Dr. Ricardo Martins Campos, PhD


Dr. Ricardo Martins Campos, PhD
Dr. Ricardo Martins Campos, PhD
Citizenship: Brazildddddd Birthdate: 23-08-1983
Centre For Marine Technology And Ocean Engineering,
Instituto Superior Técnico - University Of Lisbon
Contact phone number: +351 917075199
E-mail: [email protected]
◦ Dec 2014: PhD in Ocean Engineering - COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil) in co-tutorship with CENTEC IST University of Lisbon (Portugal). One year in
the National Centers For Environmental Prediction / National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (USA).
◦ Mar 2009: Master’s degree in Ocean Engineering - COPPE Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
◦ Dec 2006: Bachelor in Meteorology - University of São Paulo IAG/USP (Brazil).
• Ability of building algorithms.dddddddd• Clearness on data manipulation and resuls interpretation.
• Proactive and hard working. ddddddddd • Creative, communicative, team work.
Experience on:
◦ wave modelling with WAVEWATCH III
◦ extreme value analysis and statistical modelling
◦ operational wave forecast / www.myforecast.com.br running since 07/2012
◦ wave buoy data manipulation and spectral analysis
◦ processing large amounts of data in Linux/Unix shell environments
◦ environmental data mining and neural network
◦ storm surge and sea level analysis
◦ metocean design criteria
• Portuguese
• English
• Programming: Python (preferable), MatLab, Shell script, Fortran, Grads.
• Platforms: Linux (preferable) and Windows.
Career history
• Aug 2009 - Dec 2014 : Ph.D Dual degree:
ddFederal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ): Ocean Engineering
ddUniversity of Lisbon (IST, UL): Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Supervisors: Dr. Luiz Gallisa Guimaraes (UFRJ), Dr. Jose Henrique Alves (EMC/NCEP/NOAA),
Dr. Carlos Guedes Soares (IST, UL).
◦ Title: “Spatial Extreme Wave Analysis Using Numerical Modeling”.
◦ Main Objectives: Provide reliable estimates of spatial extreme quantiles of significant wave
height using a methodology that follows two major steps. (1) numerical modelling using
the third-generation model WAVEWATCH III properly calibrated and (2) long-term statistical modeling using Regional Frequency Analysis applied to nine wave model hindcasts to
calculate maps of extreme return values.
◦ Sep 2012 - Sep 2013 : 1 year of Sandwich Ph.D. at EMC/NCEP/NOAA. Reanalysis Wind
Evaluation and Calibration with buoys and satellite data; Blended Satellite/Reanalysis Wind Fields Construction; Numerical Wave Modeling (WAVEWATCHIII) and Hindcasting (parallel computing with 2592
processors in Linux Operating System); Wave Ensembles; Wave Hindcasts Evaluation using altimeter and
buoy data; Parallel Python Coding.
◦ Aug 2009 - Oct 2010 : First period of the co-tutorship program at IST-UL Portugal (Na-
val Architecture and Marine Engineering). Wave Mechanics; Spectral Wave Analysis; Uncertainty
Modelling, Ship Dynamics and Hydrodynamics, Long-term statistical modelling with Regional Frequency
Analysis (spatial approach).
• Mar 2007 - Mar 2009 : Master in Ocean Engineering - Extreme Waves
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. http://www.oceanica.ufrj.br/costeira/index.html . Rio de Janeiro
RJ, Brazil.
Supervisors: Dr. Carlos Eduardo Parente Ribeiro - [email protected].
Advisors: Dr. Ricardo de Camargo - [email protected].
◦ Title: “Extreme wave analysis in Rio de Janeiro associated with extratropical cyclones in the South Atlantic”.
◦ Main Objectives: (1) Analyse the extreme wave generation processes and predict the impacts of
extratropical storms at Campos Basin - Rio de Janeiro; (2) Define positions and intensity of synoptic
systems that generate the highest waves. This step used a numerical system of cyclones identification
and WAVEWATCH III model; (3) Apply the POT method to estimate extreme values and significant
wave height statistics up to 100 years of return period.
• Jun 2005 - Jul 2006: Scientific initiation (internship) in Meteorology
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo SP, Brazil. www.iag.usp.br
Supervisor: Dr. Ricardo de Camargo, [email protected]
Title: "Composites of sea level pressure and surface winds in the western South Atlantic related to storm
surge activity in Santos/SP-Brazil".
◦ The study addressed the extreme sea levels events using 40 years of tide gauge measurements at
Santos/SP Brazil.
