adriana sá - adriana sa
adriana sá - adriana sa
adriana sá [email protected] (+351) 91 68 48 011 Trav. da Portuguesa, 12, rc esqº 1200-351 Lisboa / Portugal Born in Lisbon, Portugal, November '72. Moved in '77 to the former GDR, lived there until '83. 1978-83: Mendelsohn Hochshule fuer Musik (classical piano). Leipzig, East Germany 1987-91: Antonio Arroio School for Applied Arts (Visual arts). Lisbon, PT 1987-95: Atelier Livre (experimental arts course). Lisbon, PT 1991-97: Fine Arts Graduation (Painting)/ 5 years degree with final grade 15 (in 20). Lisbon, PT 1998: Teacher Formation Course: Design for Hypermedia Systems, CNS, Lisbon, PT 2009-11: Lecturer at ESAD / Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, PT (undergraduate courses of Multimedia Design, Audio Technology and Drawing) International career as an artist since 1998. Currently in the 4th year of a PhD in Arts in Computing, at Goldsmiths, University of London/ UK, EAVI group/ Computing Department. Funded by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (EU/ PT). 1 Adriana Sa is transdisciplinary artist, performer musician/ composer, with a background in music and fine arts. She has been developing and presenting her work in Europe, USA and Japan since 1995. Adriana worked full-time on her artistic projects until 2009, with grants, supports and commissions. During this period she developed a number of project-series, involving many Portuguese and international artists. Subsequently she was a lecturer, until she started a practice-based PhD in arts and computing technologies, in the UK. Adriana is developing a perceptual approach to instrument design, composition and performance, in which she outlines the boundaries of artistic insights with the aid of cognition/ attention science. This research feeds back into compositional strategies that take advantage of disparities between acoustic and digital. Throughout the years, Adriana used sensor technologies to explore music as connected to light, movement, architecture and weather. She developed and performed with an audio-visual instrument including an acoustic zither and 3D software, where sound and image affect each other reciprocally. She also augmented the zither with software that detunes audio samples based on pitch detection "error". Adriana's graphical scores choreograph texture, density, dominance and sequence variations rather than clock-time or note arrangements. VENUES FOR SHOWS, WORKSHOPS AND LECTURES Portugal: Rivoli * Chiado National Museum of Contemporary Art * Serralves Museum * CAM - Calouste Gulbenkian Center for Modern Art * National Pantheon * National Music Conservatory * Teatro do Bairro * Torres Vedras Monastery/ Festival Realidades Invisíveis * A Moagem * Casa Dias D’agua * Abril em Maio * Lugar Comum * ZDB * CEM * Maus Hábitos * Centro Coreográfico Rui Horta * Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation * W.I.P. * Agência 117 * Herz Extended Festival * Comuna Theatre * SNBA * Évora Regional Museum * Universidade Nova * Litografia de Portugal * Reserva da Patriarcal/ Water Reservoir * Chiado Museum * D. Maria Nacional Theatre * Galeria Mnumental/ SonicScope Festival * Bomba Suicida * Trem Azul * Vila do Conde Codfish Factory/ Circular Festival * Luzboa Biennale (outdoors) * Abertura * Século * Hospital Miguel Bombarda / Teatro Praga * Galeria Lisboa 20 * Lg. do Século (‘knock on woods’ )* Galeria Monumental * Rescaldo Festival * Trem Azul * Sonoscopia * FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia/ Universidade do Porto * Espaço Avenida (Ernesto Sousa Fellowship 15th anniversary) * Casa da Música * Teatro S. Luiz * Culturgest * Vizinha * UC - Coimbra University * Invisible Places * JazzAoCentro * Festival Bons Sons * Carpe Diem * Damas. USA: Experimental Intermedia Foundation * O.R.T. – Organizing Resources Together * Wesleyan University * Joyce Soho Theatre * Fakeshop * PS1 – Contemporary Art Museum / Moma * Tonic * Phonomena/ Subtonic * Unity Gain * Share * NIME - New Interfaces for Musical Expression (EyeBeam) Spain: Arteleku (Electronikaldia Festival) * eGaleria * Caixa Forum (LEM Festival) * IFI Festival * Metronom Electronic Arts Studio * IFI Festival (Ponte Vera) * Off-Limits (IN-SONORA). Germany: Kampnagel * Dock11 * Peripherie Gallerie * T-U-B-E (Haus der Kulturen) * Alte Feuerwache Koeln * Kuba-Cultur * MeX * Mime Centrum * Voxxx * Dresden Theatre. Belgium: Monty Theatre * Dommelhof * Bottleraij Theatre * Dam Kortrijk. Finland: Finnlandia Hall * Aula. UK: AA-Architectural Association * Regent Studios * Digital Research Unit Huddersfield * Turbride Mills / Ultrasound