrro Colaaborador da OPAS/OM MS) -2004. Produção P Insstituto Ninaa Rosa e WS SPA –Socieedade Munndial de Protteção Anim mal. 15. ““Be safe aroound dogs” Wake Coun nty, North Carolina C Hu uman Servicces pamphleet. 16. ““Manual Báásico de Tennencia Respponsable” A Asociación Nacional Protectora dee Anim males de Coosta Rica. 17. ““Lenguaje Canino” C Sociedad Munndial para laa protección n Animal, WSPA. W 18. vos/pdf/ano10_n02_sit__epidemiol__zoonoses__br.p http:/// df PAL LABRAS - CLAVE: C preevención, mordeduras m caninas, rabbia 1. 2. Sociedad d Mundial para la Proteección Anim mal – WSPA A Organizaación Panam mericana de la Salud OPS O PT.0082 ALUATION N OF CLIN NICAL ASP PECTS, FL LUORESC CENT ANTIBODY TE EST EVA AND D N GENE E QUANTIF FICATION N OF RABV V VARIAN NTS ISOLA ATED FRO OM DIFF FERENT ANIMAL A S SPECIES Allenndorf SD1, Harary H CMA2, Vicentee AF2, Antuunes JMAP2, Peres MG G2, Fonseca CR2, 2 1 2 Megiid J - FMV VZ-UNESP P - DHVSPM MI, FMVZ Z/UNESP - DHVSPMI m different mammals m seeem to havee unique The rrabies viruss (RABV) issolated from charaacteristics th hat influencces the outco ome after annimals get infected. i Thhe RABV circuulates in natu ure and is maintained m b reservoirrs that are reesponsible for by f persuadiing the ddisease for almost a 4,0000 years. As different cllinical aspeccts are obserrved in anim mals naturrally and exxperimentallly infected the t aim of this t study was w to evaluaate clinical aspeccts, quantifyy the viral replication r in brain tissuue of experiimentally innfected mouuse assocciated with FAT resultss of RABV isolated froom 5 animall species. The selected viruss were isolatted from soome of the main m reservooirs in Brazil being relaated to a batt (Myootis spp.), to o a fox (Cerrdocyon thous), to a dog (Canis fam miliaris), too a bovine (relatted to Desm modus rotunndus) and too a monkey (Challithrixx jacchus). The T mice were w 40, fe female, speccific pathogen free (SPF F), swiss albbino mice, 45 4 days oldd that were dividded into 5 grroups of 6 animals. a Thhe intracerebbral mouse inoculation i med was perform with 0,03mL of the inoculuums (standarrd dilution) for clinicall observatioon and sampple ough all virrus resulted in an infecttion with 1000% of lethaality, it is colleection. Altho remaarkably notaated that thee time of evolution of some s samplees is much longer l than otherrs variants. When the animals a get sick after beeing inoculaated with saamples originated from fox and moonkey it takes more tim me to death to t occur whhen compariing to d samples. The T monkeyy and fox saamples had similar evoolution periood, the oother studied for m monkey sam mple the sym mptoms initiiated after 10 1 days and the evolutioon to death of all innoculated annimals weree of 4 days, in the fox sample s the symptoms s innitiated afteer 9 days and the evoolution in thhis case wass of 8 days. Otherwise the sampless isolated frrom d bovine inittiated symptoms after 8 days and had h an evolu ution periodd of the bbat, dog and threee days. The presence off the RABV V was investtigated by FAT. F The viirus was identtified by thiis techniquee in all sampples. Some differences d could be ob bserved. Thhe patteern of positiv vity in some infected tiissues is sm moother wheen comparinng samples relateed to dog, fox, f and vam mpire bats. The T virus issolated from m Challithrixx jacchus annd Myottis spp. pressented a discrete fluoreescence and some pointts of fluoresscence in the tissuee, while thee samples isolated from m the bovinee, a variant probably p related to Desm modus rotun ndus (V3), the t corpusclles were bigg and with strong s fluoreescence, succh as thosee observed in i canine reelated samplles. In orderr to quantifyy the viral replication inn the brainn of the infeected animalls the Real Time T was pperformed, the t cDNA was w made ussing oligoo dt and Supper Script III (Invitrogenn), and the reaction r waas performedd using GoT Taq qPCR R Mster Miix (Promegaa). The dog,, fox and boovine samplle presentedd a higher raate of repliccation, whicch could bee observed by b the detecction of viral antigen inn brain of infeccted animalss. The time to death waas not relateed to the viral replicatioon once the virus isolaated from Ceerdocyon thhous presentted replicatiion similar to t the dog and a Desmoddus rotunndus and waas the sampple with the longest incuubation andd evolution time. t On the otherr hand viruss isolated froom monkey y had the low west replicaation compaaring to the other isolaated virus foollowed by the t virus isoolated from the bat (Myyotis spp.). This T resultss demoonstrated th hat virus isollated from different d species have unique u charracteristics that t can rreflect on th he viral repliication but not n necessaary on the evvolution perriod and lethaality of the infection. PT.0083 DEMIOLO OGICAL ANALYSIS A OF RABIE ES IN HER RBIVORES S IN THE EPID REG GION OF ARAÇATU A UBA – SÃO O PAULO, BRASIL: B PRELIMIN P NARY RES SULTS Alvees AJS1, Carrvalho C2, Casagrande C DKA3, Souuza Filho VN N4, Pedro WA W 5, Queirooz 2 1 LH - USP - Faaculdade de Medicina Veterinária V e Zootecniaa - Doutoran nda do 2 d Medicinaa Veterináriaa Preventivaa e Saúde Animal, A UN NESP Depaartamento de Facuuldade e Meedicina Veteerinária de Araçatuba A - Departameento de Apo oio, Produçãão e Saúdde Animal, 3UNESP - Faculdade F e Medicina Veterinária V de Araçatub ba - Mestraanda do Prrograma de Ciência Annimal - Deppartamento de d Apoio, Produção P e Saúde S Anim mal, 4 Cooordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuár A ria - SAA/S SP - Coordennador do Prrograma Estaddual de Raivva dos Herbbívoros - ED DA de Baurru, 5UNESP P - Faculdad de e Medicinna Veterinária de Araçatuba A - Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPqq d Apoio, Prrodução e Saúde S Anim mal Depaartamento de or zoonosis of great imppact on bothh economicc and publicc health and Rabies is a majo ores is distriibuted in alm most all Lattin Americaan veterrinary mediccine. Rabies in herbivo counntries and itss control constitutes a major m challeenge for Livvestock Deffense. This study s aims to make ann epidemioloogical analyysis of Rabiies in herbivvores in ruraal areas of most m t Office of o Agricultuure and Liveestock Defennse Araçatuuba muniicipalities inncluded in the (EDA A). To this end, e an epiddemiologicaal questionnnaire was elaborated annd applied too obtaiin informatiion related to t rabies in herbivores. The follow wing variablles were analyyzed: presennce, frequenncy and period of occuurrence of baat bites marrks on the anim mals, the presence and tyypes of shelters for batts; recent occcurrence off death of anim mals with neu urological signs s on thee property, use u of vacciine against rabies, r use of methhods for batss control annd environm mental channge in the arrea of the prroperty. Thee resullts show thaat out of 1111 properties sampled, 223.4% of theem observedd marks of bat b bitingg in the aniimals, and of o these, 23% observedd the marks of bites daaily, 4% weeekly, 8% m monthly andd 65% rarelyy. The obseervation of bbite marks occurs o moree during thee rainyy season (73 3.1%). 11.7% % of ownerrs surveyed report the presence p of shelters of bats b and tthe main typpes of shelteers are aban ndoned housses (38%), hollow h trees (38%) andd otherrs (15%). Only O 70.9% of o those surrveyed vacccinate the annimals againnst rabies annd 76.322% of thesee vaccinate the t entire heerd. In 4.5% % of the prooperties it was w reportedd the use oof some metthod for thee control of bats. Approoximately 60% of properties had some kind of environm mental channge, particullarly with reespect to the advance of o sugarcanee in s werre the number of animaals in the the reegion. The quantitativee variables studied propeerties sampled, accordiing to the kiind, with ann average off 243 animaals per farm m (237 cattlee and six hoorses) and median m 93 (990 and 3), reespectively. We also performed thhe assocciation betw ween properrties where it i was foundd seropositiive bats with h the variabbles of the questionnnaires, by thhe method of chi-squaree test or Fishher. The vaariables that wed a strongg associationn with seroppositivity off bats were the presencce of shelterr and show vacciination. Alll statistical analyzes a weere performed using SP PSS 20.0. Inn each of thee propeerties were obtained geeographic co oordinates using u a GPS S, allowing a spatial charaacterizationn by plottingg the points with the heelp of the program ARC CGIS 10.0. PT.0084 EVIEW OF F THE CLA ASSIFICA ATION OF RABIES VIRUS V LIN NEAGES A RE MAIINTAINED D BY INSE ECTIVORO OUS BATS IN BRAZIIL Oliveeira RN1, Castilho C JG1, Batista HB BCR1, de Paaula FC1, Carnieli Jr P1, Lima JYO O1 , 1 2 1 1 3 3 Maceedo CI , Meenozzi BD , Carrieri ML M , Kotait I , Mirandaa CCP , Branndão PE 1 2 Instiituto Pasteuur, Universidade Estaddual Paulistaa - Faculdad de de Mediccina de Botuucatu, 3Univversidade dee São Paulo - Faculdadee de Mediciina Veterináária e Zooteecnia wn about thee importancee of nonhem matophagouus bats in thee epidemiollogy Littlee was know of rabbies in Brazzil and mostt of Latin America A untiil the 1980ss. From thatt decade on,, as caninne rabies caame under control in maany municippalities andd molecular and antigennic typinng was incorrporated in surveillance programs, the importtance of nonnhematophaagous bats in the epideemiology off the diseasee began to be b appreciatted in these countries. In I s baseed on gene N have show wn that diffe ferent lineag ges are Brazzil, genetic studies circuulating in insectivorouss bats from the t species Tadarida brasiliensis, Nyctinomopps laticaaudatus and d genus Myootis, Eptesiccus, Molosssus, Histiotuus and Lasiuurus. In most studiies, the charracterizationn of these lineages is baased on only 264 nt of the carbooxyterminall region of the t viral nuccleoprotein, when the ideal i wouldd be to use thhe compplete N gene. The aimss of the pressent study w was to review w the genettic classificaation of the RABV isoolated from m insectivoro ous bats from m Brazil baased on currrent literaturre, p DNA A sequencingg of the nuccleoprotein comparing the Genbbank dataset and new partial phyloogenetic annalysis of N gene based d on 1218 nuucleotides (nnt 203 to ntt 1420) withh that basedd on 264 nuucleotides (nnt 1157 to nt n 1420), corrresponding g respectiveely to aminoo acidss 45 to 450 and 363 to 450 4 of the viral v nucleooprotein. Phyylogenetic analysis a demoonstrated th he existence of at least eleven e lineaages of RAB BV associatted with different generaa and species of insectivvorous bats.. Nine of these lineagess have alreaady beenn described in i literaturee while two of them weere herein ch haracterizedd for the firsst time and associaated to the genus g Myotiis and Lasiuurus. There were no diffferences inn the s by coomparing thhe two align nments usedd, but changges classsification off Brazilian strains weree observed in n phylogenetic relationnships between the clussters, with bootstrap b vaalues alwaays greater regarding r thhe 1218 nt trree. Two sequences of RABV from m the genuss Myottis from Uru uguay and Chile C did noot keep the same s classiffication afteer the analyses with the two alig gnment lenggths. These findings shhould be tak ken into acco ount in s of innfections might m be deteermined in a moleecular epideemiology off rabies, as sources moree accurate way w and alsoo in the corrrect use of fragments f of the N Genne for the classsification off lineages off RABV. PT.0085 SITU EVAL LUATION OF CYTO OTOXIC IM MMUNE RESPONSE R E IN CENT TRAL IN S NER RVOUS SY YSTEM OF F HUMAN RABIES R T TRANSMIT TTED BY DOG D AND D VAM MPIRE BA AT Gueddes F1, Fern nandes ER1, Martins JF F2, Pagliari C3, Duarte MIS M 3 - 1Insttituto Pasteuur de 2 São P Paulo - Imu unologia, Innstituto de Infectologia I a Emílio Ribbas, 3Faculd dade de Mediicina da Unniversidade de São Paullo C (+) T cells c and nattural killer (NK) ( cells are a immunee effectors thhat, Introoduction: CD8 by cyytokine prodduction or cytotoxicity c y, help to coontain a viraal infection. Objeective: To quantify q andd compare thhe T CD8 lyymphocytess, natural kiiller cells annd B granzzyme expreession in cenntral nervouus system leesions of human rabies transmittedd by dog aand vampiree bat. Meth hods: Five fragments of o central neervous systeem (CNS) were w selecteed (cortex, hippoocampus, basal gangliaa, cerebellum m and meduulla oblongaata) from eaach specimeen of the fo four human rabies casess transmitteed by dog annd four casees by vampiire bat (Desmodus rotuundus). The fragments were w subjeccted to imm munohistocheemistry withh C CD57 and B granzzyme. For each e specim men, cells weere quantified antibbodies for CD8, by coounting the number of immunolabbelled cells in i thirty fiellds considerring the parennchyma. Foor normalizing, a x10 ocular lens w was used wiith a square grid in a x440 objecctive markin ng an area field f of 0.06 625 mm2. Sttatistical an nalysis was performed p b by Grapph Pad Prism m version 5.0 for Winddows (Graphh Pad softw ware, San Diiego, Ca, U.S.A A.) using thhe nonparam metric Mannn-Whitney test. t Samplees were connsidering different at the 95% 9 (p≤0.05) level of significance s e. ults: The nu umber of CD D8+ T lympphocytes in human rabiies transmittted by dog w was Resu loweer (p<0.00011) than in thhose with huuman rabiess transmitted by vampire bat. No signiificant difference in thee number off CD57+ naatural killer cells (p>0.005) and the numbber of B graanzyme-exppressing cellls (p>0.05) was observ ved betweenn samples evaluuated of thee human rabbies transmittted by dog and vampirre bat. Discu ussion and Conclusions: In the present p studyy, we comppared lesions in CNS off humaan rabies traansmitted by dogs and vampire baats by quanttitative exam mination of the “in situ” cytotoxxic immunee response. Rare R NK ceells and B grranzyme-exxpressing ceells in o b there weere no signifficant statisttical differeence but cerebbral parenchhyma were observed, betw ween the hum man rabies transmitted t by dog andd vampire baat. This couuld reflect ann immuune evasion n mechanism m triggered by rabies virus, v prevennting these cells arrive at the site of injury y, or that theeir cytotoxicc function would w be alttered. CD8+ + T lymphoocytes pire bat, whhich appeareed weree more abunndant in the human rabiies transmittted by vamp relateed to the virral variant type t involveed in infectiion, howeveer eventuallyy the functiion thesee cells may be impairedd. So, we caan speculatee if this fact also could be due to loonger surviival of thesee patients coompared to those bittenn by dog. PT.0086 ular growth h in differen nt bioreacttors to rabies virus production cellu Lantiieri VS1, Medeiros M FM M2, Frazatti-G Gallina NM M2 - 1Intituto o Butantan - Seção de 2 Raivva, Instituto o Butantan - Seção de Raiva R o virus production proocess involvves differentt challengess, mainly whhen The sscaling up of is useed an animaal cells origgin with a suubstrate. The growing of o the animaal cells in hiigh densiities depend ds on the beeads and theese cells preesent high suusceptibilityy to the sheaar stress that occurrs in the proocess realizeed in bioreactors. The objective o off this study was w g of Vero V cells in i the scalinng up processs of rabies virus to evvaluate the growing produuction in biioreactor. Tw wo bioreacttors were ussed in this study, s one of o 30 L (Bio Flow w 4500, NBS S) and otherr of 150 L (Bio ( Flo PR RO Industriaal, NBS). Th hese bioreacctors have different aggitation systems: whilee the 30 L hhas a “Cell Lift L Impeller”, the S has pittched blade impellers. This T differeence was im mportant to select s indusstrial, one STR, the vvelocity of agitation a neccessary to maintain m thee beads in suuspension and a to minim mize the shhear stress and a bead coollisions. Veero cells addded to solidd microcarriiers, Cytodeex 1 (2g/L L), infected with PV raabies virus (MOI 0,02) were cultiv vated in seruum-free meddium VP S SFM AGT in the two bioreactors. Were W realizzed seven cyycles in eachh bioreactorr type and the inittial cellular concentratiion was 13-14 cell/microcarrier. Supernatantss of w harvested on days 2 and 3 afteer start the cycle c of prooduction. thesee cultures were Sampples of these cultures were w taken every e day duuring the prroduction cyycle to deterrmine the ceellular concentration. Itt was studieed too the ceellular loss in the first day d after the cell inooculation to analyze thee cell difficuulty for spreead on the microcarrier m rs. The aaverages off the values of cell speccific grow raate found beefore the haarvest beginnning weree 0.025 h-1 and a 0.023 h-1 in the induustrial and 30 3 L bioreactors respecctively. Thee perceentage averaages of celllular loss in the first dayy after cell inoculation n were 37% (± 16%)) in the induustrial bioreeactor and 52% 5 (± 21% %) in the biooreactor of 30 3 L. The analyyze of the data d found too cell speciffic grow ratte and cellullar loss in th he rabies virrus produuction cyclees showed that t the spreead and grow wth cellularr were not affected a by the t bladees of the im mpeller of industrial bioreactor. In conclusion, c the expansion of Veroo cell grow wth for rabiees virus prodduction in bioreactor b of 150L was satisfactoryy because inn this systeem the valuees of cellulaar loss and cell c specificc growth ratte were simiilar or betteer than the values found f in thee 30 L bioreeactor. Finanncial support: Fundaçãão Butantan PT.0087 v anttirrábicas veterinária v s, nacionais e importa adas realizaadas Avalliação das vacinas pelo Ministério o da Agricu ultura Pecu uária e Abaastecimento o do brasil no n período de 20099 a 2011 Cam mpos APG1, Gonçalves G1, Zaroni MMH1, Sirrineu JC1, Buzatto B DF1, Faria AM1 1 Minnistério da Agricultura A P Pecuária e Abastecime A ento - Lanaggro-SP - Co ontrole de Vacinas Antirráábicas Introodução e ob bjetivo: Noo Brasil as vacinas v a serrem usadas na profilax xia da raiva anim mal são subm metidas a coontrole por órgão ó goverrnamental. Em E cada lotte de vacinaa nacioonal e importada são reealizadas am mostragens destinadas d à análise fisscal. Dentre os testes aplicados estão o de esterilidade e e, inocuidadde, inativaçãão viral, pH e o teste dee c de NIH.. Para o testte de NIH faaz-se a deteerminação dda dose efetiiva (DE50) capaz proteeger 50% doos camundoongos vacinaados com a vacina a seer testada e uma u vacinaa referrência. A paartir da compparação estaatística entrre a DE50 daas duas vaciinas, calculaa-se a potênncia relativaa da vacina teste. A anáálise fiscal das d vacinas, realizada pelo p MAPA A no Lanaagro-SP, é de d extrema importância i a, uma vez que, q promovve os interessses nos objettivos da saúúde pública, economia e para a inddústria produ utora indicaa pontos crííticos que ssão mereced dores de meelhorias. Deeste modo, foram f realizzadas estatíssticas descriitivas dos rresultados obtidos o dos lotes l de vaccinas amostrradas entre 2009 a 2011. O objetivvo destee trabalho fooi avaliar o desempenhho das mesm mas, além dee comparar as vacinas nacioonais e impoortadas. Resultados: Durante D estee período fooram realizaados 227 tesstes, nos qquais foram m avaliadas amostras a dee lotes de 144 tipos de vaacinas impo ortadas e 18 nacioonais (com seus respectivos lotes). As vacinas nacionais totalizaram m 592 partiddas e as im mportadas 1554. O teste de inocuidaade, que avaalia a toxicid dade da vaccina antirrábbica, inativvação viral e a mensuraação do pH, não apreseentaram rep provação. Poor sua vez, o teste de esterilid dade apresenntou em méédia 0,5% dee reprovaçãão nas vacinnas nacionaiis. No e média 9% 9 de retestte interno (R RI). Em 36% % dos teste de NIH as vacinas aprresentaram em os limites estabelecidos e em 16% a DL50. A testes a DE50 daa VRN estavvam fora do N mostrouu que 22% das vacinass nacionais não n apresenntaram nenhhuma avaliiação pelo NIH reproovação, nas importadass 86% apressentaram-se satisfatóriaas. Para difeerenciar o desem mpenho dass vacinas, quanto à potêência relativva, estas forram separaddas nos gruppos: “vaciinas com 10 00% de aproovação” e “vacinas “ com m alguma reeprovação”.. As potênciias médiias de cada vacina, por grupo, foraam comparaadas por um m teste estatíístico de compparações mú últiplas de médias. m O 1º. 1 Grupo fooi constituíddo por 11 tippos de vacinnas impoortadas e cinnco nacionaais, com desstaque a um tipo de vaccina importaada que é distinnto dos outrros 15, deviido a sua vaariabilidade da potênciaa (superior) relativa e suua médiia. No 2º. Grupo G foi composto porr 13 tipos dee vacinas naacionais e trrês importaddas, diferrenciando-see em oito tippos de compportamentoo com relaçãão a potênciia relativa. Concclusão: Os produtos avvaliados atenderam aoss critérios dee aceitabilid dade de acoordo com a Portaria Ministerial M n n°288, conttudo consideerando os diferentes d prrodutos e espéccies a que se destinam,, as vacinas importadass demonstraaram o maioor índice de aprovvação. Resssalta-se a neecessidade de d uniformidade e conssistência nos produtos a fim de see obter vacin nas de elevaada capaciddade imunoggênica, assim m como, deesenvolvimeento de m métodos paraa avaliar a qualidade q do o antígeno e concentraçção proteicaa nas vacinaas avaliiadas. Agra adecimento: MAPA. PT.0088 GS AND CA ATS RESC CUED IN A SMALL BRAZILIA B AN CITY: POTENTIA P AL DOG RAB BIES TRAN NSMITTER RS Babbboni SD1, Fo ornazari F2, Gonzalez GK G 1, Modoolo JR3 - 1Ennvironmental Health Survveillance Deepartment, Municipal M P Prefecture off Botucatu, São Paulo State, S Braziil., 2 Schoool of Veterrinary Mediicine and Animal A Sciennce - UNES SP - Botucattu - Veterinnary Hygiiene and Pu ublic Health, 3School off Veterinaryy Medicine and Animalls Science UNE ESP - Botuccatu - Veteriinary Hygieene and Pubblic Health Domestic dogs aand cats aree the most iimportant rrabies transmitters to m men in Brazzil. des the annual vaccination realizeed by the pu ublic service e, many anim mals remain n Besid unprrotected and d exposed tto rabies. Sttray animalss are even m more vulnerable to rab bies due tto sanitary conditions w which they are exposeed, such as ccontact with h bats, bite injuries caused by other strray dogs and cats potentially infeccted, and ab bsence of wards thesee facts, the population of domestic dogs and cats is an vacciination. Tow impo ortant aspecct in rabies prevention. The present study aim med to analyze the num mber of do ogs and catss rescued in n a small Braazilian city. The study w was realized d in the cityy of Botucatu (22°53 3’09”S 48°26’42”W), Sãão Paulo Staate, Brazil, w which comp prises an area of 2.87 km2, and has a hu uman population of approximatelyy 127,370 h hab.. The citty 1,482 realizzes annual vvaccination n campaign against rabies since 19 968, and the e last positivve diagn nosis for rab bies in a dog was in 1985. Althouggh canine/fe eline rabiess remain controlled since e this date, tthe infectio on is presentt in bats, bo ovines and h horses, as confiirmed by seeveral positiive diagnosis performeed annually.. The animaal rescue is perfo ormed by th he Environm mental Heallth Surveillaance Departtment of the Municipal prefeecture, and includes stray or unwaanted animals. The lastt group con nsists mostlyy of dogss and cats ab bandoned b by their own ners, usually declaring a sever disease, lack o of physical space, eexcessive agggression, aamong otheers. Data weere recordeed from the mber of rescued animaals was as fo ollow: in 20 006 – 2,298 dogs depaartment’s filles. The num and 5 560 cats; in 2007 – 2,066 dogs and d 533 cats; in 2008 – 1,271 dogs aand 421 cats; in 2009 9 – 688 dogss and 149 cats; in 2010 0 – 655 dogss and 204 cats; and in 2011 – 641 dogs and 1 199 cats. Th hese resultss show a greeat numberr of animals rescued byy the public service in Botuccatu. A decrease in the number of