630 - April 19th, 2009, Divine Mercy Sunday.pub
630 - April 19th, 2009, Divine Mercy Sunday.pub
THE PEOPLE OF GOD OD CALLED TO BE THE CATHOLIC HOLIC C COMMUNITY CO OF St. Cecilia Church ch 120 Kearny Ave., Kearny, New Jersey 07032 www.stceciliakearny.org-- September 25th, 2016, Twenty- Sunday in Ordinary Time “Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man” The Community of St. Cecilia is served by: Ms. Virginia Bannon [email protected] Mrs. Patty Martinez [email protected] Parish Secretaries Summer Parish Office Hours Rev. Msgr. Francis R. Seymour in Residence Ms. Maureen Harris-Coyle Local Safe Environment Coordinator [email protected] contact us at Parish Ph. (201) 991 1116 Parish Fax (201) 998 4437 Mr. Justo E. Aliaga Permanent Deacon Mr. Joseph Reese, Trustee Mr. Albertino Amaro, Trustee Mrs. Liliana Soto-Cabrera Religious Education Coordinator & Office Manager [email protected] Ms. Silvia Sanchez Bulletin Editor [email protected] Rev. John E. Wassell Pastor [email protected] Rev. Danny Santos Rodrigues Parochial Vicar [email protected] Dr. Matthew Harden Organist [email protected] Mr. Samuel Romero Maintenance Monday thru Friday 9am to 12noon, 1pm to 5pm Saturday & Sunday 9am to 2pm Ask yourself, if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? PAGE TWO MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon English English Portugues English Español Daily Masses - Chapel at the Parish Center Monday-Friday 7:00 am and 12:00 noon-English Saturday 8:00 am—English Tuesday 7:00 pm—Español Wednesday 7:30 pm—Portugues Baptisms, Bautismos, Baptismos 1o Domingo da mes as 1:30pm 2do Domingo del mes a la 1:30pm 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30pm Portugues Español English Reconciliation, Confesiones, Reconciliacao Saturday: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm English, Español, Portugues. Religious Education, including First Communion and Confirmation (CCD) for children Classes are on Sunday (Session I: 9am-10:30am & Session II: 10:30am-12noon). For older students preparing for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, there are additional Sacramental Preparation classes one Sunday of the month from 1:15pm-2:45pm. Marriage, Matrimonios, Casamentos Please call the priest at least one year in advance. Por favor llamar al sacerdote un año antes de la boda. Deven falar com o sacerdote com um ano de antecedencia. Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the sick, please call the Parish Center. Unción de los enfermos, llamar al Centro Parroquial. Unção dos Doentes, Por favor chamar Centro Parroquial. #630 Masses for the Week of September 25th, 2016 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, September 24 5:00 p.m. +Custodia Baltazar Sunday, September 25 7:30 a.m. +William McLar en 9:00 a.m.(Port) +J ose & Mar ia Almeida 10:30 a.m. +Kar en Guziejewski 12:00noon(Span) +Lour des Contr er as (12th Anniversary) Monday, September 26 7:00 a.m. +Deceased Family Member s of George Dreker 12:00noon +Kar en Guziejewski Tuesday, September 27 7:00 a.m. +Souls in Pur gator y 12:00 noon +Blanca Pumar 7:00 p.m.(Span) +Car los Maldonado Wednesday, September 28 7:00 a.m. +Special Intention 12:00 noon +Mar y Nauer (10th Anniver sar y) 7:30 p.m.(Port) +Maria Trajano & Adelino Braga Thursday, September 29 7:00 a.m. +Antonio Malaquias 12:00 noon +Pur a Picado Friday, September 30 7:00 a.m. +Deceased Family Member s of George Dreker 12:00 noon +Teodulo Felicidar io Saturday, October 1 8:00 a.m. +In Thanksgiving to St. Ther ese “The Little Flower” 5:00 p.m. +Victor & Pilar Gar cia Next Sunday, October 2 7:30 a.m. +Augustino Zappia 9:00 a.m.