Academic Curriculum Vitae


Academic Curriculum Vitae
Academic Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Cláudio Costa Pinheiro Curriculum Vitae -­‐ June, 2016 08.April.1972 Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Professor of African History Chairman Institute of History, Rio de Janeiro Federal University Largo de São Francisco 1 20051-­‐700 | Rio de Janeiro Brazil Sephis Programme The South-­‐South Exchange Programme for the Research on the History of Development Avenida Rui Barbosa, 762 22250-­‐020 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Professional Enrolments Since 2016 Professor of African History, Institute of History, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Since 2013 Chairman, Sephis Programme (South-­‐South Exchange Programme for the Research on the History of Development) Amsterdam/Rio de Janeiro 2010 – 2013 Associate Professor, The Social Sciences and History School, FGV, Rio de Janeiro 2006 – 2010 Ad-­‐hoc counselor, the Brazilian Ministry of Education with regards to Higher Education Issues on India, IBSA and the BRICS countries 2007 – 2009 Associated Fellow, Depart. of Anthropology, Campinas State University, Brazil 2001 – 2004 Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, Estacio de Sa University, Rio de Janeiro Education 2008-­‐9 2006 2005 1998 1994 Postdoc, Anthropology Department, Campinas State University Postdoc, History Department, Delhi University Ph.D., Anthropology, the National Museum, Rio Fed. University, Brazil M.A., Social Anthropology, the National Museum, Rio Fed. University, Brazil B.A., History, Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Brazil 1 Institution Building Initiatives Scientific & Academic Advisory Boards Since 2016 Associate Member, the Global South Studies Centre, Köln Universität, Germany Since 2015 Counselor to the South-­‐South Cooperation Academy, Beijing University, China Since 2015 ICAS Book Prize Committee. Member of the Committee for selecting the best book on Asia in the world, category Social Sciences. Since 2013 ICAS International Council. Member of the International Council of the International Convention of Asian Scholars. Since 2013 Celso Furtado International Centre for Development (Brazilian Bank of Social and Economic Development), Board Member & Associate Fellow Since 2012 Indian Studies Program, Rio de Janeiro State University, Academic Council Institutional Building & Scientific Cooperation Initiatives 2015-­‐16 The Latin American Association of Asian Studies. 2013 The African Association of Asian Studies (A-­‐Asia). 2013 Sephis Programme. Appointed chairman 2011 Chair of Indian Studies. Responsible for establishing the 1 Chair of Indian Studies in Latin America, sponsored by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations and Getulio Vargas Foundation. 2006-­‐2010 Brazilian Ministry of Education (Capes: the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education). Advisor on Higher Education for Academic Cooperation with India and IBSA. 2008 Brazilian Presidential Delegation. Brazilian Presidential Delegation at the IBSA Summit, Advisory Member on Higher Education. 2008 UNESCO and Brazilian Ministry of Education. Consultant on Scientific Cooperation for the IBSA Agreement (India, Brazil, South Africa). st