animals waas observed d along the 9. This fact iis a result of a municipal law (num mber 12.916 6) yearss, especiallyy after 2009 estab blished in 2008, which defined new criterionss for animal euthanasia, and consequently reeduced the amount of this proced dure. As a co onsequencee, the Health Survveillance Department aadopted a new policy, aand started to Envirronmental H rescu ue only straay animals ccausing public disturbance or visib bly sick. Unw wanted anim mals, which were freq quently ordered to be eeuthanatizeed (by their owners) be efore 2008, nimals led to o a weree also not alllowed to be rescued. TThus, the reeduction of rescued an decreease in euth hanasia pro ocedures, w which is in acccordance w with the new w law. The resullts of this ne ew measuree, as well ass the law, w were not evaaluated, and d one must consider the possible increase of strayy animal population, an nd also the risk of rabiees esponsible o ownership is an importtant aspect that must be evaluateed infecction. The re afterr the implem ment of thiss new policyy, once thatt unwanted animals aree not being allow wed to be ab bandoned aand sent to the Environ nmental Health Surveilllance Depaartment. PT.0089 NHECIMENTO SOBR RE RAIVA A AVALIA ADO A PAR RTIR DE ALUNOS A D DO 2º CON ANO O FUNDAM MENTAL DE D UMA ESCOLA E M MUNICIPA AL DE JABOTICABA AL/SP Moraaes FC1, Piccinato MAC C1, Grisólio APR1, Nunnes JOR1, Frrias DFR1, Cruz C CA, 2 3 1 1 Meirrelles-Bartoli RB , Roddrigues TO , Bürger KP P , Carvalho o AAB 1 FCA AV/UNESP P/Jaboticabaal/SP, 2Univversidade Feederal de Gooiás, 3 DAP PSA/FMVA A/UNESP/A Araçatuba/S SP 00 habitantees, a qual Jabotticabal posssui uma poppulação urbaana estimadda em 70.00 convvive com um ma grande cooncentração o de cães e gatos, g sugerrindo a neceessidade de conhhecimento soobre controle da reproddução dessees animais, posse p respo onsável e preveenção de im mportantes zoonoses. z N Neste cenárioo, teve origeem o projeto “Formaçãão de multiiplicadores em controlee de zoonosses urbanas e em possee responsáveel de animaiis de estim mação no Município M dee Jaboticabaal/SP”, que se s encontra em execuçãão como proojeto pilotoo em uma escola e do muunicípio, poossibilitandoo a aprendizzagem de ed ducandos, por p meioo de um cursso semi--preesencial de 180 horas, com posterior interaçãão e disseeminação deesses conhecimentos aoos alunos, toornando-os transmissorres de inforrmação paraa a sociedadde. Por consstituir a raivva urbana um ma importannte zoonosee e anuaalmente ser responsável r l por milharres de mortees de seres humanos h noos países nãão indusstrializados, ela se tornna um gravee problema dde saúde pú ública em innúmeras regiões do m mundo, tendo o o cão com mo um dos principais p reeservatórioss e fonte de infecção. Assim m, parte desste projeto teve t como objetivo o avaaliar o conhecimento prrévio dos escollares do 2º ano a fundam mental de um ma escola municipal m daa cidade de Jaboticabal/ J /SP sobree a raiva, paartindo do princípio p de que a escolla é responssável pela fo ormação de cidaddãos conscieentes, críticcos e ativos na sociedadde. Visto quue o contatoo direto com m cães e outtros possíveeis reservatóórios é cada vez mais frrequente, fooi desenvolvvido e aplicaado um qquestionário o a 43 alunoos do 2º ano fundamenttal, questionnando se posssuem anim mais doméésticos em sua s residênccia, históricco de vacinaação contra raiva e se existe o conhhecimento por parte dessses alunos sobre essa enfermidad e e. Os resulttados obtidoos demoonstraram que q 95,34% dos entreviistados posssuem animaais de estimaação e que, apesaar de 35% desses d anim mais ter livree acesso a ruua, 13,95% dos alunos afirmaram que seus cães e gatos não são vaacinados coontra raiva e 27,90% diisseram nunnca ter ouviddo falar sobre a doeença. Os entrevistados também ressponderam sobre a ocoorrência de miliares, obseervando um ma porcentaggem acideentes (morddeduras) entre seus fam signiificativa de 18,60% de acidentes reelatados oriiundos de attaques sofridos pelo próprio anim mal de estimação e 16,27% causadoos por anim mais desconhhecidos. Essses dados sãão preoccupantes, um ma vez que o contato entre e essas ccrianças e seeus animaiss é muito próxiimo, e sem um controle efetivo coom a vacinaação o risco de infecção o persiste necessitando aboordagens esscolares sobbre esta e ouutras importtantes zoonooses, as quaais os alunoos estão sussceptíveis. PT.0090 ETROSPECTIVE ST TUDY OF ANIMAL A R RABIES DIIAGNOSIS S IN THE A RE CEN NTRAL RE EGION OF SÃO PAU ULO STATE E, BRAZIL L, DURING G A 10-YEAR PER RIOD Langgoni H1, Forrnazari F1, Marson M PM M1, Guimarãees FF1, Men nozzi BD1, Da D Silva DB B1, 1 1 1 1 Paiz LM , Wandderley GG , Cavalcantee RV - School of Vetterinary Medicine and mal Science - UNESP - Botucatu - Veterinaryy Hygiene annd Public Health H Anim a cann transmit raabies to men n. The Seveeral species of domesticc and wild animals epideemiology prresent differrent patternns accordingg to each reggion, and thhe identificaation of infected anim mals has greaat importan nce to assist prophylaticc measures. The presennt mal rabies ddiagnosis reealized by th he Zoonosees studyy consists inn a retrospecctive of anim Diaggnosis Service (ZDS), from f the Veeterinary Hyygiene and Public P Health Departm ment, locatted at the Scchool of Veeterinary Meedicine and Animals Sccience (FMV VZ), São Paaulo Statee University y (UNESP), Botucatu city c (22°53’009”S 48°26 6’42”W), Brrazil. The ZDS Z is linnked to Pastteur Institutee of São Pauulo State, coontributing to rabies coontrol. Mostt of the samples subm mitted to raabies diagno osis (over 955%) come from f cities located l in thhe B (arounnd centrral region off São Pauloo State, whicch is the moost populouss State of Brazil 41,2552,160 habiitants), has a territory of o 248,209.4426 km2, an nd its animaal trade has great g impoortance in th he national economy. e T immunoofluorescentt antibody test (IFAT) and The the bbioassay in mice m were the t laboratorial tests em mployed forr rabies diaggnosis. Dataa weree recorded from fr 2002 too 2011. A tootal of 51466 samples were w analyzeed (2,409 baats, 1,6699 dogs, 512 cats, 329 bovines, b 1000 terrestrial wild mamm mals, 95 horrses, 38 sheeep, 19 gooats and 6 pigs). p The sppecies that presented p positive diag gnosis were bats (n=24), bovinnes (34), hoorses (n=6) and pigs (n= =1), totaliziing 65 posittive animalss. The propoortion of po ositivity amoong each sp pecies were: 1.0% for bats b (24/240 09), 10.3% for f bovinnes (34/329 9), 6.3% for horses (6/995), 16.6% for f pigs (1/66) and 0.0% % for dogs, cats, c sheepp, goats and d terrestrial wild mamm mals. The reesults indicaate that boviines, horsess and bats are infectedd by rabies virus v in thiss region. Altthough the proportion p o positive pigs of p %), only 6 annimals weree sampled, aand a study y including a representaative was hhigh (16.6% numbber of pig saamples couuld provide a more reliaable data, noot only for pigs p but alsoo for sheepp, goats and d terrestrial wild mamm mals. Bats presented p a lower l propoortion of positive anim mals when coompared to bovines and horses. Thhis fact is a result of thhe high num mber of baats submitteed to rabies diagnosis without w cliniical suspicioousness of the t disease, sincee any bat fouund in urbaan areas by the t Environnment Healthh Departmeent of the ciity is sent tto rabies diaagnosis. Thhe absent off positive doogs and cats indicates th he success of o the preveentive meassures adopteed for these species in tthe last yearrs, especiallly the municipal vacciination cam mpaigns, whhose focus arre these aniimals. PT.0091 TIGENIC CHARACT C TERIZATION OF RA ABID ANIM MAL ISOL LATES, ANT NOR RTHERN BRAZIL, B 2008/2012. Casseb LMN1, Coelho C TFS SB1, Pereiraa AS1, Ferroo MNP1, Lop pes NRS2, Begot B AL3, 4 1 1 1 FC , Travasssos da Rosaa ES - Insstituto Evandro Chagas Limaa RJS , Vasconcelos PF Seçãão de Arbov virologia e Febres F Hemorrágicas, 2Universidadde Federal Rural R da Amaazônia, 3Seccretaria de Estado E de Saaúde Pública - Núcleo de d Doençass Endêmicass de Estaddo do Pará, 4Núcleo dee Doenças Endêmicas E dde Estado doo Pará T identificcation of thee antigenic variants of rabies viruss furnish Introoduction: The impoortant inform mation on thhe origin off the circulatting rabies virus v in a deetermined regioon and, in coonsequencee, the existin ng cycles annd the involv ved speciess on them. Aimiing to exten nd the know wledge of thee epidemiollogy of the rabies r in no orthern Brazzil, we inncorporated d the techniqque of antiggenic characcterization for f the laborratorial diagnnosis of the rabies. Objjective: To determine d thhe epidemioologic profiile of the annimal rabiees in northerrn Brazil, duuring the peeriod of Jannuary 2008 through t Julyy 2012. Meth hod: A total of 32 rabiees virus isollates from wild w and dom mestic anim mals were ussed for anntigenic chaaracterizatioon as follow ws: 21 dogs,, a cat, five bovine, threee equine annd two bbats all of th hem from Pará P State. The T Indirectt Imunofluorescence Assay (IIFA)) was perfoormed using g a panel off monoclonaal antibodiess against thee rabies viruus nucleoprrotein (prodduced by CD DC/Atlanta, USA), Onne dog rabidd sample waas genetic chharacterizatted perfoormed using g the assay of o RT-PCR in two stepps seconds Barbosa B et al a (2007). Resu ults: The 200 dog isolatees and one cat c sample w were identiffied as Variaant 2, strainn comm monly founnd among doogs; all boviine, equine and bat rabbid samples (nonhemaatophagous)) were identtified as Vaariant 3, whoose reservoiir is the hem matophagouus bat Desm modus rotun ndus, a sampple of dog, not compattible with thhe panel, waas characteriized genetically as VAg3. V Concclusions: Thhese results suggest thaat in the nortthern regionn of p in n dogs; the other o strainss Brazzil the antigeenic variantt 2 continues to be the prevalent weree antigenicallly characteerized as bellong to the variant v 3 (fr from vampirre bats). Thee genetic characteerizations off all studiedd strains are on going annd should complement c t this studyy. MCT and IEC/SVS/MS Finanncial support: CNPq/M PT.0092 TIGENIC AND A GENO OTYPIC CHARACT C ERIZATIO ON OF RA ABIES VIR RUS ANT ISOL LATES FR ROM BATS S FROM BOTUCATU B U CITY AN ND REGIO ON Menoozzi BD1, Carrieri C ML, Oliveira RN, R Pereira VBR, Langgoni H - 1Unnesp - DHV VSP s time ago, a bats aree receiving an a increasedd importancce in Publicc Health beccause For some they are consideered the maiin reservoirs of rabies virus v aroundd the world, including h bats remain the rabies epidemiollogical cyclles for centuuries, only in the Brazzil. Although last ddecades the rabies in baats had its recognition, throughoutt researchess focused onn the role oof these aniimals in the epidemioloogical cyclee of the disease and alsoo on their variaants and their implicatioons in the development d t of new resservoirs for rabies viruss, mainnly in regionns where thee disease inn dogs was controlled. c T state off São Paulo,, The coorddinated by the t Institutee Pasteur, peerforms epiddemiological surveillannce for rabiies throuugh registerred laboratorries for its diagnosis. d T The labs of Zoonosis Z D Diagnostic Serviice, School of Veterinaary Medicinne and Anim mal Science - UNESP - Botucatu - SP is reggistered for receiving material m for diagnosis of o some munnicipalities of the regioon. Betw ween 2003 and a 2010, 199 samples of o non-hemaatophagous bats were diagnosed d ass posittive by IFD and Biologgical Evidennce. These isolates were antigenicaally charaacterized by y the panel oof monoclonnal antibodies donated d by PAHO--CDC (Centters for D Disease Conntrol and Prrevention, Atlanta, A GA, USA Pan-A American Health), H reveaaling seven of these isoolates belon nged to variaant 3, which h has the vaampire bat Desm modus rotun ndus as reseervoir, as weell as an inssectivorous bat of the genus g Myotiss preseenting variaant 4, characcterisitc