Festival * Atlantic Waves Festival / The Spitz * Limehouse Town Hall * St. James Church/ Goldsmiths * xxxx Festival / ICA - Institute of Contemporary Arts * Sonorities Festival/ Sonic Arts Reasearch Center. Japan: Aomori Contemporary Art Center. Servia: Videomedija Festival. France: Nouvellum Festival * Seconde Nature / Terraz. The Netherlands: Dodorama (Worm) * Duende Artist Initiative * STEIM * This Neck Of The Woods. Austria: Kunstraum Goethestrasse. Switzerland: Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine/ Vesion Beta Festival. Brasil: Novas Frequencias Festival 2 PROJECT SERIES Included Middle, 13 - … • Performance w/ Helena Espvall at Carpe Diem, PT ‘15 • Performance w/ Helena Espvall at Damas, PT ‘15 • Performance w/ Nuno Torres and Nuno Mourão at Carpe Diem, PT ‘15 • Solo at Invisible Places, PT, ‘14 • Solo at Amersham Arms, UK, ‘13 • Solo at Goldsmiths, University of London, ‘13 Funding: FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, Damas, Carpe Diem TIMESPINE, 13 - … Musical trio with Tó Trips and John Klima • Novas Frequencias Festival, Br ‘15 • Bons Sons Festival, PT ‘15 • Rivoli National Theatre, PT, ‘15 • Salão Brasil, PT, ‘15 • ZDB, PT, ‘14 • Chiado National Museum of Contemporary Arts, PT, ‘14 • Teatro do Bairro, ‘13 • Maria Matos National Theatre (with AG#2), ‘13 • Trem Azul, ‘13 Funding: Hosting venues & OUT.RA WINDOW MATTER, 07 - 12 Solo at St. James Church, London ‘12 Solo at IN-SONORA – muestra de arte sonoro e interactivo, Off-Limits, Madrid, Spain ‘10 Duo w/ Guest Fala Mariam, Alcantra Festival, Teatro S. Luis, Lisboa, PT ‘10 Solo at ZDB, Lisboa, PT ‘10 Solo in Festival Y, Moagem - Cidade do Engenho e das Artes, Fundão, ‘09 Duo w/ John.Klima, CAM/ Center for Modern Arts - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Numero Festival), Lisboa, PT ‘08 "Outside the sphere" residency and performance-installation. Adriana Sa and John Klima w/ Guest artists: Toshio Kajiwara, O.blaat, Sei Miguel, Cesar Burago, Fala Mariam, Andre Gonçalves, David Maranha and Manuel Mota at Regueirão dos Anjos, Lisboa, PT ‘08 "Inside the time" performance-installation Adriana Sa and John Klima w/ Guest artists: Toshio Kajiwara, O.blaat, Sei Miguel, Cesar Burago, Fala Mariam, Andre Gonçalves, David Maranha and Manuel Mota at Seculo, Lisboa, PT ‘08 Duo w/ J.Klima at FBA-UL, Festival Bang, Lisboa, PT ‘08 Duo w/ J.Klima at Musicbox, Lisboa, PT ‘08 Duo w/ J.Klima at ’15 years Ernesto de Sousa Fellowship’, Espaço Avenida, Lisboa, PT 08 Duo w/ J.Klima at ‘Knock on Woods’, with Yvette Poorter, Lg do Século, Lisboa, PT 07 Duo w/ J.Klima at Festival Outfest, Bomba Suicida, Lisboa, PT 07 Funding: DGA/ Cultural Ministry Portugal, Festival Numero (PT), FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology Supports: Ouvê & Regueirão dos Anjos EMOTIONAL OBJECT, 08 - 09 • • Show at Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine, Vesion Beta Festival, Geneve, Switzerland ‘08/ ‘09 Show at ZDB Gallery, Lisboa PT ‘09 3 Funding: DGA/ Cultural Ministry Portugal (Pt), Version Beta Festival (Sw) MOMENT IN MOVEMENT, '06 “Vida ouVida / Life heard - Life or Life”, performance-installation w/ Guest artist LixoLuxo Póetico. Praga Theatre, Miguel Bombarda Hospital, Lisbon, PT • “Meta(local)morphosis”, urban installation & performance (last day) w/ Guest artists: David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Edgar Massul, Sei Miguel, Fala Mariam. Luzboa Biennale. Lg do Correio-Mor, Lisbon, PT • “Meta(local)”, residency & installation-performance w/ Guest artists: David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Edgar Massul, Sei Miguel, Fala Mariam. Espaço, Lisbon, PT • “Elastic return”, residency & site-specific installation/ performance in an old drying codfish factory; w/ Guest artist Lixoluxopóetico. Circular Festival, Vila do Conde, PT • “3x(meta)local vs. wet behind the ears”, residency & installation in This neck of the Woods; w/ Yvette Poorter. Rotterdam, The Netherlands Funding: IA/ Institute of the Arts& Cultural Ministry Portugal, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Luzboa Biennal, Circular Festival (PT). Supports: This Neck of the Woods (NL), Bazar do Video, Espaço, Camara Municipal de Lisboa (PT) • PORTABLELLAX, 05 “Portablellax # 2.5”, w/ H. Barbosa and Guest artist Aki Onda, The Spitz (Atlantic Waves), London, UK “Portablellax # 1.9”, w/ H. Barbosa, ZDB Gallery, Lisboa, PT “Portablellax # 1.1”, w/ H. Barbosa, Festival Herz Extend, Barcelos, PT Funding: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (U.K.), ZOOM (PT) Support: ZDB (PT) METAPARALLAX, ’04-05 “Metaparallax # 