(Port) +J ose & Mar ia Almeida 10:30 a.m. +Patr ick & Mar y Higney 12:00noon(Span) +Mastr apa Family PAGE THREE Sunday Reflection by Dr. Scott Hahn The rich and powerful are visited with woe and exile in today's Liturgy—not for their wealth but for their refusal to share it; not for their power but for their indifference to the suffering at their door. The complacent leaders in today's First Reading feast on fine foods and wines, reveling while the house of Joseph, the kingdom of Israel (see Amos 5:6), collapses around them. The rich man in today's Gospel also lives like a king—dressed in royal purple and fine linen (see 1 Maccabees 8:14). The rich man symbolizes Israel's failure to keep the Old Covenant, to heed the commandments of Moses and the prophets. This is the sin of the rulers in today's First Reading. Born to the nation God favored first, they could claim Abraham as their father. But for their failure to give - their inheritance is taken away. The rulers are exiled from their homeland. The rich man is punished with an exile far greater—eternity with a "great chasm" fixed between himself and God. In this world, the rich and powerful make a name for themselves (see Genesis 11:4) and dine sumptuously, while the poor remain anonymous, refused an invitation to their feasts. But notice that the Lord today knows Lazarus by name, and Joseph in his sufferings—while the leaders and the rich man have no name. Today's Liturgy is a call to repentance—to heed the warning of One who was raised from the dead. To lay hold of the eternal life He promises, we must pursue righteousness and keep the commandment of love, as Paul exhorts in today's Epistle."The Lord loves the just," we sing in today's Psalm. And in this Eucharist we have a foretaste of the love that will be ours in the next life—when He will raise the lowly to the heavenly banquet with Abraham and the prophets (see Luke 13:28), where we too will rest our heads on the bosom of our Lord (see John 13:23). Reflexión Bíblica Dominical del Dr. Scott Hahn Los ricos y poderosos son visitados por el infortunio y el exilio en la liturgia de este domingo; no por su riqueza, sino por negarse a compartirla; no por su poder sino por su indiferencia a los que sufren ante su puerta. Los muy cómodos líderes de la primera lectura se dan banquetes de finos platillos y vinos deleitándose, mientras la casa de José, el reino de Israel (cfr. Am 5,6), se colapsa a su alrededor. El hombre rico del Evangelio también vive como rey, vestido de púrpura real y lino fino (1 M 8,14). El hombre rico simboliza el fracaso de Israel en mantener la antigua alianza, en obedecer los mandamientos de Moisés y los profetas. Ese es el pecado de los gobernantes en la primera lectura de esta semana. Nacidos en la nación favorita de Dios, ellos podrían clamar a Abraham como padre; pero ya que no son capaces de dar, les es quitada su herencia. Los gobernantes son exiliados de su patria. El hombre rico es castigado con un exilio mucho mayor: una eternidad en la que existe un “gran abismo” entre él y Dios. En este mundo, los ricos y poderosos se hacen famosos (cfr. Gn 11,4) y cenan suntuosamente, mientras los pobres permanecen anónimos, rechazados de sus banquetes. Pero es notable que, en el Evangelio, el Señor conoce a Lázaro por su nombre, y a José en sus sufrimientos, mientras los líderes y el hombre rico no tienen nombre. La liturgia de este domingo es una llamada al arrepentimiento, a poner atención a Aquel que fue levantado de los muertos. Él nos promete que, para permanecer unidos a la vida eterna, debemos practicar la justicia, cumplir el mandamiento del amor, a lo que Pablo exhorta en la epístola de hoy. “El Señor ama a los justos”, cantamos en el salmo de este domingo. Y en esta Eucaristía pregustamos el amor que será nuestro en la otra vida, cuando Él levantará los humildes para llevarlos al banquete celestial con Abraham y los profetas (cfr. Lc 13,28), donde también nosotros recostaremos la cabeza en el pecho de nuestro Señor (cfr. Jn 13,23). 