of the t other inssectivorous bat Tadaridda brasiliennsis, and oother three profiles p are not compattible, NC-1,, NC-2 and NC-3. All isolates i werre assayyed by RT-P PCR and their productss had the nuucleoproteinn gene (N) viral v partiallly sequeenced, geneerating a phylogenetic tree t that groouped thesee isolates intto four clustters, desiggnated as lin neages Nycttinomops, Myotis, M Desm modus rotunndus, and a new lineagge of rabiees virus not previously characterized, which aapparently has h the bats of the genuus Myottis as reservvoir. This linneage show wed an averaage intraspecific identitty of 99.8% %, rangiing from 99 9.6 to 100% for nucleottides and 1000% amino acids. PT.0093 EXP PRESSÃO DA D GLICO OPROTEÍN NA DO VÍR RUS DA RAIVA R POR R CÉLULA AS DE D DROSÓFIL LA E ANÁ ÁLISE DA PRODUÇà P ÃO DE ANTICORPO OS EM CAM MUNDONG GOS IMUN NIZADOS Venttini-Monteirro DC2,1, Leemos MAN N2, Jorge SA AC2, Tonso A1, Pereira CA2, Astrayy 2 1 RM - USP - Escola Politeecnica/Labooratório de Células C Animais, 2Instituto Butanttan Labooratório de Imunologia I Viral m sendo Introodução: céllulas de Droosophila meelanogasterr Schneider 2 (S2) vêm utilizzadas para a expressão de proteínaas heteróloggas, por atinggirem altas densidadess, serem m de fácil cuultivo e exppressarem estavelmentee o gene de interesse. A glicoproteeína do víírus da raivaa (RVGP) é um produtto de interessse biotecnoológico por ser responssável pela indução da resposta im mune protetoora contra a infecção pelo vírus daa raiva. GP através de d cultivos de d células S2 S transfectaadas e analiisar a Objeetivos: prodduzir a RVG respoosta imunológica de annimais imunnizados com m essa glicop proteína. Métodos: M céllulas S2 fooram transfeectadas com m um plasmídeo contenndo o gene da d RVGP co ontrolado por um ppromotor dee expressão indutível e selecionadaas primeiram mente por reesistência à higroomicina. A nova n linhaggem, S2MtR RVGP, foi cultivada c em m biorreatorr Bioflo, vollume de traabalho 1L, com inóculoo inicial de 5x105 cel/m mL. Após in ndução com m CuSO4 (2-6 5x100 cel/mL) as a células fooram cultivaadas até iníccio da fase estacionária e a de crescim mento celullar (28°C, 90 rpm, OD 10% de satturação de ar). a A RVGP P foi dosadaa por ELISA A. Os camuundongos fo oram imunizzados (dias 0, 7 e 14) com c vacina comercial (controle ( posittivo), RVGP P recombinaante e salinaa (controle negativo). Após A as trêss doses do agennte imunizan nte os camuundongos recceberam a cepa c CVS inntracerebrall para ensaio desaffio. Os anticcorpos foram m dosados em amostraas de soro po or ELISA (P Platelia). Resu ultados: O Xmax X obtiddo nos ensaiios em biorrreator foi 3,,1x107 cel/m mL e a RVG GPmax 3,9 mg/L. m Apóss esquema vacinal v de trrês doses a vacina v comeercial produuziu 4,17 UI/mL de anticorpos a a anti-RVGP (apresentanndo resultaddos superiorres a 0,5 UI//mL, mo exigido pela OMS,, após a prim meira dose vacinal). v A RVGP recoombinante, após mínim três ddoses, apressentou 3,71 UI/mL (sup perior a 0,5 UI/mL apóós segunda dose). d O gruupo salinna não demo onstrou proddução de an nticorpos. No ensaio deesafio, os annimais imunnizados com m vacina com mercial tiveerem 100% de sobrevivvência, gruppo RVGP recom mbinante 800% e zero no n grupo sallina. Discusssão: frente aos resultaddos obtidos de expreessão de pro oteínas, proodução de annticorpos e alta porcenttagem de soobrevivência no teste desafio, as células S2 demonstram m ser um pootencial sisttema de exppressão paraa a GP. A menor produção de anticorppos nos anim mais imunizzados com RVGP R RVG recom mbinante, em e comparaação ao grup po vacina coomercial, poode estar rellacionada ao fato dde nossas preparações ainda não conterem c puureza adequada e não estarem assocciadas a adjuvantes. SP (2009/099327-7) e CN NPq (1427229/2010-8). Supoorte financeiiro: FAPES PT.0094 AVA ALIAÇÃO DO D PROG GRAMA DE E ATENDIM MENTO ANTIRRÁBICO A PES SSOAS EN NVOLVIDA AS EM AGR RAVOS CO OM ANIMA AIS NO MUNICÍPIO DE DES SCALVADO O, SÃO PA AULO, BR RASIL B KP1, Souza RR R2, Nunes JO OR1, Picinatto MAC1, Moraes M FC1, Grisóólio APR1, Bürger 1 1 1 1 1 Friass DFR , Maachado MA , Bichuette MA , Carvvalho AAB - Faculdadde de Ciênccias Agráárias e Veterrinárias, FC CAV/Unesp, Câmpus Jaaboticabal/S SP - Departamento de Mediicina Veteriinária Preveentiva, 2Graaduanda do curso de Medicina Vetterinária da UNIC CASTELO,, Descalvaddo/SP No Brasil, B a raiva urbana a encontra--se controlada na ma aioria dos estados, e poré ém o núme ero de trata amentos prrofiláticos pós-expos p ição efetua ados em deco orrência do o envolvimento de pe essoas em acidentess com cães s ou gatos ainda é elevad do. Este tra abalho obje etivou avalliar os registros de profilaxia mana pós-e exposição no Municíípio de Desscalvado/S SP, no perííodo antirrrábica hum de 2 2005 a 2009. Para tan nto, foi rea alizado, em m parceria com c a Seccretaria de Saúd de do Mun nicípio, um levantame ento de casos registrrados nas fichas f de invesstigação de atendime ento huma ano pós-exxposição, com c inform mações provvenientes do d SINAN (Sistema ( d Informaçção de Agravos e No de otificações). ® Esse es dados fo oram tabulados no software Microsoft Exxcel 2007 e analisad dos em ttabelas e gráficos. g No os resultad dos de 752 2 casos no otificados destacou-se d e no ano de 2005 o elevado n número de pessoas que q procurraram atendimento dico. Os ma aiores agra avos (75% dos casoss) foram re egistrados na zona méd urba ana, o que indica que e a maioria a dos agresssores eram domicilia ados. A faixa etáriia com mais acidente es foi de 0--15 anos, com c 245 agravos. Fa ato explicado pela intensa attividade da as criançass. Para o sexo s mascu ulino, 53% dos entes, na faixa f etária a de 31-45 anos. Com m relação ao animal,, 85% dos acide agra avos foram causadoss por cães e 9,4%, po or gatos. Ainda, A 46,8 8% dos cãe es e 33,8 8% dos gattos envolvidos nos ac cidentes fo oram decla arados vacinados no mom mento da agressão. No N entanto o, há falhass de preenchimento do d campo relaccionado a vacinas v na as fichas de notificaçção. Para os o cães, 39 9,15% dela as estavam incom mpletas e, para os ga atos 46,47% %. Em 70,6% dos ca asos, o animal s no momento m do o agravo e 85,3% ma antiveram-se sadios foi declarado sadio ante o perío odo de obsservação; no entanto o, 29,4% das fichas estavam e dura incompletas co om relação o a esta infformação. Por fim, 55 53 (73,54% %) pessoass olvidas noss acidentess foram submetidas à profilaxia a com uso de vacinass, e envo os ca asos conduzidos ape enas com a observaçção do animal, ou se eja, sem instittuição de vacina, v fora am 199 (26 6,5%). Com m relação ao soro an ntirrábico, foi f indiccado para 70 7 pessoa as (9,3%). Os O resultad dos indicam que a in nstituição d de profiilaxia pós-e exposição,, na maioriia dos caso os, foi feita a com base e apenas na n cara acterização o dos acide entes, não se levando o em conssideração a condição o epidemiológica a da área e nem a co ondição do o animal no o momento o do agravo o. É ssidade da a atuação de d forma in ntegrada entre os serrviços méd dico visívvel a neces e mé édico veterrinário na conduta c do o atendime ento e da capacitação c o dos dem mais profiissionais envolvidos no tema, o que favorrece a corrreta aplicação do trata amento anttirrábico pó ós-exposiç ção. PT.0095 N-SPECIFIIC STIMUL LATION INDUCED BY CLOST TRIDIOSIIS VACCIN NE NON IN A ANTI-RABIIES ANTIB BODIES TITERS T IN VACCINA ATED MIC CE Appoolinario CM M1, Allendorrf SD1, Perees MG1, Maartorelli LFA A2, Kataokaa APAG2, 1 1 1 1 Vicente AF , Anntunes JMA AP , Megid J - Unesp--Faculdade de Medicin na Veterinárria e 2 d Higiene Veterinariaa e Saude Pu ublica, Cenntro de Zoottecnia - Deppartamento de Conttrolede Zoon noses de Sãão Paulo - Laboratório L de Zoonosees e Doençaas Transmitiidas por V Vetores In prrevious studdies an unexxpected incrrease in antii-rabies titerrs in vaccinaated calves and also in not vacciinated calvees that weree born from previously vaccinated dams was i occcurred one month m after clostridiosiis vaccinatioon and perssisted obserrved. This increase until the 12th month m of agee, suggestingg that this vaccine v had stimulated the t specificc W the expperiment waas performeed with not vaccinated v immuunity against rabies. When dams and ccalves, no inncrease in anti a rabies antibodies a titers was observed sugg gesting that closttridiosis vacccine was abble to increaase the levels of anti-raabies antibodies only inn anim mals that werre previouslly primed with w the rabiies vaccine or that weree actively vacciinated. In th his context, the aim of the t present study was to t confirm, in another anim mal model, th he effect off clostridiosiis vaccine as a a non speecific stimu ulus for anti rabiees antibodies titers. Forrty eight swiiss mice, female, 60 daays-old divided into sixx groupps of eight animals a eacch were used d. The grouup A was noot vaccinated, group B and C waas vaccinateed with anti rabies and clostridiosis vaccine, respectively r y, on day 0 aand sacrificed at day y 15; group D and E waas vaccinateed with antii rabies and clostridiosiis d 30 and group g F wass vaccinatedd vacciine, respecttively, on daay 0 and saccrificed at day with clostridiosiis vaccine on o day 0 folllowed by anntirabies vaccine on daay 15 and y 30. It wass used a com mmercial ceell culture annti-rabies vaaccine and a sacrificed on day i a dose off 0.04 mL byy intramusccular route. polyvvalent closttridiosis vacccine, both in Anim mals were saacrificed according ethhical commiittee guideliines and blo ood sampless weree collected. Serum sampples were obtained, stoored at -20oC and anti-rrabies antibbodies titers were evaluuated using RIFFT moddified test. Animals A nott vaccinatedd or vacciinated againnst clostridiiosis didn´t present protective leveels of anti raabies antibodies. Micee vaccinated d against rabbies presentted protectivve levels off antirabies antibodies a t titers at daay 15 that inncreased on day 30. Titer of antirabbies antibod dies 15 dayss after antiraabies vacciine was signnificantly higher h in aniimals that reeceived closstridiosis vaaccine beforre, comppared to thee group onlyy vaccinatedd against rabbies and evaaluated 15 days d after vacciination. Theese results agree a with previous p repports and reiinforce a noon specific stimuulation induuced by closstridiosis vaaccine. More studies arre needed cooncerning thhe closttridiosis vacccine compoonents respoonsible for the t non specific stimulation and thhe interference of this t in seroloogical tests in practice.. PT.0096 quência de Quirópteroos Positivoss para Raivva Examinaados no Esttado de Gooiás Freq de 20007 a 2011.. Chaggas IN1, Roccha CGN1, Aguiar MS1, Resende RM R 1, Vieiraa RC1, Costta YL1, Sanntos 1 1 MFC C - AGRO ODEFESA Os m morcegos peertencem à Ordem O Chirroptera, e podem ser veetores ou reeservatórios de váriaas doenças importantes i em saúde pública, p denntre elas a raaiva. Existem dados dee morttes, por raiva, de conquuistadores esspanhóis e seus s animaiis, sugerindoo que os morccegos já tran nsmitiam a raiva antes da colonizaação das Am méricas. Moorcegos, de diferrentes hábitoos alimentarres, foram descritos d como transmiissores da raaiva, já tenddo sido estabeleciddo que os moorcegos hem matófagos sejam s responnsáveis pelaa maioria doos ntre os morrcegos hemaatófagos, a espécie e relatoos de casos de raiva noo Brasil. Den Desm modus rotun ndus é a prinncipal transsmissora da raiva para os o herbívoroos, acarretanndo granddes prejuízoos econômiccos na área rural. O Esttado de Goiiás possui uma u pecuária impoortante e exppressiva, sendo um graande forneceedor de carnne, tanto naccional comoo internnacionalmeente. Portantto, é fundam mental o connhecimentoo da frequênncia de ocorrrência de raaiva em quirrópteros. Fooram analisaados os exam mes realizaados pelo laborratório do seerviço oficial de Defessa Sanitária Animal do Estado de Goiás G entre os