6.2”, residency w/ open studio, lecture & performance-installation. Final performance also w/ Guest artists: Hugo Barbosa, Aki Onda, Margarida Garcia, Barry Weisblat, Aaron and Talibam. O.R.T., NYC, USA • “Metaparallax # 4.7”, residency w/ performance-installation w/ Hugo Barbosa. Final performance also w/ Guest artists: Toshio Kajiwara, David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Ricardo Jacinto, Nuno Torres. ZDB, Lisbon, PT • “Metaparallax # 3.9”, residency w/ workshop and performance-installation w/ Enrike Hurtado. Arteleku, Electronikaldia Festival, S. Sebastian, Spain • “Metaparallax # 3”, performance w/ Guest artists: Manuel Mota, Ricardo Jacinto, Nuno Torres. ZDB, Lisbon, PT • “Metaparallax # 2.4 - (dis)embodied words”, performance w/ Guest artist Margarida Mestre (voice, Port). Cem, Lisbon, PT • “Metaparallax # 2.2”, performance w/ Margarida Mestre. Serralves Museum, Casa de Serralves, Porto, PT • “Metaparallax # 1”, residency w/ installation + Final performance w/ Guest artist Ricardo Jacinto. Convent in Torres Vedras, Invisible Realities - Intermedia Festival, Torres Vedras, PT Funding and supports: IA – Instituto das Artes / Cultural Ministry PT, Invisible Realities Intermedia Festival, Serralves Museum (PT), Arteleku (Spain). Supports: O.R.T. (USA), ZDB (Port) • PARALLAX, '02 – ‘03 • • • “Parallax # 3. 5, Musicshadowtheatre”, performance at Festival Nouvellum, Toulouse, France “Parallax # 3,3, Enlightening mills”, residency & performance-installation at an active textile mill. Ultrasound Festival, Huddersfield, U.K.. “Parallax # 2. 9, Extendelasticinfinite”, performance and DVD recording with surround sound T-U-B-E, Muenchen, Germany 4 “Parallax # 2.1, Lightpeaksoundscape”, residency, workshop and performance-installation. Final performance w/ Guest artists: Toshio Kajiwara, David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Margarida Mestre. Lugar Comum, Barcarena, PT • “Parallax # 2.0.1, # 2.0.2, #2.0.3: portable versions with versatile score”. ZDB (w/ Guest artist M. Mestre), Lisbon, IFI Festival (w/ Guest artist M. Mestre), Pontevedra, Spain, Videomedija, Novi Sad, Servia. • “Parallax # 1, Lightlandsoundscape”, residency, installation, workshop & performances. Occasional Guest artists: Yvette Poorter, Emiko Susuki, Shii Kei, Soichi Fukushi, Miho Hirota, Niran Baibulat. ACAC – Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Aomori, Japan Funding: ACAC– Aomori Contemporary Art Center (Jp), IAC – Instituto de Arte Contemporânea / Cultural Ministry PT, Fundação Oriente, IPAE – Instituto Português das Artes do Espectaculo/ Cultural Ministry PT, Lugar Comum – Centro de Experimentção artistica, CNC- Centro Nacional de Cultura, The Kirkless Media Center Huddersfield (U.K.), T-U-B-E (Gr), S.A.M. – Structure d’Action Musicale (Fr). Supports: Metronom – Electronic Arts Studio (Sp), IFI Festival (Sp), Videomedija Fsetival (Srv), ZDB (Pt) • PARALLAX DEVIATION, '03 “Cosmic Chapel - Parallax Deviation B”, residency, installation & performances. Root-collaboration w/ Ricardo Jacinto. Invited performers: Marija Stamenkovic (Esp/ Ser), Celine Bacque (Fra), Clara Andermat (Port). Chapel of the Saudação Convent. Monte-Mor-O-Novo, Portugal. • “Game Plan - Parallax Deviation A”, w/ Ricardo Jacinto, Beatriz Cantinho, Ligia Soares. CAM – Calouste Gulbenkian Center for Modern Arts, Lisbon, Portugal Funding and supports: CAM-Calouste Gulbenkian Centre for Modern Arts, Rui Horta Choreographic Center (Port) • THIS IS JUST TO DO, '00 – '02 Performances (conceived and directed in conjunction w/ Isabel Shad): • “Part 3.3”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Erin McGonigle, Ludger Lamers, Toshio Kajiwara. Bottleraij Theatre, Brussels, Belgium • “Part 3.3”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Erin McGonigle, Ludger Lamers, Toshio Kajiwara. Dam Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium • “Part 3.2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Emidio Buchinho, Hugo Barbosa, Marco Franco, Margarida Garcia, Manuel Mota, Matilde Lapochelle, Nuno Olim, Sofia Gonçalves. ZDB Gallery, Lisbon, PT • “Part 3.1”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Ludger Lamers, Toshio Kajiwara. CAM-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, PT • “Part 3.1”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Ludger Lamers, Toshio Kajiwara. Lugar Comum – Center for artistic experimentation, Barcarena, PT. • “Part 2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Erin Mcgonigle, Toshio Kajiwara. Dommelhof, Neerpelt, Belgium • “Part 2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Erin Mcgonigle, Toshio Kajiwara. Monty Theatre, Antwerp, Belgium • “Part 2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Erin Mcgonigle, Toshio Kajiwara. Dock11, Berlin, Germany • “Part 2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ella Raidel, Erin Mcgonigle, Toshio Kajiwara. VOXXX, Chemnitz, Germany • “Part 1.4”, ”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Benton Bainbridge, David Linton, Erin Mcgonigle, Ludger Lamers, Melissa Lockwood, Toshio Kajiwara. O.R.T.