Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Journal of SOBENA www.sobena.org.br/ms&ot Adress: Av. Presidente Vargas, 542 - Grupo 709 a 713 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - CEP 20071-000 Telephones: [+55](21) 2283-2482 - Telefax: [+55] (21) 2263-9079 - E-mail: [email protected] - Site: www.sobena.org.br List of Editors Celso Pupo Pesce Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (Chief-Editor) [email protected] Clóvis de Arruda Martins Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Marcelo de Almeida Santos Neves Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Chief-Editor) [email protected] Júlio Romano Meneghini Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] José Augusto Penteado Aranha Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Torgeir Moan Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway [email protected] Michael M. 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Falzarano Texas A&M University, USA [email protected] Claudio Mueller Prado Sampaio Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Antonio Carlos Fernandes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Turgut Sarpkaya Naval Postgraduate School, USA [email protected] José Alfredo Ferrari Jr Petrobras, Brazil [email protected] Sergio Hamilton Sphaier Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Carlos Guedes Soares Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal [email protected] Célio Taniguchi Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Liu Hsu Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Atilla Incecik Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde, UK [email protected] Breno Pinheiro Jacob Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Jan Otto de Kat A. P. Moeller-Maersk, Denmark [email protected] Carlos Antonio Levi da Conceição Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Armin Walter Troesch University of Michigan, USA [email protected] José Márcio do Amaral Vasconcellos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Dracos Vassalos University of Strathclyde, United Kingdon [email protected] Murilo Augusto Vaz Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [email protected] Ronald W. Yeung University of California at Berkeley, USA [email protected] Volume 5 Number 1 December 2009 / June 2010 Chief-Editors Marcelo de Almeida Santos Neves Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Celso Pupo Pesce Universidade de São Paulo JOURNAL OF SOBENA Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval Aims and Scope The design process of marine systems is one of formulation, evaluation and modification. Very often the problems confronting the designer are effectively complex problems, particularly on the technical side. Analytical models have to be invoked and applied together with numerical and experimental simulations, guided by intelligent experience, at all levels of the design chain. In the past these difficulties have been more concentrated on few particular types of marine vehicles and systems. In particular, naval architects have designed surface ships. Specialised methodologies and rules have been developed and accumulated in this field. Some excellent periodicals are dedicated to the coverage of researches and developments in this sector. More recent technological developments, particularly in the offshore industry, have challenged this knowledge, introducing many, and often radically distinct departures from the more conventional designs. Hence, largely multidisciplinary technologies are presently at the frontline, demanding fresh contributions not only from the naval architecture and ocean engineering fields, but also from all contributing areas as civil, mechanical, electrical, material, petroleum, coastal and oceanographic engineering, applied oceanography and meteorology and applied mathematics. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology intends to contribute to this wide and rich technological scenario by providing a forum for the discussion of mathematical, scientific and technological topics related to: • hydrodynamic and structural analysis of any fixed and floating marine systems (including ships and advanced marine vehicles), • underwater technology (including submarines, robotics, design and operation of diving systems, surveys and maintenance systems, umbilical cables, pipelines and risers), • computational methods in naval architecture, offshore/ocean engineering, coastal engineering and related areas, • environmental studies associated with oil spills and leakage prevention and control, safety concepts and risk analysis applied to marine systems, wave-energy extracting devices and sea resources in general, • ocean and river transportation economics, marine engineering and environmental protection, offshore support bases, offshore logistics. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology is an editorial initiative jointly coordinated by SOBENA and CEENO. SOBENA is an abreviation for Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval, a learned society founded in 1962 for promoting technological development. CEENO is a Scientific Network on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering organized in 1999 by leading members of the Brazilian scientific community afiliated to two universities and two research centers: COPPE/UFRJ, USP, IPT, CENPES. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology (ISSN 1679-3962) is published twice a year and is owned by Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval - SOBENA, and is distributed freely to members. Rate for 2006 is R$ 200.00 for institutions and R$ 100.00 for individuals. Issues are airmail shipped. All subscriptions are payable in advance and entered on an annual basis. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval. Printed in Brazil. Authorization to photocopy articles may be granted by Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval, provided the material is used on a personal basis only. The Society does not consent copying for general distribution, promotion, for creating a new work or for resale. Permission to photocopy articles must be requested to the SOBENA main office. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Systemic modeling and logistic planning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter1 and Ricardo Terumichi Ono1 1 Department of Naval and Ocean Engineering of Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Emails: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract The study of the petroleum supply chain involves several subsystems that interact among themselves in the exploration processes, transportation to the terminals, storage in tanks and transference to the refineries. In this context, this paper aims to study the characteristics of the main subsystems that compose the upstream segment, which ranges from petroleum production in the platforms to the shipment to oil refineries, with special attention to the transportation subsystem. The adopted methodology compatibilizes decisions based on distinct levels of hierarchical planning, initially attempting to identify the main resources dimensioning on a strategic basis and afterwards, programming them on a tactic/operational level. Computational models were developed using ARENA software, version 5.0. CPLEX, version 10.0, was used to develop simulation and optimization models. The optimization model was adopted to rectify or improve the result presented by the simulation model, completing the decisionsupporting tool that enables to analyze each scenario and compose the project of the petroleum supply chain. Keywords Offshore logistics; Downstream Distribution; Simulation and Optimization 1 Introduction The study of the petroleum supply chain involves a series of subsystems that interact among themselves in the processes of exploration, petroleum transference to the terminals, storage in tanks and transference to the refineries to finally initiate the refining and production processes of petroleum derivates. Such subsystems must be studied in detail so that it is possible to elucidate the main characteristics governing each process, attempting to identify ideal, optimum conditions, and mainly the interferences that occur inside and among each one of them. The petroleum exploration and production has been a focus of major relevance in the area of energy, since the country aims more and more to augment its productive capacity pursuing a condition of self-sustainability. In this context, the development policy that has been adopted in the sector, for two decades, has gradually attempted to deregulate the sector through opening the market, spurring the entrance of new conglomerates in order to break the monopoly of the sector, whose immediate consequence is the increase of foreign investments. In this context, the present article aims to examine in detail the characteristics of the main subsystems that compose the petroleum supply chain, which ranges from the production of the platforms in the Campos Basin to the shipment of the petroleum to the oil refineries through ducts. The aggregation value chain of petroleum needs to be constantly monitored and reviewed because it is the key of the success of the whole process. In order to have this control, there must be decisions support systems (DSSs) able to provide information so that the decision is made correctly. The decision variables that influence in this macro process may be summarized in: what products and in which quantities they will be made or purchased; sold or stored, transferred or consumed; finally, when and how all this must occur. The combination of these decision variables is what will provide enough subsides for a good follow-up and management of the petroleum chain. Thus, a system able to acquire information, integrate data adequately and evaluate the capacities of the resources must be a great triumph for this field of study. Submitted to MS&OT on Nov 23 2009. Revised manuscript received Jun 02 2010. Editor: Celso P. Pesce. 5 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi 2 The problem to be studied consists of the petroleum supply chain, the upstream segment, delimited by the subsystem of petroleum exploration and production in the platforms, the petroleum discharge by a shipping fleet, its reception by the terminals located on the coast and the oil pumping to refineries. The system of storage in the refineries is not part of the scope studied. Figure 1 illustrates the scope of the problem approached. Fig. 1 chain that will contemplate the scenario to be evaluated. The main and most usual criterion in the production process is to avoid operational losses in the platforms, i.e. make sure the platforms produce petroleum continuously, non-stop. Such premise is adopted in the study's development. Problem description c. Terminals: Located on the coast, they represent the discharge points of the petroleum extracted in the maritime units. Each terminal possesses enough service infrastructure to receive the vessels and pump to refineries. There are restrictions concerning the number and extension of berths, which limits the class of the vessel. Storage tanks are interconnected through ducts for the discharge of the ships, whose discharge fee is determined and constant. The tanks are dedicated by type of petroleum, i.e. there must not be mixtures in order not to interfere with the physicchemical characteristics of petroleum. The tanks' release is done through pumping directly to the refineries, conducted as "sequences of hits" defined by the kind of petroleum, the time interval of pumping and the corresponding outflow. Analogous to the criterion established for the platforms, the unavailability of petroleum in batch condition results in operational loss and necessity of interrupting the pumping, having to be avoided in any level of planning. d. Refineries: Located near the terminals and interconnected to these by land ducts. They represent the industrial plants for processing the oil received by the terminals. The scope of the present paper is limited to the pumping process of the oil to the refinery. The storage systems of petroleum in the refineries are not treated here. The subjects of pumping by the terminals are considered as demand of the refineries. e. Meteorological conditions: Environmental factor that restricts the continuity of the operations of receiving ships in the platforms and terminals. Especially in the platforms, the meteorological conditions impede or retard the procedure of berthing and connecting the relief oversleeves of the ship. This way, platforms and terminals are subject, in different degrees, to reception restrictions, which will be considered in the study. f. Vehicles: The main link of the supply chain is attributed to the ships, which perform the task of discharging the petroleum between platforms and terminals. The ships that conduct this operation are classified according to physical characteristics, among which are: dimensions, capacity of the holds, speed and daily costs. The details of the characteristics and their functions are treated in BORGES (2000). The central focus of the present article covers the dimensioning and further programming of the ships fleet necessary for serving the conditions of demand determined by the platforms and terminals. The goal is to plan the ships' trips as adequately as possible, aiming for the best fleet use in Scope of the problem The approach adopted for the problem may be divided in three aspects: environment and infrastructure, vehicles, and operation and control: a. Environment and infrastructure: Consists of the specification of the main resources involved in this scope and the operational conditionants to which the activities are submitted. b. Maritime units (platforms): Located in deep water, they work on the exploration, production and storage of petroleum. Maritime units may or may not possess storage tanks. Units that maintain low production are connected through maritime ducts to the nearest platform for storage of its production, or the release is done only at the vessel reception. The platform produces a single type of petroleum, determined by soil characteristics and the depth at which it is located. The decision of production initially goes through detailed evaluations of risk and economic-operational viability, when studies are raised on seismic conditions, physic-chemical characteristics of the petroleum reserves, production and discharge potentialities. Such decision still contemplates the volume to be produced during the planning horizon, considering accelerating or retarding the production, through the increase or decrease of wells to be drilled. The activities inherent to the decision of drilling and exploration are not contemplated in this study. Further decisions, as definition of the volumes to be produced by each platform, selection of the applicant platforms, under the criterion of logistic discharge are objects of this study; i.e. from a previously studied or existing configuration, it will be possible to study the supply Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 6 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar petroleum discharge. The trips of the ships are not restricted to trips between platforms and terminals; there may also be trips between platforms and between terminals. That is, there could be conditions in which the trips are designated to carry out multiple cargos between terminals, with the possibility of carrying even distinct kinds of petroleum. Similarly, there may be trips between terminals for fractionated deliveries or of distinct kinds of petroleum. With a pre-determined configuration of a ships fleet, there are innumerable possibilities of load allocation and trips for meeting the established demand. Thus, the study intends to explore a group of viable solutions for adequate planning of dimensioning and programming the ships. g. Operation and control: The operations that involve petroleum discharge and that will be explored in the present work consist in the activities of production and storage of petroleum and ships programming. The discharge of petroleum is done primarily aiming to minimize the incidence of losses, which may occur in terminals and platforms: the first, when the petroleum is unavailable for pumping and the second, due to the excess of petroleum produced and unavailability of its storage. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to maintain an adequate configuration when dimensioning the resources involved: platforms, terminals and ships fleet so that the tanks' levels remain within the acceptable and safe upper and lower limits. The safety levels in the tanks are defined by the denomination "TOP", which delimits the maximum adverse condition of safe operation. It consists in the levels close to the tanks' capacity in the platform and the levels close to the minimum of the tanks in the terminals. Regarding the ships operation and control, the focus of the problem lies in their programming, which aims to look for the trips routes at the lowest cost, maintaining the tanks' levels under safe conditions. Concerning the evaluation in strategic level: • Analysis of Capacity of Resources - evaluate the necessity of fleet increase, land and submarine ducts, maritime terminal and others from the projection of production growth in the following years, i.e. of the forecast and ongoing development projects; • Analysis of the Impact of Policies / Operational Procedures - policies may be evaluated as, for example, test the policy of zero tolerance regarding the environment in the required size of the fleet, test the maintenance of a minimum stock of petroleum higher in the refineries evaluating the level of service obtained by the logistic system, verify the change of petroleum mixture allocated to the refineries focusing on the unfoldings in the performance of the logistic system, among others; • Propose and Test Limiting Parameters or Benchmarking - for the various standard-operations of the stages of supply, determine the parameters of productivity under certain conditions, such as tying/untying ships to the monobuoys, FSO and FPSO, according to weather and sea conditions. Concerning the evaluation in tactic/operational level: • Optimum Programming of the Fleet - enable shortterm logistic planning, through the identification of the ideal configuration to serve the proposed demands, establishing the characteristics of the trips to be executed by the fleet aiming the operationalization of the solution. The schematic figure 2 illustrates the attributions of the two levels of planning and the respective objectives. Therefore, the petroleum supply chain, which is the focus of the present paper, covers the operations involved in the discharge of petroleum, from the platforms to the pumping to refineries, excluding the system of storage in refineries. Fig. 2 3 Objectives In this context, the objective of this work is to present a developing methodologically and systematically tools for integrated logistic planning of the upstream activities that involve the supply chain, aiming to establish the project of the supply chain, composed of planning and programming. From this general view of the processes involved in the petroleum supply to the refineries, it is possible to highlight the following objectives: 7 Objectives The set of models developed will result in a tool for planning and analysis, whose users could be the sectors of strategic, tactic and even operational planning of the company that detains the controls of the main assets involved and the mature fields. The article is intended to bring valuable contribution for the regulating agency (ANP) as well in order to offer a tool of control and analysis of the productivity in any of the processes inserted in the chain and mainly for future planning and establishment of new production and oil discharge goals. Table 1 shows succinctly the characteristics and attributions of each model. