Analise Roccaforte - Radford University


Analise Roccaforte - Radford University
Analise Roccaforte
Analise Roccaforte is from Point Pleasant, NJ, and she is a graduating senior at Radford
University. Her major is psychology, and she minors in statistics, sociology, and interdisciplinary
forensic studies. She has been accepted to graduate school in the fall. He overall goal is to be a
neuropsychologist. She gives back to the RU community by volunteering for the RAFT Crisis
Hotline, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Project Linus, and the Selu Conservancy. She is very invested
in her research. Analise was a recipient of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Grant and stayed at Radford over the summer to continue doing rat lab research. Her Honors
Capstone project is The Effects of Dual Alcohol and Nicotine Exposure on Spatial Memory. Her
leadership involvements include being a College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences
Ambassador, the President of Psi Chi, Historian of Phi Sigma Pi Honor Fraternity, and Vice
President of Pi Gamma Mu. She is also a part of the Honors Academy, Scholar-Citizen Initiative,
LEAD Scholar Program, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and Phi Kappa Phi. In the
summer, she is volunteering at the NIH and working with capuchin monkeys in a behavioral
analysis study. She is very thankful for the wonderful education and amazing experiences that
she encountered at Radford University.