I ICRA ANet Innternational Center for Relativistic R Astrophysiics Network Rio de Jaaneiro, 244/03/20144 R P n. 22067 Prot. Elena Zaninnoni via Papa Giiovanni XXIIII, 32 24060 Endiine Gaiano (B BG), Italy [email protected] Cc: Secretariiat Postdoc [email protected] Cc: ICRANeet Faculty and Staff [email protected] Cc: CAPES [email protected] Cc: Prof. Jorrge Rueda CAPES-ICR RANet Program m Coordinatorr at ICRANet jorge.rueda@ @ICRA.it Cc: Prof. Máário Novello CBPF – Centro Brasileiro Pesquisas Físsicas Rua Dr. Xaviier Sigaud, 1550 - Urca - Rioo de Janeiro, RJ, R CEP 22290-180, Brasil [email protected] Cc: Prof. Joãão Braga INPE – Instittuto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais CP 515, São José dos Cam mpos, SP, CEP P 12201-970, Brasil B joao.braga@ @das.inpe.br Dear Dr Eleena Zaninonii, We would like to, firstt of all, conggratulate youu for the Po ostdoctoral grant g that yoou have won n within thee RANet Progrram. CAPES-ICR You are invvited to be a post-doc p felloow at ICRAN Net – Rio dee Janeiro from m April 19th 22014 to Apriil 19th 2016. For your viisa applicatioon, please noote that yourr fellowship should be coonsidered in accordance with Art. 7°° da Resoluçãão Normativva n. 101, dee 23 de Abrill de 2013, do o Ministério do Trabalhoo e Emprego o – Conselhoo Nacional dee Imigração. The ICRAN Net Faculty is i ready to collaborate c w you on the with t topics off research off common in nterest whichh will clearlyy further evoolve your scientific accoomplishment. ICRANet will be pleaased to offerr you all thee research faccilities in thee entire netwoork. With my waarm personall regards, Prof. R Remo Ruffin ni Director of ICRAN Net ICRANet Head dquarters ICRANet –– Rio de Janeiro o Piazza della Repubblica, 10 ‐ 65100 Pescarra ‐ Italy CBPF: Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud d, 150 ‐ 22290‐180 Urca, RJ, Brazil Phone +39.0 085.23054.200 ‐ Fax +39.085.4 4219252 Phones ++55 (21) 2141 7 7298 or +55 (21 1) 21 2141 7448 8 secretariat@ @icranet.org [email protected] www.icranet.org ‐ C.F.: 91 1080720682 ICRANet International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network Pescara, 25/02/2014 Prot. n. 2029 Elena Zaninoni via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 32 24060 Endine Gaiano (BG), Italy [email protected] Cc: Secretariat Postdoc [email protected] Cc: ICRANet Faculty and Staff [email protected] Cc: Prof. Jorge Rueda CAPES-ICRANet ICRANet Program Coordinator at ICRANet [email protected] Cc: Prof. Mário Novello CBPF – Centro Brasileiro Pesquisas Físicas Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - Urca - Rio de Janeiro, Janeiro RJ, CEP 22290-180, Brasil [email protected] Cc: Prof. João Braga INPE – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais CP 515, São José dos Campos, SP, CEP 12201-970, 12201 Brasil [email protected] Cc: Dra Denise Neddermeyer CAPES – SBN, Quadra 2, Bloco L, Lote 6, 3ºAndar, 70040-020, 70040 Brasília, DF, Brasil [email protected] Cc: Dra Angela Westphal CAPES – SBN, Quadra 2, Bloco L, Lote 6, 2ºAndar, 70040-020, Brasília, DF, Brasil [email protected] Cc: Dra Carolina Nodari CAPES – SBN, Quadra 2, Bloco L, Lote 6, 2º andar, 70040-020, Brasília, DF, Brasil [email protected] Dear Dr Elena Zaninoni, We would like to, first of all, congratulate you for the Postdoctoral grant that you have won within the CAPES-ICRANet Program. You are invited to be a post-doc doc fellow at ICRANet – Rio de Janeiro from April 3rd 2014 to April 3rd 2016. The ICRANet Faculty iss ready to collaborate with you on the topics of research of common interest which will clearly further evolve your scientific accomplishment. ICRANet will be pleased to offer you all the research facilities in the entire network. With my warm personal regards, Prof. Remo Ruffini Director of ICRANet ICRANet Headquarters ICRANet – Rio de Janeiro Piazza della Repubblica, 10 - 65100 Pescara - Italy CBPF: Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - 22290-180 Urca, RJ, Brazil Phone +39.085.23054.200 - Fax +39.085.4219252 Phones +55 (21) 2141 7298 or +55 (21) 21 2141 7448 [email protected] [email protected] www.icranet.org - C.F.: 91080720682 ICRANet International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network Pescara, 19/11/2013 Prot. n. 1939 Elena Zaninoni via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 32 24060 Endine Gaiano (BG), Italy [email protected] Cc: Secretariat Postdoc [email protected] Cc: ICRANet Faculty and Staff [email protected] Cc: Prof. Jorge Rueda CAPES-ICRANet Program Coordinator at ICRANet [email protected] Cc: Prof. Mário Novello CBPF – Centro Brasileiro Pesquisas Físicas Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - Urca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22290-180, Brasil [email protected] Cc: Prof. João Braga INPE – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais CP 515, São José dos Campos, SP, CEP 12201-970, Brasil [email protected] Cc: Dra Denise Neddermeyer CAPES – Fundação de Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior Setor Bancário Norte - Quadra 02 - Bloco L - Lote 06 - 3ºAndar, Brasília, DF, CEP 70040-020, Brasil [email protected] Dear Dr Elena Zaninoni, We would like to, first of all, congratulate you for the Postdoctoral grant that you have won within the CAPES-ICRANet Program. You are invited to be a post-doc fellow at ICRANet – Rio de Janeiro from January 1st 2014 to January 1st 2016. The ICRANet Faculty is ready to collaborate with you on the topics of research of common interest which will clearly further evolve your scientific accomplishment. ICRANet will be pleased to offer you all the research facilities in the entire network. With my warm personal regards, Prof. Remo Ruffini Director of ICRANet ICRANet Headquarters ICRANet – Rio de Janeiro Piazza della Repubblica, 10 - 65100 Pescara - Italy CBPF: Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - 22290-180 Urca, RJ, Brazil Phone +39.085.23054.200 - Fax +39.085.4219252 Phones +55 (21) 2141 7298 or +55 (21) 21 2141 7448 [email protected] [email protected] www.icranet.org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[email protected]
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