slovene book party slovene poetry round table slovene social hour(s)
slovene book party slovene poetry round table slovene social hour(s)
THE SLOVENE POETRY WEEKEND IN NYC (September 26 — 29) presented by UGLY DUCKLING PRESSE (Brooklyn) and LITERATURA MAGAZINE (Ljubljana) in collaboration with THE SLOVENIAN CONSULATE IN NEW YORK with help from CEC ARTSLINK, MAKE, STOP SMILING, THE BOWERY POETRY CLUB, THE POETRY PROJECT AT ST MARKS CHURCH, HOUSING WORKS and MELVILLE HOUSE. This series of events is made possible by the generous support of THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF SLOVENIA. ___________ EVENTS Friday, September 26, 10pm SLOVENE BOOK PARTY Celebrating the publication of Tomas Salamun's POKER (2nd edition), Tone Skrjanec's SUN ON A KNEE (2nd edition), and A SLOVENE SAMPLER with poems by Primoz Cucnik, Anna Pepelnik, Gregor Podlogar, Tomas Salamun, and Tone Skrjanec. @ The Poetry Project at St Marks Church (2nd Ave at 10th Street, East Village) $8, $7 for students and seniors, $5 for members free chapbook with admission / Slovenian wine and refreshments Saturday, September 27, 1pm to 4pm SLOVENE POETRY ROUND TABLE PANEL 1 — Translating Slovene Poetry Barbara Carlson, Kelly Lenox, W. Martin, Ana Pepelnik, Gregor Podlogar, Peter Richards; Moderated by Richard Jackson. PANEL 2 — Influences and Intersections Between Slovene and American Poetry Primoz Cucnik, Richard Jackson, Phillis Levin, Matthew Rohrer, Tomaz Salamun @ Bowery Poetry Club, 138 Bowery (between Houston & Bleecker, East Village) free admission Saturday, September 27, 5pm to 8pm SLOVENE SOCIAL HOUR(S) presented by MAKE: A Chicago Literary Magazine in cooperation with Stop Smiling @ 138 Ludlow St (corner of Ludlow and Rivington, Lower East Side) free admission / $3 beers and drink specials with DJs Paul Killebrew, Katie Geha, Gregor Podlogar and a "Poetry on Record" Recording Booth Sunday, September 28, 5pm SLOVENE & AMERICAN POETS (Reading #1) Richard Jackson, Paul Killebrew, Dorothea Lasky, Phillis Levin, Anna Pepelnik, Tomaz Salamun, Tone Skrjanec, @ Housing Works (126 Crosvy Street; South of Houston) free admission Monday, September 29, 7pm (?) SLOVENE & AMERICAN POETS (Reading #2) Corina Copp, Primoz Cucnik, Gregor Podlogar, Matthew Rohrer, Tomaz Salamun @ Melville House (145 Plymouth Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn) free admission reception and book sales follow reading ________________ LIST OF WEEKEND PARTICIPANTS [from Slovenia] Primoz Cucnik Ana Pepelnik Gregor Podlogar Tomaz Salamun Tone Skrjanec [from the US] Joshua Beckman Barbara Carlson Corina Copp Richard Jackson Paul Killebrew Dorothea Lasky Kelly Lenox Phillis Levin Peter Richards Matthew Rohrer *for bios see*