Cybrids - Georgia Tech College of Computing Research Community
Cybrids - Georgia Tech College of Computing Research Community
3 Volume 4 Number 1 ;,w Canals of Amsterdam: 'ture and Saciety, 18, no. lemocratization', Media, Cybrids Integrating Cognitive and IPhysical Space in Architecture Itisotion of interaction by king to enhance the they orgue, reminiscent ndustrial Society 'iduals can run ns nelworks from their 1 has been dearly .6,nerton's research, Idon: Sage, 1987). With of direct electronic ulorly in the USA. This ;ervotives, represented ic Democracy and the : [1996J, pp. 187) to :lIHiI1/8778/> [20 oey Project, sees face. S. Clift, : Presentation', eolond, 11 November :J timetable for delivery. Jiloble to all, access to : individual rights in the ltions Framework at Jry 1998). 1z/wcc/infocify/> (20 ·d at international lotion Age, Universify of Conodo~ ~~rmotion ,tc2.html> (visited 20 lily, 1991), p. 261. 'oposolto September 1997. Peter Anders Abstract: People regularly use perceived and cognitive spaces to navigate and think. These include zones of privacy, territory, the space of memory and visual thought. They let us map our environment, model or plan projects, even imagine places like Heaven or Hell. Cyberspace is an electronic extension of this cognitive space. Designers of virtual environments already know the power these spaces have on the imagination. Computers are.not just planning tools - they change the very substance of design. With computers designers can create spaces both for physical and non-physical media. A conscious integration of cognitive and physical space can affect construction and maintenance costs, as well as their impact on our environment. This paper is about the convergence of physical and cyberspaces. The first part defines cognitive space and its relationship to cyberspace. The second relates cyberspace to the built environment. Finally, a recent project done at the University of Michigan Graduate School of Architecture, USA, is employed to illustrate the integration of physical and cyberspaces. ... We pierce doors and windows to make a house. And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the utility of the house depends. Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we should also recognize the utility of what is not. (Lao Tsu, Tao The Ching, Chapter Xl l ) Spaces as media Several years ago I attended a conference - Cyberconf 3 - in Austin, Texas, USA. As an architect I was there to see presentations on virtual reality and 3D representation of spaces. Architecture, a driving force in 3D imaging, uses virtual reality as part of its toolkit for building documentation. I thought the meeting in Austin would confirm what I already knew. I was wrong. Amy Bruckman, then a Ph.D. student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, USA, presented a paper2 on a multi-user domain (MUD) she had created for the conference. MUDs, I learned, are text-based social environments on the internet. Unlike electronic bulletin boards, MUDs use spatial references as social settings. Her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MUD, MediaMOO, was set primari!y in MIT's Wiesner Building, the 86 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 site of the Media Lab. Though the five-story building comprises labs, offices and work areas, it lacks spaces for the large social events Bruckman had envisioned. Though the building was an available reference for creating a MUD, it was no surprise that it couldn't accommodate large gatherings. There was an architectural mismatch between the building metaphor and its intended use. But Bruckman was not on architect. Visitors who get to the roof level of MediaMOO are notified of a space above them. This unprecedented sixth floor is the site of a ballroom complete with guest facilities, changing rooms (With costumes) and dance floor. The space is a fiction hovering above the Wiesner Building. It is a mental space that extends the physical building beyond its original purpose. This witty solution challenged any assumptions I had brought to Austin, It opened doors onto a world where fictional spaces took the status of physical buildings. Architecture here was symbolic, situating the actions of its users. The computer was not a design tool, in an architectural sense, but a medium for creating social space. The seeming parity between physical and electronic space was a challenge, however. Could cyberspaces supplant physical architecture? How would one account for their similarities or differences? What were the benefits and costs of this ambiguity? I realised how troubling these 'luestions could be for architects. Their new tool, the computer, seemed to be Trojan horse that could reduce the need for construction - perhaps architecture itself. Indeed, architecture is not alone. Any discipline that depends on the physical production of objects could be affected as well. If these objects hold or relay information they can potentially be supplanted by simulation. We already see this since information media lessen the need for the production of books, for instance. Over the past few years, I have studied the spatialisation of the internet and its potential effects on our physical environment.~ I hope to start a discussion on the nature of space and its role in thought and social interaction. While the research I will present was dane in an architectural context, I believe the issues are general. They are as relevant to those engaged in electronic media as they are to those creating our physical environment. Perceived and Both perceived and cognitive spaces are mental constructs that model cognitive spaces the world around us. These constructs let us associate and evaluate their contents. They are important to relational and qualitative thought, each of which depend on contextual information. Contextual understanding lets us evaluate issues before taking action. It helps us select a brond at _________ the grocery store or design a graphic for a web site. Architectu c:ybe j"--- -- - - - - -- ----~...... ---. ~ -- --- - ••• - --- - - - - - - - - • - - - - , ==..: - - - Jume 4 Number 1 Cybrids mprises labs, :ial events I will refer to the spatial construct of the outer world as perceived space and that of imagination and memory as cognitive space. While they both result from mental effort these spaces represent different kinds of information. Perceived space is a mapping of external stimuli while cognitive space represents internally generated information. Since my discussion of this will be brieF and speciFic to mental imagery, I refer readers to Kosslyn and Koenig's excellent Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience for additional material on the mental processes underlying perception and cognition! :Jting a MUD, it 1erings. There ·taphor and its tified of a space : a ballroom tumes) and Niesner )uilding beyond )ught to Austin. Jk the status of Jting the actions J rc hitectura I Ice was a al architecture? :es? What were Toubling these nputer, seemed ~ction - perhaps 87 Spatial constructs inForm a large part of our language through metaphors and symbols. s They alsa form the structure of our experience. Information comprising them includes visual images, sound, and touch. They all contribute to a complete and immersive sense of the world. We take information in through the senses, process it via an associative memory for interpretation and then store it in long-term memory. Expression is roughly the same process in reverse. Memory and thought are processed mentally and projected to the outside as voice and gesture. These expressions are in turn mediated through sound and light to enter recipients' senses as information, and once processed, enter the recipients' perceived space. Expression is one way we can observe our thoughts - we internalise our own expressions just as others do. Physical expressions, like sketches or notes, remain at large for future reference, extending our intelligence beyond our bodies into external space. Our spatial environment is not only a product of thought, it augments our thought processes. We use space to make us smarter. Jends on the . If these objects nted by lessen the need The spatial canstruct is integral to our understanding of the world. 