PROJECT - Escola do Futuro
PROJECT - Escola do Futuro
PR OJ E C T ‘D O A R ’ RE P O R T (DO N A T E) Obje ct i v e: To involve the students in social projects stimulating them to practice the character traits taught by the school. To promote social responsibility and to contribute to a better world. To support the school’s 2012 theme: Social responsibility and transversal pedagogical theme. Our students become transformation agents in society. ST A R T I N G POI N T – Escola do Futur o FI R S T A C T I O N : The project started in October 2011 when much of the needy Jaguaré community burned in a fire, leaving 200 families in a very precarious situation. The school became a center donation and we collected donations such as clothes, toys, hygiene and cleaning products, as well as food. PH O T O S 01 SE C O N D A C T I O N : From November 2011 to February 2012, we focused on the “Eu Doei Meu Kit Escolar” ( I DONATED MY SCHOOL SUPPLY KIT) , establishing the school’s first partnership with the Espaço Projeto Vida NGO. Old school supplies were donated by our students. PH O T O S 02 The 2 actions involved our entire community. PR O P O S E D A C T I O N S FO R T H E FI R S T SE M E S T E R OF 2012 CHOCOLATE FACTORY – SOLIDARY EASTER AT Escola do Futuro Obje ct i v e: To support Espaço Projeto Vida NGO, in its Income Generator Project for the families supported by the NGO. To provide and train people to become autonomous financially and to feel socially included. FIRST PART THEME : CHOCOLATE FACTORY – SOLIDARY EASTER AT Escola do Futuro Date: March to April, 2012. Local: Espaço Projeto Vida - Av. Anacé, 551, Jd. Umarizal. Participants: 30 people from the community. Certificates: GRSA in partnership with Escola do Futuro. Opening: Simone Pedro – Institutional Relations Office and Sueli Figueiredo – Social Assistant at Espaço Projeto Vida. GUEST SPEAKERS FOR 03/15/12: o Escola do Futuro STUDENTS – Entrepreneurs – How to start a business Guided by Coordinator and Mentor of the Entrepreneurs course- Roberto Leal and Professor Claudio Del Rio – father of a student and volunteer at Escola do Futuro. o Nutritionist at Escola do Futuro – Juliana Almeida – Basic Food handling and Hygiene Techniques o GRSA Nutritionist – Mariana Melo – Basic Food handling and Hygiene Techniques o Businessman Alexandre Bernardini – Father of a student and volunteer to teach us how to make chocolate o Businessman Josenildo Bezerra da Silva – Owner of the ‘King of the truffles’ Fábrica de Chocolate Rei das Trufas, volunteer to teach us how to make chocolate. o Student transportation to the NGO– Grupo Carvalho’s – Donation from a student’s father. o Event coverage –Gospel TV and Escola do Futuro students from the 9th grade. PH O T O 03 PROJECT SECOND PART o 03/20/12 – Arrival of the kits donated by the City Hall o 03/16/12 e 03/19/12 – Chocolate egg production with ingredients provided by the NGO in the benefit of the children– 150 egg s ( 200 gram s each) o From 03/20/12 to 03/23/12 – Production of 200 gram- egg s to be sold at the school (ingredients given by the City Hall) o On 03/20/12 – Cost calculation, price definition and spread sheet to mana ge o On 03/23/12 – End of production, wrapping s o From 03/29/12 to 04/05/12Ea ster egg sale s at the schools (R$10) o On 04/12/12 – Payment from the school ( Ea ster egg sale s), to all participant s of Solidary Easter to Espa ç o Projeto Vida. PHOTOS 04 THIRD PART OF THE PROJECT o o o o o Starting: April 2012 New course on 04/17/12 – Makin g truffles for Mothers’ Day, Balan ce of the Easter sale s by the students of our school. Accounting clas s New direction s and challenge s Ação Semeando Educação Com Amor - Projeto Vida para África On going – from March 2012 on Obje ct i v e: To support Associação Vida para África (Association life for Africa), divulging their work to our stakeholders, raising funds for the cause. WO R K DE V E L O P E D School supplies and textbooks – production of educational material for the schools