Ácido R-alfa Lipoico - Active Pharmaceutica


Ácido R-alfa Lipoico - Active Pharmaceutica
Ácido R-alfa Lipoico
Ácido R-alfa lipoico
Ácido R-alfa Lipoico:
1. Packer L, Kraemer K, Rimbach G. Molecular aspects of lipoic acid in the prevention of diabetes complications.
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2. Shay KP, Moreau RF, Smith EJ, Smith AR, Hagen TM. Alpha-lipoic acid as a dietary supplement: molecular
mechanisms and therapeutic potential. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2009 Oct;1790(10):1149-60.
3. Ibrahimpasic K. Alpha lipoic acid and glycaemic control in diabetic neuropathies at type 2 diabetes treatment. Med
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4. Packer L, Tritschler HJ, Wessel K. Neuroprotection by the metabolic antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid. Free Radic Biol
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5. Hager K, Kenklies M, McAfoose J, Engel J, Münch G. Alpha-lipoic acid as a new treatment option for Alzheimer's
disease--a 48 months follow-up analysis.J Neural Transm Suppl. 2007;(72):189-93.
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento: Pharmaceutical Consultoria (Maio de 2015).
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