2 Qualification International Fellowships & Visiting Professorships 2015 – 2016 Fellow at the International Research Center "Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History", Humbolt Universität zu Berlin (funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF) 2012 – 2013 Fellow at the Research Network on Interdependent Inequalities in America Latina, Freie Universität Berlin (German Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF) 1-­‐4/2006 Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, Goa University, Panjim 12/2005 Visiting Professor, Department of History, Calcutta University, Calcutta 11/2005 Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi 8-­‐10/2003 Visiting Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal 2001 – 2002 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Bukkyo University, Japan Prizes & Distinctions 2014 Honored Professor Award -­‐ School of Social Sciences and History, Vargas Foundation 2013 Olhares/Africanidades, documentary film, 2012. Selected for the Lusophone Community Prize for Arts, 2013 2013 Honored Professor Award -­‐ School of Social Sciences and History, Vargas Foundation 2008 Brazilian Presidential Delegation in India – Member of the Delegation of the Brazilian President at the IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa) meeting. 1998 Ford Foundation – Selected best MA research project (Blacks in Brazil Research Prize) 1994 Rio de Janeiro Federal University -­‐ Best undergrad research Award Other Academic Activities Journal Reviewer Jury 9 journals in the last 10 years International Ethnographic Film Festival, 2007-­‐2008 3 Research Projects Ongoing 1. Peripheral Vocabularies. Outlines of the Global South Encyclopedia. National Council of Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil, 2013-­‐16. 2. Intellectual Memories of the Global South -­‐ Supported by FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation, 2012-­‐14. Concluded 3. Receptions of the Dependency Theory in the Philippines. Supported by the German Ministry of Education, 2012-­‐2013. 4. Direct and Indirect Transitivity. Receptions of the Dependency Theory in India and Singapore and other dialogue between academic peripheries of the Global South. Supported by FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation, 2011-­‐13. 5. Brazilian Scientific Capacity concerning India and South Africa, IBSA. Sponsored by The Brazilian Ministry of Education and UNESCO, 2008. 6. The contours of the Portuguese colonial linguistic policies, during the Early Modern Era. Spaces of a non-­‐Anglophonic anthropology of colonialism in India. Sponsored by The State of São Paulo Research Foundation, 2008-­‐2009 7. Globalization, Slavery and Forms of Exclusion: India & Brazil under the rule of Portuguese colonial Empire. Sponsored by Sephis Programme (South-­‐South Exchange Programme for the Research on the History of Development), 2003-­‐2006 1. Translating Worlds, Inventing Empires. Reflections on Language and Slavery at the Early Modernity Portuguese Colonial Projects in Asia. Rio de Janeiro: Graduate Program in Social Anthropology, Rio de Janeiro Federal University; Sponsored by The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil and Sephis Foundation, 1999-­‐2005. 2. Between Worlds. Japanese Descendent Brazilian migration movements and reshaping identities. Fieldwork research in Japan: Osaka, Nagoya and Toyohashi, 2001-­‐2002. Coordination: Dr. Massae Sasaki (Nippo-­‐Brazilian Studies Center, Rio de Janeiro State University); supervision: Dr. Tetsuo Maruyama (Bukkyo University), Collaboration: Dr. Claudio Costa Pinheiro; 2001-­‐2004. 3. Socio-­‐economic situation of the sugarcane plantation zone in Pernambuco, Brazil. Sponsored by José Bonifácio Foundation, Fondation Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Capes-­‐Cofecub convene, 1997 to 1999. 4 Organized events Organizer: Migrations, Youth and the Global South. Sephis & GSSC (Global South Studies Center, Universität Köln), The Arab Council of Social Sciences. Venue: Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Brazil. Forthcoming, march 2017. Organizer: Perspectives on Asia in Latin America. International Institute of Asian Studies, International Convention of Asian Scholars & Sephis. Venue: Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Brazil, November 9-­‐11, 2016. Organizer: 4o International Seminar on Social Thought Research. Getulio Vargas Foundation. Rio de Janeiro, September 11-­‐12, 2014. Organizer: BRICS and Social Development Agenda. Sephis-­‐ANPOCS (Brazilian Association of Social Sciences). Rio de Janeiro, February 21, 2014. Organizer & Chair: The internationalization of Social Sciences: challenges, proposals and alternatives. The Brazilian Association of Social Sciences Annual meeting. September, 2013. Organizer & Chair: Asian Knowledge at the Global Stage: Strategies for Academic Internationalization. 