6 It is crucial to thought whether the information it portrays comes from real or symbolic sources. This becomes more important as virtual reality and simulation technology extend our cognitive space into interactive environments. of the internet lope to start a and social nan ey are as 'e to those We learn to think spatially from the moment of birth - our first days are spent building a spatial matrix around us. While this matrix may differ from one person to the next it is an attribute we share as humans and possibly with other creatures as well. 7 1 :ts that model d evaluate their . thought, each mderstanding ,Iect a brand at ~. -. ~~ .. ..' . Architecture and The spatial construct's strength lies in its inclusivity. It can accommodate cyberspace both physical and symbolic information. For instance, a museum communicates with us on a number of levels. Its architecture organises the information it houses. The pamphlet we pick up at the entry uses symbols to orient us and language to describe the exhibits. The paintings on the wall, though Rat, present varying depths of represented space. These various media, architecture, literature and artwork, exist in the same perceived space. We interpret their symbols differently, of course, but the inclusivity of space makes this mediation possible. '-'~::{'0:f::"~::f~;:~'~'~+;-0>-:~~F:f~-"""'" --. '. _. -. - - .~=~. ;->~.~~~~llj1t~~~ _'.~_~. _. ~_.~ . . -'-"'~"---. ------ ---------. -- - -- - ~ _.-'-.~_ . _ . ~_._~. ._._._. __ .,: 88 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 With the increasing capabilities of the internet, computers now can display networked information spatially - an important advance. The spatial construct in computing is effective because it tops into our spatial thinking - it allows us to manage information both cognitively and experientially. Cyberspace extends our cognitive space. a Since the conference in Texas, I have studied the impact of information technology on architecture. My students and I have examined manifestations of cyberspace and the role of architecture in their development. Specifically, we addressed cyberspace as a spatial environment affected by social, organisational and aesthetic issues - not unlike architectural spaces. Four themes relate physical space to cyberspace: (11 parity between physical and cyberspaces via our use of space as an information medium; (2) the transformation of physical environments in the light of this parity; (3) the anomalies of translating the cyberspace's spatial metaphor to physical 3D environments; (4) the possibility of creating spatial hybrids that exist both in physical and cyberspaces. While the association of physical environments to cyberspaces is orchitectural in nature, readers may apply these issues to their own interests. For instance, workers in electronic information environments may see opportunities for manifesting on·line entities in the physical world. Recent work done at Xerox PARC, Columbia University, USA,' and the University of Toronto, Canada, for instance, posits an augmented reality in which physical objects are responsive to computer network environments. lo Cyber/real parity: As I have argued, space is a format for the information we receive or evanescence and generate. It is an illusion based on facts of perception or cognition. reification Whether we regard a physical or symbolic space, they are both the result of mental activity. If we accept a parity between physical and the symbolic spaces, we can question physical construction as the sole purpose of architecture. The programme for a building can be interpreted as either physical or virtual space affecting .the physical construction required in a project. The physical structure of a building might, to a degree, be replaced by the conceptual structure of on information system. This is particularly true when the building hosts information-rich activities: libraries, schools, museums, auditoriums and office buildings. Ev'en in a factory which seems intrinsically physical, portions of the building are dedicated to information work - offices, conference rooms, filing and administration areas. The evanescence of these kinds of spaces could affect even the most earth-bound buildings. II Conversely, there may be reasons for parts of cyberspace to be physically embodied. It may seem odd that a building would reflect cyberspace, yet buildings often reflect the underlying information ~ - ~ ~ - -- ~_.. . • _i. .• • -Ir . _~ ~:;:. i ... - _ _, . ~ __ ~ ~ _. _ •• • _ ••• . __ •• • _ . _ _ • . "o!ume 4 Number 1 Cybrids Jters now can 1t advance. The JpS into our spatial gnitively and organisation of the occupant. Building programmes are usually derived from this information. The overlaps between physical and symbolic spaces could also have productive uses. Indeed, they already exist in surveillance systems and building management networks. Future buildings might capitalise on this overlap, letting synergies between the physical and cyberspaces better serve the user. :e. 8 Jet of information <amined ure in their as a spatial lsthetic issues - not Jarity between information lts in the light of )ace's spatial lity of creating aces. erspaces is ; to their own ,n environments 1 the physical liversity, USA/ osits an nsive to computer n we receive or or cognition. yore both the ,lie spaces, we of architecture. ither physical or ,d in a project. , be replaced by is particularly libraries, schools, :actory which e dedicated to d administration affect even the Jce to be would reflect 1formation 89 M~.sfits and Buildings are inert relative to their dynamic social and cultural context. anomalies Over time this results in a misfit between the building and its purpose. Misfits ore not a fault of methodology or design strategy. They come from the fact thor buildings ore static in nature and require updating if their functions change. Misfits may involve size, configuration or even the location of a building in cases where a company has moved its operations elsewhere. The history of architecture is filled with examples of this kind. Aesthetics, queslions of typology and other concerns ploy on important role in the design of buildings. However, viewing the matter through the lens of function allows us 10 evaluate spatial solutions on verifiable bases of economy and efficiency. The merits of this may be argued because architecture is much more than the result of functional decision making. However, the decision of whether a solution should be physical is not mode by architects alone. Clients ultimately decide one way or the other. The narrow scope of the functional critique highlights the issues surrounding such decisions. As this study will show, the efficiency of cyberspace solutions may soon affect decisions on physical construction. Cyberspace anomalies express the problematic