TAMBAQUI Colossoma macropomum
TAMBAQUI Colossoma macropomum
EFFECTS OF PHYTASE INCLUSION IN PHOSPHOROUS EXCRETION OF TAMBAQUI Colossoma macropomum JUVENILES L.V. Brandão; L.A. L. Barbas; V.M.D. Brandão; Rodrigo Roubach Coordenação Geral de Aquicultura Marinha em Estab. Rurais e Áreas Urbanas/CAMER/DAER/SEPOA Introduction Tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) Order: Characiformes Family: Serrassalmidae Origin: Amazon Basin Fonseca,F Reach up to 100 cm ; 30 kg High commercial value Flesh quality Omnivorous Rapid growth Resistance to manipulation Easily adaptable to artificial feed Induced breeding Brandão, L. 6 Introduction Tambaqui aquaculture production from 1994 to 2009. Source: MPA, 2010 Introduction Photo: Michel Machado Introduction Feeding x Fish culture - Exploit fish growth potential; - High quality protein production; - Allows to ameliorate effluents emissions; - Maximizes productivity x profit relationship; Brandão, L - Represents 60 to 80 % culture costs; - Fish meal; - Excellent AA’s source, Essential lipids, minerals and vitamins (Pezzato, 1997) - Elevated costs. 5 Fonseca, F Introduction Need for alternative feed source; Vegetable protein sources; Soybean meal North Region - Increased costs - Freight cost 6 Introduction Alternatives - Total substitution of the animal with vegetal protein without prejudice1 - Regional ingredients: costs, availability and good nutritional quality2 Advantages: - Products with few or no use; - No-commercial value; - Expenditure to discard 7 1 Campos et al., ; 2Silva et al.,2007 Introduction The Amazon presents around 1,400 aquatic and terrestrial vegetable species1. Food chain2 Scarce informations: nutritional contribution and natural balance of those itens in fish diets. North region: Present loss up to 25% fruit production: - poor conservation, inadequate stocking or manipulation; - Sub products are discarded after use of the pulp. 8 1 Maia (2001); 2 Pizango-Paima et al.,2001; Silva et al., 2007 Introduction Use of exogenous enzymes - Improve ingredients availability; - Remove or destroy the anti-nutritional factors in grains; - Increase the feed total digestibility; - Decrease environmental pollution from the excreta. Phytase enzyme: - Industrialized from microorganisms; - DNA recombination (Aspergyllus niger e A. ficum) - Promotes a more efficient phosphorus absorption1; - Lower the need to add inorganic phosphorus 2 9 1Vielma et al., 1998; Vielma et al., 2000; Jackson et al., 1996; Schäfer et al., 1995;Olivia-Teles et al., 1998; 2 Qian, 1996 Material and Methods To evaluate phosphorus excretion in tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, juveniles fed with increased level of phytase in the ration. - Duration: 45 days - 120 tambaqui juveniles; - Initial weight = 12 g; - 12 cones; 70 L ; - Density: 30 fish/unit. Material and Methods Experimental design Protein level 30% CP Phytase levels *NP 1000 Pu/kg - 4 treatments; 3 repetitions *NP – Without phytase 1500 Pu/kg 2000 Pu/kg Material and Methods Performance evaluation Initial and final biometry: - Weight gain (WG) - Feed conversion (FC) - Survival (S%) Statistical Analysis - ANOVA (5%) - Tukey 5% 12 Material and Methods Enzyme adition to feed: - After ingredients mixture, enzyme dissolved in tempered water (40º C) at 30% diet dry weight1 - Pulverized in the diets at 1000, 1500 and 2000 phytase units /kg. - Natuphos® 5000 G, BASF S.A., fungal fermentation (Aspergillus niger) with a minimal initial activity of 5000 Fu/g. 1Furuya et al., 2001; Material and Methods Feed management: 30% CP Fed twice a day @ 5% biomass Water quality parameters Twice a week: DO (mg/L), Temperature (°C), pH, Conductivity Amonia – Endofenol Material and Methods Water quality samplings for phosphorus determination: During the last 5 days: 08:00 (Static water / Measuring: T0C, DO, pH) 09:00 (Fed) 16:00 (Fed) 20:00 (Measuring: T0C, O2D, pH / Change water) Total phosphorus determination Method: Photometry Micronal B582 Results and Discussion Mean values from water quality parameters Parameter DO Temperature Unit Treatments Control 1000 uF 1500 uF 2000 uF mg/L 4.9± 0.1 5.7± 0.4 5.1± 0.4 5.3± 0.2 °C 28.2± 0.3 27.8± 0.2 27.7± 0.4 27.9± 0.2 5.9± 0.2 6.1± 0.4 pH 6.2± 0.6 6.1± 0.4 Conductivity µS.cm2 20.0± 0.8 19.0± 0.8 22.0± 0,8 20.0± 0.4 Total Amonia mg/L 0.5± 0.2 0.3± 0.1 0.4± 0.1 0.4± 0.2 Results and Discussion Survival (S), Weight gain (WG) and Feed conversion (FC) for juvenile tambaqui after 45 days fed with increased levels of phytase in a extruded feed. Variáveis de desempenho Treatment S(%) WG (g) FC Without Phytase 100 33.9±0.9a 1.2±0.9a 1000 Pu 100 34.9±0.8a 1.1±0.8a 1500 Pu 100 35.0±0.8a 1.1±0.8a 2000 Pu 100 35.2±0.8a 1.1±0.8a Pu – Phytase units. Similar letter in the collunm are did not shown statistacally difference (p>0,05) by Tukey test. Results and Discussion Total phosporus levels in water x phytase inclusion levels CONCLUSIONS Phytase inclusion in a vegetable based diets for tambaqui juveniles (Colossoma macropomum) at the tested levels increase phosphorus biodisponability, decreasing its excretion levels up to 21%. REFERENCES Araújo-Lima, C.; Goulding, M. 1998. Os frutos do tambaqui: ecologia, conservação e cultivo na Amazônia. Sociedade Civil Mamirauá/CNPq. Tefé, AM. 187 p. Baruah, K.; Sahu, N.P.; Pal, A.K. et al. Dietary phytase: an ideal approach for cost effective and lowpolluting aquafeed, NAGA: Word Fish Center Quarterly, v.27, n.3/4, p.15-19, 2004. Bock, C. L.; Pezzato, L. E.; Cantelmo, O. A.; Barros, M. M. 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Efeito de diferentes níveis de farinhas de resíduos de peixe e de frango no ganho de peso e composição corporal de alevinos de tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818). [Dissertação de Mestrado]. Manaus (AM): Universidade do Amazonas. Acknowledgements PPI 2-3905/2005 - Estudos do manejo alimentar e nutrição de tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus, e Pirarucu, Arapaima gigas. Amazonas state foundation for research support Project: Temático Amazonas Verde No. 1339/04 National Development Council for Research, Science and Technology of Brazil (CNPq) Research fellowship recipient and travel funds Thank you Rodrigo Roubach Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura - MPA Coordenação-geral de Planejamento e Ordenamento da Aquicultura Marinha em Áreas Rurais e Urbanas Tel: +55 61 2023 3622 E-mail: [email protected] www.mpa.gov.br