26o Domingo do Tempo Comum A liturgia deste domingo propõe-nos, de novo, a reflexão sobre a nossa relação com os bens deste mundo… Convida-nos a vê-los, não como algo que nos pertence de forma exclusiva, mas como dons que Deus colocou nas nossas mãos, para que os administremos e partilhemos, com gratuidade e amor. Na primeira leitura, o profeta Amós denuncia violentamente uma classe dirigente ociosa, que vive no luxo à custa da exploração dos pobres e que não se preocupa minimamente com o sofrimento e a miséria dos humildes. O profeta anuncia que Deus não vai pactuar com esta situação, pois este sistema de egoísmo e injustiça não tem nada a ver com o projecto que Deus sonhou para os homens e para o mundo. O Evangelho apresenta-nos, através da parábola do rico e do pobre Lázaro, uma catequese sobre a posse dos bens… Na perspectiva de Lucas, a riqueza é sempre um pecado, pois supõe a apropriação, em benefício próprio, de dons de Deus que se destinam a todos os homens… Por isso, o rico é condenado e Lázaro recompensado. A segunda leitura não apresenta uma relação directa com o tema deste domingo… Traça o perfil do “homem de Deus”: deve ser alguém que ama os irmãos, que é paciente, que é brando, que é justo e que transmite fielmente a proposta de Jesus. Poderíamos, também, acrescentar que é alguém que não vive para si, mas que vive para partilhar tudo o que é e que tem com os irmãos? Portal dos Dehonianos PAGE FOUR Parish Statement We, the people of God called to be the Catholic Community of St. Cecilia, are a diverse and multi-cultural community of believers, joined together by a common bond of love for our Lord Jesus Christ while preserving the uniqueness and traditions of our ethnicity. With a united spirit, we strive to serve our Lord, His Church, and our community through prayer, worship, ministry and evangelization, and to share our faith and our talents in service to one another. Rita Chesney, John Carter, Joan Greswsk Bobowski, Barbara Bingham, Barbara Carter, Betty Dybus, Kevin Kane, Luz LaBoy, Linda McKenna, Emily Merrill, Josh Maher, Estrabonia Perez, Rose Rivelini, Olivia Roach, Sean Saraiva, Kevin Murphy, Cecilia Cappiello, Joey Fix, Isabel Ramilo, Virginia Bannon, Sophie Maguire, Sahara Goyenechea, Chris Chew, Jason T. Gude, Natalie Morris, Maria L. Costa, Maria Lopes, Madeline Verdinho, Ann Chapman Dow, Frank Lopez, Adolfo E. Coria, Julia Mendez, Miguel Rodriguez, Ida Eccles, Hilda Ajila, Brian Rafttery, Adrienne F. Brown, Kimberly C. Mossey, Daren Nicholls, Sherri Moorman, Gayle Wright, Maria Ressurreição, Anne Toussaint, Edward De Simon, Yvonne Wharton, Walter E. Acevedo, Marco Almeida, Lila Czaplicki, Salvador Sanchez, Francisco Silva, Roberto Jude, Maria Agudelo, Honore Metzinger, Eleanor Narozny, Jose Rodriguez, Fanny Carmona, Victor Ferdinandi, Ann Dow Cole, Heather Wharton, Helen Macchia, Erick Marrquin Florence Frederick, Edna Hasselwander, Frank & Bonnie Primavera, Magdalene Lewandowski, Kathryn D’Antuono, Gloria Fix, Leonor Monroy, Purificación Orpilla, Vicente Avila Nuñez, Theresa McSorley, Roberto Matos, Alice Crist, Ramon Caicedo, Adolfo Gonzalez, Sr., Richard Nunn,, Luis Acevedo, Bill Mclaren, Victor Wysocki, Esperanza Rodriguez, Monica Colon, Margie Augusto, Rosemary Martens, Corey Burke, Morgan Greco, Cammile Capone, Hugh Dalzell & Lucilia Gorge. This Week at Saint Cecilia’s: Mon 9/26 7:30 pm Novena: “Señor de los Milagros” - Church Tue 9/27 7:30 pm Novena: “Señor de los Milagros” - Church 7:45pm-9pm Young Adult Community meeting (18-39 yrs. old) Convent basement 8- 9pm Ensayo de Coro en Español—Iglesia Wed 9/28 7:30 pm Novena: “Señor de los Milagros” - Church Thur 9/29 5-6pm Youth/Children choir rehearsal- Church 6-7pm Voice class—Church 7-8pm English choir rehearsal—Church 7:30pm Consecration to Jesus through Mary class Chapel 7:30pm Spanish Prayer group - Church Basement 7:30pm Novena: “Señor de los Milagros” - Church Fri 9/30 1:30pm-3:00pm Food Pantry- Parish Center **Please notify the Office when a name can be removed from 7:30pm Bonds of Marian Love Prayer group- Chapel the sick list. 7:30 pm Novena: “Señor de los Milagros” - Church Sat 10/1 The Sanctuary candle will burn 9:00am Martha Ministry (Church cleaning) 1:00 pm Holy Hour/Divine Mercy Prayer group this week in the Church: Church Antonio Fernandes Borges 7:00 pm Mass: “Señor de los Milagros” - Church Requested by: Sun 10/2 Borges Family 9:00am Religious Education classes - School The Sanctuary candle will burn 10:30am Estudio Bíblico, Diácono Justo–PC this week in the Chapel for: 10:30am Estudio Biblico, Ricardo Fernandez– PC John Bazydlo 