relationship between cyberspaces and the physical world. They occur when the spatial illusion breaks down and cyberspace betrays its nature. Cyberspacea purely symbolic space - often has no foundation in the physical. I have written elsewhere of spatial discontinuities which indicate the slippage between on-line text and the physical world it describes. In our research, my students and I investigated anomalies found in MUDs, where the domain relies on the spatial metaphor. In spite of the reference to spatial organisation, the activities and configuration of some MUDs defy any physical logic. My students and I have found this to be a rich field of research. It reveals the gop between the architectural understanding of the spatial metaphor and the illusive nature of cyberspace. Being symbolic, cyberspaces have the ability to do things that no physical structure can. They can transform, disappear overnight and be rebuilt the next day. My students found a number of anomalies in the course of Iheir research and carefully documented them in drawings and models and computer animations. Cybrids If we recognise a congruity between physical and cyberspaces we can expect developments which straddle the two modes of existence. These 90 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 constructs - here called 'cybrids' - would benefit from on·line technology by substituting simulations for physical spaces. My students and I took these cyberspaces literally, roughly equating them to their physical counterparts. A number of questions immediately come to mind. Why should architects concern themselves with cyberspaces? How would the sharing of physical and cyberspaces occur? What physical technology is necessary to effect the cybrid illusion? Are physical and cyberspaces comparable in this way? While we were only able to touch on these issues in the course of one semester, they will undoubtedly be important in Further developments of cyberspace strategies.. The architect has traditionally been a manipulator of symbols. In a service that ranges from interpreting clients' needs into sketches to the production of documents and the administration of contracts, architects rarely physically build the objects of those services. In this light the architect can play the same role whether the work is maniFested in physical or cybereal construction. The primary difference is that with cybereal, or virtual, construction the symbol is the final product. The question of why architects must be involved in this technology can also be answered From the standpoint of economics. Economics Cost effectiveness is one of cybrids' chief virtues. IF aspects of a building can be served through cybrid technology, there could be substantial savings in the costs of a project. IF the building's floor plan is reduced - and we have found that the reduction may vary greatly depending on the building lype - a building's energy consumption and maintenance costs would likewise be reduced. These form a good part of the operating costs of a building. Since initial costs of development are reduced, so too would be the Financing costs for the project. There might also be tax beneFits in the Form of rebates or from the reduction in built Floor area. OF course, this argument is made from the client's point of view. Seen From the standpoint of a local community, the reduction in tax revenue, lower employment opportunities in construction and maintenance Fields will offset some of the overall advantage of cybrids. Still the community would beneFit from the increased access to the facility through cyberspace. The net gain or loss to the community, however, still needs to be determined. Finally, the buildings' utility becomes globalised, a<;:cessible to anyone who has the technology. The building not only serves the local community but remote 'occupants' as well. This suggests a signiFicant benefit in overall costs. While this may seem to be only an advantage to 'wired' world citizens, it affects others as well through the increased flow of information. The client's costs are reduced while - simultaneously world beneFits are increased. This surprising condition reveals the subtle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ influence this technology may have on the global economy. Medic ~_ _ .., __ r .~ _~~ __ ~ - - • _ •• ~ - _. "' _ _ - ~_ - • __ - - • - - - - - - - - -• • - . - - , - -• • - , - --:: 0:-"'" .-- ~-- - f. - lume 4 Number 1 :In-Iine as. My students them to their . should 'ould the sharing nology is cyberspaces uch on these By be important lbols. In a ketches to the :Jcts, architects is light the lifested in is that with roduct. The ,logy can also :Is of a :ould be l'S floor plan is y greatly Isumption and I a good part Jevelopment Jroject. There ~e reduction in : view. Seen tax revenue, ,mance fields Ie community ugh 3r, still needs to anyone :01 .ignificant Jdvantage to Icreased flow meously lis the subtle - ' . . Cybrids 91 Mediation and Clients might also gain from having their environment mediated in this access way. If the building is globally accessible, the building is globally present. That is to say the architecture potentially becomes an instrument of persuasion - a form of promotion for the client. Architecture, which has a tradition of representing the client's values, now might become part of an owner's active, promotional arsenal. Whether this is good or bod must be determined on a case-by-ease basis. Some communities, for instance, would resent the availability of sexually or politically oriented environments. If the building is accessible electronically there would be Simultaneously on increased use of the facility plus a reduced need to be physically present at that building. This is borne out in recent developments in telecommuting. In an increasing number of cases, the employee no longer has to drive in to work. It is possible for an employee to be at work - sharing a symbolic workplace with colleagues - and not have to physically be there. This is a well-publicised phenomenon and the benefits and burdens of telecommuting are still being sorted out. There are signs that certain businesses and employees stand to gain from this development. The employee is no longer place dependent. A choice of employer is not as reliant on place of residence as it once was. The employer has a greater number of options to select from in accommodating employees at the some time that the pool of potential employees increases. These benefits come at some cost. There is no substitute for actually being present at a workplace. Mediated workers are less immediate to an employer than employees actually at the iob. This is because employees that are physically present constantly communicate with their co-workers. Employees meet at water coolers, exchange greetings in the hallway, overhear remarks, sneeze and take up space. This is all part of their investment in the place of work. Subtle as this may be, it affects decisions as to which employees are retained during a lay-off period. This lack of investment results also in the lowered commitment remote employees may feel toward their employer. At a larger scale, however, the host community stands to gain from the cybrid. The load on the community's infrastructure is lightened since many employees will forego physical transportation. Power, utilities and maintenance supporting the building would be less than in a conventionally developed structure. As we have seen, there are costs to the community in the reduced flow of revenue generating traffic for stores ond services. While the net economic benefit is debatable, there would be clear improvements in our natural environment due to reduced pollution, fuel consumption, maintenance and construction materials. There are significant costs related to the maintenance and installation of the computer equipment used to support the virtual structure. However, these would be at a different order of magnitude from the construction 92 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 Information Architecture Studio - Programme of Study Diagram Cognitive Space Wk Project Physical Space I,. 