mesees de janeiro o de 2007 a dezembro de d 2011. Neeste períodoo foi realizaado o diagnóóstico de raaiva em 8100 morcegos no n Laboratóório de Anáálise e Diagnnóstico Veterinário LAB BVET, da Agência Goiaana de Defeesa Agropeccuária - AG GRODEFESA. Estes diagnnósticos forram realizaddos através das técnicass de Imunoffluorescência Direta – IFD e da Inoculação Intracerebrral em Camuundongos – IICC. Dos morcegos recebidos, r 8 806 m negativoss e quatro fooram positivvos para raivva, o que reepresenta 0,449% do totaal das foram amosstras. Dos 810 8 morcegoos analisadoos no LABV VET, 748 (992,35%) eraam oriundoss do Estaddo de Goiáss e 62 (7,65% %) eram dee outros Estaados da Fedderação; 5199 (64,07%) eram hemaatófagos e 291 2 (35,93% %) eram morcegos não hematófagoos. Todos os morcegos posittivos eram hematófago h Desmodus rotundus, r e provenientees do s, machos, da espécie D Estaddo de Goiáss. Houve um ma amostra positiva p no ano de 20007, provenieente do muniicípio de Niiquelândia e três amosttras no ano de 2009, sendo uma doo municípioo de Mam mbaí e duas do municíppio de São Domingos. D A Apesar de teer sido encoontrado som mente 0,49% % de morceegos positivvos, em todo os os examinnados, os riiscos à saúdde pública e para a poppulação anim mal são reais, sendo neecessária a manutenção m o da vigilânccia epideemiológica,, com ênfasee no controlle de morceegos, diminu uindo assim m a circulaçãão viral e reduzindoo as chancees de ocorrên ncia de raivva em seres humanos e animais. PT.0097 RIE HISTÓ ÓRICA DOS S CASOS DE D RAIVA A HUMANA A NO ESTADO CEA ARÁ SÉR Nayllê FHD1, Pin nheiro KMA A1, Damascceno KA1, Barros B AS1, Oliveira FB B1, Oliveiraa RJ1, Oliveeira RJ1, Du uarte BH2 - 1SESA-CE - NUVET, 2UFERSA - FACULD DADE DE MED DICINA VE ETERINÁR RIA r é umaa zoonose de notificaçãão compulsó ória, que aprresenta quaase Introodução: A raiva 100% % de letalidaade. No Muundo, segun ndo a Organnização Munndial de Saúúde, ocorre entre e 50.0000 a 70.0000 mortes porr Raiva Hum mana ao anoo, principalm mente nos continentes c Asiáttico, Africaano e na Am mérica Latinna. No Brasiil, de 2000 a 2011, foraam confirmaados 168 ccasos de raiiva humana e 167 (99,44%) óbitos. A região Nordeste N representa 55% % dos casoss registrado os entre 1980 e 2008; a região Nortte, no mesm mo período, 19%; regiãão Sudeeste, 16%; reegião Centrro-Oeste, 100%; e a regiião Sul, mennos de 1%. Entre 1980 e 20088, cães e gattos foram reesponsáveis por transm mitir 79% doos casos; moorcegos, 11% %; outroos animais, 10%. No anno de 2010, o Brasil reggistrou 3 (trrês) casos humanos h da doennça, 2 (dois)) no Ceará e um no Rioo Grande doo Norte. No ano de 2011, foram regisstrados 2 (do ois) casos no n Estado do o Maranhãoo. Objetivoss: Realizar o estudo epideemiológico da Raiva noo Ceara no período de 2000 a 2011, visando realizar r açõões educativas e conntrolar os faatores de risco relacionaados à doen nça, preveniindo a a descritiva ocorrrência de caasos humanos. Materiaal e Métodoos: Foi realiizada uma analise das 114 fichas dee Investigaçãão Epidemiiológica de Raiva R do SIINAN (Sistema de Inforrmação de Agravos A de Notificaçãoo) e dos daddos provenieentes do settor de estatísstica do N Núcleo de Co ontrole de Vetores V da Secretaria S dda Saúde do Ceara. Ressultados: Fooram confi firmados, noo período dee 2000 a 2011, 15 óbitoos humanos por raiva, sendo s 12 (80%) ocasiionados porr agressões de cães e 033 (20%) porr sagui. Os casos c foram m diagnosticcados em 10 municípioos do Estaddo: Fortalezaa, Caucaia, Maracanaú ú, Camocim,, Pindoretam ma, d Curu, Ipuu e Chaval. O maior nú úmero de caasos foi Umirrim, Tururuu, São Luís do confi firmado em Fortaleza F (qquatro casoss; 27%), segguido de Caaucaia (três casos; 20% %). Os outroos municípioos registraraam um casoo (6,66%) caada. O maioor número de d casos porr ano foi coonfirmado em e 2003, seendo sete (446,6%), todoos transmitiidos por cãees. Conclusão: O cão, dentro daa série históórica analisaada, ainda reepresenta o principal trransmissor de d m, principalm mente até o ano de 20033. A partir de d 2003, hoouve raivaa ao homem intennsificação daas ações de vigilância e controle da d raiva urbana e uma mudança m noo perfil epidemiollógico, na quual o sagüi passou a seer o principaal transmisssor, visto quue h dee 2005 a 20011, 3 (75%) foram proovenientes dde dos qquatro (quattro) óbitos humanos, agresssões provoocadas pelo mesmo. En ntretanto, em m 2010 foi registrado r um m óbito hum mano proveeniente da agressão a por cão, evideenciando a necessidade n e de analisarr ações desennvolvidas no n ciclo urbaano para evitar a ocorrêência de nov vos casos. E-maail: [email protected] PT.0098 DEMIOLO OGICAL ASPECT A OF F RABIES IN THE REGION R OF VALE DO D EPID PAR RAIBA DUR RING THE E PERIOD D OF 1992 T TO 2011. Souzza MCAM1, Torres Junnior MD2, Lombardi L Feerreira PA3, Nassar AFC4, Villadobbos 5 6 7 7 1 EMC C , Ferrari JJ J , Lara MC CCSH , Cunnha EMS - Polo APT TA Vale do Paraiba 2 Labooratorio de Sanidade S Annimal, Seccretaria da Agricultura A e Abastecim mento Escriitorio de Deefesa Agroppecuaria, 3Cooperativa C de Lacticin nio Médio Vale V Paraibaa, 4 5 Instiituto Biolog gico - Laborratorio de Bacterioses, B Instituto Biologico B - Laboratorio L o de 6 Raivva e Encefalites virais, Secretaria Municipal M d Saude dee Jacarei - SP, de S 7Institutoo Biolóógico - Laboratorio de Raiva e Enncefalites Viirais Vale do Parraiba, situatted in the eaast of Sao Paaulo State, is i a region where w the The V anim mal rabies occcurs, in its endemic foorm, for deccades. The control c meassurements adoppted, mainlyy the vaccinees in animaals and the systematic population p c control of thhe hemaatophagous bats from the t species Desmodus D r rotudus, havve not achieeved the expected successs to impedee and limit the t infectionn cases of thhe virus. Thhis can be explaained by thee fact that thhe region haas favorablee environmeental condittions for perpeetuation of shelters andd abundant food f for thee maintenan nce of hemaatophagous bat. b The oobjective off this study is to report the occurreence of rabies during th he period off 19922 to 2011 in suspected samples s from 41 cities from metroopolitan reg gion of Valee do Paraiiba - SP. 54432 sampless were analy yzed by the Direct Imm munofluoresscence (DIF) technnique and intracerebraal inoculatioon of mice. In I the samp ples analyzed, 567 in 54432 (10.44%) gave po ositives resuults being 21.7% (527/22421) from herbivores, 2.4% (23/9972) from m chiropterass, 3.7% (6/1162) from other o speciess (swine, caaprine, ovinee, primates and rodennts) and 0.6 6% (11/18777) from dog gs and cats. The obtaineed results in ndicate that the sampples of herbivores show wed the greaater rate of ppositive resuults when compared c too the sampples of the other o animall’s species analyzed, a w which indicaates the endeemicity of the t diseaase in these species. Baased in this observationn, it becomees importantt and essenttial to the reegion the coontinuous adoption andd the improvvement of epidemiolog e gical supervvision systeems, such ass: the encouurage of the education programs p annd populatio on awareness, mainnly in the ruural areas, thhe realizatioon of hematoophagous bat control, and a the vacciination of suusceptible animals. a Forr an effectivve performaance and succcess, thesee actioons must be conducted with the parrticipation of o the State institutionss of envirronment, heealthy and agriculture. a Bibliiographical citation TISTA, H. B. B de C. R. Raiva: R uma breve revissão. Acta. Sci. S Vet. v.335, n.2, p.1225, BAT 20077. DEL LPIETRO, H. H A. Aspecctos econôm micos y sanittários del prroblema de la rabia parallítica y de laa agresión del d vampiro. In: SEM. IINTER. DA A RAIVA, 2000, 2 São Paulo, P SP. P Programas e Resumos: São Paulo: De Paula Print P Artes Gráficas, G 20 000. v.1. DEA AN, D. J. Thhe fluoresceent antibodyy test. In: WORLD W HEA ALTH ORG GANIZATION. Laboor. Techn. in n Rabies. 4 ed. Genevaa: World Heealth Organiization,19966. p.88 GOD DWASSER,, R. A. Fluoorescent antiibody stainiing of streett and fixed rabies r víruss antgeens. Proc. of the Soc. Exp. E Biol. Med., M v.98, p.219, p 19588. KOP PROWSKI, H. The mouuse inoculattion test. Inn: MESLIN, F. X.; KAP PLAN, M. M. M H. Laboor. Techn. in n Rabies. 4 ed. Genevaa: World Heealth Organiization, 19996. p.80. KOT TAIT, I. Co ontrole da raaiva dos herrbívoros. Man.l Técn. do d Inst. Pastteur, n.9, p.8, 20100. RUP PPRECHT, C. C E. Rabiees re-examinned. Lanc. Infec. I Dise... v.2, n.6, p.327, p 2002. SOU UZA, M. C. A. M. Epiddemiology of o rabies: bioological andd serologicaal aspects off rabiees in vampirre bats Desm modus rotun ndus(E.Geooffroy) captuured in Valee do Paraibaa, Southheastern reggion of Brazzil. Arq. do Inst. Biol., São Paulo, v.64, n.2, p.91, p 1997. SUG GAY, W. Isoolamento doo vírus da raaiva de morrcegos hemaatófagos do Estado de São S Pauloo, Brasil. Bol. de la Offic. San. Pannam. v.50, n.4, n p.310, 1966. 1 . PT.0099 BIA: DIAG GNOSTICO O y CARAC CTERIZAC CION ANT TIGENICA A RAB Russso SE1, Novvaro LP2, Buurkhard IR2, Centuriónn G2, Luque AA2 - 1SEN NASA - Rabbia, DLA A -DILAB, 2SENASA - Rabia, DL LA-DILAB dades de Peqqueños Aniimales perteenece a la El Departamentoo de Rabia y Enfermed ntrol Técnico (DILAB), del Serviccio Nacionall de Direccción Gral. de Laboratoorios y Con Saniddad y Calid dad Agroalim mentaria (SE ENASA) quue depende del Ministeerio de Agriccultura, Gannadería y Peesca de la República R A Argentina. Desdde el año 20000 integram mos el Labooratorio Naccional de Reeferencia paara el Diaggnóstico de Rabia R juntoo con el Servvicio de Neuurovirosis del d INEI-AN NLIS. Posteeriormente junto j con ell Departameento de Zooonosis y Con ntrol de Vecctores del Miniisterio de Saalud de la Nación N se coonformó el Centro C Naciional de Referencia y Coorrdinación (C CNRC), donnde se incorrporó como Laboratorioo Coordinaddor al Depaartamento de d Diagnóstiico y Produucción del Innstituto de Zoonosis Z Luuis Pasteur (IZL LP) que depeende del Miinisterio de Salud del Gobierno G dee la Ciudad Autónoma A d de G.C.A.B.A), y la Red Nacional N de Laboratorioos de Diagn nóstico de Rabia R Buennos Aires (G integgrada por los laboratoriios provinciales y regioonales. Com mo Laboratorrio Nacionaal de Refereencia: Reallizamos y confirmamos el diagnósstico de rabiia por la téccnica estánddar de inmuunofluoresceencia directta (IFD), el aislamientoo del virus por p los métoodos clásicoos (inocculación en ratón o en cultivos c celu ulares) y la caracterizaación antigén nica mediannte el panel de 8 anticuuerpos monnoclonales (AcMc), ( proovistos por el e C.D.C., Atlanta, A Geoorgia, A. EUA Prodducimos reacctivos para uso interno y de los labboratorios de d la red de diagnósticoo: Sueroo Antirrábicco de origenn equino co onjugado conn isotiociannato de fluorresceína, virus CVS S (Virus Stanndard de Deesafío) y CR RN (cerebroo de ratón normal). n La mayor m parte de las muesstras recibiddas para diagnóstico poor nuestro Laboratorio L s son de boovinos y de otros animaales de prodducción. Se han diagno osticado y caracterizadoo la mayooría de ellass como variante 3 (Vam mpiro), peroo cada vez más m frecuenntemente, y proveenientes de distintos luugares dentrro de la zonaa donde habbitan los vam mpiros (Desmodus rotuundus), se haan caracteriizado varianntes donde el e AcMc 15 ha dado posittivo. Hem mos aislado en e más de 40 4 bovinos esta e variantee así como también t en caprinos y equinnos. Ello ha dado lug gar a la derivación de laas muestrass para un poosterior anállisis molecuular y A integ grante tambbién del Labboratorio Naacional de filoggenético porr parte del ANLIS, DC. Referencia, con la colaboraación del CD PT.1100 VA EM HE ERBÍVOR ROS NO MU UNICÍPIO O DE GRAN NJA - CEA ARÁ RAIV VAS SCONCELO OS DC1, DU UARTE NFH2, OLIVE EIRA FB2, MAIA M JUNIIOR JE3, MOR RAIS NB3 - 1ADAGRII - ADAGRI, 2SECRET TARIA EST TADUAL DE D SAUDE E DO CEA ARÁ - NUV VET, 3ADAG GRI a nose