8th International Conference of Asian Studies. Macao, June 11-­‐18, 2013. Organizer: 3o International Seminar on Social Thought Research. Getulio Vargas Foundation. Rio de Janeiro, August 18-­‐19, 2013. Chair: Law & Social Inequalities. Inequalities Colloquium, Lateinamerika-­‐Institut, Freie Universitat, Berlin, December 11, 2012. Organizer: 2o International Seminar on Social Thought Research. Getulio Vargas Foundation. Rio de Janeiro, August 18-­‐19, 2012. Organizer: 1o International Seminar on Social Thought Research. Getulio Vargas Foundation. Rio de Janeiro, August 18-­‐19, 2011. Organizer: International Seminar on Teaching the History and Culture of Africa. Organization: The Research Group on Peripheral Studies & South Cooperation, Guarulhos (São Paulo), September 28-­‐29 2009. 5 Third-­‐part funding Funding Agencies BuZa – Dutch Ministry of Cooperation for Development, the Netherlands CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Brazil CNPq – The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil BMBF – German Ministry of Education and Research FAPERJ – The State of Rio de Janeiro Research Foundation, Brazil FAPESP – The State of São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil FGV – Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil ICAS – the International Conference of Asian Scholars, the Netherlands IIAS – the International Institute of Asian Studies, the Netherlands MEC – Brazilian Ministry of Education, Brazil Sephis – South-­‐South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institutional Funding •
Perspectives of Asia in Latin America •
A-­‐Asia -­‐ Association for Asian Studies in Africa Duration: 2016 Resources: 40.000 Euros Sponsors: IIAS, ICAS & Sephis Programme Duration: 2012 – Onwards Resources: 200.000 Euros Sponsors: IIAS and Leiden University, the Netherlands; the Japan Foundation, Japan; Seoul National University, Korea; Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation, US; Henry Luce Foundation, US; Andrew Mellon Foundation, US; and Sephis Programme • Sephis Programme Duration: 2013 -­‐ Onwards Resources: 150.000 Euros Sponsors: BuZa • Sexualities Program: Politics of Sex and Gender Based Claims of Identity Duration: 2008-­‐2014 Resources: USD 569.520,00 Sponsors: Ford Foundation, New York & Sephis Programme Intellectual Capacity Building & Academic Training Grant • Ateliê do Pensamento Social (Workshop on Research Methods in Social Theory) Duration: 2012 -­‐ 2013 -­‐ 2014 Resources: R$ 99.717,45 (BRL), approx. 37.859 Euros Sponsors: Getulo Vargas Foundation [R$ 79.400]& FAPERJ [R$ 20.317,45] • International Policy Dialogue on Teaching the History and Culture of Africa Duration: September 28-­‐29, 2009. Audience: 1.600 attendants. Resources: R$ 141,287.23 (BRL), approx. 53.000 Euros Sponsors: City Hall of Guarulhos and São Paulo Federal University. • The IBSA Database on Brazilian research capacity on India and South Africa Duration: April-­‐October, 2008 Resources: R$ 18.000 (BRL), approx. 