1/10 Fie 2 3 4 1/13 1/15 1117 1/20 M!2 1/24 1127 1/29 1,'" 5 23 25 6 2112 2;7 2'10 Z'U 7 8 2/1, 2 119 2;21 224 225 "23 9 3'12 10 S'i7 3'19 3/10:: 321 11 12 <12 13 14 Presentation Figure 1. This schedule graphic developed for the Information Architecture Studio shows the concurrent development of physical and cyberspace strategies. The Definition/Analysis portion of the semester dealt with each separately. The Generation/Synthesis portion brought the tvlO strategies together in one proiect. (see p. 94) me 4 Number 1 3tudy Diagram ysical Space Cybrids 93 and maintenance costs of a physical building. Design, implementation and maintenance of a networked environment is often considerably less than comparably effective physical solutions. The cybrid's support costs would of course depend on the degree to which the building's programme has been affected by this technology. Flexibility Since cyberspace is symbolic and electronic it is very quick to respond to :AJla,}'si!; . -.~.:-~."- change. Flexibility is another key virtue of these environments. My students found that eniire sections of a MUD would disappear overnight and others would appear iust as quickly. The creation of a space is not nearly as complicated as building a physical one - users of many MUDs learn how to build soon after joining a community. Compared with the effort of modifying a physical building, changes in MUDs are nearly instantaneous, revocable and cost-free. The mediated portions of cybrid structures would be analogous to MUDs, offering emulated spatial and social environments. Clients' needs can be met on an ongoing basis as opposed to a constraining, one-time, physical solution. Not all aspects of a cybrid can be managed in this way. There are portions of the building which must be physical. These include restrooms, mechanical rooms and - at the very least - the computer room itself! Yet a number of areas of a building could be substituted with electronic equivalents. For example, if the filing cabinets were to become an electronic database, there would be a floc.; area savings of five to 10 percent in each office. But what kinds of space would take their place? Cyberspace should not merely mimic the spaces that might have been buili physically. Dependence on the physical referent would deny the fluid, symbolic nature of cyberspace. Instead designers should aim for an emularion in which the space provides the orientatjonal benefits of phYSical space yet surpasses it in amenity and flexibility. Design must not be limited to the reproduction of physical space - cyberspace offers freedoms and benefits not found in the physical world. For example, simulations based on data let cyberspaces constantly reconfigure themselves for functional or aesthetic reasons. Physical architecture has components - doors, furniture, windows - that move when necessary. However, cyberspaces may be reconfigured at any scale or rate of speed. Potentially, designers of cyberspaces may develop an ambient choreography which renders the real-time changes appealing and meaningful. re Studio shows the lition/Analysis portion rtion brought the two Information may also be imbedded in cyberspaces in ways we cannot experience physically. If we examine a physical object closely, we get a larger more detailed image. The spatial expression is essentially the same. However, examination of a cyberspace object may offer another experience. Querying a cyber-object might bring up data on its past or information about its materials in a spreadsheet. This is an extrapolation 94 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 of the icons we see in the desktop metaphor of Macintosh or Windows. Metaphors lead to the issue of representation. 12 Cyberspace is a symbolic environment. As we have seen, an icon may represent a spreadsheet, which in turn represents a physical object. Each representation has its own merit. Cyberspaces may be interpreted in various ways in order to best posit its inherent information. For instance, if the user of an ambient space wishes to view other spaces, she might use another representation, say a flow chart or plan, to see them. The information feeding the 3D representation is essentially the same as for the plan, although each is used differently. Cyberspace is an information display and plastic environments are only one of its maniFestations. The manifestation we choose results From a dynamic reconFiguration of data based on our intent. Information To illustrate the issues surrounding cybrids, I will discuss work done in a architecture recent graduate design studio I directed at the University of Michigan College of Architecture and Urban Planning, USA. I will structure the discussion with reference to the preceding topics to present ways these issues can be managed in the design process. Cyber/real parity: In the spring of 1997 my students w~rked on a project which related evanescence and cyberspace to the space of physical architecture. The project addressed reification the effect of information technologies on the design of space and comprised a semester divided into research and design phases. Our research phase was a concurrent study of physical and on-line environments. It included an investigation of on-line communities and an analysis of four buildings on campus: a library; a museum; a classroom building, and an auditorium. In the study physical buildings were represented as information while the on-line entities, MUDs, were resolved as physical objects. The reciprocity between the physical and cybereal is indicated in the semester schedule diagram {figure 1l. After some initial exercises in cognitive mapping (figures 2 and 3), the students analysed each of the four buildings. They documented each building, doing formal, functional and typological analyses of their organisation. While this is standard procedure in many architecture schools, here the focus was on information and its influence on architecture. The students were transForming an existing physical building into manipulable information for future use in their own design. I will return to this transformation later. As the teams analysed the buildings, they also researched MUDs on the internet. With one exception, Alphaworld, these domains were textbased social MUDs. MUDs resemble chat rooms and BBSs (Bulletin Board Services) which serve as on-line meeting places. They are distinguished by spatial reFerences which situate the dialogue, much like a stage set in a play. Because both the spaces and their occupants are described rather than depicted, users are free to interpret their experience as they will. ~ ~ - .... ......, -~""-...-.... -----,~. , 12::" ~-. • '- ~ '-. - ~ ,-"'~- ~ - ~-. -" ... -'-:..- .... - - . ... - ,.=-,. - - :;,:--- -- ,-~-.'- ' tume 4 Number 1 Cybrids )sh or Windows. Figures 2 and 3: These cognitive maps by Nanilee Anantakul and 3n, an icon may Isicol object. IY be interpreted lation. For v other spaces, or plan, to see essentially the Cyberspace is Iy one of its 11 a dynamic -'--'. - - ,-~ - - - -' - ~~ - -~ ----;0.; __ . 