10:30am Clases: Sacramentos para Adultos- PC Requested by: Taylor Family The Bread and Wine will be Consecrated at all Masses this week for: People of the Parish Requested by: #630 Remember in your prayers those who have died: Especially, June E. Radford & Daniel P. McCann, III. May they rest in God’s eternal embrace. PAGE FIVE 2017 MASS BOOK 2016-2017 Registration & Re-registration forms ar e available in the Parish Office. Please bring a baptismal certificate with you to register your child(ren). Please Note: Students registered after September 15, 2016 will start Religious Education classes on Sunday October 2, 2016, from 10:30am to 12noon. Parents Meeting: October 2, 2016 at 1:15pm in the School. The 2017 Mass Book will open on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 from 1PM—3PM and on Thursday, October 6, 2016 from 9AM—11AM. More information about our NEW procedures will follow in next Sunday’s Bulletin, October 2, 2016. BONDS OF MARIAN LOVE The Bonds of Marian Love prayer group is held in the chapel. For more infor:$1772*(7&/26(5727+(21( mation about any of Bonds’ activities, <28/29(" please contact Natalia Aliaga at (201) 951-1740 or Leonidas Aliaga at You can do that on a Worldwide Marriage (949) 354-1137. Encounter weekend! On a Marriage Encounter weekend mar r ied couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones for 44 hours—and focus only on each other. If you’d like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! For more information, contact Janet and Mike Turco 973 427-7016 or 609 335- 6880 ([email protected]) or go to nnjwwme.org. SAINT MARY HIGH SCHOOL, RUTHERFORD OPEN HOUSE All 6th, 7th and 8th Grade students and families are invited to attend the Open House at Saint Mary’s High School in Rutherford on Sunday, September 25th, 2016 at 1:00PM. BEREAVEMENT GROUP Has the loss of a loved one left you depressed, fearful, anxious or lonely? Perhaps you can find help through sharing your feelings in the Bereavement Support Group at the Church of Saint Mary located at 91 Home Ave. in Rutherford, NJ. The first session will be held on Thursday, October 20th and continues on Thursday evenings through November 10th. Each session begins at 7:30pm and ends at 9:00pm in the Parish Center located beneath the Church. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting the parish office at 201-438-2200. Deadline: October 13th. We look forward to meeting you. Collections Last week’s first collection was $5,043.00. Rosary Society collection was $249.00. As always thank you for your generosity. CHOIR HAS BEGUN! Please consider joining one of our choirs here at St. Cecilia. We are looking for more members to help us "make a joyful noise unto the Lord." Our English group rehearses on Thursdays from 7-8PM. We will work on music for Sunday and special services. You are welcome to come to the choir loft and sing for the service you attend. Currently we have members singing at the Saturday evening Vigil Mass and on Sunday at the 10:30AM Mass. We would welcome additional singers at either service. You are also welcome to join me on Sunday at the 7:30AM Mass if that is your regular service. Have you ever wanted to learn to sing or improve your singing voice? Do you want to feel more confident when "lifting your voice in song in praise, prayer and worship?" If so, I invite you to attend the voice class held each Thursday evening from 6-7PM in the choir loft. This class is free and open to all worshippers at St. Cecilia. All are welcome. For more information call (402) 3328990 or email Matthew at [email protected]. ST. CECILIA’S YAC The Young Adult Community of St. Cecilia Church meets every Tuesday at 7:45PM in the Parish Center Basement. Like us on: www.facebook.com/stcecilia’s YAC PAGE GE SIX Boletín en Español Boletim em Portugues EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA BATISMOS EM PORTUGUÊS Todavia se aceptan registraciones para clases de Catecismo, por favor traer Certificado de Bautizo para poder inscribirse. *Recordamos a nossa comunidade paroquial que a celebrações do Sacramento