caracteerizada por uma encefaalite aguda e quase sem mpre A Raaiva é uma antropozoon fatal,, causada poor uma popuulação de vírus da fam mília Rhabdooviridae, gên nero Lyssavvirus (ACH HA; SZYFR RES, 2003). A principaal forma de transmissão o desta zoon nose ocorree nas agresssões aos annimais susceeptíveis, atrravés da inooculação do agente etioológico presente na saaliva dos annimais infecttados (VER RONESI & FOCACCIA F A, 1997). No N municípioo de Grannja, localizado na regiãoo norte do estado e do Ceará distantte a 353,2 Km K de Fortaaleza, ocorrreu a notificcação em noovembro dee 2011 sobree mortes de animais co om sinais clíniccos de enceefalite. Equippe da Secreetaria Estaduual de Saúdde e Agênciaa de Defesaa Agroopecuária. Nas N proprieddades foram m identificaddos animaiss expostos como: equíddeos, bovinnos, ovinos, caprinos e suínos. Os casos ocorrreram em 03 0 (três) propriedades nno distriito de Parazzinho, nas loocalidades de d Lagoa Reedonda, proopriedade 01 (morte de 06 bovinnos), propriiedade 02 Lagoa L redonda (morte dde 01 bovino o com confiirmação laborratorial), proopriedade 03 0 Lagoa Coomprida ou “Carro Queebrado” (moorte de 05 bovinnos e 01 asiinino). Em uma u cacimbba foi identiificado colô ônia de morccegos hemaatófagos da espécie Deesmodus rottundus, posssível responnsável da traansmissão da d doennça para os animais. a Foi realizada captura c na referida r caccimba próxim ma na Locaalidade de “Terra Dura da Sucupira ou Carro Quebrado”.. A colônia possuía aproxximadamennte 100 morccegos, foram m capturadoos 11, a pasta vampiriccida foi apliccada em 005 morcegoss e os outros 06 foram enviados paara diagnósttico laboratorial da Raiiva, dos qquais 01 foi confirmadoo positivo para p raiva attravés de Im munofluoresscência Direeta e Provva Biológicaa. Foram adootados os seeguintes enccaminhamentos: educaação em saúúde atravvés de palesttras com as equipes de saúde da faamília e peqquenos criaddores de bovinnos. Os criaadores foram m orientadoos para adoçção de práticcas profilátiicas na imunnização do rebanho, r bem m como, o uso u de pastaas vampiriccida nos anim mais agrediidos, e nottificação im mediata dos animais a susspeitos nos escritórios e da d Adagri, além a de encam minhamento a Unidadee de Saúde de pessoas expostas aoo risco de accometimentto da Raivva por contatto com anim mais suspeittos. Os casoos de raiva ocorreram o n proprieddades nas em qque os produ utores não realizavam r v vacinação ccontra a raivva, foi de funndamental impoortância as ações a integrradas entre a Saúde e Agricultura. A PT.1101 GILÂNCIA AMBIENT TAL DIAN NTE DO SU URTO DE RAIVA R SIL LVESTRE NO VIG MUN NICÍPIO DE D SÃO BE ENEDITO NO ESTAD DO DO CE EARÁ EM 2010 Silvaa MVS1, Mooura FBP1 - 1Secretariaa da Saúde do d Estado do d Ceará - 1ª Coordenaddoria Regional de Saú úde de Fortaaleza RODUÇÃO O – Casos reelatados de raiva r em raaposas e trannsmissão em m humano é INTR relataada nos estaados do Ceaará¹, Paraíbaa², Pernambbuco, Bahia e Minas Geerais3. Na Serra da Ibbiapaba nos meses de maio m e junhoo de 2010 no n município o de São Beenedito no Estaddo do Cearáá ocorreram m seis casos de raiva em m raposa guaaxinim nas localidades l de Muriicituba, Corrquinho, Sannta Luzia e em Barroqquinha. OBJJETIVO – Diagnosticar D ra situaação populaccional dos animais a silvvestres em áreas á com diiferentes graaus de alterração (morradias, planttações) onde ocorrem agressões, a aanalisando fatores f de risco da raivaa. MAT TERIAL E MÉTODO M – Foi utilizaado GPS naa marcação dos locais onde o ocorrerram ataquues para anaalisar as áreeas de vida de d cada espéécie animall agressora. Vacinação de bloquueio em cãees e gatos e trabalho edducativo foram realizaddos. Armadiilhas para captuurar raposass foram insttaladas paraa pesquisa de circulaçãoo do vírus ráábico dentroo dos limittes marcado os por GPS. RESULTA ADOS - A siituação epiddemiológicaa da raiva em m São B Benedito fooi grave, devvido o grand de número de d ataques em e seres huumanos caussados por rraposas e guuaxinins. Diiagnósticos laboratoriaiis positivos de diferenttes animais silvestres de com mprovaram a circulação o viral na reegião. A utiilização antrrópica na Seerra m alterado o meio ambieente para ateender os obj bjetivos com m fins da Ibbiapaba tem econnômicos, o que q comprovva a adaptaçção dos cannídeos em árreas alterad das pelo hom mem, crianndo legítimo os corredorees ecológicoos, os quais possibilitam m às espéciees silvestress transsitarem livreemente paraa as áreas haabitadas porr pessoas. Os O animais silvestres s esstão com o potenciall de dispersãão e colonizzação limitaadas devido à fragmenttação de habbitat mentação de habitat as doenças d emeergentes e re-emergent r tes na zoona rural. Com a fragm que jjá não possu uíam importtância epideemiológica, aparecem em e surtos, epidemias e o ou epizoootias numaa populaçãoo e região co omo em Sãoo Benedito. CONCLUS SÃO - A raiiva aindaa é um prob blema imbattível em mu uitos lugaress e um consstante desafiio para os serviiços de saúd de pública, porém, p um fato permannece óbvio, o de que a erradicaçãoo da raivaa humana deepende, fundamentalmeente, do conntrole da raiiva animal, inclusive coom a utilizzação da viggilância ambbiental. Agraadecimentoss Aos moradores do município de São Benedito, B peela disponibilidade em ceder seu teempo A técnico os do Núcleo de Controole de e connhecimento para a realiização dessee trabalho. Aos Vetoores - Secrettaria da Saúúde do Estaddo do Cearáá, que acomp panharam o primeiro autor a em toodas as ativ vidades. Aoss técnicos e demais serrvidores da 13ª Coordennadoria Regional de Saú úde de Tiangguá. Aos seervidores daa Secretaria Municipal de Saúde dee São Beneedito. Referências Bib bliográficas F C.E E.A.A.; Soussa, F.S. (19889). Raiva em e animais silvestres no n 1. Baarros, J.S.; Freitas, Estaddo do Cearáá particularm mente na rapposa (Dusiccyon vetulu us). Zoon. Rev. R Int., 1, 99 13. B. (2004). Epidemiolog E gia da raivaa: caracterizzação de víruus isolados de 2. Goomes, A.A.B anim mais doméstiicos e silvesstres do sem miárido paraaibano da reegião de Pattos, Nordestte do Brasiil. São Paullo, Brasil, 107p. (Thesiis, Faculdadde de Mediccina Veterinnária e Zoottecnia, Univversidade dee São Paulo). 3. Arraújo, F.A.A A. (2002). Raiva R humanna no Brasil: 1992-20001. Belo Ho orizonte, Braasil, 90p. (M.Sc. Dissertation, Escola E de Veeterinária, Universidad U de Federal de Minas Geraais). PT.1102 SER ROPREVAL LENCE OF F RABIES VIRUS IN N WILD CA ARNIVORE ES 1 1 2 2 Peress MG , Baccchiega TS , Martorelli LFA , Kataaoka APAG G , Vicente AF1, 1 1 1 1 1 Apolllinario CM M , Allendorf SD , Antuunes JMAP , Megid J - UNESP - School of Veterinary Meddicine and Animal A Sciennce - Deparrtament of Veterinary V Hygiene H andd B P, Brasil, 2Zoonosis Z Coontrol Centeer - Rabies Laboratory L Publiic Health- Botucatu-SP - São Pauloo-SP, Brasil All m mammals arre susceptible to rabies virus, especially thosee of the ordeer Carnivoraa and Chirooptera. In th he wild cyccle animals that t act as rreservoirs vaary accordinng to regionn. In Latinn America, the t bats act as main resservoirs of tthe virus in the wild cyycle, howeveer the rabiees virus has been isolateed from oth her wildlife species such Cerdocyoon thous (Crrabeatinng Fox), Proocyon cancrrivorus (Craab-eating Raaccoon), annd Callithrixx jacchus jacchhus (Comm mon marmose). In this context, this work aimed to analyzee the seropprevalence for f rabies viirus in 9 carrnivores capptured in areas of largee and small foresst fragmentss in the ruraal area in cenntral west reegion of Sãão Paulo statte. Were captuured 4 Nasuua nasua (C Coati), 4 Cerrdocyon thoous (Crab-eaating Fox) and a a Leopaardus parddalis (Ocelott), with the use of Tom mahawk trapps containing chicken leeg as bait. They T weree anesthetizeed with Zoleetil® (Tiletamine and Zolazepam) Z ) and had bllood samplees colleected by jug gular vein puuncture. The blood wass placed in collecting c tuube withoutt EDT TA, and seruum in microotube. Sera samples s were stored at -20 ° C andd than were testedd for neutraalization in cell c culture for the deteermination of o neutralizing antiboddies to rabiees virus by rapid r methood focus inhhibition of flluorescencee (RIFFT). In I Cerdocyoon thouss, that is connsidered as an importannt reservoirr for a particcular rabies virus variannt in Brazzil, 75% shoowed anti-raabies antibodies titers above a 0,5 UI/mL. Thesee data suggests that rabies r virus is presenteed in the anaalyzed regioon and someehow these wildlife speecies get inn contact with rabies virus. It’s im mportant to note n that theese animals were captuured in a rregion of close contact with other humans andd domestic animals, reppresenting a possiible epidem miological risk. PT.1103 LORACIÓN N DE UN TEST T RÁP PIDO DE IN NMUNOCR ROMATOGRAFÍA EN E VAL PLA ACA PARA A LA DETE ECCIÓN DE D RABIA EN E MUESTRAS FRE ESCAS Y EN E AVA ANZADA DESCOMP D POSICIÓN DE ARGE ENTINA Guryy Dohmen F1, Barcos O2, Cisterna D3, Cicuttiin G1, Menaa Segura C1, Beltrán F4 1 Instiituto de Zoo onosis Luis Pasteur - Diagnóstico, D , 2Laboratorrio Colón, 3INEI-ANLIIS Dr. Carlos C Malbbrán - Serviccio de Neurrovirosis, 4Innstituto de Zoonosis Z Lu uis Pasteur,, Buennos Aires, Argentina A En ell presente estudio se evvaluó un tesst de inmunoocromatogrrafía (RIDT)) para rabiaa (Rabbies Ag Testt Kit, Bionoote Inc., Korrea) de las principales p c cepas viralees circulantees en laa República Argentina, en muestraas frescas quue incluyero on a los reseervorios máás frecuuentes, como así tambiéén en cerebrros en avannzado estadoo de descom mposición baajo conddiciones de laboratorio. l Para ello see realizó el diagnósticoo sobre un lo ote de 50 dee muesstras clínicaas frescas poor las técniccas de IFD, RIDT y EB BRL entre loos años 2011 y 20122. Para evaluuar las cepaas de Lasiurrus sp (V6) y terrestre silvestre (V V2) se utilizaaron aislam mientos en cerebro de ratón, con la l intenciónn de incluir en e el ensayoo las varianttes de m mayor circulaación del paaís. Posterioormente se ddescongelarron 5 cerebrros guardaddos a -700°C de un brrote de rabia canina (V V1) 2002-20008. La senssibilidad dell test se valooró con uuna cepa dee virus fijo utilizado u en la producciión de vacu una CRL, prreviamente titulaado en ratonnes de 21 días d y RT-PC CR en form ma paralela. La L concordaancia del RIIDT con lla IFD y EB BRL fue del 100% y puudo detectarrse hasta la dilución d 10-4 del virus fijo, f que ccorrespondiió a 100 DL L50 en 0,03m ml. Existen regiones dee explotacióón ganaderaa en el noorte del país con rabia paresiante p y otras con aantecedentess de rabia de d ciclo terreestre de diifícil acceso o cerca de laa frontera coon Bolivia een donde el veterinario del municiipio podríía realizar un u primer diiagnóstico diferencial d a fin de dar parte a las autoridades a s sanittarias y así aplicar a rápiddamente lass acciones de d profilaxiss corresponddientes a loss morddidos y lueg go remitir laa muestra a los laboratoorios de refeerencia paraa confirmación y caraccterización de d la cepa responsable r del brote. En E nuestra conclusión c el e RIDT es de uso muy m simple y podría seer consideraado de sumaa utilidad enn muestras post-mortem p m bien conservadaas o descom mpuestas quee hayan com mpletado el período de estado de laa enferrmedad. PT.1104 E OF PROP PIDIUM IO ODIDE LIK KE A CELU ULAR CON NTRAST STAINING S G IN USE THE E DIRECT FLUORES SCENT AN NTIBODY (DFA) TES ST FOR TH HE RABIE ES VIRU USES DIA AGNOSTIC C. Igualla-Vidales M1 - 1InDRE E - Virologia RODUCTIION. INTR m importtant zoonosis worldwid de and repreesents a seriious Rabies remains one of the most y countries.. Into the diiagnostic toools the direcct fluoresceent antibodyy probllem in many (DFA A) test is a fast f and sennsitive method to diagnnosis rabies infection inn animals annd in humaans (1, 3). The T test is based b on miccroscopic exxamination, under ultraaviolet lightt, imprressions, sm