– Organizing Reallocation of Technology, N YC, USA • “Part .3”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Ella Raidel and Jochen Roller. Mime Centrum, Berlin, Germany • “This Is Just To Make / 1”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad, Kleine Scene Theatre, Dresden, Germany • “This Is Just To Make / 2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis and Rasterartists, VOXXX, Chemnitz, Germany • “Part 1.2”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Alexandra Bachzetsis, Cristina Moura, Nuno Bizarro, Toshio Kajiwara. Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany. 5 “Part 1.1”, A. Sa and Isabel Schad w/ Erin Macgonigle, Ella Raidel, Alexandra Bachzetsis. Lugar Comum, Barcarena, PT Collective residencies (gathering 5 – 12 artists under different constellations for 15 days – 2 months) Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany '00 Mime Centrum, Berlin, Germany '00 O.R.T.- Organizing the Re-allocation of Technology, NYC, USA '00 Lugar Comum, Barcarena, PT '00 O.R.T.- Organizing the Re-allocation of Technology, NYC, USA '01 CC Dommelhof, Neerpelt, Belgium '01 Monty Theatre, Anthuerp, Belgium '01 CAM / Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, PT '01 ZDB Gallery, Lisboa, PT '01 Dam Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium '02 Funding: European CoDaCo Fund (European Community); Ultima Vez, Monty Theatre, CC Dommelhof, Dans Kotrijk, Bottleraij Theatre (Belgium); Lugar Comum, CAM - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, IPAE - Portuguese Institute for Performance Arts / Cultural Ministry, FLAD- Portuguese-American Foundation, Kampnagel, Kulturamt Prenzlauerberg, VOXXX Theatre, TANZherbst Dresden (GR). Supports: ORT (USA), Mime Centrum (GR), Dock 11 (GR) • INTERCHANGE FORMATS, '99 "Interchange Format_sound testings", Public residency within an installation. Performances w/ Heimo Lattner, Erin Macgonigle, Ella Reidel. Kunstraum Goethestrasse Gallery/ Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria • "Interchange Format 3, 16...". Guest artists: Roel Meelkop, Gert Rietveld, Babak Afrassiabi, Duende – Artist Intitiative, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. • "Interchange Format 3”, Guest artists: Erin Macgonigle, Manuel Mota, Margarida Garcia, Ludger Lamers, Isabelle Schad, Agencia 117, Lisbon, Portugal. • "Interchange Format 2" Guest artists: Susie Jae, Ludger Lamers, Isabelle Schad, Hugo Barbosa. in W.I.P. - Work in Progress, Lisbon, PT • "Interchange Format 1". Guest artists: Heimo Lattner, David Maranha and Nuno Olim, Lisbon. ZDB Gallery Funding: Insituto Camões- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IAC-Institute for Contemporary Arts (Port), CBK-Fine Arts Center Rotterdam (NL) • SENSATIONS LABORATORIES, '98-’99 "Sensations Laboratory 3", performance-installation, EIF - Experimental Intermedia Foundation NY, NYC, USA • "Sensations Laboratory 2a", performance & lecture, Weslayan University, Middletown, USA. • "Sensations Laboratory 2", performance-installation, ZDB Gallery, Lisboa, PT • "Laboratório de Sensações 1", performance-installation. FBA – UL – University of Fine Arts, Lisboa, PT Funding: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, FLAD- Portuguese-American Foundation for Development, Insituto Camões / Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IAC-Institute for Contemporary Arts (PT). Supports: ZDB, Experimental Intermedia Fundation NY (USA) • OCCUPATIONS, '97 • • "Ocupação 2”, Lisbon University of Fine Arts, PT "Ocupação 1": Lisbon University of Fine Arts, PT ISOLATED PERFORMANCES AND INSTALLATIONS • Installation with Tom Mudd and other artists at Cafe Otto, UK ‘15 • VGO, w/ 25 musicians at National Pantheon, PT, ‘15 • QUASAR, performance w/ Sei Miguel and Tó Trips at Noble Salon of National Music Conservatory, PT ‘15 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Performance “Threnoscope” w/ Thor Magnusson, NIME ‘14 Duo w/ Joanne Cannon at Trem Azul, Lisboa, and at Sonoscopia, Porto, PT ‘13 Sabaduos: duos with Margarida Garcia, with John Klima, and with To Trips, Vizinha, Lisboa PT ‘12 Performance "Tela" w/ Ivo Serra, John Klima, Nuno Torres, Rita Serrão. Culturgest, Lisboa, PT ‘08 Performance w/ Behrard Gal and Carlos Santos, Século, Lisbon, PT 08 Performance w/ Nuno Moita in Rescaldo Festival, Lisbon, PT 08 Performances w/ Variable Geometry Orchestra: in CCB - Centro Cultural de Belem & D. Maria Nacional Theatre & Bomba Suicida & Trein Azul & ZDB (Lisbon), & Casa da Música, (Porto), PT '06-08 Solo at Século, Lisbon, PT 07 Performance in Abertura Festival, Lisbon, PT. Guest artists: John Klima + Andre Gonçalves + Nuno Moita, 07 Performance w/ Nuno Rebelo. Creative Sources Festival, Monumental Gallery, Lisboa, PT 07 Installation "THRESHOLDS", see . NIME - New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Eyebeam, NYC, USA 07 Solo performace "I'll be dickson dee and me", ZDB , Lisbon, PT 07 Performance with guest artists: Jez Riley, André Gonçalves, Ernesto Rodrigues, Nuno Leão, Peter Bastian, Ricardo Jacinto, Nuno Torres, ... , Bomba Suicida, Lisbon, PT '07 Performance w/ Noid + <o.blaat>, ZDB, Lisbon, PT ‘06 Solo Performance in SonicScope Festival, Phonoteca, Lisbon, PT ‘06 Performance w/ Vitor Rua in Cefalópede, Lisbon, PT '06 Performance w/ Miguel Cabral, Jorge Serigado, António Jorge Gonçalves, Chiado Museum, Lisbon, Portugal '06 Solo performance, Sonorities Festival, Sonic Lab, Belfast, UK ‘06 Performance "The nature within the machine " w/ Guest artist Toshio Kajiwara, xxxxx Festival. ICA, London, UK '06 Performances w/ "Sei Miguel Atmos Crew". ZDB & LEFT, Lisbon, PT Performance “Desembodied words II” w/ Guest artists Ricardo Jacinto, Margarida Mestre, Nuno Torres. Abril em Maio, Lisbon, PT '05 Performance “We’re so many”, w/ Enrike Hurtado, Matin, TV Pow & 9 local musicians at eGallery, Bilbao, Spain 04 Performance "Elastic variations" w/ Guest artist Ricardo Jacinto, Casa dos Dias d’Agua, Lisbon, PT '04 Performance "Elastic pulse", w/ Guest artist Ricardo Jacinto, parallax set-up, ZDB, Lisboa, PT '04 Performance "elasticinfinite", w/ Guest Ricardo Jacinto, Andrea Martha’s, Lisboa, PT '03 Performance for the opening of the LEM Festival, Caixa Forum, Barcelona, Spain '02 Performance w/ Guest artist Margarida Mestre, ZDB Gallery, Lisbon, PT '02 Solo performance, Aula, Helsinki, Finland. '02 Solo performance, Regent Studios, London, UK '01 Solo performance within "No Fado Tour ", MeX, Dortmund, Germany '01 Solo performance within "No Fado Tour ", T-U-B-E, Muenchen, Germany '01 Solo performance within "No Fado Tour ", Cuba-Cultur, Muenster, Germany '01 Solo performance within "No Fado Tour ", Peripherie, Tuebingen, Germany '01 Solo performance within "No Fado Tour ", Alte Feuerwache, Germany '01 Multiple collaborative performances at Subtonic - phonomena audio arts & multiples, Tonic, NYC, USA '01 Participation in the electronic sound art exhibition "Volume, Bed of Sound", curated by Elliot Sharp. PS1 – Contemporary Art Center / MoMa, NYC, USA '01 Performance "The Living Sound System vs. The Planet of Vampires" w/ David Linton, Benton Bainbridge, Erin McGonigle, Christina Weeler, … Tonic, NYC, USA '01 Tribute-performance to Luis Sa “A vida continua”, w/ Guest artists David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Margarida Garcia, Ulrich Krieger. ZDB Gallery, Lisbon, PT '99 Performance within "Unity Gain", sound-video event curated by David Linton, Gallapagos, Williamsburg, USA, '01 Performance "Cradle Rocking in Quicksand" with AMDaT and Erin MacGonigle, Joyce SoHoTheatre, NYC, USA '01 Solo performance, Dodorama (Worm), Rotterdam, The Netherlands '99 Two simultaneous installations "Encontro de um espaço/ Contrução de outro" (Finding a space/ Building another, FBA'UL. Lisbon, PT '98 7 • Squatting installation "Intervenção no Ar", w/ Inês Gonçalves, Mira-Sintra, PT '98. • Installation "Onde está?" (Where is it?), SNBA (National Society of Fine Arts), Lisbon, PT '98. ADDITIONAL RESIDENCIES FOR ARTISTIC CREATION • U.K.: at DRUH – Digital Research Unit Huddersfield. Funding by The Media Center. '03 Japan: at the ACAC- Aomori Contemporary Art Center. Funding by the ACAC & the Aomori City Mayor Department, & by the East Foundation (PT). '02 Spain: for building the first version of the ‘sounding light instrument’ at Metronom – Eletronic Arts Studio (Barcelona). Funding by IAC-- Institute for Contemporary Arts/ Ministry of Culture (PT); Support by Metronom Studio. '02 USA and Portugal: "Artistic collaboration practices", at +AI (Lisbon) and at O.R.T. (NYC), intended for developing multiple projects and performances with local artists. Funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, FLAD- Portuguese-American