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Table 1 Attribution of Techniques 4 Methods for system solution The resolution of a problem adopting the methodology of systemic approach requires a differentiated and specific approach for each of the subsystems considered. Such individual considerations of the subsystems naturally enable to explore in detail the processes that sustain them, initially permitting to raise all of the possible restrictions that affect the problem, without worrying about the relevance in the global system. The individual analysis of each subsystem may and will usually prompt errors or inconsistencies because in many cases the delimitation of the boundaries of the region of control of the system is not clearly defined. In this context, the methodology of simulation allows a discreet approach of the events through individual modeling of the subsystems and further integration according to the viability of the data and the responses required for utilization in the optimization modules. The mathematical modeling adopted for the resolution of the present problem may be divided in two major stages, according to the criterion of the modeling technique: the probabilistic simulation and the linear programming. As described in the chapter regarding the methodology, the first stage of the thesis consists in the development of a computational model of simulation whose main objective is to understand the interferences among the subsystems and to identify the bottlenecks through scenario analyses from a set of preestablished data. From the simulation model, it will also be possible to evaluate how relevant each of the entry parameters is and the impacts in modifying them. For example, to know what would be the impact in the chain of an increase in demand of a certain type of petroleum in a certain refinery, and in parallel, which subsystems, new bottlenecks, new restrictions would be affected. Besides that, it will be possible to evaluate such occurrences quantitatively. Afterwards, from the analyses of the parameters, we will be able to define clearly the variables of decision that will compose the optimizing model. 4.1 4.2 The conceptual model The simulation model developed is composed of approximately fourteen routines or logics of decision, each one with its respective function, which as a whole presents a global model of the petroleum supply chain in Campos Basin. The fourteen routines may be subdivided in two big categories, as follows: • Routines inherent to data preparation, updating and attribution of external conditions to which the entities will be exposed: initial data reading and recording, meteorological conditions, determination of operational hours (day/night) and results printing. • Routines of the processes that compose the supply chain: ships reception, processes of petroleum production in the platforms, transport, ships reception and petroleum pumping to the refineries. This technique presents the following advantages: • Systemic analysis (considers all the interrelations of several subsystems and components of the logistic system); The Simulation Model The modeling using the technique of probabilistic simulation proved to be the most adequate due to the characteristics of Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 the problem and the objectives proposed. According to (PIDD, 1989), among the main forms of modeling, the simulation must be applied in the cases when the system to be studied presents a dynamic, interactive approach, subject to the variation of the conditions in weather. According to the author, when there is not an explicit linearity of the processes of the system, the activities can occur simultaneously and interfere with each other. This linearity is complex in terms of the problem's dimension, with a vast load of information, rules and specific procedures that must be modeled. In the simulation model, the size of the model and the number of variables is entered differently from the heuristic and linear programming models. In other terms, the date associated to a variable or parameter may be vectorial and stored in alternative forms as, for example, through attributes, variables and/or simple or compound expressions. According to (Nersesian; Swartz, 1996), the model developed may be called combined, for the fact that it makes use of expressions to define some variables of the process. Thus, in the simulation model, we define the term entity, which corresponds to the object or being that will receive instructions and attributions in the modeled logic of the system. The entity may "carry" information that is used throughout the decisions that compose the logic of the model. The methodology to be adopted in the development of the current stage will follow renowned the methodology of (Pedgen et al,1995), which comprises the stages of problem definition, project planning, system definition, design of conceptual model, preliminary project, data analysis, model translation, verification and validation, final project, experimentations, results analysis and interpretation, implementation and documentation. • Evaluates every and any modification that may possibly be made to the system; Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 8 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar • Identifies bottlenecks in the processes and among subsystems; • Incorporates dynamic characteristics and randomness of the processes. Figure 3 illustrates the scenario of animation of the simulation model developed. Fig. 4 Cost distribution of the ships Fig. 5 Tanks' behavior in the platform and the terminal Fig. 3 Model animation 4.3 Results to be evaluated The immediate and possible results to be verified at the end of the execution of the model regard the dimensioning of the ships fleet and the capacities and subdivisions of the storage tanks in the platforms and land terminals. We were able to verify that the bottlenecks found here are dynamic and often multiple, i.e. the interrelation among the subsystems makes the bottlenecks come up in distinct places many times identified indirectly through some anomaly or inconformity in a further subsystem. For example, when a result presents a large amount of losses in a certain platform, it may be suggested that the loss is caused by the lack of vessels to release the petroleum. Nevertheless, the scenario might have an overdimensioned fleet as well. Which would be the bottleneck of the system and how is it possible to reduce or stop such losses? In this case, one of the possibilities is that the excess of vessels would be provoking a long waiting line in the loading points of the platforms and/ or unloading at the land terminals, which by themselves, may be obstructing the reception of a ship with a certain type of petroleum. Similarly, the inexistence of a certain type of petroleum in the terminal automatically impedes conducting the pumping sequence, causing a second global loss in the pumping of the other kinds of petroleum. The stage of model validation consisted of analyses of sensitivity of the main dimensioning parameters of the resources. The results of the scenarios were analyzed, with gradual modifications of increase or decrease of: tanks' capacity in the platforms, afterward in the terminals, rate of pumping to the refineries, fleet size and features, among others. The simulation model allows, thus, to evaluate new reception policies, test alternative scenarios and evaluate the impact that this alteration provokes in the whole system. The figure 6 below shows an example of dimensioning analysis of the terminals' tanks, through the productivity indicator. A second very usual situation identified throughout the study is the great difficulty to ideally dimension the tanking capacity of the land terminals. It was verified that a simple increase of capacity in the tank that stores a certain kind of petroleum in an "A" terminal increases the space availability, and consequently, in permanent regime, this terminal obtains a priority of reception over the other terminals. Therefore, this reflects directly in the dimensioning of the fleet and mainly in the necessity to restructure the pumping policy of the other terminals. Figures 4 and 5 present the graphs of tank level in a platform, the tank levels in the terminals and the cost distribution of the ships. 9 Fig. 6 Productivity Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi 4.4 Considerations on the simulation model The original proposal of the present work, in summary, is to study and analyze the petroleum supply chain, making possible to evaluate and adequately dimension the resources involved in various subsystems, enable the evaluation of policies and operational procedures and finally attempt to establish the limiting parameters in a creative and effective way. The simulation model developed meets integrally the requirements proposed, taking into account the range of modeled subsystems and the versatility that the simulation technique offers. It also performs the task of adequate dimensioning for each operation condition and presents the problem limiting and conditioning. On the other hand, the policies for the model may be tested through the modification of parameters. However, the simulation technique, as intrinsic characteristic, does not aim to look for a good solution or an effective strategy in supply chain management. Building a simulation model necessarily implies in the adoption of certain rules or premises which are considered beforehand and in the fact that in certain situations, the decisions made cause distortions that may disregard alternatives of more plausible and realistic solutions. The development of a simulation model includes the adoption of a technique to build events that serve an entity. This model has in its composition a set of events that define the way the entity will follow. Naturally, there is a wide range of possibilities and functionalities that may be attributed throughout this "way", which will allow its construction in an unlimited form. Nonetheless, the process of construction of the "way" itself prompts strict and defined rules to be attributed to the entities, without the possibility of changes initially unforeseen. An example of this conditionant is the fact that the entity that covers a certain stretch of the simulation model carries along the main attributes, but does not carry "in its memory" the variables which changed or will change it throughout the stretch. The immediate and direct consequence is that the decisions made along the entity took into account only just factors associated to the events modeled in that stretch or in a more complex model, the main value of global variables. Hardly ever will the simulation model make a decision based on all variables involved. Therefore, the details of the operations and the range of the systemic approach attained by the simulation model are valid and extremely powerful when the focus is the validation of certain policies and operational conditions and, especially, when they aim comprehension, localization and quantification of the impacts generated by the variables that form the supply chain. For the objectives initially proposed to be integrally reached effectively and satisfactorily, it is necessary to complement the study with a new approach for the problem, one that guarantees the correct dimensioning of the system. Facing the exposed problem, it is imperative for the simulation Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 model to integrate into an optimizing approach, especially for the main subsystems that form the petroleum supply chain. 5 The optimization model This stage consists of developing the optimizing model, whose main objective is to attempt to find subsidies in the formulation of the project of the petroleum supply chain together with the simulation model. The latter proved that the modeled system presents high complexity in the interrelation among the subsystems, concerning the adopted parameters and, therefore, must be analyzed under a global approach, intended by the optimizing model. In the simulation model, the sensitivity analysis consisted of studying how relevant are the main parameters of the model; nevertheless, the results represent solely a specific case of the analyzed scenario. The optimizing model proposed must establish the project of the petroleum supply chain and pursue results that will provide subsidies to plan this chain. The model will be tactic and, thus, the answers must define the best configuration of the main resources of the system within the established restrictions. This way, the optimizing model aims, as a result, for adequate conditions to achieve the established goal. Adequate conditions are defined as the configuration of the logistic system of the chain in terms of quantities of productive resources and forms of transference of the produced petroleum to the refineries. The flows and optimal conditions of storage may guide the search for the optimum solution. The simulation model proved that the level of service associated to the modeled system is preponderantly related to the offer of resources, i.e. the availability of an adequate ships fleet, in terms of quantity and capacity as well as the fundamental correct dimensioning of the storage tanks in the platforms, terminals and refineries. The sensitivity analyses showed that such resources define a rational discharge without losses in all subsystems. However, correct dimensioning is associated to the adequate configuration of resources and their respective employments, the combination of the fleet characteristics, their allocation and the levels of each of their tanks. It is necessary to highlight the differences and similarities of the modeling proposed to AL-KHAYYAL, of (Hwang, 2007), briefly cited in the chapter regarding bibliographical revision. The referred article presents the programming modeling of a bulk carriers fleet that do the oil discharge in the region of the Pacific. The modeling regards a single type of binary variable for the arches existing between the loading and unloading points, i.e. it does not consider the possibility of making trips between loading points and between unloading points. The consideration of the load also differs because it enables the occupation of the ships by different kinds of products, simultaneously, cramped by the individual holds of the vessels. The attributions of knot berthing were the same used in the modeling proposed; however, the Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 10 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar consideration of demand by quantity of berths is distinct. In the article, the demands are determined by minimum and maximum limits of the storage tanks, directly. Such consideration implies in the manipulation of initial data so that the model does not result in basic null solution. The introduction of a time window is an unprecedented approach in the modeling proposed and not considered by ALKHAYYAL. Procedures of linearization of the restrictions that bond the arches are similar. costs related to the ships' trips to be made. 5.1 The model in mixed linear programming to be presented involves a model of routes programming (scheduling) of the petroleum platforms reception service. It is, in fact, a model with multiple origins and multiple destinations, served by a heterogeneous fleet (ships of different capacities) for discharge of a single type of petroleum, in a horizon of finite time (parameter). Description of the optimization model The mathematical model in linear programming, here proposed, consists in programming a ships fleet dedicated to the operation of petroleum discharge produced by the platforms, to be transported to the terminals on the coast, for further pumping to the refineries. The set of production platforms that compose the scenario of the analyzed system will produce a single type of petroleum controlled by daily and constant individual production rate. In the other edge of this chain, there are terminals that receive petroleum through the ships and pump them to the refineries, also under a daily and constant individual rate. The routines to be followed by the ships and load allocations (volumes to be loaded and unloaded) are the main variables of decision and the ones which will determine the best fleet programming. It is a set of multiple origins and multiple destinations because both the set of platforms and the set of terminals represent points of load and unload (origins and destinations). The decisions inherent to routinization of the ships are conditioned to the maintenance of the levels in the tanks of platforms and terminals, whose lower and upper limits are pre-determined. The model must find the optimum programming solution during the period necessary to accomplish the pre-determined berths, i.e. the demand of reception at the platforms and terminals will be modeled according to the number of berths that must occur with the minimum lot of load/unload during the planning horizon. As the volumes of load/unload may be bigger than the minimum, the finishing instants of the trips will necessarily occur after the instant of the planning horizon. That is, the extension of the period is associated with load allocation to accomplish the pre-determined berths. The number of necessary berths will be calculated according to the rates (production for platform and pumping for terminals), the initial stocks, the tanks' limiting (upper for platforms and lower for terminals), the minimum lot of load/ unload and the planning horizon. The calculation consists in determining the minimum number of berths that must occur in each platform and terminal, adopting the premise of minimum lot so that the levels of the stocks remain satisfactory. The function objective of the model must be the reduction of 11 The decision variables will comprise the flows between each platform and each terminal, by type of ship, as well as the associated time, the volumes of loaded and unloaded petroleum in each place and the tanks' levels in the terminals and platforms. 5.2 The conceptual model The production platforms possess tanks that store petroleum. Its extraction or production tends to occur following a constant production rate and are adopted as parameters of the model. Terminals have similar characteristics: they possess their own tanks and the consumption, regarding the pumping to refineries, is simplified through a consumption rate, also constant and chosen as parameter of the model. Each tank, in platforms or terminals, is characterized by parameters for their capacities (upper limit) and lower limits. The programming and allocation of the ships' routes are done through attributions of binary variables, chosen according to the function objective of reducing operational costs. Routes designation is composed of a set of arches that enables origins and destinations in platforms and terminals, also enabling ships to make trips between terminals and between platforms. The dimension of time in the model is regarded through enumerating possible berthing sequences in the horizon of pre-established time: for each berthing point (terminal or platform) and ship, there will be the attribution of a sequential value that corresponds to the order of berthing (m or n). Such order dissociates the time spent in loading and unloading operations during the ship's berthing. This approach dismisses time discretization and, consequently provokes a reduction in the quantity of variables of the model. The chronological order is guaranteed through restrictions of time windows due to the growing sequences of berthing. Time windows are dynamic and calculated from the quantity loaded in the platforms and unloaded in the terminals. The trip time of each ship are considered as parameters of the model. The allocations to the routes are done through binary variables, which correspond to arches between the origin terminal and destination terminal, or the origin platform and destination platform, each one following the berthing sequences of each terminal (m) and platform (n), conducted by ship v. The main restrictions aim to compatibilize the existence of the arch with the operations of loading/unloading, the possible allocations according to the availability in ships' holds and storage tanks, the time windows and the restrictions of minimum and maximum level of tanking in terminals and platforms. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi of time (last instant) is calculated, i.e. the maximum instant at which the berthing must occur so that the tank level remains within the limits established. In further berthings, the maximum instants are calculated according to the lot loaded/ unloaded in the previous berthing and the tank's conditions in the previous berthing. Fig. 7 Example of viable configuration The decision of ship allocation to the loading or unloading point presupposes the existence of storage tanks of the type of petroleum to be loaded or unloaded. Besides the necessity of this compatibility of type of petroleum to be loaded/unloaded by the ship and the existence of the corresponding tank, we have the restriction of the volume to be transferred, according to the restrictions of capacity of the ship and the space availability in the tanks of the terminals and platforms. Such availability is calculated according to the production rates in the platforms and the pumping rates in the terminals. The (lower and upper) limits are informed to the model through parameters. Figure 7 shows an example of a viable configuration in a reduced scenario, with two terminals, one platform, two ships and three possible berthing sequences in each terminal and platform. The numeric indications represent the rates of the places and the rate of the number of berthing. In this example, the first ship starts the operation with terminal 1 as destination, in berthing 1 (1, 1). The first arch has the platform as destination, in sequence 1 (1, 1). Next, it heads for terminal 2, in sequence 1 (2, 1), comes back to the platform, in sequence 3 (1, 3), heads again for terminal 1, in sequence 3 (1, 3) and ends the trip in terminal 2, in sequence 3 (2, 3). The second ship starts its trip to platform 1, in sequence 2 (1, 2), and heads for terminal 1, in sequence 2 (1, 2). Next, it heads for terminal 2, in sequence 2 (2, 2), when it concludes the trip. Each position, composed of the pair place-sequence of berthing, must receive only one berthing. The decision of ship allocation to the loading or unloading point presupposes space availability in the storage tank of petroleum to be loaded or unloaded, respecting the limits imposed to the tanks. Such availability is calculated according to the production rates in the platforms and consumption rates (pumping) in the terminals and to the (lower and upper) limits calculated by the dynamic time windows. The time windows indicate the maximum instant when there must be berthing so that the conditions imposed by the tanks are respected. To do so, the first berthing takes into account the parameters of the initial conditions of the tanks: initial level, upper and lower limits, the minimum lot of loading/ unloading and the rates of production/consumption. Based on the data referring to the initial conditions, the upper limit Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Regarding the demand, one must comprehend the attribution of this reception applied to this problem. It is necessary for the platforms to have conditions to produce petroleum at the production rate indicated during the planning horizon. Concomitantly, the terminals need to be capable of pumping the petroleum at the consumption rate indicated. Thus, the model presents two similar sets of equations, referring to serving the demand, for the platform and the terminal. For the production and consumption rates to be maintained and respected, the volumes of petroleum available in the tanks have to remain within the range established between the upper and lower limits of the tanks: for the case of the platform, it is necessary that releases or ships' discharge occur for the maintenance of the production rates; for the terminals, adequate load reception is essential in order to enable the consumption. Thus, one of the ways to ensure the continuity is the formulation of the restriction to serve the demand through the number of berthings. The number of berthings that each platform or terminal must receive is calculated in relation to the minimum lot, which is the parameter. The calculation presupposes the quantity of berthings necessary during the programmed time horizon so that the tanks' levels allow the regularity of the production and consumption rates. After the first berthing, the quantity of petroleum to be produced or consumed until the time horizon, divided by the minimum lot, results in the maximum quantity of berthings necessary. 5.3 Model formulation 5.3. (a) Indexes • i,g...to represent the terminal; • j,a...to represent the platform; • m, m´... to represent the order of berthing sequence in the terminal; • n, n´... to represent the order of berthing sequence in the platform; • v... to represent the ship; 5.3. (b) Sets • V={1,2,...,nV}... to represent the set of ships; • I={1,2,...,nI} ... to represent the set of terminals; • J={1,2,...,nJ} ... to represent the set of platforms; • M(i) ... to represent the set of berthings in terminal i; • N(j) ... to represent the set of berthings in platform j; Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 12 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar 5.3. (c) Parameters • TVGTg,i,v … Trip time taken by ship index v between terminal index g and terminal index i; The parameters used in the mathematical model are described below: • TVGPa,,j,v … Trip time taken by ship index v between platform index a and platform index j; Regarding costs: • TVG0T,i,v … Initial trip time taken by ship index v to terminal index i; • CX i, j,v … cost in R$ of the trip of ship index v between terminal index i and platform index j; • TVG0P,j,v … Initial trip time taken by ship index v to platform index j; • CZ j,i,v … cost in R$ of the trip of ship index v between platform index j and terminal index i; • CTE g,i,v … cost in R$ of the trip of ship index v between terminals indexes g and i; • CPA a,j,v … cost in R$ of the trip of ship index v between platforms indexes a and j; • ... Number of berthings in terminal index i; • C0T i,v … cost in R$ of the initial trip of ship index v to terminal index i; • • C0P j,v … cost in R$ of the initial trip of ship index v to platform index j. platform index j; Regarding tanks: ... Number of berthings in 5.3. (d) Decision variables • SMNTi … Minimum level of the storage tanks in terminal index i; Regarding the global system: CT ... total cost; • SMXTi … Maximum level of the storage tank in terminal index i; Regarding the flows: • SMNPj … Minimum level of the storage tank in platform index j; • SMXPj … Maximum level of the storage tank in platform index j; • ISTi … Initial level of the storage tank in terminal index i; • ISPj … Initial level of the storage tank in platform index j; • QIv … Initial level of the tank of ship index v; • CAPv … Capacity of the storage tank in the hold of ship index v; • G ... Largest loading/unloading lot among the capacities of the tanks of ships, terminals and platforms; • QMIN ... Minimum lot of release or discharge. Regarding rates: • RPj … Production rates in platform index j; • RTi … Consumption rates (pumping) in terminal index i; • Ximjnv : =1, if ship v conducts berthing order m in t e r minal i and heads for platform j where it will conduct berthing order n; : = 0, otherwise; • Zjnimv : = 1, IF ship v conducts berthing order n in platform j and heads for terminal i where it will conduct berthing order m; : = 0, otherwise; • Wgm´imv : = 1, if ship v conducts berthing order m´ in terminal g and heads for another terminal i where it will conduct berthing order m; : = 0, otherwise; • Uan´jnv : = 1, if ship v conducts berthing order n´ in platform a and heads for another platform j where it will conduct berthing order n; : = 0, otherwise; • VITimv: = 1, if ship v makes the initial trip to terminal i in berthing order m; : = 0, otherwise; • VIPinv: = 1, if ship v makes the initial trip to platform j in berthing order n; : = 0, otherwise; • TQPj … Loading rate in platform index j; • TQTi … Unloading rate in terminal index i; Regarding time: • T… Planning horizon for calculation of number of berthings; • TVGi,,j,v … Trip time taken by ship index v between terminal index i and platform index j and between platform index j and terminal index i; 13 Regarding berthings: • VFTimv: = 1, if ship v makes the final conclusion trip from terminal i in berthing order m; : = 0, otherwise; • VFPjnv: = 1, if ship v makes the final conclusion trip from platform j in berthing order n; : = 0, otherwise; Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi loaded or unloaded, respecting the minimum and maximum lots. Besides these, it establishes the demand in the terminal and platforms, according to pre-determined quantities of berthings. • Yv: = 1, if ship v does not make any trip; : = 0, otherwise; Regarding loading/unloading operations: • qTim ... load volume unloaded in terminal index i in berthing order m; • qPjn ...load volume loaded in platform index j in berthing order n; • lTimv ...petroleum volume contained in the tank of ship index v when leaving berthing order m in terminal index i; • lPjnv ... petroleum volume in the tank of ship index v when leaving berthing order n in platform index j; Regarding time: • tTim ... time instant of berthing order m in terminal index i; • tPjn ... time instant of berthing order n in platform index j; • lsTim ... upper limit of time window for berthing order m in terminal index i; • lsPjn ... upper limit of time window for berthing order n in platform index j; • Regarding time Windows: set of restrictions that calculate the upper limits of the time windows according to the characteristics of the tanks' levels. • Regarding time: instants of berthing in platforms and terminals that are established originating in all the possible origin conditions and which establish the increasing order of berthings. • Regarding tanking in terminals and platforms: set of restrictions which calculate the values of the tanks' levels in platforms and terminals, establishing them within the limits determined. • Regarding tanking in the ships: set of restriction that defines the tank's volume in the ships' holds, after the berthings, conditioning them to the existence of the arches and the limits of the ships' capacity. • Regarding the non-negativities of the binary and real variables. Regarding the flow Regarding tanking: • sTim ... level of the tank in terminal index i at the initial instant of berthing order m; • sPjn ... level of the tank in platform index j at the initial instant of berthing order n; 5.3. (e) The objective function The objective function is to minimize the total cost of the trips made by the ships fleet. All the possible arches are included: • Between terminals and platforms (Ximjnv) and the inverse arch (Zjnimv); • Between terminals (Wgm´imv) ; • Between platforms (Uan´jnv) and • Initial trips to platforms and terminals (VIPjnv e VITimv). • Initial Condition of the ships: (1) Expression 1 guarantees that each ship allocates a single initial arch, by a platform (VIPjnv), by the terminal (VITimv) or does not allocate any trip (Yv). In case this last variable is selected, there will not be any intermediate arch until the closing. • One arch of departure at most from each platform with destination to some terminal or platform: (2) Expression 2 guarantees that for any platform (j) and any berthing sequence (n), there is at most a single arch with destination to some terminal or platform. • One arch of departure at most from each terminal w i t h destination to some platform or terminal: (3) The equation of this function objective is shown below: Expression 3 guarantees that for any terminal (i) and any berthing sequence (m), there is at most a single arch with destination to some platform or terminal. • Continuity in the platform: 5.3. (f) Restrictions (4) Restrictions were subdivided in the following categories: • Regarding the flow: set of restrictions that create a single initial arch per ship, and then ensure its continuity until the final trip. • Regarding the receptions in platforms and terminals: set of restrictions that establish the loading volumes to be Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Expression 4 establishes the continuity of arches in the platform (j) and berthing (n). The flows of arrival come from terminals (Ximjnv), other platforms (Uan´jnv) or the initial condition (VIPjnv). The flows of departure are the ones with destination to one of the terminals (Zjnimv), one of the platforms (Ujnan´v) or to the final arch (VFPjnv). Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 14 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar time interval between berthings, and finally subtracted from the lower limit of the tank. • Continuity in the terminal: • Maximum lot in the terminal's release: (5) (11) Expression 5 establishes the continuity of the arches in the terminal (i) and berthing (m). The flows of arrival come from platforms (Zjnimv), other terminals (Wgm´imv) or the initial condition (VITimv). The flows of departure are the ones with destination to one of the platforms (Ximjnv), one of the terminals (Wimgm´v) or the final arch (VFTimv). • Final condition of the ships: (6) Expression 6 ensures that each ship v ends the mission in a single position: in terminal i and berthing m, in platform j and berthing n or in the initial condition, without trips. Regarding the receptions in platforms and terminals • Minimum lot in the platform's release: (7) (12) Expressions 11 and 12 calculate the volumes to be unloaded in the terminal. Expression 11 is attributed to the initial condition, whose volume to be unloaded must not go over the volume equivalent to the maximum stock, subtracted from the initial volume available and the volume pumped (consumed) until the moment of berthing. Expression 12 recalculates the volumes to be unloaded, starting with the second berthing, which is equivalent to the maximum stock subtracted from the level in the previous berthing, the volume unloaded in the previous berthing and the volume pumped during the time interval between the berthings. • Release lot in the platform, conditioned to the existence of the initial arch to the platform, the arch b e t w e e n platforms and the arch from the terminal to the platform: (13) • Minimum lot in the terminal's unloading: (8) Expressions 7 and 8 establish the minimum lot, defined as parameter for loading in the platform and unloading in the terminal, conditioned to the existence of their respective arches. The value must be respected as condition to guarantee the demand of the number of berthings forecast for each terminal and platform, calculated according to initial conditions of the minimum and maximum levels of the tanks. • Unloading lot in the terminal, conditioned to the existence of the initial arch to the terminal, the arch between terminals and the arch from the platform to the terminal: (14) Expressions 13 and 14 have functions to set a condition between the existence of the loading or unloading lots to the existence of the arch that will originate the berthing. • Reception of Demand in the Platforms: • Maximum lot in the platform's release: (15) (9) • Reception of Demand in the Terminals: (10) Expressions 9 and 10 calculate the volumes to be loaded in the platform. Expression 9 is attributed to the initial condition, whose volume to be loaded must not go over the initial volume available, added up to the volume produced until the moment of berthing and subtracted from the volume equivalent to the lower limit of the tank. Expression 10 recalculates the volumes to be loaded, starting with the second berthing, when the stock levels in the previous berthing are considered, subtracted from the part of the volume loaded in the beginning of the previous berthing, added up to the volume produced during the 15 (16) Expressions 15 and 16 consist in restrictions that set as mandatory the existence of berthings. Indirectly, it can be denominated as reception of demands. The calculation of the number of berthings of each terminal or platform took into account the fulfillment of the upper and lower levels of the tanks, through minimum and maximum time intervals for a lot of minimum load, in order to respect the imposed conditions. • Operation Time of berthing index m in terminal index i: (17) Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi • Operation Time of berthing index n in platform index j: Regarding time (18) Expressions 17 and 18 establish the operation time in terminals and platforms, calculated according to the lot to be unloaded or loaded, divided by the loading and unloading rates. • Berthing instant in the platform for a ship coming from the initial condition: (25) • Berthing instant in the platform for a ship coming from a terminal: Regarding the time window (26) • Upper limit of time window in platform index j in berthing index n: • Berthing instant in the platform for a ship coming from another platform: (19) (20) Expressions 19 and 20 determine the upper limits of berthings in the platforms. For the first berthing, equation 19 calculates the time interval elapsed until the tank's level reaches its upper limit. For the other berthings, this time is calculated based on the conditions of the previous berthing: instant, tank's level and volume released. • Upper limit of the time window in terminal index i in berthing index m: (27) Expressions 25, 26 and 27 allocate the time associated to the trip and reception, to the berthing instants, conditioned to the existence of the arches. Expression 25 considers only the trip time to get to the platform, when variable VIPjnv is selected. Expression 26 considers trip time from terminal index i and berthing index m for platform index j and berthing index n, berthing instant index m, reception time in the terminal, all conditioned to the existence of arch Ximjnv. Expression 27 is analogous to the previous one, considering the origin of the arch is another platform. • Berthing sequences in the platform: (21) (28) (22) Expressions 21 and 22 are analogous to the previous two and determine the upper limits of the instants of berthings in the terminals. The upper limiting of the berthing instant for the terminal is dictated by the minimum level of the tank because the terminal consumes the petroleum and therefore, the tank's level decreases. For the first berthing, equation 21 calculates the time interval elapsed until the tank's level reaches the lower limit. For the other berthings, this time is calculated based on the conditions of the previous berthing: instant, tank's level and volume unloaded. • Imposition of the upper limit of the time window in terminal index i in berthing index m: Expression 28 reinforces the need for increasing ordination of berthings over time and ensures the beginning of berthing occurs only after the time of reception of the previous berthing. That is due to the possibility of having consecutive berthings for the same terminal or platform. • Berthing instant in the terminal, coming from the initial condition: (29) • Berthing instant in the terminal, coming from a platform: (30) (23) • Imposition of the upper limit of the time window in platform index j in berthing index n: • Berthing instant in the terminal, coming from another terminal: (24) Expressions 23 and 24 complete the set of restrictions of time windows, establishing the maximum berthing instants to be reached until the upper limits calculated. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 (31) Equations 29 to 31 are analogous to equations 25 to 27, oriented to terminals. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 16 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar • Berthing sequences in the terminal: (32) Regarding tanking in terminals and platforms • Minimum stock in each platform index j in the beginning of each berthing: (33) • Minimum stock in each terminal index i in the beginning of each berthing: (34) • Stock in the platform index j in the beginning of berthing n: (35) (36) Expressions 35 and 36 calculate the values of tanks' levels in the beginning of each berthing. For the first berthing, initial conditions are considered. For the others, conditions of the previous berthing are considered: tank's level, volume released by the ship and volume produced in the time interval between the berthings. Linearization is done through the reformulation of equations for a set of whole-mixed equivalent equations, according to Sherali, H.D. (1998), who exposes the structure of a non-linear problem, delimited by the viable region as follows: where f(y) is the function of domain Y. For the specific case, taking equation 41 as an example, it is possible to and adopt x as the binary variable VIPjnv and y as f(y) as . Considering the set where is compact, i.e. there are lower and upper limits [I,S] that satisfy: Hence, set T is equivalent to: Function f(y)= is linear and parameters -G and G are valid as lower and upper limits, respectively. Using the proposition resulting from the linearization given by T' from the previous demonstration and substituting the variables, we have: (39a) • Stock in terminal index i in the beginning of berthing m: sT = IST − tT * RT im i im i , ∀i ∈ I , m ∈ M (i ) : m = 1 sTim = sTim −1 + qTim −1 − (tTim - tTim −1 ) * RTi (37) ∀i ∈ I , m ∈ M (i ) : m > 1 (39b) Similarly, we have the other equations applied to the other two binary arches: (38) (40a) Equations 37 and 38 are analogous to the previous ones, applied to terminals. (40b) Regarding to tanking in the ships (41a) • Volume of petroleum in the hold of ship v after berthing order n in platform j: (41b) (39) (40) • Volume of petroleum in ship v's tank after berthing order m in terminal i: (41) Analogous to what was shown for calculation of the stocks in the platform, the same structure can be applied for the case of the ship's stocks in the departure of the terminal, hence: Equations 39, 40 and 41 determine the values of the volumes in the ships' holds when leaving the reception in platform index j in berthing index n. Equations are conditioned to the arches of the initial trip, for the first berthing, arches from terminals and arches from other platforms, respectively. Equations are non-linear and, therefore, must be transformed in linear equations. 17 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology (42a) (42b) (43a) Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi (43b) (44a) (44b) • Maximum stock of the ship in the departure of the platform: (45) • Maximum stock of the ship in the departure of the terminal: (46) Expressions 45 and 46 limit the amount of load present in the ship up to its capacity. 5.3. (g) Non-negativity of the variables • Binary: Ximjnv , Zjnimv , Wgm´imv , Uan´jnv , VIPjnv,VITimv , Yv , VFPjnv , VFTimv; 6 Results In order to test and validate the responses of the model, as well as to evaluate the computational effort and the optimality degree of the solution, we present below the results of a small-sized fictional case. The elevated complexity of the model makes the conceptual validation difficult, which reinforces the need to conduct tests through the elaboration of several kinds of scenarios, trying to analyze the responses according to the modifications carried out, assimilate and comprehend the reasons of the solution presented. To achieve this objective, several scenarios were tested, among which, there is one, of reduced scale, but which presents enough solutions to understand the problem and the potentialities of the model. The model presented totals 2915 restrictions with 1080 variables, among which 882 are binary. The optimum solution was found in around 64 minutes, using the standard configuration of CPLEX 10.0 search parameters. The ships presented the trips programming according to the table and figure below: Table 2 Programming • Real: qTim, qPjn, lTimv , lPjnv , tTim , tPjn, lsTim, lsPjn, sTim, sPjn. 5.4. Computional implementation and results The optimization model was developed in linear mixed programming and the computational implementation in mathematical language C++ and VBA. The formulation of the model caused the elevated quantity of classes of restrictions and the adoption of high quantity of binary variables, mainly related to the arches, which contain preponderantly five indexes. The size of the model and its possible potential of difficulties in the execution were fundamental for the selection of the computational package to be used in the implementation. Two great problem-solving tools for linear programming are available for the author: software GAMS, general system of algebraic modeling, in version 20.0, whose resolution algorithm uses CPLEX, in version 7.0, and the direct utilization of algorithm CPLEX, in version 10.0. The implementation in CPLEX 10.0 requires the creation of the mathematical model in language C++, whose data reading routines, equation reading, execution and results presentation are standardized, what largely facilitates its creation. The model generation was made using the resources of Microsoft Excel, especially through the creation of Macros in VBA language. Parameters were defined in spreadsheets according to the data categories and, through routines in VBA, the model's sets of equations were created. Thus, the generation of scenarios, with modification of some characteristic of the model's parameters, is made through Microsoft Excel itself. The computers used for the execution of the models possess Pentium IV processors, 1.7 GHz, 512 MB RAM memory and 40 GB HD. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Fig. 8 Routes From the Table 2 and Figure 8, it is possible to observe that the ships started the routes from the platforms (1,1 and 2,1). The first ship ended the route in terminal 3, after completing ten berthings, as well as the second ship, which conducted the same number of berthings, ending in terminal 2. It is Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 18 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar also observed that, in both routes, there were arches between the terminals. The details of the operations carried out by ship 1 is presented on Table 3. Table 3 Results of the hypothetical model of optimizationShip 1 resources available. Tables 3 and 4 present the results based on the berthings conducted by the ships. Regarding the behaviors of the tanks' levels of the platforms and terminals, it is necessary to consider the initial conditions and the berthing instants, regardless of the ship, associated to the loading/unloading volumes, production rates, pumping and the overflow. The results are presented below: Table 3 shows the characteristics of the berthings conducted by ship 1. The first two columns present the place and the sequence of berthing. On the third column, the values of the tank's levels are presented at the moment of berthing; on the fourth column, the volume loaded or unloaded by the ship and, on the next column, the volume of load left in the ship's hold, at the end of the reception. The sixth column shows the instant at which the berthing occurred and the last column shows the instants of the upper limits of each berthing. This table already points out some important conclusions of the scenario evaluated. It is observed that, on the column referring to the load volume, the minimum attributed volume (minimum lot) was allocated five times and that, in just one trip, the full capacity of the ship was used. It is also possible to verify that the tanks' levels in the platforms remained high and, on the other hand, the tanks' levels in the terminals remained low, many times near the lower limit. In great part of the itinerary, the ship's hold was unoccupied and the berthing instants occurred much before the upper limits, consequence of the minimum loading established. Table 4 shows the characteristics of the berthings conducted by ship 3. Table 4 Results of the hypothetical model of optimization Ship 2 The programming completed by ship 2 follows the restrictions of the model together with ship 1 and, similarly, the behavior is analogous, also with the occurrence of unoccupied trips. Thus, the results presented allow us to conclude that the configuration of the scenario presents deficiencies in the allocation of loads and in the trips, and a low usage of the 19 Fig. 9 Platforms' tanks Figure 9 presents the behaviors of the tanking levels in the platforms. The results reflect truthfully the conditions required for the control of the levels. The platform produces or extracts a volume of petroleum according to a constant rate, which establishes a time window for release or reception by ship necessary to obey the upper limit. In case of platform 1, it is observed that the initial stock was 45,000 m3 and the first time window was established in [3, 7] days. That is, the first berthing must occur between the instants referring to days 3 and 7. In fact, it occurred on day 3, when the curve starts to be decreasing. The end of the berthing occurred on day 5, when the curve retakes the increasing behavior, or of production. After determining the volume of release, the new time window is recalculated for the following berthing, what occurs again on the lower limit (day 9). The third berthing in this platform occurs at the instant on day 14 and the load volume released is enough to significantly postpone the date of the next berthing, which occurred only on day 35, whose limits were [34, 38]. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi petroleum pumping, in an integrated way. The study of petroleum supply chain proved to be quite broad and complex in the sense that the systemic approach desired from a global and concise approach requires unlimited efforts in the search for effective and tangible results in the process of planning and management. The simulation model presented the possible impacts that may occur to a certain link of the chain, from perturbations in the system originated in links adjacent or distant from this one. This corroborates the importance of understanding adequately the amplitude or range of the boundary of the system to be studied. A systemic approach needs mainly the evaluation and framing of the problem in hierarchical levels of decision. In the process of modeling, the task of aggregation/ disaggregation of the events and the associated data must be cautiously thought over and adjusted according to what is desired as an answer. Fig. 10 Terminals' tanks The figures above illustrate the behaviors of the tanks' levels in the terminals. Naturally, the behavior is the inverse of the observed in the platforms, in which, from the initial condition, the curve is decreasing because it is associated to the pumping rate or petroleum consumption. The berthings are defined by the time windows, calculated according to the necessary time for meeting of the lower limit. The set of figures allows the visualization of the time Windows, which are dynamic and recalculated according to the volumes loaded and unloaded, always trying to obey the restrictions of upper limits of the tanks. 7 Conclusions The opportunities of improvements may be defined from the execution of integrated planning and the petroleum supply chain management in order to try to employ efficiently and rationally the resources involved. The research has shown that a complex system of this nature requires systemic treatment, through studies of each subsystem individually and their further integration with the purpose of quantifying and analyzing the interaction existing in all the supply chain. Therefore, the present article provides a contribution to a systemic and broad approach, considering links of production, storage, transport, ships' reception and Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 In terms of contributions in academic ambit, it is important to emphasize the success obtained in systemic modeling from two modeling techniques: simulation and optimization. Simulation considers and models a high quantity of events, with the exploration of the main technical advantage: modeling of stochastic events. Variations in associated time, random conditions, drawing probabilities in decisions of petroleum production, pumping and the maintenance of ships fleet are some of the modeled examples. Concerning the optimization, modeling for obtaining ships programming subject to restrictive trip and stock conditions on the two edges, modeling a variable demand and dynamic time windows are odd characteristics. In summary, the objectives proposed were achieved successfully, bringing valuable contribution both for the academic environment and for the petroleum sector, which, day by day, wonders the necessity of excellence not only in technological terms, but also in effective management in planning of its operations. For the academic community, a problem of ships programming in distinct routes involving multiple origins and multiple destinations, serving a dynamic time window to maintain satisfactory tanking levels on the two edges had ever been solved successfully. For the sector, more specifically for the managers of mature fields (existing infrastructure), the study brings significant contribution to enable discerning evaluation of the strategies employed and offer alternatives of increment in the services, or even serve as theoretical basis to rectify the programming system of the fleets in a tactic plan of resources allocation. 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Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Systemic modeling and logistic panning in the petroleum supply chain Rui Carlos Botter and Ricar do TTer er umichi Ono Ricardo erumichi S HAPIRO , Jeremy F. (2001) - “Modeling the Supply Chain, Thompson Learning” CA, 2001 SHERALI, H. D., Al-Yakoob, S. M., Asan, M. M. (1999) - “Fleet management models and algorithms for an oil-tanker routing and scheduling problem. IIE Transactions. v.31, p.395-406. SMITH, M. (2003) - “Improving Supply Chain Performance. Ascet” V IS , I. F. A. et. al. (2003) - “Minimum vehicle fleet size under time- window constraints at a container terminal”. Transportation Science. v.39, No.2, p.249-260. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 5-22 December 2009/June 2010 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 22 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves1, Jerver E. M. Vivanco2 and Claudio A. Rodríguez3 1 LabOceano, COPPE/UFRJ, [email protected] 2 COPPE/UFRJ, [email protected] 3 LabOceano, COPPE/UFRJ, [email protected] Abstract The present paper employs modern nonlinear dynamics tools in order to investigate the dynamic characteristics governing the complex coupling of the heave, roll and pitch modes in head seas at some regions of the numerical stability map of a fishing vessel. Bifurcation diagrams and Poincaré mappings are computed and employed to investigate the appearance of multistability and chaos associated with increased values of the selected control parameter, the wave amplitude. The connection between these nonlinear characteristics and the coupled nature of the mathematical model are analyzed. Keywords Ship stability; Parametric rolling; Nonlinear dynamics; Bifurcations Nomenclature Aw wave amplitude Fn Froude number Jxx transversal mass moment of inertia Jyy longitudinal mass moment of inertia m ship mass z heave non-linear motion ζ wave elevation θ pitch non-linear motion φ roll non-linear motion ZW heave external excitation K W roll external excitation M W pitch external excitation χ wave incidence ωe ω n4 roll natural frequency 1 Introduction encounter frequency It is well known that parametric rolling in head seas may lead to large roll angles and accelerations in few cycles. Even though many studies on the subject simplify the analysis to a single degree of freedom, there is nowadays a wide acceptance of the relevance of the nonlinear coupling of the roll mode with heave and pitch for a better physical modeling of intense parametric amplification. In previous studies Neves and Rodríguez (2005, 2006) have introduced a mathematical model in which the heave, roll and pitch motions are nonlinearly coupled to each other. Using this model they investigated the occurrence of head seas parametric rolling on a small fishing Submitted to MS&OT on Nov 23 2009. Revised manuscript received Jul 12 2010. Editor: Celso P. Pesce. 23 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez vessel. They showed, by means of numerical simulations, comparable to experimental results, the occurrence of strong dependence of the roll responses in head seas conditions to initial conditions, Neves and Rodríguez (2007b). In order to investigate the quantitative and qualitative changes of parametric rolling with respect to the encounter frequency tuning and wave amplitude, Neves and Rodríguez (2007a,b) proposed the computation of analytical and numerical maps representing the boundaries of stability of the nonlinear system. The numerical maps aggregate information not only on the boundaries of stability, but also on the amplitude of roll response in the whole region of parametric amplification. In order to get a deeper insight into the nonlinear characteristics of the solutions, the present paper investigates in greater detail the dynamics governing the complex coupling of modes at some regions of the numerical stability map. Bifurcation diagrams and Poincaré mappings, Guckenheimer and Holmes (1983), Seydel (1988) are employed in order to investigate the appearance of multistability and chaos associated with increased values of the control parameter, wave amplitude. The connection between these nonlinear characteristics and the coupled nature of the model are analyzed. 2 Mathematical model Employing Taylor series expansions up to third order, Neves and Rodríguez (2005, 2006) expressed restoring actions in the heave, roll and pitch modes in a nonlinear coupled way. Wave actions are taken into consideration not only in the Froude-Krilov plus diffraction first order forcing functions, but also in second and third order terms resulting from volumetric changes of the submerged hull due to vertical motions and wave passage effects. The model corresponds to an extension, both in the order of non-linearities and in the levels of coupling, of the model introduced by Paulling and Rosenberg (1959) and Paulling (1961). The equations are taken here in their explicit form described in detail in Neves and Rodríguez (2005, 2006). Thus, the non-linear heave, roll and pitch equations are introduced as: is considered in equation (2). The terms associated with variables z,φ,θ and wave elevation ζ(t) correspond to the non-zero linear and non-linear (up to third order) coefficients due to hydrostatic and wave pressure effects analytically derived by Neves and Rodríguez (2005, 2006), dependent on hull characteristics and on wave amplitude, frequency and time. On the right hand side of Eqs. (1-3), [ZW(t) KW(t) MW(t)]T represent linear wave excitation. Due to the particular wave incidence considered, KW = 0 has been assumed in Eq. (2). Once all the coefficients in Eqs. (1-3) are known, this set of three equations may be numerically integrated without difficulty. 