7.000 Euros Sponsors: The Brazilian Ministry of Education and UNESCO • Tropical Orientalism Duration: 2010 – 2011 – 2012 – 2013 Resources: 4 Scientific Initiation Grants for Undergraduate Students (1500 euros/year, per student) Sponsors: FAPERJ 6 Individual/Research Funding • Fellowship Slavery as a Historical Metaphor Duration: 2015-­‐2016 Resources: 35.000 Euros Sponsors: International Research Center "Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History", Humbolt Universität zu Berlin (funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF) • Fellowship Transit and Transitivity: Receptions of Dependency Theory in India, Singapore and Philippines Duration: 2012-­‐2013 Resources: 13.200 Euros Sponsors: Desigualdades Program, Freie Universität & DFG • Research Grant Encyclopedia of the Global South: lexicons, theories and languages of the periphery Duration: 2013-­‐2016 Resources: R$ 10.496 (BRL), 4.000 Euros Sponsors: FAPERJ • Research Grant Transit and Transitivity: Receptions of Dependency Theory in India, Singapore and Philippines & Intellectual Memories of the Global South Duration: 2011-­‐2013 Resources: R$ 18.000 (BRL), 7.700 Euros Sponsors: FAPERJ • Post-­‐Doc Research Grants (2) Spaces of a non-­‐Anglophonic anthropology of colonialism in India Resources: R$ 100.875,36 (40.000) + USD 35.805,67 (29.243,40) approx. 69.243,40 Euros Sponsors: Fapesp (2008-­‐2009) & Sephis (2005-­‐2006) 7 Selected Publications For most of the publications, see Forthcoming [Book under Preparation] Costa Pinheiro. 2017. Slavery as a Historical Metaphor. Early Modern Portuguese Colonialism in South Asia and South America and the historical invention of Global Slavery. [Book under Preparation] Costa Pinheiro & Martín, Eloisa. Feminine Voices from the South. Interviews with leading female scientists and politicians from the Global South (including Jean Comaroff, Raewyn Connell, Jean Said Makdisi, among others) [Journal Article – Accepted] Costa Pinheiro. 2017. Modernity and the artifices of Place-­‐making. The relevance of the BRICS to contemporary Social Sciences. In: AEGS -­‐ Annual of European and Global Studies, n. 4, June/July 2017. Guest Editor Dr. Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona) [Book in press] Costa Pinheiro. 2016. Os Estudos Subalternos. Leituras de Gramsci na Índia e a globalização da historiografia indiana. Rio de Janeiro. [The Subaltern Studies. Readings of Gramsci in India and the Globalization of Indian Historiography]. Rio: FGV, 342p. Monographs | Organized Volumes [Edited Book] Costa Pinheiro, Buarque de Hollanda, B. Maia, J. 2016. Métodos e Modos de Leitura com Textos Literários. (Methods and manners of reading literature) Rio de Janeiro: FGV. 175p. [Edited Book] Costa Pinheiro, Buarque de Hollanda, B. Maia, J.. 2015a. Praticas e Textualidades: Pensando a Pesquisa e a Publicação em Ciências Sociais. (Practices and Textualities: Thinking Research and Publication in Social Sciences) Rio de Janeiro: FGV. 160p. [Edited Book] Costa Pinheiro, Buarque de Hollanda, B. Maia, J., Bomeny, H.. 2014. Ideias em Perspectiva Global. (Ideas in Global Perspective). Rio de Janeiro: FGV. 140p. [Journal – Guest Editor] Costa Pinheiro. 2010. Coordination of the Dossier Um olhar sobre a India. In: Conjuntura Econômica Journal, 64 (5): 40-­‐58, Maio de 2010. [Journal – Guest Editor] Costa Pinheiro. 2010. Organization of the Dossier India and Brazil, two tales of development. The Brazilian Economy Journal. 2(5): 17-­‐38, May 2010. [Documentary Film] Costa Pinheiro. & Parente, J.I.. 2010.Mulaqat, India & Brazil, 2010, 67 minutes; Bengali, Subtitled in: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. Articles | Book Chapters | Prefaces [Book chapter] Costa Pinheiro. 2016. Las muchas encarnaciones de Tagore y los escritos de su espíritu. In: Klengel, Susanne & Wallner, Alexandra (org) Sur/South: Poetics and Politics of Thinking Latin America – India. Madrid: lberoamericana Vervuert Verlag, pp. 283-­‐308. [Journal -­‐ Article] Costa Pinheiro. 2016. Costa Pinheiro. 2016e. ‫ ﺏبﻝلﺩدﺍاﻥن‬ ‫ﺍاﻝلﺏبﺭرﻱيﻙكﺱس‬: ‫ ﺍاﻝلﺡحﺩدﺍاﺙثﺓة‬ ‫ ﻭوﺏبﺭرﺍاﻉعﺍاﺕت‬ ‫ ﺹصﻥنﻉع‬ ‫ ﺍاﻝلﺃأﻡمﻙكﻥنﺓة‬ [BRICS: Modernity and the artifices of Place-­‐making]. In: Idafat, The Arab Journal of Sociology, n. 33-­‐34. [Book chapter] Costa Pinheiro. 2016. 拉丁美洲人眼中的 洲版 — 拉美