Foundation for Development, Instituto Camões/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & IAC- Institute for Contemporary Arts / Ministry of Culture. '00. USA: Memorial fellowship “Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa”; funding by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation & FLADPortuguese-American Foundation for Development (PT). Residencies and public performances at Experimental Intermedia Foundation, NYC, under Phill Niblock's supervision, & at Wesleyan University, Wesley & at Rensslayer Polytechnic Institute, Troy. ‘99 The Netherlands at the Artist Initiative Duende (Rotterdam). Organized by the M.A.M.A. Gallery (Rotterdam); Funding by the CBK-Fine Arts Center (NL) & by the IAC- Institute for Contemporary Arts / Ministry of Culture (PT). '99. The Netherlands: at S.T.E.I.M. for project orientation with Lisa vs.2., Funding by IAC- Institute for Contemporary Arts/ Ministry of Culture (PT); Support by S.T.E.I.M. '99 AWARDS Apoio a projectos de criação transdisciplinar. DGA - Direcção Geral das Artes / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘08 Apoio a projectos de criação digital. DGA-Direcção geral das Artes / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘08 Acordo Tri-Partido. DGA - Direcção Geral das Artes / Ministry of Culture + Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian + FLAD-Fundação Luso-Americana (PT), ‘07 Apoio à criação artistica. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (PT), ‘06 Apoio a projectos pluridisciplinares. IA - Instituto das Artes / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘05 Bolsa de investigação artística. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (PT), 05 Apoio a projectos transdisciplinares. IA - Instituto das Artes / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘04 Artistic research fund. The Kirkless Media Center Huddersfield (UK). ‘03 Apoio a projectos pontuais. IPAE - Instituto Português das artes do espectáculo/ Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘03 Apoio à criação artística. CNC - Centro Nacional de Cultura (PT), ‘03 Apoio ao intercâmbio com Países Asiáticos. Fundação Oriente (PT), ‘02 Apoio à criação artistica. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (PT), ‘02 Fund for artistic investigation. ACAC - Aomori Contemporary Art Center & Aomory City (Japan) ‘02 Apoio a criação artística. IAC-Instituto de Arte Contemporânea / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘02 Bolsa de investigação artística. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (PT), ‘01 Fund for artistic creation. CC Dmmelhof, (Belguim), ‘01 Fund for artistic creation. Prenzlauer Berg (Germany), ‘01 Apoio no âmbito do Acordo Tri-Partido. IAC- Instituto de Arte Contemporânea/ Ministry of Culture & Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation & FLAD - Portuguese-American Foundation for Development (PT) ‘01 CoDaCo Fund. European Community ‘00 Apoio a projectos pontuais. IPAE - Instituto Português das artes do espectáculo/ Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘00 Artistic exchange funding. CBK - Ceneter of Fine Arts (NL) ‘99 8 Apoio a criação artística. Insituto Camões/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (PT) & IAC-Instituto de Arte Contemporânea / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘99 Apoio a criação artística.. IAC - Instituto de Arte Contemporânea/ Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘99 Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation & FLAD- Portuguese-American Foundation for Development (PT + USA), ‘99 Apoio a criação artística. IAC-Instituto de Arte Contemporânea / Ministry of Culture (PT), ‘98 Apoio à criação artística. Insituto Camões / Ministry of Foreign Affairs (PT), 98 TAUGHT WORKSHOPS "Audiographics", taught w/ John Klima; see . ESAD – Escola Superior de Arte e Design / Instituto Politécnico de Leira, Caldas da Rainha, PT ‘08 "Universo sonoro", FEUP – Engineering Faculty/ Porto University , Porto, PT ‘07 "Urban Lighthouses", taught as part of the "Ateliers To Draw the Light". Lusíada University, Lisboa, PT ‘06 "Sonorities", taught within the theatre project ‘Female Observations ‘, CEM – Centro em movimento, Lisboa, PT ‘05 "Here beyond here" taught w/ TV Pow; see Electronikaldia Festival, Artelecu, S. Sebastian, Spain ‘04 Within PARALLAX # 2.1 - LIGHTPEAKSOUNDSCAPE; see . Lugar Comum, Barcarena, PT ‘03 Within PARALLAX # 1 – LIGHTLANDSOUNDSCAPE; see . ACAC – Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Aomori, Japan ‘02 "In-between poles", CEM – Center in Movement, Lisbon, PT ‘02 Workshop (Trimester-long) "The immaterial space of desire: Threshold", taught to the Emergent Technologies Master Program; see . AA – Architectural Association, London, U.K. ‘01 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles Adriana Sa, “Exploring Disparities between Acoustic and Digital Outputs”, Leonardo, MIT Press (1915) Adriana Sa, Baptiste Caramieux and Atau Tanaka (2014). The Fungible Audio-Visual Mapping and its Experience. Journal Of Science And Technology Of The Arts 6 No. 1 , (2014): 85-96. doi: Adriana Sa, “How An Audio-Visual Instrument Can Foster the Sonic Experience”, in Live Visuals for Performance, Gaming, Installation, and Electronic Environments, eds. L. Aceti, S. Gibson, S. M. Arisona, O. Sahin, Leonardo Almanac 19, No. 3, MIT Press (2013):284-305 Conference proceedings • INTER-FACE: International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI 2014), ed Adriana Sa, Miguel Carvalhais, Alex McLean, Pub. Porto University, CEM & CESEM (NOVA University), ‘15 • Adriana Sa, Joel Ryan, Edwin van der Heide, Atau Tanaka, Andrew McPherson, Thor Magnusson, Alex McLean, Miguel Carvalhais, Mick Gierson “Interview: Questioning Foundations”, in International Conference on Live Interfaces Proceedings ‘15 • Adriana Sa, “Repurposing Video Game Software for Musical Expression: a perceptual approach”, in New Interfaces for Musical Expression Proceedings (London, 2014): 331-334. • Adriana Sa, Baptiste Caramieux and Atau Tanaka “A Study About Confounding Causation in Audio-Visual Mapping", in XCoAX 2014 Proceedings (Porto, 2014): 274-288. Architecting the audio-visual to modulate rather than obfuscate sonic experience”, in Live Interfaces Conference Proceedings, Leeds, UK, ‘12 9 “Architecture as macro-body". Conference "d-fusion: fusion and diffusion in contemporary urban fabric" Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, ‘11 "Thresholds", description of the "Thresholds" installation at Eyebeam (project exposure). NIME 2007 Seventh International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pag. 428. Ed. New York University, Harvestworks, LEMUR - League for Electronic Musical Urban Robots/ New York City University Music Technology Program, NY, USA, ‘07 On musical criteria for “invention of instruments combining both analogue and digital components”. Seminar ‘New Interfaces for Music Performace', UM Festival, Lisboa, ‘08 ARTISTIC PUBLICATIONS Book chapters and catalogues "Sensations Laboratory 3" (1999), in 15 Years Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa Arte Experimental Intermedia, ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Fundação Luso-Americana, Lisbon, (2008) "Meta(localMorphosis" (2006):148-151 "Urban lighthouses", in Luzboa – Drawing the light, Lisboa, ‘(2006):255. "Parallax #1", in Gender and Globalism, Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Aomori, Japan (2002): 6-9, 38 41, 72/73, 76-78, 96/97, 99. "Reconciling Differences", in The Space of Extremes, ed. Birger Swaldson & Michael Hensel, do-group, AHO- Oslo School of Architecture, Sweden (2002): 55-59 "Rec: Adriana Sa", in Phonomaton – The New Musics of the 21st Century, ed. Rui Eduardo Paes. Huggin Editores, Lisboa (2001):86-93 Selected media Written interview, answering to Rui Eduardo Paes, "Rec: Adriana Sa". Published in the SóMusica music magazine, ‘00 Interview and performance for Sic Radical (Portuguese TV-channel): "Adriana Sa: female electronics", 30min-long TV documentary. Shown in Programa Atmosferas, Sic Radical (Portuguese TV-channel), Jul. ‘04 AWARD PANEL MEMBER MAPA award. Digital Media Festival, FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, PT ‘07 “Jovens Criadores” national award, section New Media.Clube Português de Artes e Ideias, PT ‘06 “Ernesto de Sousa” fellowship award, intended for promoting a Portuguese intermedia artist in NY. Meeting at FLAD – Fundação Americana para o Desenvolvimento PT ‘05 “Visiting Arts U.K./ China Exchange Residency Program”, UK ‘03 SELECTED TALKS (by invitation) Adriana Sa, “A Study About Confounding Causation in Audio-Visual Mapping", XCoAX 2014 , PT, ‘14 Adriana Sa, “A Perceptual Approach to Instrument Design and Composition”, Tyneside Cinema, UK, ‘14 Adriana Sa and John Klima, “Diverging Perspectives on Music with Video Game Technologies”, inLive Visuals for Performance, Gaming, Installation, and Electronic Environments / Workshop I, Northumbria University, February 26th, 2013 On how the audio-visual can modulate rather than obfuscate the sonic experience, at conference Live Interfaces - Performance, Art, Music, Leeds, UK, ‘12 On artistic work and PhD research, “Talks