3 Numerical simulations Numerical simulations have been performed in the case of a fishing vessel denominated TS, see Fig. 1 and Table 1. Parametric rolling of this fishing vessel has been experimentally and numerically examined in detail in Neves and Rodríguez (2005, 2006), Neves et al. (2002). Figures 2 and 3 show comparisons of numerical simulations performed using the equations (1-3) with experimental results for two wave conditions and ship speeds corresponding to quite intense roll amplifications. In both cases the encounter frequency was equal to twice the roll natural frequency, which corresponds to the exact Mathieu tuning ratio at the first region of instability, we / wn4 = 2.0. The comparisons allow one to conclude that the mathematical model has good capabilities for modeling intense parametric rolling for the fishing vessel under investigated. (1) Fig. 1 (2) Hull form of transom stern (TS) fishing vessel. Table 1 Ship main characteristics (3) On the left hand side of Eqs. (1-3) added masses and wave damping terms are assumed linear. A quadratic roll damping Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 24 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez Fig. 2 Roll motion, Fn= 0.20, Aw = 0.60m, w e / w n4 = 2.0. Fig. 3 Roll motion, Fn =0.30, Aw = 0.78m, w e / w n4 = 2.0. 4 Numerical limits of stability As demonstrated in the previous section the transom stern fishing vessel employed in the present investigation is quite prone to strong parametric rolling in head seas. It is important to investigate parametric rolling not only at the exact encounter frequency tuning we / wn4 = 2.0. In fact, large amplifications may take place in a quite broad spectrum of excitation frequencies. In order to comprehensively investigate the unstable regions Neves and Rodríguez (2007b) proposed the computation of numerical maps representing the boundaries of stability but containing information on the amplitude of roll response in the whole region of parametric amplification. Figure 4 shows the limits of stability of the fishing vessel in head seas at Fn = 0.30, corresponding to the first region of instability. The mapping is constructed by numerically computing the roll amplitude for different encounter frequencies and wave amplitudes. All points of the map are computed for the same set of initial conditions. The intensity of the final steady roll amplitude is indicated by the color scale displayed on the right hand side of the figure. It is interesting to notice that the colour scale in Figure 4 indicates that for small wave amplitudes the roll amplitude tends to grow slowly (blue to light-blue colours) and also that on the contrary, for large wave amplitudes, strong nonlinearities show their effect: the upper limits of the domains of parametric amplification, for the whole spectrum of frequencies, reflect the existence of jumps (fold bifurcations) from large roll amplitudes to equilibria (no roll amplifications). Four important features of the new limits of stability are: • appearance of upper boundaries, indicating that for increased wave amplitudes, parametric rolling may not necessarily increase; in fact, it tends to disappear. • general tendency of the unstable area to bend to the right, indicating that the exact tuning we / wn4 = 2.0 is not necessarily the one with stronger amplification. • smooth growth of roll amplitude at lower level of boundaries, abysmal (sudden) decrease in the upper boundaries. • larger area of instability as the roll initial conditions were modified. A more detailed discussion of these features may be found in Neves and Rodríguez (2007a). These four characteristics point out to complexities and intricacies that demand further investigations. In the next section some numerical tools of nonlinear dynamics will be employed in an attempt to clarify some of these topics. 25 Fig. 4 Ship TS, Fn=0.30. Limits of stability (upper), wave amplitude effect on roll amplitude (lower). 5 Bifurcation diagrams In Figure 4 (upper) the whole spectrum of exciting frequencies was explored. It has been observed that distinct characteristics are revealed. It is now desirable to get an in depth knowledge of dynamical characteristics as the parameter wave amplitude AW is increased. So, if previously we have been more interested in the limits of stability as a whole, now we wish to have a closer look at some domains inside the unstable area. For this purpose, we will investigate the changes in dynamic characteristics as we cross the area inside the limits. A limited region of the map of limits of stability will be explored, that is, we will follow a vertical line defined at the tuning Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez in Figure 4. Aiming at demonstrating the influence of initial conditions on the solutions corresponding to points inside the area of the limits of stability we developed a brute-force algorithm for capturing the branching of solutions for a specified set of initial conditions. Thus, using the AW parameter, the type of roll bifurcation diagram is obtained as shown in Figure 5. The adopted mapping period is the encounter frequency. Thus, given the low cycle character of parametric rolling for there exist positive and negative branches for the roll bifurcation diagram. Two interesting characteristics, not observable in the numerical limits of stability, are revealed by this bifurcation analysis. After a first range in which the roll amplitudes tend to increase almost linearly, in the short second range of AW defined by 0.6037 < Aw< 0.6129 one observes the appearance of a solution with 3 periods that ends with a sudden appearance of a burst of nonperiodic solutions. The period-3 solutions of heave, roll and pitch motions are illustrated in Figures 7-9, respectively. In each of them, time history, phase plane and Poincaré map are shown. The appearance of non-periodic solutions is illustrated in Figure 10 which shows the roll time series, the corresponding phase diagram and Poincaré map for Aw= 0.6129 m. 8 Fig. 5 Roll bifurcations, w e/wn4 = 2.0. In order to get a better understanding of the coupling between the heave, roll and pitch motions it is important to observe the bifurcations taking place in these three modes. These are developed for the same set of initial conditions used in the mapping of the limits of stability presented in Figure 4. The bifurcation diagrams for the heave, roll and pitch motions are shown in Figures 5 and 6. In Figure 6 the negative branch for the roll motion is not plotted in the figure; otherwise, with the heave and pitch bifurcation diagrams, the figure would be overloaded with graphs and its scale would result inadequate for clarity. Figures 5 and 6 reveal the branching structure for distinct ranges of wave amplitude. Seven ranges with distinct qualitative and quantitative types of responses are noticed. These are subsequently discussed in detail. Fig. 6 Heave, roll and pitch bifurcation diagrams, Fn=0.30. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Fig. 7 Heave motion, phase plane and Poincaré map, period-3 solution, Aw=0.605 m. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 26 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez Fig. 8 27 Roll ( φ max=24.18°), phase plane and Poincaré map, period-3 solution, Aw=0.61 m. Fig. 9 Pitch motion, phase plane and Poincaré map, period-3 solution, Aw=0.605 m. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez show that this is not the case. In fact the roll solutions in this third range of Aw are period-1, but as illustrated in Figures 11 and 12, the solutions continuously alternate, at each new value of the parameter Aw, from one attractor to another one which is situated close by. In other words, roll motion either lives in one attractor or in the other, but always with a single period. Subsequently, for higher wave amplitudes, flip bifurcation will take place together with multistability: period-2, 4 and 8 solutions will appear in sequence, ending in chaos. Fig. 11 Roll motion: (a) Aw=0.639 m, (b) Aw=0.6391 m. Multistability for two neighboring points. It is interesting to observe that in this third range of Aw (0.6130 - 0.6626) the roll motion undergoes multistability with period1 solutions, as shown in Figures 11 and 12. But in this same range, the vertical motions have already undergone a period doubling bifurcation. This is shown in Figures 13 and 14 for heave and pitch, respectively. Another aspect worth noting is that the alternating process illustrated in Figures 11 and 12 for the roll motion does not contaminate the heave and pitch modes, Vivanco (2009). Fig. 10 Roll motion, phase plane and Poincaré map, Aw=0.6129m. Non-periodic solutions. The second interesting characteristic encountered is multistability with associated alternance of values. This dynamical feature arises immediately after the occurrence of a burst of non-periodic solutions, as shown in Figures 5 and 6, that is, in the range 0.613m < Aw< 0.626m. In the bifurcation diagram one may get the impression that the roll motion has migrated to a period-2 solution, but a detailed analysis will Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Subsequently, in the fourth range of Aw (0.6627 - 0.6758) the roll motion continues with multistability but responding with period-2 solutions, as shown in Figure 15, whereas the heave and pitch motions now respond with period-4 solutions. The sequence of flip bifurcations soon leads the coupled system to respond with chaotic motions. Figure 16 illustrates the period4 roll motion and finally, Figure 17 shows the chaotic behaviour for Aw=0.683m. The region with chaotic behaviour ends abruptly at the wave amplitude corresponding to the upper limit of stability of Figure 4. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 28 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez Fig. 13 Heave time history, phase plane and Poincaré map, period-2 solution, Aw=0.64 m. Fig. 12 Roll phase planes: (a) Aw=0.639 m, (b) Aw=0.6391 m. Multistability for two neighboring points. Fig. 14 Pitch time history, phase plane and Poincaré map, period-2 solution, Aw=0.64 m. 29 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez Fig. 16 Roll motion ( φ max==24.73°), phase plane and Poincaré map, period-4 solution for Aw=0.678 m Fig. 15 Roll motion ( φ max==24.27°), phase plane and Poincaré map, period-2 solution for Aw=0.67 m. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 30 Bifurcation analysis of unstable ship motions resulting from strong nonlinear coupling Marcelo A. S. Neves, Jerver E. M. Vivanco and Claudio A. Rodríguez Authors also acknowledge financial support from CAPES, FAPERJ and LabOceano. Thanks are due to Prof. Marcelo A. Savi for many fruitful discussions. References G U C K E N H E I M E R , J., and Holmes, P.(1983). - “Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations of Vector Fields”. Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 42, SpringerVerlag. Fig. 17 Roll motion ( φ max=25°), phase diagram and Poincaré map, chaotic behaviour for Aw=0.683 m. 6 N EVES , M.A.S. and Rodríguez, C. (2005) - “A Nonlinear Mathematical Model of Higher Order for Strong Parametric Resonance of the Roll Motion of Ships in Waves”. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology - Journal of SOBENA, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 69-81. NEVES , M.A.S. and Rodríguez, C. (2006) - “Unstable Ship Motions Resulting from Strong Nonlinear Coupling”. Ocean Engineering, vol. 33, pp. 99-108. Conclusions Numerical limits of stability for a fishing vessel at Fn=0.30 undergoing strong parametric rolling in head seas have been computed for a range of encounter frequencies. The main dynamical characteristics of these limits have been discussed. For the encounter frequency tuning corresponding to the first region of instability of the Mathieu stability map, bifurcation diagrams for the heave, roll and pitch motions have been computed considering wave amplitude as control parameter. Interesting phenomena such as coexistence of attractors with period-3 solutions, appearance of a burst of nonperiodic solutions, multistability with alternance, fold and flip bifurcations and chaos have been identified. The phase planes and Poincaré mappings showed that the period-3 solutions and burst of non-periodic solutions are common to the three modes of motion considered. On the other hand, multistability with alternance only takes place for the roll motion. It is relevant to observe that unique insights on the complex nature of strong coupling between the heave, roll and pitch motions are gained from this nonlinear dynamics analysis presented in the paper. Future work on this subject must consider ways for on-line detection and possible mechanisms for the control of parametric rolling in rough seas. N EVES , M.A.S. and Rodríguez, C. (2007a) - “Influence of Nonlinearities on the Limits of Stability of Ships Rolling in Head Seas”, Ocean Engineering. v.34, p.1618 - 1630. NEVES, M.A.S. and Rodríguez, C. (2007b) - “An Investigation on Roll Parame tric Resonance in Re gular Waves”. International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol 54, pp. 207-225. NEVES, M.A.S., Pérez, N.A. and Lorca, O. (2002) - “Experimental Analysis on Parametric Resonance for Two Fishing Vessels in Head Seas”. 6th International Ship Stability Workshop, Webb Institute, New York, USA. PAULLING, J.R. and Rosenberg, R.M. (1959) - “On Unstabl e Ship Motions Resulting from Nonlinear Coupling”. Journal of Ship Research 3 (1), 36-46. PAULLING, J.R. (1961) - "The Transverse Stability of a Ship in a Longitudinal Seaway", Journal of Ship Research, vol. 4, no. 4 (Mar.), pp. 37-49. S EYDEL R. (1988) - "From Equilibrium to Chaos: Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis", Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., NY. VIVANCO, J.E.M. (2009) - “Parametric Rolling of a Fishing Vessel Nonlinear Dynamics”. M.Sc. Dissertation, COPPE/UFRJ, Jan (in Portuguese). Acknowledgements The present investigation is supported by CNPq within the STAB project (Nonlinear Stability of Ships). The 31 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 23-31 December 2009/June 2010 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantasa,*, Marcos Q. de Siqueiraa, Victor Milanez da S. Pereiraa, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousaa, José Renato M. de Sousaa and Isaías Q. Masettib a COPPE/UFRJ, Department of Civil Engineering - LACEO: Laboratory of Analysis and Reliability of Offshore Structures *e-mail: [email protected] b TRANSPETRO/GETID/TN Abstract Recently, in order to minimize the influence of the vertical motions in the risers and consequently allow the utilization of FPSOs in deep waters, a new riser configuration called RSAA (riser suspended and moored by chains - in Portuguese), composed of a rigid vertical riser, flexible structures and mooring line segments (top and bottom) was proposed. This configuration presents solutions to the most critical points in a riser design: the top tensions are dissociated from the bending moments at the top region, and the curvatures at the TDP are reduced by utilization of floaters. Feasibility analyses have shown that the vertical riser is the most critical part of the proposed system due to the FPSO high level of vertical motions. These motions are transmitted by the top chains, leading to high levels of axial stress variation due to dynamic tension. Faced with this, a parametric study is vital in order to understand the system's behavior as well as to establish the main parameters which influence its structural behavior. Analytical methods may require some slight simplifications of the problem to be applicable, but they generally lead to very compact formulae that do explain which parameters influence the results and why and how it does so. Considering some simplifying hypotheses, this work proposes an analytical model to determine axial stress and tension variations at the top of the vertical riser. Neglecting some non-linearities but considering the coupling between axial and transversal vibrations, a random dynamic analysis in the frequency domain can be performed to evaluate the maximum stresses and tensions levels with considerably lower computational costs. Keywords Axial vibrations, analytical formulation, dynamic analysis 1 Introduction Nowadays, the use of FPSOs in ultra deep waters and under severe environmental conditions is limited by several issues: • The inexistence of flexible risers qualified to operate at such depths; • High tensions and stresses at the top connections of steel catenary and lazy wave risers, due to the weight of the structures; • High stresses at the TDZ (Touch Down Zone) due to the vertical motions developed by FPSOs; • Fatigue, mainly at the TDP region of steel risers, both for the catenary and lazy wave configurations; • Catenary and lazy wave steel risers need a great segment in contact with the soil to avoid tension at the wellhead. This fact may present a problem if the platform has too many lines, or in the case of two platforms operating close. The confirmation of the Pre-Salt reservoirs and PETROBRAS option for FPSOs, however, is forcing the development of new solutions to the aforementioned problems. One of these solutions is a new riser conception, called RSAA (riser suspended and moored by chains - in Portuguese), that allows the utilization of rigid risers associated with FPSOs. The main advantages of the proposed model are the Submitted to MS&OT on Sep 11 2009. Revised manuscript received Apr 29 2010. Editor: Celso P. Pesce. 33 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti dissociation of high tension and bending moments at the top connection of the rigid riser (Sousa et al 2009, Dantas et al 2009 and LACEO 2009) and the reduction of the vertical motions influence on the curvatures at the TDP region, due to the use of floaters. Feasibility analyses have shown that the vertical risers are the most strained parts due to the high level of vertical motions of the FPSO transmitted by the top chains, leading to accentuated levels of axial stress variation due to dynamic tension (Masetti et al 2009). Faced with this, a parametric study is vital in order to understand the system's behavior as well as to establish the main parameters which influence its structural behavior. Analytical methods may require some slight simplifications of the problem to be applicable, but they generally lead to very compact formulae that do explain which, why and how parameters influence results. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to propose an analytical model to determine axial stress and tension variation at the top of the vertical riser. The analyses showed that the system has a linear behavior, and, in this case, during the design phase, a random dynamic analysis in the frequency domain can be performed to evaluate maximum stresses and tensions levels acting on the system. This methodology, which has lower computing costs when compared to random simulations in time domain, allows the fast assessment of the system response. Considering the random characteristics of the environmental loads, methodologies based on deterministic procedures can lead to unrealistic dynamic responses, as the dynamic response is dependent on the analysis period. The dynamic analysis methodology in the frequency domain has already been consolidated in SCR fatigue analyses (Dantas, 2004a, 2004b, 2005a and 2005b), helping as a tool for identifying the most critical sea states for the structure. Only for these identified sea states, non linear dynamic analyses are performed in time domain to determine fatigue damage. In this way, initially, the analytical solution that allows the evaluation of the axial behavior of a fixed vertical riser is presented. After that, the differential equation solution that establishes the axial vibrations of hung-off risers considering a concentrated mass at the lower end is deduced. From these solutions, a procedure to evaluate the tension variation of a vertical riser is proposed. Analytical results are compared to ones obtained from non linear numerical analyses in time domain considering several vertical motions levels, periods and varying some parameters of riser's definition. The analyzed examples consider the variation of several vertical riser definition parameters, such as: installation depth, vertical riser length, total mass per unit length (structure plus internal fluid), vertical motion level and excitation periods. The vertical motion levels considered are related to centenary waves acting on the FPSO. All analyses performed in the parametric study considered dynamic vertical motion as the only source of incident input loading on the system. However, in a real world, riser designers may consider several input loads acting on the structure, such as current loading, static offset, wave loading acting directly on the riser and finally the body floating motions from six Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 degrees of freedom. In this context, the use of an analytical formulation may be an inadequate tool to predict the realistic structural behavior. Therefore, as the structural behavior of the proposed systems seems to be linear, the determination of the riser response by random dynamic analysis in frequency domain, considering all inputs loads, is convenient. Random dynamic analyses both in time domain and frequency domain were carried out considering current loads, static offset, wave loading acting directly on the system and dynamic motions from six degrees of freedom of the FPSO. The obtained results demonstrated good agreements among these random dynamic analysis methodologies. The analyses performed showed that the proposed system does not have any resonant frequency within the commonly encountered wave frequency range. In certain circumstances, a hung off riser may present axial resonant behavior amplifying the structural response. For a 20in vertical riser Chung (1991) showed that the natural periods may occur within wave period range. 2 System description The proposed configuration is constituted by a steel vertical riser that is supported by a mooring line segment and connected to the FPSO through a flexible jumper, as shown in Figure 1. The transmission of bending moments to the steel riser is consequently minimized, reducing the stresses at the top of the riser. In the same way, the steel riser is connected to the flowline by another flexible structure or a bundle of flexible structures, as indicated in Figure 2; in this case, floaters help to reduce bending moments at the TDZ. At the bottom connection of the vertical riser, a slack mooring line segment helps to keep the system correctly positioned and increase restoring forces when the vertical riser moves upward. This chain segment length has to be dimensioned not to stretch the system even in the farthest position, but just enough to keep the system in the same position under strong sea currents. Finally, the connections between the flexible structures and the vertical riser and between the mooring line segments and the vertical riser, are made by steel connectors ("Y" shape) (Sousa et al 2009, Dantas et al 2009). Fig. 1 Main components of the original proposed system. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 34 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti 3 Axial vibrations of vertical risers Analytical methods may require some slight simplifications of the problem to be applicable, but they generally lead to very compact formulae that do explain which, why and how parameters influence the structure response. Furthermore, those compact formulae are often very simple to program and hence can be useful for preliminary analyses. Those two reasons are the main motivations to the application of analytical methods. 3.1 Axial vibrations of fixed risers Figure 3-a shows a vertical uniform riser subjected to a topend sinusoidal movement of amplitude U0 and frequency w, where u is the dynamic vertical displacement and, hence, du/dx is the dynamic strain. Figure 3-b shows the internal dynamic axial forces acting on a short element of length δx and mass m per unit length. The dynamic axial force is related to the local strain by: (1) where E is the riser material Young modulus and A is the cross-sectional area. Since the mass-acceleration of the element is equal to the applied force, from figure 3-b, (a) (2) Hence, (3) Equation (3) is the wave equation, which can be written as: (4) where c is the celerity, speed of transmission of axial stress waves in the riser, which, from Equations (3) and (4) can be expressed as: (5) Note that if the riser mass is entirely structural, with no additional mass in the form of buoyancy modules, then and , where is the mass density of the riser material. For the configuration shown in Figure 3-a, the vertical displacement at distance x below the top end is given by the solution to Equation (4) which yields: (b) (6) Fig. 2 35 RSAA system composed by only 1 line (a) and configured as a bundle (b) The dynamic tension is related to the local strain by Equation Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti (1). By differentiating Equation (6) and considering Equation (1), the dynamic tension is given by: (7) Hence, the amplitude of the top-end (x = 0) dynamic tension is: (8) Axial resonance occurs when the denominators of Equations (6) and (7) are zero, for frequencies wn given by Equation (9) for which sin(wnL / c) = 0, where n is the mode number: 3.1.1 Numerical analysis Analyses were performed considering the structure showed in Figure 4. The results obtained from analytical Equation (7) were compared to the ones considering non linear dynamic analyses using the finite element method (ANFLEX, 2008). The riser was modeled considering three-dimensional beam elements and the non linear analysis was carried out according to the Newton Raphson method adapted to dynamic problems. (9) Since wn= 2π/Tpn, where Tpn is the period of the vibration for mode n , resonance occurs for natural periods Tpn given by: (10) (a) Fig. 4 Axial vibrations of fixed risers - analyzed case. The main characteristics of the problem are: • Riser length • Young's modulus of steel: • Mass per unit length: (b) (structural and internal fluid) • Celerity: • Sinusoidal movement of amplitude: • Periods: Fig. 3 Axial vibrations of fixed risers and internal forces. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Figure 5 shows the dynamic tension results at the top of the fixed vertical riser obtained from both analytical and numerical Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 36 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti procedures. This figure indicates excellent agreement between the obtained results. Analysis of axial vibrations of hung off risers is more complicated than for fixed risers for several reasons. First, the risers generally have a large concentrated mass at the lower end in the form of a lower marine riser package (LMRP) or blowout preventer (BOP). Second, the resonant response depends on short period heave of the vessel and on the riser axial damping, both of which are difficult to determine precisely. Nevertheless, a similar approach to the fixed riser can be used to determine resonance frequencies and understand the parameters influence on the results 3..2.1 Uniform riser Fig. 5 Axial Vibrations of fixed risers - Analyzed case. 3.2 Axial vibrations of hung-off risers Axial vibration is of particular concern for drilling risers hung off drilling vessels in storm conditions. In such conditions, hung off risers are subjected to axial excitation induced by the floating body. The problem is that unacceptably large axial forces may be induced in the riser, which may even lead to dynamic buckling. The subject has been treated in a number of publications in recent years (Sparks, 2007). Figure 6 shows three riser models that can be studied analytically. Figure 6a shows a uniform riser, which can be analyzed very easily by using equations similar to those of the previous problem. In this case, the tension TL at the riser bottom end is always zero. Hence, from the tension-strain relationship, Equation (1), . Therefore, the wave equation yields the following solutions for the displacement u(x,t) and the dynamic tension T(x,t) at distance below the top end: (11a) and (11b) Axial resonance occurs for . Since the period resonance occurs at periods given by: , for which , (12) M where n is the mode number and n=1 denotes the fundamental. The fundamental resonant period is therefore equal to 4L/c, which is the time taken by the axial stress wave to run four times the length of the riser. 3.2.2 Uniform Riser with Concentrated Mass at Lower End For a riser with a concentrated mass M at the lower end, Figure 6b, the analysis is more complicated. The wave equation is satisfied by: (13) where B0 is a constant that depends on the concentrated mass at the lower end. The constant B0 can be determined by considering the forces that act on the concentrated mass at the lower end, as given by: Fig. 6 37 (14) Analytical hung off riser models. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti where the left-hand side of the equation is the force resulting from the riser dynamic strain and the right-hand side is the inertial force of the concentrated mass. Substitution of Equation (13) into Equation (14) leads to the value of B0: where is the mode number. The resonance period is given by: (15) (23) The constant B0 can be expressed in terms of a new constant defined by: Hence, the fundamental resonant period Tp1 is equal to the time taken by an axial stress wave to run four times the riser equivalent length . (16) Substitution for B0 in Equation (15) then leads to: (17) (22) 3.2.3 Numerical analysis For the structure shown in Figure 7 several analyses were carried out in which different relations between the concentrated mass M and the total riser mass were considered. The total riser mass is given by MRiser = m.L. The analytical results considering M = 0 are given by Equation (12) while for Equations (17) and (19) are employed. Substitution of B0 into Equation (13) leads to Equation (18) for the axial displacement at distance x from the top end. (18) Since , the dynamic tension is given by: (19) By comparison of Equations (11b) and (19), it can be seen that is an equivalent length of uniform riser, as shown in figure 6c. Note that for small angles, Equation (17) can be written as: (20) and (21) Fig. 7 Axial vibrations of hung off risers - analyzed case. The riser behaves as if its length were extended by M/m. Equation (21) gives the maximum value of . As the frequency increases, the precise value of is reduced. From Equations (18) and (19), resonance occurs for hence, for values of given by: Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 The main characteristics of the problems analyzed are: • Riser length - and, • Young's modulus of steel: Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 38 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti • Mass per unit length: (structural and internal fluid) • Concentrated mass: systems. This can be observed at Figure 10 and Table 1. That condition is required to avoid a great lateral response on the riser if parametric instability occurs; d) The suspended mass of the flexible riser and bottom chain do not vary so much when compared to the total mass of the system. In this way, the expressions established for a hung off vertical riser with a concentrated mass M at the lower end can be employed . ; (20% of the riser mass) ; (40% of the riser mass) • Celerity: 3.3.2 Numerical analysis • Sinusoidal movement of amplitude: In the simplified structural model, the bottom arrangement is represented by a static tension acting at the lower end of the vertical riser, as in Figure 9b. In this way, the expressions established for a hung off vertical riser with a concentrated mass M at the lower end, can be employed considering the definition of an equivalent mass M given by: • Periods: Figure 8 shows the dynamic tension results at the top of the vertical riser obtained from both numerical and analytical procedures. This figure points excellent agreement between all results. (24) where g is the gravitational acceleration. Due to the vertical dynamic motions originated by the incident waves in the floating production system, the tension T is influenced by dynamic effects and by the vertical force that the bottom arrangement provides to the system. As the variation of the resistance force is small when compared to the total tension at the top of the vertical riser, it is possible to consider it as a constant (static) value and propose a procedure to determine the tension variation at the top of the vertical riser. This procedure has demonstrated excellent agreement when compared to the numerical results obtained considering the full structural model using a FEM program. Fig. 8 Axial vibrations of hung off risers - analyzed case. 3.3 Axial Vibrations of the Proposed System The comparative analyses were performed considering several variations of the system configuration parameters. In this parametric study the following modeling and loading parameters were varied: vertical riser length and water depth; mass per unit length of the vertical riser including structural and internal fluid mass; vertical amplitude motion; and vertical period motion. Figure 9 shows the proposed system configuration. Under some considerations, the main point here is to establish an analytical formulation to allow the evaluation of the dynamic tension level at the top of the vertical riser. 3.3.1 Basics hypotheses a) Although the vertical riser is not directly connected to the floating system, the vertical motions imposed by the floating are completely transmitted by the top chain to the top riser (the top chain is always tensioned); (a) b) The analytical model ignore the coupling between axial and transversal vibrations, which can be a potential source of non linear behavior; c) The heave periods are not close to natural periods of the 39 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti (b) Fig. 9 Non linear dynamic analyses were performed considering the original structural model shown in Figure 9a. From Equations (19), (21) and (24), the analytical procedure was applied to evaluate the simplified structural model shown in Figure 9b. The tension T and the related concentrated mass M, calculated by Equation (24), have the same values presented in Table 1. Figure 11 shows the dynamic tension at the top of the vertical riser, considering the original system configuration and varying the riser mass per unit length. Figure 12 shows both numerical and analytical results considering the original model (M2) and varying the water depth. Axial vibrations of the proposed system. The amplitudes and periods of the vertical motions considered in this example are related to centenary waves with periods from 5.0 seconds to 19.0 seconds acting on the FPSO, producing the results shown in Figure 10. This figure shows that the vertical amplitude values are varying from zero to 13.0m, whilst the vertical period values are varying from 6.5 seconds to 15.0 seconds. In this item, six riser models were analyzed and the riser modeling data are shown in Table 1. Fig. 11 Results for M2 models, see table 1 Fig. 12 Results for M1, M2, M3 and M4 riser models, see table 1. Fig. 10 Amplitudes of the vertical movements. Table 1 - Description of the risers. Figures 11 and 12 indicate that, even for high levels of vertical movements, the results provided by the analytical model agree quite well with the ones from the numerical model. Hence, it can be concluded that, under the simplifying hypotheses assumed, the proposed analytical model is a helpful and reliable tool to account for a number of parameters in the analysis of RSAA configurations. 4 Frequency domain analysis Agreement among results from both analytical and numerical procedures shows that the system behavior does not present significant non linearities. It suggests that the dynamic analysis Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 40 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti in frequency domain can be performed during the riser design phase. This analysis methodology allows consideration of a complete set of environmental loading cases, keeping their random nature, however with low computing costs. The FEM used in this methodology allows consideration of coupling between axial and transversal vibration due to beam matrix. The use of the frequency domain analysis is well established for SCR fatigue analyses. One o its most important applications is the identification of the most critical analysis loading cases, avoiding a high computer time for processing all loading cases and, consequently, reducing the impact on the design schedule. The dynamic finite element equations of motions are typically expressed in matrix form as: (25) where the symbols in uppercase bold letters denote matrices and in lowercase letters vectors. The major dynamic contribution to the force vector comes from wave forces and from vessel motions imposed at the top of the risers. In general, Equation (25) has no closed form solution for the dynamic response x(t), so the solution must be found numerically in either the time or in the frequency domain. The frequency domain approach demands linearization techniques, implying in a certain lack of quality in results, but it is attractive due to the lower computer time demanded and because there is no "statistical uncertainty" associated with the results of the random sea analyses, since the input and output are respectively wave and response spectra. The frequency domain derivation assumes that the inputs and outputs are sinusoids or summations of sinusoids if the procedure is random analysis. So for an irregular wave with frequencies wn: and (26) where and are complex vectors, with both amplitude and phase information. Differentiating for and and replacing into equation (25) gives: (27) Canceling for . from both sides, equation (27) can be solved (28) Notice that, in deriving Equation (27), it is assumed that M, C and K do not vary with time. This assumption is not valid when geometric nonlinearities are important or when intermittent effects, such as seabed interaction, occur. A major difficulty with the above derivation is that Equation (26) for f(t) is not valid for the drag force in Morison's equation. The drag is nonlinear (proportional to the square of the relative velocity), but a drag linearization technique can be used to derive a reasonable approximation. 