洲 去,当代
和未来的研究 . [Asia through Latino Eyes. Latin America and Asia in the past, present and future research, translator Lu Zhang]. In: Zhang, Ke. ed., 2016. 重新叙述 洲的 史与文化 [Re-­‐narrating History and Culture in Asia]. Shanghai: Fudan University Press. (December, 2016) 8 [Journal -­‐ Article] Costa Pinheiro. 2016. 라틴 아메리카에서 바라본 아시아 세계. 라틴 지역학의 과거, 현재 그 미래. [Past, Present and Future of Asian Studies in Latin America] Asia Review, n. 6, vol. 2, August 2016. SNUAC (Seoul National University Asia Center) [Preface] Costa Pinheiro. 2015b. Praticas e Textualidades. Pensando a pesquisa e a publicação em Ciências Sociais. In: Costa Pinheiro et allii. 2015. Praticas e Textualidades: Pensando a Pesquisa e a Publicação em Ciências Sociais. Rio de Janeiro, pp. 7-­‐18. [Book chapter] Costa Pinheiro. 2015c. Pesquisa recente sobre pensameto social no Brasil: notas sobre perfis de pós-­‐graduandos e investigações em andamento. In: Costa Pinheiro et allii. 2015b. Praticas e Textualidades: Pensando a Pesquisa e a Publicação em Ciências Sociais. Rio de Janeiro, pp. 127-­‐142. [Book chapter] Costa Pinheiro. 2014. BRICS e Ciências Sociais. In: Lins Ribeiro, Gustavo. Desafios Sociais, Politicos e Culturais dos BRICS. Sao Paulo: ANPOCS, 175-­‐202. [Preface] Costa Pinheiro. 2014. Por uma estética do anti-­‐exótico. In: Ganguly, S. & Mukherji, R.. (Org.). A Índia desde 1980. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Apicuri, pp. 12-­‐21. [Preface of “India Since 1980”, Cambridge Univ. Press]. [Book chapter] Costa Pinheiro. & Baladão Vieira, Maira Baé. 2013. Índia e Brasil: Temporalidades e escalas de um diálogo. In: LESSA, Antônio Carlos & OLIVEIRA, Henrique Altemani. (Org.). Parcerias Estratégicas do Brasil. Parcerias Estratégicas do Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Traço Fino, p. 14-­‐30. (India and Brazil: Scales and temporalities of a dialogue) [Book chapter] Costa Pinheiro. 2013. The Global South -­‐ Debates on the relevance of a concept. In: Sen, Samita & Ghani, Kashshaf. (Org.). Exploring the Global South. Calcutá: Sephis, 2013, p. 55-­‐61. [Preface] Costa Pinheiro, Martín, E. 2013. La Critica a la Dependencia Academica en el Mundo Actual. Beigel, Fernanda & Sabea, Hanan (org). 2013. Dependencia Academica y Professionalización en el Sur. Perspectivas desde la Periféria. Sephis/UnCuyo: Amsterdam/Mendoza. [Preface] Costa Pinheiro, Martín, E. 2013. The Critics to Academic Dependency in the Contemporary World. Beigel, Fernanda & Sabea, Hanan (org). 2013. Academic dependency and professionalization in the South: perspectives from the periphery. Sephis/UnCuyo: Amsterdam/Mendoza. [Journal -­‐ Article] Costa Pinheiro. 2013. The Global South on Move. Sephis Magazine, v. 9, p. 10-­‐
16. Editorial Work Forthcoming [Book under revision] Depelchin, Jacques. 2017. Silencios da História Africana. Sephis: Rio de Janeiro [Silences of African History] Published [Book] Makdisi, Jean; Noha Bayoumi, Rafif Rida Sidawi. (ed.). 2014. Arab Feminisms: Gender and Equality in the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris, 448 pages [Book] Beigel, Fernanda and Sabea, Hanan (eds). 2014. Academic Dependency and Professionalization in the South: Perspectives from the Periphery. Mendoza, Rio de Janeiro: University of Cuyo/ SEPHIS, ISBN 978-­‐950-­‐39-­‐0304-­‐9 [Book] Beigel, Fernanda and Sabea, Hanan (eds). 2014. Dependencia académica y la profesionalización en el Sur: Perspectivas de la periferia. Mendoza, Rio de Janeiro: University of 9 Cuyo/ SEPHIS. Paperback in Spanish, ISBN 978-­‐950-­‐39-­‐0303-­‐2 [Book] Sen, Samita & Ghani, Kashshaf (ed.). 2014. Exploring the Global South: Voices, Ideas Histories. Amsterdam/Calcutta: Global South e-­‐Magazine, 309 pages [Book] Sívori, Horacio and Wieringa, Saskia. 2013. Sexual History of the Global South: Sexual Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America. London: Zed Books. 10