Bebidas a cálice|chalice drinks| boite en tasse
Bebidas a cálice|chalice drinks| boite en tasse
RESTAURANTE :: TOMAR Bebidas a cálice|chalice drinks| boite en tasse 3cl 5cl Bagaceiras-----------------------------------0.70 | 1.30 CR&F reserva-----------------------------1.70 | 3.00 Aliança velha-------------------------------1.50 | 2.70 Antiqua-----------------------------------------1.70 | 3.00 Fim do século------------------------------1.70 | 3.00 Macieira/croft/1920----------------------1.50 | 2.70 Martini-------------------------------------------------1.20 Vinho do porto---------------------------------------1.20 Licor beirão--------------------------------------------1.70 Favaios--------------------------------------------------1.20 Amendoa amarga------------------------------------1.50 Carolans------------------------------------------------2.20 Ginja/Ponche------------------------------------------1.20 Mouchão (jarro 1l)------------------------------------6.50 Caipirinha------------------------------------------------3.50 Caipiroska-----------------------------------------------3.50 Morangoska---------------------------------------------4.00 wisky Whisky novo---------------------------------------1.70 | 3.00 new whisky| whisky noveaux Whisky velho---------------------------------------3.00 | 5.00 old whisky| whisky vieux Whisky + 12 anos-------------------------------3.50 | 5.50 old whisky with over 12 years|whisky vieux avec plus 12 ans Whisky malte---------------------------------------3.50 | 5.50 whisky malte| whisky malte Rua Silva Magalhães, Nº54 2300-593 TOMAR Tel. 249 312 034 Tlm. 963 4383 92 | 916 540 816 os preços indicados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor the prices above include VAT | les prix ci-dessus incluent la TVA Cafetaria| cafeteria|cafeteria Café----------------------------------------------0.65 coffee| cafe Café descafeinado------------------------------------0.65 decaffenated coffee| decafeine cafe Carioca de café--------------------------------------0.65 light coffee|cafe légere Chá---------------------------------------------------------0.80 tea| thé Chá p/ 2 chávenas-----------------------------------1.50 tea for two cup| thé avec deux coupe Carioca de limão---------------------------------0.70 light lemon tea| thé au citron en petite tasse Galão normal--------------------------------------1.20 coffee with milk (glass)| cafe au lait Galão directo----------------------------------------1.50 coffee with milk (direct)| cafe direct au lait Meia de leite------------------------------------1.00 coffe with milk ( small cup)|petite tasse de cafe au lait Copo de leite------------------------------------------0.80 glass of milk| tasse de lait água|water|l’eau Água mineral sem gás 0.33cl---------------------------0.75 mineral water 0.33cl| l’eau mineral non gazeuse 0.33cl Água mineral sem gás 0.50cl---------------------------1.10 mineral water 0.50cl| l’eau mineral non gazeuse 0.50cl Água mineral sem gás 1.5l-----------------------------1.90 mineral water 1.5l| l’eau mineral non gazeuse 1.5l Água mineral com gás (pedras) 0.25cl---------------0.95 carbonated mineral water 0.25cl|l’eau minerale gazèée Água mineral com gás (pedras) 1l--------------------------3.50 carbonated mineral water 1l| l’eau minerale gazèée 1/8 água com gás-------------------------------------------0.65 carbonated mineral water 1/8l|l’eau mineral gazèée 1/8l sumos e cervejas|juice and beer|jus et biere Coca-cola zero----------------------------------------1.50 coca-cola zero| coca-cola zero Coca-cola 0,33cl-------------------------------------1.50 coca-cola 0.33cl| coca-cola 0.33 cl Sumol ananás/ laranja 0.33cl-----------------------1.50 sumol pineapple\ orange| sumol ananas\ orange Seven up 0.33cl--------------------------------------1.50 seven up 0.33cl| seven up 0.33cl Compal-------------------------------------------------1.50 compal| compal Nestea manga/ananás/pêssego/limão 0.33cl-----1.50 nestea (peach\mango\pineapple\lemon)| nestea ( péche\mangue\ananas\citron) Trinaranjus laranja/ maçã------------------------------1.50 trinaranjus orange\ apple| trinaranjus orange\pomme Sumo natural de laranja-------------------------------2.50 natural orange juice| jus d’orange natural Cerveja sagres 0.33cl---------------------------------1.30 sagres beer| sagres bière Cerveja sem alcool preta 0.33cl------------------------1.30 non alcoholic black beer 0.33cl| bière sans alcool noir 0.33cl Cerveja sem alcool 0.33cl-------------------------------1.30 non alcoholic beer 0.33cl | bière sans alcool 0.33cl Cerveja a copo (imperial 0.20cl)-------------------------1.10 beer cup 0,20cl| coupe de bière 0.20cl Cerveja a copo (imperial 0.33cl)-------------------------1.70 beer cup 0.33cl| coupe de bière 0.33cl Cerveja a copo (imperial 0.40cl)--------------------------2.20 beer cup 0.40cl| coupe de bière 0.40cl Cerveja em caneca 0.50cl--------------------------------2.50 beer mug| tasse de bière Sagres bohemia---------------------------------------------------1.70 sagres bohemia beer| sagres bohemia biére os preços indicados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor the prices above include VAT | les prix ci-dessus incluent la TVA