41 The first studies dealing with linearization techniques applied on risers were conducted for two-dimensional problems with and without current velocity and without considering structural velocity. After that, Krolikowisk and Gay (Krolikowisk,1980) extended the model considering excitations of random and deterministic nature taking into account the relative fluid-structure velocity for vertical structural elements. For two-dimensional problems the linearization process of the drag force is resumed into the linearization of a scalar, since the incident loading is aligned in one of the normal directions of the analyzed element. A proposal that allowed considering the linearization and also addresses the distribution of the excitation was conducted by Langley (Langley, 1984) and later by Rodenbusch (Rodenbusch et al, 1986). Bernt J. Leira (Leira, 1986, 1987) proposed another linearization technique that developed even more Langley's expression for dynamic linearization coefficients using the results obtained by Atalik (Atalik et al, 1976). These methods are also presented and discussed by Dantas (Dantas 2000, 2004a). The structural analysis program (ALFREQ, 2008) used in the linear dynamic analyses conducted in this work allows the consideration of several 3D linearization methods (Dantas et al, 2004b). All the previous analyses considered dynamic vertical motion as the only source of incident input loading on the system. However, in a real world, riser designers may consider several input loads acting on the structure, such as current loading, static offset, wave loading acting directly on the riser and finally the body floating motions from six degrees of freedom. In this context, the use of an analytical formulation may be an inadequate tool to predict the realistic coupling between axial and transversal behavior. Therefore, as the structural behavior of the proposed systems seem to be linear, the determination of the riser response by random dynamic analysis in frequency domain, considering all inputs loads, is convenient. Random dynamic analyses were carried out considering current loads, static offset, wave loading acting directly on the system and dynamic motions from six degrees of freedom of the FPSO. The waves considered here are the same centenary ones considered above. The analyses performed in time domain considered 1200 seconds of time simulation, each one demanding 9 hours of computer processing time. The analyses performed in frequency domain employed an iterative procedure due to the relative velocity fluid-structure present in the Morrison equation, and each one demanded 15 minutes of computer processing time. Figure 13 shows the results in terms of axial stress standard deviation at the riser top considering the centenary waves with period varying from 5.0 seconds to 19.0 seconds. We can observe excellent agreement within results, demonstrating that the dynamic frequency domain methodology can be a helpful tool to predict the structural behavior of the proposed system during the design phase. In a future work, this linear procedure will be employed to Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Parametric study on the axial vibrations of riser suspended and moored by chains (RSAA) configurations Claudio Marcio S. Dantas, Marcos Q. de Siqueira, Victor M. da S. Pereira, Fernando Jorge M. de Sousa, José Renato M. de Sousa and Isaías Q. Masetti perform random dynamic analyses of the proposed system considering several loading cases and the obtained results will be compared to the ones obtained from random dynamic analysis in time domain. analytical model is a helpful and reliable tool to account for a number of parameters in the analysis of RSAA configurations. Furthermore, these results showed that if the structural behavior of the proposed system does not present significant non linearities, a random frequency domain methodology can be applied during preliminary feasibility analyses. This methodology, due to its lower computing costs, can be applied to explore a range of alternatives, vary several parameters which define the system, and consider all the input loads. In the near future, this linear procedure will be applied to perform random dynamic analyses of the proposed system considering several loading cases and the obtained results will be compared to ones obtained in non linear random dynamic analysis in time domain. Fig. 13 Axial stress standard deviation at the top riser. 5 Concluding remarks The system called RSAA (riser suspended and moored by chains - in Portuguese) is composed by a rigid vertical riser, flexible structures and mooring line segments (top and bottom). Feasibility analyses have shown that the vertical riser is the most critical part of the system due to the high level of vertical motions of the FPSO transmitted by the top chains, leading to high levels of axial stress variation due to dynamic tension. Faced with this, some analyses were performed in order to understand the system's behavior as well as to establish the main parameters which affect its structural behavior and why and how it does so. The main objective of this work was to propose an analytical model to determine axial stress and tension variation at the top of the vertical riser. In this work the axial stress wave equation has been derived, and the axial displacements and dynamic tension equations have been deduced for both fixed and hung off risers. Several examples were analyzed and excellent agreement between numerical and analytical procedures was observed. From these equations and assuming some conditions, an analytical procedure to determine the dynamic axial stress and tension variation throughout the vertical riser of the RSAA was proposed. Analytical results have been compared to ones obtained in non linear numerical analyses in time domain considering several vertical motion levels, periods and some riser models. The examples considered the variation of several vertical riser definition parameters, such as: installation depth, vertical riser length, total mass per unit length (structure plus internal fluid), vertical motion level and excitation periods. These analyses indicated that, even for high levels of vertical movements, the analytical model showed agreement with the numerical results. The maximum observed differences were of the order of 10%. Under the simplifying hypotheses assumed, the proposed Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 33-43 December 2009/June 2010 Acknowledgments The authors thank PETROBRAS for sponsoring this work and allowing us to publish this paper. 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Fujarra and Kazuo Nishimoto TPN - Numerical Offshore Tank Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Escola Politécnica - University of São Paulo, Brazil [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract One of the most difficult challenges in the offshore industry is to reduce hydrocarbon production costs, which increase as exploration advances to deeper water regions. Most of the Brazilian oil companies demand the use of a conventional ship-shaped FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System) as a solution for offshore production due to the lack of pipelines, soft local environmental condition, and the characteristics of the oil fields. However, the small roll damping and the relatively large heave motions of the FPSO pose some limits to the use of rigid risers and nearly forbid the use of dry tree completion system facilities. In order to make the application of rigid risers and dry tree completion feasible on an FPSO, Brazilian universities and research institutes, in a partnership with Petrobras, have developed a new concept of a hydrocarbon exploration and production platform – the MPSO (Monocolumn Production Storage and Offloading System) – which is a floating unit based on a monocolumn with a moonpool. The development of the MPSO concept was focused on reducing the motions, keeping storage capability and allowing the use of rigid risers. Furthermore, recent studies have pointed towards the possibility of using dry tree completion system in MPSO. Considering this scenario, the MPSO concept evolution in which the hull forms and hydrodynamic appendages were developed, always aiming at motions mitigation, is presented herein. Initially, the MPSO was proposed to operate in the Campos Basin (Brazil) and, after new design considerations, it is being adopted to operate in the Gulf of Mexico (USA) at a no pipeline area. Thus, the MPSO solution proved to be versatile enough to be adapted to any location, including the pre-salt in Brazil. Keywords MPSO (Monocolumn Production, Storage and Offloading System), offshore platform, hydrodynamic behavior, platform design, new platform concept 1 Introduction In the last few years, an increasing number of gas and oil production platforms have been developed in order to obtain more efficient floating systems, capable of operating in deep (>500m) and ultra-deep (>1700m) waters and with a greater capacity for storing and processing oil and gas. There are several distinct types of oil platforms, employed according to the characteristics and needs of the field where they are installed. Platform types range from conventional ship-shaped FPSO to innovative concepts such as monocolumn platforms. A summary of these systems evolution is found in Clauss (2007). That text presents the characteristics of fixed, semisubmersible, TLP (tension leg platform), spar and monocolumn platforms. Examples of such types of platforms are presented in Figure 1. petroleum chain. Thus, a system able to acquire information, integrate data adequately and evaluate the capacities of the resources must be a great triumph for this field of study. Submitted to MS&OT on Nov 11 2009. Revised manuscript received Jul 12 2010. Editor: Celso P. Pesce. 45 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra ra and Kazuo Nishimoto The aim is to summarize, into a single work, the most important developments of the MPSO, mainly involving aspects such as geometry, hydrodynamic behavior, stability and mooring/risers design, over the past 10 years of research. This new concept has incorporated technological solutions as no other similar work in the world, including the recognition of more than one related patent. Fig. 1 Thereby, section 2 presents the monocolumn concept with further details on its geometry and features. Section 3 demonstrates its evolution on hydrodynamic behavior. Section 4 provides a general view on its stability characteristics and section 5 on riser and mooring systems. Finally, section 6 presents some conclusions about monocolumns. Examples of offshore oil exploration systems [Gonçalves et al. ( 2007)]. To summarize, the basic idea behind floating systems is to provide a system with natural periods of motion as far as possible from the wave power spectrum peak at the location where it will be installed, in order to avoid high motion levels suited for the sea. For example, an easier way to better understand this strategy is to compare the natural heave motion period of the unit with the energy wave spectrum of the region where it is installed. In Figure 2, three typical sea spectra regions where a great part of offshore producing systems is concentrated are presented: the Campos Basin (Brazil) and the Gulf of Mexico (USA). In the same figure, the typical heave motion natural periods of typical units are also included. 2 Considering its geometry with a cylindrical shape, the monocolumn with a moonpool hereafter called MPSO is similar to the spar platform, as can be exemplified in works by Rueda et al. (2006), Campos (2008) and Matsumoto et al. (2008), and seen in Figure 3. However, an important difference can be found between the aspect ratios (L/D, length/diameter); mainly because the spar platform has a large value of L/D, while the MPSO has a small one (smaller draft and larger diameter). Additionally, compared to the spar, the MPSO due to its large displacement can support heavier process plants and greater production storage. Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Comparison between the resonance of systems and sea spectrums [Malta (2009)]. As can be observed in Figure 2, the RAO (response amplitude operator) of the TLP, monocolumn and spar platforms are detuned from the wave energy spectrum, which, in this case, implies the decrease of the heave motion. These conditions allow the employment of dry completion systems. Since floating unit motions due to waves, currents and winds can damage equipment that would be launched towards the oil wells, reduced motions are desirable. Regarding these aspects, the monocolumn concept was developed: a platform with high natural motion periods, outside the high energy density region in the wave spectrum and with a relatively simple geometry – as can be seen in Figure 2, illustrating the MonoBR, a monocolumn platform with a moonpool, appropriately design to operate at the Campos Basin, in Brazil. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Monocolumn with a moonpool concept Examples of MPSO platforms (a) cylindrical hull [Campos (2008)], (b) polygonal hull [Rueda et al. (2006)] and (c) cylindrical hull with hydrodynamic appendages [Matsumoto et al. (2008)]. A practical function of the moonpool is to allow free access of risers and umbilical cables from the field to the process plant, and the large volume of the moonpool takes an important role in the MPSO dynamic behavior, acting as passive motion absorber; the works by Torres et al. (2004a-b), Barreira et al. (2005), Cueva et al. (2005), Malta et al. (2006), Sphaier et al. (2007) and Torres et al. (2008b) are examples in which the moonpool geometry were studied. Figure 3c shows the internal moonpool with hydrodynamic appendages at the bottom, details about the hydrodynamic appendages can be found further on in this text and especially in the works by Masetti (2007) and Matsumoto et al. (2008). Also, Figure 3c illustrates the internal tank arrangement composed by internal and external ballast tanks and central Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 46 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar ra and Kazuo Nishimoto Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar oil storage tanks, making this conception totally double hull. Discussions about the stability advantages to use this type of tank arrangement were presented in Rueda et al. (2006) and Santos et al. (2006). Besides the dynamic features and storage capability, the MPSO has a great reserve of stability, not only because of the large water area but also because of this area distribution along the hull. The moonpool leads the water area to an external region increasing the moment of area and, consequently, the metacentric height. Another characteristic of the MPSO is its low construction cost due to the simplified geometry concept; however, it demands larger shipyards for its construction, due to its large diameters; more characteristics of the MPSO concept can also be found, for example, in Costa et al. (2005), Reyes et al. (2007) and Masetti & Malta (2009). Historically, the monocolumn concept considering a moonpool was initially developed by the University of São Paulo and Petrobras, as the main design objective for the vertical motion mitigation. The first MPSO project presented a cylindrical shape, as illustrated by Masetti & Malta (2009) in Figure 5, with a simple radial symmetry, which enables great inertia at the waterline implying stability reserve for the unit. Furthermore, the circular shape makes hydrodynamic and stability analysis easier. However, due to a circular geometry with diameter around 100 meters, the difficulty of construction makes this solution less feasible in economic terms. Several types of hulls, with different motion and stability responses, can be designed from the monocolumn main concept. There are some examples with circular or polygonal transversal sections created to be employed according to the operation type at a given field. Also, there is the possibility of designing monocolumn platforms without a moonpool, such as the ones installed by the Sevan Marine Company. In a partnership with Petrobras, the Sevan Marine Company commissioned the SSP-Piranema, a first monocolumn production unit without a moonpool, see Figure 4b. The SSPPiranema has a production capacity of 30 thousand barrels of oil per day and storage capacity for 300 thousand barrels of oil in water depth of 1100 to 1600 m; details of the unit can be seen in Saad et al. (2009). Another monocolumn without a moonpool was also created by Sevan Marine to operate in the North Sea, as illustrated in Figure 4a. It is important to point out that these platforms do not have moonpools, and therefore they present motions equivalent to a conventional FPSO, as well as restriction of storage capacity and difficulties to operate under severe sea conditions. Fig. 5 Based on this argument, it was proposed that the MPSO could present a square transversal section, making its construction process easier. However, regarding hydrodynamic effects, a square hull presents worse results when compared to a circular hull. After some analysis, it was confirmed that the MPSO shaped, illustrated by Masetti & Malta (2009) and shown in Figure 6, even with rounded edges, increases the drag due to the current caused by the platform, which damages the risers and mooring system, and can cause unwanted production interruptions. Another drawback of a square hull is the loss of the valuable axial symmetry. Fig. 6 Fig. 4 47 Installed monocolumn platforms: (a) FPSO Sevan Hummingbird and (b) FPSO Sevan Piranema. Pictures taken by the Sevan Marine company. MPSO example with cylindrical shape [Masetti & Malta (2009)]. MPSO example with a square shape and rounded edges [Masetti & Malta (2009)]. A compromise solution was found based on a multifaceted polygonal shape, as seen in Masetti & Malta (2009) and in Figure 7. The construction problem was solved and the platform has practically kept all the advantages of a circular hull. Following the definition of the external geometry of the MPSO hull, the next step was to improve the unit hydrodynamic characteristics by studying hydrodynamic appendages and the moonpool geometry. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar ra and Kazuo Nishimoto Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra on the system. The use of a moonpool as a passive damper of monocolumn motions has been studied for years. Concerning the tests using small-scale models in test tanks, as can been seen in Figure 9, the works by Torres et al. (2004b), Barreira et al. (2005) and Sphaier et al. (2007) can be cited; and concerning numerical/mathematical models to represent the moonpool behavior, the works by Torres et al. (2004a), Cueva et al. (2005), Malta et al. (2006) and Torres et al. (2008a-b) can be cited. Fig. 7 MPSO example with a 16 side polygonal shape [Masetti & Malta (2009)]. 3 Hydrodynamic characteristics The employment of devices to minimize motion such as moonpools, skirts and beaches, see Figure 8, has been studied in order to reduce the platform motion without the need to increase its displacement. These devices have as main function to introduce viscous damping and to modify the natural frequency of the system, displacing it to a region outside the high energy wave spectrum, as presented in Figure 2. The characteristics of these devices and studies on them are detailed separately in this paper, as well as other solutions such as one to mitigate the vortex-induced motions (a phenomenon that may amplify surge and sway motions) and another hull inside the moonpool to allow the application of dry tree completion. These two latter solutions are good examples of the mentioned innovation concerning the MPSO concept. Fig. 8 Devices employed to improve the hydrodynamic performance of monocolumns: a) Moonpool, (b) Skirt and (c) Beach [Campos et al. (2004b)]. 