9S Kristen Gibbs were the result of phone conversations with other students. The buildings and site acted as landmarks in the dialogue. Gibb's map below presents these landmarks at relative elevations. Note that there is no site in the model and that the objects apparently hover relative to one another. ; work done in a ty of Michigan II structure the sent ways these which related roiect addressed ipace and , phases. Our on-line nmunities and an ,um; a classroom lings were LIDs, were 1e physical and (figure 1]. 3S 2 and 3], the Jmented each yses of their I architecture ence on J physical 'heir own design. led MUDs on the ns were textBSs (Bulletin They are Jlogue, much like ir occupants are ret their MUDs are characterised by a masquerade of on-line identity.13 The text environment of most MUDs lets users conceal their identities with on-line character representations or avatars. This ambiguity holds true for the architecture of these spaces as well. The spatial illusion of a MUD is sustained by descriptions of its spaces and the users' movement between its rooms. In most cases text is the only interface with the environment. In graphic MUDs like Alphaworld the spatial experience is similar to that found in computer g lmes like Doom or Quake. In text MUDs, however, players move by typing a direction - n,e,s,w - or the name of a room. Entering the address of a destination results in instantaneous relocation. The students uncovered the logical structure of their MUDs by navigating and mapping them according to cardinal directions. If a room was accessed using on 'n' command, it was mapped as a cube situated north From the previous room. Rooms not accessed directionally were mapped as spheres connected arbitrarily to the previous node. The resulting logical adjacency models (LAMs) were built physically to stress their presence as cognitive objects. Since the physical buildings were also mopped as LAMs, it was possible to compare the diagrammatic architecture to the reified MUD environment (figures 4, 5 and 6). If you leave a room in a text MUD, you arrive instantaneously in another space. The relationship is easy to map as a LAM because the rooms can be represented as nodes in a lattice of connectors. However, the graphic MUD Alphaworld was surprisingly ambiguous. It was harder to map as a LAM because the 'outdoor' space between __ _ 96 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 buildings implicitly connected each destination to all others. A map of this would have had too many connectors to map properly. The students instead opted to map the larger structure of Alphaworld - which is actually made up of several other 'worlds'. This structure resembled the LAMs of text MUDs because inter-world movement resembles the instantaneous motion in text environments. The relationship between the maps of graphic and text environments bears further examination. Anomalies and In the study students located places where the spatial metaphor broke misfits down, where the text described physically impossible situations. At the same time, they also critiqued the designs of the physical buildings for their functional misfits. Figures 4 and 5. The logical adjacency map (LAM) on the left is of a local art museum. It uses the same mapping techniques as LAMs for multi-user domains. Interior spaces are shown as cubes. Links are doors and passages. The model was built by Dang t:"guyen a,nd Chnstop.her KretoY/c. C?n the nght • . IS a LAM of ~endl':tl °h MUD. T e m0 e sh ows 01 regu lar~ o~ og~na organisatIOn since most spaces are located with cardinal directions. The loop is a train line connection between 'nations'in the MUD. Ying-Huei Chen, Nanilee Anantakul and Satanan Channowanna researched and built this model. AIrgl rene LAf\.. c w up mo c dOl K The students located, classified and built physical models of the anomalies. They were grouped in classes with Class A being conditions general to on-line activity, Class B being general to MUD activity and Class C occurring in specific MUDs. Class A anomalies are general to computer networks and the internet. They include the illusion of adjacency as users go from one web page to another, regardless of the server locations. Another anomaly is the sense of being somewhere else while on-line. Cyberspace has its origins in this illusion. Some of these anomalies are not limited to computer networks. For instance, a newspaper or pho~ograph can transport us mentally just as a computer screen can. Class B anomalies are general to text-based MUD spaces. They include ambiguities of space, identity and movement. Spatial descriptions of rooms may not fit their use. For instance, LambdaMOO has a closet that can house hundreds of people. Jumping into a fountain at MediaMOO can take users to remote parts of the MUD. Social identity is an ongoing masquerade as avatars often take genders and species not related to their owners. Finally, motion in the domain - using cardinal directions - is the result of text commands, not physical relocation. These often lead to spatial paradoxes. Users going west from a point and then going east may not return to the same spot. 'Black holes' occur where users cannat leave unless they teleport out or log off the system. Class C anomalies are unique to specific MUDs. They include elaborate closed loops of rooms which users cannot leave without teleportation. Ine 4 Number 1 rs. A map of y. The students . which is resembled the )Ies the p between the nination. aphor broke ations. At the buildings for of the ing conditions activity and Cybrids Figures 6 and 7: Figure 6. Alphaworld, the only graphic MUD in the study, had several leleportation channels pers;~~~~~~ rendered worlds. This LAM shows the larger organisation of the worlds which make up the MUD. The use of spheres in this model indicates non· directional access. The model and research on Alphaworld were done by Christopher Krelovic and Dang Nguyen. the internet. Ie web page )maly is the has its origins computer ransport us They include :riptions of JS 0 closet that MediaMOO is an pedes not ng cardinal ocation. om a point :k holes' log off the ude elaborate leportation. 97 ~ -.r--;'. :#: . Figure 7. BayMOO on the right has a loop of rooms which represent Alcatraz, the prison island in San Francisco, USA. The rooms are navigated sequentially, each room displaying information about the history of the island. As in real life, getting to Alcatroz is easy, exiting is difficult. Users must teleport out since conventional egress is not available. Model and research by Ranah Hammash, Nanilee Anantakul and Watinee Thanlronon One example is A1catraz in BayMOO [figure 7), Users can enter and move about in it using conventional motion. But, appropriately, they can't leave without difficulty. Another example is a pentagram of empty rooms in Alphaworld. Each has a teleportation terminal which allows users to go to four other rooms. Each of these four rooms in turn have terminals to four rooms. The user discovers that these are all the same five rooms, interconnected within a pyramid structure. In a LAM these spaces map as a pentogram - five nodes connected to eoch other. There is no way out by using the teleportation devices. Users must find another way out of this trap. Some Class C anomalies may have resulted from careless programming or deliberate mischief. Regardless of their origins, they are entities which have no precedent in the physical world. Designers of cyberspaces may employ lessons learned from these and other anomalies in their future work. For example, anomalies may be used to direct traffic in virtual environments, providing security for certain areas of a MUD. Versions of brock holes could be easy ways to travel around virtual environments, bypassing sequential movement through space. Cybrids Finally, the students developed progrommes for their own building design. In their analysis of the physical buildings, the students inferred the building's programme - working backwards from its plans and sections. They then took the existing building programme and incorporated what they had learned from their MUD experiences. -------- There ore many techniques for doing this. The~e include determining which information-oriented spaces could potentially be mediated as cyberspaces - a process which reduces the overall scale of the physical building. Resulting designs would become chimeras of physical and cyberspaces. The relationship between the physical and cyberspaces can be completely distinct, congruent or overlapping. 