• Mar 2004 - Apr 2005: Scientific initiation (internship) in Meteorology
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo SP, Brazil. www.iag.usp.br
Advisor: Dr. Ricardo de Camargo, [email protected]
Title: "Contributions from swell and wind-sea to the wave climate in the South Atlantic by satellite
◦ The research was based on 10 years data of significant wave height from Topex/Poseidon.
Work experience
• Jun/2015 - Present
◦ Occupation or position held: Research Engineer and Assistant Professor.
◦ Name of employer: CENTEC University of Lisbon, http://www.mar.ist.utl.pt/en/centec/
◦ Activities and responsibilities: Teaching the MSc course “Modeling Sea Waves”
(fluid dynamics, linear wave theory, waves in coastal waters, stochastic processes, sea
spectra and probabilistic models, buoy dynamics and renewable energy).
• Oct/2014 - Apr/2015
◦ Occupation or position held: Senior Metocean Engineer.
◦ Name of employer: DNV GL - Noble Denton, London UK, http://www.dnvgl.com/
◦ Activities and responsibilities: environmental analysis for design and operation of
fixed and floating structures; extreme value analysis of wind, wave, current and
surge; marine transportation plan.
• Dec 2010 - Jul 2012
◦ Occupation or position held: Meteorologist .
◦ Name of employer: APPLIED SCIENCE / PETROBRAS - Research Center (CENPES).
◦ Activities and responsibilities: Data analysis from directional wave buoys (Axys,
Waverider, Wavescan etc). Extreme value analysis.
• Apr 2010 - Oct 2010: Project entitled "Nearport". Funded by Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia
(Portugal) - 03/2008 to 03/2011.
Centre of Marine Technology and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon - Portugal.
Supervisor: Dr. Carlos Guedes Soares, [email protected].
◦ Objectives: The project aims to implement a flexible sea wave forecast system based on numerical
models capable of providing operational support for environmental Portuguese ports with the ability
to evaluate the coastal circulation.
◦ Occupation: Ocean engineer - implementation and configuration of WAVEWATCH III version
3.14. In charge of running a wave hindcast focused on extreme wave conditions.
• Aug 2009 - Mar 2010: Project entitled "Handling Waves". Funded by the European Community Started in 01/2007.
Centre of Marine Technology and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon - Portugal.
Supervisor: Dr. Carlos Guedes Soares, [email protected].
◦ Objectives: The project aims to develop an airborne system for support decision regarding vessels navigation under large waves and rough seas, which can allow the improvement of vessel’s performance
and intends to minimize the risk of structural damage.
◦ Occupation: Ocean engineer - extreme wave modelling research and wave dataset evaluation.
• Apr 2009 - Jul 2009
◦ Occupation or position held: Meteorologist I.
◦ Name of employer: PROTEMP/PETROBRAS - Research Center (CENPES).
◦ Activities and responsibilities: Data analysis of directional wave buoys (Axys,
Waverider, Wavescan etc). Extreme wave analysis using POT technique for
offshore structures. Wave modelling based on WaveWatch III v2.22 model.
◦ Sector: Oceanography - Scientific Methods.
• Mar 2007 - Jun 2008: Project entitled "Study of cyclones in the South Atlantic and their
impacts in the coast of Rio de Janeiro State" (Cyclone Project).
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil.
http://www.lpm.meteoro.ufrj.br/meeting/ENGindex.html .
Supervisor: Dr. Isimar de Azevedo Santos, [email protected] .
◦ Occupation: Meteorologist responsible for research and ocean monitoring.
• Mar 2004 - Dec 2006
◦ Occupation or position held: Meteorologist Junior.
◦ Activities and responsibilities: Research on wave climate and sea level extremes.
◦ Name of employer: MASTER, Meteorologia Aplicada a Sistemas de Tempo Regionais, IAG/USP
- Brazil, www.master.iag.usp.br
Main Consultancies
• Dec 2015. Thailand Government (in partnership with NCEP/NOAA).
Advisors: Implementation of an Operational Wave Forecast and Cyclone Warning System for the Marine
Meteorological Center, Thai Meteorological Department.
• Jul 2011. OGX-EBX Group , Brazil.
Advisors: Complete characterization of extreme events at Campos Basin. Good weather time window
identification and statistics of occurence for either short and long terms.
• Aug 2010. AMBIDADOS - Oceanop/PETROBRAS , Brazil.
Advisors: Technical Report: “Instrumentation and Monitoring of extreme events at Campos Basin, Espirito
Santo Basin and Pre-Salt.”