3.1 The moonpool The moonpool is an opening inside the hull, platform or chamber giving access to the water below and allowing technicians or researchers to lower tools and instruments into to the sea, see Figure 8a. Moreover, studies, such as the work by Nishimoto et al. (2001), investigated the use of the moonpool as a passive tank to reduce vertical platform motions modifying its aspect ratio (ratio between the moonpool diameter and the external platform diameter). In a MPSO, the moonpool geometry was designed to have a resonant period far from the sea energy spectrum. The moonpool resonant period is mainly defined by the relation between its diameter and height, although the moonpool can be modified by introducing a restriction near the bottom that increases the viscous dissipation Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Fig. 9 Examples of reduced scale models of MPSO platforms: a) wave tests [Campos (2008)] and (b) current tests [Fujarra et al. (2009)]. Studies such as Torres et al. (2004b), Barreira et al. (2005) and Sphaier et al. (2007) show a series of experimental results for the evaluation of the moonpool diameter with regards to the heave motions of a monocolumn. In those tests, variations in moonpool diameter (D) are evaluated for a fixed waterline area of the unit, see details in Figure 10. The results of the vertical motions presented by Sphaier et al. (2007) demonstrated that it is possible to modify the natural heave motion period of the MPSO by altering the opening of the moonpool. Thus, there is an optimum relation in which the motions decrease, as can be verified in Figure 10 by the green line. Fig. 10 Heave motion RAO for different openings of a moonpool [Sphaier et al. (2007)]. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 48 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar ra and Kazuo Nishimoto Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra Another alternative to decrease the vertical heave motion of the unit is to change the entrance geometry of the moonpool. In the study by Barreira et al. (2005), this change is suggested by changing the reentrance and therefore the water flow through it; see details in Figure 11a. The results have shown that such a modification is not as efficient in changing the entrance of the moonpool to a cross-like format as shown in Figure 11b. the works by Masetti et al. (2007) and Matsumoto et al. (2008). Figure 8b and Figure 12c show the structures used as bilge keel located on the external side of the hull and inside the moonpool; hereafter these structures are denominated external and internal skirt, respectively. Fig. 12 Influence of skirt types on MPSO motion [Matsumoto et al. (2008)]: (a) heave RAO (b) pitch RAO. Fig. 11 Heave motion RAO for different types of moonpool entrances [Barreira et al. (2005)]. (a) Internal reentrance and (b) Cross shaped restriction. For the format shown in the Figure 11b, the results present a reasonable heave motion decrease. However, this solution presents difficulties to construction. Aside those minor aspects, the conclusion concerning the monpool issue is that alterations in its geometry are absolutely important to minimize the heave motion of the unit, which is another requirement to be taken into account during the preliminary design stages. 3.2 The skirt The bilge keel is commonly used to add viscous damping to a ship-shaped vessel. The bilge keel efficiency is a compromise between the decrease in roll motion amplitude and the increase of the resistance introduced by additional wetted surface. However, offshore production systems such as MPSO are stationary and appendages similar to bilge keels can be used without forward speed resistance concerns; see for example 49 As can be seen in Figure 12, both external and internal skirt have a tumbled “T” geometry such that a portion of water can be confined leading to an increase of two hydrodynamic effects: added mass and viscous damping. Studies regarding the influence of skirt type appendages on a MPSO hydrodynamic behavior were carried out by Masetti et al. (2007) and also by Matsumoto et al. (2008). Particularly in the latter work, tests were performed with small-scale models presenting the following configurations: SS (MPSO without appendages), SR (MPSO with internal skirt only), CS (MPSO with external skirt only) and CR (MPSO with external and internal skirts). Configuration details are presented in Figure 12. The principal results obtained by Matsumoto et al. (2008) showed that the use of this type of hydrodynamic appendage has the ability to significantly modify the natural period of vertical motions: heave and pitch, shown in Figure 12a and Figure 12b, respectively. This effect is mainly due to the change in the added mass contributions caused by the presence of the appendage. Consequently, the design of the skirts also becomes an important issue in a MPSO design, in order to minimize the unit motions. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra ra and Kazuo Nishimoto 3.3 The beach The beach is a “quasi” horizontal level formed by reducing the MPSO hull in diameter near the waterline area; see details in Figure 8c. The main objective of this reduction is to modify the natural period of the vertical motions (heave, roll and pitch) by decreasing the waterline area. If damage occurs in tanks, the increase in the waterline area obtained due to the change in diameter can also contribute to the stability. Numerical studies to determine the characteristics of the beach, such as its angle and position in relation to the waterline, are presented in Torres et al. (2004b). According to the authors, it is very important to consider this hydrodynamic element in a MPSO design because it is possible to decrease the heave exciting forces by up to 40%. 3.4 spoiler plates decreases the motion amplitudes probably due to the break in the correlation of the formation of vortex shedding. However, as in the case of strakes normally utilized on spar type platforms, e.g. Roddier et al. (2009), different configurations of spoiler plates should be tested to prove their efficiency in mitigating the VIM phenomenon on a MPSO. 3.5 Two bodies A new MPSO system concept with two bodies was proposed by Gonçalves et al. (2008). This innovative offshore platform combines characteristics of storage capacity and dry tree completion system. Spoiler plates The VIM (Vortex-Induced Motion) is a self-excited phenomenon, likely to occur on bluff bodies immersed and free to oscillate in specific fluid flow caused by ocean current, resulting in offset amplitudes similar to the unit diameter; see details about the phenomenon in Gonçalves et al. (2009b). Thus, on spar and monocolumn type platforms, the VIM causes greater offsets, eventually having consequences, such as extreme tensions and early fatigue of the mooring lines and risers; see details in Sagrilo et al. (2009). Fig. 13 (a) Example of a MPSO with the presence of spoiler plates (b) Motion on the MPSO horizontal plane, without the presence of spoiler plates, submitted to the VIM phenomenon (c) Motion on the MPSO horizontal plane, with the presence of spoiler plates, submitted to the VIM phenomenon [Fujarra et al. (2009)]. The spoiler plates are flat structures fixed on the side of the platform aiming to minimize the effects of the VIM phenomenon. They can be arranged, e.g. in triple helicoid along its depth, as observed in Figure 13a, this solution is patented. These appendages demonstrated great efficiency in mitigating motions of high amplitude caused by the VIM, according to the results seen in Cueva et al. (2006), Gonçalves et al. (2009a) and Fujarra et al. (2009). In Figure 13b, the motion tests results in the horizontal plane of a MPSO submitted to the VIM phenomenon are presented. In the graph, Vr is the reduced velocity, the radius represents the MPSO offset and the angles represent the current incidence. Figure 13c presents the results of the same platform with spoiler plates. It can be observed that the presence of Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Fig. 14 General view of the MPSO concept with dry completion and two bodies (a) taken from Gonçalves et al. (2008) and (b) taken from Reyes et al. (2009). In order to have these characteristics, the new concept comprises two floating units, one inside the other. The external one, called main body, has storage capacity; supports the process plant, the accommodations and the well intervention tower. The internal unit, called inner body, is designed to support the well heads, the tensioners and riser connectors, as presented in Figure 14. It is important to point out that one of the many advantages in dry tree completion systems is to avoid umbilicals for intervention, manipulation and control. The inner body heave motion is mechanically uncoupled from the main unit, resulting in smaller motions, which allows for dry tree completion facilities and lower operational system cost. Both works by Gonçalves et al. (2008) and by Reyes et al. (2009) demonstrated the concept feasibility, thus allowing this prospective system to be used for the new well explorations in the pre-salt of the Santos basin, Brazil. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 50 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar ra and Kazuo Nishimoto Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar 4 Stability characteristics The MPSO with moonpool, as described earlier, presents a great reserve of stability, mainly due to the increase of area and area inertia in the waterline provided by the beach in heel situation - see Figure 15b - and discussed in details in Torres et al. (2004b). Although standard rules for MPSO are not consolidated by classifications societies, the stability can be evaluated by the requirements used in other floating systems, such as column-stabilized and self-elevating units, as in Campos et al. (2004a) and Campos et al. (2008). In another work, Santos et al. (2006) employed the ABS rules for column stabilized units to evaluate MPSO stability showing that this conception was approved in all requirements, even for damage conditions. maintain the platform in even keel position, as the operation illustrated in Figure 17. The works by Campos et al. (2004a), Santos et al. (2006) and Rueda et al. (2006) evaluated a damage analysis for a MPSO platform and the results showed the feasibility of the concept. Fig. 17 MPSO platform with one tank damaged: (a) without damage compensation and (b) with damage compensation [Santos et al. (2006)]. 5 Fig. 15 Example of the restoring arm in the analysis of MPSO system stability [Campos et al. (2008)]. Due to the MPSO symmetrical geometry, the tank arrangements can also simplify the ballast operation and number of pumps. For example, in MPSO designed for the Gulf of Mexico - GoM, one of most important premises was that in case of hurricane the platform should reach a survival draft only with ballast operation in any oil loading condition. Also, it is important to note that MPSO hull can be flexible enough to assemble different tank arrangements including double hull, as required in that area of gas and oil production. Initially, the MPSO tank subdivision was defined based on analyses of similar systems such as spars. Nowadays even for platform operating out of GoM, the common solution is the double hull due to the legislation on oil spills. As an example of the citation above, Figure 16a shows tanks with radial bulkheads (as the standard spar platforms); Figure 16b shows tanks with conventional subdivision and Figure 16c shows double hull configuration. Riser and Mooring System Because of its axial symmetric design and the hydrodynamic devices for motion mitigation discussed before, the MPSO has great versatility in mooring arrangements for each installation field. The work developed by Rampazzo et al. (2008) evaluates different mooring designs for a MonoBR platform. According to this work, an example of a possible MPSO mooring configuration is presented in Figure 18. These arrangements allow a MPSO to offer extremely favorable conditions for the operation of umbilicals and risers, particularly the SCRs (steel catenary risers). Another important characteristic concerns the fairlead positions of risers, which are well protected inside the moonpool, hence facilitating and guaranteeing greater integrity in MPSO units. Fig. 16 Types of MPSO tank subdivision: (a) Sectional [Campos et al. (2008)] (b) Conventional [Campos et al. (2008)] and (c) Dual tank [Reyes et al. (2009)]. Ballast and oil tank subdivision is essential for damage stability analysis. For that reason, the MPSO tank subdivision is capable of guaranteeing the viability of the unit according to classification societies. The subdivision design also makes the project more stable, including the possibility of damage compensation by transferring water between ballast tanks to 51 Fig. 18 Example of a riser and mooring system for the MPSO [Rampazzo et al. (2008)]. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 Evolution of the MPSO (monocolumn production, storage and offloading system) Rodolfo TT.. Gonçalves, Fabio TT.. Matsumoto, Edgar me FF.. Rosetti, André L. C. Fujar Edgardd B. Malta, Guilher Guilherme Fujarra ra and Kazuo Nishimoto 6 Conclusion The challenge to obtain a production system with storage and vertical motion equivalent to spar platforms was accomplished with the development of a MPSO with a moonpool. Due to its geometric form, the construction process and structural resistance are superior compared with a conventional FPSO. In comparison, for monocolumns without the presence of a moonpool, the vertical motions can be similar to the shipshaped FPSO because of the similar natural frequency of the heave motion, which cannot allow the use of rigid risers and/ or dry completion. However, a MPSO with a moonpool, beach, skirt and spoiler plates results in minimized vertical motions, then the use of rigid risers and dry completion systems are allowed providing this kind of platform with an enormous advantage when compared with others. For that reason, the MPSO concept associated with a moonpool and other already studied hydrodynamic devices undoubtedly makes it one of the best solutions for the exploration of new fields in the pre-salt area of Brazil and also in the area of severe sea conditions. 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OMAE2009-79431. 53 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 45-53 December 2009/June 2010 MS&OT – Guidelines for Authors Title of paper First Name Surname, Organisation, Address of corresponding author (including e-mail) Abstract The abstract should be a brief description of the scope of the paper, not exceeding 100 words in length Keywords: at least 3 suitable words for indexing purposes Nomenclature A nomenclature is required for papers using a large number of symbols, abbreviations and acronyms. Where possible, these should be ordered alphabetically. Symbol 1 Definition Symbol 2 Definition etc. E.g.: α ρ λ Angle of attack Density of water Wave length 1. Introduction This is normally the first section in the main body of the text. Please note that this section and all subsequent sections and subsections are numbered. All main headings should be typed in bold as shown below. 2. Heading 2.1 Sub-heading Each Section may have sub-headings. 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SNAME Transactions, pp. 169-212. 55 Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Calendar of Events PRADS 2010 OTC 2011 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures Rio de Janeiro, 19-24 September 2010 www.prads2010.org.br 41st Offshore Technology Conference Houston, USA, 2-5 May 2011 www.otcnet.org/2011 OMAE 2011 FPSO Research Forum 2010 25 FPSO JIP Week Aberdeen, Scotland, 11-15 October 2010 www.fpsoforum.com/upcoming.html 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Rotterdam, Netherlands, 19-24 June 2011 www.asmeconferences.org/omae2011 LNG Tech Global Summit 2010 ISOPE 2011 Rotterdam, Netherlands, 19-20 October 2010 www.lngsummit.com/ 21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Maui, Hawai, USA, 19-24 June 2011 www.isope.org th SOBENA 2010 XXIII Brazilian Conference on Maritime Transport, Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-29 October 2010 www.sobena.org.br ITTC 2011 26th International Towing Tank Conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28 August-03 September 2011 www.laboceano.coppe.ufrj.br SNAME 2010 Annual Meeting & Expo Seattle/Bellevue, Washington, USA, 03-05 November 2010 www.sname.org DOT 2011 Deep Offshore Technology New Orleans, USA, 1-3 February 2011 www.bvents.com/event/251991-dot-deep-offshoretechnology DINAME 2011 14th International Symposium on Dynamic Problems in Mechanics São Sebartião, São Paulo, Brazil, 13-18 March 2011 www.abcm.org.br/diname2011 IWWWFP 2011 25th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies Athens, Greece, 17-20 April 2011 www.iwwwfb.org/Workshops/26.htm Marine Systems & Ocean Technology 56 SOBENA Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval The Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval (SOBENA) is the Brazilian forum for exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge amongst naval architects and marine engineers. It was founded in the beginning of the modern phase of Brazilian naval construction, in 1962, with the aim of bringing together engineers, technicians and other professionals involved in activities as: shipbuilding and ship repair, design and other engineering services, maritime transportation, waterways, ports, specialized cargo terminals, ocean and river transportation economics, marine environmental protection, offshore support bases, offshore logistics, naval aspects of offshore exploration and production, construction and conversion of platforms and other offshore vessels. SOBENA is a non-profit civil society, declared a federal public utility by Decree No. 97589/89, which since its foundation is aimed at promoting technological development in the above activities through courses, conferences, seminars, lectures and debates. SOBENA is a source of reference called upon to provide its opinion on matters of public interest and has also been politically active, expressing its views concerning topics of national relevance related to its areas of activity. Following the evolution of the industry in the past years, SOBENA has started to include activities related to offshore oil exploration and production, holding events for professionals of those areas. As a member of the Mobilizing Committee of the National Petroleum Industry Organization (ONIP), SOBENA has been taking part in various subcommittees which are seeking to create conditions to promote the development of the Brazilian naval and offshore construction industry. SOBENA has signed affiliation agreements with the Institute of Marine Engineers (IMarEST), with headquarters in London, England and cooperative agreement with The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), from the United States of America. President Alceu Mariano de Melo Souza Vice-President Floriano Carlos Martins Pires Jr. Regional Director - Bacia de Campos Aribel de Oliveira Lopes Regional Director - São Paulo Carlos Daher Padovezi Regional Director - Amazônia Fábio Ribeiro de A. Vasconcellos Administrative Director Ana Paula dos Santos Costa Financial Director Luiz Sérgio Ponce Technical Director Luis Felipe Assis Associated Directors Francisco Roberto Portella Deiana Luiz Carlos de A. Barradas Filho Anderson Mariano Carvalho Address: Av. Presidente Vargas, 542 - Gr. 713 Centro - CEP 20071-000 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Telephones: [+55](21) 2283-2482 Telefax: [+55] (21) 2223-3440 E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.sobena.org.br CEENO Centro de Excelência em Engenharia Naval e Oceânica The Centre of Excellence in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (CEENO) was created in 1999 as a result of a joint initiative of four Brazilian institutions (COPPE, IPT, PETROBRAS and USP), traditionally involved in scientific and technological development applied to marine activities. As a Centre of Excellence, CEENO aims to integrate facilities and human resources, developing theoretical and experimental methods, giving strong support for consolidation, expansion and improvement of the maritime activities in Brazil and worldwide. CEENO has been involved in relevant projects on Offshore Engineering and Ship Design & Construction. S O B E N A