that are supported by the project. Teacher adoption - salaries Student adoption – sponsors donate R$50 a month for food and education. Teacher training. Project Amar (Love) – to promote better quality of life caring for children and teenagers Orphans – To be a transformation agent by making a difference. Edifying lives. Teenagers – To guide teenagers about which path to take. PH O T O S : Work done at the schools: Louvai a Deus, Adonai, Ma ch a v a Bedene, Tsalala, Orfanato Rafael, Pequeno Rebanho, Xai- Xai, Luz e Vida, Khon golote, Childrens Cup e Arco- Iris. SO C I A L W O R K – 2nd semester 2012 To give support to the reading program already started by the NGO. Mini - Library (from August to December 2012) To create appropriate reading space, to teach them how to run it, to acquire books and furniture. ALIGN MENT WITH OUR Mission AND VISION The Project complement s our formal education . Mission – Form Leaders – Transforming the world in different segments of society. Our students are the reason of our existence and the targets of our vision. Our vision is this realization: to educate our students to be analitical, critical, daring, and brave to change some situation or reality about the society in which they live. Parent inv o l v i m e n t Our last satisfaction survey with parents (Nov 2011) showed that 25% of the parents say what they like the most about the school is the relationship the school has with them. Our projects promote interaction for they involve the entire community. Partnersh i ps Espaço Recreativo e Educacional (Recreational and Educational Space) Site: Purpose: To take children out of the streets and vulnerable situations. Offers: IT , Citizenship, school support classes, sports. Family work: Therapy, Income generator programs Projeto Vida para África (Project Life for Africa) Site: Purpose: Orphans, Children, and Teenagers Offers: Remodeling and construction of schools in Mozambique, School supplies, Teachers’ Pay, and Teachers’ training. SUPPORT - SPO N S O R S Co m p A n i e s/ Partners R O L E IN T H E PR OJ E C T Grupo Carvalho’s – Transportation Rental – Student Sr. Nélio Bruno de Carvalho Filho, pai da transportation aluna Bruna Jardim de Carvalho do 7º B – F2. Easy Graff – Printed material – Sr. Esli Printing Company Macedo Lima, pai da aluna Gabriela Macedo Alves Lima do 1º ano C – F1. AcostaSystem – Corporative Solutions – 2º Setor Project Management ‘The King of the truffles” – Josenildo Bezerra – 2º setor Chocolate making courses GRSA – Lecture– Basic Food handling and Hygiene Techniques – Nutritionist - Mariana Melo. Escola do Futuro – Basic Food handling and Hygiene Techniques – Juliana Almeida. Basic Food handling and Hygiene Techniques – Nutritionist Mariana Melo Students’ Parents Role playe d datE 03/15/1 2 03/15/1 2 16/03/1 2 to 0326//1 2 03/15/1 2 datE Sr. Claudio Del Rio, father of Pedro Del Rio (1st C). Sr. Esli Macedo Lima, father of Gabriela Macedo Alves Lima 1st C Sr. Nélio Bruno de Carvalho Filho, father of Bruna Jardim de Carvalho, 7th B. Sr. Alexandre Bernardini, father of Isabella Verraed Bernardini , 3rd A Support Student transportation Chocolate making course. Producytion follow up. 03/15/1 2 15/03/1 2 Students RO L E Date Entrepreneurship Class (elective) students (from 9th to the 12th grades) 03/15/1 2 9th A students Administração da mini Fábrica de Chocolate e Gestão. News coverage Adair de Oliveira Dayrell Junior 9th A. News coverage Flauzilino Araújo dos Santos Junior, 9th A News coverage Patrick Salomão 9th A News coverage Printed material Escola do futuro empl o y ees Simone Pedro – IR role Cléia Simões – IR Coordinator of the Donate PROJECT Operations Simone Busto – Administrative Assistant Operations José Geraldo Lopes da Cruz – Student inspector Juliana da CunhaVillar de Almeida Nutrictonist Operations Speaker 03/15/1 2 03/15/1 2 03/15/1 2 03/15/1 2 date 03/15/1 2 SO C I A L w O R K fL u X O g r A m NGO Principal Coordination IR Marketing Teachers Admission s Students Parents