Main Courses
• Jan 2013 - First NCEP/NOAA & UMD Waves Winter School / WAVEWATCH III. College Park,
Maryland, USA. http://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/waves/workshops/WinterSchool2013/
• Feb 2012 - OpenMP to GPGPU. Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC. Petrópolis,
• Jan 2012 - Scientific Python Programming. Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC.
Petrópolis, Brazil.
• Jan 2012 - Random Signal Processing. Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC.
Petrópolis, Brazil.
Offered Courses / Classes
• 2014 - Wave Modelling and Dynamics Workshop (WAVEWATCH III), one week - Intituto Nacional de
Pesquisas Espaciais INPE, Brazil
• 2012 - Wave Buoy Data Analysis - Ocean Engineering Program - COPPE - Federal University of Rio de
• 2011 - 6h offered in the course “Data analysis” , prof Carlos Eduardo Parente. Ocean Engineering
Program - COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
• 2011 - 4h offered in the course “Wave Mechanics I” , prof Susana B. Vinzon. Ocean Engineering Program
- COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
• 2009 - 4h offered in the course “Data analysis” , prof Carlos Eduardo Parente. Ocean Engineering
Program - COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
• 2009 - 4h offered in the course “Wave Mechanics I” , prof Susana B. Vinzon. Ocean Engineering Program
- COPPE - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
. 2009 - Extreme Analysis based on Peaks Over Threshold method - PETROBRAS, Research Center
Completed advisement/supervision
• Jan 2008 - Dec 2008
◦ Scientific initiation on Meteorology - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro., Rio de Janeiro - RJ,
Brazil. Student: Mariana Ximenes do Nascimento.
◦ Title: Coastal impacts of two cyclones in the South Atlantic (“Efeitos costeiros da ocorrência de
dois ciclones no oceano Atlântico Sul”).
◦ Funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).
Participation as a member of examining board
• Jun 2009 - Student: Mariana Souza. Undergraduate Conclusion Monograph / Bachelor’s degree in
Oceanography / State University of Rio de Janeiro.
• Feb 2011 - Student: Mariana Ximenes do Nascimento. Undergraduate Conclusion Monograph /
Bachelor’s degree in Meteorology / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
. CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins , GUEDES-SOARES, Carlos, 2016. Comparisons of HIPOCAS and
ERA Wind and Wave Reanalyses in the North Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Engineering, v. 112,
. CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; Alves, Jose-Henrique ; PARENTE, Carlos Eduardo . Modelagem de
Ondas Extremas no Oceano Atlântico Sul. X Simpósio sobre Ondas, Marés, Engenharia Oceânica
e Oceanografia por Satélite – OMAR-SAT. Oct 15-18, 2013, Arraial do Cabo, Brazil.
→Awarded the “Prize Almirante Franco” / Graduate student oral presentation.
. CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; Alves, Jose-Henrique . Estimating Extreme Waves in the South
Atlantic Ocean Using Regional Frequency Analysis and Wave Model Hindcast Data. WISE
Meeting 2013. April 21-25, College Park, Maryland, USA.
. CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; PARENTE, Carlos Eduardo ; CAMARGO, Ricardo. Extreme Wave
Analysis in Campos Basin (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) Associated with Extra-Tropical Cyclones and Anticyclones. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic
Engineering - OMAE2012. July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
. BENTO, A. Rute ; MARTINHO, Paulo ; CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; GUEDES SOARES, Carlos.
Modelling Wave Energy Resources in the Irish West Coast. Proceedings of the 30th International
Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2011. June 19-24, 2011, Rotterdam, The
. CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo ; HARARI, Joseph. 2010. Caracterização de
Eventos Extremos do Nível do Mar em Santos e sua Correspondência com as Reanálises do
Modelo do NCEP/NCAR no Sudoeste do Atlântico Sul. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia. v 25,
n.2, pp. 175-184.
. CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo. Caracterização do nível do mar em Santos
e sua correspondência com o NCEP/REANALYSIS sobre o sudoeste do Atlântico Sul. Afro
America GLOSS news, 10(1) jul. 2006. http://www.mares.io.usp.br/aagn/ind.html.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins, GUEDES SOARES, Carlos, 2012. Comparison of two wind and wave data
sets from the North Atlantic. In: Guedes Soares, C., Garbatov, Y., Sutulo, S., Santos, T.A. (Eds.), Maritime
Technology and Engineering. Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, London, pp. 473–479.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; PARENTE, Carlos Eduardo. Previsão de curto prazo de ondas na
Bacia de Santos utilizando Redes Neurais. IX Simpósio sobre Ondas, Marés, Engenharia Oceânica
e Oceanografia por Satélite – OMAR-SAT. Oct 18-20, 2011, Arraial do Cabo, Brazil.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; GUEDES SOARES, Carlos. Comparisons of two wind and wave
data sets in the north Atlantic. 1st International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering
- MARTECH. May 10-12, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; GUEDES SOARES, Carlos. Avaliação do Desempenho de Dois Estudos de Reconstituição da Agitação Marítima no Atlântico Norte. 1ª Jornadas de Engenharia
Hidrográfica. Instituto Hidrográfico - Marinha de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; PARENTE, Carlos Eduardo ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Análise de
eventos extremos de elevação do nível médio do mar no litoral de Rio de Janeiro. III
Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 2008, Fortaleza, CE.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; PARENTE, Carlos Eduardo ; CAMARGO, Ricardo ; SANTOS, Isimar
de Azevedo . Análise de extremos de onda associados a ciclones extratropicais no Atlântico
Sul. International Meeting on South Atlantic Cyclones, Track Prediction and Risk Evaluation, 2008, Rio
de Janeiro, RJ.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; PARENTE, Carlos Eduardo ; CAMARGO, Ricardo ; SANTOS, Isimar
de Azevedo . Análise de altura significativa de onda associada a ciclones extratropicais no
Atlântico Sul. XV Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 2008, São Paulo, SP.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Análise de eventos extremos do nível do
mar em Santos. 2º SIBRADEN - Simpósio Brasileiro de Desastres Naturais e Tecnólogicos, 2007, Santos,
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Ocorrências de extremos do nível do mar
em Santos e suas correspondentes situações sinóticas no Atlântico Sul. VI Simpósio de Ondas,
Marés, Engenharia Oceânica e Oceanografia por Satélite, 2007, Arraial do Cabo, RJ.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Caracterização das flutuações do nível
do mar em Santos e sua correspondência com o NCEP/REANALYSIS sobre o sudoeste do
Atlântico Sul. XIV Simósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da USP, 2006, São Paulo, SP.
• CAMARGO, Ricardo ; CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins. Composites of sea level pressure and
surface winds in the western South Atlantic related to storm surge activity in Santos,
Brazil. 8th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere, Meteorology and Oceanography. 2006. Foz
do Iguaçú, PR.
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Caracterização das condições sinóticas
sobre o Atlântico Sudoeste associadas a marés meteorológicas no Porto de Santos. XIV
Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. 2006. Florianópolis, SC.
→Awarded the best research in: "ocean/atmosphere interaction".
• CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Contribuições de Swell e Wind Sea para
o clima de ondas no Atlântico Sul por altimetria de satélite. X Simpósio de Iniciação Científica
do Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas IAG USP. 2005. São Paulo, SP.
Improvement of Directional Wave Information and Quality Control Before Real-Time Telemetry of Heave-Pitch-Roll Metocean Buoys. Proceedings Oceans–St. John’s, 2014, 14–19 Sept.
2014, IEEE, St. Johns’. NL, DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS.2014.7003276.
• LIMA, José Antonio Moreira ; CAVALCANTE, Sonia Lucia Sartori ; CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ;
SANTOS, Marlon Santos ; CARVALHO, Jonas Takeo . Espectro Direcional de Ondas: Uma contribuição da MARINHA e PETROBRAS para o PNBOIA através da Rede REMO . V Congresso
Brasileiro de Oceanografia. 2012. Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
• BRANCO, Fabrício Vasconcelos ; CAMPOS, Ricardo Martins ; CAMARGO, Ricardo . Contribuições
de Swell e Wind Sea para o clima de ondas no Atlântico Sul por altimetria de satélite. VI
Seminário de Ondas, Marés, Engenharia Oceânica e Oceanografia por Satélite. 2005. Arraial do Cabo, RJ.
Work/Academic References
• Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares; [email protected]
Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), IST, University of Lisbon.
• Dr. José Henrique Alves; [email protected]
Environmental Modeling Center - NCEP/NOAA, US National Weather Service.
• Dr. José Antônio Moreira Lima; [email protected]
Research Center - PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil.
• Prof. Carlos Eduardo Parente Ribeiro; [email protected]
LIOc, Ocean Engineering Department - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil.
• Prof Ricardo de Camargo; [email protected]
IAG - University of São Paulo, SP Brazil.