98 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 Possible strategies for combination can be explained by Venn diagrams (figure 8). Many examples exist of Distinct Physical and Cyberspaces. For example, the logical structure of a computer network rarely has anything to do with the layout of its host building. The spatial relationship between the two is not vital since the focus is on data and file structures rather than the support of navigable information space. Figure 8. Potential relationships between physical and cyberspaces. o Examples of congruency between cyberspace and physical space are seen in surveillance and monitoring systems. In these cases the building is mapped into a database and linked to support technology through cameras and sensing devices. The one-to-one relationship of the cyberspace map to the building serves the panoptic needs of the surveilling party. However, congruency rigidly fixes the cyberspace into a map of its physical counterpart. If physicality literally determines the behaviour of the cyberspace, the on-line architecture cannot benefit From cyberspace's inherent Fluidity. The second, overlapping relationship is currently seen in analogue and digital forms. For example, many teleconferencing and telepresence systems serve specific spaces in buildings. The space is perceived as a camera image and is usually not navigable by the viewer unless the camera is operated through remote control. Digital examples include many MUDs where their initial programmers have used existing buildings or cities as the core configuration of their domain. Such cases usually indicate overlapping spaces since - in most instances - the MUD community actively builds the bulk of the MUD's structure. The congruency between the MUD space and a physical space is usually limited to the initial construction. The administration of the MUD often allows communal participation in the construction of the domain. Despite the overlap, the 'live' relationship between a MUD and its reFerent spaces is Fairly rare. With the exception Elf users who happen to occupy the physical version of a cyberspace at the time they are playing the MUD, there seem to be few examples of interaction between spaces. Pavel Curtis' JupiterMOO project, I< done at Xerox PARC, came closest to doing this, but other examples are hard to find. In most cases the MUD version of a building or city is an unlinked simulacrum, a stage set that merely resembles actuality. With the advent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Virtual Reality Modeling Language [VRML], RealVideo and other Desil;; +Number diagrams :rspaces. Iy has ::lata and space. :lce are , building lrough e he )ace into nes the !nefit ~ue and ence 'ed as a ,s the mmers of their - in most /IUD's cal Jtion of n of the its :lppen are rox :) find. !d : advent Jer 1 Cybrids 99 technologies a true dialogue between on-line social environments and physical reality is possible. For example, a MUD player may come upon a room which has a link to a physical counterpart. A camera in the physical space can send an image to its cyberspace twin which is in turn displayed to the MUD player. This linkage could conceivably be two-way, effecting an overlap between the physical and the cyberspaces. This interaction is the subject of research at Xerox PARC and Columbia University, USA, on augmented reality. The linkage between physical objects and a database potentially offers us an environment of 'sentient' objects. At the 1996 ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) conference in Boston, USA, William Buxton projected that household appliances could communicate with one another in this way. For instance, my refrigerator might notice that I am low on milk. It sends a message to my car, which reminds me to shop for milk when I drive by the grocery store. We can see that the information required to manage this could also be mopped in a three-dimensional display as a cyberspace. Yale's David Gelernter, author of Mirror Worlds,15 has proposed the on-going monitoring/modelling of the physical world as a way to manage our society and environment. Design strategies A number of students explored the use of information technology to influence the actual form of the cybrid. One student, Mark Mitchell, used the passage of light through his site to determine the configuration of his art museum (figures 9 and 10). This is a radical version of contextual design since the resulting geometry, though based on the local geometry of buildings, is surprisingly diFFerent from the surrounding architecture. Here the connections between the physical space and the cyberspace are visual principles of alignment. Museum goers who approach the building physically would have clues as to the cyberspace configuration. Conversely, on-line visitors to the museum could infer the physical building from what they experienced in the museum's cyberspace. Another student, Christopher Kretovic, scanned historical photographs of the site and reduced their collages digitally to determine his museum's structure and layout. Here the solution was less based on the physical context, limiting the solution to a half-buried object on the site. Kretovic's design also proposed a co-dependency of physical and cyberspoces. In both projects, the overall spatial strategy was clear, yet the linkage between the physical and symbolic spaces were not resolved. How users of the physical and cyberspaces could qe made aware of each other remains a difficult question. The interface between these two spaces could be made with screen displays and augmented reality possibly a virtual reality proiected onto the physical equivalent. However, users of these interfaces will confront different problems. 