mear sampless of tissue of o the hippoocampus (flaagpole of Ammon), A thee cerebbellum and the medullaa or tissue sections; anttibodies (IgG G) used in the t conjugaate monooclonal allo ow specific and uniform m coloring without w inteerference fro om the fundd. In ceell biology, propidium p i iodide is used as a dye contrast thaat differentiiates the nuccleus from m the cytoplaasm (intercaalates in DN NA) (4), theere is evidennces of its use in stains for identtification off Herpes Sim mplex Typee 1 (5). AL: GOA Impllement the use u of propidium iodidee in the diaggnosis of the rabies viru us by directt fluorrescent antibbody (DFA)) test TERIALS AND A MET THODS MAT 70 Saamples werre selected: 50 brains: (25 ( positive samples off varying deegrees of posittivity (1 + too 4 +) and 225 samples negative) n annd 20 isolattes of the rab abies virus inn mousse neuroblaastoma cell (15 ( positivee samples off varying deegrees of poositivity (1 + to 4 +) annd 5 negativve samples) of the rabiees laboratorry samples bank. b The direct d fluorescent antibbody (DFA)) test was appplied as inddicated by the t supplier Anti-Rabiees Monoclonnal Globbulin (IDF, FUJIREBIO F O.) (DIAGN NOSTICS, IInc.); to the end of the test, t added 20 µL oof the propiddium iodidee solution too a final conncentration of o 0.3 µg/m mL (in each imprrint of brain or well celll culture) annd it was incubated at room r tempeerature for 5 minuutes, it was eliminated e b rinsing with by w PBS pH H 7.4, let air dry and was w added a drop of buuffered glyccerin pH 8.44; reading was w conducteed on an maagnificationn lens fluorrescence microscope 100 X and 40 X. The readding was evvaluated for 4 people; 2 experts in rabiess diagnosis and 2 peoplle in the leaarning proceess. SULTS AND D CONCLUSION RES Of thhe 50 samplles brains were w obtained the follow wing results; 25 positiv ve samples of o varyiing degrees of positivitty (1 + to 4 +) and 25 negative n sam mples and all 20 isolatees of the raabies virus of in mousee neuroblasttoma cell (115 positive samples s of varying v deggrees of poositivity (1 + to 4 +) annd 5 negative samples; all samples coincided with w the previiously reporrted results.. All personnnel involveed in readingg coincided in the ease of identtify the nuclleus of the cell c in the brain b imprinnts as well as in cell cullture slides. Becaause of the propidium p iodide is useed to staininng the DNA A, were watcched the ceells nucleeus of red-o orange colorr; likewise facilitated f thhe identificaation of infeection in thee cytopplasm of thee cell (in poositive casess) by the fluuorescent appple green contrast c of thhe fluorrescein isoth hiocyanate (FITC) ( fluoorochrome, tthat is conju ugated to thhe monoclonnal antibbodies targeting the prootein of rabiies virus. Thherefore, it is i concluded d that the usse of propiidium iodid de does not interfere i in the DFA teest it is conccluded that the t use of propiidium iodid de does not interfere i in the DFA teest, since alll results werre identical to the reeported in the t samples tested befoore; the use oof propidium m iodide is helpful mainly for teechnical staaff who do not n have expperience in identifying cells in impprints and cell c cultuure; the use of propidium iodide allows a conttrast which facilitates thhe identification of the fluorescennce of the raabies virus. PT.1105 ALUATION N OF BAIT T FLAVOR RS FOR PO OTENTIAL L USE IN ORAL O RAB BIES EVA VAC CCINE DEL LIVERY TO T FERAL L DOGS (C Canis familiiaris) Bendder SC1, Bennder P2, Haausig K3, Beerentsen A4, Bergman DL D 5, VerCaauteren K4 1 2 Navvajo Nation - Navajo Nation N Veterrinary Progrram, USDA A - APHIS-W Wildlife 3 Serviices, Phoen nix, Arizonaa, USA, US SDA - APHIS-Wildlifee Services, Phoenix, P Arizoona, 4USDA A - APHIS- Wildlife Seervices- Naational Wilddlife Researcch Center, Fort F Colliins, Coloraddo, 5USDA - APHIS Wildlife W Servvices, Phoennix, Arizonaa d doogs on triball lands in thhe United Sttates : It iss estimated that less thaan 20% of domestic are vvaccinated against a rabiees. One pottential methhod to increaase vaccinattion rates m may be thhe distributioon of oral raabies vaccinnes (ORV). ONRAB® is the prim mary ORV baait used in Canada to vaccinatee striped sku unks and raaccoons. Reesearch has suggested the t n annimals that may ingest these baits are feral doomestic mostt common non-target ® dogs. To furtheer investigatte the potenttial use of ONRAB O ORV O baits to o vaccinate feral a rabiees on tribal lands, we performed p a flavor prefference studdy to domeestic dogs against increease ORV acceptance. Seven bait flavors (bacon, cheesee, dog food, hazelnut, marsshmallow, peanut p butteer and sardinne) were offfered in pairrs to 13 dom mestic dogs. Each dog g was offered all possibble combinaations of baiit pairs overr a period off ten mes each baitt was consuumed days, with each bait offeredd six times. The proportion of tim ong dogs weere first bby individuual dogs wass calculatedd and compaarisons amo condducted. Dogg food was selected s firsst 56% of thhe time, andd more frequuently than all otherr bait types (F = 13.09, P = 0.00055) although bacon was close seconnd at 54%. Marshmaallow was seelected first during 14% % of offerinngs and exhiibited the leeast m extensive evaluatiion is prefeerence amonng all bait tyypes (F = 222.46, P < 0..0001). A more plannned, prelimiinarily; dogg food or baccon flavored ORV baitts appear to be good choicces for optim mizing bait ingestion by b feral dom mestic dogs. PT.1106 OFILAXIA DA RAIVA HUMAN NA: COMP PARAÇÃO O DOS ATE ENDIMENTOS PRO MÉD DICOS NO OTIFICADO OS EM 200 01 E 2011 NO N ESTAD DO DE SÃO O PAULO,, BRA ASIL Omooto TM1, Taakaoka NY1 - 1Instituto Pasteur p A raiiva, doença infecciosa quase semppre fatal, pode ser preveenida com profilaxia especcífica. A pro ofilaxia da raiva r human na pode serr realizada pré p ou pós-eexposição aoo víruss da raiva, utilizando-se u e vacina conntra raiva huumana e sorro antirrábicco de acorddo com recomendaações especííficas. Os im munobiólogiicos (vacinaa de cultivo celular e sooro mente nos serviços de saúde s da red de pública do d antirrrábico) estãão disponíveeis gratuitam Brasiil. Os acidentes com annimais mam míferos conssiderados dee risco para a transmisssão da raaiva são monnitorados peelo Sistemaa de Vigilânncia Epidem miológica, attravés de notifficações doss atendimenntos realizaddos nas uniddades de saúúde no Sisteema de Inforrmação de Agravos A de Notificaçãoo (SINAN). Nos últimoos onze anos a média annual de attendimentoss realizados pelas unidaades de saúdde do Estad do de São Paaulo foi de 1074491 notificaçções, com a taxa de 27 atendimenttos por 10000 habitantes; sendo quue 41% receberam imunoprofiilaxia contraa raiva e a taxa t de aban ndono de 133,8%. No anno de 20011 foi notificaado o últimoo caso de raaiva humanaa no estado de São Pauulo, por variiante de m morcego, cujo animal aggressor foi um u gato. Em m 2001 foraam notificaddos 117599 atenddimentos médicos, m com m 99,9% de casos de póós-exposição, de 95,8% % dos 645 muniicípios, taxaa de profilaxxia humanaa de 35,1% e taxa de ab bandono de 12%. Quannto às espéccies animais envolvidaas nos atenddimentos nottificados, oss cães e gato os foram oss princcipais agressores responnsáveis pelaa procura doo atendimennto médico,, respondenddo por 886% do totaal. No ano de d 2011, daddos preliminnares revelaam que de 117486 atenddimentos nootificados, 98% 9 foram de d pós-expoosição, em 98,3% 9 dos municípios, m , com taxass de profilax xia humana de 49,3% e 14,2% de abandono. Os O cães e gaatos correesponderam m a 96% do total t de espéécies. Apóss o período de d 11 anos, apesar da discrreta diminuiição no núm mero de aten ndimentos notificados, n chama atennção o aumeento dos ccasos em quue o morceggo foi o respponsável pella profilaxiaa em 2011; e também a diminnuição dos registros seem especificcar a espéciee animal ennvolvida. Peersistem aindda inconnsistências nos n registroos dos bancoos de dadoss, gerados elletronicameente, dificulttando uma análise rápiida e aprofuundada dos mesmos. PT.1108 ON MOLE ECULES ON O RABIES S EFFECTS OF AMPHIBIIAN SKIN SECRETIO US INFEC CTION IN MAMMAL M LIAN CELL LS VIRU 1 VIGE ERELLI H1,2 , Sciani JM M1, Jared C3, Antoniazzzi MM3, Caaporale GM MM2, Silva 2 1 1 ACR R , Pimenta DC - Instituto Butanttan - Laboraatório de Biioquímica e Biofísica, 2 Instiituto Pasteuur - Laboratóório de Soroologia, 3Instituto Butan ntan - Laborratório de Bioloogia Celularr Rabies is an acu ute infectiouus disease caaused by a virus v that afffects the ceentral nervoous m o infectionn is associateed to the ceell penetratio of on via the systeem, which mechanism nicottinic acetylccholine receeptor. The genus g Bufo, recently split into Bufoo in the Oldd Worlld and Rhinnella in the New N Worldd, contain a large l number of alkalo oids and sterroids in theeir skin secrretion. The aim of this study was to t assay moolecules extrracted from m the skin of amphibiaans as possiible interferring agents iin the proceess of infecttion of the rabies r B (Rhineella jimi) skkin secretion ns were colllected throuugh viruss in mammaalian cells. Bufo mechhanical stim mulation. A liquid-liqui l d partition (H ( 2O-CH2Cl C 2) was perrformed andd the two rresulting so olutions werre purified by b RP-HPLC C, in a C18 column. Sttructural charaacterizationn was perforrmed by maass spectrom metry. Cytottoxic tests of o the isolateed comppounds werre performedd over BHK K-21 cells. Briefly, B 96-w well microttiter plates contaaining the cells c were inncubated forr 24h in the media conttaining diffeerent dilutioons of the purified molecules. m F the virollogic test, fixed For fi strain PV P (Pasteurr Virus) was w both used on fluoresccence inhibiition test annd fluorescennt foci inhibbition test, with nd time courrse treatmen nt of the cellls with the virus and thhe fractions. simuultaneous an Sixteeen fractionns were obtaained by RP P-HPLC. Thhe cytotoxic tests revealled that 9 fractiions were tooxic to BHK K-21cells. On O the virollogic test, frraction 2 shoowed a lastiing effecct, independdent from thhe simultaneeous and tim me course trreatments in n both tests. Masss spectromeetric analysees showed th hat this fracction containns a steroid d named helleebrigenin. Frraction 14 was w able to reduce rabiies virus inffection in booth tests, appaarently show wing compettition effectts. Mass speectrometric analyses sh howed that this fractiion containss two indolee alkaloids, N`,N`-dim methyl 5-hyd droxytryptam mione (bufootenine) andd N`,N`,N`--trimethyl 5-hydroxytryyptamine (5 5-HTQ), whhich are currrently undeergoing puriification. Thhe two indivvidual compponents willl be retestedd for biological activvity in orderr to evaluatee which retaains the biollogical effecct so that more m in depthh assayys can be peerformed. ESP, CNPqq Finanncial Suppoort: Institutoo Butantan, Instituto Paasteur, FAPE PT.1109 O DE YODU URO DE PROPIDIO P COMO CO OLORANT TE DE CO ONTRASTE E USO CEL LULAR EN N LA TECN NICA DE INMUNOFLUORESC CENCIA DIRECTA D PAR RA EL DIA AGNOSTIC CO DEL VIIRUS DE LA L RABIA Igualla-Vidales M1 - 1InDRE E - Virologia ndo, y representa La raabia continúúa siendo unna de las zoonosis más importantes en el mun un prroblema serrio en muchhos países. Dentro D de laas herramienntas de diag gnóstico la técniica de inmun nofluoresceencia directaa con anticuuerpos fluorrescentes (IF FD) constituuye un m método rápiddo y sensible para diagnnosticar la infección i ráábica en anim males y en seres humaanos (1, 3). La prueba se basa en el e examen microscópic m co, bajo luz ultravioletaa, de imprresiones, frootis de muesstras de tejiddo del hipoccampo (astaa de Ammonn), del cerebbelo y la medula m o seecciones de tejido; los anticuerpos a monoclonaales (IgG) utilizados u enn el conjuugado perm miten la colooración espeecífica y uniiforme sin interferenciaa del fondo.. En biología celu ular el yoduro de propiddio se utilizza como