on Design + Multimedia”, Science and Technology Faculty, UCCoimbra University, PT. ‘12 On artistic work and instrumentation; see / “Terraz” conference/ European Cooperation Project, Seconde Nature, Aix-en-Provence, France. ‘09 On criteria for media invention articulating both analogue and digital components; see / Seminar ‘New Interfaces for Music Performace”, UM Festival, Lisboa, ‘08 10 On the ‘sounding light instrument’ and the “thresholds” project; see and / Upgrade! International platform meeting, Lisboa 20 Gallery, Lisboa, ‘07 On the “parallax” project series gathering fluid architectural and site-specific pieces; see / xxxxx Festival, ICA - Institute for Contemporary Arts, London, UK, ‘06 On artistic work + workshop tutorship. see and Lusíada University, Lisboa, ‘06 On "Reconciling Extremes - in-between art/ design/ architecture". do-group meeting, Helsinki, Finland. ‘02 On "sound-architecture and architectural sound". AA - Architectural Association, London, U.K. ‘01 On "Body-space and space-body". Seminar "d-fusion: fusion and diffusion in contemporary urban fabric" Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland. ‘01 ORGANIZED FESTIVALS, EVENT SERIES, AND SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES Chair and producer of INTER-FACE, the 2nd ICLI - International conference for Live Interfaces, Lisbon. Papers and discussions at Fine Arts University, installations at Chiado Museum, Performances at ZDB and National Music Conservatory, workshops at Institute of Art and Design. PT ‘14 Part of the organisation team of NIME 2014, ‘UK Organizer of Sabaduo, 15 concerts (2 duos each) happening weekly at Vizinha, Lisboa, PT, ‘12 Director and producer of the "Intermedia Meetings", a weekend-long encounter gathering lectures, debates and performances, featuring national and international artists and theorists. Lugar Comum, Barcarena, PT, ‘01 Director and producer of the "Meetings for Artistic Education and Formation", a three days-long initiative with lectures, performances and workshops, by national and international artists, theorists and teachers. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa, PT, ‘99 Co-organization of "Festival Atlantico 97 – Body, Art and Technology" (with ZDB): two months with performances, exhibition and workshops. Different venues in Lisboa, PT, ‘97 ADDITIONAL CONFERENCE ORGANISATION ACTIVITIES Paper Committee member for the 41st ICMC-International Computer Music Conference, University of North Texas, 2015 Program Committee member for ICLC-International Conference on Live Coding, University of Leeds, 2015 Scientific Committee member and paper pannel chair at Invisible Places 2014, Viseu (July 19, 2014) Co-organization (with Adam Parkinson and Atau Tanaka) of the symposium Real-time Visuals Workshop 2, Goldsmiths College, London 2013 Chair of Master Students Seminar (Term 3), Creative Computing, Goldsmtihs, University of London, June 5th 2014 Reviewer for CHI 2013, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (submissions for installations) AUDIO RELEASES CD Timespine, Adriana Sa (zither), Tó Trips (dobro) and John Klima (bass). Released by Clean Feed and Teatro Maria Matos, 2013 Solo-track in “State of the Union”, CD produced by Elliot Sharp. Released by EMF label, USA, ‘00 Solo-track in “Volume: Bed of Sound”, CD produced by Elliot Sharp. Released by MoMa, USA. ‘01 Performance recording (solo) in "t-u-b-e reloaded" DVD. Released by t-u-b-e galerie für radiophone kunst installationen und audio-performances. ‘06 11 Solo-track in the “Atlantic Waves” CD compilation. Released by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, UK. ‘05 recording with “variable geometry orchestra”, ed. by Ernesto Rodrigues. Released by Creative Sources Recordings label, Lisboa, ‘07 CD-R (individually mastered and distributed) "POD", solo ‘99 "audiomemories", tracks with Roel Meelkop, Heimo Lattner, Henk Bakker, Erin McGonigle ‘99 “Tribute to Luis Sa”, a tribute to my father, upon the tribute-performance w/ Ulrich Krieger, David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Margarida Garcia at ZDB ‘00 "TIJTD", upon structured improvisations w/ Toshio Kajiwara and Erin McGonigle ‘01-02 "hyphen", solo ‘01 "elastic variations", upon structured improvisations w/ Ricardo Jacinto ‘03 "butterfly effect heroes do not fear the hope", solo, and upon an improvisation w/ O.blaat ‘05 "meta(local)morphosis", upon the performance w/ Sei Miguel, Fala Mariam, Cesar Burago, David Maranha, Manuel Mota within the urban installation ‘06 “windowmatter”, solo ‘09 12
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