100 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 Screen displays disrupt the contiguity of the two spaces by 'containing' the cyberspace environment. Augmented reality has a similar problem. We are not aware of a deep, 3D cyberspace unless it is presented to us visually. Smart objects may be evidence of this space, but the space itself is not contiguous or present in a meaningful sense. Finally, an overlapping virtual reality (VR) requires oFten encumbering equipment. VR is usually an individual experience, mediated by a personal headset or datagloves. Contained audio-visual environments (CAVEs) offer a room that can be occupied by more than one person. However, they are isolated from their physical environment for reasons of display and technology. The problem of the interFace between 'contiguous' physical and cyberspaces remains a promising subject For research. Figures 10 and 11. This art museum by Mark Mitchell used various viewing angles on the existing site to determine its geometry. Vertical surfaces were created by refracting the reflections from a pool through a hypothetical solid. The cyberspace of the museum shown on the rightl lextends the surfaces of the building beyond its periphery. Cybereal additions to physical art displays would be accessible b the building occupa!ts os well as those enterin the focility from th~ .t t In erne. Another important aspect of this project was the bridging of the cyberspace and the physical through a metaphorical narrative linking the two spaces. By inferring the cyberspace from its physical counterpartl the user is oriented within the non-physical space. In the rare books library, Ranah Hammash described the building as a book with the cyberspace being its pages released into the sunlight. While the physical books would be hidden from light, the cyberspace pages would be available for all to see - undermining the very notion of rarity in books. This automatically evokes a number of images for the user, pre-orienting them within the cognitive space of the building. The sustaining metaphor is important in uniting the fabric of the physical building with that of the conceptual space. The cognitive space of cyberspace is dictated by more than just the access to data. As these ~paces develop soc~ally they will create cultures to. a degree . Independent of the Instrumental aspects of computing. Narrative frameworks offer a way of organising and correlating these radically different kinds of space. They let the user anticipate the cyberspace from evidence provided by the physical building. Canversely, the on-line user may intuit the configuration and presence of the physical building through the cyberspace experience. The two conditions are understood to be related; the metaphor of space and the narrative provide the conceptual framework uniting them. Of course, the metaphor can be a constraint if it is belaboured or poorly chosen. Designers using metaphors for on-line environments Cybrids 4 Number 1 Icontaining' 101 should be careful that metaphors don't become a burden. We have already seen that cyberspaces offer experiences unprecedented in physical reality. References to physicality run the risk of limiting the efficacy of the cyberspace. Metaphors must be flexible enough to avoid this problem. Designers can avoid some of these difficulties by assuming the cyberspace undergoes constant changes governed by principles of design, growth or motion. ilr problem. ~sented to us Ie space :lily, an Iquipment. lnal headset ) offer a Ner, they Jisplayand JS' physical The cyberspaces designed in the studio were dynamic, conveying the impermanence and subjectivity af the medium. I encouraged the students to examine the principles underlying the physical architecture and then let the principles inform the cyberspace. This geometric, conceptual reference to the phYSical would only be the organisational skeleton of the cyberspace. Fixed room configuration would only occur if the cyberspace overlapped a physical equivalent for needs of communication or surveillance. With these underlying principles it would be possible to have a number of evolving solutions. We felt this appraach was appropriate since spatial cyberspace could configure itself into specific forms according to the needs of the user. Once those users have left the space it could reform itself for others. The designers felt that cyberspace might constantly evolve while the physical orchitecture maintained an anchoring role through its relative permanence. the ve linking The exercise emphasised the continuity of the spatial metaphor - from the analytical phase to the final stages of design. As the students developed their building programmes they decided which components of the physical building could be affected by the technology. Once this decision was made, however, they were responsible for integrating the cyberspace conceptually into the spatial matrix of the scheme. The didactic intent here was to have the students explore the effects of the programming decisions and the continuity of the spatial strategy in physical and cognitive media. I :e. In the as a book hI. While :lce pages rion of rarity the user, the physical :lce of As these I, the on-line :ll building understood ide the In most cases the physical and cyberspaces overlapped in specific areas and the cyberspace developed from there according to underlying geometries of the physical scheme. I encouraged the students to derive principles from the site in order to develop their physical response to the problem. The building's relationship to the site was understood to be analogous to the cyberspace's relationship to the building. The analogy allowed the students to see how underlying principles derived from the physical could be employed at higher leveis of abstraction. This method is familiar to most O1chiteets and is common in architectural education, although the design of cyberspoce is a recent development. 'ed or nments In several cases the students based their cyberspaces on the principle underlying their physical solution. Ranah Hammash's solution for a rare books library used the freeform geometry of her physical building fo Jtive radically ~rspace -------- 102 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 extend and orient the cyberspaces beyond it. Watinee Thantranon's design for a law library was almost entirely a cyberspace with specific reference to the Gothic architecture of the law library at the University of Michigan, USA [figures 11 and 12). In the art museum by Christopher Kretovic the vaults of the gallery were virtually extended into the ground plane to create a rough cylinder for a cyberspace extension. Students also examined the effect of cyberspace on the physical space - a kind of feedback condition. Building designs often indicated invisible extensions or highlighted absences. These took forms ranging from outdoor rooms to projections onto the surrounding terrain. The research on MUD anomalies proved useful to schemes where the cyberspaces intersected the physical buildings. Making the illogical events in cyberspace palpable was a great conceptual challenge as the students were forced to acknowledge the contradictions and resolve them spatially. Although the cyberspaces referred to the architecture of the physical buildings, these spaces often did not take the shape of conventional rooms. Students took advantage of the disembodied nature of the space by stressing information display over containment. An example would be rooms which existed as shards of information which took on depth when viewed closely - the way space is seen when looking through a prism of glass. Containment strategies were often employed in the design of social environments of physical and cyberspaces. The embrasure of the user and other occupants helped to set the stage for social interaction. Whether these enclosures took on conventional form was up to the designer. More important was the provision of a defined place of interaction. Figures This fa WotineE exists of in cybel the lOWe OVE e> str hOUSE readir reconfig each US! or! spa same,o, oppe user, eu: space ft The ima~ s eonfigul cybers! from the the ri; frc Self, society and The principles of the architecture provide a grounding for non.physical space space. They become referents and set the conditions of orientation. Cyberspace in this case is not a purely abstract space. Instead it is an extension of our present experience of the world. These structures help us to manage information. We are so immersed in this environment that we see it as our only reality. Instead it is a sophisticated and powerful illusion - one basic to our sense of self, our place in the world. This means that designers must employ a cognitive understanding of space and information. The cyberspaces created by designers and programmers should acknowledge the user as the starting point for any design development. Designers revelling in a freedom from physical constraints often produce results which are disorienting and confusing. While these spaces may be good for entertainment, as places of work they provide no reference for organisation. Instead, information is presented as a blizzard of images and fragments. While this approach may illustrate the deluge of information in our age, it doesn't address a pressing need to organise it coherently. Ackno...