do Batismo em Português são realizados comunitariamente aos primeiros Domingo de cada mês às 13:30 horas, com exceção no Tempo da Quaresma. NOTA: Los estudiantes registrados después de Septiembre 15, 2016, empezarán sus clases Domingo, Octubre 2, 2016, de 10:30am a 12pm y también habrá una reunión para los padres de estudiantes ese mismo día a la 1:15pm en la escuela. BAUTISMOS El segundo domingo del mes a la 1:30PM, en español. Recoger formulario en el centro parróquial. MATRIMONIOS Las parejas deben llamar al sacerdote un año antes de la boda. NOTICIAS DEL CORO Por favor consideren unirse a uno de nuestros coros en Santa Cecilia. Estamos en busca de más miembros que nos ayuden “hacer un ruido alegre al Señor” . Nuestro coro en Español ensaya los martes de 8:00–8:45pm, después de la misa. Vamos a trabajar en la música para el domingo y servicios especiales. También habrá clase de voz los días Jueves de 6pm a 7pm en el coro. Esta clase es gratuita y abierta a todos los feligréses de Santa Cecilia. Todos son bienvenidos. Para más información, llamar al (402) 332-8990 ó correo electrónico a [email protected]. *Caso necessário, o Sacramento do Batismo poderá ser celebrado em um outro dia a ser combinado com antecedência com o Pároco ou o Vigário Paroquial. *O Sacramento do Batismo não será celebrado durante a Eucaristia Dominical, devido ao curto intervalo de tempo entre as Missas, e o espaço limitado para os automóveis em nosso estacionamento. CASAMENTOS Deven falar com o sacerdote com um ano de antecedencia. COMUNHÃO A PESSOAS DOENTES Se conhecem pessoas que se encontram doentes, nas suas casas, nos hospitais ou em lares de terceira idade e que devido à doença não podem participar na Santa Missa mas gostariam de receber a Sagrada Comunhão, por favor podem entrar em contacto com o P. Danny para assim se poder arranjar uma visita com o sacerdote ou com um ministro extraordinário da comunhão. Os hospitais não dão informações se, se encontra algum paroquiano doente, por isso precisamos da vossa ajuda.obrigado. PROCISSÃO DE VELAS Hay dos clases de personas muy útiles para la humanidad: los que hacen obras buenas y los que saben dar buenos consejos, prácticos y oportunos. (Pastor) No próximo dia 9 de Outubro realizar-se-á a procissão de velas em honra de Nossa Senhora de Fátima pelas 7:30 da noite.Vamos todos juntos rezar, louvar a nossa Mãe do Céu para que interceda por nós junto de seu amado Filho nas nossas necessidades mas em especial pela paz no mundo... Unidos, elevamos o nosso coração Àquele que tudo pode. Todos estão convidados a participar neste acto de fé e devoção. Colectas La primera colecta fue $5,043.00 La segunda colecta fue $249.00 Administração A primeira coleta foi: $5,043.00 A segunda coleta foi $249.00 Como siempre gracias por su generosidad. Como sempre obrigado pela vossa generodidade. MIL JOYAS DE SABIDURÍA #630 SHAW - BUYUS HOME FOR SERVICES ~ Directors ~ Mario Teixeira, IV, Mgr. NJ Lic #3757 Mario Teixeira, Jr., Dir. NJ Lic #2542 • Monique Teixeira, Dir. NJ Lic #4048 138 Davis Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey (201) 991-2265 Pre-Need Planning Available • Handicapped Accessible • Multiple Locations • Experts in Foreign Shipping • Speak Fluent Portuguese & Spanish Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Mulligan Funeral Home 331 Cleveland Ave. • Harrison, NJ 07029 Our Pledge is to service all, with personalized, moderately priced funeral services at our modern barrier-free facility or in any New Jersey community. (973) 481-4333 We can arrange shipping from/to any other country or place in the United States. Licensed Funeral Directors Serving You Advanced Planning & Monument Specialists. Frank X. Mulligan, III, Manager, NJ Lic. 4221 Pre-need Funeral Planning & Funding available. Call (973) 481-4333 for a free/no obligation appointment. www.mulliganfh.com Email Us At: [email protected] Visit Us At: Private Parking At 10 F. Rodgers Blvd. North Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Law Office Of Daniel Jurkovic, P.C. 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