colorante de coontraste quee mite diferencciar el núcleeo celular deel citoplasm ma (se interccala en el DNA) (4), exxisten perm evideencias de su u utilizaciónn en tincionees para idenntificación de d Herpes Simple S tipo 1(5). OBJJETIVO: Impllementar el uso u de Yodduro de Proppidio dentroo del diagnóóstico del virrus de la rabbia por IInmunofluorrescencia diirecta. MAT TERIALES S Y METO ODOS n 70 muestrras: 50 encééfalos: (25 muestras m positivas de diferentes d grrados Se seeleccionaron de poositividad (1 1+ a 4+) y 25 2 muestrass negativas) y 20 aislam mientos del virus de la rabia r en céélula de mieeloblastomaa de ratón (115 muestras positivas de d diferentess grados de posittividad (1+ a 4+) y 5 muestras m neg gativas) del banco de muestras m del laboratorioo de rabiaa. Se aplico la técnica de d inmunoflluorescenciaa directa (IF FD) según lo l indica el proveeedor Anti--Rabies Monnoclonal Gllobulin (FD DI, FUJIREB BIO. DIAGN NÓSTICS, Inc.), al terminoo de la técnica, se adiciiono 20 µL de la soluciión de yoduuro de propiidio a mpronta de encéfalo e o pozo p con céllulas una cconcentracióón final de 0.3 µg/mL (en cada im de cuultivo )y se incubo a tem mperatura ambiente a duurante 5 min nutos, se eliimino lavanndo con P PBS pH 7.44 , se dejo seecar al aire y se agregoo una gota de glicerina tamponada t pH 8.4 ; se realizo la lectura enn un microsccopio de epifluorescencia con el objetivo o 10X Xy gnóstico de rabia r y2 40X.. Se evaluó la lectura para 4 personnas; 2 experrtos en diag persoonas en procceso de apreendizaje. SULTADOS S Y CONC CLUSION RES De laas 50 muesttras de encééfalo se obtu uvieron los siguientes resultados; r 2 muestrass 25 posittivas de difeerentes graddos de positiividad (1+ a 4+) y 25 muestras m negativas y dee los 20 aiislamientos del virus dee la rabia enn célula de m mieloblastooma de ratón n (15 muesttras posittivas de difeerentes graddos de positiividad (1+ a 4+) y 5 muuestras negativas; todaas las muesstras coincid dieron con los resultaddos anteriorrmente reportados. Toddo el personnal invollucrado en la l lectura cooincidió en la facilidadd de identificcar los núcleos celularees, tantoo en impronttas de encéffalo así com mo en las lam minillas de cultivo celuular. Debidoo a que eel yoduro dee propidio se s intercala en el DNA,, se observaaron los núccleos de las célullas de color rojo-naranjja; así mism mo se facilitto la identifficación de la l infecciónn en el cittoplasma ceelular (en los casos posiitivos) por eel contraste de color veerde manzanna fluorrescente deb bido al fluorrocromo isootiocianato de d fluoresceeína (FITC)) que esta marccando a los anticuerpos a s monoclonaales dirigidoos a la proteeína del viru us de la rabiia. Por lo l anterior se s concluye que el uso del yoduro de propidioo no interfieere en la técnnica de IF FD ya que se obtienen resultados r idénticos a llos que se reeportaron en n las muestrras probaadas; el usoo del yoduroo de propidiio es de ayuuda principaalmente paraa personal técniico que no tiene t la expeeriencia en identificar llas células en e improntaas y en cultivvos celullares; el usoo del yoduroo de propidio permite un u contraste que facilitaa la identtificación dee la fluoresccencia propia del virus de la rabia.. RADECIM MIENTOS: AGR A toddo el person nal del laborratorio de raabia del Insstituto de Diiagnóstico y Referenciaa Epiddemiológicos (InDRE), al Dr. Luis Leucona reepresentantee de USDA/APHIS/IS Méxiico, por el apoyo a recibiido. PT.1110 BIES PROP PHYLAXIS S : EXPER RIENCE RE EPORT ON N INFECT TIOUS RAB DISE EASES RE EFERENCE HOSPIT TAL IN NA ATAL, RIO O GRANDE E DO NOR RTE Silvaa JDPS1, Sillva DS2 - 1State S Healthh Secretary, 2Municipall Health Seccretary Hospital Giiselda Triguueiro is a refference on Rio R Grande do Norte in n infectious The H diseaases for 25 years y and deeployed thee service forr rabies propphylaxis in collaboratioon with the professional veteriinarian. Oveer the years the service demand is increasing, beingg treated moonthly betw ween 260-3000 patients victims v of animals attacck, which justiffied the servvice need foor run underr a 24-hour duty care. The T treatmeent is develooped throuugh various entry ports since requeests for perssonal inform mation or by y phone, as well as sccientific tech hnical suppoort for the multidiscipl m inary hospittal team and d municipallities. Guiddances are given g to servved patientss on the emeergency dep partment and d, after folloow the eestablished treatment t prrotocol, theyy are forwaarded to the veterinariann, wich guiddes abouut the pathog genesis and symptomattology of thhe disease inn the animall, follows thhe casess and condu ucts detailedd research; being b evaluated the posssible risks of contagioon and sstarting the appropriatee mechanism ms to promoote the healtth of the poppulation wiith the ccorrect appliication of thhe rules on rabies r preveention, workking seamleessly with health h serviices in the control c and prevention p of o diseases in humans and animalss. PT.1111 ME AND ST TORAGE TEMPERA T ATURE INF FLUENCE E IN TITER R OF ANTII TIM RAB BIES VIRU US FLOUR RESCENT CONJUGA C ATE PROD DUCED IN PASTEUR R INST TITUTE – SÃO PAULO Trotii ACP1, Silv va ACR1, Peeixoto ZMP P1, Ferreira KCS1, Chav ves LB1, Caaporale GM MM 1 Instiituto Pasteuur Pasteeur Institutee, SP, Brazill g which a product p or reeactant has, within Stabiility is definned as the period during speciified limits, the same properties p an nd characterristics posseessed at the time of its manuufacture. Thhe determinnation of thee validity ennsures that th he reagent maintains m thhe charaacteristics of o strength, purity p and quality q durinng the proposed periodd when storeed undeer appropriaate conditionns. It is recoommended for f maintennance of connjugated polycclonal or an ntiribonucleoproteins raabies virus, at 4°C and protection of light inciddence. The objective o off this study was w to evaluuate the stabbility of thee title of lotss of rabiees virus fluoorescent connjugate prodduced at thee Pasteur Insstitute of Sãão Paulo (IP P/SP), adeqquately storeed for differrent periods and temperratures. Thee titles of th he conjugatees used in this stud dy, so produuced and maaintained unnder appropriate condittions were d immuunefluoresceence (DIF) test t on slidees with decaals of the ceentral deterrmined by direct nervoous system (CNS) of mice m positive for rabies, and we used three battches, the which w weree named antiribonucleooproteins: Feebruary/20006 (L.RNP: 02/2006), rabies r virus: Januaary/2010 (L L.TOT: 01/22010) and raabies virus: April/20111 (L.TOT: 04/2011), 0 wiith titerss 1:140, 1:1000 and 1:800, respectiveely. Aliquotts of these conjugates c was w also stoored at - 220°C, after production. p Aliquots keept at 4°C to - 20°C were w evaluated by the IF FD, in Juuly 2012, using decals CNS C of bovvine positivee for rabies,, as the titers obtained aliquuot (L.RNP:: 02 / 2006), (L.TOT: 01/2010) 0 and (L.TOT: 04/2011), 0 after periodss of storaage at 4°C, 1:70, 1 1:80 and a 1:80, annd aliquots of o the preserrved -20°C,, bonds 1:1440, 1:1000 and 1:1000, respectiveely. The resuults of this study show wed a small decrease d of the title aaliquots of conjugates c p produced inn the IP/SP, when propperly stored for long perriods at 4°C, this mayy be due to changes c in temperature t e through su uccessive op penings of thhe o b better preserrvation of thhe titles of this t reagent when aliquuots refriggerator, by observing are kkept frozen, for single use u at - 20°C C without undergoing u r repeated thaawing. PT.1112 AIVA EM SÃO JOSÉ É DO EGIT TO, SERTà ÃO PERNA AMBUCO:: UMA A RA ANÁ ÁLISE DAS S AMOSTR RAS ENVIIADAS Machhado JL1, Araújo A ACR R2, Ribeiro MGB M 3, Silvaa LAM4, Olliveira JCT5, Gomes ES S6, 7 1 2 3 Bolleer MAA - LACEN - PE, P LACE EN/PE / LAN NAGRO/PE E, Universiidade Federral de 4 5 Pernaambuco. Ceentro Acadêêmico de Viitória, GEM MNE, UFP PE/CAV / GEMNE, G 6 Secrretaria Mun nicipal de Saaúde de São o José do Eggito, 7Fundaação Oswalddo Cruz, Instittuto Nacion nal de Contrrole de Quallidade em Saúde S A raiiva é uma an ntropozoonnose altamennte letal quee acomete a todos os mamíferos, m a sua transsmissão se dá d principalm mente pela mordedura de um anim mal infectaddo e envolveem nos sseus ciclos diferentes d g grupos de mamíferos m enntre eles aniimais domésticos e silvestres. Apesaar de ser um ma doença grave g é de fáácil profilaxxia e possível de ser ma das propoostas de moonitoramentoo é o encam minhamento de amostraas moniitorada. Um para análise rábiica de difereentes espécies de mam míferos a fim m de se estuddar a circulaação do víírus nos difeerentes cicloos da doençça (urbano, silvestre, aééreo e rural)). O municíppio, em eestudo, situaa-se no sertãão pernambu ucano e reppresenta o mais m efetivo no encam minhamento de amostrra da regiãoo, dista da caapital pernaambucana ceerca de 400 quilôômetros, loccalizando-see a uma latittude 07º28'444" sul e a uma u longitu ude 37º16'288" oestee, estando a uma altitudde de 585 metros. m No ultimo u censo o sua populaação foi estim mada em 35..792 habitanntes ocupanndo uma áreea de 792,00 0 km². As innformações das amosstras foram coletadas nos n livros dee registro doo LANAGR RO/PE e no banco de daados da V Vigilância Saanitária do município. m O primeiro registro de amostra encaminhada pelo muniicípio de Sãão José do Egito E para annálise rábicca refere-se a um bovinno enviado em e 19799, e até dezeembro de 20011, o Muniicípio envioou 414 amosstras agrupaadas em cincco categgorias animaais (Criaçãoo = 56, Dom méstico = 855, Humana = 1, Quirópptero = 251 e Silveestre = 21), do total enccaminhado 42 4 foram poositivas. Annalisando seeparadamente cada categoria teemos que enntre os dom mésticos destacaram-se os cães com m uma maioor p a com en ncaminhameento de freqüüência (ocorrrendo em praticament e todos os anos amosstras) e um maior númeero de amosstras (n=80)) encaminhaadas. Para os o animais de d criaçção, os bovinnos, represeentaram o maior m númerro de encam minhamentos (n=40) beem comoo a maior frreqüência annual (nove anos). a O maaior númeroo de amostraas para os morccegos foi dee não-hemattófagos (n=145). Os sillvestres foraam represenntados apenaas pelass raposas (n n=21) encam minhadas em m oito anos, e amostra de d humano foi encam minhada um ma única vez. Raposa e bovinos reegistraram o maior núm mero de casoos posittivos, ambos com 12 reegistros, segguidos peloss morcegos (n=11). Os cães regisstraram apennas três amoostras positiivas, o ultim mo em 20077, e o único caso positivvo humaano ocorreuu em 1992. Apesar A da aparente a erradicação daa raiva urban na (canina) o víruss se mostra circulante c a ainda nesse ambiente, ppelos registrros de morccegos positivvos nos úúltimos anos, destes cinnco ocorreraam em 20111. E, pela diiversidade de d amostrass encam minhadas pelo p municíppio, pode-see verificar que, q o mesm mo está efetiivando o moniitoramento da raiva. PT.1113 PROGRAM MA DE EM MPLEO TE EMPORAL L (PET): CO OMO UNA A EL P HER RREMIENT TA PARA LA VIGIL LANCIA EP PIDEMIOL LÓGICA DE D COM MUNIDAD DES CON FOCO F RAB BICO EN EL E ESTAD DO DE GUE ERRERO, MÉX XICO Doraantes SL1, Carrillo C PS2 - 1Secretariia de Salud--Guerrero-M Méxcico - Zoonosis, 2 Coleegio Superior Agropeccuario del Estado de Guuerrero C Chica,, del Dadaa la situacióón Epidemioológica de laa Jurisdicción Sanitariaa 06 en la Costa estaddo de Guerrero, Méxicoo, en donde se ha identtificado áreaas de alto rieesgo, debiddo a la preesencia y ciirculación de d virus rábiico, lo cual se manifiessta en el altoo índice de rabia r parallitica bovinaa registradoo en la regióón, así comoo el incremeento de agreesiones por especcies silvestrres, 7 por murciélagos m y 5 por tejóón; se establleció el siguuiente programa de inntervención emergente para interruumpir la caddena de tran nsmisión de la rabia conn el apoyyo de la Secrretaria de Desarrollo D Social del Goobierno del estado de Guerrero G (SED DESOL).