~ ,4 Number 1 ltranon's "ith specific , University ly :lxtended rspace sical space ated ns ranging Jin. The 'e the illogical lenge as the ! resolve physical entional ::If the space pIe would on depth through a ;ocial the user and Nhether gner. More m-physical ltation. :Jd it is an :tures help ::lnment that I powerful Id. lding of rs and )int for any )hysical :onfusing. ,s of work ion is . approach address a Cybrids Figures 11 and 12. This low library by Wotinee Thantronon exists almost entirely in cyberspace. Only the lowest part is an overlay onto an existing gothic structure which houses a physical reading room. The cyberspace reconfigures itself for each user. While the organisation of spaces stays the same, only some are apparent to each user, customising the space For each user. The image on the 'eft shows several conFigurations of the complex's cyberspace. as seen from the internet. On the right is a view From within the cyberspace. 103 Representational clues, like gravity and oriented light, are crucial to situating ourselves in space. Though we take these for granted they engage us with the world. Even our imagined and dreamed spaces implicitly employ these devices. This understanding is fundamental to developing sensory cyberspaces. Readers may refer to the works of Susanne B0dker and Brenda Laurel for more inFormation on these issues. 16 Understanding the human factors of computing is essential to the prospective design of on-line environments. Cyberspace is not a place of escape. We found many similarities to the physical world in MUDs. As in physical reality, MUD environments are largely built by their users. Though the inhabitants were avatars, they exhib.ited the same modes of. behaviour and ter~~toriality associated with real lIfe - all aspects of phySical human culture. Planners should recognise the foundation of physical and social realities in their design of cyberspace. For this reason deep cyberspaces will likely be abstracted but not entirely abstract spaces. Computer users will still be able to recognise principles and features of physical reality in these spaces. Space makes engagement with information possible. More, it makes engagement of users with each other possible. The advent of graphic cyberspaces demands spatial strategies to better serve our culture. I believe the humanisation of this technology can be effected with the skills and training of designers of physical space. The integration of physical and cyberspaces offers great opportunities. Cybrids can reduce the incremental loads on urban infrastructure, reduce our use of natural resources, maximise efficiency in the production of useful places of work and play. They exist at the boundaries of matter and media, fiction and fact, yet can playa unique role in serving our information-based culture. Our use of space as an information medium should be a basic principle of cyberspace design for despite its technological origins, the development of cyberspace is on intensely human endeavour. Acknowledgments The author thanks the folloWing for their help and encouragement: Amy Bruckman and Ted Krueger for their help and thoughtful comments in 104 CONVERGENCE 1998 Volume 4 Number 1 reviewing this paper. Students involved in the research: Nanilee Anantakul, Satanan Chanowanna, Ying-Huei Chen, Mervat F. Denno, Joseph Filip, Kirsten Gibbs, Ranah Hammash, Andrew Hauptman, . Christopher Kretovic, Mark Mitchell, Dang Nguyen, Watinee Thantronon, Elizabeth Tobey. Technical support staff: Bill Manspeaker. Technologies used: Macintosh and PC workstations using Form-Z and RenderZone by Auto-Des-Sys, AutoCAD 3D and Studio MAX. by AutoDesk, Director and Sound Edit by Macromedia. For inlernet research software included NCSA Telnet, Claris Emoiler and Netscape Navigator 3.01. Notes 1 2 Quoted in Arthur Waley, The Woy ond its Power (London, 1934]. See Amy Bruckman and Mitchel Resnick, 'The MediaMOO Project: Constructionism and Professional Community', in Convergence, 1 no. 1 (Spring 1995). 3 Peter Anders, 'Envisioning Cyberspace', in Design Computation: Colloboration, Reosoning, Pedagogy, eds P. Mackintosh and F. Ozel (Tempe, Al.: The Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 1996), proceedings of the 1996 ACADIA conference. Includes research done by students in mapping text-based MUDs; Peter Anders, 'The Architecture of Cyberspace', Progressive Architecture, October 1994, pp. 78-81, 106; Peter Anders, 'Texas Conference on Cyberspace Implications', Progressive Architecture, July 1993, p. 24. 4 Steven M. Kosslyn and Oliver Koenig, Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience (New York: The Free Press, 1995]. 5 George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Metophors We Live By (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980). 6 Irwin Altman, The Environment and Sociol Behavior (New York: Irving Publishers, 1975). 7 Edward T. Hall, The Hidden Dimension (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1966). 8 Donald A. Norman, Things Thot Make Us Smart (Reoding, Moss.: AddisonWesley, 1993]. 9 S. Feiner, B. Macintyre, and D. Seligman, 'Knowledge-Based Augmented Reality', Communications of the ACM, 36, no. 7 Vuly 1993), pp. 52-62. 10 W. Barfield, C. Rosenberg, and W. Lotens, 'Augmented reality displays' in Virtuol Environments and Advanced Interfoce Design, eds. W. Barfield, and T. Furness (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp. 542-575. 11 William Mitchell, City of Bits (Cambridge, Mass.: The.MIT Press, 1995). 12 Clement Mok, Designing Business (San Jose, Cal.: Adobe Press, 1996). 13 Sherry Turkle, The Second Self: Computers ond the Human Spirit (New York: Simon and Shuster, 1984). 14 Pavel Curtis and David Nichols, 'MUDs grow up: Social virtual reality in the real world', Cyberconf 3, conference paper (1993). 15 David Gelernter, Mirror Worlds: Or the day software puts the universe in a shoebox: how it will happen and what it will mean (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991). Jmber 1 Cybrids ,nno, 16 For example: Susanne B0dker, Through fhe interface: A Human Activity Appraach 10 User Interface Design IHillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlboum Associates, 1991), and Brenda Laurel, Computers as theater (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991). :Jker. and scape (Spring Jration, ings of lpping =ssive erence versity Jblishers, day and on- in mdT. the real 10 17 Robert Ardrey, The Territoriallmperalive INew York: Atheneum, 1966). 105